JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
(Three of the links were dead (the two Capcom website links and the SQ playlist), two leading to Capcom site 404s and the third having no server, so I went ahead and removed them since it's pretty obvious they won't be coming back.)
(131 intermediate revisions by 36 users not shown)
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[[Image:Jojo01.jpg|frame|right|Cover of the Dreamcast version of the game.]]
{{Infobox Game
| gamename    = JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
| abbreviation = HFTF
| image        = Dreamcast-cover.jpg
| developer    = Capcom
| system      = CPS-III<br>NA: 1998<br>JP: December 21st, 1998<br>EU: 1999<br>AS: 1999
| system2      = Heritage for the Future'<br>JP: September 25th, 1999<br>NA: September 24th, 1999
| system3      = Playstation 1<br>JP: October 14th 1999<br>NA: March 31st 2000<br>EU: 2000
| system4      = Dreamcast<br>JP: November 25th 1999<br>NA: April 2000<br>EU: 2000
| system5      = Playstation 3<br>WW: August 21st 2012<br>EU: August 22nd 2012
| system6      = XBOX 360<br>WW: August 22nd 2012
| netcode      = FightCade2 (PC)<br>GGPOZ (PC)<br>GGPO (Android)<br>HDR classic mode (PS3/XBox360)
[[Image:hftf-css-smaller.png|middle|Character Selection]]
[[Image:hftf-vs-smaller.png|middle|Versus Screen]]

Based on Part Three of the manga of the same name, JoJo's adds a twist to the action through the use of each characters' "Stand", a supernatural ability or being unique to each character. The game seems like a more ground-focused take on the Marvel vs. formula (There's a good reason for this.), and uses the three-button control scheme seen in more recent games like [[Akatsuki Blitzkampf]].

Though the Dreamcast version is the more accurate port, the Playstation version is still a decent game in its own right.
'''''JoJo's Bizarre Adventure''''' (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ''JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken'') is the name commonly given to any one of the versions and ports of a fighting game developed by Capcom based on Part 3, ''Stardust Crusaders''.
===Basic Controls===
:'''A1''' Light Attack/Jab
:'''A2''' Medium Attack
:'''A3''' Heavy Attack
:'''S''' Stand button. This is used for multiple things depending on character (see Character Types below)
:'''T''' Start/Taunt button

===Character Types===
It was originally released in arcades in 1998 on the CPS-3 board; this version known outside Japan as '''''JoJo's Venture'''''. An updated version of the game was released in 1999 as '''''JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future''''' (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 未来への遺産 ''JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Mirai e no Isan''), becoming the sixth and last game released for the board.
:'''Active Stand''' Characters that can activate a Stand that can fight with/in place of character. The Stand can be called by pressing the Stand button.
:'''Weapon Stand''' Characters that utilize their Stand as a weapon. These work in a fairly similar way to Active Stand characters.
:'''Passive/no Stand''' Characters that have no Stand meter. These Characters use the Stand button as an extra ability or attack. They are always considered to have their Stand off.

{| border="1em" cellspacing="0" width="45%" style="border: 1px solid #999; background: #F2F2F2;"
This game uses a unique version of the three button control scheme. Characters have a light, medium, and heavy attack. There's also the stand button (noted as S) that will either summon a characters stand or perform a special action depending on which character you use. Characters who can activate their stand with the stand button receive additional attacks and variations of their specials and those with an always active stand can use their stand to assist them.
| '''Character''' || '''Stand Type'''
| Abdul || Active
| Alessi || Weapon
| Black Polnareff/Anubis Polnareff || Passive
| Chaka || Weapon
| D'Bo/Devo || Active<sup>1</sup>
| Dio || Active
| Hol Horse || Passive
| Hol Horse w/ Boingo || Passive
| Iggi || Active
| Joseph || Weapon
| Jotaro || Active
| Kahn || Passive
| Kakyoin || Active
| Mariah || Passive
| Midler || Active
| New Kakyoin || Active
| Pet Shop || Passive
| Polnareff || Active
| Shadow Dio || Passive
| Vanilla Ice || Active
| Young Joseph || Passive (none)
<sup>1</sup><small>D'Bo's Stand functions unusually. See [[D'Bo|his character page]] for details.</small>

===Special Actions===
Though the Dreamcast version is the more accurate port, the Playstation version is still a decent game in its own right.
*Dash: Double tap forwards or backwards. Your character will make a short dash towards or away from your opponent. All dashes are cancelable into attacks; some characters may extend their dash by holding forwards/backwards on the second tap. Some dashes are also faster than others, and some may be hops or jumps as opposed to sliding motions. A table of characters' dashing abilities follows:

{| border="1em" cellspacing="0" width="45%" style="border: 1px solid #999; background: #F2F2F2;"
* '''Fightcade2 :''' [ Link] Primary and most popular platform for HFTF right now.
| '''Character''' || '''Forward Dash Type''' || '''Backward Dash Type'''
* '''GGPOZ:''' [ Link] Online arcade platform using GGPO Skullgirls netcode.
* '''GGPO (Android):''' [ Link] Online arcade platform for Android using GGPO netcode.
| Abdul || Flat distance || Flat distance
| Alessi<sup>1</sup> || Flat distance || Indefinitely Extendable
| Black Polnareff/Anubis Polnareff || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| Chaka || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| D'Bo/Devo<sup>2</sup> || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| Dio || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| Hol Horse || Indefinitely Extendable || Indefinitely Extendable
| Hol Horse w/ Boingo || Indefinitely Extendable || Indefinitely Extendable
| Iggi || Indefinitely Extendable || Flat Distance<sup>3</sup>
| Joseph || Indefinitely Extendable || Indefinitely Extendable
| Jotaro || Extendable || Flat Distance
| Kahn || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| Kakyoin || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| Mariah || Indefinitely Extendable || Indefinitely Extendable
| Midler || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| New Kakyoin<sup>4</sup> || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| Pet Shop || Extendable || Extendable
| Polnareff || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| Shadow Dio || Extendable || Extendable
| Vanilla Ice || Flat Distance || Flat Distance
| Young Joseph || Indefinitely Extendable || Indefinitely Extendable
<sup>1</sup><small>Note that when his opponent is transformed, Alessi's dash attributes swap (his forward dash can be extended but his back can't).</small><br>
<sup>2</sup><small>When D'Bo is in Stand Mode, his dashes can be held indefinitely.</small><br>
<sup>3</sup><small>When Iggi is in Stand Mode, his back dash can be extended indefinitely.</small><br>
<sup>4</sup><small>New Kakyoin's dashes are unusual in Stand Mode - they move him upwards at an angle of about 80 degrees. Note that the dashes aren't cancelable into a jump or an air dash, making them rather useless and annoying.</small>

*'''Double/Triple Jump:''' (Up/Up-Left/Up-Right during a jump, with Stand Mode on) this allows your character to perform a second jump in the air. The double jump may be performed at any point during the initial airtime, and in any direction. Triple jumps are only possible during a Stand Release (see below). Weapon Stand users, even with Stand Mode on, cannot perform double jumps.
*'''Pushblock:''' (A1+A2+A3 while blocking an attack) This action pushes an attacking opponent back a short distance as you block their attacks. This is used to get out of corners or break combos.

*'''Guard Cancel:''' (Down, Forward, Down+Forward + any attack button while blocking an attack) Your character will immediately break from their block animation and will perform an attack (specific attack dependent on character).
=== <big>Character Types</big> ===
=== '''Active Stand''' ===
''Characters with Active Stand: Jotaro, DIO, Midler, Kakyoin, New Kakyoin, Vanilla Ice, Boss Ice Avdol, Polnareff, Iggy, Devo (Remote only)<br>''
Active Stand characters are usually considered to be the strongest Character Type in the game, with access to the best tools such as Tandems and Double Jumps.<br>
In Stand ON, as an Active Stand character, you gain access to following new tools:
*Double Jump - Press or tap 7/8/9 while Jumping
*Airdashes - Press 44/66 while Jumping (Kakyoin, New Kakyoin, Vanilla Ice, Iggy)
*Remote Mode - Press 236S in Stand OFF, or 6AA in Stand ON (Kakyoin, New Kakyoin, Avdol, Polnareff, Devo)
*Tandem Super - Press 214S, during a Tandem flash, you can perform any move which will later come out once the flash is over. Gives a lot of i-frames as well.
*Avoiding Chip - Characters in Stand ON will avoid Chip Damage at the cost of their Stand Gauge.
*Back Hyperhops - Allows your character to hyperhop backwards, but takes away the forward hyperhop.
*Triple Jump - Exclusive to Remote Mode, gives you an extra jump by pressing 7/8/9 in the air.

*'''Recovery:''' (any two attack buttons pressed at the same time while falling) This technique involves your character righting themselves in mid-air so they can subsequently block/perform attacks/move. Hold a direction while using Recovery to move in held direction. Performing a recovery while close to the ground will result in your character landing on their feet with a different animation (these can be quite fun to watch).
Devo is quite unique among other Active Stands, as activating Stand ON will always put him into Remote Mode.

*'''Tech:''' (A1 A2 A3 in succession while being thrown by an opponent) Tech Hits will lessen or negate throw damage and escape the throw animation.  
=== '''Weapon Stand''' ===
''Characters with Weapon Stand: Chaka, Old Joseph, Alessi<br>''
Weapon Stand characters gain access to way less new tools compared to Active Stand, but have a unique Custom Combo super.<br>
In Stand ON, as a Weapon Stand character, you gain access to following new tools:
*Custom Combo - Press 214S, after a super flash, your character starts rushing forward and is able to chain moves more freely. Gives decent amount of i-frames before the first attack.
*Avoiding Chip - Characters in Stand ON will avoid Chip Damage at the cost of their Stand Gauge.
*Back Hyperhops - Allows your character to hyperhop backwards, but takes away the forward hyperhop.

*'''Backlash/Dodge:''' (A1+A2+A3 with Stand Mode off) Your character will slide forwards a short distance, leaving a trail of shadows. All attacks excluding throws will go right through a character in this state, including projectiles and supers (excluding super throws, of course). The character can also go through their opponent. This is a decent means of getting out of a corner or avoiding powerful attacks.
=== '''Passive Stand''' ===
''Characters with Passive Stand: Petshop, Shadow DIO, Rubber Soul, Hol Horse, Young Joseph, Khan, Black Polnareff, Mariah, Hoingo and Death 13<br>''
*'''Throw:''' (A3+Forward or Back while close to opponent) The character will perform an unblockable attack that throws the opponent backwards. The only way to break from an opponent's throw is via a Tech Hit. Throw damage and launching effects depend on character.
Generally the weakest (with some exceptions) Stand Type, Passive Stand characters don't have a Stand ON mode and have no ways of negating Chip Damage, as well as lack mechanics similar to Custom Combos or Tandems.<br>
The only unique thing that Passive characters possess, though, is the fact that their S button acts as a separate moves button, kind of like Drive Attacks from Blazblue series.
*'''Stand Attack:''' (QCF+S with Stand Mode off) This turns your Stand on and performs an attack at the same time. Effects of Stand Attacks vary greatly by character, but much of the time using a Stand Attack is the most effective means of linking attacks with Stand Mode off and those with it on. Some characters' Stand Attacks (Kakyoin, Abdul, Polnareff, D'Bo) have similar effects to a Stand Release (see below).
*'''Tandem Attack:''' (QCB+S) When used by Active Stand users, you have a limited amount of time to input commands (as you would when performing regular moves). When the input period finishes, your character's Stand will rush forward and perform all of the techniques you performed during the input period. Your character is controllable separately to the Stand; you can perform your own basic attacks to buffer the attacks the Stand is performing. If the Stand is hit during a Tandem Attack, it will disappear. You can lengthen the time for input by holding the Stand button after inputting QCB+S. While holding the Stand button, your Stand meter will start to drain. You can hold the Stand button until this meter runs out, but you are free to release any time before that. While the initial Tandem input time will give you some time with no interruption, holding the button after the normal allotted time to gain additional time grants you no invincibility, and your opponent is free to attack. When used by Weapon Stand users, the technique is similar to Custom Combos seen in the Street Fighter Alpha series, in which all of your attacks are sped up so that they chain very easily. (Passive/No Stand users cannot perform Tandem Attacks)
*'''Stand Release:''' (Forward+any two attack buttons): Allows your Stand to be controlled independently to your character. You may perform attacks as normal controlling only the Stand, while your character is left completely defenseless. Stands in a Stand Release state may triple jump, and may have access to more techniques (or less). Pressing the Stand button calls the Stand back. Only available to certain characters (Kakyoin, Abdul, Polnareff, D'Bo).
==Basic Strategy/Tips==
*Learning to use your Stand wisely is an important part of gameplay. Active Stand users have bonuses granted to them with their Stand on. While your Stand is out, you suffer no chip damage from Normal, Special, and Super moves, with the exception of Throws. You gain extra mobility in the air from Double Dump, your attacks do more damage, and you also suffer less damage from attacking opponents. Furthermore, some Super moves cannot be used without your Stand on. However, Having your Stand on also has it's drawbacks. A major one is Stand Break. Every hit excluding normal non-stand attacks will lower your Stand Meter. When your Stand meter is completely gone, you will be in a state called Stand Break. In this time, you are stunned momentarily and are completely vulnerable to most any attack. However, you can avoid this by putting away your Stand. Having your Stand off will refill your Stand Meter. Also important to note, if you are thrown with your Stand on, your Stand will will disappear. While you have your Stand on, your Stand is considered a part of you. Meaning, if someone hits your Stand with an attack, you suffer the damage. Characters that can send out their Stand using Stand Release can have their Stand hit by any attack. Finally, you cannot utilize Dodge while your Stand is on. Weapon Stand users have specific key differences. Weapon Stand users cannot send out their Stand, therefore their hitbox area does not change. Weapon Stand users cannot Double Jump with their Stand on. Passive Stand/No Stand users for the most part, will not have to worry about the weaknesses of Stand on. Passive Stand users will want to look out for one weakness shared by Active Stand users. Rubber Soul, Black Polnereff, and Shadow Dio all have a form of Stand that can actually be hit while they are attacking. Their Stands can appear and attack along with the character, but they also have their own hitbox that counts for damage against the character if hit.
*OCF+S is a necessity during close quarters combat or in the middle of a combo if you want to bring out your stand without any sort of lag.
:For example: "Jotaro: j.A3, s.A3, QCF+S":
*In order to reduce chip damage, bring out your Stand before blocking.
*Footsies are very important in this game.
*Learn how each character works so you can use their weaknesses against them.
*Tandem Attack is useful, but not to be abused. Choose your moment carefully.
*Countering is definitely useful, but can easily be abused. It doesn't use any meter so you can do it as many times as you like.

===Active Stand===
===Active Stand===
:[[Image:20%.gif]] [[Jotaro Kujo (JoJo)]]
:[[Image:60%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Jotaro|Jotaro]]
:[[Image:50%.gif]] [[Muhammed Abdul]]
:[[Image:80%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Avdol|Avdol]]
:[[Image:20%.gif]] [[Kakyouin Noriaki]]
:[[Image:100%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Kakyoin|Kakyoin]]
:[[Image:70%.gif]] [[Jean Pierre Polnareff]]
:[[Image:100%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Polnareff|Polnareff]]
:[[Image:40%.gif]] [[Dio]]
:[[Image:80%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/DIO|DIO]]
:[[Image:20%.gif]] [[D'Bo]]
:[[Image:100%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Devo|Devo]]
:[[Image:20%.gif]] [[Iggy]]
:[[Image:80%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Iggy|Iggy]]
:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[Midler]]
:[[Image:60%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Midler|Midler]]
:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[Vanilla Ice]]
:[[Image:100%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Vanilla Ice|Vanilla Ice]]
:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[New Kakyoin]]
:[[Image:100%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/New Kakyoin|New Kakyoin]]

===Weapon Stand===
===Weapon Stand===
:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[Alessi]]
:[[Image:40%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Alessi|Alessi]]
:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[Chaka]]
:[[Image:100%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Chaka|Chaka]]
:[[Image:20%.gif]] [[Joseph Joestar]]
:[[Image:60%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Old Joseph|Old Joseph]]

===Passive/No Stand===
===Passive/No Stand===

:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[Mariah]]
:[[Image:50%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Mariah|Mariah]]
:[[Image:40%.gif]] [[Hol Horse]]
:[[Image:40%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Hol Horse|Hol Horse]]
:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[Pet Shop]]
:[[Image:80%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Petshop|Petshop]]
:[[Image:50%.gif]] [[Black Polnareff]]
:[[Image:60%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Black Polnareff|Black Polnareff]]
:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[Kahn]]
:[[Image:100%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Khan|Khan]]
:[[Image:00%.gif]] [[Hol Horse & Boingo]]
:[[Image:50%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Boingo|Hol & Boingo]]
:[[Image:50%.gif]] [[Rubber Soul]]
:[[Image:50%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Rubber Soul|Rubber Soul]]
:[[Image:50%.gif]] [[Shadow Dio]]
:[[Image:80%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Shadow Dio|Shadow Dio]]
:[[Image:40%.gif]] [[JoJo (Young Joseph)]]
:[[Image:100%.gif]] [[JoJo%27s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Young Joseph|Young Joseph]]

== Game Versions ==
*[[Arcade (CPS3) (NW)|Arcade (CPS3)]]
*[[Playstation (NW)|Playstation]]
*[[Dreamcast (NW)|Dreamcast]]
*[ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Official Arcade site (Japanese)]
*[ Japanese matches playlist by Giotto]
*[ System Information (Japanese)]
*[ A google doc with WJ's tweets, sorted by date and given titles]
*[ 25 combo videos by SQ (Japanese)]

[[Category:JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]
[[Category:JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]

Latest revision as of 13:45, 22 June 2024

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future



NA: 1998
JP: December 21st, 1998
EU: 1999
AS: 1999

Heritage for the Future'
JP: September 25th, 1999
NA: September 24th, 1999
Playstation 1
JP: October 14th 1999
NA: March 31st 2000
EU: 2000
JP: November 25th 1999
NA: April 2000
EU: 2000
Playstation 3
WW: August 21st 2012
EU: August 22nd 2012
XBOX 360
WW: August 22nd 2012
Online Play

FightCade2 (PC)
GGPO (Android)
HDR classic mode (PS3/XBox360)

Character Selection Gameplay Versus Screen


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken) is the name commonly given to any one of the versions and ports of a fighting game developed by Capcom based on Part 3, Stardust Crusaders.

It was originally released in arcades in 1998 on the CPS-3 board; this version known outside Japan as JoJo's Venture. An updated version of the game was released in 1999 as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 未来への遺産 JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Mirai e no Isan), becoming the sixth and last game released for the board.

This game uses a unique version of the three button control scheme. Characters have a light, medium, and heavy attack. There's also the stand button (noted as S) that will either summon a characters stand or perform a special action depending on which character you use. Characters who can activate their stand with the stand button receive additional attacks and variations of their specials and those with an always active stand can use their stand to assist them.

Though the Dreamcast version is the more accurate port, the Playstation version is still a decent game in its own right.


  • Fightcade2 : Link Primary and most popular platform for HFTF right now.
  • GGPOZ: Link Online arcade platform using GGPO Skullgirls netcode.
  • GGPO (Android): Link Online arcade platform for Android using GGPO netcode.


Character Types

Active Stand

Characters with Active Stand: Jotaro, DIO, Midler, Kakyoin, New Kakyoin, Vanilla Ice, Boss Ice Avdol, Polnareff, Iggy, Devo (Remote only)
Active Stand characters are usually considered to be the strongest Character Type in the game, with access to the best tools such as Tandems and Double Jumps.
In Stand ON, as an Active Stand character, you gain access to following new tools:

  • Double Jump - Press or tap 7/8/9 while Jumping
  • Airdashes - Press 44/66 while Jumping (Kakyoin, New Kakyoin, Vanilla Ice, Iggy)
  • Remote Mode - Press 236S in Stand OFF, or 6AA in Stand ON (Kakyoin, New Kakyoin, Avdol, Polnareff, Devo)
  • Tandem Super - Press 214S, during a Tandem flash, you can perform any move which will later come out once the flash is over. Gives a lot of i-frames as well.
  • Avoiding Chip - Characters in Stand ON will avoid Chip Damage at the cost of their Stand Gauge.
  • Back Hyperhops - Allows your character to hyperhop backwards, but takes away the forward hyperhop.
  • Triple Jump - Exclusive to Remote Mode, gives you an extra jump by pressing 7/8/9 in the air.

Devo is quite unique among other Active Stands, as activating Stand ON will always put him into Remote Mode.

Weapon Stand

Characters with Weapon Stand: Chaka, Old Joseph, Alessi
Weapon Stand characters gain access to way less new tools compared to Active Stand, but have a unique Custom Combo super.
In Stand ON, as a Weapon Stand character, you gain access to following new tools:

  • Custom Combo - Press 214S, after a super flash, your character starts rushing forward and is able to chain moves more freely. Gives decent amount of i-frames before the first attack.
  • Avoiding Chip - Characters in Stand ON will avoid Chip Damage at the cost of their Stand Gauge.
  • Back Hyperhops - Allows your character to hyperhop backwards, but takes away the forward hyperhop.

Passive Stand

Characters with Passive Stand: Petshop, Shadow DIO, Rubber Soul, Hol Horse, Young Joseph, Khan, Black Polnareff, Mariah, Hoingo and Death 13
Generally the weakest (with some exceptions) Stand Type, Passive Stand characters don't have a Stand ON mode and have no ways of negating Chip Damage, as well as lack mechanics similar to Custom Combos or Tandems.
The only unique thing that Passive characters possess, though, is the fact that their S button acts as a separate moves button, kind of like Drive Attacks from Blazblue series.


Active Stand

60%.gif Jotaro
80%.gif Avdol
100%.gif Kakyoin
100%.gif Polnareff
80%.gif DIO
100%.gif Devo
80%.gif Iggy
60%.gif Midler
100%.gif Vanilla Ice
100%.gif New Kakyoin

Weapon Stand

40%.gif Alessi
100%.gif Chaka
60%.gif Old Joseph

Passive/No Stand

50%.gif Mariah
40%.gif Hol Horse
80%.gif Petshop
60%.gif Black Polnareff
100%.gif Khan
50%.gif Hol & Boingo
50%.gif Rubber Soul
80%.gif Shadow Dio
100%.gif Young Joseph


Game Navigation

System Info
In-depth System Info
New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph