Killer Instinct (2013)/Shin Hisako: Difference between revisions

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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* covers a different angle than normal 2HP which can be important in certain MU where you have to make a choice to cover up forward or up back
* covers a different angle than normal 2HP which can be important in certain MU where you have to make a choice to cover up forward or up back
* otherwise the same as normal 2HP
* otherwise the same as normal 2HP

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   |on counter-hit= +10/+6/+2
   |on counter-hit= +10/+6/+2
   |on block= -2/-4/-5
   |on block= -2/-4/-5
   |special properties= whiff cancellable into rekka extensions and other special during recovery(first whiff cancellable frame,last whiff cancellable frame
   |special properties= whiff cancellable into rekka extensions and other special during recovery(first whiff cancellable frame,last whiff cancellable frame)
   |description= To Do
   |description= * Shin Hisako's primary opener, a high-pushback, safe, low risk-low return special that sets up  counter hitting opportunities with rekka extensions
* Light rekka is the fastest and safest version rekka at a cozy -2 on block, making it the go to for cancels; very plus on counter hit, granting shin easy manuals after and makes mashing after certain Shin Hisako normals (Crouch LK, Crouch MK, Far HP) as a defender scary.
* Medium Rekka is slower, ''slightly'' more damaging, ''slightly'' less safe than the light version and is mainly used as a late cancel to frame trap after normals where L rekka would be too fast or to catch backdashes after normals where L rekka isnt too fast. Combos into all versions of Spirit Slice and Greed Sever
* Heavy rekka is slowest, most damaging and most disadvantageous but its not very different from M rekka. Its main upside is that H Rekka xx L Greed Sever is a true blocksting. Less advantageous on Counter Hit than normal hit
* All version are cancellable into 2nd rekka or any of Shin Hisako's other specials, giving her potent oki and a poke she can pip I mean whiff cancel into an anti air
Line 761: Line 764:
   |on counter-hit= ''+21''/+13/+11
   |on counter-hit= ''+21''/+13/+11
   |on block= -6/-10/-9
   |on block= -6/-10/-9
   |special properties= Soft knockdown
   |special properties=  
   |description= To Do
   |description=* 2nd rekka is Shin Hisako main counter hit tool after 1st rekka. The main edge it has over choosing to special chain into the high damage Greed Sever is that Shin can easily gamble to make the defender regret trying to punish 2nd rekka.
* Light 2nd Rekka is absurdly good. Has a gratuitous counter hit advantage of +21. Is only "punishable" by lights/moves active on frame 6 (and can be spaced so that a majority of character punishes whiff. Can cancel into immediate H rekka '''''OR''''' late cancel into L slice forcing the opponent to not only guess on if you are going to frame trap after but also on what side they have to.
* Medium 2nd Rekka and Heavy 2nd Rekka are not as good as L 2nd, being more unsafe and losing the unreactable crossup threat. It serves 2 important role in catching backdash after 1st rekka and getting M/H spirit slice special chains and H greed sever special chains to combo after L 1st rekka
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   |on block= -17/-19/-10
   |on block= -17/-19/-10
   |special properties= Opener
   |special properties= Opener
   |description= To Do
   |description= "Just use H 3rd Rekka"- Shin Hisako God Infilament (To DO)
Line 809: Line 814:
   |special properties= upper body invul frames 3-5;
   |special properties= upper body invul frames 3-5;
can pass through frames 1-11
can pass through frames 1-11
   |description= To Do
   |description= *Pesky unreactable crossup
*Low-damage, Unseeable, Annoy people into holding forward
*Utilized to great effect with spirit orb on knockdown 
**The basic setup is summon an orb near the opponent and Light slice just before they get up
*Annoyingly evasive abare tool (can avoid most frame traps with 4f gaps, some 3f). Can frustrate people trying to block Heavy Awakened Soul.
**High level players often neutral jump on their own offense to bait both Light Spirit Slice and Heavy Awakened Soul. Most Shin players don't block so they aren't worried about being anti aired
*frame traps from 2LK, 5LK(chain/late cancel), 2MK (late cancel), Light 2nd rekka (late cancel), Close and far 5HP (late cancel) giving Shin access to surprise crossups defenders have to block
*Highly unsafe so whenever the opponent successfully defends this their punishes hurt WAY more than light slice.
Line 827: Line 839:
   |on block= --
   |on block= --
   |special properties= --  
   |special properties= --  
   |description= To Do
   |description= *A slow crossup attack that launches the opponent for a juggle; Indistinguishable from the HP version except for damage
*Dubious mixup tool by itself; Mostly utilized with spirit orbs in okizeme setups
**Opponents who get hit with this can break the spirit slice but it is a pure guess between Medium and Heavy slice
**Opponents who block this can punish unless Shin cancels into shadow rekka; this is best used when the opponent has no bar and Shin does
Line 846: Line 861:
   |special properties= upper body invul frames 5-9;
   |special properties= upper body invul frames 5-9;
can pass through frames 1-11
can pass through frames 1-11
   |description= To Do
   |description= *A slow crossup attack that launches the opponent for a juggle; Indistinguishable from the MP version except for damage
*Dubious mixup tool by itself; Mostly utilized with spirit orbs in okizeme setups
**Opponents who get hit with this can break the spirit slice but it is a pure guess between Medium and Heavy slice
**Opponents who block this can punish unless Shin cancels into shadow rekka; this is best used when the opponent has no bar and Shin does
  |version= Orb HP
  |damage= 22
  |counter-hit damage= 26
  |potential damage= --
  |shadow on hit= ??
  |shadow on block= ??
  |guard= Mid (crossup)
  |startup= 22
  |active= 5
  |recovery= 4
  |total duration= 61f
  |on hit= 47(18)
  |on counter-hit= 47(18)
  |on block= -16
  |special properties= Crossup,Airborne on frame 6,Can Pass Through 1-17f
  |description=*A fast crossup launcher that homes towards the spirit orb
**A strong mixup option by itself and in rekka strings
**Orb H Spirit slice can be used as an anti zoning tool with a throw orb
*Tricky to punish
Line 897: Line 936:
   |description= * 3 frame Hard KD AA/Launcher
   |description= * 3 frame Hard KD AA/Launcher
* Combo-ing into this is pretty important because it has the pluses of a reset (resetting scaling and building kv faster) and the absurdly difficult mix of a HKD
* Combo-ing into this is pretty important because it has the pluses of a reset (resetting scaling and building kv faster) and the absurdly difficult mix of a HKD
** M DP can combo from 2MP, any heavy linker, heavy or medium autos, cr.HP, close hk and anything else +3  
** M DP can combo from 2MP, any heavy linker, heavy or medium autos, 2HP/3HP, close 5HK and anything else +3  
* You want to combo into this a lot
* You want to combo into this a lot
* Hard knockdown lasts a long time allowing Shin to ample time to setup orb in various ways  
* Hard knockdown lasts a long time allowing Shin to setup orb in various ways  
* Is not shadow cancelable
* Is not shadow cancelable
* has an angle;covers the top of her head poorly
* has an angle; covers the top of her head poorly
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   |special properties=  
   |special properties=  
   |description= Invincible 3 frame reversal
   |description= Invincible 3 frame reversal
- tied for hardest hitting invincible reversal although it doesn't gain as much damage from counter hits
- tied with H Tigers Fury and H Puddle Punch for hardest hitting invincible reversal although it doesn't gain as much damage from counter hits
- Is NOT shadow cancelable  
- Is NOT shadow cancelable  
- Has an angle;covers the top of shin hisakos head very poorly  
- Has an angle;covers the top of shin hisakos head very poorly  

Latest revision as of 19:31, 14 June 2023




Strengths Weaknesses
  • In Progress
  • Overwhelmingly Strong Offense: Shin Hisako's Offense arguably is the best in the game with her excelling at frame trapping people with her surprisingly safe rekka, surprise instant crossup attack, Light Spirit Slice, and stealing pressure by getting passive opponents to block dash attacks
  • Nightmare on Knockdown St: Fade 'em; run it (placeholder)
  • "Pale" Onna-Bugeisha "Normals": Shin Hisako has the ability to slow down matches peppering the opponent her safe, far range pokes. Shin can disengage from opponent trying to get past the wall of scary hitboxes by pushing them away Shin On Ryo Zan or running away with her 17 frame far moving backdash
  • Incredibly Slippery on Defense: Shades of 3.0 thunder. Shin Hisako's backdash , high-damage invulnerable reversal in Heavy Awakened Soul and unreactable crossup with evasive properties are all a headache on their own and Shins who effectively rps with those options on defense can make running basic offense frustrating and painful
  • In Progress
  • Cannot get in vs Zoners: For as much as she can disengage, Shin Hisako has major difficulties getting near someone who does not want to be near. While it varies from matchup to matchup, success with Shin Hisako vs zoners is based on the shin player's ablilty to walk, block and orb through gauntlets, gamble with her slow and committal anti fireball shadows and specials, flail for a single light slice soft knockdown and/or pick an alt
  • Wakeup reversal tools/defensive tools have a "Dead Zone": Shin defensive toolkit is VERY good but has an Achilles Heel! H Awakened Soul does not do a good job of protecting the top of her head which means she has to hold some common types of ambiguous crossup oki whens she is knocked down and opponent can bait both of Shins options in pressure with a well-timed neutral jump
  • Lights/Normal Throw are stubby: While much improved over original Hisakos set, Shin Hisako inherits the weaknesses of poor range on her normal throw and poor range on her lights. This makes her more reliant on her specials on offense and defense where other characters would mash with light normal
KI2013 Shin Hisako CSS.png
Character Data
Forward Walk Speed 51f to cross two large training mode squares
Backwards Walk Speed 68f to cross two large training mode squares
Forward Dash Duration 33f
  • Throw Invul 14-16f
  • Vulnerable at teleported location on frame 16
  • Cancellable into jumping normal on frame 17
  • 4f of landing recovery
Backdash Duration 17f
Pre-Jump Frames 5f
Jump Duration 40f
Landing Recovery 4f
Advantage Post Grounded Combo Breaker -3

Universal Mechanics


Eternal Descent (Creepy Hands): Summons a bunch of hands that can catch opponents who stand on them and hit them for 17% (Unscaled by guts modifier) and a hard knockdown that grants workable oki situation.

Combat Traits

Drifting Spirits: Shin can summons a drifting spirit that either slowly moves across the screen or stays in place. Shin can summon a spirit shot, a giant,high durability projectile that causes a lot of blockstun/hitstun by whacking the drifting spirit with her sword. What move Shin Hisako uses to wack the move affects the speed and trajectory of the giant firebal

Special Chains: Shin Hisako rekka is cancelable into dp, overhead and slice on hit block and whiff granting her a funky tool to use in neutral, pressure and oki

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Standing Light Punch
Stand LP/5LP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
8(2%) 10(2%) -- 1.6 2.4 Mid 6 2 9 16f +4 +6 +2 Chain
  • Not chainable into itself;chainable into cr.lp
  • Tallest hitbox for a jab (still can be lower body invul'd over)

Standing Medium Punch
Stand MP/5MP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
18(5%) 22(6%) -- 2.4 4 Mid 6 3 16 24f +5 +8 +0 --
  • One of Shinko's fake jab to compensate for inheriting Hisakos lights
  • Isn't avoidable by lower body invul moves making it her default "quick" normal on offense and defense

Far Heavy Punch
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
28(7%) 32(8%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 14 5 21 39f +15 +33 -1 -
  • A really good poke (Slower than forward MP but has better priority, does more damage)
  • Big late cancel window; Shin can frame trap with L rekka or even L slice on block
Close Heavy Punch
HP/5HP near opponent
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
28(7%) 32(8%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 14 5 21 39f +15 +33 -1 -
  • 2 hit close range punish starter
  • Crouching HP xx H greed sever and Far MK xx H greed sever are more optimal without meter but you will be close to optimal with Close HP xx H Rekka(x3)
  • +3 on block and vacuums the opponent closer, so can effectively bully defenders without meter
  • Large cancel window; can frame trap with L rekka to reposition the opponent or L slice for a suprise crossup
  • Situational AA;Not very good as an AA due to poor active frame and not hitting too high up in the air, but it covers the top of shins head an otherwise very susceptible jump in angle
  • +8 on hit, can lead to scary situation when manualed into but VERY breakable on reaction

Katana Poke
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
28(7%) 32(8%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 14 5 21 39f +15 +33 -1 Stagger
  • Amazing mid-range poke, relatively fast startup for the range it attacks,safe and hit confirmable
  • Floats the opponent on airborne hit. Good for juggles as shin can either go for big damage with 6MP>L/M greed sever or go for tricks with special chains

Standing Light Kick
Stand LK/5LK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
10(2%) 14(3%) -- 1.6 2.4 Mid 5 4 16 24f 0 +2 -1 --
  • Very Active, useful as a meaty (+4 on block at best) and can be used as a delay meaty to tag wakeup backdash and wakeup buttons
  • In neutral, can be used to check dashes
  • Chainable into 5LK and 2LK
  • The chain version of 5LK is quick to recover and gives shin frame trap light slice

Far Medium Kick
Stand MK/5MK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
18(5%) 22(6%) -- 2.4 4 Mid 10 2 26 37f -1 +2 -4 --
  • + on block pressure tool and one of shins higher damage starter since she can cancel into all versions of greed sever
  • very active but slow to recover, can be used as a high risk high return stop sign
  • Low pushback, shin can repeat the situation vs passive defenders a lot
  • +8 on hit so you can confirm into shadow rekka or 2MP>Rekka ...
  • can only be manualed into from heavy spirit slice linker
Close Medium Kick
Stand MK/5MK near opponent
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
18(5%) 22(6%) -- -- -- Mid 10 2 26 37f -1 +2 -4 --
  • +1 on block with a lot of pushback
  • the optimal -6 punish starter by around 1%
  • situation AA, Shin hisakos quickest 'useable" 1 button AA

Far Heavy Kick
Stand HK/5HK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 14(3%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 20 3 12 - +14 +18 +6 Stagger
  • Pressure restarter
  • Hurtbox sways back during the move startup so you can use 5hk to avoid and punish attacks during shin offense, neutral and if you are brave enough, defense
  • very quick recovery: good vs defender using fuzzy jump can recover in time to AA them
Close Heavy Kick
Stand HK/5HK near opponent
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
30 32 -- -- -- Mid 9 3 16 - +3 +7 +1 --
  • Close normal used mostly as a safe damaging meaty
  • +3 on hit, which is plus enough to combo into M awakened soul as a way to get her super scary oki from manual

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
Crouch LP/2LP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
8(2%) 10(2%) -- 1.6 2.4 Mid 6 2 9 16f +4 +6 +1 Chain
  • no
  • slight low profile which can be used to avoid some attacks
  • no
  • minus on counter hit
  • pick any other light or use specials
  • the chain version (4/2/9; +2/0/??) is ok but you should go into it from 5LP

Crouching Medium Punch
Crouch MP/2MP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
18(5%) 22(6%) -- 2.4 4 Mid 7 3 17 26f +5 +8 +1 --
  • Amazing counterpoke/poke; can empty cancel into shadow slice and tag people hard to whiff punish
  • can get blown up by lower body invul moves and some moves since its hitbox is not that low
  • Low pushback; can set up tick throws

- Can manual into M DP on hit

Crouching Heavy Punch
Crouch HP/2HP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
24(6%) 28(7%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 13 5 17 34f +5 +8 -3 --
  • AA move
  • High risk counter poke;Really active but really high recovery
  • Confirmable into all version of Greed Sever,Rekka and spirit slice utilizing a hitstop/blockstop os
  • Incredibly low pushback can setup tick throws after manual 2HP
Alternate Crouching Heavy Punch
Down forward HP/3HP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
24(6%) 28(7%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 13 5 17 34f +5 +8 -3 --
  • farther range but slightly shorter than normal 2HP
  • Something something filthy upbackers
  • covers a different angle than normal 2HP which can be important in certain MU where you have to make a choice to cover up forward or up back
  • otherwise the same as normal 2HP

Crouching Light Kick
Crouch LK/2LK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
12(3%) 16(4%) -- 1.6 2.4 Low 6 5 7 17f +2 +4 -2 --
  • Low
  • Farthest reaching Light
  • fast total duration which is useful in a few advanced shin combos
  • Chainable

- The chain version is +1 and has high

  • 2LK xx L slice is one of the first (and possibly only) tick slice setups a shin player will learn
  • This is Shins best light

Crouching Medium Kick
Crouch MK/2MK
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
24(6%) 30(8%) -- 2.4 4 Low 11 2 24 36f -1 +2 -4 --
  • Low with good range and active frames
  • late cancelable into light slice and light rekka

Crouching Heavy Kick
Crouch HK/5HK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
28(7%) 32(8%) -- 4 4.5 Low 18 2 28 47f +53 +53 -10 Hard knockdown
  • Amazing 1/3 screen low thats safe on block and has a good hitbox
  • Leads to Scary Spirt Orb oki on hit
  • Low profile hurtbox

Air Normals

Jumping Light Punch
Jump LP/8LP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
16(4%) 20(5%) -- 1.6 2.4 High 7 5 4 15+f +15 +17 +8 --
  • Quick,Stubby Air to air option
  • Reaches higher than j.MP, Shin hisako most vertical AA when in range

Jumping Medium Punch
Jump MP/8MP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 24(6%) -- 2.4 4 High 7 5 4 17+f +3 +2 -4 Crossup
  • Amazing Air to air option with crazy reach
  • dash jMP is a far range overhead that is plus, Incredible pestering tool

Jumping Heavy Punch
Jump HP/8HP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
28(7%) 32(8%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 22 3/17 4/42 28+f/80+f +61/+15 +61/+15 0/-58 Launcher
  • Inflicts the most hitstun or blockstun of any jump in so this is the one you want them to block

* Its so plus that the opponent can interrupt dash after blocking this

  • Has a Crossup hitbox so you can use it instead of jHK for the extra plus frames on block

Jumping Light Kick
Jump LK/8LK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
16(4%) 20(5%) -- 1.6 2.4 High 8 8 4 19+f +15 +17 +8 --
  • Quick jump normal with a downward hit box
    • can be used to punish opponents for trying to AA dash on reaction; condition them to block jHP
  • very low blockstun
    • will often be minus on high connects
    • sets up sneaky ticks throw since on opponent expecting
  • can be used as a crossup

Jumping Medium Kick
Jump MK/8MK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 24(6%) -- 2.4 4 High 13 7 4 23+f +16 +19 +8 Cross-up

- farthest reaching "down AND forward" jump in * Quick to hit after dash (27 frames) and not minus so probably the go to air to ground option from dash

Jumping Heavy Kick
Jump HK/8HK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
10(2%) 14(3%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 21 4 4 28+f +40 +40 -1 Soft knockdown
  • reaches very far down and behind Shin Hisako but not far forward
  • Go to crossup
  • highest hitstun of all of shin moves which means you can go for some of shins slower manuals on low connect jHP which shin gets a lot of due to her oki


Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
36 (10%) - - - - - - - - 36f 59 - - Hard Knockdown

Builds a lot of meter and curses the opponent a with a tracking drifting spirit which can be used for setups or saved as a quick get in tool in neutral later

Special Moves

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
1st Rekka 20(5%) 20(5%) -- ?? ?? Mid 11/15/17 2/2/2 24(1,13)/26(2,19)/29(2,17 36f/42f/47f +3/+4/+5 +10/+6/+2 -2/-4/-5 whiff cancellable into rekka extensions and other special during recovery(first whiff cancellable frame,last whiff cancellable frame)
  • Shin Hisako's primary opener, a high-pushback, safe, low risk-low return special that sets up counter hitting opportunities with rekka extensions
  • Light rekka is the fastest and safest version rekka at a cozy -2 on block, making it the go to for cancels; very plus on counter hit, granting shin easy manuals after and makes mashing after certain Shin Hisako normals (Crouch LK, Crouch MK, Far HP) as a defender scary.
  • Medium Rekka is slower, slightly more damaging, slightly less safe than the light version and is mainly used as a late cancel to frame trap after normals where L rekka would be too fast or to catch backdashes after normals where L rekka isnt too fast. Combos into all versions of Spirit Slice and Greed Sever
  • Heavy rekka is slowest, most damaging and most disadvantageous but its not very different from M rekka. Its main upside is that H Rekka xx L Greed Sever is a true blocksting. Less advantageous on Counter Hit than normal hit
  • All version are cancellable into 2nd rekka or any of Shin Hisako's other specials, giving her potent oki and a poke she can pip I mean whiff cancel into an anti air
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
2nd rekka 14/18/22 18/22/26 -- ?? ?? Mid 16/19/19 3(2,3)/6(2,6)/6(2,6) 20/23/22 38/48/47 +3/+7/+5 +21/+13/+11 -6/-10/-9 -
  • 2nd rekka is Shin Hisako main counter hit tool after 1st rekka. The main edge it has over choosing to special chain into the high damage Greed Sever is that Shin can easily gamble to make the defender regret trying to punish 2nd rekka.
  • Light 2nd Rekka is absurdly good. Has a gratuitous counter hit advantage of +21. Is only "punishable" by lights/moves active on frame 6 (and can be spaced so that a majority of character punishes whiff. Can cancel into immediate H rekka OR late cancel into L slice forcing the opponent to not only guess on if you are going to frame trap after but also on what side they have to.
  • Medium 2nd Rekka and Heavy 2nd Rekka are not as good as L 2nd, being more unsafe and losing the unreactable crossup threat. It serves 2 important role in catching backdash after 1st rekka and getting M/H spirit slice special chains and H greed sever special chains to combo after L 1st rekka
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
3rd Rekka 14/18/22 18/22/26 -- ?? ?? Mid 17/21/21 4/12/12 34/29/18 - -14/-11/+4 -8/-5/+10 -17/-19/-10 Opener

"Just use H 3rd Rekka"- Shin Hisako God Infilament (To DO)

Spirit Slice
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LP -- -- -- ?? ?? Mid (crossup) 10 2 40 51f 14 (soft KD) 14 (soft KD) -26 upper body invul frames 3-5;

can pass through frames 1-11

  • Pesky unreactable crossup
  • Low-damage, Unseeable, Annoy people into holding forward
  • Utilized to great effect with spirit orb on knockdown
    • The basic setup is summon an orb near the opponent and Light slice just before they get up
  • Annoyingly evasive abare tool (can avoid most frame traps with 4f gaps, some 3f). Can frustrate people trying to block Heavy Awakened Soul.
    • High level players often neutral jump on their own offense to bait both Light Spirit Slice and Heavy Awakened Soul. Most Shin players don't block so they aren't worried about being anti aired
  • frame traps from 2LK, 5LK(chain/late cancel), 2MK (late cancel), Light 2nd rekka (late cancel), Close and far 5HP (late cancel) giving Shin access to surprise crossups defenders have to block
  • Highly unsafe so whenever the opponent successfully defends this their punishes hurt WAY more than light slice.
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MP 18 22 -- ?? ?? Mid(crossup) 29 2 30 61f -- -- -- --
  • A slow crossup attack that launches the opponent for a juggle; Indistinguishable from the HP version except for damage
  • Dubious mixup tool by itself; Mostly utilized with spirit orbs in okizeme setups
    • Opponents who get hit with this can break the spirit slice but it is a pure guess between Medium and Heavy slice
    • Opponents who block this can punish unless Shin cancels into shadow rekka; this is best used when the opponent has no bar and Shin does
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HP 22 26 -- ?? ?? Mid (crossup) 29 2 30 61f 47(17) 47(17) -15 upper body invul frames 5-9;

can pass through frames 1-11

  • A slow crossup attack that launches the opponent for a juggle; Indistinguishable from the MP version except for damage
  • Dubious mixup tool by itself; Mostly utilized with spirit orbs in okizeme setups
    • Opponents who get hit with this can break the spirit slice but it is a pure guess between Medium and Heavy slice
    • Opponents who block this can punish unless Shin cancels into shadow rekka; this is best used when the opponent has no bar and Shin does
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
Orb HP 22 26 -- ?? ?? Mid (crossup) 22 5 4 61f 47(18) 47(18) -16 Crossup,Airborne on frame 6,Can Pass Through 1-17f
  • A fast crossup launcher that homes towards the spirit orb
    • A strong mixup option by itself and in rekka strings
    • Orb H Spirit slice can be used as an anti zoning tool with a throw orb
  • Tricky to punish

Awakened Soul
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LP -- -- -- ?? ?? Mid 10 2 40 51f 14 (soft KD) 14 (soft KD) -26 Floaty gravity
  • Weird launcher thing
  • Low hitstun and decent late cancel window makes it all right for shennagins w/ instinct pop/shadows
  • combos into Shadow Greed Sever fairly easily
  • on grounded connects can only juggle lights and st.MP
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MP 18 22 -- ?? ?? Mid 29 2 30 61f -- -- -- --
  • 3 frame Hard KD AA/Launcher
  • Combo-ing into this is pretty important because it has the pluses of a reset (resetting scaling and building kv faster) and the absurdly difficult mix of a HKD
    • M DP can combo from 2MP, any heavy linker, heavy or medium autos, 2HP/3HP, close 5HK and anything else +3
  • You want to combo into this a lot
  • Hard knockdown lasts a long time allowing Shin to setup orb in various ways
  • Is not shadow cancelable
  • has an angle; covers the top of her head poorly
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HP 22 26 -- ?? ?? Mid 29 2 30 61f 47(17) 47(17) -15 -

Invincible 3 frame reversal - tied with H Tigers Fury and H Puddle Punch for hardest hitting invincible reversal although it doesn't gain as much damage from counter hits - Is NOT shadow cancelable - Has an angle;covers the top of shin hisakos head very poorly

Greed Sever
Low cru...UNBLOCKABLE (Bless forced 3 frame delay)
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LK 28(7%) 36(10%) -- ?? ?? High 24 3 30 56f +9{20} +16 -10 lower body invul/ground bounce on air connect/stagger

- overhead

  • Stagger
  • Very lower body invul/airborne
    • gains some LBI frame 11 so its very prediction based
    • this goes over Jagos overhead if timed correctly
  • Quickest version which is useful for barebones mix ups and setup(only version that blockstrings from a rekka)
  • ground bounces on air connect
    • L Greed sever is the only repeatable one in juggle(M/H "lose" too much height;H is hard to juggle into outside the corner) and only one that special chain from rekka and connect in juggles.
  • Unsafe on block
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MK 36(10%) 44 -- ?? ?? High 25 4 32 -- +6{17} +13 -9 --
  • Overhead
  • Stagger
  • More lower body invul/hops higher in the air than L greed sever =

*gains some LBI frame 11 so its very prediction based

  • Goes farther than L greed sever
  • ground bounces on air connect
    • 2HP/6MPxx M greed sever leaves shin up close after
  • Unsafe on block
  • Often times shin has to combo into this version of greed sever when a drifting spirit in on screen so as to not waste the spirit on the orb version of H greed sever
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HK 44 52 -- ?? ?? High 29 4 29 61f +6 +13 --6 -

- Overhead

  • Stagger
  • Goes Really far but is way slower
    • gains some LBI frame 11 so its very prediction based
  • ground bounces on air connect
    • only useful in the corner as you cant really combo into it midscreen and its impractial to use as a raw AA
  • Only punishable by lights
  • Highest damage special doing a whopping --% by itself and building a little less half an ender level in 2HP and far 5MK punish combos and leaving a lot of KV and scaling to work with
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
Orb HK 44 52 -- ?? ?? High 29 4 29 61f +6 +13 --6 -

- Overhead

  • Stagger
  • Homes in to the orb location to nearly but not quite fullsceen
  • goes the most high up of any version of greed sever even orbless H greed sever an
    • This can cause some combo drops and wackiness depending on orb placement or if the opponent is crouching with a throw orb
  • ground bounces on air connect but dont waste the orb
  • Only jab punishable

KI2013 Navigation

Controls and Notation
Shadow Jago
TJ Combo
Kim Wu
General Raam
Shin Hisako