Street Fighter X Tekken/Guile: Difference between revisions

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(Added Boost Chain Frame Data for v2013)
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When you compare him to the extravagance of certain other characters in the game with similar
tools, Guile can appear lacking, but he is by no means a write-off character. His zoning ability
combined with a plethora of strong anti-airs still make him a defensive force to be reckoned
with, and he benefits highly from the boost system thanks to his long-reaching allowing
him to catch an opponent off-guard during approach and retreat, and both his follow-up heavy
standing attacks allow for long confirms into his partner ( into far in particular can be
spaced out for a difficult-to-punish confirm for several characters). His solo damage is nothing
spectacular, but he doesn’t need to deal heavy damage for him to clinch a win for his team. The
strength of his normals, combined with a wonderful walk speed in both directions and a CADC-
capable fast-recovery projectile with a number of different utilities to allow him to control the
pace of the match, make him best used as a point character where he can boost into a high-
damage partner to deal the damage he has trouble dealing. Furthermore, he is very effective at
closing out matches should the situation call for it, thanks to his excellent zoning ability and
excellence at controlling space to a point where he can easily burn the clock out to his benefit.
+Fastest recovery fireballs in the game
+Invincible reversal and anti-air
+Possesses multiple anti-airs effective at shutting down airborne opponents at multiple angles,
including cr.HP, Air Throws, and Flash Kicks with differing ranges
+Excellent walk speed allows him to approach or retreat to his own pace
+LP Sonic Boom can be CADC’d or held down to zone opponent out, and is slow enough where
Guile can walk after it and space the opponent at whatever spot the player prefers.
+b+LK allows him to move forward while still holding a charge for a Sonic Boom, allowing him to
ensure that he can hold a charge while still advancing.
-Best anti-air requires down-charge (54f)
-Low solo damage output
-Flash Kick angles can be counter-intuitive to effective anti-airing at close range, as he will fly
forwards at angles that may miss the opponent, and the Flash Kick’s hitbox does not reach as
high as in other games
-Vulnerable to block pressure
-Difficulty fighting out of life deficits on his own
-Low health total at 900}}

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== Frame Data (updated for v2013) ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Move !! Command !! Hit !! Damage !! Startup !! Active !! Recovery !! Hit Adv !! Block Adv !! Cancel !! JP !! JC !! JS !! "Notes
| "
| Far LP **LC ||  || H || 30 || 4 || 2 || 10 ||  +5 ||  +1 || SM,EX,SA,CA || 1 || 1 || 1 || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Far MP ||  || H || 60 || 5 || 4 || 17 || 0 || -4 || SM,EX,SA,CA || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Far HP ||  || H || 90 || 5 || 3 || 18 ||  +4 || -1 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || -
| Far LK ||  || H || 30 || 5 || 2 || 9 ||  +6 ||  +2 || - || 1 || 1 || 1 || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Far MK ||  || H || 60 || 8 || 4 || 15 ||  +2 || -2 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Far HK ||  || H || 90 || 13 || 5 || 17 ||  +3 || -2 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || -
| Close LP ||  || H || 30 || 4 || 2 || 9 ||  +6 ||  +2 || SM,EX,SA,CA || 1 || 1 || 1 || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Close MP ||  || H || 60 || 4 || 3 || 16 ||  +2 || -2 || SM,EX,SA,CA || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Close HP ||  || H || 90(60) || 6 || 4 || 19 ||  +3 || -3 || SM,EX,SA,CA || 3 || 1 || 1 || Forces standing
| Close LK ||  || H || 30 || 4 || 3 || 7 ||  +7 ||  +3 || - || 1 || 1 || 1 || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Close MK ||  || H || 60 || 5 || 2 || 21 || -2 || -6 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Close HK ||  || H || 90 || 6 || 3 || 23 || 0 || -6 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || Forces standing
| Crouch LP ||  || H || 30 || 4 || 2 || 8 ||  +5 ||  +1 || SM,EX,SA,CA || 1 || 1 || 1 || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Crouch MP ||  || H || 60 || 5 || 5 || 10 ||  +6 ||  +2 || SM,EX,SA,CA || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Crouch HP ||  || H || 90(60) || 6 || 4 || 29 || -7 || -13 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || Forces standing
| Crouch LK **LC ||  || L || 30 || 4 || 2 || 12 ||  +3 || 0 || - || 1 || 1 || 1 || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Crouch MK **LC ||  || L || 60 || 7 || 4 || 18 || -1 || -5 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Crouch HK ||  || L || 90,90 || 6 || 4(20)4 || 21 || hard knockdown || -5 || - || 3,3 || 1,1 || - || -
| Jump Up LP ||  || M || 40 || 5 || 2 || until ground+4 ||  +12 ||  +4 || - || 1 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Up MP ||  || M || 70 || 7 || 4 || until ground+4 ||  +16 ||  +5 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Up HP ||  || M || 100 || 7 || 3 || until ground+4 ||  +20 ||  +8 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Up LK ||  || M || 40 || 8 || 6 || until ground+4 ||  +12 ||  +4 || - || 1 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Up MK ||  || M || 70 || 7 || 6 || until ground+4 ||  +16 ||  +5 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Up HK ||  || M || 100 || 6 || 3 || until ground+4 ||  +20 ||  +8 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Diagonal LP ||  || M || 40 || 6 || 6 || until ground+4 ||  +12 ||  +4 || - || 1 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Diagonal MP ||  || M || 70 || 6 || 5 || until ground+4 ||  +16 ||  +5 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Diagonal HP ||  || M || 100 || 6 || 5 || until ground+4 ||  +20 ||  +8 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Diagonal LK ||  || M || 40 || 6 || 5 || until ground+4 ||  +12 ||  +4 || - || 1 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Diagonal MK ||  || M || 70 || 6 || 6 || until ground+4 ||  +16 ||  +5 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Jump Diagonal HK ||  || M || 100 || 6 || 5 || until ground+4 ||  +20 ||  +8 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || -
| Launcher **LC || HP+HK || H || 100 || 13 || 2 || 54 || switch || -34 || - || 3 || - || - || Crushes crouching attacks frames 1-14, Launches opponent while switching characters
| Cross Cancel || f+HP+HK (while blocking) || H || 100 || 5 || 11 || 47 || hard knockdown || -36 || - || - || - || - || Invulnerability frames 1-7, Resembles HK Flash Kick
| Dragon Suplex || LP+LK || throw || 130 || 5 || 2 || 20 || hard knockdown || - || - || - || - || - || -
| Judo Throw || b+LP+LK || throw || 130 || 5 || 2 || 20 || hard knockdown || - || - || - || - || - || -
| Flying Mare || LP+LK (air) || air throw || 180 || 5 || 2 || until ground+4 || hard knockdown || - || - || - || - || - || -
| Flying Buster Drop || b+LP+LK (air) || air throw || 180 || 5 || 2 || until ground+4 || hard knockdown || - || - || - || - || - || -
| Straight Chop || f+MP || M || 50 || 16 || 3 || 16 ||  +4 ||  -2 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || Hard knockdown on airborne opponent, On Hit: +2 on crouching opponent
| Spinning Back Knuckle || f+HP || H || 100 || 9 || 3 || 15 ||  +7 ||  +2 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || Knockdown on airborne opponent, Whiffs on crouching opponent
| Knee Bazooka || b or f+LK || H || 50 || 7 || 4 || 15 ||  -2 ||  -4 || - || 1 || 1 || 1 || Knockdown on airborne opponent
| Rolling Sobat || b or f+MK || H || 60 || 11 || 4 || 14 ||  +3 ||  -1 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || Knockdown on airborne opponent, Lower body projectile invulnerability frames 7-8, Lower body invulnerability frames 9-21
| Reverse Spin Kick **LC || (close) b or f+HK || H || 90 || 16 || 6 || 13 ||  +7 ||  +2 || - || 3 || 1 || 1 || Knockdown on airborne opponent, Throw invulnerability frames 6-29
| Guile High Kick || df+HK || H || 80 || 8 || 2 || 16 || float ||  +2 || - || 3 || 4 || 0 || Whiffs on crouching opponent
| Target Combo || d+MK > f+MP || M || 50 || 16 || 3 || 16 || +4 || -2 || - || 2 || 1 || 1 || -
| Flash Kick LK || (charge 54F) d, u+LK || H || 120(60) || 5 || 11 || 43 || knockdown || -42 || - || 3 || 3 || 0 || Invulnerability frames 1-6, Airborne frames
| Flash Kick MK || (charge 54F) d,u+MK || H || 120(70) || 5 || 11 || 45 || knockdown || -44 || - || 3 || 3 || 0 || Invulnerability frames 1-6, Airborne frames
| Flash Kick HK || (charge 54F) d,u+HK || H || 120(80) || 5 || 11 || 47 || knockdown || -46 || - || 3 || 3 || 0 || Invulnerability frames 1-6, Airborne frames
| Flash Kick EX || (charge 54F) d,u+KK || H || 90,80 || 5 || 11 || 47 || knockdown || -44 || - || 3,4 || 1,4 || 0 || Invulnerability frames 1-6, Airborne frames
| Sonic Boom LP || (charge 49F) b,f+LP || H || 50 || 10 || - || 22 ||  +8 ||  +5 || - || 3 || 3 || 0 || Chargeable: 51F for EX Version and 100F for Super Art, Knockdown on airborne opponent
| Sonic Boom MP || (charge 49F) b,f+MP || H || 50 || 10 || - || 24 ||  +6 ||  +3 || - || 3 || 3 || 0 || Chargeable: 51F for EX Version and 100F for Super Art, Knockdown on airborne opponent
| Sonic Boom HP || (charge 49F) b,f+HP || H || 50 || 10 || - || 26 ||  +4 ||  +1 || - || 3 || 3 || 0 || Chargeable: 51F for EX Version and 100F for Super Art, Knockdown on airborne opponent
| Sonic Boom EX || (charge 49F) b,f+PP || H || 40x2 || 10 || - || 28 ||  +10 ||  +7 || - || 3,3 || 0,4 || 0 || Chargeable: 51F Super Art, Knockdown on airborne opponent
| Sonic Hurricane || (charge 49F) b,f+PPP || H || 120,20x4,120 || 8 || 41 || 34 || hard knockdown || -29 || - || 6,6,6,6,6,6 || 1,1,1,1,1,7 || - || 89 frames cinematic freeze before attack begins, Invulnerability frames 1-8, Active duration increases if projectile hits enemy projectile
| Cross Art **LC || qcf+MP+MK || H || 150+ || 9 || 2(12)2(15)2 || 35 || switch || -15 || - || 3,3,3 || 0,0,4 || - || 64 frames cinematic freeze before attack begins, Invulnerability frames 1-9, 1st hit must hit to enter cinematic

== Boost Chain Frame Data ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Move !! Hit !! Damage !! Startup !! Active !! Recovery !! Hit Adv !! Block Adv !! Cancel !! "Notes
| "
| Far LP **LC || H || 30 || 4 || 2 || 8 || +7 || +3 || - || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Far MP || H || 42 || 5 || 4 || 22 || -5 || -9 || EX,SA,CA || -
| Far HP || H || 63 || 5 || 3 || 29 || -7 || -12 || - || -
| Far LK || H || 30 || 5 || 2 || 9 ||  +6 ||  +2 || - || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Far MK || H || 42 || 8 || 4 || 20 || -3 || -7 || - || -
| Far HK || H || 63 || 13 || 5 || 26 || -6 || -11 || - || -
| Close LP || H || 30 || 4 || 2 || 8 || +7 || +3 || - || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Close MP || H || 42 || 4 || 3 || 21 || -3 || -7 || EX,SA,CA || -
| Close HP || H || 63(42) || 6 || 4 || 27 || -5 || -11 || EX,SA,CA || Forces standing
| Close LK || H || 30 || 4 || 3 || 7 ||  +7 ||  +3 || - || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Close MK || H || 42 || 5 || 2 || 27 || -8 || -12 || - || -
| Close HK || H || 63 || 6 || 3 || 35 || -12 || -18 || - || Forces standing
| Crouch LP || H || 30 || 4 || 2 || 8 ||  +5 ||  +1 || - || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Crouch MP || H || 42 || 5 || 5 || 19 || -3 || -7 || EX,SA,CA || -
| Crouch HP || H || 63(42) || 5 || 4 || 34 || -12 || -18 || - || Forces standing
| Crouch LK **LC || L || 30 || 4 || 2 || 12 ||  +3 || 0 || - || Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
| Crouch MK **LC || L || 42 || 7 || 4 || 24 || -7 || -11 || - || -
| Crouch HK || L || 63,63 || 6 || 4(20)4 || 31 || hard knockdown || -15 || - || -
== Move Analysis ==
== Move Analysis ==
=== Normal Moves ===
=== Normal Moves ===
Line 109: Line 307:

== Combos ==
== Combos ==
=== Bread and Butters ===
=== Bread and Butter Combos ===
* {{ {{d}} + {{lp}} , {{d}} + {{lp}} , {{d}} + {{mp}} , Flash Kick }} - 192 dmg <br> the bare-bones SF4 B & B.
* cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP xx [d],u+HK (192)
* {{ {{d}} + {{mp}} , {{d}} + {{mp}} , Flash Kick }} - 215 dmg <br> slightly harder variation, for notably more damage in fewer hits.}}
* cr.MP, cr.MP xx [d],u+HK (215)
* cl.b.HK, cl.MP xx [b],f+LP, cr.MK ~ st.HK ~ HP+HK (295+)
* cl.b.HK, df+HK, [d],u+K (266)
* cl.LP, st.LP, st.LP, cr.HK (147)
* df+HK, cr.MP, cr.MP, cr.MP xx [d],u+K (302, corner)
* cl.b.HK, cr.MP, cr.MP xx [b],f+LP, cr.MK ~ st.HK ~ HP+HK (321+, corner)

=== Hit Confirm Combos ===
=== Meter Combos ===
* N/A
* cr.MP, cr.MP xx [d],u+KK (256, 1 bar)
* cl.b.HK, cl.MP xx [b],f+PP, cr.MK ~ st.HK ~ HP+HK (319+, 1 bar)
* cl.b.HK, cr.MP, cr.MP xx [b],f+PPP (423, 2 bar)
* cl.b.HK, cl.MP xx [b],f+LP, st.MP ~ st.HP xx [b],f+PP, cr.MK ~ st.HK ~ HP+HK (372+, 1 bar, corner)

=== Advanced Combos ===
=== Anti-Air / Air-to-Air Combos ===
* N/A
* CH st.MP, cr.HK (165)
* [d],u+HK (Trade Hits), f+MK, cr.HK (212)
* CH j.HP, f+MK, cr.MP, [d],u+HK (317)
* [b],f+P, cr.HK (140)

=== Combos Into Supers ===
=== Juggle Combos ===  
* N/A
* f.MK, cr.MP, cr.MP xx [d],u+K
* cr.MP, cr.MP, cl.HP xx [d],u+K (corner)

[[Category:Street Fighter X Tekken]]
[[Category:Street Fighter X Tekken]]

Latest revision as of 18:11, 2 October 2023

Street Fighter X TekkenSFxTLogo.png
Street Fighter X Tekken#CharactersStreet Fighter X Tekken/Character HealthStreet Fighter X Tekken/Basic ElementsStreet Fighter X Tekken/MovementStreet Fighter X Tekken/Solo OffenseStreet Fighter X Tekken/Capcom Juggle SystemSFxTHeaderButtons.png


Sfxt guile face.jpg

Ideal Team Position: Point

When you compare him to the extravagance of certain other characters in the game with similar tools, Guile can appear lacking, but he is by no means a write-off character. His zoning ability combined with a plethora of strong anti-airs still make him a defensive force to be reckoned with, and he benefits highly from the boost system thanks to his long-reaching allowing him to catch an opponent off-guard during approach and retreat, and both his follow-up heavy standing attacks allow for long confirms into his partner ( into far in particular can be spaced out for a difficult-to-punish confirm for several characters). His solo damage is nothing spectacular, but he doesn’t need to deal heavy damage for him to clinch a win for his team. The strength of his normals, combined with a wonderful walk speed in both directions and a CADC- capable fast-recovery projectile with a number of different utilities to allow him to control the pace of the match, make him best used as a point character where he can boost into a high- damage partner to deal the damage he has trouble dealing. Furthermore, he is very effective at closing out matches should the situation call for it, thanks to his excellent zoning ability and excellence at controlling space to a point where he can easily burn the clock out to his benefit.

Strengths Weaknesses

+Fastest recovery fireballs in the game

+Invincible reversal and anti-air

+Possesses multiple anti-airs effective at shutting down airborne opponents at multiple angles, including cr.HP, Air Throws, and Flash Kicks with differing ranges

+Excellent walk speed allows him to approach or retreat to his own pace

+LP Sonic Boom can be CADC’d or held down to zone opponent out, and is slow enough where Guile can walk after it and space the opponent at whatever spot the player prefers.

+b+LK allows him to move forward while still holding a charge for a Sonic Boom, allowing him to ensure that he can hold a charge while still advancing.

-Best anti-air requires down-charge (54f)

-Low solo damage output

-Flash Kick angles can be counter-intuitive to effective anti-airing at close range, as he will fly forwards at angles that may miss the opponent, and the Flash Kick’s hitbox does not reach as high as in other games

-Vulnerable to block pressure

-Difficulty fighting out of life deficits on his own

-Low health total at 900


Normal Attacks

Standing Light Punch
Standing Medium Punch
Standing Hard Punch
Standing Light Kick
Standing Medium Kick
Standing Hard Kick
Close Light Punch
(near opponent) Lp.png
Close Medium Punch
(near opponent) Mp.png
Close Hard Punch
(near opponent) Hp.png
Close Light Kick
(near opponent) Lk.png
Close Medium Kick
(near opponent) Mk.png
Close Hard Kick
(near opponent) Hk.png
Crouching Light Punch
D.png + Lp.png
Crouching Medium Punch
D.png + Mp.png
Crouching Hard Punch
D.png + Hp.png
Crouching Light Kick
D.png + Lk.png
Crouching Medium Kick
D.png + Mk.png
Crouching Hard Kick
D.png + Hk.png
Neutral Jump Light Punch
U.png + Lp.png
Neutral Jump Medium Punch
U.png + Mp.png
Neutral Jump Hard Punch
U.png + Hp.png
Neutral Jump Light Kick
U.png + Lk.png
Neutral Jump Medium Kick
U.png + Mk.png
Neutral Jump Hard Kick
U.png + Hk.png
Angled Jump Light Punch
Ub.png / Uf.png + Lp.png
Angled Jump Medium Punch
Ub.png / Uf.png + Mp.png
Angled Jump Hard Punch
Ub.png / Uf.png + Hp.png
Angled Jump Light Kick
Ub.png / Uf.png + Lk.png
Angled Jump Medium Kick
Ub.png / Uf.png + Mk.png
Angled Jump Hard Kick
Ub.png / Uf.png + Hk.png

Unique Attacks

Straight Chop
F.png + Mp.png
Hardknockdown.png vs airborne
Spinning Back Knuckle
F.png + Hp.png
Knockdown.png vs airborne
Knee Bazooka
B.png or F.png + Lk.png
Knockdown.png vs airborne
Rolling Sobat
B.png or F.png + Mk.png
knockdown vs airborne
Reverse Spin Kick
(close) B.png or F.png + Hk.png
Knockdown.png vs airborne
Guile High Kick
Df.png + Hk.png
Target Combo
D.png + Mk.png ---.png
F.png + Mp.png
Low.png 1st hit
High.png 2nd hit


Dragon Suplex
F.png or N.png + Lp.png + Lk.png
Judo Throw
B.png + Lp.png + Lk.png
Flying Mare
air F.png or N.png + Lp.png + Lk.png
Flying Buster Drop
air B.png + Lp.png + Lk.png

Special Moves

Flash Kick
D.png (charge) F.png + K.png
Sonic Boom
B.png (charge) F.png + P.png
Ex.png Chrg.png
Knockdown.png vs airborne

Super Combo

Sonic Hurricane
B.png (charge) F.png + 3p.png

Frame Data (updated for v2013)

Move Command Hit Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel JP JC JS "Notes
Far LP **LC H 30 4 2 10 +5 +1 SM,EX,SA,CA 1 1 1 Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Far MP H 60 5 4 17 0 -4 SM,EX,SA,CA 2 1 1 -
Far HP H 90 5 3 18 +4 -1 - 3 1 1 -
Far LK H 30 5 2 9 +6 +2 - 1 1 1 Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Far MK H 60 8 4 15 +2 -2 - 2 1 1 -
Far HK H 90 13 5 17 +3 -2 - 3 1 1 -
Close LP H 30 4 2 9 +6 +2 SM,EX,SA,CA 1 1 1 Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Close MP H 60 4 3 16 +2 -2 SM,EX,SA,CA 2 1 1 -
Close HP H 90(60) 6 4 19 +3 -3 SM,EX,SA,CA 3 1 1 Forces standing
Close LK H 30 4 3 7 +7 +3 - 1 1 1 Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Close MK H 60 5 2 21 -2 -6 - 2 1 1 -
Close HK H 90 6 3 23 0 -6 - 3 1 1 Forces standing
Crouch LP H 30 4 2 8 +5 +1 SM,EX,SA,CA 1 1 1 Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Crouch MP H 60 5 5 10 +6 +2 SM,EX,SA,CA 2 1 1 -
Crouch HP H 90(60) 6 4 29 -7 -13 - 3 1 1 Forces standing
Crouch LK **LC L 30 4 2 12 +3 0 - 1 1 1 Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Crouch MK **LC L 60 7 4 18 -1 -5 - 2 1 1 -
Crouch HK L 90,90 6 4(20)4 21 hard knockdown -5 - 3,3 1,1 - -
Jump Up LP M 40 5 2 until ground+4 +12 +4 - 1 1 1 -
Jump Up MP M 70 7 4 until ground+4 +16 +5 - 2 1 1 -
Jump Up HP M 100 7 3 until ground+4 +20 +8 - 3 1 1 -
Jump Up LK M 40 8 6 until ground+4 +12 +4 - 1 1 1 -
Jump Up MK M 70 7 6 until ground+4 +16 +5 - 2 1 1 -
Jump Up HK M 100 6 3 until ground+4 +20 +8 - 3 1 1 -
Jump Diagonal LP M 40 6 6 until ground+4 +12 +4 - 1 1 1 -
Jump Diagonal MP M 70 6 5 until ground+4 +16 +5 - 2 1 1 -
Jump Diagonal HP M 100 6 5 until ground+4 +20 +8 - 3 1 1 -
Jump Diagonal LK M 40 6 5 until ground+4 +12 +4 - 1 1 1 -
Jump Diagonal MK M 70 6 6 until ground+4 +16 +5 - 2 1 1 -
Jump Diagonal HK M 100 6 5 until ground+4 +20 +8 - 3 1 1 -
Launcher **LC HP+HK H 100 13 2 54 switch -34 - 3 - - Crushes crouching attacks frames 1-14, Launches opponent while switching characters
Cross Cancel f+HP+HK (while blocking) H 100 5 11 47 hard knockdown -36 - - - - Invulnerability frames 1-7, Resembles HK Flash Kick
Dragon Suplex LP+LK throw 130 5 2 20 hard knockdown - - - - - -
Judo Throw b+LP+LK throw 130 5 2 20 hard knockdown - - - - - -
Flying Mare LP+LK (air) air throw 180 5 2 until ground+4 hard knockdown - - - - - -
Flying Buster Drop b+LP+LK (air) air throw 180 5 2 until ground+4 hard knockdown - - - - - -
Straight Chop f+MP M 50 16 3 16 +4 -2 - 2 1 1 Hard knockdown on airborne opponent, On Hit: +2 on crouching opponent
Spinning Back Knuckle f+HP H 100 9 3 15 +7 +2 - 3 1 1 Knockdown on airborne opponent, Whiffs on crouching opponent
Knee Bazooka b or f+LK H 50 7 4 15 -2 -4 - 1 1 1 Knockdown on airborne opponent
Rolling Sobat b or f+MK H 60 11 4 14 +3 -1 - 2 1 1 Knockdown on airborne opponent, Lower body projectile invulnerability frames 7-8, Lower body invulnerability frames 9-21
Reverse Spin Kick **LC (close) b or f+HK H 90 16 6 13 +7 +2 - 3 1 1 Knockdown on airborne opponent, Throw invulnerability frames 6-29
Guile High Kick df+HK H 80 8 2 16 float +2 - 3 4 0 Whiffs on crouching opponent
Target Combo d+MK > f+MP M 50 16 3 16 +4 -2 - 2 1 1 -
Flash Kick LK (charge 54F) d, u+LK H 120(60) 5 11 43 knockdown -42 - 3 3 0 Invulnerability frames 1-6, Airborne frames
Flash Kick MK (charge 54F) d,u+MK H 120(70) 5 11 45 knockdown -44 - 3 3 0 Invulnerability frames 1-6, Airborne frames
Flash Kick HK (charge 54F) d,u+HK H 120(80) 5 11 47 knockdown -46 - 3 3 0 Invulnerability frames 1-6, Airborne frames
Flash Kick EX (charge 54F) d,u+KK H 90,80 5 11 47 knockdown -44 - 3,4 1,4 0 Invulnerability frames 1-6, Airborne frames
Sonic Boom LP (charge 49F) b,f+LP H 50 10 - 22 +8 +5 - 3 3 0 Chargeable: 51F for EX Version and 100F for Super Art, Knockdown on airborne opponent
Sonic Boom MP (charge 49F) b,f+MP H 50 10 - 24 +6 +3 - 3 3 0 Chargeable: 51F for EX Version and 100F for Super Art, Knockdown on airborne opponent
Sonic Boom HP (charge 49F) b,f+HP H 50 10 - 26 +4 +1 - 3 3 0 Chargeable: 51F for EX Version and 100F for Super Art, Knockdown on airborne opponent
Sonic Boom EX (charge 49F) b,f+PP H 40x2 10 - 28 +10 +7 - 3,3 0,4 0 Chargeable: 51F Super Art, Knockdown on airborne opponent
Sonic Hurricane (charge 49F) b,f+PPP H 120,20x4,120 8 41 34 hard knockdown -29 - 6,6,6,6,6,6 1,1,1,1,1,7 - 89 frames cinematic freeze before attack begins, Invulnerability frames 1-8, Active duration increases if projectile hits enemy projectile
Cross Art **LC qcf+MP+MK H 150+ 9 2(12)2(15)2 35 switch -15 - 3,3,3 0,0,4 - 64 frames cinematic freeze before attack begins, Invulnerability frames 1-9, 1st hit must hit to enter cinematic

Boost Chain Frame Data

Move Hit Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel "Notes
Far LP **LC H 30 4 2 8 +7 +3 - Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Far MP H 42 5 4 22 -5 -9 EX,SA,CA -
Far HP H 63 5 3 29 -7 -12 - -
Far LK H 30 5 2 9 +6 +2 - Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Far MK H 42 8 4 20 -3 -7 - -
Far HK H 63 13 5 26 -6 -11 - -
Close LP H 30 4 2 8 +7 +3 - Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Close MP H 42 4 3 21 -3 -7 EX,SA,CA -
Close HP H 63(42) 6 4 27 -5 -11 EX,SA,CA Forces standing
Close LK H 30 4 3 7 +7 +3 - Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Close MK H 42 5 2 27 -8 -12 - -
Close HK H 63 6 3 35 -12 -18 - Forces standing
Crouch LP H 30 4 2 8 +5 +1 - Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Crouch MP H 42 5 5 19 -3 -7 EX,SA,CA -
Crouch HP H 63(42) 5 4 34 -12 -18 - Forces standing
Crouch LK **LC L 30 4 2 12 +3 0 - Rapid fire cancelable into light normal moves
Crouch MK **LC L 42 7 4 24 -7 -11 - -
Crouch HK L 63,63 6 4(20)4 31 hard knockdown -15 - -

Move Analysis

Normal Moves


Unique Attacks


Normal Throws


Special Moves


Super Combos


The Basics

If you played Guile in SF4 series, you should feel right at home. All of his SF4 links and combos are intact, including a new new toys, such as linking {{ F.png + Mp.png }} into {{ D.png + Lk.png }} for a boost chain, or even boost chains into ex Sonic Booms for long and damaging, but meter intensive, combos.

Advanced Strategy



Bread and Butter Combos

  • cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP xx [d],u+HK (192)
  • cr.MP, cr.MP xx [d],u+HK (215)
  • cl.b.HK, cl.MP xx [b],f+LP, cr.MK ~ st.HK ~ HP+HK (295+)
  • cl.b.HK, df+HK, [d],u+K (266)
  • cl.LP, st.LP, st.LP, cr.HK (147)
  • df+HK, cr.MP, cr.MP, cr.MP xx [d],u+K (302, corner)
  • cl.b.HK, cr.MP, cr.MP xx [b],f+LP, cr.MK ~ st.HK ~ HP+HK (321+, corner)

Meter Combos

  • cr.MP, cr.MP xx [d],u+KK (256, 1 bar)
  • cl.b.HK, cl.MP xx [b],f+PP, cr.MK ~ st.HK ~ HP+HK (319+, 1 bar)
  • cl.b.HK, cr.MP, cr.MP xx [b],f+PPP (423, 2 bar)
  • cl.b.HK, cl.MP xx [b],f+LP, st.MP ~ st.HP xx [b],f+PP, cr.MK ~ st.HK ~ HP+HK (372+, 1 bar, corner)

Anti-Air / Air-to-Air Combos

  • CH st.MP, cr.HK (165)
  • [d],u+HK (Trade Hits), f+MK, cr.HK (212)
  • CH j.HP, f+MK, cr.MP, [d],u+HK (317)
  • [b],f+P, cr.HK (140)

Juggle Combos

  • f.MK, cr.MP, cr.MP xx [d],u+K
  • cr.MP, cr.MP, cl.HP xx [d],u+K (corner)

Game Navigation

Street Fighter Characters
Chun Li
M Bison
Tekken Characters
Jack X
Guest Characters
Mega Man
Pac Man