SvC Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom/Dan Hibiki

From SuperCombo Wiki
火引 弾, Hibiki Dan
"I blow away all foes! That is the way of 'Saikyo!'"
Difficulty Mostly Easy
Max Mode Needed? Doesn't Need It
Tier Placement Trash (E)
Standing Hitbox Average
Crouching Hitbox Short
Wall Jump No



The great master of the Saikyo Style himself, Dan Hibiki, whose dojo is totally not failing. Made as a joke character to mock the likes of Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia from AOF, as a way for Capcom to get back at SNK for making Ryo's likeness based on both Ryu and Ken in SF, he plays very closely to Ryo and Robert, and even mimics some of the mannerisms of Ryo's sister, Yuri Sakazaki. In fact, he mimics the trio so much so that he's always quite bad in every game he's in (save maybe Street Fighter Alpha 1). If you've seen Dan in any other fighting games, you most likely already know he's quite bad here as well, though there is a blessing in disguise to be had - he is not the worst character in the game at least! But overall, if you want a shoto, you have a ton of better options, unless you're playing dan for the meme.

How to select Dan Hibiki (Outside of Super Plus)

  • On the character select screen, do the inputs below, before the timer reaches 10 seconds:
  • (While holding start) Down, Left(7x)
  • Console Method: Hold R1/RT above Dhalsim
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Okay combos to work with
  • Unblockable move
  • Passable supers
  • Command grab Exceed
  • Tons of fanservice
  • Special and super taunts
  • He's Dan Hibiki
  • Awful projectiles
  • Bad hitboxes
  • Vertical DP with little horizontal reach
  • Taunts after his normal throws leaving him unsafe
  • Zero light confirms
  • Unblockable is unsafe ON HIT
  • Poor reach on his Exceed
  • No Shinkuu Gadouken
  • Can't zone, punish, or move around well in a game centered around all three
  • Garbage because he's Dan Hibiki
SVC Chaos: SNK VS Capcom Frame Data Glossary

How much damage the attack does. This takes into account no defense modifiers, so the damage assumes a 0% damage modifier, or in other words the average defense modifier of 223 against characters like Kyo and Ryu.

  • Note: Damage is a little inconsistent. Example: Geese cl.A deals 5 damage. Against Zero, sometimes it does 5 pixels of damage to his life bar, other times it does 4 pixels. Against Ryu, cl.A does 4 pixels of damage, other times it does 3 pixels of damage. This info comes from the Enterbrain Mook, but most likely this is the cause of damage modifiers skewing the damage slightly, thus making it a bit inconsistent.
  • Damage values listed are pulled from the SVC Chaos Enterbrain Mook, save Athena, Red Arremer, Serious Mr. Karate and Shin Akuma. It is listed because it's an official source for this info, just keep in mind damage is not 1-to-1 due to varying health values and screwy ways the game calculates damage anyways.
  • There will be a question mark next to the four mentioned characters because it's only a guess as to what the actual damage values are (until health and damage are better understood), since they were never gathered in the Mook.
  • Unfortunately, when doing attacks, the numbers dealt in damage do not match up with the mook. As an example, Geese's cl.C does 16 damage according to the mook, but against characters like Zero, it only does 14-15 damage, and very rarely it does 16 damage. Against Ryu, it does 12-13 damage at most. But against Orochi Iori, it also does 14-15 damage, and very rarely it does 16 damage. The mook does not explain how the numbers are obtained either, or against who they're tested against, if anyone. In other words, how these numbers were obtained if not through data mining is a mystery in itself, but it can be best assumed it was against 255 defense modifier characters, and at the max damage possible.
  • Lastly, moves like Geese cl.D, though it says 10x2 for the damage, which is true, damage scaling reduces total damage on the second hit. Max Mode also reduces damage dealt by roughly half at most.
Counter Damage

How much damage the attack does on a counter hit, or when it connects with an opponent while they're performing an attack. Counter damage values listed are pulled from the SVC Chaos Enterbrain Mook, save Athena, Red Arremer, Serious Mr. Karate and Shin Akuma.


Where the attack hits, and thus where it must be blocked.

  • Mids can be blocked standing and crouching
  • Overheads must be blocked standing
  • Lows must be blocked crouching
  • Unblockable cannot be blocked
  • Throws break through block up-close
Guard Crush

How much guard meter damage the attack does to the green Guard Gauge.


How many points of stun the attack adds to the opponent's invisible Stun Gauge.


How much meter is gained for performing/landing the attack. Special moves earn meter both when activated and when they connect with the opponent, whether it hits them or they block it.


The type of cancel the attack can perform.

  • Any - All cancel types work
  • Ch - Chain cancel; it can chain into other attacks (mostly just lights)
  • Self - Can chain only into itself
  • Cmd - Command cancel; can cancel into command normals
  • Sp - Special cancel; can cancel into special moves, and almost always this means super cancels are possible too
  • Su - Super cancel; can cancel into super moves
  • Free - Free cancel; can be cancelled in Max Mode by other special moves or super moves
  • Written only for special moves as all normals can be Free Cancelled, so writing it in for every move would be redundant
  • X - Cannot be cancelled, either outside of Max Mode or that it cannot be cancelled at all

How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. The SVC Chaos wiki uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4. Super and Exceed startup will calculate both the frames before and after the super flash animation as such: X+Y, with X being the startup frames before the flash animation and Y being the startup frames after the flash animation.

  • The startup will not take into account the frames of the flash animation itself where time freezes and the opponent player cannot act.
  • Super flashes last 28 frames, whereas Exceed flashes last 27 frames.
  • Because there is currently no way to view throw boxes, it is assumed that throws/command grabs are at most 0-1 frames of startup. Truthfully, we don't actually know though.

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by a comma. (Example: 3, 4 - The attack has its first hitbox for 3 frames, then the second hitbox for 4 frames)

  • If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses. (Example: 3, (2), 4 - The attack is active for 3 frames, then is not active for the next two frames, followed by being active again for 4 frames.)
  • Throw boxes are not visible either through dipswitches or the hitbox viewer so it's only a guess how active throws and command grabs are, but it's probably one active frame at most.
  • This also applies to hitbox images - they will still show the push and hurtboxes of characters but outside of that, unfortunately there is no way to depict the throw boxes at the moment.

How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


The total number of frames the attack lasts on screen for. This adds up the startup, active, and recovery frames into one number.

Hit/Block Adv

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish.

  • SKD refers to a soft knockdown, or a knockdown you can tech roll out of.
  • HKD refers to a hard knockdown, one that you cannot tech roll out of.
  • All frame advantages assume Ryu as the opponent. If there are variable wakeup times, it is currently unknown info.
  • Also assume that on soft knockdowns, the frame advantage is when the opponent does not tech roll. If needed, a second frame advantage will be added next to it for when they do tech roll.
  • Frame advantages of projectiles assumes the opponent is point blank range. Any farther and this obviously changes and/or doesn't matter.
  • Block advantage assumes no use of Guard Cancel Front Step.
  • For one, it obviously decreases the attacker's frame advantage significantly.
  • When the defender uses GCFS is also a variable factor so you cannot provide a hard answer as to what the frame advantage is after GCFS, as well as how soon they cancel GCFS into an attack.
  • Generally speaking, just assume the block advantage minus the active frames of GCFS (18 frames), and that's a rough estimate of the frame advantage when GCFS is performed. Do keep in mind that GCFS technically has a slight delay when the dash is performed even if you register the input as early as possible.
  • This doesn't really matter in most cases, since the attacker will automatically be quite minus after most attacks.
  • It would only matter in situations where the attacker can punish GCFS attempts like with throws or multi-hit attacks, but even then, that's because the attacker canceled the blocked attack into another attack that the frame advantage of the blocked attack after GCFS no longer matters in that situation. All that matters, then, is the attack is cancelable at all.

Indicates whether there's any frames of invulnerability during the attack.

Move List

Normal Moves

Close Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 4 5 9 18 -2 -4 -
  • Cancelable and can combo into itself, but it whiffs against low crouching characters and Choi standing.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 5 6 8 19 -2 -4 -
  • Good move. It's cancelable and doesn't whiff against low crouching characters.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 8 6 13 27 +1 -1 -
  • One of his most damaging cancelable moves, and is best for heavy starter combos. It's fast, and doesn't whiff against low crouching characters and standing Choi.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 12 4 17 33 -1 -3 -
  • Good kick. It's not cancelable with average damage. Although it looks like a high attack, it can hit Choi standing, but whiffs against low crouching characters. Dan moves a little forward when he uses this move.

Far Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 6 4 9 19 -1 -3 -
  • Not the best to use. It's not a rapid fire move, although it's cancelable. Whiffs against low crouching characters and Choi standing.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 6 7 10 23 -5 -7 -
  • Best poking weapon. He doesn't have an active hitbox on the ground, thus this move whiffs against low crouching characters and Choi standing. Not cancelable.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 13 7 17 37 -4 -6 -
  • Not so good startup. Looks like an overhead attack, but it isn't, nor is it cancelable. Good damage, though.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 13 4 17 34 -1 -3 -
  • Same as cl.D, but it whiffs against standing Choi.

Crouch Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 7 5 8 20 -1 -3 -
  • Slow, cannot combo on itself, but it's cancellable.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Low - - - - 6 7 7 20 -2 -4 -
  • Best crouching move. Fast, good reach and cancelable. You can spam it in some combos. Cannot combo on itself.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - 6 3, (1), 11 19 40 -14 -16 -
  • Can make for a good anti-air with good damage, and it's cancelable too. One of his most damaging cancelable moves

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Low - - - - 10 3 24 37 SKD -9 -
  • It's like the Shoto sweep. It's fast, and the reach is good.

Jumping Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 7 8 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Same properties as his j.A, but not reliable as a combo starter.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 7 8 - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Good air-to-air poke. You can potentially use it as a jump-in to start combos.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 8 8 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Looks like a crouching kick attack in the air. Has good reach. Not reliable in combos.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 8 8 - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Odd kick that can surprise the opponent if they try to do a DP. Reliable in combos.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 10 4 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Same properties as j.C, but is easy to hit low crouching characters. Reliable as a combo starter.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 10 4 - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Good damage, but can be hard to hit on low crouching characters. Due to this, it can be unreliable as a combo starter.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 10 4 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Pretty bad move. Its angle and hitbox make it only good if the opponent is above you, but otherwise makes for a poor air-to-air.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - 10 4 - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Air move with long startup but good damage. Can be reliable in combos if you hit it very deep.

Command Normals

All of Dan's command normals are unique taunts. They all also ignore the 4-frame input leniency rule, so Dan enters the taunt immediately as soon as the command is entered, likely because they're considered special moves in the game's data. Purely for screwing around, they have no use otherwise, but it's Dan, so they're at least amusing. Do note that in this game, Taunts increase the opponent's Super Meter, but not with these four taunts. You still shouldn't use them to begin with, but you can at least use them without the worry of giving your opponent free meter. Though, you could also say that's a low blow against Dan that he's so little of a threat that his taunts don't even phase the opponent.

Shagami Chouhatsu
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - X X X 46 X X X
  • Easy input. While Dan is doing the taunt, the opponent can easily punish you, but it's the shortest of the taunts beyond his jump taunt.

Kuuchuu Chouhatsu
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - X X X ~17-19 X X X
  • The safest of the special taunts. Dan just shouts: "YAHOO!" Should go without saying but if you actually want empty jump mixups, don't use this taunt at all. The sound cue tells your opponent you're empty jumping and that you're wide open for punishment, even if you do it closer to the ground.

Zenten Chouhatsu
qcf AC
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - X X X 83 X X X
  • Dan does rolls forward and then he uses his classic taunt stance. While he's rolling, high attacks will whiff. His pushbox is also disabled as he's rolling, but not his hurtboxes. Being over a second long, if it's not obvious by now, you shouldn't even think about using this if you're in any situation where the opponent can punish you.

Kouten Chouhatsu
qcb AC
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - X X X 83 X X X
  • The same as above, but Dan will roll backwards.

Throws Throw
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 24 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - - Throw
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 24 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -

Guard Cancel Blowback on Block
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0 0 Mid 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -

Special Moves

qcf P
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcf A - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcf C - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • The classic, but weakened projectile. It's hard to use on combos due to the startup. Use it only to cancel another projectiles(Or even better, don't use it). If whiffs against the low crouching characters, overall bad to use.

Gadou Shoukou Ken
f~hcf P
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Dan crosses his arms before unleashing a giant, but short-ranged projectile. The damage is good, but for the startup and recovery... If you want, avoid this move. Even though this projectile is giant, it can only cancel normal projectiles, which makes it useless. You can abuse of it if you're versus the CPU.

Kouryuu Ken
dp P
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
dp A - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
dp C - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • His classic anti-air is here guys! Well... It's not a bad move. Good for combos. Dan can flash sometimes, and when he flashes(You need some luck), he becomes invincible(The same of SFA3). This move is decent, but don't abuse of it.

Dankuu Kyaku
(Jump) qcb K
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcb B - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcb D - - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • The B version makes Dan perform one kick while the D version makes he perform three kicks. The third kick sets your opponent on a juggle state if it hits the opponent while he/she's jumping. In the B air version, Dan will do a (kind of) Double Jump, or even float, I think. For the D version, it can be hard to hit, but if you want to float more, use it. B version is a pseudo frame trap into itself.

Kyuukyoku Tenchi Gadou Zuki
qcb x2 AC
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Dan begins to charge some kind of energy and then he performs an unblockable punch. While he's charging, he's vulnerable only to low attacks(He has upper body Autoguard on this move), and he can autoguard even projectiles/Supers(not the ground ones). It's a great parody of Ryo's Tenchi Haoh Ken(His Exceed), but it will not dizzy the opponent nor do more damage on a counterhit, but it's still unblockable. The best time to use this is when your opponent will do a jump-in. This move whiffs on the low crouching characters and standing Choi.
  • Biggest issue that prevents this move from being worth much of anything is the fact that it's punishable on hit. The recovery increases significantly on hit, due to Dan hurting his own hand - yet still cracking a pose. Very in character for him, but makes justifying using it difficult. In the corner, don't even bother.

Super Moves

Hisshou Burai Ken
qcb x2 K
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
B= 36x5 ; D= 35x10 B= 43 ; D= 42 Mid (5th hit on D is low) B= 2x5 ; D= 2x10 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Good Super. Dan performs a series of attacks in one place and ending with a Kouryuu Ken. B version does 5 hits and D version does 10 hits. The most damaging is the D version(The B version does good damage too), but the B version has better startup. On the D version, there's a attack on the middle of the combo that must be blocked low(I think that it's the fourth attack), and if it connects while the opponent is defending but isn't crouching, Dan will connect all of the other attacks. D version is bad on combos, but the B version is good and the damage is almost the same as the D version.

Kouryuu Rekka
qcf x2 K
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
B= 36x4 ; D= 35x7 B= 43 ; D= 42 Mid B= 2x4 ; D= 2x7 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Dan performs a small Kouryuu Ken and then a large one for a total of 4(B version) or 7(D version) hits. The most damaging is the B version. Dan goes a little forward on the D version. The startup of this super is good on the two versions, so all of them are good on combos.

Chouhatsu Densetsu
qcf x2 AC
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0 0 X 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Taunt Super Move - The Legendary Taunt itself! Looks cool, and sure, it's not completely useless per se, but it's still a waste of meter in the end. If he performs all of the taunts (which takes a very long while), Dan and his opponent will both enter Max Mode, which in turn also means both players now have full meter. This should go without saying but if you actually care about winning, don't ever use this super. It's purely there for trolling and/or having fun with your friends. The opponent would need to deliberately let you perform all the taunts as they can punish Dan with a full combo at any moment. Plus, why would you want to give your opponent meter to work with anyways?


Otoko Michi
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
136 136 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • His best and most damaging move! It's a shame that this can be used only once... This was first introduced on Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, and it's like Akuma/Gouki's Exceed(Shun Goku Satsu/Raging Demon), but on the contrary. This Exceed is unblockable and the damage is monstrous, but needs to be made near from the opponent. You think that this is risky? Don't worry, Dan is invincible while he is dashing, and you can confirm this Exceed(Just do the inputs beginning with a cl.C). On Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter(And MvC2), this move was still unblockable, but Dan's health will go to 1%, but don't need to worry about that here(Dan won't lose health by doing that).


Basic Strategy

Dan's gameplan

First, you'll need to be patient if you want to try him. And remember this: Dan needs meter in battle to do damage. Do the taunt super strategy if you're only with 1 level of the bar, spam DPs when you're far away from the opponent, or something of your choose. Oh, and good luck with the flashing DPs too.

And although Dan is like a Shoto in gameplay, you can't rely only on Shoto tactics to use him effectively. You need to be careful when advancing with him just to make the opponent make some mistakes and you can punish him with what you have.

Advanced Strategy

Some players say that Dan has a bad gameplay, even those who play with him. Dan has some effective moves, like his B Dankuu Kyaku, and his Kyuukyoku Tenchi Gadou Zuki(KTGZ for short).


Well... The KTGZ is EXTREMELY unsafe when it hits. Now don't need to worry! You just need to be in Max Mode and cancel while Dan is punching the opponent(You have time to cancel it, so don't worry). It's better to cancel in his projectile, because it's easier to do. It's a nice strategy to use in the battle.

How Dan can deal with:

His projectiles
Dan has bad projectiles in this game, sadly. One whiffs on low crouching characters and the other has bad startup. But that doesn't mean that you don't have something to do. If the opponent choose a character with a low/ground projectile(Like Sagat, Iori and Terry, for exemple), you'll be on a kind of disadvantage, because your projectiles will(probably) fail against their projectiles. So, just think: "What can I do?". Well, it's a low/ground projectile, and if we are dealing with a low/ground projectile, then the answer is simple. A Brazilian poet wrote this in a verse of one of his poems: "What is not on the ground, is in heaven, and what is at the bottom, it is only something that will pass, and will always come back some day.". You're probably asking yourself: "So, to avoid those projectiles, Dan needs to go to heaven? You're crazy." No, don't think that way, please(Dan don't need to visit his father now). I'll translate the verse now(If you haven't understood). "What isn't on the ground, needs to be in the air, and what confronted you, you will have to confront it again some time." In short, you just need to jump(All of this nonsense for a jump, nice), preferably, a neutral jump. If your opponent does a dash or a jump in your direction, press the B button. Its range is good, it can help some times.

The moves that whiff
Your normals that whiff are not a problem, but the Special Moves... They are really a problem... If you're against a player that abuses his crouching state(Or Choi/Zero), don't use the special moves that whiff(It will be a bad thing for you), try to abuse of your jumping moves(Watch out for those anti-airs), and don't abuse too much of your low moves. If don't want to do this, just try to make your opponent jump(By being on a crouching state), just to make him fall on a anti-air, or try to use some grabs on him. If nothing works, you can try to poke with f.B and cr.B.



SVC Chaos: SNK VS Capcom Quick Combo Notation Guide
  • cl. = close normal
  • st. = standing/far normal
  • cr. = crouching normal
  • f.; etc. = forward direction (NOT far)
  • X = any button
  • CH = counter hit
  • , = Used to separate attacks in the combo
  • / = Separates different options for the combo (mainly different starters or enders that are possible)
  • Unless otherwise stated (such as it's a link or you need to delay the attack), assume this is a chain/cancel.
  • Example: cr.B, cr.A, dp A ; cr.B chains into cr.A, then cr.A cancels into dp A
  • [b]~f = Indicates to charge back (or downback), then press forwards for the given special move
  • ( ) = Parentheses used to indicate the attack(s) within the parentheses are optional to add to the combo
  • (C) = Indicates a free cancel, aka a cancel only possible in Max Mode
  • (SC) = Indicates a super cancel via free canceling in Max Mode
  • (1) = Used to indicate how many hits of the attack should connect (or less than) before continuing with the combo
  • Example: cl.C(1), hcb P means that only one hit of cl.C should be performed before moving on to do hcb P, not more than one hit
  • [ ] = Used to distinguish combo loops or combo starters/etc. in case a certain attack is only possible after specific options
  • xN = Repeat the given loop for as many times as either possible or as many times as you wish

May change to numpad notation much later down the road.

BnB Combos

BnB Combos
Combo Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
cl.C, dp P TBA TBA TBA TBA Good combo if you want to start. His cl.C is one of his most damaging cancelable moves(And don't whifs on those low crouching characters, that's something that makes this move trustable), so this makes this combo good for punishing.
cl.C, qcf x2 K TBA TBA TBA TBA
(Corner only) cl.C, qcb D TBA TBA TBA TBA That's the best way to combo the Strong Dankuu Kyaku. If you add a jumping attack, the combo will not connect all of the hits. If you use this combo outside of the corner on Choi, the QCB+D whiffs.
(Corner only) (j.X,) cl.C, qcb B TBA TBA TBA TBA A variation of the combo above. And it's the only combo with a [Jump Attack] too. That's because the other combos will fail if you add it, but that's not the case of this one. The damage is nice too, but sadly, it's possible only on the corner.
(Corner only) CH qcb B, dp P TBA TBA TBA TBA Interesting juggle combo. Good to use when you need. It's possible to combo after a Counter-hit QCB+B in midscreen too. Just do a far s.B and go ahead. Oh, I just found that this is another way to land Dan's corner infinite, which is nice!
(Corner only) CH qcb B, qcf x2 K TBA TBA TBA TBA
cl.A, cr.B, qcb B / dp A TBA TBA TBA TBA A nice combo for mixups. As you know, the cl.A whiffs on the low crouching characters(You know what will be there), so if you need, do the cr.B only. If you want an easier combo, do cl.A, cl.B, followup with what you want.
cl.C, Exceed TBA TBA TBA TBA This can be one of his most damaging combos. This "Raging Demon" is better than Akuma/Gouki's, because it's easier to connect(I don't know if Akuma/Gouki can combo with his Raging Demon). The recovery of Dan's Exceed is good too, which is a nice thing. If the opponent blocks the cl.C, the Exceed will whiff, even when he/she's on the grab range.
(When the opponent is in a jumping state and on the corner) qcb D, dp P TBA TBA TBA TBA A tricky and hard combo. You don't need to learn it, but if you want, I'll say how you can do it. When the opponent jumps, you need to time well, because the second hit of the D Dankuu Kyaku cannot hit the opponent to make this work. Remember:You just need to avoid the second hit, but the other 2 kicks need to hit the opponent.
(When the opponent is in a jumping state and on the corner) qcb D, qcf x2 K TBA TBA TBA TBA

Max Mode Combos

Max Mode Combos
Combo Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
Combo into qcb K, [dp P, (C)qcb B (whiff),]xN, qcf x2 K TBA TBA TBA TBA Dan's Max Mode loop which actually does really good damage. While technically yes, it could be considered an infinite, it is not a true infinite since eventually Max Mode will end, thus preventing Dan from looping the combo any further. It is practical, but it's very hard to land, really. Your opponent won't be neutral jumping/jumping backwards on the corner. Although it will not kill, this combo, as well as his Exceed combo, are Dan's strongest combos.

Game Navigation

SNK Characters
Choi Bounge
Geese Howard
Genjyuro Kibagami
Leopold Goenitz
Iori Yagami
Kasumi Todoh
Kim Kaphwan
Kyo Kusanagi
Mai Shiranui
Mars People
Mr. Karate
Orochi Iori
Ryo Sakazaki
Serious Mr. Karate
Terry Bogard
Capcom Characters
Dan Hibiki
Demitri Maximoff
M. Bison
Red Arremer
Rockman Zero
Shin Akuma
Violent Ken