SvC Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom/Geese Howard: Difference between revisions

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  |Hit Adv=SKD
  |Hit Adv=SKD
  |Block Adv=
  |Block Adv=-4
  |Invulnerability=1F~24F (Fully invulnerable on startup and active)
  |description=* Standard blowback.
  |description=* Standard blowback.
* Block advantage tested with Zero's cr.A.

Latest revision as of 18:18, 4 June 2024

ギース・ハワード, Geese Howard
"Oh, cursed fate! Must these young punks constantly confound me?!"
Difficulty Easy
Max Mode Needed? Up to you
Tier Placement God Tier (SS)
Standing Hitbox Average
Crouching Hitbox Short
Defense Modifier 223
Wall Jump No



Geese Howard, the ruler of Southtown, and easily the most classic SNK bosses in history, but also one of the most hated in this game. After murdering Terry Bogard's father, Jeff Bogard, Terry has been out for revenge ever since, spawning a rivalry between the two that spans the entire Fatal Fury chronology up till Geese's untimely demise in Real Bout: Fatal Fury. He's still alive in the King of Fighters timeline, separate from Fatal Fury, but the rivalry still burns strong. And regardless of the timeline, his legacy lives on in Garou: Mark of the Wolves as the father of Rock Howard, who was later adopted by Terry Bogard.

He's the single best character in the game, packing tools for literally every situation, god tier screen control and packing a super deadly infinite both on hit and block. That said, playing him will mean no one likes you due to how easy and rewarding he is to play. Now sure, he has flaws, but they mean very little when it basically boils down to "a couple characters can do X or Y slightly better." About the only aspects that make Geese difficult to play are the lack of any real light starters for combos (low-hitting ones, that is) and his infinite combo changing timing depending on the matchup due to proximity issues for each character. But even then, he doesn't need his infinite as he has an answer for everything and does so much damage for so little work. He doesn't even need to combo Raging Storm in-between any normals and can just perform it after a launcher, making the leniency to do the pretzel motion that much easier compared to other games. Everyone is gonna know the matchup against Geese because of how prominent he is, but that won't change how deadly he is against every character in the game to the point only the god tiers pose any sort of threat.

How to select Geese Howard (outside of Super Plus)

  • While you're on the character select screen, before the timer reaches 10 seconds:
  • (Hold Start) Left(3x), Down, Left, Up, Right, Up
  • Numpad notation: 44424868
  • Console Method: Hold R1/RT above Kyo Kusanagi
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Easy to play, learn and master: While Geese isn't the easiest character to play in the game, he's so straightforward and there is so much match footage of Geese in SVC that learning how to play him effectively takes little effort to do.
  • 96-Reppuken wins neutral: There is no overestimating how valuable Geese's canceled-into A reppuken is. While the C version is ultimately worthless for him compared to everything else, the A version basically wins nearly every interaction in the game. It's safe on block too, thanks to its great frame data, and even with front step is almost impossible to punish. Best of all, you can whiff cancel into it, so it's always available.
  • Easy combos and Max Mode loops: Very few of Geese's combos actually require practice, and whatever combo he does the damage is probably incredibly high for so little work.
  • Infinite combo both on hit and block: While it isn't that easy to do, Geese's cl.C, f.D infinite effectively makes him a threat to every character in the game. Even with Front Step, escaping this infinite on block is insanely difficult to do, if at all.
  • Doesn't need his infinites: Of course, he benefits greatly with his infinite, but whether you use it or not, it doesn't change that everything else he has is among the best in the game, if not the best.
  • Strong Exceed: Ultimately not necessary for Geese to even use his Exceed. However, when you do use it, it can extend combos and can result in Geese doing a death combo. Not an amazing Exceed, but it does what it needs and is easy to use, too.
  • Hard to punish: Very few things Geese does is truly unsafe without spending meter for Front Step, and even with that, it can be hard to actually pin Geese down in several cases.
  • Has everything in this game: With God tier screen control, great anti-airs, air fireball, counters, amazing combos, fantastic punishers, safe tools, nearly every single move of his being great, and more, Geese can do pretty much everything and doesn't lack in any area either.
  • You're playing at his pace unless the player sucks: Geese dictates the pace of the match in every matchup unless the Geese player doesn't know what they're doing.
  • Very limited combo potential with his lights: Arguably the only real flaw Geese has, the only meaningful light combos Geese has starts with cr.B, with qcf A being the only meaningful follow-up. His other lights hit mid, making them somewhat pointless for combos.
  • The rest below are being nice. He's that broken.
  • Infinite combo requires a link and changes timing depending on the character: The timing changes per matchup, so if you intend on using it, you will need to learn to change the timing up. Smaller characters it becomes harder to do.
  • Orochi Iori is better at being a speed demon: It's no contest that Orochi Iori is the fastest character in the game. In terms of raw frame data, Geese is slightly faster, but Geese does not have the blisteringly fast movement of O. Iori and thus has to be somewhat patient.
  • Both Akuma's are slightly better at scaring people in the air: Geese's air fireball is handy to have, but it does not allow him to rush down unlike Shin Akuma, or even normal Akuma, which can be somewhat problematic. His jump buttons are quite strong, regardless.
  • Zero has slightly better setplay: Zero's setplay potential is overall far more extensive and elaborate than Geese can do.
  • Voice lines were removed in Super Plus: Your ears will not be blessed with Geese's beautifully elegant Engrish, such as Raging Storm and Predictabo, thus your morale may be greatly reduced.
  • Everyone knows what to expect: Everyone picks Geese even if only a pocket character. He's that easy to pick up and being the defining God tier of the game, everyone is forced to learn the MU regardless of who they play.
  • You will lose friends: That's the price they pay for being predictabo.
SVC Chaos: SNK VS Capcom Frame Data Glossary

How much damage the attack does. This takes into account no defense modifiers, so the damage assumes a 0% damage modifier, or in other words the average defense modifier of 223 against characters like Kyo and Ryu.

  • Note: Damage is a little inconsistent. Example: Geese cl.A deals 5 damage. Against Zero, sometimes it does 5 pixels of damage to his life bar, other times it does 4 pixels. Against Ryu, cl.A does 4 pixels of damage, other times it does 3 pixels of damage. This info comes from the Enterbrain Mook, but most likely this is the cause of damage modifiers skewing the damage slightly, thus making it a bit inconsistent.
  • Damage values listed are pulled from the SVC Chaos Enterbrain Mook, save Athena, Red Arremer, Serious Mr. Karate and Shin Akuma. It is listed because it's an official source for this info, just keep in mind damage is not 1-to-1 due to varying health values and screwy ways the game calculates damage anyways.
  • There will be a question mark next to the four mentioned characters because it's only a guess as to what the actual damage values are (until health and damage are better understood), since they were never gathered in the Mook.
  • Unfortunately, when doing attacks, the numbers dealt in damage do not match up with the mook. As an example, Geese's cl.C does 16 damage according to the mook, but against characters like Zero, it only does 14-15 damage, and very rarely it does 16 damage. Against Ryu, it does 12-13 damage at most. But against Orochi Iori, it also does 14-15 damage, and very rarely it does 16 damage. The mook does not explain how the numbers are obtained either, or against who they're tested against, if anyone. In other words, how these numbers were obtained if not through data mining is a mystery in itself, but it can be best assumed it was against 255 defense modifier characters, and at the max damage possible.
  • Lastly, moves like Geese cl.D, though it says 10x2 for the damage, which is true, damage scaling reduces total damage on the second hit. Max Mode also reduces damage dealt by roughly half at most.
Counter Damage

How much damage the attack does on a counter hit, or when it connects with an opponent while they're performing an attack. Counter damage values listed are pulled from the SVC Chaos Enterbrain Mook, save Athena, Red Arremer, Serious Mr. Karate and Shin Akuma.


Where the attack hits, and thus where it must be blocked.

  • Mids can be blocked standing and crouching
  • Overheads must be blocked standing
  • Lows must be blocked crouching
  • Unblockable cannot be blocked
  • Throws break through block up-close
Guard Crush

How much guard meter damage the attack does to the green Guard Gauge.


How many points of stun the attack adds to the opponent's invisible Stun Gauge.


How much meter is gained for performing/landing the attack. Special moves earn meter both when activated and when they connect with the opponent, whether it hits them or they block it.


The type of cancel the attack can perform.

  • Any - All cancel types work
  • Ch - Chain cancel; it can chain into other attacks (mostly just lights)
  • Self - Can chain only into itself
  • Cmd - Command cancel; can cancel into command normals
  • Sp - Special cancel; can cancel into special moves, and almost always this means super cancels are possible too
  • Su - Super cancel; can cancel into super moves
  • Free - Free cancel; can be cancelled in Max Mode by other special moves or super moves
  • Written only for special moves as all normals can be Free Cancelled, so writing it in for every move would be redundant
  • X - Cannot be cancelled, either outside of Max Mode or that it cannot be cancelled at all

How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. The SVC Chaos wiki uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4. Super and Exceed startup will calculate both the frames before and after the super flash animation as such: X+Y, with X being the startup frames before the flash animation and Y being the startup frames after the flash animation.

  • The startup will not take into account the frames of the flash animation itself where time freezes and the opponent player cannot act.
  • Super flashes last 28 frames, whereas Exceed flashes last 27 frames.
  • Because there is currently no way to view throw boxes, it is assumed that throws/command grabs are at most 0-1 frames of startup. Truthfully, we don't actually know though.

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by a comma. (Example: 3, 4 - The attack has its first hitbox for 3 frames, then the second hitbox for 4 frames)

  • If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses. (Example: 3, (2), 4 - The attack is active for 3 frames, then is not active for the next two frames, followed by being active again for 4 frames.)
  • Throw boxes are not visible either through dipswitches or the hitbox viewer so it's only a guess how active throws and command grabs are, but it's probably one active frame at most.
  • This also applies to hitbox images - they will still show the push and hurtboxes of characters but outside of that, unfortunately there is no way to depict the throw boxes at the moment.

How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


The total number of frames the attack lasts on screen for. This adds up the startup, active, and recovery frames into one number.

Hit/Block Adv

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish.

  • SKD refers to a soft knockdown, or a knockdown you can tech roll out of.
  • HKD refers to a hard knockdown, one that you cannot tech roll out of.
  • All frame advantages assume Ryu as the opponent. If there are variable wakeup times, it is currently unknown info.
  • Also assume that on soft knockdowns, the frame advantage is when the opponent does not tech roll. If needed, a second frame advantage will be added next to it for when they do tech roll.
  • Frame advantages of projectiles assumes the opponent is point blank range. Any farther and this obviously changes and/or doesn't matter.
  • Block advantage assumes no use of Guard Cancel Front Step.
  • For one, it obviously decreases the attacker's frame advantage significantly.
  • When the defender uses GCFS is also a variable factor so you cannot provide a hard answer as to what the frame advantage is after GCFS, as well as how soon they cancel GCFS into an attack.
  • Generally speaking, just assume the block advantage minus the active frames of GCFS (18 frames), and that's a rough estimate of the frame advantage when GCFS is performed. Do keep in mind that GCFS technically has a slight delay when the dash is performed even if you register the input as early as possible.
  • This doesn't really matter in most cases, since the attacker will automatically be quite minus after most attacks.
  • It would only matter in situations where the attacker can punish GCFS attempts like with throws or multi-hit attacks, but even then, that's because the attacker canceled the blocked attack into another attack that the frame advantage of the blocked attack after GCFS no longer matters in that situation. All that matters, then, is the attack is cancelable at all.

Indicates whether there's any frames of invulnerability during the attack.

Move List

Normal Moves

Close Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
5 6 Mid 5 5 6 Any 4 4 7 15 +1 -1 -
  • The best starter to light attack combos. It's cancelable, chains into itself, but whiffs on those low crouching chars.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
5 6 Mid 5 5 6 Any 3 4 7 14 +1 -1 -
  • A fast knee. Chains into itself, can be canceled, and doesn't whiffs on low crouching characters. Good to use in a match.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
16 23 Mid 16 19 12 Cmd, Sp, Su 4 11 18 33 -9 -11 -
  • Is the best of Geese's ground attacks, and one of the reasons to answer the question:"Why am I using Geese in this game?" You can cancel this into any Command Move(Except the OTG one), and any Special/Super move. This is part of an infinite combo too.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
10x2 16 Mid 11x2 11x2 12 Cmd, Sp, Su (1) 4 3, (3), 7 15 32 1st= -5 ; 2nd= -2 1st= -7 ; 2nd= -4 -
  • A two-hit kick that can be canceled in the first hit. The second kick can be used as an anti-air, but it's risky. The cl.C is better to use.

Far Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
6 7 Mid 6 6 6 Self, Sp 4 4 7 15 +1 -1 -
  • A nice poke. It's fast and the reach is nice, but whiffs on low crouching chars and cannot be normal canceled. Can be used in light attack combos.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
6 7 Mid 6 6 6 Free 5 4 9 18 -1 -3 -
  • Not as fast as st.A, but can be used in light attack combos. It cannot be normal canceled, so use this only in Max Mode.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
18 30 Mid 16 19 12 Free 6 6 19 31 -5 -7 -
  • A slow poke with bad recovery. If you really want to use, hit with the tip of Geese's hand. Cannot be normal canceled, but can be Super Canceled.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
18 30 Mid 16 19 12 Free 6 6 18 30 -4 -6 -
  • This poke has better reach and speed than f+C, but this can't be Super canceled.

Crouch Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
5 6 Mid 5 5 6 Ch, Sp, Su 4 4 7 15 +1 -1 -
  • This is a great normal move. Good to use in light attack/crouching combos. Chains into itself, can be canceled, and it's fast. Can be used as poke too(This move is better than the f.A/B in my opinion).

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
5 6 Low 5 5 6 Sp, Su 4 4 6 14 +2 +0 -
  • An extremely important normal against most of the characters in the cast. It has the same properties(And a little more) than the normal above. It hits low, and there's something interesting about this move. You can make Geese avoid some projectiles with this(I could avoid from the Shoto's, and Mr. Karate's fireballs), but you'll need to time well. You just need to hit the opponent while he is doing the projectile animation. If you miss the timing, don't worry, you can block the move(This move is safe too, don't worry again). You'll need this in the matches.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
17 18 Mid 16 16 12 Sp, Su 4 2, 3 17 26 1st= -2 1st= -4 -
  • Please, you'll need this move. It's one of Geese's best anti-air moves, and can be one of the best normal anti-airs in the game(If not the best). It's part of Geese's main gameplan. It's not unbeatable, but you can use against all chars of the cast. You can cancel this move too, but if you use this move as an anti-air, you cannot combo with it, so cancel if you need meter.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
18 30 Low 16 19 12 Sp, Su 9 6 15 30 SKD -3 -
  • A kick that hits low and knocks down. It's not that fast as the other cr.Ds in the game, so avoid if you want. The best ways to use this move is by whiff canceling this move into a QCF+A or you can use the same strategy mentioned in the cr.B(The timing is different).

Jump Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
6 7 Overhead 6 6 6 Sp 6 7 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Slow for a light attack. Don't use. Geese has better options than this move.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
6 7 Overhead 6 6 6 Sp 5 7 - - - - -
  • Diagonal jumping attack
  • This move is good as a jump-in move, but Geese has better options.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
6 7 Overhead 6 6 6 Free 4 7 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Kick that aims down. Can be used in the opponent's wakeup. If you want, followup with an air fireball to confuse your opponent.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
6 7 Overhead 6 6 6 Free 4 7 - - - - -
  • Diagonal jumping attack
  • Nice move to use. This is Geese's best crossup attack. If the opponent blocks it, don't followup, because you'll be punished with those GCFS.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
18 30 Overhead 16 19 12 Sp 6 9 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Geese's best neutral jump-in. It can be better used on the opponent's wakeup. Hit with this, and followup with what you want. It's good to cancel this move into the air fireball too.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
9x4 13 Overhead 9x4 9x4 12 Sp 11 [3, (2),] x1-4 - - - - -
  • Diagonal jumping attack
  • Active hitboxes can come out up to 4 times depending on how early C is pressed (even during jump startup)
  • A multi-hitting jumping move. It's better when used against BIG chars(Like EQ and Hugo) to do THAT damage on them(You'll get meter while you hit them too).

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
18 30 Overhead 16 19 12 Sp 9 3, 5 - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • You can use this in air-to-air battles, but Geese has a ground game, so avoid it.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
18 30 Overhead 16 19 12 Free 6 9 - - - - -
  • Diagonal jumping attack
  • Geese's best Diagonal jump-in. Can be used as an air-to-air, and on combos. Simple to use.

Command Normals

Fudou Sakkatsu Uraken
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
14 20 Mid 16 18 8 Sp, Su 15 4 20 39 KD -6 -
  • An attack that knocks down. You can use this as a poke, because it has a nice reach, and Geese walks a little forward while he performs this move. You can normal cancel it, but you cannot combo with the special moves. The best way to combo with this move is when it gets a counter hit. Try something like: f+C(Make sure you get a counter hit), QCF+A, db, HCB, df+P. This is nice to use when you need. You can combo using this move after a normal too, like this: [Jump Attack] cl.C/D, f+C, df+C(Optional, and you can use it only while your opponent is down). This can help you a lot, but this isn't that useful when compared to the move below.

Raikou Mawashi Geri
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
12 18 Mid 11 16 8 Sp, Su 16 3 5 24 +12 +10 -
  • Another reason to use Geese Howard in this game. This is part of an easy infinite combo(I think Geese has 2 infinites involving this Command Move, and they are really easy to do). You can cancel this move with ease after a Heavy Attack. Punish your opponent with a combo involving this move to do THAT damage to him/her. You can use it as a poke too(By attacking with the tip of the kick), and cancel it into a QCF+P to make it almost 100% safe. Don't let your opponent block it, because the GCFs are real in this game.

Raimei Gouha Nage
1/3C (while opponent is down)
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
13 13 OTG 11 11 12 / 0 X 1 - - - - - -
  • An OTG(on/off the ground) grab. You need to press the direction and the attack button at the same time, and remember that this is a "Face Grab". It's hard to use this in a battle, because the opponent can recovery roll if he falls down. The easiest ways to use this move are:
  • After an AB grab - Well... The AB grab is something really interesting, because the opponent will fall near you, so you can GCF, AB grab, db/df+C.
  • After a cr.D(And the opponent didn't do a recovery roll) - The cr.D isn't something good, but it's easy to do this OTG grab after the cr.D. Just dash 1 or 2 times after the move hits and be happy.
  • After a HCF+K in the corner(And the opponent didn't do a recovey roll) - The HCF+K is something that can help you in the combos, and it knocks down in the last hit of the move, so after the move hits, use this, it isn't hard, because you'll be in the right position(If you use the special move in the corner, I mean). If you need, you can dash.


AB Throw
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 24 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - HKD (+80) X -
  • Standard forward throw.
  • Geese can combo his df.C command normal OTG grab after this throw, but mistiming it results in him doing cr.C instead. Wait a little bit when the opponent stops bouncing before going for it.
  • This in essence always gives him a back throw too, without needing to use CD throw, so he can mixup the correct throw break input with df.C

CD Throw
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 24 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - SKD (+17) X -
  • Standard back throw.

Guard Cancel Blowback
CD on Block
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0 0 Mid 0 0 0 X 5 19 7 31 SKD -4 1F~24F (Fully invulnerable on startup and active)
  • Standard blowback.
  • Block advantage tested with Zero's cr.A.

Special Moves

Reppu Ken
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
16 20 Mid 11 11 12 / 8 X 16 ~ 30 46 +1 -1 -
  • Frame advantage is if the fireball connects point-blank range.
  • A fast and somewhat tall projectile with nice recovery, but not as spammable as other projectiles in the game are.
  • There's no way to combo into this attack without getting the cancelled form, the 96-Reppu Ken, though there's no reason Geese would want to combo into the fireball version anyways.
  • Some characters will struggle dealing with this move quite a bit as Geese can zone them out easily with it.

'96-Reppu Ken
236A (cancelled into)
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
12 16 Mid 11 11 12 / 8 X 9 3, 2, 5 10 29 SKD +0 -
  • While not a projectile, it's one of Geese's go-to tools for combos and pressure.
  • If it hits the opponent, they will be juggled, so a follow-up is possible.
  • Also works as an anti-air, since you can whiff cancel into this move by whiff cancelling a light attack.
  • Doing this successfully gives Geese a juggle/reset after an anti-air.
  • One of Geese's most used moves in combos. It gives him a Max Mode loop in the corner combined with his DP, and anywhere on the screen it gives him easy, relatively safe confirms into Raging Storm.

Double Reppu Ken
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
16x2 20 Mid 10x2 10x2 12 / 4 X 19 21, ~ 45 85 -15 -17 -
  • Frame advantage is if the fireball connects point-blank range.
  • Geese forms a large energy fireball in front of him before sending out a bigger wave towards the opponent.
  • Slower than the A Reppu Ken and easy to punish.
  • While Geese is doing the first Reppu Ken, the flames will eat any normal projectile (and maybe super projectiles).
  • The second Reppu Ken has the same speed as the Normal Reppu Ken, but is fairly larger and can be negated by normal projectiles.
  • If you do this move while you're near the opponent, the two Reppu Kens will connect, however Geese will be pretty minus.
  • If your opponent sucks at dealing with Geese's zoning, it's an alright move, but otherwise you can probably pass on using this.

'96-Double Reppu Ken
236C (cancelled into)
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
12x2 16 Mid 10x2 10x2 12 / 4 X 9 3, 2, 5, (13), 3, 2, 4 16 57 2nd= SKD 2nd= -5 -
  • Frame advantage assumes the opponent collides with the first hitbox, although this first hitbox is fairly small so it's unlikely they'll collide with it, particularly on the second Reppu Ken despite Geese moving forward.
  • Geese sends out two '96 styled Reppu Ken waves in front of him.
  • Geese pushes himself forward as he performs the second Reppu Ken wave.
  • This isn't as good as the A version as neither hit juggles the opponent. It's possible for the first and second hit to not combo, on top of the first hit leaving the opponent standing. The second hit will put them in a SKD state, but with no follow-ups possible.
  • Stick with the A version only. Worst move in Geese's kit, since it doesn't provide anything that Geese needs and deals underwhelming damage. But also, it's possibly his only bad move, at least.

Shippu Ken
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
18 22 Mid 10 10 12 / 8 X 10 14 - - Varies Varies -
  • Grounded opponents remain standing, but plus when Shippuu Ken connects. Airborne opponents are put into a SKD state.
  • An air projectile, Geese sends out an energy ball diagonally towards the ground for a brief moment before it disappears.
  • Good to use against tall characters after a cancellable jumping normal.
  • Regardless if it hits or is blocked, Geese is minus. Against airborne opponents he will put them in a SKD state which makes it a good air-to-air option. Against grounded opponents, it's an alright tool to keep them out but you're better off using Reppu Ken for that.

Hishou Nichirin Zan
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
623A 16x2 20 Mid 11x2 11x2 12 / 4 Free 12 4, (22), 3 23 64 2nd= SKD (+60) 2nd= -8 17F~18F (2 frames after the first active hitbox rising up)
  • A good, but overall pointless anti-air move. It does two hits, and in the A version, you can juggle your opponent in the corner for resets.
  • First hit is max cancellable, letting him squeeze some more damage out.
  • Unsafe on block, notably since Geese remains in the air for a long time.
  • Not Geese's worst move but there's hardly any reason to use either variant. 96-Reppuken is a much better anti-air and neutral skip tool with less risk, too.
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
623C 16x2 20 Mid 11x2 11x2 12 / 4 Free 22 3, (23), 3 30 81 2nd= SKD (+53) 1st= -41 ; 2nd= -15 26F~27F (2 frames after the first active hitbox rising up)
  • Pretty much worse than the A version, only use it if you really need to hit the opponent in the air with a DP move and you don't have meter or your other anti-airs won't suffice.

Ja'ei Ken
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
41236B 15x3 20 Mid 10x3 10x3 8 / 4 Free 16 22 18 56 - - -
  • Another reason to use Geese. This move plays a nice role in Geese's combos(especially in Max Mode), and if you're having trouble with the infinite, this can help you. B version will stop in the middle of the screen, and the D version will stop near the corner. Enjoy this move in Max Mode, really(Just see the combos section later), because any hit from this Special move can be max canceled. It's unsafe too.
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
41236D 15x3 20 Mid 10x3 10x3 8 / 4 Free 21 28 18 67 - - -

Upper Body Toss
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
30 30 High 0 0 4 / 16 X 2 18 24 44 - - -
  • Interesting counter move. And it's pretty basic to use too. The counter will only work if something hits Geese's hand. This can be used to counter jumping attacks(Yeah, like an anti-air move), some Special moves(I could stop the Shoto's Tatsu with this), Supers(I could stop Ryu's Tatsu Super with this too), and even Exceeds(I will test this later, but I could prove that Claw's Exceed is counterable). Don't abuse of it, because the opponent can predict those counters with ease.

Middle Body Toss
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
34 34 Mid 0 0 4 / 16 X 2 18 24 44 - - -
  • This can be the same as the above, but can counter only the middle moves(I don't know why, but Ryu's f+A is an overhead, as you probably know, and it could be stopped by this move). Can be the less used of the three. Don't abuse of it too.
  • Note: The Enterbrain Arcadia Extra Mook lists the Counter Damage as 340 on Geese's second page, but this is a typo. The correct value of 34 is displayed at the back of the book with all other damage values.

Lower Body Blow
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
18x2 18 Low 0 0 4 / 16 X 2 18 26 46 - - -
  • This is to counter low moves(Low ≠ crouching move, remember that). Good to use in the opponent's wakeup, and against those characters with low special moves(Like Sagat and Zero). This can help you. Don't abuse of this move, please.

Super Moves

Raging Storm
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
40x5 46 Mid 4 0 0 X - - - - - - 1F~30F (Startup frames), 108F~110F (End of recovery)
  • Great anti-air super with a huge hitbox primarily in front of Geese.
  • For some characters, it's impossible to jump over it.
  • This is the most common, damaging ender to use after a 96-Reppu Ken.
  • It's also possible to combo after a normal/command move, making this your go-to super for Geese.
  • If you're struggling with the super input, you can do it as 63214 x3 P, and it will still come out, though the game may sometimes interpret it as 63214A or his command grab super, so try to end on df+P.
  • Technically unsafe to do on block, and whiff, but Geese recovers so quickly that there's barely any room, if at all, to punish it, even with Front Step.
  • This video gives some insight to which fireballs/supers can and cannot go through Raging Storm, though usually speaking Raging Storm blocks out most attacks, or sometimes the fireball will go through Raging Storm after its startup depending on where the fireball connects.
  • If the opponent attempts to front step Raging Storm, Geese can follow-up on grounded opponents with his command grab super to punish the front step itself.
  • (needs to be tested and verified as a viable punish to front step, but is likely not possible to avoid)

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
72 72 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • This move is great to use against those turtles that are afraid of Geese's gameplay and are just waiting for the time to punish you.
  • You can use this after a GCFS as well, instead of normal throw.
  • If you're struggling to do 6321463214C after cl.C, you can buffer it as 63214C, 63214C. The super can be comboed after a cl.C.
  • After the Super hits the opponent, they will wake up back-turned (potentially near you also), giving you a chance to follow-up with a crossup afterwards.


Deadly Rave
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
20+(5x8)+(40x4) 20, 5, 40 Mid 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Full Input: 632146BCD > AA, BB, CC, DD, 214CD
  • Follow-up hits after 632146BCD must be correctly timed right as they hit the opponent. You will need to be a little fast with the button presses. It may be awkward at first, but doesn't take too much practice to get used to.
  • If you practice enough, it's best to not finish Deadly Rave with qcb+CD. Geese can do better finishers than the Exceed finisher since he can follow-up with any combo afterwards, especially with max mode cancels.
  • You can pass under floating projectiles with this Exceed, unlike Terry's Deadly Rave which cannot.
  • Deadly Rave is unsafe after the second hit, so if the opponent blocks it, stop proceeding with the rest of it.
  • It's a fine Exceed, but Geese's entire kit is broken. He doesn't get anything new out of using this beyond style points - but at least it looks cool. It's still useful for broadening his combo game. If you find yourself frequently relying on this to secure a round against any matchup, you're playing Geese wrong.

Game Navigation

SNK Characters
Choi Bounge
Geese Howard
Genjyuro Kibagami
Leopold Goenitz
Iori Yagami
Kasumi Todoh
Kim Kaphwan
Kyo Kusanagi
Mai Shiranui
Mars People
Mr. Karate
Orochi Iori
Ryo Sakazaki
Serious Mr. Karate
Terry Bogard
Capcom Characters
Dan Hibiki
Demitri Maximoff
M. Bison
Red Arremer
Rockman Zero
Shin Akuma
Violent Ken