C. Viper (SFIV)

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C.Viper Moveset and Attributes

C.Viper Combos and Glitches

C.Viper Strategies and Match-ups


  • F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
  • B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
  • U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
  • D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)
  • QCF - D, DF, F - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • QCB - D, DB, B - Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • HCF - Half circle forward - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • HCB - Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • DP - F, D, DF - Dragon punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward. In SFIV, there is a "shortcut" for this motion: DF, neutral, DF.
  • 360 - Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick.
  • 720 - Complete a 720 degree rotation of the stick.
  • Charge - Hold a tilt - Hold the stick in either B or D (Depending) then move to F or U respectively.

X-axis functions can be used interchangeably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.

Six Button Notation

  • Jab - weak punch (also called LP or WP)
  • Strong - medium punch (also called MP)
  • Fierce - fierce punch (also called HP or FP)
  • P - any punch
  • PP or 2P - any two punches simultaneously
  • PPP or 3P - all three punches simultaneously
  • Short - weak kick (also called LK or WK)
  • Forward - medium kick (also called MK)
  • Roundhouse (RH) - fierce kick (also called HK)
  • K = any kick
  • KKK or 3K - all three kicks simultaneously


  • ~ Immediately after, e.g "Strong~Fierce" means press Fierce IMMEDIATELY after Strong, f~f means to double tap forward (dash).
  • , Link
  • xx Cancel

State Modifiers

  • st. - The following move should be performed in the standing position (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. st.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst standing.
  • cr. - The following move should be performed in the crouched position (held down in the Y-axis). i.e. cr.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst crouching.
  • j. - The following move should be performed in the "in the air" position (After having held up in the Y-axis). i.e. j.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst in the air.

Miscellaneous Notation

  • Claw = American Vega = Japanese Balrog
  • Boxer = American Balrog = Japanese Bison
  • Dictator (Dic) = American Bison = Japanese Vega

Not everyone plays on the American version, and some character names are different in the Japanese version, so to avoid confusion, we should not use the names Vega, Bison, or Balrog.

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws

Ab Fitness

  • LP + LK or F + LP + LK

Temple Massage

  • B + LP + LK

Command Normals

Viper Elbow

  • F + MP

Double Kick

  • F + HK

Focus / Saving Attack

  • MP + MK

Special Moves

Thunder Knuckle (Armor Breaker, EX Version Available)

  • QCB + P
  • LP version goes under most projectiles
  • LP, MP Version can cancel into Super
  • HP Version as an Anti-Air can combo into Ultra/Super afterwards, on a traded hit Dash then combo into Ultra
  • EX Version on Hit causes crumple state

Thunder Knuckle Feint (EX Version Available)

  • QCB + P~PP
  • Used in combos to connect Normals that usually wouldn't e.g: cr.HP, HP Thunder Knuckle Feint, cr.HP (aka Fierce Feint Fierce abbreviated as FFF)

Burning Kick (Also performed in the Air, EX Version Available)

  • QCB + K

Seismic Hammer (EX Version Available)

  • DP + P

Seismic Hammer Feint (EX Version Available)

  • DP + P~PP

High Jump/Super Jump

  • D then immediately UB/U/UF

Super Move

Emergency Combination

  • QCF x 2 + P

Ultra Move

Burst Time (Armor Break Properties)

  • QCF x 2 + PPP

The Basics


Bread and Butter

  • c.LK, st.LK, cr.MP xx MP Thunder Knuckle



'Matchup Videos' Find a great collection of matchup specific videos from top players at streetfighterdojo.com
Contributor: zaspacer


























Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 20 50 4 2 7 12 +2 +5 10 13 20 HL O O O -
Close MP 60 100 5 2 9 15 +3 +6 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Close HP 90 200 9 2 16 26 0 +5 17 22 60 HL X O O Forces stand
Close LK 20 50 5 1 7 12 +3 +6 10 13 20 HL O O O -
Close MK 60 100 7 4 11 21 -1 +2 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Close HK 40*60 125*75 12 1(8)3 17 40 -2 +3 17 22 60*20 HL X X O Forces stand
Far LP 20 50 6 2 7 14 +2 +5 10 13 20 HL O O O -
Far MP 70 100 7 2 12 20 0 +3 13 16 40 HL X X O -
Far HP 100 200 14 4 16 33 -1 +4 17 22 60 HL X X X -
Far LK 30 50 6 2 8 15 +1 +4 10 13 20 HL X O O -
Far MK 60 100 8 3 11 21 0 +3 13 16 40 HL X X X -
Far HK 100 200 11 6 15 31 -1 +3 17 21 60 HL X X X -
crouch LP 20 50 4 2 10 15 -1 +2 10 13 20 HL O O O -
crouchMP 60 100 5 3 9 16 +2 +5 13 16 40 HL X O O -
crouch HP 90 200 8 2 18 27 -2 +2 17 21 60 HL X O O -
crouch LK 20 50 5 2 12 18 -3 0 10 13 20 L O O O Low attack
crouch MK 60 100 7 3 16 25 -5 -2 13 16 40 L X O O Low attack
crouch HK 100 200 12 3 18 32 -3 D 17 - 60 L X X X Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP 40 50 5 7 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MP 70 100 7 6 - - - - 11 15 40 H - O - -
Jump up HP 90 200 8 6 - - - - 15 18 60 H - O - -
Jump up LK 30 50 6 5 - - - - 8 11 20 H - O - -
Jump up MK 70 100 9 5 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HK 90 200 7 7 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LP 40 50 7 6 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MP 70 100 8 5 - - - - 11 15 40 H - O - -
Jump forward HP 90 200 8 5 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LK 70 50 7 7 - - - - 8 11 20 H - O - -
Jump forward MK 60 100 7 4 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HK 90 200 6 7 - - - - 15 18 60 H - O - -
F+MP 70 100 20 5 3+8 35 -2 +1 13 16 40 H X X X Mid attack
F+HK 40*60 125*75 12 1(8)3 17 40 -2 +3 17 22 60*20 HL X X O 1~11f (translate), Forces stand, 1st hit cancellable
Super Jump - - - - - - - - - - - - O O 1~3 (translate
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 26 2 40 67 -26 -26 15 15 20 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 90 150 18+16 2 40 75 -20 D 21 - 40 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 150 200 70 2 40 111 D D - - 60 - - - - -
Forward Throw 130 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 0.9 - - - Throw range 0.9
Back throw 120 160 3 2 20 24 - D - - 60 0.9 - - - Throw range 0.9
Thunder Knuckle LP 100 150 16 6 21 42 -2 +2 20 24 20/30 HL X X O 1~15f (translate), 16~21f (translate), Armor break
Thunder Knuckle MP 120 200 14 4 20 37 -1 +3 20 24 20/30 HL X X O Armor break
Thunder Knuckle HP 70 150 7 16 14+13 49 -22 D 20 - 30/40 HL X X O 1~6f hit invincible (not throw invincible), Pursuit property, Armor break
Sand Knuckle EX 60*60 100*100 27 17 38 81 -5 D 32 - 0/0 HL X X X Pursuit property, Armor break, Crumple on hit, (translate), (translate)
Burning Kick LK 100 100 23 4 17 43 0 D 20 - 20/30 HL X X X (translate)
Burning Kick MK 100 100 25 3 17 44 +1 D 20 - 20/30 HL X X X (translate)
Burning Kick HK 100 100 27 2(1)4 17 45 +2 D 20 - 20/30 HL X X X (translate)
Burning Kick EX 20x3*80 50x3*100 9 2*1*2(11)10 17 51 -6 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~8f invincible, Pursuit property, 4th hit (translate)
Burning Kick LK(air) 100 100 21 8 12 - +8 D 20 - 10/30 HL - - - (translate)
Burning Kick MK(air) 100 100 19 8 12 - +6 D 20 - 10/30 HL - - - (translate)
Burning Kick HK(air) 100 100 17 9 12 - +4 D 20 - 10/30 HL - - - (translate)
Burning Kick EX(air) 20x3*80 50x3*100 6 2*1*2(10)8 15 - +2 D 20 - 0/0 HL - - - Pursuit property, 4th hit(translate), (translate)
Seismo Hammer 120 100 24 8 31 62 -18 D 20 - 20/30 L X X O (translate), Low attack
Seismo Hammer EX 120 100 19 5 18 41 -2 D 20 - 0/0 L X X O 1~13f invincible, (translate), Low attack
??? - - - - 6 6 - - - - 0/0 HL - - - (translate)
Super Combo LP 80*80*140 0 1+12 1(33)1(19)2 59+56 183 -96 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~5f invincible, Pursuit property, 3rd hit (translate)
Super Combo MP 80*80*140 0 1+7 1(15)1(21)2 59+56 162 -96 - 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~5f invincible, Pursuit property, 3rd hit (translate)
Super Combo HP 80*80*140 0 1+5 1(8)1(29)2 36+35 117 -52 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~4f invincible, Pursuit property, 3rd hit (translate)
Ultra Combo 108x5 0 1+6 3(53)5(8)5(10)5(10)5 59+56 227 -201 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~10f invincible, Pursuit property, 1st hit Armor break, (translate)
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4. It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.