Abel (SFIV)

From SuperCombo Wiki


Move Analysis

Most noteworthy moves - standing close strong, standing close fierce, crouching short & jab, crouching mk, crouching fp

Standing Close Punches

Standing Close Jab Whiffs on crouching opponents, grants no advantage on hit. It has the same startup speed as standing close fierce and does far less damage. It is still a very long normal at 28 frames so if someone jumps out of it, you are left wide open to a counter attack. One of Abel's least most useful normals but still applicable to his reset game; standing close jab canceled into roll gives the most possible frame advantage on a reset.

Startup: 4 frames

Damage: 25, 15

Combos Into: jab CoD

Standing Close Strong Is Abel's only standing close punch that hits on all crouching opponents. Forces stand on hit; combos into LP Change of Direction; the key component of Abel's only hit confirm combos. Does not stuff jump outs as well as standing fierce. Long duration leaves you open to counterattack if someone jumps over it. Useful if you are playing someone that is crouching a lot.

Startup: 5 frames

Damage: 50, 30

Combos Into: jab CoD

Standing Close Fierce Fast and strong but whiffs completely on crouching opponents when you try to combo into it (with possible exceptions - Sagat, Gief but needs tested). This is the best follow-up for F+MK in a combo; however, if your opponent is crouching all the time, this move becomes less useful and you should shift towards crouching jab or standing close strong (neither will combo after F+MK unless it was counter hit) or punish with close roundhouse. Aside from being one of Abel's strongest combo starters, this move also stuffs jump outs after a blocked F+MK; if you time it properly, it can be used as an anti-air against characters directly above your head and can stop cross-up attempts. Can be FADCed after the second hit to get right in their face with a forward dash.

Startup: 4 frames

Damage: 80, 30

Combos Into: any strength Change of Direction

Standing Far Punches

Standing Far Jab A fast normal with decent reach. Only combos into itself (rapid fire) and can cancel into super. Whiffs on some crouching opponents. Most useful for setting up F+MK. It is +6 on hit which makes a F+MK a very good frame trap, setting up a lot of counter hits.

Startup: 5 frames

Damage: 30

Combos Into: itself, super

Standing Far Strong Equally as fast as standing far jab. Can cancel into super, but cannot combo into anything else. Does respectable single hit damage and is useful for stopping certain character's advances.

Startup: 5 frames

Damage: 80

Combos Into: super

Standing Far Fierce Very slow but powerful punch with only a slight bit more range than far strong. Has occasional use but generally crouching strong is a better choice.

Startup: 12 frames

Damage: 130

Combos Into: nothing

Standing Close Kicks

Standing Close Short Abel kicks the other guy in the shins. Fast, no combo potential whatsoever, does not even chain into itself. Decent damage and short duration but 5 frame startup. +3 advantage on hit and its very low knockback make it a good TT tick setup but it has otherwise limited use.

Startup: 5 frames

Damage: 30

Combos Into: nothing

Standing Close Forward Visually identical to F+MK except it can be canceled directly into change of direction (jab version works best). Equal in startup and power to crouching strong but is unsafe on block; for this reason it is recommend that you use standing close strong or crouching strong instead of this move. Pushes fighters apart a lot; creates good distance on block or hit.

Startup: 7 frames

Damage: 70

Combos Into: change of direction

Standing Close Roundhouse A very unusual move, this move hits either high or as an overhead. If an opponent is standing and not blocking, it does 100 damage and 150 stun; if the opponent is crouching, it hits as an overhead for 30 damage and 50 stun and in specific situations can combo into crouching strong. This move can only be totally blocked standing. It has very high knockback and as a result does not work as a TT tick setup even in the corner; it does not cancel into anything.

This kick is useful if an opponent consistently crouching turtles after a F+MK, or if they are trying to jump away. It hits harder than one hit of standing close fierce and it has an overall shorter duration, giving more frame advantage on recovery for ticking into F+MK. However, it has 6 frames of startup instead of 4 and can be beaten by some characters - Vega's jump back fierce, jump up roundhouse stuffs or trades for instance.

This is also Abel's meatiest attack, with 6 active frames.

Startup: 6 frames

Damage: 100 if hits high; 30 if hits overhead

Combos Into: Crouching strong - character specific, on counter hit only

Standing Far Kicks

Standing Far Short A very fast and far-reaching poke. Useful to follow a string of jabs if you need a tiny bit of extra damage, and for dancing around and playing footsies. On hit, makes a good setup for F+MK but it is relatively easy to escape from that range. Very short duration makes it a low risk move and 40 damage is respectable for something with this kind of speed.

Startup: 5 frames

Damage: 40

Combos Into: nothing

Standing Far Forward A move with limited utility but can become quite important in some matchups. Works to stop distance jump-ins (edge of sweep distance) but it tends to trade and will generally not do so in your favor. More important, it stops jump outs. If you are using a string like c.lk, c.jab, c.jab to set up F+MK but the other person is jumping out before you land your F+MK, you can use this kick to stuff their jump out. It moves Abel forwards at the same time; with its relatively short recovery and the air reset the other character will be doing, it gives you a very good opportunity to land a meaty F+MK as they recovery. This move goes over most grounded character's heads and if you mess up this F+MK input, this will whiff and leave you open for a counter attack.

Startup: 8 frames

Damage: 80

Combos Into: nothing

Standing Far Roundhouse Another slow but powerful move. This has good reach, as Abel extends his leg fully and moves forwards slightly during its execution. Far fierce is stronger, but this move does the same amount of stun. Limited use but can be useful against characters who like moving in and out of this extreme footsie range (Honda, Chun). Very long duration means you are very vulnerable if the opponent jumps over it; can also be punished badly by a focus if baited.

Startup: 14 frames

Damage: 100

Combos Into: nothing

Crouching Punches

Crouching Jab Slower than most character's crouching jabs, this move still has good uses. It can combo into standing close strong and fierce, standing far strong, and super. It will not combo into change of direction reliably. It has small knockback (but greater than crouching short and standing close short). It is +3 on block, which makes it a very good TT tick setup, and is +6 on hit, which makes it Abel's best F+MK tick setup.

Startup: 5 frames

Damage: 30

Combos Into: crouching short, crouching jab, standing close jab, standing close strong, standing close fierce, standing close short, standing far jab, standing far strong

Crouching Strong An important part of Abel's B&B combos and his most reliable punish starter from long range. This move has just a bit less reach than F+MK and equivalent speed. While the potential damage from a landed F+MK is higher, using crouching strong means you do not have to attempt a 1 frame link to get its full potential. This move cancels reliably into jab change of direction and less reliable into strong change of direction; since the damage difference is minimal, it is recommend you always use jab CoD.

Startup: 7 frames

Damage: 80

Combos Into: jab change of direction, super

Crouching Fierce One of Abel's highest damage potential moves. Individually it is a strong move, doing 110 damage, but it is the potential follow-ups that make it exceptionally deadly. This move can combo into Abel's ultra, falling sky, and Abel's reset game. It can be combo'd into from any strength Change of Direction, a jumping mk, or a counterhit F+MK. The first hit is just a normal attack, and you can cancel after this first hit into change of direction, a roll, etc. This first hit also forces the opponent to stand up. The second hit puts the opponent into a full juggle state in which you can follow up with any attack you want - change of direction, wheel kick, normals, ultra, etc. This is the most flexible state in the game; the highest potential damage is always ultra, then EX wheel kick (midscreen only), then falling sky. You can also hit them with a normal to get a bit of damage, and then reset them into an ambiguous situation (see the reset section).

Crouching Fierce on the ground - on its own, this move is too slow to throw out recklessly. The best setup for this move is an FADCed change of direction. It can combo from any change of direction. It is easiest from fierce CoD, but the upshot of this is you can combo into crouching fierce from EX change of direction, which gives Abel the opportunity to combo into his ultra from an armored attack. The timing can be difficult because of the hit stun when you absorb an attack but this is a clutch tool that you can find a use for every once and awhile.

This move can combo straight from a late jumping mk, but this is unreliable on certain characters (shotos, Balrog, and El Fuerte -- needs more testing). On Ryu for instance, generally only the first hit will land and he recovers before you do, putting you at disadvantage. However, if Ryu is crouching, both hits will land. The second hit misses on Fuerte very often. In these cases, it is better to cancel after the first hit into change of direction, use crouching strong, or standing close strong. When using crouching fierce to punish Balrog's headbutt, remember you have to be standing right next to him (blocking the headbutt early) - if he spaces his headbutt properly, you cannot punish with c.fp. You also have to be closer to Balrog for both hits to land than it looks like because of his bad posture.

Crouching Fierce as an anti-air - crouching fierce makes a very good anti-air if you can get the timing down right. Generally, just as the other character hits the apex of their jump, hit c.fp. Your goal is to hit them with just the second hit of c.fp so that it puts them into the full juggle state, at which point you can follow up with a normal reset, ultra, falling sky, or change of direction - EX falling sky. Even off a trade, you can land your ultra. There are some characters with jumping attacks that stick down so far it will stuff c.fp - Vega's jumping fierce and roundhouse, and Sakura's jumping roundhouse being prime examples. You can try to throw out the c.fp early but it gets very difficult, since it will whiff if they bait it and do their jumping attack late.

If you do the c.fp too late, you will hit them with the first hit instead which isn't a bad anti-air but greatly limits your follow-ups.

Startup: 7 frames

Damage: 80, 30

Combos Into: basically everything

Crouching Kicks

Crouching Short Abel's fastest low attack. Comes out in 5 frames; has to be blocked low. Only +3 on block so if thrown out at absolute point blank distance, will not combo into anything. If you are at a slight distance, it will hit on a later active frame and in that case in combos into crouching jab. Can also combo into itself (rapid fire). Due to its low knockback, it is possible to use more shorts than someone would be expecting before a TT tick.

Startup: 5 frames

Damage: 20

Combos Into: itself, crouching jab, super

Crouching Forward A wonky looking kick that is better than Gouken's similar one. 1 frame slower than crouching strong, with roughly the same range. The key difference is in how this move shifts Abel's hitbox; he himself leans back before the move before sticking his foot out. That makes this move a better anti-air. It works best against shallow jump ins and then can be canceled into a roll, giving you an ambiguous cross up situation (although this gives you less frame advantage than an AA with the first hit of crouching fierce). Due to the way Abel moves, it is also an effective counterpoke against characters like Sagat, Bison and Vega who have high, fast roundhouse kicks. It can combo directly into jab change of direction. It unreliably dodges Fuerte's run throws because of how it moves Abel's head but is generally not capable of stuffing them.

Startup: 8 frames

Damage: 80

Combos Into: jab change of direction, super

Crouching Roundhouse/Sweep A long ranging but slow and unsafe sweep. It has the unique (for a sweep) ability of being canceled; you can cancel a sweep into a roll to make it somewhat safer, cancel into EX CoD to beat a counter-sweep from someone like Ryu (but its armor will be broken by a reversal), cancel into wheel kick for a surprising mixup, and FADC forward dash to make it somewhat safer (-3 instead of -10 on block) or back dash to get out of retaliation range. Abel's hitbox is still quite tall during his sweep and as a result, will be hit by Gief's lariet if you mistime it.

Startup: 11 frames

Damage: 100

Combos Into: does not combo into anything on hit; can cancel into specials, be FADCed on block

Normal Throws

F or B Throw Although Tornado Throw has way more range, there is still a place in Abel's game for his normal throw. For one thing, it is 2 frames faster than TT - a normal throw is Abel's fastest move, coming out in 3 frames. You can tick into normal throws off more normals than you can TT for this reason. If a normal throw whiffs, the recovery time is less than half as long (20 frames as opposed to 39/45/51/54 for jab/strong/fierce/EX) so if a character has back dashed, you have usually have advantage and if a character jumped out you may be able to recover before they hit you with an attack as they fall back down. Abel has a respectable walking speed and an average throw range, so while his tick throw game is not as good as Chun or Akuma's, it is still very usable.

The disadvantage of a normal throw is that it can be teched. This has an upside; by training your opponent to tech normal throws, you can mix it up and eventually throw in a throw-invincible TT, doing huge damage in the process. Another possible use for a normal throw is to maintain corner position; a TT throws someone out into midscreen, while it might be more desirable for you to keep someone in the corner (Dhalsim, Zangief, etc.)

Startup: 3 frames

Damage: 130

Command Normals

Step Kick/F+MK The cornerstone of Abel's pressure game. This is a kick that can be dash canceled on hit or block. On block, you are at +1 and on hit, +4. This frame advantage allows you to keep up some pretty ridiculous pressure when you have trained the other guy to not mash out reversals and by constantly reseting things with F+MK, you can mix up high/low, tick into TT, and so on. On its own, it is a good poke that does good damage as well.

Startup: 7 frames

Damage: 80

Combos Into: standing close jab, standing close fierce. On counter hit, standing close strong, crouching strong, crouching fierce.

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Super Move

Abel's super is unusual. Depending on which button you use determines what his super is invincible against.

Jab - physical attacks

Strong - throws

Fierce - projectiles

Jab can grab jump ins, sometimes shoryukens, etc. Strong will beat any throw. Fierce is only really useful against characters whose fireballs do not make a block string within sweep distance - Ken being the best example. Jab will grab long range pokes - Seth/Dhalsim's arms (aerial or grounded), Rufus's c.fp, etc.

Ultra Move

The Basics


Abel can begin a combo with a forward-jump mk or fp if the jump-in is deep enough.

No Super Meter

1. Close fp (one hit) xx fp Change of Direction xx Second High xx Finish High

222 Damage, 225 Stun, 160 Super Meter

2. Cr.fp (one hit) xx fp Change of Direction xx Second High xx Finish High

212 Damage, 225 Stun, 140 Super Meter

3. Twds+mk xx Forward Dash -> Combo #1

280 Damage, 305 Stun, 200 Super Meter

4. Cr.mp OR cr.mk xx mp Change of Direction xx Second High xx Finish High

207 Damage, 225 Stun, 120 Super Meter

5. Cr.fp (both hits) xx lk Marseilles Roll -> fp Sky Fall*

270 Damage, 350 Stun, 200 Super Meter

6. cr.lk or cr.lp -> Combo #1

230 Damge, 255 Stun, 180 Super Meter

7. cr.lk xx cr.lp xx cr.lp xx cr.lp -> far lk (this is also his standard blockstring)

119 Damge, 205 Stun, 100 Super Meter

8. cr.lk xx cr.lp xx cr.lp -> far mp

130 Damage, 210 Stun, 100 Super Meter

9. Anti-air cr.fp (second hit only) xx lk Marseilles Roll -> fp Sky Fall

200 Damage, 250 Stun, 120 Super Meter

  • For Combo #5, you do a lk Marseilles Roll to hit-confirm the cr.fp and for the extra meter. However, on some characters you have to omit the roll.

2 EX bars

10. Close fp OR cr.fp (one hit) xx fp Change of Direction xx EX Focus Cancel xx Forward Dash -> Combo #3

11. Close fp OR cr.fp (one hit) xx fp Change of Direction -> EX Focus Cancel xx Forward Dash -> Combo #5

12. Cr.mp OR cr.mk xx mp Change of Direction xx EX Focus Cancel xx Forward Dash -> Combo #3

13. Cr.mp OR cr.mk xx mp Change of Direction xx EX Focus Cancel xx Forward Dash -> Combo #5

Full Super Meter

14. Close fp (both hits) xx Heartless (Super)

15. Twds-mk xx Forward Dash -> Combo #14

16. Cr.fp (both hits) xx lk Marseilles Roll xx Heartless (Super)

17. Combo # 8 xx Heartless (Super)

Ultra combos

  • No Super Meter

17. Cr.fp -> Soulless (Ultra)

18. Anti-air cr.fp (second hit only) -> Soulless (Ultra)

19. Level 1 Focus Attack (Counterhit only) OR Level 2 Focus Attack OR Level 3 Focus Attack xx Forward Dash -> Soulless (Ultra)

20. Level 1 Focus Attack (Counterhit only) OR Level 2 Focus Attack OR Level 3 Focus Attack xx Forward Dash -> cr.fp -> Soulless (Ultra)

  • 2 EX bars

21. Close fp (one hit) OR cr.fp (one hit) xx fp Change of Direction xx EX Focus Cancel xx Forward Dash -> cr.fp (both hits) -> Soulless (Ultra)

22. Twds-mk xx Forward Dash -> close fp (one hit) xx fp Change of Direction xx Ex Focus Cancel xx Forward Dash -> cr.fp (both hits) -> Soulless (Ultra)

23. Cr.mp OR cr.mk xx mp Change of Direction xx EX Focus Cancel xx Forward Dash -> cr.fp (both hits) -> Soulless (Ultra)



Matchup Videos

Find a great collection of matchup specific videos from top players at streetfighterdojo.com
Contributor: zaspacer

Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 25*15 30*20 4 3(8)3 11 28 -3 0 13*10 16*13 20*20 HL O O O (translate)
Close MP 50*30 50*50 5 3(8)2 14 31 -2 +4 13 16*13 40*20 HL X O O (translate), First hit forces stand
Close HP 80*30 100*100 4 3(8)2 20 36 -4 0 17 22*21 60*20 HL X O O (translate), (translate)
Close LK 30 50 5 2 9 15 0 +3 10 13 20 HL X X X -
Close MK 70 100 7 2 16 24 -4 -1 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Close HK 100[30] 150[50] 6 6 16 27 -4 0 17 21 60[20] HL[H] X X X 6-10f hits [HL], 11-12f hits [H], Forces stand
Far LP 30 50 5 3 5 12 +3 +6 10 13 20 HL O X O -
Far MP 80 100 5 6 11 21 -3 0 13 16 40 HL X X O -
Far HP 130 200 12 3 17 31 -2 +2 17 21 60 HL X X X -
Far LK 40 50 5 3 8 15 0 +3 10 13 20 HL X X X -
Far MK 80 100 8 3 15 25 -4 -1 13 16 40 HL X X X -
Far HK 100 200 14 2 19 34 -3 +1 17 21 60 HL X X X -
crouch LP 30 50 5 2 6 12 +3 +6 10 13 20 HL O O O -
crouchMP 70 100 7 3 10 19 +1 +4 13 16 40 HL X O O -
crouch HP 70*40 100*50 8 2*2 22 33 -6 D 17 22*- 60*20 HL X O O 1st hit forces stand, 2nd hit launches
crouch LK 20 50 5 3 7 14 +1 +4 10 13 20 L O O O Low attack
crouch MK 60 100 8 5 13 25 -4 -1 13 16 40 HL X O O -
crouch HK 100 200 11 3 25 38 -10 D 17 - 60 L X O O Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP 50 50 5 4 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MP 80 100 5 6 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HP 100 200 5 4 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump up LK 50 50 5 8 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MK 80 100 4 6 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HK 100 200 5 4 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LP 50 50 5 8 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MP 80 100 5 10 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HP 100 200 5 8 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LK 50 50 4 5 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MK 70 100 5 6 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HK 110 200 5 5 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
F+MK 80 100 7 2 16 24 0 +3 17 20 40 HL X X X 8f Forward Dash Cancellable
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 80 150 18+12 2 35 66 -15 D 21 - 40 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 140 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - - -
Forward Throw 130 140 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 0.9 - - - Throw range 0.9
Back throw 130 140 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 0.9 - - - Throw range 0.9
Change of Direction LP 30 50 14 3 29 45 -7 -2 24 29 20/30 HL X X O -
Change of Direction MP 35 50 16 3 25 43 -3 +2 24 29 20/30 HL X X O -
Change of Direction HP 40 50 17 3 25 44 -3 +2 24 29 20/30 HL X X O -
Change of Direction EX 40 50 16 3 25 43 -3 +2 24 29 0/0 HL X X O 1-16f Hyper Armor
Second Middle 40 50 15 4 28 46 -9 -4 22 27 10/20 H X X X
Second Low 50 50 22 4 24 49 -5 -1 - 26 20/30 L X X O
Finish Middle 80 40 10 2 44 55 -35 D 10 - 10/30 H X X X Armor break
Finish Low 150 100 22 2 53 76 -44 D 10 - 30/30 L X X X Armor break
Wheel Kick LK 120 200 20 7 2+19 47 -8 -3 17 22 30/40 H X X X 1~26f (translate), Forces stand, (translate)
Kick Wheel MK 140 200 24 7 2+20 52 -9 -4 17 22 30/40 H X X X 1~30f (translate), Forces stand, (translate)
Kick Wheel HK 160 200 27 7 1+22 56 -10 -5 17 22 30/40 H X X X 1~32f (translate), Forces stand, (translate)
Kick Wheel EX 120*60 100*100 17 7*3 2+19 47 -6 -1 17 22 0/0 H X X X 1~26f (translate), Forces stand, (translate)
Marseille Roll LK - - - - 27 27 - - - - 20/0 - - - - 5~26f hit invincible, can be thrown, (translate), EX(translate)
Marseille Roll MK - - - - 30 30 - - - - 20/0 - - - - 5~29f hit invincible, can be thrown, (translate), EX(translate)
Marseille Roll HK - - - - 32 32 - - - - 20/0 - - - - 5~31f hit invincible, can be thrown, (translate), EX(translate)
Marseille Roll EX - - - - 32 32 - - - - 0/0 - - - - 1~31f hit invincible, can be thrown, (translate), EX(translate)
Sky Fall LP 0*140 100 5 2 31 37 - D - - 30/0*100 - - - - (translate)
Sky Fall MP 0*150 150 6 4 31 40 - D - -- 30/0*100 - - - - (translate)
Sky Fall HP 0*160 200 9 6 31 45 - D - - 30/0*100 - - - - (translate)
Sky Fall EX 0*160 150 6 2 31 38 - D - - 0/0 - - - - 1-5f hit invincible
Tornado Throw LP 180 100 5 2 51 57 - D - - 30/80 1.3 - - - 1~6f cannot be thrown, Throw range 1.3
Tornado Throw MP 200 150 5 2 45 51 - D - - 30/80 1.1 - - - 1~6f cannot be thrown, Throw range 1.1
Tornado Throw HP 220 200 5 2 39 45 - D - - 30/80 0.9 - - - 1~6f cannot be thrown, Throw range 0.9
Tornado Throw EX 200 150 5 2 54 60 - D - - 0/0 1.25 - - - 1~6f hit invincible, can be thrown, Throw range 1.25
Super Combo 0*335 0 1+5 2 41 48 -32 D 10 - 0/0 HL - - - 1f invincible, 2~7f LP strike invincible, MP throw invincible, HP projectile invincible
Ultra Combo 60*491 0 1+13 2 46 61 -30 D 17 - 0/0 HL - - - 1~5f invincible, 6~15 (translate), Armor break, Pursuit property
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4. It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.