Street Fighter IV/Vega

From SuperCombo Wiki


Basic Stats
Health: 1000 (With Mask), 750 (Without Mask)
Stun: 900
Forward Dash Speed: 20f
Back Dash Speed: 22f
Jump Speed: 4+35

Vega is a bottom tier character for a reason. The first thing to know about Vega is that of all the characters in the cast, every single one of them has a move that grants invincibility frames except Vega. This means by principal that Vega is the worst character when it comes to getting out of a sticky situation. To accomodate for Vega's lack of defensive moves, his back dash grants him invincibility and Vega has a long-range focus attack coupled with a long back dash to act as a reversal. However, since the use of the backdash is situational, as well as the use of a focus back dash, this basically means that under most circumstances Vega can not escape. A tight player who knows the matchup will ensure that he has you under his thumb for as long as he can pin you down. Some matchups, like against Balrog, Rufus, and Abel, will at times have you extremely frustrated, mainly because you're pinned down and constantly getting thrown when you're blocking, meaty'd when you're trying to scarlet terror, and other such stuff.

Because of Vega's disadvantageous position being at the receiving end of a rushdown, Vega has abilities that help him avoid these situations altogether. As a Vega player, if you find yourself in matches constantly getting corner-raped and beatdown hard, you need to rethink your strategy. Coupled with the claw and mask losses, it's simply dangerous to be careless. The tools that help Vega avoid getting beatdown are:

  • Long-Range Ground Pokes : Vega's crouching strong, standing roundhouse, standing fierce, standing forward, and crouching forward kick are all top of the line pokes. Standing Roundhouse hits twice so as to defend against armored attacks like an EX Dash punch, while crouching strong is simply a move Vega could not go without. When it comes to keeping opponents out with a strong ground game, Vega is one of the best. Poke strings also help an offensive Vega safely return to max poke range. Vega's sweep also has considerable range, though it is ineffective at close range.
  • Aerial Dominance: Vega has many formidable attacks in the air. Most notably are the Air Grab, triangle jump fierce, and roundhouse for jump ins, and triangle jump strong for powerful air-to-air. Vega's jump straight up moves are strong as well: roundhouse keeps many jump-happy opponents at bay with a strong defensive hitbox, and fierce has spectacular reach, though an odd hitbox. Forward kick can be used for neutral jump offense. If used correctly, Vega can dominate just about any other character in the air-to-air department.
  • Agility: Vega is very quick on his feet. His walk speed is above average, and while his forward dash is mediocre, his backdash ranks highly among the best. His jumps are quick, and coupled with the timely use of Flying Barcelona, Vega can avoid many hostile situations by jumping out. As Vega you should always be moving on your feet. Not enough to expose yourself: jumping in and random barcelonas are very dangerous. In a matchup like Zangief, Vega can strike him once and avoid him for the rest of the match for a Time Over victory.

These three attributes are key to succesful Vega play. Vega's footsies are very solid: crouching strong is unrivaled in speed and range. The main thing bogging Vega down is his situational ultra, and inability to escape rushdowns. If you can create a gameplan that helps you avoid being rushed, and with solid footsies and aerial prowess, you can win. The gap between Sagat and Vega may be immense, but enough of Vega's matchups are 5-5 to be OK, and the ones that are 6-4 are tricky, but do-able. The 7-3's are disheartening, however.

Hopefully with the knowledge you gain from this wiki we can make Vega a serious contender; I'm convinced he has the potential but it's tough to see.

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

  • Standing Light Kick: A great move for many reasons. It comes out in 5 frames, which is reasonably fast, and has a delusively long-ranged hitbox. You can hit people from a pretty decent distance away from this move, and it sets up lots of great opportunities. Its advantage on hit and block, meaning its great for tick throws. The knee can also combo into standing roundhouse, which is great for footsies, and also be combo'd into out of another knee, crouching forward or close fierce.

Combos into St. Light, C. Jab, C. Strong, St. RH

Combos out of St. Light, C. Forward, Cl. Fierce

  • Standing Forward Kick: A beastly poke. It is the longest-ranged move Vega has from the ground. Its only use is really its considerable range: while alot of Vegas moves can be used for offensive and defensive purposes, this is simply a great poke that you can use for footsies. It's not as slow as roundhouse is either, meaning its safer to use in many situations.

Combos into Nothing

Combos out of Nothing

  • Standing Roundhouse Kick: One of Vega's best moves. It comes out in 4 frames, which for a hard move is extremely fast. It hits twice, which gives it a key property in an otherwise hopeless matchup vs Balrog, since it breaks EX Dash Punch Armor. It breaks focus, but against characters with a low focus animation like Dhalsim it could miss. You can combo into this against certain characters out of a close fierce, which is a massive meterless damage opportunity. It's also one of Vega's only legitimate anti-air moves from the ground. At max range you can pick people out of the air but it will trade. At close range, it helps to keep opponents out of the air if you predict when they are going to jump. However, though it comes out fast, it has a long recovery, and as such should be used wisely. Whiffing this move completely is a free jump-in for the opponent. This move is also used for kara throwing.

Combos into Nothing

Combos out of St. Light, C. Jab, C. Forward, Cl. Fierce

  • Standing Jab: A move with very limited use. You might as well use the crouching version. It is better in almost every aspect, though it does lose a little reach.

Combos into Nothing

Combos out of Nothing

  • Standing Strong: Another move with limited use. Decent range, but in this case, it's definitely worse than it's crouching counter part. Stick to crouching strong.

Combos into Nothing

Combos out of Nothing

  • Standing Fierce: A great poke. It reaches a considerable distance, only a tiny bit shorter than standing forward. It deals greater damage too, though it is much slower. Use this sparingly while you use Standing Forward pokes. It can also be used to force a trade with an airborne opponent, but this should only be considered when you have a substantial life lead and the opponent is near, or guaranteed, death.

Combos into Nothing

Combos out of Nothing

  • Close Light Kick: An inferior counterpart to the standing light kick. I'm pretty sure this was a design decision: Vega's close normals are indisputably worse than his crouching and standing normals, probably to discourage Vega players from attacking at close range altogether. You can't combo out of this move like you can with the standing light kick either. This can interrupt throws, and also set up a quick tick.

Combos into Nothing

Combos out of Nothing

  • Close Medium Kick: A move that I don't really understand. It definitely looks cool, but I really fail to see what purpose it could serve. You can cancel this into other moves, but why? It's not fast, you can't combo into it, and it's generally just a crappy move when there are people who can jab you with 3 frame moves no problem.

Combos into Nothing

Combos out of Nothing

  • Close Roundhouse Kick: Same as standing roundhouse. It has uses up close, due to its considerable speed, and it can be difficult to punish for characters without reach.

Normal Throws

Command Normals

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Super Move

Flying Barcelona Special: charge db,df,db,uf+P
Rolling Izuna Drop: press P close to opponent after FBS startup

Ultra Move

Bloody High Claw: charge db,df,db,uf+PPP


  • Beginning leap to wall is invulnerable to fireballs?
  • Only comboable off of crumple (Focus Attack)

The Basics




Matchup Videos

Find a great collection of matchup specific videos from top players at
Contributor: zaspacer

Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 30[20] 50 4 2 10 15 -1 +2 10 13 20 HL X O O -
Close MP 70[60] 100 7 2 13 21 -1 +2 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Close HP 50[40]x2 50*50 9 3(7)3 14 35 +1 +5 17 24*21 60*20 HL X O O 1st hit cancellable, Forces stand
Close LK 30 50 4 2 10 15 -1 +2 10 13 20 HL X X X -
Close MK 70 100 6 2 13 20 -1 +2 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Close HK 40*70 125*75 4 2*2 23 30 -7 -2 17 22 60*20 HL X X O 1st hit cancellable, Forces stand
Far LP 30[20] 50 4 2 10 15 -1 +2 10 13 20 HL X O O -
Far MP 90[80] 100 7 2 14 22 -2 +1 13 16 40 HL X X O -
Far HP 120[110] 200 8 3 23 33 -8 -4 17 21 60 HL X X X -
Far LK 40 50 5 2 7 13 +2 +5 10 13 20 HL X X X -
Far MK 70 100 8 2 15 24 -3 0 13 16 40 HL X X X -
Far HK 40*70 125*75 4 2*2 23 30 -7 -2 17 22 60*20 HL X X O 1st hit cancellable, Forces stand
crouch LP 30[20] 50 4 2 8 13 +1 +4 10 13 20 HL X O O -
crouch MP 70[60] 100 4 2 16 21 -4 -1 13 16 40 HL X O O -
crouch HP 110[100] 200 5 2 27 33 -11 -6 17 22 60 HL X X X Forces stand on hit
crouch LK 20 50 4 2 9 14 0 +3 10 13 20 L X O O Low attack
crouch MK 70 100 8 3 9 19 +2 +5 13 16 40 L X O O Low attack
crouch HK 110 200 8 13 17 37 -12 D 17 - 60 L X X X Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP 50[40] 50 6 5 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MP 80[70] 100 5 3 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HP 100[90] 200 6 2 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump up LK 40 50 6 9 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MK 80 100 6 7 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HK 100 200 4 5 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LP 50[40] 50 5 5 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MP 80[70] 100 5 5 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HP 100[90] 200 5 4 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LK 40 50 6 7 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MK 70 100 6 6 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HK 100 200 6 6 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
DF+MK 60 100 19 4 13 35 -5 -1 11 15 40 HL X X X -
DF+HK 80 100 14 5 10+4 32 -1 D 17 - 60 HL X X X (translate)
Triangle Jump - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Backflip PPP - - - - 65 65 - - - - - - X X X 1~57f invincible, (translate)
Backflip KKK - - - - 42 42 - - - - - - X X X 1~32f invincible, (translate)
Focus Attack LVL 1 60[50] 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 80[70] 150 18+11 2 35 65 -15 D 21 - 40 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 140[120] 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - - -
Forward Throw 120 120 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 1.05 - - - Throw range 1.05
Back Throw 120 120 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 1.05 - - - Throw range 1.05
Air Throw 150 130 3 2 - - - D - - 40 1.2 1~4 (translate), Throw range 1.2
Rolling Crystal Flash LP 20*90[80] 20*100 9 9(7)4 22 50 -2 +2 14*23 17*27 20/10*30 HL X X O charge 60f
Rolling Crystal Flash MP 20x3*90[80] 20x3*100 16 9(5)8(5)9(6)4 22 83 -2 +2 14x3*23 17x3*27 20/10x3*30 HL X X O charge 60f
Rolling Crystal Flash HP 20x4*90[80] 20x4*100 20 9(5)8(5)9(5)8(6)4 22 100 -2 +2 14x4*23 17x4*27 20/10x3*30 HL X X O charge 60f
Rolling Crystal Flash EX 20x4*90[80] 20x4*100 20 9(5)8(5)9(5)8(6)4 22 100 -2 +2 14x4*23 17x4*27 0/0 HL X X O 1~78f (translate), charge 60f
Scarlet Terror LK 100 150 7 10 15+8 39 -12 D 20 - 30/30 HL X X X Armor break, charge 42f
Scarlet Terror MK 80*60 100*100 7 5*5 14+9 39 -12 D 20 - 30/20*20 HL X X X 2nd hit Pursuit property, Armor break, (translate), charge 42f
Scarlet Terror HK 100*60 100*100 4 8*5 14+9 39 -15 D 20 - 30/20*20 HL X X X 2nd hit Pursuit property, Armor break, (translate), charge 42f
Scarlet Terror EX 110*70 150*100 4 8*5 14+9 39 -15 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~4 (translate), 2nd hit Pursuit property, Armor break, (translate), charge 42f
Sky High Claw 110[100] 200 ???15 ??? ???17 - -20 -16 17 21 30/40 HL X - - (translate), charge 42f
Sky High Claw EX 60[50]x2 100 ???10 ??? ???17 - -18 D 17 - 0/0 HL - - - (translate), 2nd hit Pursuit property, Armor break, charge 42f
Flying Barcelona Attack - - - - 31 - - - - - 20/- - - - - (translate)
Flying Barcelona Attack EX 50 50 8 ??? 31 - - D 20 - 0/0 HL - - - (translate)
Flying Barcelona Strike LP 70[60] 100 3 11 31 - - D 20 - -/40 H - - - Mid attack
Flying Barcelona Strike MP 80[70] 100 3 11 31 - - D 20 - -/40 H X - - Mid attack
Flying Barcelona Strike HP 90[80] 100 3 11 31 - - D 20 - -/40 H - - - Mid attack
Flying Barcelona Strike EX 50*90[40*80] 50*100 2 1(1)11 31 - - D 20 - 0/0 H - X - 2nd hit Pursuit property, Mid attack
Izuna Drop 150 150 2 1(1)11 31 - D D - - -/80 0.6 - - - -
Claw Throw - - - - 40 40 - - - - - - X X X (translate)
Mask Throw - - - - 40 40 - - - - - - X X X 10%(translate), 25%(translate)
Flying Barcelona Special 60[50]x3*100[90] 0 ???6 10(2)10 31 - - D 17x3*20 - 0/0 H - - - (translate), Pursuit property, Mid attack, (translate), charge 42f
Rolling Izuna Drop 100*100*130 0 2 11(2)10 31 - D D - - 0/0 0.8 - - - -
Bloody High Claw 450[375] 0 ???1 9 31 - -39 D 17 - 0/0 HL - - - (translate), (translate), Armor break, charge 42f
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4. It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.