Street Fighter IV/Gen

From SuperCombo Wiki


Gen is in an essence a character with a Swiss army knife of normals. He's centered around the the ability to switch stances have different moves from each stance, each with different properties and damage. In general his Mantis stance has quicker attacks while his crane stance has the stronger attacks. Knowing how to chain these two stances into one blended fighting style can make Gen into an imposing fighter with answer for most situations. The following Wiki will familiarize you with his move set, his stances and his combos, in an effort to build a solid foundation of his gameplay. His learning curve is steep, but once you get the hang of things Gen has the ability to be a very good character.

Move Analysis


Normal Moves

Normal Throws

Command Normals

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

STANCE CHANGE PPP OR KKK (depending on which style you are in)

This is probably the biggest and most important of his special moves, and is what gen is built around. With the stance switch he is able to fluidly move from one move set to another giving him 12 normals and 4 specials. Usage of this stance switch is an important fundamental in Gen's game, and with that you should know what this move entails. When gen performs his stance change from a neutral, walking or crouching position, it will cost him 5 frames to do so. This is important to note because during this period he is vulnerable! While dashing, jumping or performing a move (normal or special), no frames are made to show the transition, so he is allowed to stance change without the 5 frame penalty. Some things to note: -normals from either stance can then transition to a normal in another stance as long as the stance change is buffered during the first normal (example: in mantis into crane) -you can begin your charges in mantis for crane specials

Super Move

Ultra Move

The Basics


When it comes to combos, Gen has plenty of options due to his multiple stances. In this section we will review the best possible punishes and also some of the more flashy combos that gen has in his arsenal

PPP Mantis Combos

1. S.MK xx HP Hands thread on shoryuken

Difficult move to pull off when you first attempt it, this move is debatable as to whether it is Bread and Butter combo or not. Why should you use it? Well first off it gives the best poke gen has (rangewise) more to work with, here are a little stats from the shoryuken thread, credit goes to Mnszyk for the data

This is why you should do Medium Kick xx Fierce Hands:

Medium Kick 70 damage, 100 stun, 40 meter Your opponent will be pushed ~4 training room squares in the other direction High priority, long range Block Advantage: -2 Hit Advantage: +2

Medium Kick xx Fierce Hands 134 damage, 180 stun, 110 meter Your opponent will be pushed ~18 training room squares in the other direction. At max range, you'll advance yourself about ~9 squares for free. Armor Breaking - Your opponent will never be able to safely focus your pokes if you do this Block Advantage: +5 Hit Advantage: +9

Almost doubled damage and stun, the ability to push your opponent around like crazy, nearly triple meter, armor breaking, and high safety ... what would you weigh that against?

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to MKhands. It allows you to effectively zone and punish whiffs that Gen normally could not. He can also use it to punish things like (list is still growing) Blocked Shoto Roundhouse Close Range tiger shot Close range fireball (Shotos) MP or HP Headbutt (Honda) Punish rekkas (fei or abel) early rolls by abel wheel kicks (abel) TAP (Balrog)

This combo alone gives him the ability to increase his zone, whereas most of the combos gen has have to be up in your face, this lets him start the pressure and force the issue with opponent.

So How do you do it?

There are many different manners of doing it, first thing is first let's break down how the combo works

MK itself has 5 frames of startup which is not too bad at all, but the active frames are only 3, so within these active frames you have to get hands out. At first this may seem like a daunting task because....

Hands requires 5 P button inputs to activate. So in practice you can hit any P button 5 times and Hands will come out (this must be done rapidly). What aids this process is that any combination of P buttons can be used and the 5th one will determine the strength of the hands (with HP being the best). Being able to piano the inputs would be the best method here but there are different ways to get MK hands to come out:

SecretCharacter's method My method of doing it is; Lp+Mk, then piano from right to left, Fp, Mp, Lp, Fp (Notice how he uses LP+MK, when this input is done the higher button input will come out and the lower button input will still be recorded)

Kruldar's Method video links Piano Method Slide Method

B izm's method LP+MKx2, LP MP HP

SLVRNBLK's method Same as the piano but with 2 fingers on mp (middle and ring) so that you can drum that button twice

FROM MK hands you can also cancel the first three hits of hands to another mk hands or mk super. The mk hands to mk hands works in block strings as well.



Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes
LP 30 50 3 3 10 15 -1 +1 11 13 20 O O O -
MP 70 100 4 5 14 22 +2 +6 20 23 40 X O O Far version 80 damage
HP 80*60 100*100 5 2*4 ?? 27 -3 +1 ?? ?? 40*20 X O O Forces stand, 1st hit cancellable
LK 30 50 5 4 13 21 -3 -2 13 14 20 X X O Far version 40 damage
MK 70 100 5 3 20 27 -2 +2 20 24 40 X O O -
HK 110 200 8 2 20 29 -4 0 17 21 60 X X X -
crouch LP 30 50 4 2 8 13 +1 +4 10 13 20 O O O -
crouch MP 70 100 7 4 11 21 -1 +1 13 15 40 X O O -
crouch HP 100 200 7 4 19 29 -5 -1 17 21 60 X X X -
crouch LK 30 50 5 4 8 16 -1 +2 10 13 20 O O O Low attack
crouch MK 70 100 7 3 17 26 +1 +3 20 22 40 X O O Low attack
crouch HK 100 200 8 3 28 38 -13 D 17 - 60 X X X Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump LP 40 50 4 7 - - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump MP 70 100 5 5 - - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump HP 100 200 6 4 - - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump LK 40 50 5 8 - - - - - - 20 - - - Mid attack, straight jump 30 damage
Jump MK 70 100 4 8 - - - - - - 40 - - - Mid attack, straight jump 80 damage
Jump HK 100 200 6 3 - - - - - - 60 - - - -
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 90 150 18+11 2 35 65 -15 D 21 - 40 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 150 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - -
Forward Throw 130 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 0.95
Back Throw 120 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 1.05
Hyakurenkou LP 16xn 20xn 5 3xn 48 +5 +9 30/10xn X X O Armor break, (translate)
Hyakurenkou MP 16xn 20xn 4 3xn 41 +5 +9 30/10xn X X O Armor break, (translate)
Hyakurenkou HP 16xn 20xn 4 3xn 40 +5 +9 30/10xn X X O Armor break, (translate)
Hyakurenkou EX 16xn 20xn 4 3xn 40 +5 +9 0/0 X X O Armor break, (translate)
Gekirou LK 100*10x4*20 80*10x5 7 15 45 -35 D 30(20)/40*20x5 X X X 1~4f strike invincible, (translate)
Gekirou MK 100*10x5*40 80*10x6 7 15 46 -35 D 30(20)/40*20x6 X X X 1~4f strike invincible, (translate)
Gekirou HK 100*10x6*90 80*10x6*80 7 15 47 -35 D 30(20)/40*20x7 X X X 1~4f strike invincible, (translate)
Gekirou EX 100*10x6*90 80*10x6*80 7 15 47 -35 D 0/0 X X X 1~4f strike invincible
Zanei 20x5*80 0 6 16 87 -61 D 0/0 - - - Invincible LP 1~11/MP 1~8/HP 1~5, Armor break, (translate)
Zetsuei 15x12*225 0 11 11 78 -49 D 0/0 - - - 1~10f invincible, Armor break
Switch Style - - - - - - - - - - - -
Frames Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes
LP 30 50 4 3 12 18 -3 -1 11 13 20 O O O -
MP 50*50 50*50 23 2*2 ?? 48 -3 +1 ?? ?? 20*20 X X X Mid attack
HP 100*100 100*100 22 2*4 ?? 46 -5 0 ?? ?? 40*20 X X X 2nd hit forces stand, 1st hit low attack
LK 40 50 8 4 12 23 -2 -1 13 14 20 X X O -
MK 80 100 7 4 22 32 -5 -1 20 24 40 X X X -
HK 80*70 100*100 5 3*2 ?? 40 -6 -2 ?? ?? 40*20 X X X -
crouch LP 40 50 4 2 11 16 -2 +1 10 13 20 X O O -
crouch MP 90 100 5 4 20 28 -10 -8 13 15 40 X O O -
crouch HP 180 300 21 5 16 41 -3 +1 17 21 60 X X X -
crouch LK 30 50 5 6 16 26 -8 D 13 - 20 X X O Low attack, (translate)
crouch MK 80 100 8 3 21 31 -3 -1 20 22 40 X X O Low attack, (translate)
crouch HK 120 150 5 2 37 43 -21 -17 17 21 60 X X X -
Jump LP 50 50 4 7 - - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump MP 90 100 4 5 - - - - - - 40 - - - straight jump 80 damage
Jump HP 110 200 5 7 - - - - - - 60 - - - straight jump 100 damage
Jump LK 40 50 4 9 - - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump MK 80 100 4 8 - - - - - - 40 - - - straight jump 90 damage
Jump HK 100 200 6 3 - - - - - - 60 - - - -
Shakudan(overhead) 50 50 - 2 - - - 20 - - - Pursuit property
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 90 150 18+11 2 35 65 -15 D 21 - 40 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 150 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - -
Forward Throw 130 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 0.95
Back Throw 120 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 1.05
Jasen LP 20*20*80 50*50*50 6 3*1*4 43 -3 +1 35/10x2*30 X X O 1~3 hits cancellable
Jasen MP 20x3*80 50x4 6 3*3*1*4 59 -3 +1 35/10x3*30 X X O 1~3 hits cancellable
Jasen HP 20x4*80 50x5 6 3x3*1*4 74 -3 +1 35/10x4*30 X X O 1~3 hits cancellable
Jasen EX 20x4*80 50x5 6 3x3*1*4 74 -3 +1 0/0 X X O 1~45f projectile invincible, 1~5 hits cancellable
Oga - - - - - - - 0/0 - - - -
Oga EX - - - - - - - 0/0 - - - (translate)
Oga Stop - - - - - - - 0/0 - - - -
Oga Close 100 150 15 Until ground - - D 30/90 - - - (translate), Armor break
Oga Far 100 150 14 Until ground - - D 30/90 - - - (translate), Armor break
Oga Ceiling - - - - - - - 0/0 - - - -
Oga Ceiling Drop 100 150 11 Until ground - - D 30/90 - - - (translate), Armor break
Oga Super Close 100 150 11 Until ground - - D 30/90 - - - (translate), Armor break
Jakoha 300 0 11 19 31 60 - D 0/0 - - - Invincible LK 1~12/MK 1~8/HK 1~5, Pursuit property
Ryukoha 150*248 0 11 8 53 71 - D 0/0 - - - 1~11f invincible, Pursuit property
Switch Style - - - - - - - - - - - -
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes