Chun-Li (SFIV)

From SuperCombo Wiki
Revision as of 18:47, 20 September 2008 by Gargamuza (talk | contribs) (→‎Combos)


Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws


Triangle Jump (Near the wall, uf) -

Headstomp (In air, d + MK) - You can do it up to three times.

Air Throw (In air, LP + LK) -

Command Normals

f + LK -

f + MK -

df + HK -

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Lightning Legs (Press K repeatedly) -

Kikouken (Charge b, f + P) -

Hazanshuu (hcb + K) - Overhead.

Spinning Bird Kick (Charge d, u + K) - Armor Break.

Super Move

Senretsukyaku (Charge b, f, b, f + K) -

Ultra Move

Housenka (Charge b, f, b, f + KKK) -

The Basics


  • cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LK or cr.MK xx EX Lightning Legs
  • Air-to-air j.HP, HP, EX Spinning Bird Kick or j.MK x 3
  • Saving attack (Opponent collapses), dash, cr.HP (1 hit), MK Spinning Bird Kick, Senretsukyaku

Target Combos

j. HP, HP

Tenshokyaku Sequence

b + MK, f + MK, d + u + MK

