Street Fighter IV/M. Bison

From SuperCombo Wiki



Character Analysis

Dictator is a highly mobile character that is able to apply heavy pressure to the opponent with his Knee Press pressure strings and his powerful pokes. His great speed and pokes combined with his Head Press and Devil's Reverse also allow him to play an effective keep-away game if needed.

His obvious strengths are his great normal pokes, especially the standing HK, his fast walk and dashing speed, his LK Knee Press, and his EX special moves that allow him to escape tricky situations. Especially the EX Psycho Crusher is a very powerful tool in Dictator's arsenal. His Super is pretty good, being easy to land from a hit confirm crouching LK combo, and also being able to counter projectiles on reaction. Most of the time however, he will have to burn his meter on EX moves.

His most glaring weaknesses are his lack of tools to defend against close-range jump attacks and crossup attempts, his lack of a reversal with invincibility frames without having to burn EX meter, and his inability to deal great damage without using ultra or super.

Also, while his air moves are strong and have good crossup-potential, his jump is a bit slow, and this gives the opponent more time to anti-air or block the correct way.

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Dictator is a character that relies heavily on using his normal moves well. Luckily, his normals are generally very good, and he has some of the best pokes in the game. One of the disadvantages of his normals is his lack of a fast and safe sweep.

Important normals:

- Standing HK - Standing MK - Crouching LK - Crouching LP

Standing Normals

Far standing LP:

A basic punch that you generally won't use a lot since his standing LK has both better damage and is faster. Cancels into everything.

Far standing MP:

This will probably be your least used normal move with Dictator. While the move deals good damage for a medium punch, his standing HK is both faster, more damaging, and has a bigger hitbox, giving this move little reason to be used. This move is also one of Dictator's slowest normals, hitting at frame 8. Super-cancellable.

Far standing HP:

This move uses the same animation as the standing MP with some added frames and a psycho power effect. Damage is 130, which is very good for a normal move. Unfortunately, this move is almost twice as slow as the standing HK, has a smaller hitbox, and has shorter range. Once again, there is not much reason to use this move rather than using the standing HK. Differences in hitbox placement may give this move some limited use as anti air in specific situations. Cannot be cancelled.

Far standing LK:

Similar to the standing LP, the standing LK is one frame faster and does 10 additional points of damage. Another advantage of the standing LK is that it gives a frame advantage of +6 on hit, which means that it can frame link into both itself, a standing LP, crouching MK, and a standing MK and HK. This gives Dictator the option to do some additional damage from a fast move without needing backwards charge. Special and super-cancellable.

Far standing MK:

A great poke that comes out quickly and has good range and recovery. This move is shadowed by the standing HK, which has the same speed, but more power. However, the MK will always hit a crouching opponent and is useful at maxiumum poking range in some situations. Cannot be cancelled.

Far standing HK:

A roundhouse kick that makes Chuck Norris look like a rookie. This is perhaps the overall best normal move in the game. Dictator's standing HK hits on the sixth frame, does 120 damage, and has a huge hitbox that can effectively be used both as anti-air and for hitting opponents on the ground. The animation of this move is deceiving, because the actual hitbox reaches much lower than what it may seem like. At maximum range however, the move will not hit crouchers, and so there are situations where MK does a better job. The move also has a +3 frame advantage on hit, giving Dictator the initiative if it hits. Cannot be cancelled.

Close standing LP:

The close standing punch is Dictator's move that gives the best frame advantage. With a +7 advantage on hit, this move is used to make some of Dictator's frame links easier to perform. For other purposes than linking into more damaging moves, this move is not very useful, being quite slow for a close range jab, hitting at frame 6. This means that you don't want this to be the first move in your links. Cancels into everything.

Close standing MP:

Just like with his far standing MP, his close range version is one of those moves that you don't really need for anything. The hitbox on this move is very small, and the move is just 1 frame faster than the otherwise superior close HP. Frame advantage is too little to use for linking as well. Special and super-cancellable.

Close standing HP:

This move is Dictator's main punishing tool. The move has decent startup for a HP, hitting at frame 8, deals 120 damage, and combos into Knee Press, Psycho Crusher, and Knee Press Nightmare. All of Dictator's most damaging combos start with this move. Special and super-cancellable.

Close standing LK:

Identical to far standing LK.

Close standing MK:

A strange move that sees little use if any. Dictator does a shin kick that has surprisingly good frame advantage. At +5 on hit, the move would have allowed for a frame link into crouching MK, but the opponent will be pushed too far away by this move for the cr.MK to hit. The move is too slow for a close range move also, hitting at the seventh frame. Super-cancellable.

Close standing HK:

Identical to the far standing HK.

Crouching Normals

Crouching LP:

One of Dictator's staple combo tools. Hitting at frame 4, this move is one frame slower than his crouching LK, but +5 advantage on hit allows Dictator to do a frame link into crouching MK, which allows for a higher damage potential than what he can get from a crouching LK. The crouching LP cancels into everything, and this lets the player cancel it into a close standing LP, which has a frame advantage of +7, making the frame link to crouching MK much easier to land. This only works at point blank range however. Otherwise you would get the far standing LP instead. The drawback of using the crouching LP rather than the crouching LK is that it has a 1 frame slower startup, and thus will lose to faster jabs, like Ryu's crouching LP. Also, the crouching LP hits high. Cancels into everything.

Crouching MP:

The crouching MP is a good tool for punishing mistakes, doing good damage for a medium move, having good range, and being cancellable. Another thing to know about this move is that it gives a frame advantage of +3 on block. This allows the player to use it as a counterpoke bait. Any HK or MK you throw out after the blocked crouching MP will be out 3 frames earlier than your opponent's poke, and thus likely to stuff it. Also, on hit this move gives a frame advantage of +6, allowing for a 1-frame link into standing MK or HK if it hits. This link also makes the crouching MP useful as a meaty attack, though having only 2 active hit frames, hitting on the second one specifically can be hard. Special and super-cancellable.

Crouching HP:

This odd-looking crouching uppercut is a very specialized move that has a few applications. The hitbox placements of this move makes it good at countering certain air moves that the standing HK and HP can't. Unfortunately, the slow startup of the move means you will have to react quickly to a jump, or you will risk hitting it too late. Other than using it for anti-air, this move is not veru useful, giving a -7 on block and -2 on hit. The other use for this move would be to combo into super as a punish, since it has decent range and damage. Super-cancellable.

Crouching LK:

This is Dictator's main close range tool. Hitting at the third frame, this is his fastest move. Unlike his crouching LP however, this move cannot cancel into other normal moves, and so there is no way to link this into the close standing LP. The most common application of this move is to link it into itself several times, then cancel into a Knee Press. If you are feeling especially confident you can attempt to do a 1-frame link into crouching LP, then another 1-frame link into crouching MK, cancelled to a Knee Press. (Or Psycho Crusher, just to be extra gutsy)Hits low, special and super-cancellable.

Crouching MK:

This move is the destination for most of your frame links that begin with crouching LP. Having 4 active hit frames, this is also the move that is easiest to use as a meaty with Dictator. A meaty crouching MK can link into crouching LK, crouching LP, and crouching MK (hard). Hits low, special and super-cancellable.

Crouching HK:

One of Dictator's classic and unique moves. Unlike a regular sweep, the crouching HK of Dictator makes him slide across the screen. This move has some use, but mostly as a mobility tool and for baiting punishing attempts. This move has 12 active hit frames, and depending on how late the move hits, you can end up on anything between -10 to +1 frame advantage on block. Because of this, you should only use this move from near maximum distance, or the opponent will be able to punish you heavily. The move can also be useful for sliding under Akuma's air fireballs, and will also pass under Sagat's high tiger shots if timed right. Use sparingly and mostly as a surprise move. Hits low and knocks down, preventing quick recovery. Cannot be cancelled.

Normal Throws

Deadly Throw - f / n + LP + LK

Dictator's forward throw tosses the opponent one jumping length away from Dictator. This is good because it helps pushing the opponent into the corner. The throw also gives Dictator good time to move around after landing it, and doing a safe jump HP should be possible after using this throw. Dictator also has time to dash in and do a meaty combo after using this throw. Damage is 130, stun is 130, range is 0.9 which is the standard throw range.

Death Tower - b + LP + LK

Dictator's backward throw creates about the same amount of distance with his opponent as his forward throw does, but gives him slightly more time to move around than the forward throw, and also allowing for safe jumps, crossup attempts, and meaty combos after a dash-in. Like his forward throw, his backward throw's throw distance helps to place the opponent in the corner. Damage is 130, stun is 150, range is 0.9 which is the standard throw range.

Note that Dictator cannot use his throws for buffering a back charge, and any charge held before the throw is performed is wiped once the successful throw animation starts. Buffering a down charge works however, and using a Head Press or a Devil's Reverse right after throwing is a possibility. A Head Stomp performed after throwing can be timed to hit as a meaty, and an empty devil's reverse performed right after using the forward throw will land behind the opponent instead of in front.

Also, while his throw range is only 0.9, his excellent walk and dash speeds makes Dictator one of the best normal throw users.

Command Normals

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Super Move

Ultra Move

The Basics




Matchup Videos

Find a great collection of matchup specific videos from top players at
Contributor: zaspacer

Andrê vs Daigo (Dictator vs Ryu):

Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 30 50 6 2 5 12 +4 +7 10 13 20 HL O O O -
Close MP 90 100 7 3 12 21 -1 +2 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Close HP 120 200 8 3 16 26 -1 +4 17 22 60 HL X O O Forces stand
Close LK 30 50 4 2 6 11 +3 +6 10 13 20 HL X O O -
Close MK 90 100 7 3 9 18 +2 +5 13 16 40 HL X X O -
Close HK 120 200 6 3 16 24 -1 +3 17 21 60 HL X X X -
Far LP 20 50 5 2 7 13 +2 +5 10 13 20 HL O O O -
Far MP 90 100 8 3 11 21 0 +3 13 16 40 HL X X O -
Far HP 130 200 11 2 19 31 -3 +1 17 21 60 HL X X X -
Far LK 30 50 4 2 6 11 +3 +6 10 13 20 HL X O O -
Far MK 70 100 6 3 14 22 -3 0 13 16 40 HL X X X -
Far HK 120 200 6 3 16 24 -1 +3 17 21 60 HL X X X -
crouch LP 30 50 4 2 7 12 +2 +5 10 13 20 HL O O O -
crouchMP 80 100 7 2 9 17 +3 +6 13 16 40 HL X O O -
crouch HP 110 200 12 4 21 36 -7 -2 17 22 60 HL X X O Forces stand
crouch LK 20 50 3 2 8 12 +1 +4 10 13 20 L X O O Low attack
crouch MK 70 100 5 4 11 19 -3 +2 13 16 40 L X O O Low attack
crouch HK 110 200 15 12 16 42 -10 D 17 - 60 L X X X Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP 50 50 6 6 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MP 90 100 7 7 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HP 110 200 6 8 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump up LK 40 50 6 12 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MK 80 100 7 10 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - (translate)
Jump up HK 100 200 6 10 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LP 50 50 6 7 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MP 50 50 7 3 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HP 110 200 8 8 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LK 40 50 5 7 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MK 70 100 6 14 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HK 100 200 7 6 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump MP(during Jump MP) 30 50 6 4 - - - - 11 15 20 H - - - Pursuit property
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 22 2 34 57 -20 -20 15 15 20 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 90 150 18+12 2 34 65 -14 D 21 - 40 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 150 200 66 2 34 101 D D - - 60 - - - - -
Forward Throw 130 130 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 0.9 - - - Throw range 0.9
Back throw 130 150 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 0.9 - - - Throw range 0.9
Psycho Crusher LP 110 100 14 12*11 12+6 54 -8 D 20 - 30/40 HL X X O 37~48f cannot be thrown, Armor break, (translate), charge 55f
Psycho Crusher MP 120 150 14 14*13 12+10 62 -14 D 20 - 30/40 HL X X O 41~52f cannot be thrown, Armor break, (translate), charge 55f
Psycho Crusher HP 130 200 14 17*16 12+10 68 -17 D 20 - 30/40 HL X X O 47~58f cannot be thrown, Armor break, (translate), charge 55f
Psycho Crusher EX 70*70 100*100 14 23 12+6 54 -16 D 24 - 0/0 HL X X O 1~13f invincible, 37~48 cannot be throw, Pursuit property, Armor break, (translate), (translate), charge 55f
Scissor Kick LK 60*40 100*50 10 2(1)4 17 33 0 D 20 24*- 20/16*16 HL X X O 1st hit cancellable, charge 55f
Scissor Kick MK 60*50 100*50 13 2(1)4 22 41 -5 D 20 24*- 20/16*16 HL X X O 1st hit cancellable, charge 55f
Scissor Kick HK 70*60 100*50 16 2(1)4 25 47 -8 D 20 24*- 20/16*16 HL X X O 1st hit cancellable, charge 55f
Scissor Kick EX 70*70 100*50 13 2(1)4 25 44 -8 D 20 24*- 0/0 HL X X O 1~12f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Headstomp 120 100 22 Until ground 16 - - - 20 25 20/30 HL - - X Mid attack, (translate), Flies toward opponent, charge 55f
Headstomp EX 200 200 22 Until ground 16 - - D 20 - 0/0 HL - X - (translate), Mid attack, (translate), (translate), Flies toward opponent, charge 55f
Headstomp ??? - - - - 4 - - - - - 0/0 - - - - (translate)
Headstomp P followup 120 100 17+7 3 13 - +9 +13 22 26 20/30 HL - - - Mid attack, (translate), (translate)
Headstomp P followup EX 80*80 100*100 17+7 3 13 - +10 +14 22 26 0/0 HL - - X Pursuit property, Mid attack, (translate), (translate)
Devil Reverse ??? - - - - 48 48 - - - - 0/0 HL - - - EX(translate) 1~13f invincible, Flies toward opponent
Devil Reverse 110 150 13+34 Until ground 16 - - - 13 - 20/30 HL - - - Mid attack, (translate), charge 55f
Devil Reverse EX 80*80 100*100 13+34 Until ground 16 - - - 13 - 0/0 HL - - - Pursuit property, mMid attack, (translate), charge 55f
Teleport - - - - 42 42 - - - - 0/0 - - - - 1~29f invincible
Super Combo LK 60x4*100 0 1+5 2(1)2(11)2*2(8)18 30 81 -27 D 20 - 0/0 HLx4*L X X X 1~7f invincible, Pursuit property, Low attack(5th hit), (translate) (5th hit), charge 55f
Super Combo MK 60x4*100 0 1+11 2(1)2(11)2*2(8)18 30 87 -27 D 20 - 0/0 HLx4*L X X X 1~10f invincible, Pursuit property, Low attack(5th hit), (translate) (5th hit), charge 55f
Super Combo HK 60x4*100 0 1+15 2(1)2(11)2*2(8)18 30 91 -27 D 20 - 0/0 HLx4*L X X X 1~12f invincible, Pursuit property, Low attack(5th hit), (translate) (5th hit), charge 55f
Ultra Combo 60x5*240 0 1+11 4*2(12)2*2(16)12x3 30+18 133 -35 D 25 0/0 HL - X X 1~16f invincible, Pursuit property, (translate) (5th hit), charge 55f
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4. It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.