Street Fighter IV/Guile

From SuperCombo Wiki


Guie is one of the most difficult characters to bring to full potential in SFIV and requires a high level of dedication to learn. The bulk of his game involves careful use of normals and judicious use of specials.

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws

Dragon Suplex

  • (Close to opponent)Forward or Neutral + LP+LK

Judo Throw

  • (Close to opponent)Back + LP+LK

Flying Mare

  • (In Air, Close to opponent)Forward or Neutral + LP+LK

Flying Buster Drop

  • (In Air, Close to opponent)Back + LP+LK

Command Normals

Straight Chop

  • Forward + Medium Punch
    • Overhead

Spinning Back Knuckle

  • Forward + Heavy Punch

Knee Bazooka

  • Forward or Back + Light Kick

Rolling Sobat

  • Forward or Back + Medium Kick

Reverse Spin Kick

  • (Close to opponent)Forward or Back + Heavy Kick

Guile High Kick

  • Down-Forward + Heavy Kick

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Sonic Boom

  • Charge Back, Forward + Punch
    • EX Version available

Flash Kick

  • Charge Down, Up + Kick
    • EX Version available. Has Armor Break properties.

Super Move

Double Flash

  • Charge Down-Back, Down-Forward, Down-Back, Up-Forward + Kick

Ultra Move

Flash Explosion

  • Charge Down-Back, Down-Forward, Down-Back, Up-Forward + All three Kicks

The Basics




Matchup Videos

Find a great collection of matchup specific videos from top players at
Contributor: zaspacer

Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 20 50 3 2 7 11 +2 +5 10 13 20 HL O O O -
Close MP 60 100 4 3 14 20 -3 0 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Close HP 120[70] 200[150] 5 4 15 23 -1 +4 17 22 60 HL X O O Forces stand
Close LK 30 50 3 3 8 13 0 +3 10 13 20 HL O X X -
Close MK 60 100 5 2 16 22 -4 -1 13 16 40 HL X X X -
Close HK 130 200 6 3 18 26 -3 +1 17 21 60 HL X X X -
Far LP 30 50 4 2 7 12 +2 +5 10 13 20 HL O O O -
Far MP 80 100 5 4 14 22 -4 -1 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Far HP 120 200 5 3 14 21 +1 +5 17 21 60 HL X X O -
Far LK 40 50 5 2 9 14 0 +3 10 13 20 HL O X X -
Far MK 70 100 7 4 12 22 -2 +1 13 16 40 HL X X X -
Far HK 110 200 13 5 14 31 -1 +3 17 21 60 HL X X X -
crouch LP 30 50 4 2 8 13 +1 +4 10 13 20 HL O O O -
crouch MP 70 100 4 5 10 18 -1 +2 13 16 40 HL X O O -
crouch HP 100[70] 200[150] 5 4 23 31 -9 -4 17 22 60 HL X X X Forces stand
crouch LK 30 50 4 2 9 14 0 +3 10 13 20 L O X X Low attack
crouch MK 70 100 7 4 14 24 -4 -1 13 16 40 L X X X Low attack
crouch HK 110*140 200 6 4(20)4 17 50 -3 D 17 - 60 L X X O Low attack, 1st hit cancellable, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP 50 50 5 2 - - - - 8 13 20 H - - - -
Jump up MP 80 100 7 4 - - - - 11 16 40 H - - - -
Jump up HP 100 200 7 3 - - - - 15 20 60 H - - - -
Jump up LK 40 50 7 6 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MK 80 100 7 6 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HK 100 200 6 3 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LP 50 50 6 6 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MP 80 100 5 5 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HP 100 200 5 5 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LK 30 50 5 5 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MK 60 100 5 6 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HK 100 200 6 5 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Overhead f+MP 80 100 15 3 14 31 -3 0 13 16 40 H X X X Mid attack
f+HP 120 200 8 3 15 25 0 +4 17 21 60 HL X X X -
B or F+LK 50 50 7 4 18 28 -11 -6 10 15 20 HL X X X -
B or F+MK 60 100 11 4 14 28 -4 -1 13 16 40 HL X X X -
B or F+HK(close) 120 200 16 6 12 33 0 +4 17 21 60 HL X X X -
DF+HK 110 200 11 2 17 29 -1 D 17 - 60 HL X X X -
Target Combo 1 80 100 15 3 - -3 0 40 H X X X Mid atack
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 80 150 18+12 2 35 65 -15 D 21 - 40 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 140 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - - -
Forward Throw 120 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 0.9 - - - Throw range 0.9, recovers 19 frames before opponent
Back throw 120 80 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 0.9 - - - Throw range 0.9, recovers 67 frames before opponent
F+LP+LK (air) 150 150 3 2 - - - D - - 40 1.25 Throw range 1.25
B+LP+LK (air) 150 150 3 2 - - - D - - 40 1.25 Throw range 1.25, recovers 71 frames before opponent
Sonic Boom LP 50 50 9 - 29 29 +6 +10 18 22 20/20 HL X X O charge 55f
Sonic Boom MP 50 50 9 - 31 31 +4 +8 18 22 20/20 HL X X O charge 55f
Sonic Boom HP 50 50 9 - 33 33 +2 +6 18 22 20/20 HL X X O charge 55f
Sonic Boom EX 50*50 50*50 11 - 39 39 +1 +4 13 16 0/0 HL X X O Pursuit property, charge 55f
Somersault LK 130[70) 200[100] 4 11 20+23 57 -33 D 20 - 30/40 HL X X O 1~3f invincible, 4~14f cannot be thrown, (translate), Armor break, charge 55f
Somersault MK 140[70] 200[100] 4 11 22+23 59 -35 D 20 - 30/40 HL X X O 1~3f invincible, 4~14f cannot be thrown, (translate), Armor break, charge 55f
Somersault HK 160[70] 200[100] 4 11 24+23 61 -37 D 20 - 30/40 HL X X O 1~3f invincible, 4~14f cannot be thrown, (translate), Armor break, charge 55f
Somersault EX 100*80 150*100 4 2*9 24+23 61 -35 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X O 1~5f invincible, 6~14f cannot be thrown, (translate), Armor break, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Super Combo LK 95*40*40*60*30*80 0 1+2 1*5*2(9)1*8*2 20+23 73 -24 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~8f invincible, 13~21f cannot be thrown, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Super Combo MK 95*40*40*60*30*80 0 1+3 1*5*1(14)1*8*2 22+23 80 -26 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~9f invincible, 18~26f cannot be thrown, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Super Combo HK 95*40*40*60*30*80 0 1+5 1*5*1(19)1*8*2 24+23 89 -28 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~11f invincible, 25~33f cannot be thrown, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Ultra Combo 90*45x7*98 0 1+6 1*3*1(30)1*1*1*2*1 31+66 144 -77 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~10f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4. It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.