Street Fighter IV/Guile

From SuperCombo Wiki


Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws

Dragon Suplex

  • (Close to opponent)Forward or Neutral + LP+LK

Judo Throw

  • (Close to opponent)Back + LP+LK

Flying Mare

  • (In Air, Close to opponent)Forward or Neutral + LP+LK

Flying Buster Drop

  • (In Air, Close to opponent)Back + LP+LK

Command Normals

Straight Chop

  • Forward + Medium Punch
    • Overhead

Spinning Back Knuckle

  • Forward + Heavy Punch

Knee Bazooka

  • Forward or Back + Light Kick

Rolling Sobat

  • Forward or Back + Medium Kick

Reverse Spin Kick

  • (Close to opponent)Forward or Back + Heavy Kick

Guile High Kick

  • Down-Forward + Heavy Kick

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Sonic Boom

  • Charge Back, Forward + Punch
    • EX Version available

Flash Kick

  • Charge Down, Up + Kick
    • EX Version available. Has Armor Break properties.

Super Move

Double Flash

  • Charge Down-Back, Down-Forward, Down-Back, Up-Forward + Kick

Ultra Move

Flash Explosion

  • Charge Down-Back, Down-Forward, Down-Back, Up-Forward + All three Kicks

The Basics




Matchup Videos

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Contributor: zaspacer

Frame Data

frame frame frames of frames of super meter cancel
move Name startup active recovery adv.blk adv.hit blockstun hitstun damage stun gain block ability comments
close LP 3 2 7 +2 +5 10 13 20 50 20 HL CSpS -
close MP 4 3 14 -3 0 13 16 60 100 40 HL SpS -
close HP 5 4 15 -1 +4 17 22 120[70] 200[150] 60 HL SpS[-] Forces stand on hit
close LK 3 3 8 0 +3 10 13 30 50 20 HL C -
close MK 5 2 16 -4 -1 13 16 60 100 40 HL - -
close HK 6 3 18 -3 +1 17 21 130 200 60 HL - -
far LP 4 2 7 +2 +5 10 13 30 50 20 HL CSpS -
far MP 5 4 14 -4 -1 13 16 80 100 40 HL SpS -
far HP 5 3 14 +1 +5 17 21 120 200 60 HL S -
far LK 5 2 9 0 +3 10 13 40 50 20 HL C -
far MK 7 4 12 -2 +1 13 16 70 100 40 HL - -
far HK 13 5 14 -1 +3 17 21 110 200 60 HL - -
crouch LP 4 2 8 +1 +4 10 13 30 50 20 HL CSpS -
crouch MP 4 5 10 -1 +2 13 16 70 100 40 HL SpS -
crouch HP 5 4 23 -9 -4 17 22 100[70] 200[150] 60 HL - Forces stand on hit
crouch LK 4 2 9 0 +3 10 13 30 50 20 L C Low attack
crouch MK 7 4 14 -4 -1 13 16 70 100 40 L - Low attack
crouch HK 6 4(20)4 17 -3 - 17 - 110*140 200 60 L S*- Low attack/1st hit cancellabe/cannot fast recover
jump up LP 5 2 - - - 10 13 50 50 20 H - -
jump up MP 7 4 - - - 13 16 80 100 40 H - -
jump up HP 7 3 - - - 17 20 100 200 60 H - -
jump up LK 7 6 - - - 8 11 40 50 20 H - -
jump up MK 7 6 - - - 11 15 80 100 40 H - -
jump up HK 6 3 - - - 15 18 100 200 60 H - -
jump forward LP 6 6 - - - 8 11 50 50 20 H - -
jump forward MP 5 5 - - - 11 15 80 100 40 H - -
jump forward HP 5 5 - - - 15 18 100 200 60 H - -
jump forward LK 5 5 - - - 8 11 30 50 20 H - -
jump forward MK 5 6 - - - 11 15 60 100 40 H - -
jump forward HK 6 5 - - - 15 18 100 200 60 H - -
F+MP 15 3 14 -3 0 13 16 80 100 40 H - Mid attack
F+HP 8 3 15 0 +4 17 21 120 200 60 HL - -
B or F+LK 7 4 18 -11 -6 10 15 50 50 20 HL - -
B or F+MK 11 4 14 -4 -1 13 16 60 100 40 HL - -
F+HK (close) 16 6 12 0 +4 17 21 120 200 60 HL - -
DF+HK 11 2 17 -1 - 17 - 110 200 60 HL - -
lvl1 FA 21 2 35 -21 -21 15 15 60 100 20 HL - -
lvl2 FA 17+12 2 35 -15 - 21 - 80 150 40 HL - -
lvl3 FA 65 2 35 - - - - 140 200 60 - - -
F+LP+LK 3 2 20 - - - - 120 100 40 0.9 - Throw range 0.9
B+LP+LK 3 2 20 - - - - 120 80 40 0.9 - Throw range 0.9
F+LP+LK (air) 3 2 - - - - - 150 150 40 1.25 - Throw range 1.25
B+LP+LK (air) 3 2 - - - - - 150 150 40 1.25 - Throw range 1.25
sonic boom LP 9 - 29 +6 +10 18 22 50 50 20/20 HL S -
sonic boom MP 9 - 31 +4 +8 18 22 50 50 20/20 HL S -
sonic boom HP 9 - 33 +2 +6 18 22 50 50 20/20 HL S -
sonic boom EX 11 - 39 +1 +4 13 16 50*50 50*50 0/0 HL S pursuit property
somersault LK 4 11 20+23 -33 - 20 - 130[70] 200[100] 30/40 HL S[-] frame 1~3 invincible/frame 4~14 cannot be thrown/translate?/armor break
somersault MK 4 11 22+23 -35 - 20 - 140[70] 200[100] 30/40 HL S[-] frame 1~3 invincible/frame 4~14 cannot be thrown/armor break
somersault HK 4 11 24+23 -37 - 20 - 160[70] 200[100] 30/40 HL S[-] frame 1~3 invincible/frame 4~14 cannot be thrown/armor break
somersault EX 4 2*9 24+23 -35 - 20 - 100*80 150*100 0/0 HL S*- frame 1~5 invincible/frame 6~14 cannot be thrown/translate?/pursuit property/armor break
Super Combo LK 1+2 1*5*2(9)1*8*2 20+23 -24 - 20 - 95*40*40*60*30*80 0 0/0 HL - frame 1~8 invincible/frame 13~21 cannot be thrown/pursuit property
Super Combo MK 1+3 1*5*1(14)1*8*2 22+23 -26 - 20 - 95*40*40*60*30*80 0 0/0 HL - frame 1~9 invincible/frame 18~26 cannot be thrown/pursuit property
Super Combo HK 1+5 1*5*1(19)1*8*2 24+23 -28 - 20 - 95*40*40*60*30*80 0 0/0 HL - frame 1~11 invincible/frame 25~33 cannot be thrown/pursuit property
Ultra Combo 1+6 1*3*1(30)1*1*1*2*1 31+66 -77 - 20 - 60*30x7*65 0 0/0 HL - frame 1~10 invincible/pursuit property
move Name startup active recovery frame adv.blk frame adv.hit frames of blockstun frames of hitstun damage stun super meter gain block cancel ability comments
Arcade characters AbelAkumaBalrogBlankaC. ViperChun-LiDhalsimE. HondaEl Fuerte
GuileKenM. BisonRufusRyuSagatVegaZangief
Console characters CammyDanFei LongGenGoukenRoseSakuraSeth