Street Fighter IV/Sakura

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< Street Fighter IV
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Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 25 50 3 2 5 9 +4 +7 10 13 20 O O O -
Close MP 65 100 4 2 12 17 0 +3 13 16 40 X O O -
Close HP 100[80] 120[100] 3 4 20 26 -6 -1 17 22 60 X O O Forces Stand
Close LK 25 50 3 2 8 12 +1 +4 10 13 20 O O O -
Close MK 60 100 4 3 15 21 -4 -1 13 16 40 X O O -
Close HK 120[100] 200 6 3 21 29 -6 -1 17 22 60 X X O Forces Stand
Far LP 25 50 3 2 5 9 +4 +7 10 13 20 O O O -
Far MP 75 100 7 3 12 21 -1 +2 13 16 40 X X O -
Far HP 110 200 8 3 18 28 -2 +2 18 22 60 X X X -
Far LK 30 50 3 2 8 12 +1 +4 10 13 20 O O O -
Far MK 75 100 9 2 12 22 0 +3 13 16 40 X X X -
Far HK 110 200 10 3 16 28 -1 +3 17 21 60 X X X -
crouch LP 20 50 3 2 6 10 +3 +6 10 13 20 O O O -
crouch MP 65 80 5 3 11 18 0 +3 13 16 40 X O O -
crouch HP 100[80] 120[100] 4 4 24 31 -10 -5 17 22 60 X O O Forces Stand
crouch LK 20 50 3 3 8 13 0 +3 10 13 20 O O O Low Attack
crouch MK 60 100 5 4 13 21 -3 0 13 16 40 X O O Low Attack
crouch HK 90 150 7 3 22 31 -7 D 17 - 60 X X X Low Attack, Cannot tech
Jump up LP 50 50 3 7 - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump up MP 80 100 4 6 - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump up HP 100 200 5 5 - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump up LK 30 50 4 5 - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump up MK 70 100 6 8 - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump up HK 100 200 8 6 - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump forward LP 50 50 4 7 - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump forward MP 80 100 4 5 - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump forward HP 100 200 5 5 - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump forward LK 30 50 4 5 - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump forward MK 70 100 5 4 - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump forward HK 100 200 6 5 - - - - - 60 - - - -
Flower Kick 80 100 16 2 15 32 -3 +2 13 18 40 X X X Mid attack
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 80 150 18+11 2 35 65 -15 D 21 - 40 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 130 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - -
Forward Throw 120 120 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 0.8
Back throw 135 140 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 0.8
Hadoken 60 75 15 71 49 49 -8 -4 10/20 X X O -
Hadoken (Hold) 80 100 13+13 71 62 62 -8 -4 10/20 X X O -
Hadoken (MAX) 120 150 38 44 74 74 -8 -4 10/20 X X O -
Hadoken EX 40*60 50*50 15 - 49 49 -5 D 0/0 X X O Pursuit property
Hadoken EX (MAX) 60*80 75*75 38 - 74 74 -5 D 0/0 X X O Pursuit property
Shooken LP 90*15 50*50 6 6 ?? 40 -12 D 30/10*10 X X O 1st hit cancellable
Shooken MP 90*15x3 50*35x3 7 14 ?? 53 -20 D 30/10x4 X X O Pursuit property, 1st~3rd hit cancellable
Shooken HP 80*15x5 50*30x5 12 20 ?? 62 -20 D 30/10x6 X X O Pursuit property, 1st~3rd hit cancellable
Shooken EX 55*15+55*15x5 50*30*50*30x5 12 6*19 ?? 87 -20 D 0/0 X X O 1~13f invincible, 1*3~5 hit cancellable
Shunpukyaku LK 60 100 16 6 ?? 36 0 +4 20/15 X X X 10~21f (translate), Armor break
Shunpukyaku MK 60*60 50*50 17 3*6 ?? 51 -3 +1 20/20*20 X X X 11~33f (translate), Armor break
Shunpukyaku HK 60x3 50x3 12 3*3*2 ?? 53 -2 +2 20/15x3 X X X 7~32f (translate), Pursuit property, Armor break
Shunpukyaku EX 30x3*35 50x4 12 3*3*2*3 ?? 61 +4 D 0/0 X X O 7~32f (translate), 4th hit (translate), Pursuit property, Armor break, 4th hit cancellable
Shunpukyaku (air) 50 50 8 33 - - - D 10/40 - - - -
Shunpukyaku EX (air) 80xn 50xn 8 3 - - - D 0/0 - - - -
Sakura Otoshi (in air) - - - - - - - - 20 - - - (translate)
Sakura Otoshi 60*60*48 100*100*80 4 3 - - - D 20/15x3 - - - Pursuit property, 3rd hit cannot fast recover
EX Sakura Otoshi (in air) - - - - - - - - 0/0 - - - Flies toward opponent
EX Sakura Otoshi 60*60*48 100*100*80 4 3 - - - D 0/0 - - - Pursuit property, 3rd hit cannot fast recover
Haru Ichiban 50x6*80 - 7 2x6*4 ?? 83 -7 D 0/0 - - - 1~13f invincible, 1~6 hit Low attack
Haru Ranmaru 75x4*135 - 11 2x3 ?? 80 -28 D 0/0 - - - 1~11f invincible, Armor break 1~2 hit Low attack
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4. It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.


  • F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
  • B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
  • U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
  • D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)
  • QCF - D, DF, F - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • QCB - D, DB, B - Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • HCF - Half circle forward - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • HCB - Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • DP - F, D, DF - Dragon punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward. In SFIV, there is a "shortcut" for this motion: DF, neutral, DF.
  • 360 - Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick.
  • 720 - Complete a 720 degree rotation of the stick.
  • Charge - Hold a tilt - Hold the stick in either B or D (Depending) then move to F or U respectively.

X-axis functions can be used interchangeably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.

Six Button Notation

  • Jab - weak punch (also called LP or WP)
  • Strong - medium punch (also called MP)
  • Fierce - fierce punch (also called HP or FP)
  • P - any punch
  • PPP or 3P - all three punches simultaneously
  • Short - weak kick (also called LK or WK)
  • Forward - medium kick (also called MK)
  • Roundhouse (RH) - fierce kick (also called HK)
  • K = any kick
  • KKK or 3K - all three kicks simultaneously


  • ~ Immediately after, e.g "Strong~Fierce" means press Fierce IMMEDIATELY after Strong, f~f means to double tap forward (dash).
  • , Link
  • xx Cancel

State Modifiers

  • st. - The following move should be performed in the standing position (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. st.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst standing.
  • cr. - The following move should be performed in the crouched position (held down in the Y-axis). i.e. cr.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst crouching.
  • j. - The following move should be performed in the "in the air" position (After having held up in the Y-axis). i.e. j.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst in the air.

Miscellaneous Notation

  • Claw = American Vega = Japanese Balrog
  • Boxer = American Balrog = Japanese Bison
  • Dictator (Dic) = American Bison = Japanese Vega

Not everyone plays on the American version, and some character names are different in the Japanese version, so to avoid confusion, we should not use the names Vega, Bison, or Balrog.

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Standing Normals:
s.LP - (25 damage, 50 stun damage) Sakura throws out her close hand for a quick jab. Range is slightly in front of her forward foot.
s.MP - (75 damage, 100 stun damage) Sakura throws out her far hand. Has slightly more range than her , which is roughly a half character length.
s.HP - (110 damage, 200 stun damage) Sakura throws out a long range punch with her far hand with 3/4 character's range. Good stun damage and overall damage.
close s.HP - (100 damage, 120 stun damage) Sakura takes both of her hands and swings them up hitting the opponent in the chin.
s.LK - (30 damage, 50 stun damage) Sakura does a quick kick at about shin height with her far foot for 2/3 character range.
s.MK - (75 damage, 100 stun damage) Sakura throws out her close foot at about chest height for almost a full character length.
s.HK - (110 damage, 200 stun damage) Sakura throws out her far foot for a little over a character length at about chest height.
close s.HK - (120 damage, 200 stun damage) Sakura kicks her close foot up as high as it goes

Crouching Normals:
cr.LP (20 damage, 50 stun damage) - Sakura throws out her close arm in a crouching animation similar to her standing
cr.MP (65 damage, 80 stun damage) - Sakura makes a fist and does a quick downward arc punch to the ground. About the same range as her standing MP.
cr.HP (100 damage, 120 stun damage) - Sakura takes her close arm and punches straight up. Very short horizontal range, but excellent vertical range, and your standard anti-air move.
cr.LK (20 damage, 50 stun damage) - Sakura takes her outward leg and extends it a bit. Slightly less range than her standing
cr.MK (60 damage, 100 stun damage) - Sakura sticks her outward leg out even farther for about 3/4 character length.
cr.HK (90 damage, 150 stun damage) - Sakura does a sweeping roundhouse kick with her far away foot. Has a full character length of range.

Jumping Normals:
neutral j.LP - (50 damage, 50 stun damage) Sakura sticks her outward arm straight in front of her with slight range.
j.LP - Same as above (damage, too), but at about a 45 degree angle downward.
neutral j.MP - (80 damage, 100 stun damage) Sakura throws out a punch with her outward arm angling slightly downward.
j.MP - (80 damage, 100 stun damage) Sakura takes her far arm and throws a straight punch.
neutral j.HP - (100 damage, 200 stun damage) Sakura does an air version of what looks like her
j.HP - (100 damage, 200 stun damage) Sakura takes her fists and punches straight down between her legs
neutral j.LK - (30 damage, 50 stun damage) Sakura sticks her far away foot up in front of her higher than her head
j.LK - (30 damage, 50 stun damage) Sakura jumps with her close foot and kicks at a slightly downward angle. Can cross up.
neutral j.MK - (70 damage, 100 stun damage) Sakura kicks with her close foot forward. Longest range of all her moves.
j.MK - (70 damage, 100 stun damage) Sakura kicks down at about a 45 degree angle
neutral j.HK - (100 damage, 200 stun damage) Sakura kicks with both of her feet down extended.
j.HK - (100 damage, 200 stun damage) Sakura puts one leg up, and kicks down with her other leg fully extended.

Normal Throws

Command Normals

f.MK - Flower Kick - (80 damage, 100 stun damage) Panty Shot overhead.

Focus / Saving Attack

(uncharged) - (60 damage, 100 stun damage) Sakura jumps forward for a little less than character length and hits the opponent with her knees. She can jump over lows with this move, but when the move hits, she is considered to be grounded, even tho she looks like she's in the air. She can be thrown out of it like other focus attacks.
(charged) - (130 damage, 200 stun damage) Sakura crouches down on her hands and knees and then performs the same attack as above. Like all focus attacks, when fully charged, it becomes unblockable and stuns the opponent.

Special Moves

Fireball (Hadouken)
(60 damage, 75 stun)
Doesn't travel full-screen
All versions goes about 4 character lengths and travel the same speed.
Hold the Punch button to charge up her Fireball.
(level 2) - Hadoken - (80 dmg, 100 stun dmg) - The fireball becomes a bit bigger, but travels slower and goes about 2.5 character lengths away
(level 3) - Hadoken - (120 damage, 150 stun) - The fireball becomes really slow moving and goes a little under 1 and a half character lengths
Shou'ou ken (Dragon Punch)
LP version - 2 hits, 105 damage, 100 stun
MP version - 4 hits, 135 damage, 155 stun
HP version - 6 hits, 155 damage, 200 stun
can juggle after landing a Light Punch Shoryuken if you go into a Medium Punch Shoryuken immediately after wards (this does less damage than if you hit them with a full Hard Punch Shoryuken, but it works good to take off a bit of extra life when you need to use the Light Punch version).
Hurricane Kick (Shunpukyaku)
LK version - 1 hit, 60 damage, 100 stun
MK version - 2 hits, 120 damage, 100 stun
HK version - 3 hits, 180 damage, 150 stun
Aerial Hurricane Kick (Air Shunpukyaku)
qcb.K (in air)
(50 damage, 50 stun) - She does her air hurricane kick, and depending where in her jump she is when you execute the move, her velocity changes.
Jump Smash (Sakura Otoshi)
qcf.K, P, P, P
3 hits, 168 damage, 280 stun
If you don't push any buttons when she does the move, she lands and has a really long recovery, but if you push a punch button, and even whiff the air attack, she lands without any recovery
EX Fireball (Hadouken) ; qcf.P
2 hits, 100 damage, 100 stun
does 2 hits and travels far, doesn't disappear
(level 2) - (2 hits, 120 dmg, 120 stun) - The fireball travels the same speed as her EX fireball, but has higher damage
(level 3)- (2 hits, 140 damage, 150 stun) travels the same speed as her EX fireball, but has higher damage
EX Shou'ou ken (Dragon Punch Uppercut)
8 hits, 200 damage, 280 stun
Sakura does 2 uppercuts instead of just one, a small one, followed by a larger one
EX Hurricane Kick (Shunpukyaku)
4 hits, 125 damage, 200 stun
launches the other player up into the air so you can juggle
EX Aerial Hurricane Kick (Air Shunpukyaku)
qcb.2K (in air)
EX Jump Smash (Sakura Otoshi)
dp.2K, P, P, P
3 hits, 168 damage, 280 stun

Super Move

Karu Ichiban
qcb x 2 + K
7 hits, 380 damage, 0 stun
Armor Breaking
hits low

Ultra Move

Haru Ranman
qcb x 2 + 3P
(full revenge meter) 5 hits, 435 damage, 0 stun
Armor Breaking
hits low
Can directly combo into it and juggle after you land Sakura's EX Hurricane Kick.

Contributor: HeartNana

The Basics



  • FAx1 = Focus Attack level 1 (tap MP + MK)
  • If a normal move is not designated s. or cr. it can be either
  • If a special move’s strength is not designated any can be used
  • Green = Requires 1 EX Bar
  • Blue = Super Combo; Requires Full EX Gauge
  • Red = Ultra Combo; Calculated Damage was with full revenge Gauge

(The number preceding the combo notation is the damage it inflicts)

Poke Strings

70 cr.LP xx cr.LP xx cr.LP, cr.LK
77 cr.LP xx cr. LP xx cr.LP, s.LK
88 cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MK
91 s.LP xx s.LP xx s.LP, s.LK
92 cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP
98 cr.LP xx cr.LP xx cr.LP, cr.MK
100 s.LK, s.LK, s.LK, s.LK
102 cr.LP xx cr.LP xx cr.LP, cr.MP
110 s.LP xx s.LP, s.MP
117 s.LK, s.LK, s.LP, cr.MK
121 s.LK, s.LK, s.LP, cr.MP
123 s.LP xx s.LP xx s.LP, s.MP
128 s.LK, s.LK, s.LP, s.MP


(can be preceded with jump-in, cross-up, or FA/SA of choice)

120 L Shouoken, M Shouken
125 MP xx Hadoken
138 s.LP, cr.MP xx Hadoken
144 s.LP xx s.LP, cr.MP xx Hadoken
148 s.HP xx FAx1
160 s.HP xx Hadoken
165 MP xx EX Hadoken
166 MP xx Hadoken xx FAx1
168 s.HK xx FAx1
170 s.LP, cr. MP xx EX Hadoken
172 s.LP xx s.LP, cr.MP xx EX Hadoken
173 s.LP, s.HP xx Hadoken
174 s.LP, cr.MP xx Hadoken xx FAx1
174 s.LP xx s.LP, cr.MP xx Hadoken xx FAx1 (not a typo)
200 s.HP xx EX Hadoken
202 s.HP xx Hadoken xx FAx1
205 s.LP, cr.HP xx EX Hadoken
209 s.LP, s.HP xx Hadoken xx FAx1
220 MP xx H Shouoken
255 HP xx H Shouoken
265 MP xx EX Shouken
281 cr.MK xx EX Shunpu, Sakura Otoshi x 3
300 HP xx EX Shouoken
321 HP xx EX Shunpu, Sakura Otoshi x 3
351 s.HP xx L Shunpu, cr.HP xx H Shouoken
357 cr.MK xx L Shunpu, cr.HP xx EX Shunpu, Otoshi x 3
380 Haru Ichiban
384 s.HP xx L Shunpu, cr.HP xx EX Shouoken
397 s.HP xx L Shunpu, cr.HP xx EX Shunpu, Otoshi x 3
402 s.HP xx L Shunpu, cr.HP xx L Shunpu xx s.LK xx EX Shunpu, Otoshix3
435 Haru Ranman
480 s.HP xx Haru Ichiban
481 s.HP xx L Shunpu, cr.HP xx L Shunpu, s.LK xx EX Shunpu, Dash, Haru Ranman
500 s.HK xx Haru Ichiban
502 HP xx EX Shunpu, Dash, Haru Ranman
511 s.HP xx H Shouken xx Haru Ichiban
524 s.HP xx L Shunpu, cr.HP xx EX Shunpu, Dash, Haru Ranman

Contributor: StevoKanevo

Light Shunpu Loops

The following lists the maximum number of light shunpu links that can be done on each character finishing with EX shunpu:

cr.HP xx qcb.LK, cr.HP xx qcb.LK, cr.HP xx qcb.2K:
Balrog (Boxer)

cr.HP xx qcb.LK, cr.HP xx qcb.LK, st.LK xx qcb.2K:
El Fuerte

st.HP xx qcb.LK, cr.HP xx qcb.LK, st.LK xx qcb.2K:
Fei Long
Chun Li
Bison (Dictator)
Vega (Claw)

cr.HP xx qcb.LK, cr.HP xx qcb.2K:

cr.HP xx qcb.LK, st.LK xx qcb.2K OR st.HP xx qcb.LK, cr.HP xx qcb.2K:

Contributor: eiSH

