Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Yang: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
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* Cancel options: self sp su
* Cancel options: self sp su
A fairly standard jab, whiffs on crouchers so has little use in confirms and pressure. Best used as a counter to jumpin parry attempts or as a post-parry anti-air.
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
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* Cancel options: tc sp su
* Cancel options: tc sp su
* 8 kara range
* 8 kara range
* Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
* Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0
Fast, plus on block, high-parry-only attack with decent links after. Generally used for anti-parry mixups, where it can confirm/link into 5LK (cancels to EX rekkas), SA2, or f.MP/2MP if you'd want to do that for some reason, while being plus. It's also sepcial cancellable by itself, optimal in jumpin combos into rekka, and has a target combo from it, which is generally Yang's best way to confirm SA2 beyond the aforementioned link.
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}

Revision as of 04:25, 18 May 2024


Yang is the younger twin brother of Yun. Yang is an introverted inline skater from Hong Kong. He's skilled in Chinese Kung Fu like his brother. Yang is eager to prove himself, moreso over his brother than anyone else, and can be condescending and sharp mouthed towards his opponents. He first appears in Street Fighter III: New Generation as a palette swap of Yun, before gaining a unique moveset in SF III: 2nd Impact.

Yang has the signature Twins command grab and divekicks, while also having fast walk speed. His pressure is more straightforward than Yun's, using his Rekkas to consolidate his game plan. It can be tough to find an opening out of Yang's pressure as only the final hit of his rekkas are punishable on block. His corner carry is extremely potent, and with his command dash he can create oki situations even if he knocks his opponent far away. He lacks the capability of meterlessly converting off lights, unlike his older brother. Though he has some strong options up close, from a distance he has to commit/gamble more due to slower and punishable ranged options or getting little reward from being unable to convert.

Super Arts

SA1: Raishin Mahhaken

7f startup, fully invincible, single long bar super. It has the same range of Yang's f.HP, deals 74 damage (more than 40%), and is +1 on block. While that sounds nice for a low-damage character like Yang, it's a single bar, meaning you have to avoid using EX slashes if you want the super. It's also slow enough that you can easily parry it after Yang activates, it's difficult to confirm, and loses a hilarious amount of damage in juggles, unlike SA2. The least used super.

SA2: Tenshin Senkyuutai

1f startup, invincible, 2 medium bar super. It deals 53 (around 25%) damage, and has Yang rolling the ground, only starting the attack once an opponent is within nearly point blank range. The super itself is pretty decent - easily confirmable from many different hits, it can be used as a reversal, allows for an optional side switch with great oki either way, etc. The real gold of this super however is the tons of meter you get, giving you more EX slashes to store in the back pocket. Generally the super of choice.

SA3: Sei-ei Enbu

Install super with a very short bar - the shortest bar in the game, in fact. The super's effects are more comparable to Rose's Soul Illusion than Custom Combos - all of Yang's moves are copied by two shadows that follow him around. Unfortunately, this super isn't very good for the most part - the main reason is that it only stores 1 EX slash. Additionally, the damage from Seiei Enbu combos scale fast, it doesn't give his normals super priority, and doesn't have much utility in neutral. So what does Yang get in return? It does give him some nice corner pressure off of repeated high/low mixups that he can convert off of easily, similar to Urien's Aegis Reflector. It also has unblockable setups. If the setup is done properly, a crossup divekick shadow hits one side of the opponent, while Yang hits them with a normal from the other, making it a true left/right unblockable. This is only effective against certain tall/wide characters like Hugo and Alex as other characters can potentially parry once and block to safety. This super radically alters Yang's game plan for better and worse, and its complexity and setups make it the preferred super to choose only in a couple of matchups and only once you have a good handle on his setups.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good mobility with his super jump, fast walk speed, variable divekicks, and a command dash
  • Great pressure with quick light and medium buttons, fast walk speed, and safe rekkas
  • Strong mixup game with his kara-throw, command grab, and his 2 overheads
  • Great corner carry and high stun output with EX rekkas
  • Low health, meaning you can afford less mistakes than other characters
  • Low damage output, relies on momentum and stun to steamroll rounds
  • Relatively short normals, with his longer ones being slow, punishable, or nonconvertible
  • No good conversion from light attacks without meter (EX rekkas or supers)
3S yang Art.png
Life Points 1020
Stun Points 64
Super Art Stock/Size
SA1 1/120
SA2 2/104
SA3 1/64
Ground Movement
Forward Dash duration/distance 23 (27)
Back Dash duration/distance 29 (31)
Back Jump duration 39(4+33+2)
Neutral Jump duration 39(4+33+2)
Forward Jump duration 39(4+33+2)
Back Super Jump duration 49(6+41+2)
Neutral Super Jump duration 44(6+36+2)
Forward Super Jump duration 44(6+36+2)
Wake up
Wake up duration 57
Quick rise duration 41
3S Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by an asterisk (ex: 3*5). If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses (ex: 2(4)2)


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel (into itself or another light attack), refer to description for options.
  • "self": Self-only chain cancel. Much more restrictive than a standard chain cancel.
  • "tc": Target combo, refer to description for options. Successive attacks in a target combo may warrant their own move entry.
  • "dash": Grounded dashes.
  • "sj": Super jump.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Super Art.

Attack damage on hit in life points. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. D refers to knockdown on hit.

"Cr. Hit" is an additional frame advantage value denoting if the advantage on hit changes when the defender is being hit while crouching.

Kara Range

Almost all normal attacks can be canceled into a special or a multi-button command within three frames of startup. During that time, some attacks will shift position forward or backward and affect the reach of the special or command accordingly. This is denoted in pixels of range. There are a handful of moves in the game that can be kara-canceled after this initial window and will be denoted as a late kara-cancel.


A combo that is performed by inputting the second move after the first move has completely recovered (as opposed to cancelling the first move's animation). In 3S, the final frame of a move's hitstun allows a character to block a normal or special move, as well as some projectile supers. Therefore, an attack's frame advantage must be 2 frames greater than the followup move's startup in order to link. Ex: a +6 normal can link into a 4f normal/special, or a 5f super.


This field will show a value of A if the attack can be parried standing or crouching, H if it must be parried standing or L if it must be parried crouching.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. 3S uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.

Throw range

Range in pixels from the center of the character to the center of the opponent which allows a grab to connect.

Frame Data

Standing Normals

Stand LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 2 6 4 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A 4
  • Cancel options: self sp su

A fairly standard jab, whiffs on crouchers so has little use in confirms and pressure. Best used as a counter to jumpin parry attempts or as a post-parry anti-air.

5MP (cl)
Close MP
Mp.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 3 7 7 8
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
9 5 - H 6
  • Cancel options: tc sp su
  • 8 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0

Fast, plus on block, high-parry-only attack with decent links after. Generally used for anti-parry mixups, where it can confirm/link into 5LK (cancels to EX rekkas), SA2, or f.MP/2MP if you'd want to do that for some reason, while being plus. It's also sepcial cancellable by itself, optimal in jumpin combos into rekka, and has a target combo from it, which is generally Yang's best way to confirm SA2 beyond the aforementioned link.

5MP (far)
Far MP
Mp.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 4 12 -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 5 - H -2
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
5HP (cl)
Close HP
Hp.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 6 13 -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 13 - H -2
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 8.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 3, Block: 0.
5HP (far)
Far HP
Hp.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 6 21 -3 -1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 15 - H -5
  • 4 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 9.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Stand LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 3 6 2 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5 3 - A 2
  • Cancel options: tc sp su
  • 10 kara range
5MK (cl)
Close MK
Mk.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 5 15 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 9 - H -2
  • Cancel options: sj
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
5MK (far)
Far MK
Mk.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 3 15 -3 -2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 9 - H -4
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Stand HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
14 3 22 -6 -4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 11 - H -8
  • 13 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 9.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Command Normals

Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
19 6 8 0 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 11 - H -1
  • 8 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
6HP (close)
F.png+Hp.png (close)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 6 21 -3 -1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 15 - H -5
  • 4 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 9.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Identical to far 5HP.

Crouching Normals

Crouch LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 2 6 4 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A 4
  • Cancel options: self sp su
Crouch MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 2 11 3 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 5 - L 2
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Crouch HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 10 12 1 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 7 - A 0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 8.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 3, Block: 0.
Crouch LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 1 8 2 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5 3 - L 2
  • Cancel options: self sp su
Crouch MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 2 13 0 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 3 - L -1
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Crouch HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
10 3 20 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 3 - L -7
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 9.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Jumping Normals

Jump LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 7 - H -
Jump MP (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 7 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 11 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 6 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 9 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump HP (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 5 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 15 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 9.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 4 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 13 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 9.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 12 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 5 - H -
Jump MK (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 7 27 -2 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 9 - H -2
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 7 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 9 - H -
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 5 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 13 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 9.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Raigeki Shuu
Df.png+K.png (air)
(angles vary by strength)
LK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 7 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • Steep angle (low distance)
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 7 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • Medium angle (medium distance)
HK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 7 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • Shallow angle (long distance)

Target Combos


Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
27 17 - - -
  • 18 throw range
Monkey Flip
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 8 - - -
  • 18 throw range
Youhon Shiun
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 10 - - -
  • 18 throw range

Universal Overhead

Toukuu Koushu
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 10 5 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 3 - H -


Kami Kakiage
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
21 10 27 -15 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
1 - - A -16
  • Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3% and increases damage for the next throw by 6.3%. One taunt is the maximum.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 4, Hit: 11, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.

Special Moves

Tourou Zan
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 5 22 1/-2/D 3/0/D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5 5 - H -1/-4/-7
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 11.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 5 26 -3/-6/D -1/-4/D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
6 5 - H -5/-8/-11
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 11.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 5 30 -7/-10/D -5/-8/D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 5 - H -9/-12/-15
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 11.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 2 26 -2/-4/-6/-9/D 0/-2/-4/-7/D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 9 - H -4/-6/-8/-11/-9
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
LK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 8 34 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
22 11 - A -35
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 14.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
16 8 28 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
24 19 - A -29
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 14.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
HK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
29 8 25 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
25 15 - A -26
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 14.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
29 8 25 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
33 16 - A -26
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Byakko Soushouda
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
21 13 10 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
26 21 - H -3
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 15, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 3, Block: 0.
Byakko Soushouda (Fake)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
LK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 5 13 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
13 8 14 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
HK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 12 16 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
Zenpou Tenshin
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 2 26 15 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
  • 12 throw range

Super Arts

236236P (SA1)
Raishin Mahhaken
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA1)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 4 36 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
74 - - H 1
236236K (SA2)
Tenshin Senkyuutai
Qcf.pngQcf.png+K.png (SA2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
1 59 57 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
53 12 - A -69
236236P (SA3)
Sei-ei Enbu
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA3)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
16 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -

3S Navigation
