Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Ken: Difference between revisions

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* Mash for more hits
* Potentially big damage, but limits your meter usage due to having one long bar
* Limited hit confirms
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}

Revision as of 23:34, 13 May 2024


After settling into married life for a couple of years, Ken entered the third Street Fighter tournament. He's a US Martial Artist who trains to keep up with his old friend / rival, Ryu.

As one of the most famous fighting game characters ever, and apparently the more popular of the original shotos, Ken needs little introduction. He is one of the best characters in the game, with very high meterless damage potential, one of the best anti-airs in the game with EX DP, and one of the best supers with SA3.

Super Arts

SAI (Shoryu-Reppa)

Has good close-range hit confirms, 2 stocks, good damage, and significant invulnerability frames. It is lacking in hit confirms from Ken's long range pokes and overheads.

SAII: (Shinryu-Ken)

A fairly good anti-air since you can mash it for lots of hits. Does the most damage out of his supers by a good amount. Has the same lack of hit confirms as SA1, but actually combos from a farther 2MK than SA1 does. Since it has a single, long bar, this super gives you the least opportunity to use EX moves.

SAIII: (Shippu-Jinrai-Kyaku)

The universal choice for good reason. 3 stocks means you have loopable okizeme in addition to plenty of EX meter for fireballs, uppercuts, and air tatsus. Has an absurd number of hit confirms -- it links or cancels from just about everything. Extremely fast startup and far range on the first hit lets Ken punish many moves that are usually considered safe, as well as making it one of the best whiff punish tools in the game. It is his lowest damage super, but it's still respectable for a 3 bar super with short meters, and the numerous positives outweigh this one small negative.

Pros & Cons

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Meterless damage: Target combo and W shoryu give Ken access some of the highest meterless damage in the game.
  • All-purpose normals: Ken's normals are great and have lots of utility: poking, anti-air, pressure, abare, etc.
  • Mobility: Ken has good walk speed and a great dash, plus EX air tatsu to escape corners.
  • SA3: One of the best supers in the game, having both a lot of meter for EX moves, and a lot of utility in combos and punishing.
  • Well-rounded: Ken doesn't have any glaring weaknesses, and has tools for any situation.
  • No gimmicks: While Ken delivers consistently high damage, he lacks the ability that many characters have to effectively one or two-touch the opponent. He thrives on consistent, strong fundamental play and good decisions.

Character Colors

3S Ken Art.png
Life Points 1200
Stun Points 64
Super Art Stock/Size
SA1 2/112
SA2 1/104
SA3 3/80
Ground Movement
Forward Dash duration/distance 12 (16)
Back Dash duration/distance 15 (54px)
Back Jump duration 42(4+36+2)
Neutral Jump duration 40(4+34+2)
Forward Jump duration 41(4+35+2)
Back Super Jump duration 47(6+39+2)
Neutral Super Jump duration 46(6+38+2)
Forward Super Jump duration 46(6+38+2)
Wake up
Wake up duration 75
Quick rise duration 48

Frame Data

3S Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by an asterisk (ex: 3*5). If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses (ex: 2(4)2)


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel (into itself or another light attack), refer to description for options.
  • "self": Self-only chain cancel. Much more restrictive than a standard chain cancel.
  • "tc": Target combo, refer to description for options. Successive attacks in a target combo may warrant their own move entry.
  • "dash": Grounded dashes.
  • "sj": Super jump.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Super Art.

Attack damage on hit in life points. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. D refers to knockdown on hit.

"Cr. Hit" is an additional frame advantage value denoting if the advantage on hit changes when the defender is being hit while crouching.

Kara Range

Almost all normal attacks can be canceled into a special or a multi-button command within three frames of startup. During that time, some attacks will shift position forward or backward and affect the reach of the special or command accordingly. This is denoted in pixels of range. There are a handful of moves in the game that can be kara-canceled after this initial window and will be denoted as a late kara-cancel.


A combo that is performed by inputting the second move after the first move has completely recovered (as opposed to cancelling the first move's animation). In 3S, the final frame of a move's hitstun allows a character to block a normal or special move, as well as some projectile supers. Therefore, an attack's frame advantage must be 2 frames greater than the followup move's startup in order to link. Ex: a +6 normal can link into a 4f normal/special, or a 5f super.


This field will show a value of A if the attack can be parried standing or crouching, H if it must be parried standing or L if it must be parried crouching.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. 3S uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.

Throw range

Range in pixels from the center of the character to the center of the opponent which allows a grab to connect.

Standing Normals

5LP (cl)
Close LP
Lp.png (cl)
3s ken cl.lp 1.png
Frame 4
3s ken cl.lp 2.png
Frames 5-6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 3 5 +3 +3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A +3
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • One of the best layered anti-air buttons in the game, due to recovery and special cancel frames. Jab jab jab.
5LP (far)
Far LP
Lp.png (far)
3s ken st.lp.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 3 4 +4 +4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
2 3 - A +4
  • Cancel options: self sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Great layered anti-air button for the same reasons as close LP, plus it self-cancels.
5MP (cl)
Close MP
Mp.png (cl)
3s ken
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 4 10 +2 +3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 7 - H +1
  • Cancel options: tc sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • Tick throw option
  • Theoretically hit-confirmable into super
  • Cancels into target combo for an easy hit-confirm into super
  • Good mash option to beat throws on wakeup
5MP (far)
Far MP
Mp.png (far)
3s ken 1.png
Frame 7
3s ken 2.png
Frames 8-9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 3 10 +4 +5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 11 - H +3
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • The emperor punch
  • One of best moves in the game
  • Great hitbox, good frame data, links into SA3 for a hit-confirm
5HP (cl)
Close HP
Hp.png (cl)
3s ken cl.hp 1.png
Frame 7
3s ken cl.hp 2.png
Frames 8-9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 3 15 0 +2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 15 - H -2
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Anti-air option
  • Cancelable into specials in case of parry
  • A common option select is to late cancel this into HP DP on parry
5HP (far)
Far HP
Hp.png (far)
3s ken st.hp.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 3 15 +2 +4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 13 - H 0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Actual ridiculous hitbox with fierce priority
  • Good anti-air coverage in some matchups
Stand LK
3s ken
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 4 7 +2 +2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 3 - A +2
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Stand MK
3s ken
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 7 16 -2 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 15 - H -6
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • 6 kara range
  • Easiest kara button to use despite low kara range
  • Good anti-air / anti jump-out button, but watch out for parry
  • Common buffer parry bait -- tap down or toward on block
Stand HK
3s ken
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 6 19 -2 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
26 11 - H -4
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • 6 kara range
  • Good long range poke with heavy button priority
  • Vulnerable to jump-ins

Command Normals

Inazuma Kakato Wari (Short)
3s ken b+mk 1.png
Frame 20
3s ken b+mk 2.png
Frame 21
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
18 4 10 +2 +3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 13 - H +1
  • 10 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • Difficult to get optimal kara range
  • Just fast enough that people still get hit with it sometimes
  • Hit-confirmable into SA3 via 1f link
5MK (Hold)
Inazuma Kakato Wari (Long)
Mk.png (Hold)
3s ken
Frames 9-12
3s ken b+mk 1.png
Frames 38-39
3s ken b+mk 2.png
Frames 40-41
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8>25 8 10 +2 +3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
29 22 - H -1
  • 6 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 4, Hit: 21, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Fumikomi Maegeri
3s ken f+mk.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
16 4 15 -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 7 - H -4
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Shiden Kakato Otoshi
3s ken f+hk 1.png
Frames 31-33
3s ken f+hk 2.png
Frames 34-35
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
30 5 18 +1 +3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 11 - H -1
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Very slow overhead, not really used on purpose
  • If it does hit for some reason, you can link into SA3

Crouching Normals

Crouch LP
3s ken cr.lp.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 3 5 +3 +3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A +3
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Cancel options: self sp su
  • 1f faster than 2LK, with better frame advantage, and shorter overall recovery
  • More vulnerable to parry than 2LK due to HL parry property
  • Sometimes used as a mash
  • Sometimes used as a dash-in button
  • Hit-confirmable into SA3 via light chain, usually 2LP > 2LK.
Crouch MP
3s ken 1.png
Frame 6
3s ken 2.png
Frames 7-9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 4 7 +4 +5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 7 - A +3
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • Low emperor punch
  • One of the best general purpose pokes in the game, along with his standing MP
  • Good hitbox and great frame data
  • Hit-confirmable into SA3
Crouch HP
3s ken cr.hp 1.png
Frame 8
3s ken cr.hp 2.png
Frames 9-10
3s ken cr.hp 3.png
Frame 11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 5 17 -4 -2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 13 - A -6
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Anti-air option
  • Whiff punish option
  • Is itself whiff punish bait, so be careful trying to clip people with this
Crouch LK
3s ken
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 3 7 +1 +1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - L +1
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Cancel options: self sp su
  • Low hit-confirm option with light chains, usually 2LK > 2LP or 2LK > 2LK.
  • Slower than 2LP, less frame advantage than 2LP, but less vulnerable to guess parry since it can only be parried low
Crouch MK
3s ken 1.png
Frame 7
3s ken 2.png
Frames 8-11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 5 17 -3 -2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
15 3 - L -4
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • 13 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • Commonly quoted as a "13f hit-confirm" because it has 13 super-cancelable frames. Realistically you have fewer frames than that after accounting for input delay and screen draw.
  • I promise you that this is a hit confirm, even though YOU might not be able to hit confirm it. It's difficult. Don't waste too much energy grinding this if you aren't already solid with your other hit-confirm options.
  • Great neutral / whiff punish button
  • Can be vulnerable to jump-ins
Crouch HK
3s ken
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 5 26 Soft KD Soft KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 3 - L -14
  • 13 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Good range, causes a knockdown
  • Easy whiff punish, very negative on block, vulnerable to jump-ins

Jumping Normals

Jump LP (Neutral)
3s ken nj.lp.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 Until Landing - +3~+7 +7
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 7 - H +3~+7
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Jump LP
3s ken j.lp.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 Until Landing - -2~+7 +7
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 7 - H -1~+8
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Jump MP (Neutral)
3s ken 1.png
Frame 7
3s ken 2.png
Frames 8-9
3s ken 3.png
Frames 11-12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 5 - +2~+10 +10
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 11 - H +4~+11
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump MP
3s ken 1.png
Frame 7
3s ken 2.png
Frames 8-9
3s ken 3.png
Frames 11-12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 5 - +1~+10 +10
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 11 - H +2~+11
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump HP (Neutral)
3s ken nj.hp.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 3 - +9~+13 +13
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 15 - H +10~+14
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump HP
3s ken j.hp 1.png
Frame 7
3s ken j.hp 2.png
Frame 8
3s ken j.hp 3.png
Frames 9-10
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 4 - +1~+13 +13
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 15 - H +5~+12
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump LK (Neutral)
3s ken 1.png
Frame 6
3s ken 2.png
Frames 7-onwards
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 Until Landing - +3~+7 +7
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 7 - H +3~+7
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Jump LK
3s ken
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 10 - 0~+6 +6
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 5 - H -1~+6
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Jump MK (Neutral)
3s ken 1.png
Frame 6
3s ken 2.png
Frames 7-11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 6 - +3~+10 +10
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H +3~+10
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • Pretty good neutral option
  • Controls air space in air-to-air situations
  • Hit confirmable on grounded hits, even when it hits pretty high up
Jump MK
3s ken 1.png
Frame 6
3s ken 2.png
Frames 7-11
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 6 - +3~+10 +10
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H +3~+10
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
  • The cross-up button
  • Useful both from neutral and for okizeme
  • Hit-confirmable
Jump HK (Neutral)
3s ken 1.png
Frames 8-9
3s ken 2.png
Frames 10-12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 5 - +9~+13 +13
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 13 - H +7~+13
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Good air-to-air option when you need something with a different angle than neutral jump MK
  • Hit-confirmable
Jump HK
3s ken 1.png
Frame 7
3s ken 2.png
Frames 8-10
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 4 - +5~+12 +12
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
22 13 - H +5~+12
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Great jump-in button
  • Extremely plus if you hit it as late as possible, up to +12 on hit
  • Big damage hit confirms

Target Combos

Target Combo
3s ken
3s ken cl.hp 1.png
3s ken cl.hp 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 - - 0 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 3 - H -2
  • One of the best target combos in the game
  • Very easy hit confirm with or without meter
  • Confirms into DP meterless
  • Confirms into SA3 with meter


LPLK (mash)
Lp.png+Lk.png (mash)
3s ken lp+lk.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 Soft KD Soft KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
27 12 - - -
  • 24 throw range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 7, Block: 0.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 7.
  • Mash for more hits
  • Good okizeme
Jigoku Kuruma
3s ken lp+lk.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 14 - - -
  • 24 throw range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 8, Block: 0.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 7.
  • Back throw, side-switches with the opponent
  • Incredible corner carry
  • Ken actually recovers before the opponent hits the ground, so if this is going to kill them, you can sneak in a little shoryu before the end of the round for a bit of extra meter build
Seoi Nage
3s ken lp+lk.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 8 - - -
  • 24 throw range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 8, Block: 0.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 7.
  • Okizeme is worse than neutral throw, but since this isn't mashable you get more guaranteed damage.

Universal Overhead

Straight Hit
3s ken mp+mk.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 8 7 0~+7 +1~+8
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 3 - H -5~0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Standard universal overhead
  • Hit confirms into LP DP if you don't have meter
  • Hit confirms into SA3 if you do have meter


3s ken hp+hk.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 2 27 -18 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
2 6 - A -18
  • Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. One taunt is the maximum.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 4, Hit: 8, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.

Special Moves

3s ken qcf1.png
Frame 12
3s ken qcf2.png
Lp.png/Mp.png/Hp.png Frame 13-onwards
3s ken exqcf 1.png
Frame 12
3s ken exqcf 2.png
Ex.png Frame 13-onwards
Lp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 - 38 -10 -10
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 3 - H -11
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Cancel options: su
Mp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 - 38 -10 -10
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 - - H -11
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Cancel options: su
Hp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 - 38 -10 -10
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 - - H -11
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Cancel options: su
Ex.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 - 38 Soft KD Soft KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
20 5 - H -6
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Cancel options: su

Ken's fireballs are unsafe near point blank, but become safer the farther they are spaced out. The sweet spot is a bit outside his normal poke range, where it's hard to consistently parry on reaction. Be aware of the opponent's meter, as some fast ranged supers can be a threat even against well-spaced fireballs. The EX version is the most useful overall due to its knockdown and relative safety on block. Cancelling a normal into Hadoken can give more time for hitconfirming SA3, and throwing a raw fireball xx SA3 can mess up the opponent's parry timing when going for a chip KO.

3s ken dp.lp 1.png
Frames 3-4
3s ken dp.lp 2.png
Frames 5-6
3s ken dp.lp 3.png
Lp.png/Mp.png Frames 7-10
3s ken dp.hp 1.png
Frames 4-5
3s ken dp.hp 2.png
Frames 6-7
3s ken dp.hp 3.png
Hp.png Frames 8-24
3s ken exdp 1.png
Frames 2-3
3s ken exdp 2.png
Frames 4-5
3s ken exdp 3.png
Ex.png Frames 6-24
Lp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 8 26 Soft KD Soft KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
26 11 - A -17
  • 1-4f Upper Body Inv
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
Mp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 14 28 Soft KD Soft KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
28 15 - A -24
  • 1-5f Upper Body Inv
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 22, Block: 16.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
Hp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 21 32 Soft KD Soft KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
32 15 - A -31
  • 1-3f All Inv, 4-7f Upper Body Inv
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 23, Block: 17.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
Ex.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
1 20 38 Soft KD Soft KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
34 17 - A -36
  • 1-5f All Inv
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
3s ken qcb 1.png
Frame 7-8 / EX: Frame 5-6
3s ken qcb 2.png
Lk.png/Mk.png/Hk.png/Ex.png Frame 17-19 / EX: Frame 12-13
Lk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 7 14 -3 -3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 9 - H -5
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 13.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Mk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 14 15 -4 -4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 13 - H -6
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Hk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 17 15 -5~-3 -5~-3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
27 15 - H -7
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 22, Block: 16.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Ex.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 21 13 -1 -1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
34 17 - H -3
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
214K (air)
Air Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
Qcb.png+K.png (air)
3s ken qcb 2.png
Lk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 4 - -5~+1 -1~+1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
27 9 - H -5~+1
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 17, Block: 3.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Mk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 6 - -6~+1 -1~+1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
40 13 - H -6~+1
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 25, Block: 3.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
Hk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 8 - -6~+1 -1~+1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
40 13 - H -6~+1
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 4, Hit: 26, Block: 3.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
Ex.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 13 - Soft KD Soft KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
52 17 - H -1~+1
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.

Super Arts

236236P (SA1)
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA1)
3s ken sa1.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
1 34 45 Hard KD Hard KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
69 6 - A -38
236236K (SA2)
Qcf.pngQcf.png+K.png (mash K) (SA2)
3s ken sa1.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 36 61 Hard KD Hard KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
67 - - A -80
  • Mash for more hits
  • Potentially big damage, but limits your meter usage due to having one long bar
  • Limited hit confirms
236236K (SA3)
Shippu Jinraikyaku
Qcf.pngQcf.png+K.png (SA3)
3s ken sa3.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 9 27 Hard KD Hard KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
51 16 - H -11
  • One of the best supers in the game
  • Punishes tons of moves on block and even on hit
  • Very fast with great range, one of the best whiff punish tools in the game
  • Confirmable from just about everything Ken wants to do

3S Navigation
