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[[Image:Rosesf4.jpg|frame|right|Rose Closeup]]
=== Notation ===
*F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
*B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
*U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
*D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)
*QCF - D, DF, F - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
*QCB - D, DB, B - Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
*HCF - Half circle forward - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
*HCB - Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
*DP - F, D, DF - Dragon punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward.  In SFIV, there is a "shortcut" for this motion: DF, neutral, DF.
*360 - Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick.
*720 - Complete a 720 degree rotation of the stick.
*Charge - Hold a tilt - Hold the stick in either B or D (Depending) then move to F or U respectively.
X-axis functions can be used interchangeably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.
==== Six Button Notation  ====
*Jab - weak punch (also called LP or WP)
*Strong - medium punch (also called MP)
*Fierce - fierce punch (also called HP or FP)
*P - any punch
*PPP or 3P - all three punches simultaneously
*Short - weak kick (also called LK or WK)
*Forward - medium kick (also called MK)
*Roundhouse (RH) - fierce kick (also called HK)
*K = any kick
*KKK or 3K - all three kicks simultaneously
* ~ Immediately after, e.g "Strong~Fierce" means press Fierce IMMEDIATELY after Strong, f~f means to double tap forward (dash).
* , [[Link]]
* xx [[Cancel]]
====State Modifiers====
*st. - The following move should be performed in the standing position (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. st.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst standing.
*cl. - The following move should be performed in the standing position close to the opponent (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. cl.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst standing close.
*cr. - The following move should be performed in the crouched position (held down in the Y-axis). i.e. cr.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst crouching.
*j. - The following move should be performed in the "in the air" position (After having held up in the Y-axis). i.e. j.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst in the air.
====Miscellaneous Notation====
*Claw = American Vega = Japanese Balrog
*Boxer = American Balrog = Japanese Bison
*Dictator (Dic) = American Bison = Japanese Vega
''Not everyone plays on the American version, and some character names are different in the Japanese version, so to avoid confusion, we should not use the names Vega, Bison, or Balrog.''

==Move Analysis==
==Move Analysis==
===Normal Moves===
===Notable Normal Moves===
'''cl. MK''' - Good comboable move that makes you unthrowable during its animation.<br>
'''cr. FP''' - Good anti-air, but has really bad recovery tho.<br>
'''cr. MP''' - Good combo starter that will stuff quite a few moves. Best with used with soul drills. Do this from a little ways out so you're safe from most counter attacks. Great way to apply pressure.<br>
'''cr. HK''' - Rose's sweep. Nice range, speed and damage on this move. Can not be quick recovered, which can lead to some good cross up situations.<br>
'''j. MK''' - Nice attack, good range and it's the way you'll cross up the other fighter.

===Normal Throws===
===Normal Throws===
; Soul Fall : '''LP + LK''' or '''F + LP + LK'''
; Soul Loop : '''B + LP + LK'''

===Command Normals===
===Command Normals===
; Slide - DF + MK :
; Soul Piede - F + HK :

===Focus / Saving Attack===  
===Focus / Saving Attack===
Rose's Focus Attack comes out quick but does not have the longest range. It can also be used as anti-air when timed correctly.

===Special Moves===
===Special Moves===
All of Rose's specials combo into her super '''expect for soul throw'''.<br>
;Soul Spark - HCF+P : '''Normal''' - Her basic projectile. The higher the strength the longer the start up is but the shorter the recovery is.
:'''EX''' - 2 hit projectile. Has good start up and recovery.
;Soul Reflect - QCB+P : '''Light Punch''' - Absorbs projectiles and gives you 49% of 1 stock, powers up soul spark.
:'''Medium Punch''' - Reflects projectile straight forward.
:'''Heavy Punch''' - Reflects projectiles upward 45 degrees. Can also juggle the opponent if really close.
:'''EX''' - Can reflect EX fireballs straight forward.
;Soul Spiral - QCF+K : '''Normal''' - Rose lunges at her opponent with scarf wrapped around her arm. This is her only armor breaking move other than super/ultra. The higher the strength the longer the start up is but the shorter the recovery is.
:'''EX''' - Has a few invincibility frames on start up
;Soul Throw - DP+P : '''Normal''' - Rose goes at a angle upward and grabs any airborne opponent.
:'''EX''' - Has invincibility frames on start up and will grab just about anything in the air.

===Super Move===
===Super Move===
;Aura Soul Spark - QCFx2 + P : 5 hit projectile super. Good damage and easily comboed off most of her normals and specials.

===Ultra Move===
===Ultra Move===
;Illusion Spark - QCFx2 + PPP : Also known as the famous Shamwow. Rose extends her scarf, wrapping around the opponents forearms, then shocks the hell out of them for like 5 secs with her soul power. Rose is invincible during her start up which allows this to be used as a universal punish. This move puts fear in your opponent as this move makes a lot of moves unsafe.

==The Basics==  
==The Basics==
From [ Eventhubs]<br><br>
'''Beating down Fireball throwers'''<br>
Rose is terrific at stopping people who spam fireballs. Her Light Punch Soul Reflect will absorb a projectile giving her about 1/2 of a blue block of Super meter. Most players tend to stop throwing many projectiles after you absorb a few and will move on to other tactics. This allows you to get inside and play a strong positioning game because you're not having to dodge a bunch of fireballs. You'll want to be at a range where you can dash in and throw your opponent and also in a good spot to use her two main anti air moves, Crouching Hard Punch and her Soul Throw. From this spot on the ground, you can throw out some Soul Sparks, be in position for a jump in combo or a sweep.Using these moves will help keep your opponent off guard, because Rose has quite a few viable tactics she can resort to when she's right around sweep distance. The trade off is you won't have as much time to react to fast projectiles, but just fall back and start absorbing them if your opponent starts to pester you with fireballs.

* While close standing HK does 10 more damage than close standing HP, it whiffs on some crouching characters. For maximum damage totals s. HK was listed here any time it's applicable, but s. HP is usually a safer option in return for the 10 damage or less you lose.
* Thanks to the following contributors: Wibble (you're trying, that's what's important!), Acku, Rukuss2k, purifyweirdsoul, Metroxylon, ShinkuuR, Zona, and Pasqual
===Quick Overview===
You can find a video showing her BnB's, super combo's, Ultra setups, corner setups and FADC combos here:
[ Rose Combo Video]
This video is based on information listed below.
* c. MP xx Spiral '''160 Damage, 200 Stun'''
* c. LP, c. LP xx Spiral '''160 Damage, 230 Stun'''
* s. MP xx Spiral '''170 Damage, 200 Stun'''
* c. LK -> c. MP xx Spiral '''170 Damage, 230 Stun'''
* c. LP, c. LK -> s. MP xx EX Spiral '''196 Damage, 250 Stun'''
* s. HK xx Spiral '''200 Damage, 300 Stun'''
* s. MP -> c. MP xx Spiral '''210 Damage, 280 Stun'''
* s. MK -> c. LP, c. LK -> c. MP xx EX Spiral '''239 Damage, 320 Stun'''
===Counter Hit Specific===
* Some characters (namely Zangief) you can't do certain CHCs (counter hit combos) on, such as sc.MK -> sc.HP since the sc.MK pushes him too far away and therefore sc.HP must be replaced with c.HP. However c.HP has a tendency to whiff if you miss the link, so be careful when trying it in a session. Also, though it's unlisted (due to inconsistency), most counter-hit combos you can end up finishing with either LK or definitely EX Spiral. Finally, to spare redundancy, the counter hit section will only contain combos at the highest single damaging attack potential. Meaning if sc.MK is the attack to get a counter hit, then s.HP will be shown to follow; since it can be deduced from there that s.HP could be replaced with c.LK or s.MP, for example, due to those attacks requiring less frames of start-up.
* sc. HK -> s. HP
* sc. HK -> MP Spark
* sc. HP -> c. MP
* sc. MK -> s. HP
* sc. LK -> c. LP
* s. MK -> c. MP
* s. MP -> c. MP
* c. MK -> c. MP
* Slide -> c. MP (very strict spacing)
* LP Spark -> EX Spark (very strict spacing)
===Cross ups===
* j. MK -> c. MP xx Spiral '''200 Damage, 280 Stun (xx Super 410 Damage)'''
* j. MK -> s. HK xx Spiral '''240 Damage, 380 Stun (xx Super 450 Damage)'''
* LP Spark FADC Dash Slide {Spark Hits} s. HP xx Drill '''282 Damage, 380 Stun (full screen)'''
* LP Spark FADC Dash Slide {Spark Hits} s. HP xx LP Spark FADC s. HP Drill '''372 Damage, 515 Stun (full screen)'''
* j. HK -> s. HK xx EX Spark FADC -> s. HP xx Spiral '''427 Damage, 680 Stun'''
* LP Spark FADC Dash Slide {Spark Hits} Ultra '''488 Damage, 150 Stun (full screen)'''
===Corner Only===
* EX Spark FADC -> s. HK Spiral '''310 Damage, 380 Stun'''
* FA3 s. HK xx EX Spark FA2 -> Grab '''388 Damage, 545 Stun'''
* s. HK xx EX Spark FA2 -> s. HP xx Spiral '''390 Damage, 575 Stun'''
* LP Spark -> Ultra '''476 Damage, 50 Stun'''
* EX Spark FA2 -> Ultra '''494 Damage, 220 Stun'''
* j. HK -> s. HK xx EX Spark FA2 -> Ultra '''549 Damage, 570 Stun'''
===Character Specific===
===Super Combos===
* AA fHK -> Super '''400 Damage, 200 Stun'''
* jMK -> cMP xx Spiral xx Super '''410 Damage, 280 Stun'''
* jHK -> sHK xx Spiral xx Super '''490 Damage, 480 Stun'''
===Ultra Combos===
Assume 100% Ultra meter unless otherwise noted.
* LP Spark FADC Ultra '''476 Damage, 50 Stun'''
* LP Spark -> Ultra '''476 Damage, 50 Stun(corner only)'''
* EX Spark FADC Ultra '''526 Damage, 100 Stun'''
* jHK -> sHK xx EX Spark FA2 -> Ultra '''549 Damage, 570 Stun (corner only)'''
===High-Stun Combos===
* LP Spark FADCf Dash Slide sHP xx LP Spark FADC sHP Drill '''372 Damage, 515 Stun (full screen)'''
* jHK -> sHK xx EX Spark FA2 -> Ultra '''549 Damage, 570 Stun (corner only)'''
* sHK xx EX Spark FA2 -> sHP xx Spiral '''390 Damage, 575 Stun (corner only)'''
* jHK -> sHK xx EX Spark FADC -> sHP xx Spiral '''427 Damage, 680 Stun'''
* jHK -> sHK xx EX Spark FA2 -> sHP xx Spiral '''437 Damage, 710 Stun'''
===Trash Combos===
Please don't use these in a serious match, these are pretty much here for jokes and maybe completely confusing your opponent into thinking you're mentally deficient.
* HP Reflect FADC EX Spark '''115 Damage, 150 Stun (no need to FADC in corner)'''
* clHK xx LP Spark FA1 '''222 Damage, 320 Stun'''
* EX Spark FADC -> clHP xx Spiral '''300 Damage, 380 Stun'''
* EX Spark FADCf EX Spark '''260 Damage, 200 Stun'''
===Chip Damage Strings and Options===
* Super '''73 Chip Damage (12, 12, 12, 12, 25)'''
* Spiral xx Super '''98 Chip Damage'''
* Spiral '''25 Chip Damage (all versions including EX)'''
* EX Spark '''32 Chip Damage (16 each hit)'''

Line 25: Line 185:

==Frame Data==
==Frame Data==
{| border="1em" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="border: 1px solid #999; background: #F2F2F2;"
{| border="1em" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="border: 1px solid #999; background: #F2F2F2;" 
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" | frames
!  |
! align="center" | frames
!  |
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" |
!  | Frames
! align="center" | super meter
!  | Frames
! align="center" |
!  | Frames of
! align="center" |
!  | Frames of
! align="center" |
!  | Super Meter
!  | Cancel
! align="center" | move Name
!  | Ability
! align="center" | startup
!  |
! align="center" | active
!  |
! align="center" | total
! align="center" | adv.blk
!  | Move Name
! align="center" | adv.hit
!  | Damage
! align="center" | damage
!  | Stun
! align="center" | stun
!  | Startup
! align="center" | gain
!  | Active
! align="center" | block
!  | Recovery
! align="center" | chain
!  | Total
! align="center" | special
!  | On Block
! align="center" | super
!  | On Hit
! align="center" | comments
!  | Block Stun
!  | Hit Stun
| align="center" | close LP
!  | Gain
| align="center" | 4
!  | Chain
| align="center" | 2
!  | Special
| align="center" | 15
!  | Super
| align="center" | -1
!  | Notes
| align="center" | 2
| align="center" | 20
|  | Close LP
| align="center" | 50
| align="center"  | 20
| align="center" | 20
| align="center"  | 50
| align="center" | HL
| align="center"  | 4
| align="center" | O
| align="center"  | 2
| align="center" | O
| align="center"  | 10
| align="center" | O
| align="center"  | 15
| align="center" | -
| align="center"  | -1
| align="center"  |  +2
| align="center" | close MP
| align="center"  | 10
| align="center" | 6
| align="center"  | 13
| align="center" | 2
| align="center"  | 20
| align="center" | 18
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 1
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 4
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 70
|  | -
| align="center" | 100
| align="center" | 40
|  | Close MP
| align="center" | HL
| align="center"  | 70
| align="center" | X
| align="center"  | 100
| align="center" | O
| align="center"  | 6
| align="center" | O
| align="center"  | 2
| align="center" | -
| align="center"  | 11
| align="center"  | 18
| align="center" | close HP
| align="center"  |  +1
| align="center" | 6
| align="center"  |  +4
| align="center" | 2
| align="center"  | 13
| align="center" | 26
| align="center"  | 16
| align="center" | -3
| align="center"  | 40
| align="center" | 1
| align="center"  | X
| align="center" | 90
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 200
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 60
|  | -
| align="center" | HL
| align="center" | X
|  | Close HP
| align="center" | O
| align="center"  | 90
| align="center" | O
| align="center"  | 200
| align="center" | -
| align="center"  | 6
| align="center"  | 2
| align="center" | close LK
| align="center"  | 19
| align="center" | 4
| align="center"  | 26
| align="center" | 2
| align="center"  | -3
| align="center" | 15
| align="center"  |  +1
| align="center" | -1
| align="center"  | 17
| align="center" | 2
| align="center"  | 21
| align="center" | 40
| align="center"  | 60
| align="center" | 50
| align="center"  | X
| align="center" | 20
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | HL
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | X
|  | -
| align="center" | O
| align="center" | O
|  | Close LK
| align="center" | -
| align="center"  | 40
| align="center"  | 50
| align="center" | close MK
| align="center"  | 4
| align="center" | 7
| align="center"  | 2
| align="center" | 3
| align="center"  | 10
| align="center" | 20
| align="center"  | 15
| align="center" | 0
| align="center"  | -1
| align="center" | 3
| align="center"  |  +2
| align="center" | 70
| align="center"  | 10
| align="center" | 100
| align="center"  | 13
| align="center" | 40
| align="center"  | 20
| align=
| align="center"  | X
| align="center"  | O
| align="center"  | O
|  | -
|  | Close MK
| align="center"  | 70
| align="center"  | 100
| align="center"  | 7
| align="center"  | 3
| align="center"  | 11
| align="center"  | 20
| align="center"  | 0
| align="center"  |  +3
| align="center"  | 13
| align="center"  | 16
| align="center"  | 40
| align="center"  | X
| align="center"  | O
| align="center"  | O
|  | 1~20 cannot be thrown
|  | Close HK
| align="center"

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4.  It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.

{{Street Fighter IV}}
{{Street Fighter IV}}

Latest revision as of 23:41, 1 January 2021

Rose Closeup



  • F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
  • B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
  • U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
  • D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)
  • QCF - D, DF, F - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • QCB - D, DB, B - Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • HCF - Half circle forward - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • HCB - Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • DP - F, D, DF - Dragon punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward. In SFIV, there is a "shortcut" for this motion: DF, neutral, DF.
  • 360 - Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick.
  • 720 - Complete a 720 degree rotation of the stick.
  • Charge - Hold a tilt - Hold the stick in either B or D (Depending) then move to F or U respectively.

X-axis functions can be used interchangeably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.

Six Button Notation

  • Jab - weak punch (also called LP or WP)
  • Strong - medium punch (also called MP)
  • Fierce - fierce punch (also called HP or FP)
  • P - any punch
  • PPP or 3P - all three punches simultaneously
  • Short - weak kick (also called LK or WK)
  • Forward - medium kick (also called MK)
  • Roundhouse (RH) - fierce kick (also called HK)
  • K = any kick
  • KKK or 3K - all three kicks simultaneously


  • ~ Immediately after, e.g "Strong~Fierce" means press Fierce IMMEDIATELY after Strong, f~f means to double tap forward (dash).
  • , Link
  • xx Cancel

State Modifiers

  • st. - The following move should be performed in the standing position (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. st.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst standing.
  • cl. - The following move should be performed in the standing position close to the opponent (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. cl.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst standing close.
  • cr. - The following move should be performed in the crouched position (held down in the Y-axis). i.e. cr.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst crouching.
  • j. - The following move should be performed in the "in the air" position (After having held up in the Y-axis). i.e. j.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst in the air.

Miscellaneous Notation

  • Claw = American Vega = Japanese Balrog
  • Boxer = American Balrog = Japanese Bison
  • Dictator (Dic) = American Bison = Japanese Vega

Not everyone plays on the American version, and some character names are different in the Japanese version, so to avoid confusion, we should not use the names Vega, Bison, or Balrog.

Move Analysis

Notable Normal Moves

cl. MK - Good comboable move that makes you unthrowable during its animation.
cr. FP - Good anti-air, but has really bad recovery tho.
cr. MP - Good combo starter that will stuff quite a few moves. Best with used with soul drills. Do this from a little ways out so you're safe from most counter attacks. Great way to apply pressure.
cr. HK - Rose's sweep. Nice range, speed and damage on this move. Can not be quick recovered, which can lead to some good cross up situations.
j. MK - Nice attack, good range and it's the way you'll cross up the other fighter.

Normal Throws

Soul Fall
LP + LK or F + LP + LK
Soul Loop
B + LP + LK

Command Normals

Slide - DF + MK
Soul Piede - F + HK

Focus / Saving Attack

Rose's Focus Attack comes out quick but does not have the longest range. It can also be used as anti-air when timed correctly.

Special Moves

All of Rose's specials combo into her super expect for soul throw.

Soul Spark - HCF+P
Normal - Her basic projectile. The higher the strength the longer the start up is but the shorter the recovery is.
EX - 2 hit projectile. Has good start up and recovery.
Soul Reflect - QCB+P
Light Punch - Absorbs projectiles and gives you 49% of 1 stock, powers up soul spark.
Medium Punch - Reflects projectile straight forward.
Heavy Punch - Reflects projectiles upward 45 degrees. Can also juggle the opponent if really close.
EX - Can reflect EX fireballs straight forward.
Soul Spiral - QCF+K
Normal - Rose lunges at her opponent with scarf wrapped around her arm. This is her only armor breaking move other than super/ultra. The higher the strength the longer the start up is but the shorter the recovery is.
EX - Has a few invincibility frames on start up
Soul Throw - DP+P
Normal - Rose goes at a angle upward and grabs any airborne opponent.
EX - Has invincibility frames on start up and will grab just about anything in the air.

Super Move

Aura Soul Spark - QCFx2 + P
5 hit projectile super. Good damage and easily comboed off most of her normals and specials.

Ultra Move

Illusion Spark - QCFx2 + PPP
Also known as the famous Shamwow. Rose extends her scarf, wrapping around the opponents forearms, then shocks the hell out of them for like 5 secs with her soul power. Rose is invincible during her start up which allows this to be used as a universal punish. This move puts fear in your opponent as this move makes a lot of moves unsafe.

The Basics

From Eventhubs

Beating down Fireball throwers
Rose is terrific at stopping people who spam fireballs. Her Light Punch Soul Reflect will absorb a projectile giving her about 1/2 of a blue block of Super meter. Most players tend to stop throwing many projectiles after you absorb a few and will move on to other tactics. This allows you to get inside and play a strong positioning game because you're not having to dodge a bunch of fireballs. You'll want to be at a range where you can dash in and throw your opponent and also in a good spot to use her two main anti air moves, Crouching Hard Punch and her Soul Throw. From this spot on the ground, you can throw out some Soul Sparks, be in position for a jump in combo or a sweep.Using these moves will help keep your opponent off guard, because Rose has quite a few viable tactics she can resort to when she's right around sweep distance. The trade off is you won't have as much time to react to fast projectiles, but just fall back and start absorbing them if your opponent starts to pester you with fireballs.



  • While close standing HK does 10 more damage than close standing HP, it whiffs on some crouching characters. For maximum damage totals s. HK was listed here any time it's applicable, but s. HP is usually a safer option in return for the 10 damage or less you lose.
  • Thanks to the following contributors: Wibble (you're trying, that's what's important!), Acku, Rukuss2k, purifyweirdsoul, Metroxylon, ShinkuuR, Zona, and Pasqual

Quick Overview

You can find a video showing her BnB's, super combo's, Ultra setups, corner setups and FADC combos here: Rose Combo Video This video is based on information listed below.


  • c. MP xx Spiral 160 Damage, 200 Stun
  • c. LP, c. LP xx Spiral 160 Damage, 230 Stun
  • s. MP xx Spiral 170 Damage, 200 Stun
  • c. LK -> c. MP xx Spiral 170 Damage, 230 Stun
  • c. LP, c. LK -> s. MP xx EX Spiral 196 Damage, 250 Stun
  • s. HK xx Spiral 200 Damage, 300 Stun
  • s. MP -> c. MP xx Spiral 210 Damage, 280 Stun
  • s. MK -> c. LP, c. LK -> c. MP xx EX Spiral 239 Damage, 320 Stun

Counter Hit Specific

  • Some characters (namely Zangief) you can't do certain CHCs (counter hit combos) on, such as sc.MK -> sc.HP since the sc.MK pushes him too far away and therefore sc.HP must be replaced with c.HP. However c.HP has a tendency to whiff if you miss the link, so be careful when trying it in a session. Also, though it's unlisted (due to inconsistency), most counter-hit combos you can end up finishing with either LK or definitely EX Spiral. Finally, to spare redundancy, the counter hit section will only contain combos at the highest single damaging attack potential. Meaning if sc.MK is the attack to get a counter hit, then s.HP will be shown to follow; since it can be deduced from there that s.HP could be replaced with c.LK or s.MP, for example, due to those attacks requiring less frames of start-up.
  • sc. HK -> s. HP
  • sc. HK -> MP Spark
  • sc. HP -> c. MP
  • sc. MK -> s. HP
  • sc. LK -> c. LP
  • s. MK -> c. MP
  • s. MP -> c. MP
  • c. MK -> c. MP
  • Slide -> c. MP (very strict spacing)
  • LP Spark -> EX Spark (very strict spacing)

Cross ups

  • j. MK -> c. MP xx Spiral 200 Damage, 280 Stun (xx Super 410 Damage)
  • j. MK -> s. HK xx Spiral 240 Damage, 380 Stun (xx Super 450 Damage)


  • LP Spark FADC Dash Slide {Spark Hits} s. HP xx Drill 282 Damage, 380 Stun (full screen)
  • LP Spark FADC Dash Slide {Spark Hits} s. HP xx LP Spark FADC s. HP Drill 372 Damage, 515 Stun (full screen)
  • j. HK -> s. HK xx EX Spark FADC -> s. HP xx Spiral 427 Damage, 680 Stun
  • LP Spark FADC Dash Slide {Spark Hits} Ultra 488 Damage, 150 Stun (full screen)

Corner Only

  • EX Spark FADC -> s. HK Spiral 310 Damage, 380 Stun
  • FA3 s. HK xx EX Spark FA2 -> Grab 388 Damage, 545 Stun
  • s. HK xx EX Spark FA2 -> s. HP xx Spiral 390 Damage, 575 Stun
  • LP Spark -> Ultra 476 Damage, 50 Stun
  • EX Spark FA2 -> Ultra 494 Damage, 220 Stun
  • j. HK -> s. HK xx EX Spark FA2 -> Ultra 549 Damage, 570 Stun

Character Specific

Super Combos

  • AA fHK -> Super 400 Damage, 200 Stun
  • jMK -> cMP xx Spiral xx Super 410 Damage, 280 Stun
  • jHK -> sHK xx Spiral xx Super 490 Damage, 480 Stun

Ultra Combos

Assume 100% Ultra meter unless otherwise noted.

  • LP Spark FADC Ultra 476 Damage, 50 Stun
  • LP Spark -> Ultra 476 Damage, 50 Stun(corner only)
  • EX Spark FADC Ultra 526 Damage, 100 Stun
  • jHK -> sHK xx EX Spark FA2 -> Ultra 549 Damage, 570 Stun (corner only)

High-Stun Combos

  • LP Spark FADCf Dash Slide sHP xx LP Spark FADC sHP Drill 372 Damage, 515 Stun (full screen)
  • jHK -> sHK xx EX Spark FA2 -> Ultra 549 Damage, 570 Stun (corner only)
  • sHK xx EX Spark FA2 -> sHP xx Spiral 390 Damage, 575 Stun (corner only)
  • jHK -> sHK xx EX Spark FADC -> sHP xx Spiral 427 Damage, 680 Stun
  • jHK -> sHK xx EX Spark FA2 -> sHP xx Spiral 437 Damage, 710 Stun

Trash Combos

Please don't use these in a serious match, these are pretty much here for jokes and maybe completely confusing your opponent into thinking you're mentally deficient.

  • HP Reflect FADC EX Spark 115 Damage, 150 Stun (no need to FADC in corner)
  • clHK xx LP Spark FA1 222 Damage, 320 Stun
  • EX Spark FADC -> clHP xx Spiral 300 Damage, 380 Stun
  • EX Spark FADCf EX Spark 260 Damage, 200 Stun

Chip Damage Strings and Options

  • Super 73 Chip Damage (12, 12, 12, 12, 25)
  • Spiral xx Super 98 Chip Damage
  • Spiral 25 Chip Damage (all versions including EX)
  • EX Spark 32 Chip Damage (16 each hit)



Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 20 50 4 2 10 15 -1 +2 10 13 20 O O O -
Close MP 70 100 6 2 11 18 +1 +4 13 16 40 X O O -
Close HP 90 200 6 2 19 26 -3 +1 17 21 60 X O O -
Close LK 40 50 4 2 10 15 -1 +2 10 13 20 X O O -
Close MK 70 100 7 3 11 20 0 +3 13 16 40 X O O 1~20 cannot be thrown
Close HK 100 200 7 2 19 26 -2 +3 18 23 60 X O O -
Far LP 20 50 4 2 11 16 -2 +1 10 13 20 O O O -
Far MP 70 100 7 2 12 20 0 +3 13 16 40 X O O -
Far HP 100 200 11 3 18 31 -3 +1 17 21 60 X X X -
Far LK 30 50 4 2 10 15 -1 +2 10 13 20 X X X -
Far MK 70 100 6 2 13 20 -1 +2 13 16 40 X X X -
Far HK 100 200 9 2 19 29 -3 +1 17 21 60 X X X -
crouch LP 40 50 3 3 8 13 0 +3 10 13 20 O O O -
crouch MP 60 100 4 3 14 20 -3 0 13 16 40 X O O -
crouch HP 90 150 6 5 28 38 -15 -10 17 22 60 X O O Forces stand
crouch LK 30 50 4 4 6 13 +1 +4 10 13 20 X X X Low attack
crouch MK 60 100 7 2 12 20 0 +3 13 16 40 X O O Low attack
crouch HK 90 200 9 2 19 29 -3 D 17 - 60 X X X Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP 40 50 4 6 - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump up MP 70 100 6 6 - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump up HP 90 150 9 6 - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump up LK 50 50 4 7 - - - - - 20 - - - Instant overhead potential
Jump up MK 80 100 7 6 - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump up HK 90 200 11 5 - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump forward LP 40 50 4 6 - - - - - 20 - - - Instant overhead potential
Jump forward MP 70 100 7 3 - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump forward HP 90 150 7 7 - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump forward LK 30 50 4 7 - - - - - 20 - - - Instant overhead potential
Jump forward MK 60 100 7 5 - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump forward HK 100 200 6 5 - - - - - 60 - - - -
Slide 60 100 7 8 12 26 -6 -3 13 16 40 X X X Low attack
Soul Piede 100 200 11 2 17 29 -1 +3 17 21 60 X X X -
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 80 150 18+13 2 35 67 -15 D 21 - 40 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 120 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - -
Forward Throw 140 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 1.0
Back throw 140 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 1.0
Soul Spark LP 80 50 14 - 52 -12 -8 30/20 X X O -
Soul Spark MP 80 50 22 - 52 -4 0 30/20 X X O -
Soul Spark HP 80 50 29 - 53 +2 +6 30/20 X X O -
Soul Spark EX 65*65 50*50 14 - 54 -6 -2 0/0 X X O -
Soul Spiral LK 100 100 12 6 40 -8 D 20/40 X X O Armor break
Soul Spiral MK 100 100 15 6 41 -6 D 20/40 X X O Armor break
Soul Spiral HK 100 100 16 6 40 -4 D 20/40 X X O Armor break
Soul Spiral EX 100 100 13 6 39 -6 D 0/0 X X O 1~11f invincible, Armor break
Soul Reflect LP 50 100 13 2 41 -8 D 20/30 X X O gives super gauge +100, 11~22f (translate), increases super damage by 5% up to 7 times/35%, EX(translate)
Soul Reflect MP 50 100 13 3 40 -7 D 20/30 X X O (translate), 10~19f (translate), EX(translate)
Soul Reflect HP 50 100 12 2 39 -7 D 20/30 X X O (translate), 11~19f (translate), EX(translate)
Soul Reflect EX 50 100 8 2 33 -5 D 0/0 X X O (translate), 7~14f (translate), Increases damage of reflected projectile by 10%, (translate)
Soul Throw LP 140 100 6 9 49 D D 20/40 X X X -
Soul Throw MP 140 100 6 10 51 D D 20/40 X X X -
Soul Throw HP 140 100 6 11 52 D D 20/40 X X X -
Soul Throw EX 140 100 6 11 53 D D 0/0 X X X 1~6f invincible
Aura Soul Spark 50x4*100 0 9 - 52 +16 D 0/0 - - - 1~8f invincible
Illusion Spark 83x6 0 12 14 43 68 -37 D 0/0 - - - 1~12f invincible, Armor break
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4. It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.