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{{Infobox Game
| gamename    = Fighter's History Dynamite / Karnov's Revenge
| abbreviation = FHD, Karnovs
| image        = Fhd Karnovs flyer.png
| developer    = Data East
| system      = Neo Geo MVS<br>JP: March 17, 1994
| system2      = Neo Geo AES<br>WW: April 28, 1994
| system3      = Neo Geo CD<br>WW: December 22, 1994
| system4      = Sega Saturn<br>JP: July 4, 1997
| system5      = Wii Virtual Console<br>NA: December 27, 2010<br>EU: December 3, 2010<br>JP: June 8, 2010
| system6      = Zeebo<br>BR: April 16, 2010<br>MX: April 13, 2010
| system7      = ''ACA NEOGEO''<br>PlayStation 4<br>NA: December 16, 2017<br>EU: December 4, 2017<br>JP: November 16, 2017<br>Xbox One, Nintendo Switch<br>WW: November 16, 2017

| release      =
| website      =  
| website2    =
| netcode      = Rollback (Fightcade)
| resources    = [ '''Fightcade Website''']
| community    = [ '''Discord''']

[[Image:Fhd title screen.png|left|Title Screen]]
[[Image:Fhd-select-screen.png|center|Character Select Screen]]

''Fighter's History Dynamite'' (also known as ''Karnov's Revenge'') is a fighting game created by the now-defunct company Data East and released in March 1994. It is the second in the ''Fighter's History'' series (and the last that hit arcades), which famously drew the legal wrath of Capcom during the mid-90s. While the original ''Fighter's History'' was nothing special outside of its ripoff character designs and hilariously misquoted voices, ''Fighter's History Dynamite'' added two new characters and two playable bosses, as well as a complete re-tweaking of the engine to make it more combo-friendly. Although the game never achieved mainstream success, it maintains a bit of a cult following to this day.

===Game versions===
''Fighter's History Dynamite'' (also known as ''Karnov's Revenge'') is a fighting game created by the now-defunct company Data East and released in March 1994. It is the sequel to the infamous ''Fighter's History'', which drew the legal wrath of Capcom during the early 90s accusing it of being a blatant rip-off.
*Arcade (MVS)
*Neo Geo (AES)
*Neo Geo CD
*Sega Saturn
*PS4,XBO,NS (via Arcade Archives)

While the original game was made on Data East's own arcade hardware, the sequel was released for the Neo Geo with several improvements. Aside from new backgrounds and music, the engine was completely overhauled, so it became more combo-friendly and controls became more sleek. All nine characters return from the original game, while also making two bosses playable and introducing two newcomers. Although the game never achieved mainstream success, it maintains the cult status following to this day as one of the greatest ''Street Fighter II'' clones there is.

===Joystick Notation===
==The Characters==
====Single inputs====
*[[File:F.png]] - Forward
*[[File:B.png]] - Backward
*[[File:U.png]] - Up
*[[File:D.png]] - Down

====Quarter circle motions====
''Fighter's History Dynamite'' has 13 playable characters, 9 of which are returning from the original ''FH''. They are Ray, detective from Los Angeles; Feilin, Chinese actress; Ryoko, 17 year-old judo prodigy; Matlok, British punk rocker; Samchay, Muay Thai pro; Lee, Chinese Bājíquán specialist; Mizoguchi, high-school dropout who practices Jissen Karate; Jean, French professional gymnast; and Marstorius, pro wrestler from Italy.
*[[File:Qcf.png]] - Quarter circle forward
*[[File:Qcb.png]] - Quarter circle back
*[[File:B.png]][[File:Db.png]][[File:D.png]] - Quarter circle back-to-down

====Half circle motions====
Two boss characters from ''FH'' also became playable: Clown (the name says it all) and Karnov, the almighty fighter from Russia and the host of the "Great Grapple" tournament. The final two characters are newcomers: Yungmie, Korean Taekwondo queen in search of her missing parents; and Zazie, a founder of the African Nature Protection Society who practices Karate.
*[[File:Hcf.png]] - Half circle forward
*[[File:Hcb.png]] - Half circle back
*[[File:Uhcf.png]] - Upper half circle forward
*[[File:Uhcb.png]] - Upper half circle backward

====Uniqe motions====
All in all, the cast has variety. There's lots of fun to be had with new moves and the overhauled engine in ''FHD'' that ups the game's speed and combo potential.
*[[File:F.png]][[File:Db.png]][[File:Df.png]] - Pseudo "Dragon Punch"
*[[File:F.png]][[File:F.png]] - Double tap forward
*And some character exclusive ones...

===Button Layout===
Being on the NeoGeo, this game only has 4 buttons, but doesn't follow traditional SNK fighting game layout.

*[[File:Snka.gif]] - LP - Light Punch
<table align="center">
*[[File:Snkb.gif]] - HP - Hard Punch
<tr> <td>[[Image:fhd_game_screenshot1.png|center]]</td>
*[[File:Snkc.gif]] - LK - Light Kick
*[[File:Snkd.gif]] - HK - Hard Kick
=Game Mechanics=
==Basic Mechanics==
===Back Step===
Tap backwards twice [[File:B.png]][[File:B.png]] to perform a back step to retreat. While performing it, characters' hurtboxes stretches upwards a bit (exceptions are Ray, Yungmie, Zazie and Karnov).
Usually throws are performed by holding Back or Forward on the joystick when close to the opponent, and then pressing Hard Punch [[File:B.png]]/[[File:F.png]] + [[File:Snkb.gif]] (some characters also have throws done with Hard Kick [[File:Snkd.gif]]). Regular throws can not be softened or escaped in any way. As in the old SF2's, throws can be performed on reversal frame on wakeup if the opponent is close enough (throw range is fairly good in this game).
Clown and Samchay have "hold" throws in which you can do more damage during the grab by mashing the joystick/buttons. The opponent can also counter-mash and break out faster. Clown can do over 25% damage with enough mashing, giving him the best normal throw in the game.
Ray, Jean, and Ryoko have air throws. Air throws do slightly more damage than regular throws, but generally aren't seen too often in play.
Marstorius and Ryoko have special command throws. Unlike regular throws, their special throws can actually be buffered into off a regular attack, and will combo during hit stun if you're in range. Special throws have no whiff animation - if you buffer into a special throw off a blocked normal attack, you will instantly interrupt the animation of the previous normal attack with another normal attack (the button you just hit). You can continually repeat this as long as your attacks are in range, creating a blocked hit string to keep the pressure on the opponent. For this reason it's usually best to stick to performing Marstorius' and Ryoko's special throws with Light Punch, so you don't cancel into a Hard Punch that might whiff and put you in danger.
Dizzies work differently from most other games. Each character has a unique piece of clothing on their body, which is damaged when hit, indicated by the object flashing. Once the object takes three hits it will fall off and the character will become dizzy. You can only lose the item once per round, so there's no fear of multiple dizzies or redizzies. Clothing is positioned in different places depending on the character, so some characters (depending on their attacks) will have an easier time dizzying certain other characters.
After a character has been dizzied, any further attacks to that character's weak spot will deal 1.5x damage for the rest of the round. Doing a simple combo on a dizzied opponent consisting of attacks that hit their weak spot can result in huge damage.
Each character's weak point will be listed in their individual section.
===Charge Motion Tricks===
Charge time for the majority of charge-based special moves are very short - roughly two-thirds of a second. Some moves require double the charge time, however. They are:
* Ray's Thunder '''Dynamite Tackle'''
* Marstorius' '''Dash Lariat'''
* Marstorius' '''Kneel Kick'''
* Jean's '''Rondato'''
"Charge buffering" exists in this game too. Instead of doing a move as just charge Back, Forward + button, you can instead do it as charge Back, Forward, Back + button. This allows you to immediately start charging immediately after the move is performed. You can also substitute the last press of Back with Down-Back as well. You can even charge immediately after a flash-kick type move by going Down, Up, Down + button, but you have to be fast!
The input system shows some leniency for the last motion of charge moves - Back, Forward + button moves can be finished with Down-Forward or Up-Forward, and Up, Down + button moves can be finished with Up-Back or Up-Forward. Since you can also charge by holding Down-Back, this makes some charge moves even easier to do - you can perform the ones that require a Back charge by simply starting the charge in Down-Back, and then slide the joystick to Down-Forward and hit the button.
===Hidden Moves===
A popular misconception is that there are super moves in the game, which is not true. Some characters ''do'' have secret moves which can be performed at any time, but they're only considered secret in the sense that they did not show up on movelists distributed with the game. The secret moves tend to have input motions that aren't as "obvious" to discover as other moves.
==Advanced Mechanics==
===Fuzzy Guard===
After blocking an attack, you're automatically able to block every following attack automatically as long as you're still in the original blockstun. So you can hold Back to block a jumping attack, and if they do any low attacks afterward you can automatically block them even if you remain in high block. Once blockstun has ended, you must then block the next move in the correct direction.
===Stand/Crouch Shifting===
When in either blockstun or hitstun, it's possible to switch from a standing to crouching position  (and vice versa) between hits of your opponent's combo or block string. You might think it would be better to always go into crouching position once you are being hit, as going into crouch could make some high attacks whiff. But there is a very important additional factor in play in this game - when you go into a crouching position, it changes the hitbox for your weak spot too. Attacks that might not have hit your weak spot when you were standing could very well register when you're crouching instead!
Example - if Ray does his Thunder Dynamite Tackle against a crouching Karnov, three hits will register on his weak point and dizzy him instantly! But, if Karnov remains standing, none of the hits will connect against his weak point and he will not be dizzied. It's very important to learn how your character's hitbox changes in crouch - don't assume it's always a good idea to hold Down-Back once a combo starts!
===Damage Scaling===
All characters in this game have the same amount of health. There is no damage bonus for counter hits, only the 1.5x modifier when a character's exposed weak point is hit. While damage is usually consistent throughout the round, there is one notable exception - when a character is down to a little less than 25% health (not the same time the music speeds up, but a little after that), all damage from normal attacks is reduced by 50%. Damage from special moves and throws are unaffected. This makes it harder to kill with a chain combo that isn't cancelled into a special move near the end of the round. Unfortunately there's no visual clue to see when you're taking reduced damage from normal attacks.
===Hitstun, Blockstun, Impact Freeze===
<table border="1em" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid #999;">
<tr> <td align="center" width="100"></td>
    <td align="center" width="80">Impact freeze</td>
    <td align="center" width="80">Hit</td>
    <td align="center" width="80">Block</td></tr>
<tr> <td align="center">Light attacks</td>
    <td align="center" rowspan="3">13</td>
     <td align="center">12</td>
    <td align="center">13</td></tr>
<tr> <td align="center">Hard attacks</td>
     <td align="center" rowspan="2">21</td>
    <td align="center" rowspan="2">16</td></tr>
<tr> <td align="center">Special moves</td></tr>

A very loose ground combo system is in place. Every character has at least one light attack that can be chained into itself or other light attacks, or you can chain into a hard attack. Most combos consist of an optional jumping attack followed by a couple light attacks, chained into a hard attack, buffered into a special move. Nearly every normal move is bufferable into special moves too, with the exception of some command normals (such as Samchay's f.HP or f.HK). There is no juggle system.
=The Characters=

<table width="448">
<table width="448" align="center">
<tr>  <td width="64" align="center">[[Ray McDougal (FHD)|Ray]]</td>
<tr>  <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Ray McDougall|Ray]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Liu Feilin (FHD)|Feilin]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Liu Feilin|Feilin]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Kano Ryoko (FHD)|Ryoko]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Ryoko Kano|Ryoko]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center"> </td>
       <td width="64" align="center"> </td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Matlok Jade (FHD)|Matlok]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Matlok Jade|Matlok]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Samchay Tomyamgun (FHD)|Samchay]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Samchay Tomyamkun|Samchay]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Lee Diendo (FHD)|Lee]]</td></tr>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Lee Diendo|Lee]]</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="7"><imagemap>
rect 0 0 64 64  [[Ray McDougal (FHD)|Ray McDougal]]
rect 0 0 64 64  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Ray McDougall|Ray McDougall]]
rect 64 0 128 64  [[Liu Feilin (FHD)|Liu Feilin]]
rect 64 0 128 64  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Liu Feilin|Liu Feilin]]
rect 128 0 192 64  [[Kano Ryoko (FHD)|Kano Ryoko]]
rect 128 0 192 64  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Ryoko Kano|Ryoko Kano]]
rect 256 0 320 64  [[Matlok Jade (FHD)|Matlok Jade]]
rect 192 0 256 64  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Ox|Ox!?]]
rect 320 0 384 64  [[Samchay Tomyamgun (FHD)|Samchay Tomyamgun]]
rect 256 0 320 64  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Matlok Jade|Matlok Jade]]
rect 384 0 448 64  [[Lee Diendo (FHD)|Lee Diendo]]
rect 320 0 384 64  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Samchay Tomyamkun|Samchay Tomyamkun]]
rect 0 64 64 128  [[Mizoguchi Makoto (FHD)|Makoto Mizoguchi]]
rect 384 0 448 64  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Lee Diendo|Lee Diendo]]
rect 64 64 128 128  [[Jean Pierre (FHD)|Jean Pierre]]
rect 0 64 64 128  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Makoto Mizoguchi|Makoto Mizoguchi]]
rect 128 64 192 128  [[Marstorius (FHD)|Marstorius]]
rect 64 64 128 128  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Jean Pierre|Jean Pierre]]
rect 192 64 256 128  [[Liu Yungmie (FHD)|Liu Yungmie]]
rect 128 64 192 128  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Marstorius|Marstorius]]
rect 256 64 320 128  [[Zazie Muhaba (FHD)|Zazie Muhaba]]
rect 192 64 256 128  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Liu Yungmie|Liu Yungmie]]
rect 320 64 384 128  [[Clown (FHD)|Clown]]
rect 256 64 320 128  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Zazie Muhaba|Zazie Muhaba]]
rect 384 64 448 128  [[Karnov (FHD)|Karnov]]
rect 320 64 384 128  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Clown|Clown]]
rect 384 64 448 128  [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Karnov|Karnov]]
desc none
desc none
<table width="448">
<tr>  <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Makoto Mizoguchi|Mizoguchi]]</td>
<tr>  <td width="64" align="center">[[Mizoguchi Makoto (FHD)|Mizoguchi]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Jean Pierre|Jean]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Jean Pierre (FHD)|Jean]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Marstorius|Marstorius]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Marstorius (FHD)|Marstorius]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Liu Yungmie|Yungmie]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Liu Yungmie (FHD)|Yungmie]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Zazie Muhaba|Zazie]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Zazie Muhaba (FHD)|Zazie]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Clown|Clown]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Clown (FHD)|Clown]]</td>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Fighter's History Dynamite/Karnov|Karnov]]</td></tr>
       <td width="64" align="center">[[Karnov (FHD)|Karnov]]</td></tr>

* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Clown (FHD)|Clown]]
* [[Image:50%.gif]] [[Jean Pierre (FHD)|Jean Pierre]]
* [[Image:100%.gif]] [[Kano Ryoko (FHD)|Kano Ryoko]]
* [[Image:40%.gif]] [[Karnov (FHD)|Karnov]]
* [[Image:40%.gif]] [[Lee Diendo (FHD)|Lee Diendo]]
* [[Image:20%.gif]] [[Liu Feilin (FHD)|Liu Feilin]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Liu Yungmie (FHD)|Liu Yungmie]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Marstorius (FHD)|Marstorius]]
* [[Image:50%.gif]] [[Matlok Jade (FHD)|Matlok Jade]]
* [[Image:20%.gif]] [[Mizoguchi Makoto (FHD)|Makoto Mizoguchi]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Ray McDougal (FHD)|Ray McDougal]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Samchay Tomyamgun (FHD)|Samchay Tomyamgun]]
* [[Image:40%.gif]] [[Zazie Muhaba (FHD)|Zazie Muhaba]]
==Tier list==
A universally-agreed upon tier list for this game is impossible to come up with, since it seems as if every player has differing opinions on where the characters fall in the tiers.

Here's one example:
<tr> <td>
<table width="25%" border="1em">
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Clown|Clown]]
<tr> <td>'''Top'''</td>
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Jean Pierre|Jean Pierre]]
    <td>Ray, Lee, Karnov, Zazie</td></tr>
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Karnov|Karnov]]
<tr> <td>'''Upper-Mid'''</td>
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Lee Diendo|Lee Diendo]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Liu Feilin|Liu Feilin]]
<tr> <td>'''Mid'''</td>
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Liu Yungmie|Liu Yungmie]]
    <td>Mizoguchi, Samchay, Marstorius</td></tr>
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Makoto Mizoguchi|Makoto Mizoguchi]]</td>
<tr> <td>'''Lower-Mid'''</td>
    <td>Clown, Matlok, Yungmie</td></tr>
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Marstorius|Marstorius]]
<tr> <td>'''Low'''</td>
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Matlok Jade|Matlok Jade]]
    <td>Feilin, Ryoko</td></tr>
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Ox|Ox]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Ray McDougall|Ray McDougall]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Ryoko Kano|Ryoko Kano]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Samchay Tomyamkun|Samchay Tomyamkun]]
* [[Image:80%.gif]] [[Fighter's History Dynamite/Zazie Muhaba|Zazie Muhaba]]</td></tr>

The placement of Marstorius in the tiers is one that there are rarely agreements on - some think he could be as high as Upper-Mid, others think he's much lower (one Japanese tier listing had him ranked as dead last). He has some very tough matchups and it can be hard for him to get in on characters with projectiles, but once he gets in he has a nasty mixup game that can easily win him the round. So he's a bit of a wildcard since a lot of his matches can go either way.
Don't treat any tier list as gospel, as practically every character has something going for them and can be competitive against most of the rest of the cast. This is also due in part to the game's dizzy system, since they can happen in an instant and turn the match around.
'''Here's some other examples:'''
===2004 list===
1. Ray<br>
2. Zazie<br>
3. Jean<br>
4. Karnov<br>
5. Lee<br>
6. Samchay<br>
7. Yungmie<br>
8. Mizoguchi<br>
9. Feilin<br>
10. Matlok<br>
11. Marstorius<br>
12. Clown<br>
13. Ryoko
===2003 matchup chart===
This one is really debatable but here it is:
<table border="1em" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid #999;" width="45%">
<tr align="center"> <td> </td><td>Ray</td><td>Lee</td><td>Zaz</td><td>Yun</td><td>Kar</td><td>Sam</td><td>Miz</td><td>Clo</td><td>Jea</td><td>Mat</td><td >Fei</td><td>Ox</td><td>Ryo</td><td>Mar</td><td>'''SCORE'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Ray</td><td>-</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>8</td><td>7</td><td>9</td><td>'''81 (+16)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Lee</td><td>5</td><td>-</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>6</td><td>4</td><td>'''74 (+9)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Zazie</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>-</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>4</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>7</td><td>6</td><td>4</td><td>'''71 (+6)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Yungmie</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>-</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>'''71 (+6)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Karnov</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>-</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>6</td><td>'''69 (+4)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Samchay</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>-</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>'''68 (+3)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Mizoguchi</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>-</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>'''65 (0)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Clown</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>-</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>6</td><td>8</td><td>'''65 (0)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Jean</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>-</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>8</td><td>'''64 (-1)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Matlok</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>-</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>'''63 (-2)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Feilin</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>6</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>-</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>7</td><td>'''60 (-5)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Ox</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>-</td><td>7</td><td>4</td><td>'''58 (-7)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Ryoko</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>6</td><td>3</td><td>-</td><td>3</td><td>'''51 (-14)'''</td></tr>
<tr align="center"> <td>Marstorius</td><td>1</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>2</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>-</td><td>'''50 (-15)'''</td></tr>
Source : FHD Maniax
==Page Writing Progress==
1) Writing on pages can be improved
2) More matchups strategies needed across the board
3) Averaged matchup chart needed to use at characters' pages
4) Up to date matchup charts needed
--[[User:Leot buddy|Leot buddy]]


{{Template:Fighter's History Dynamite}}
[[Category:Fighter's History Dynamite]]

Latest revision as of 19:35, 19 March 2024

Fighter's History Dynamite / Karnov's Revenge
(FHD, Karnovs)
Fhd Karnovs flyer.png

Data East


Neo Geo MVS
JP: March 17, 1994

Neo Geo AES
WW: April 28, 1994
Neo Geo CD
WW: December 22, 1994
Sega Saturn
JP: July 4, 1997
Wii Virtual Console
NA: December 27, 2010
EU: December 3, 2010
JP: June 8, 2010
BR: April 16, 2010
MX: April 13, 2010
PlayStation 4
NA: December 16, 2017
EU: December 4, 2017
JP: November 16, 2017
Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
WW: November 16, 2017
Online Play

Rollback (Fightcade)

Player Resources

Fightcade Website

Community Channels


Title Screen
Character Select Screen


Fighter's History Dynamite (also known as Karnov's Revenge) is a fighting game created by the now-defunct company Data East and released in March 1994. It is the sequel to the infamous Fighter's History, which drew the legal wrath of Capcom during the early 90s accusing it of being a blatant rip-off.

While the original game was made on Data East's own arcade hardware, the sequel was released for the Neo Geo with several improvements. Aside from new backgrounds and music, the engine was completely overhauled, so it became more combo-friendly and controls became more sleek. All nine characters return from the original game, while also making two bosses playable and introducing two newcomers. Although the game never achieved mainstream success, it maintains the cult status following to this day as one of the greatest Street Fighter II clones there is.

The Characters

Fighter's History Dynamite has 13 playable characters, 9 of which are returning from the original FH. They are Ray, detective from Los Angeles; Feilin, Chinese actress; Ryoko, 17 year-old judo prodigy; Matlok, British punk rocker; Samchay, Muay Thai pro; Lee, Chinese Bājíquán specialist; Mizoguchi, high-school dropout who practices Jissen Karate; Jean, French professional gymnast; and Marstorius, pro wrestler from Italy.

Two boss characters from FH also became playable: Clown (the name says it all) and Karnov, the almighty fighter from Russia and the host of the "Great Grapple" tournament. The final two characters are newcomers: Yungmie, Korean Taekwondo queen in search of her missing parents; and Zazie, a founder of the African Nature Protection Society who practices Karate.

All in all, the cast has variety. There's lots of fun to be had with new moves and the overhauled engine in FHD that ups the game's speed and combo potential.

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Ray Feilin Ryoko Matlok Samchay Lee
Ray McDougallLiu FeilinRyoko KanoOx!?Matlok JadeSamchay TomyamkunLee DiendoMakoto MizoguchiJean PierreMarstoriusLiu YungmieZazie MuhabaClownKarnovFhd-select-screen1.png
Mizoguchi Jean Marstorius Yungmie Zazie Clown Karnov

Page Writing Progress

1) Writing on pages can be improved
2) More matchups strategies needed across the board
3) Averaged matchup chart needed to use at characters' pages
4) Up to date matchup charts needed

--Leot buddy

Game Navigation

Liu Feilin
Jean Pierre
Lee Diendo
Matlok Jade
Makoto Mizoguchi
Ray McDougall
Ryoko Kano
Samchay Tomyamkun
Liu Yungmie
Zazie Muhaba