El Fuerte (SFIV): Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
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!  | On Block
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!  | Block Stun

Revision as of 04:01, 22 April 2009


Street Fighter's first luchadore's has appeared!

At glance and background at first glance seem to imply a grappler or hybrid type character, like Zangief or E. Honda. However, El Fuerte's low vitality, long range splash attacks, and high mobility make him ideally suited for a primarily long ranged game, with emphasis on spacing/ambiguous mixups rather than footsies/whiff punishment. At closer distances, El's game changes dramatically. Although he doesn't gain a traditional tick/command grab mixup game in close quarters like his wrestler counterparts, his ability to deal damage raises dramatically (and uniquely), when in range for his punch loop.

El Fuerte's winning potential is maximized from an offensive position is primarily an offensive character. His speed, high-stun combo, and dramatic ability to mixup and confuse and opponent are his obvious strengths.

El fuerte's defensive options are comparitively lacking. With no fail-safe invincibile reversal options, maintaining momemtum and controlling the flow of a match are crucial to this success with this character.

Successful Fuerte practictioners will use his high mobility to avoid dangerous situations, and minimize damage taken. They will utilize his ambiguous mixups not only for damage, but also for positioning to lead to deeper okizeme. When in close quarters, they'll apply pressure and bait out counterable and punishable attacks. They will consistently utilize his high damaging RSF hard punch loop to deal major damage and high stun, and efficiently use his mixups to dizzy often.

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws

Command Normals

Rolling Senton F+MK (Overhead)

El Fuerte performs a rolling front flip to land back first on the opponent.

This move has a variety of applications in El fuerte's game, among them:

-Mixed in with Okizeme tricks, provides a fast overhead which can be linked to stand jabs.

-Closes small gaps to allow Fuerte to begin close-range mixups

-Can be used to corpse hop after certain attacks (Picadillo) - Very Useful

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Habanero Dash QCF P EX has 2 hits Focus Armor
----Sudden Stop LP*/** Has minor recovery time.
----Tostada Press MP*//** Can be aimed left/neutral/right
----Fajita Buster HP Can be aimed/Grab/whiffs on crouching opponents
----Backstep LK* Travels far but significant recovery.
----Gordita Sobat MK** Mid-hitting kick that is super-cancellable. Safe on hit/block
----Caramale Sliding HK** Knockdown.
Habanero Backdash QCB P EX has 2 hits focus armor
----Propeller Tortilla HP** Can be aimed/Grab/Grabs crouching opponent
----Picadillo Jump K** Backwards jump towards/off wall
Guacamole Leg Throw DP K Jumps from the ground, grabs an airborne opponent. EX version has large invincibility.
Quesadilla Bomb Charge K , Release Lv 1: 120F (2 sec charge)/Lv 2: 210F Knockdown, travels medium distance/Lv 3: 300F Knockdown, travels far
EX Quesadilla Bomb Charge KK , Release 390F Knockdown, travels very far

* Performed during Habanero Dash or Backdash

** Performed during Habanero Backdash

Super Move

El Fuerte Flying Dynamite


Kick determines super. LK version has the most invincibility. El Fuerte attacks his opponent with a series of flips.

Ultra Move

El Fuerte Flying Giga Buster QCF, QCF + KKK

El Fuerte flips through the air and lands on the opponents shoulder, performing an elaborate huricanarana.

This move can be aimed in 3 positions similarly to Tostada Press and other moves. After performing the Ultra input, holding a direction until just before El Fuerte leaves the ground affects the trajectory and distance travelled:

Hold back - Very close (almost point blank)

Neutral - Middle Range (about sweep range)

Hold forward - Far (about 75% of the screen width).

Note that farther versions grab on later frames because of travel time.

This move is considered a grab, and as such will totally whiff on airborne and throw-invincible opponents.

The Basics


cl.LP x n -> s.LK/f.LP

-Basically, as many overhead chops as distance permits, than a standing LK/far swipe.

f+MK, cl.LP x n -> s.LK/f.LP

-Same as above. Note the useful link from overhead.

(c.hit) c.MP / cl.FP xx Quesadilla Bomb xx El Fuerte Flying Dynamite

-note level 1 Q. Bomb does not knockdown. Any level Q. Bomb can be easily cancelled to super.

cl.HK xx HK Guacamole Leg Throw

- Not much of a complicated combo, however note this is the only way to combo a Guacamole.

cl.HK xx Habanero Dash -> Sudden Stop -> LK Guacamole Leg throw

Verifiable version of above combo. Sacrifices damage.

cl.FP xx Habanero Dash -> Caramale Sliding / Gordita Sobat

-Slide is preferred because of knockdown. Sobat is useful to super cancel, but more difficult.

(cl .FP xx Habanero Dash -> Sudden Stop) x n -> cl. FP xx Habanero Dash -> Caramale Sliding

- aka RSF aka Punch Loop, Repeated run/stop cancelled fierce punches. Finish with slide for knockdown. - very difficult.



vs Blanka

Blanka can present problems for Fuerte. His natural strengths fair well against typical Fuerte gameplay.

Typical Okizeme Tostada crossups are difficult due to blanka's awkward crouching hitbox. Tostada must be placed directly on top of blanka rather than aiming for his back like most chararacters.

Wake up electricity thwarts almost all okizeme Tostada Presses. It is possible to beat electricity with the Tostada, but exceedingly difficult particularly because blanka's position shifts slightly when electricity is performed. Regular normal attacks will stuff a wake up electricity, but blanka this is generally a poor choice as blanka can backhop, ex electricity, or blanka ball which all defeat the normal move. A good choice is to committ to no attack, bait electricity, punish with Picadillo.

Picadillo consistently grabs Blanka out of electricity, any strength (barring perhaps opening frames of ex version).

Wake-up blanka ball thwarts almost all okizeme splash tricks pretty consistently.

Any blocked horizontal rolling attack (blanka ball) can be punished with well timed qcf+p, slide

A blocked horizontal roll can also be punished with ultra. Ultra MUST be reversal, and blankaball MUST be blocked standing.

At certain ranges, close FP whiffs on crouching Blanka.

Blanka's long-range, high-priority (this means they have good hitboxes) jumping attacks can be difficult to anti-air in a pinch. Fuerte also lacks a great counter to tick throws, which often follow blanka jump in attacks. Be vigilant when in blanka's jump-in range, losing momemtum here can cost Fuerte the match. Remember: don't use not just c.fierce for anti air, as it will can be easily countered once scouted. Use Guacamole Leg throw when suitable. Take advantage of Blanka's high jump arc - jump with him and air throw whenever possible.

Because Blanka has no invincible move that can be pulled off in a pinch, and one of his better invincible moves loses cleanly to Picadillo, Backwards Habanero Dash and then a quick Picadillo to evade a jump-in and grab him as he lands is quite useful.

Rolling Senton corpse hops are useful. Use them to disrupt blanka's back charge, and limit his wake-up options. The goal is to force a panic option which can be easily dealt countered/punished, or to force a block to initiate pressure/mixups.

Matchup Videos

Find a great collection of matchup specific videos from top players at streetfighterdojo.com
Contributor: zaspacer

Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 30 50 3 2 7 11 +2 +5 10 13 20 O O O -
Close MP 70 100 5 2 16 22 +3 +7 20 24 40 X O O -
Close HP 100[80] 200[150] 4 5 25 33 -12 -7 17 22 60 X O O Forces stand
Close LK 30 50 4 2 9 14 0 +3 10 13 20 X X X -
Close MK 75 100 5 2 18 24 -6 -3 13 17 40 X O O -
Close HK 120 200 6 3 24 32 -9 -5 17 21 60 X X O -
Far LP 30 50 3 2 7 11 +2 +5 10 13 20 O O O -
Far MP 80 100 5 2 16 22 -4 -1 13 16 40 X X O -
Far HP 120 200 7 3 18 27 -3 +1 17 21 60 X X X -
Far LK 40 50 4 2 11 16 -2 +1 10 13 20 X X X -
Far MK 70 100 7 2 18 26 -6 -3 13 16 40 X X X -
Far HK 110 200 9 4 20 32 -6 -2 17 21 60 X X X -
crouch LP 30 50 3 2 9 13 0 +3 10 13 20 O O O -
crouch MP 65 100 4 3 9 15 +2 +5 13 16 40 X X O -
crouch HP 100 200 8 3 20 30 -5 0 17 22 60 X X X Forces stand
crouch LK 30 50 3 3 8 13 0 +3 10 13 20 O X O Low attack
crouch MK 80 100 5 4 13 21 -3 0 13 16 40 X X O Low attack
crouch HK 100 150 6 2 25 32 -9 D 17 - 60 X X X Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP 50 50 4 4 - - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump up MP 80 100 5 3 - - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump up HP 100 200 6 4 - - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump up LK 50 50 4 5 - - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump up MK 80 100 6 6 - - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump up HK 100 200 6 5 - - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump forward LP 50 50 4 5 - - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump forward MP 80 100 5 5 - - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump forward HP 100 200 6 6 - - - - - - 60 - - - -
Jump forward LK 40 50 4 8 - - - - - - 20 - - - -
Jump forward MK 70 100 5 4 - - - - - - 40 - - - -
Jump forward HK 100 200 6 7 - - - - - - 60 - - - -
Overhead 60 100 18 2 16 35 -4 +1 13 18 40 X X X Mid attack
f+HK 90*60 150*50 15 2*2 ?? 45 -2 +2 ?? ?? 60*20 X X X -
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 80 150 18+11 2 35 65 -15 D 21 - 40 - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 140 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - -
Forward Throw 130 130 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 0.85
Back throw 140 140 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 - - - Throw range 0.85
Rekka Ken LP(1) 50 50 7 2 21 29 -4 0 18 10/10 X X X -
Rekka Ken LP(2) 50 50 7 2 38 46 -6 -2 33 10/10 X X X -
Rekka Ken LP(3) 60 50 7 2 67 75 -18 D 50 10/20 X X X -
Rekka Ken MP(1) 55 50 9 2 23 33 -6 -2 18 10/10 X X X -
Rekka Ken MP(2) 55 50 7 2 42 50 -8 -4 35 10/10 X X X -
Rekka Ken MP(3) 60 50 9 2 69 79 -18 D 52 10/20 X X X -
Rekka Ken HP(1) 60 50 10 2 25 36 -8 -4 18 10/10 X X X -
Rekka Ken HP(2) 60 50 7 2 45 53 -10 -6 36 10/10 X X X -
Rekka Ken HP(3) 60 50 9 2 74 84 -23 D 52 10/20 X X X -
Rekka Ken EX(1) 65 50 7 2 25 33 -8 -4 18 0/0 X X X -
Rekka Ken EX(2) 65 50 7 2 42 50 -10 -6 33 0/0 X X X -
Rekka Ken EX(3) 70 50 9 2 71 81 -23 D 49 0/0 X X X -
Flame Kick LK 120[70] 200[100] 5 12 54 -29 D 30/40 X X O 1~4f invincible, 5~6f cannot be thrown
Flame Kick MK 140[90] 200[100] 5 12 58 -31 D 30/40 X X O 1~5f invincible, 6f cannot be thrown
Flame Kick HK 100*60 100-100 5 12 62 -35 D 30/40*20 X X O 1~5f invincble, 6f cannot be thrown, 2nd hit pursuit property, 1st hit cancellable
Flame Kick EX 100*50x2 100*50x2 5 21 65 -38 D 0/0 X X O 1~6f invincible, 2~3 hit pursuit property, 1st hit cancellable
Flying Kick LK 30*30*40 50x3 14 2*4*2 53 -4 0 10/30*20*20 X X X 1~8f invincible, pursuit property, 1st hit armor break
Flying Kick MK 30*30*50 50x3 16 2*4*2 53 -2 +2 10/30*20*20 X X X 1~10f invincible, pursuit property, 1st hit armor break
Flying Kick HK 40*40*60 50x3 18 2*4*2 53 0 +4 10/30*20*20 X X X 1~12f invincible, pursuit property, 1st hit armor break
Flying Kick EX 30*30*40 50x3 18 2*4*2 53 0 +4 0/0 X X X 1~12f invincible, 13~36f projectile invincible, pursuit property, 1st hit armor break
Kaiten 0 0 14 2 51 66 - +7 10/40 - - - Throw range 0.9
Kaiten EX 0 0 12 2 51 64 - +7 0/0 - - - Throw range 1.2
Super Rekka Ken 60x4*160 0 10 2x5 128 -38 D 0/0 - - - 1~11f invincible, pursuit property
Ultra Rekka Ken 60*60*15x8*75*180 0 10 2x5 129 -38 D 0/0 - - - 1~11f invincible, pursuit property, (translate)
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain Chain Special Super Notes