Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Chun-Li/Archive

From SuperCombo Wiki
Chun-Li's Character Select Portrait
Chun-Li's Neutral Stance


In her most notorious incarnation, Chun-Li is a defensive beast. She mainly relies on punishing opponents with her high speed and range, solid power and 2nd Super Art which can be combo'd into multiple ways.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • One of the scariest super arts in the game - high damage and stun, a lot of corner carry, mixup options, crazy range and quick startup. Key for her gameplan
  • the best pokes in the game - very hard to punish, while having a lot of range, damage, or options on block or hit.
  • Best kara throw in the game, allowing her to punish effectively with throws and annoy with throw loops from ranges where it may seem easy to walk/block away.
  • Can duck very low, making a lot of move less effectively vs. her.
  • Great walk speed, as well as a solid dash, giving her the mobility to utilize in the footsies game
  • Seemingly unconventional anti-air game can be unintuitive at first.
  • Meterless damage is underwhelming, allowing characters to play more aggressively with less risk while she does not have a super stocked.

Specific Character Information

  • Stamina: 1120
  • Stun Bar Length (dots): 64 (Normal)
  • Stun Bar Recovery (frames it takes to recover 1 dot): 22
  • Taunt:

Yawn (happens 100% of the time) - Increases stun recovery rate by 10% for the first yawn and an additional 21% for the second yawn. Lasts the whole round. Maximum 2 yawns, 33% bonus.

Shoulder tap (happens 21% of the time) - Increases defense by 18.8%. Lasts for the whole round. Maximum one shoulder tap.

Neck stretch (happens 38% of the time) - Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. Maximum one neck stretch.

Back stretch (happens 15% of the time) - Increases defense by 31.3% (more than the shoulder tap) for the whole round. Also increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. Maximum one back stretch.

  • Chun-Li takes 2 additional frames of crouching blockstun
  • Best Kara-Throw: Far S.MK / Close S.HK
  • Standard Throw Range (pixels): 26
  • Kara Throw Range (pixels): 58/??
  • Dash Forward (frames) / Moving Distance: 16 / 2
  • Dash Backward (frames) / Moving Distance: 23 / 2
  • Normal Wake up (frames): 88
  • Quick Stand (frames): 61

Moves List


Koshuu Tou Lp.png+Lk.png

Air Throws

Ryuusei Raku Air Lp.png+Lk.png

Command Moves

Kakushu Raku Kyaku Close Hold Mk.png SC
Senjou Shuu F.png+Mk.png
Yoku Sen Kyaku F.png+Hk.png
Souren Shou B.png+Mp.png
Hakkei B.png+Hp.png
Kaku Kyaku Raku Df.png+Hk.png SC
Yousou Kyaku Air D.png+Mk.png
Suitotsu Da Air forwardD.png+Hp.png
Sankaku Tobi Air corner F.png

Special Moves

Hyakuretsu Kyaku Mash K.png EX
Kikou Ken Hcf.png+P.png EX SC
Hazan Shuu Hcb.png+K.png EX
Spinning Bird Kick D.png charge U.png+K.png EX

Super Arts

I Kikou Shou Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png 88 Gauge Dots 1 Stock 2.1 EX Uses
II Houyoku Sen Qcf.pngQcf.png+K.png 104 Gauge Dots 2 Stocks 5.2 EX Uses
III Tensei Ranka Qcf.pngQcf.png+K.png 72 Gauge Dots 3 Stocks 5.4 EX Uses

Target Combo

Air forwardHp.pngHp.png

Move Analysis

Please note that the images show in this section are for the 1st frame it hits, so this means the opponent is taking the hit in the image shown on the move. I use the 1st frame of every move (except taunt, dash, jump, wakeup and 2nd throw image sprites) because you will see the maximum range of every attack (mostly of the attacks). Note also that those images are ACCURATE, they are exactly the first frame it hits, so enemy takes damage but they still dont make the "pain" frame.


  • Move: Move name
  • Motion: What you must do to execute the move
  • Damage: Damage it does (in pixels)
  • Stun Damage: Stun Damage it does (in pixels)
  • Chains into itself: If you can combo into the same movement
  • Special Cancel: If you can cancel the move into a Special Move
  • Super Cancel: If you can cancel the move into a Super Art
  • Juggle Value: Amount of JP the move adds in aerial juggles
  • 0: JP is reset
  • Juggle or Reset: If the move knocks down on air connect or air resets
  • Throw Range: Range of the throw (in pixels)
  • Num.: Super Art number
  • Super Art: Super Art name
  • Super Art Stock: Number of Gauge Bars the Super Art have, also the lenght of each bar (in pixels)

Frame Data

  • Startup: Number of frames it takes to start the move
  • Hit: Number of frames that can hit the opponent
  • Recovery: Number of frames it takes to recover from the move
  • Blocked Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disadvantage after opponent have been blocked the hit
  • Hit Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disadvantage after opponent have been take the hit
  • Crouching Hit Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disadvantage after opponent have been take the hit while he's crouching
  • + # : You have # frames of advantage
  • - # : You have # frames of disadvantage
  • # ~ # : Advantage/disadvantage can vary from # to #
  • Down: Enemy gets knocked down
  • Guard: How opponent must guard the move, High (H), Low (L) or both (HL)
  • Parry: How opponent must parry the move, High (H), Low (L) or both (HL)

Gauge Increase

  • Miss: Gauge you gain if you miss the move (in pixels)
  • Blocked: Gauge you gain if the move gets blocked (in pixels)
  • Hit: Gauge you gain if you hit the opponent with the move (in pixels)
  • Parry: Gauge opponent gains when he parry the move (in pixels)

Basic Moves

Move Start-up frames In ground frames In air frames Recovery frames Total frames
Dash Forward 2 8? - 6? 16

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Move Start-up frames In ground frames In air frames Recovery frames Total frames
Dash Backwards 2 4? - 6? 23

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Move Motion Startup Frames
Jump BU or U or FU 3

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Move Motion Startup Frames
Super Jump DBU or DU or DFU 5

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Move Motion Frames
Normal Wakeup - 88

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Move Motion Frames
Quick Stand Tap D when hitting the ground 61

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Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Taunt HP+HK - - No No No - -

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
- 59 - ? ? ? - -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
4(6) ? ? 8(4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Taunt HP+HK - - No No No - -

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
- 59 - ? ? ? - -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
4(6) ? ? 8(4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Taunt HP+HK - - No No No - -

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
- 59 - ? ? ? - -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
4(6) ? ? 8(4+4)

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Move Motion
Parry (High) Tap F when about taking a hit
Parry (Low) Tap D when about taking a hit
Parry (Air) Tap F in air when about taking a hit

Frame Data

Move Frames you're frozen Frames opponent is frozen Frame Advantage when parry is successful Frames before you can try another parry
Parry (High) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 24(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
Parry (Low) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 24(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
Parry (Air) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 21(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
* (If a parry attempt is successful, the 19/21/24 frame restriction is taken away and you can attempt another parry immediately)
** (If another attack connects within 2 frames of your parry, it will automatically be parried)

Gauge Increase

Move Gauge Increase
Parry (High) 4***
Parry (Low) 4***
Parry (Air) 4***
*** (You gain 4 of gauge for whatever attack parried, and for whatever hit you parry during multihit attack)

You can buffer any motion during High or Low parry, but NOT during Air parry, also parry resets the juggle count (and thus resets all scaling).

  • Parry information is taken from Hyakuretsu Kyaku Forums, more exactly, from user JinraiPVC. Thanks for this information dude

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Far Jab LP 15(3 life points) 3 Yes Yes Yes 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
3 5 4 +2 +2 +2 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Far Strong MP 100(17 life points) 11 No No No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 8 9 -2 -1 0 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 3 7 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Far Fierce HP 110(19 life points) 11 No No No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
8 6 17 -2 0 +2 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 5 13 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Close Jab (Close to opponent) LP(5 life points) 30 3 No Yes Yes 1 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2 2 6 +2 +2 +2 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Short LK 40(7 life points) 3 No No No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
3 5 9 +1 +1 +1 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Forward MK 90(16 life points) 11 No No No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
7 6 19 -5 -3 -1 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 3 7 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Roundhouse HK 120(21 life points) 13 No No No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
12 1 15 0 +2 +4 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 5 13 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Close Forward (Close to opponent) MK 80(14 life points) 5 No No No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 2 15 -2 0 0 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Close Roundhouse (Close to opponent) HK 120(110)(21 life points) 15(13) No Yes Yes 2 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 9 12 -3 -1 +1 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 5 13 4

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Jumping Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Jump Jab (Air) LP 40(7 life points) 7 No No No 3 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2(4 if neutral jump) Until landing - -5~+7/+3~+7 -5~+7/+3~+7 +3~+7/+7 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Jump Strong (Air) MP 60(80 if neutral jump)(10/14 life points) 9(11 if neutral jump) No No No 3 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4(6 if neutral jump) Until Landing - -6~+10/+5~+10 -6~+10/+5~+10 +5~+10/+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 10 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Jump Fierce (Air) HP 80(10 life points) 9 No No No 3 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
9 6 - -1~+13 -1~+13 +9~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 9 18 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Neutral Jump Fierce (Air) HP 130(23 life points) 15 No No No 3 Juggle

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
10 3 - +4~+13 +4~+13 +10~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 9 18 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Jump Short (Air) LK 50(40 if neutral jump)(8/7 life points) 5(7 if neutral jump) No No No 3 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 Until Landing(22 if neutral jump) - 0~+7 0~+7 +6~+7/+5~+7 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Jump Forward (Air) MK 90(16 life points) 9 No No No 3 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 13 - +2~+10 +2~+10 +9~+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 10 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Neutral Jump Forward (Air) MK 80(14 life points) 9 No No No 3 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 2 - -1~+10 -1~+10 +6~+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 10 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Jump Roundhouse (Air) HK 110(19 life points) 13 No No No 3 Juggle

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
10 3 - +2~+13 +2~+13 +4~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 9 18 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Neutral Jump Roundhouse (Air) HK 130(23 life points) 13 No No No 3 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
8 5 - +1~+13 +1~+13 +9~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 9 18 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Universal Overhead MP+MK 40(7 life points) 3 No No No 1 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
15 10 5 -5~+7 0~+8 +1~+9 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here


Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Kara-Throw Kara-Throw Range
Hiza Geri B/F/N+LP+LK 120(21 life points) 9 26 Far S.MK / Close S.HK / C.MP / B.MP / Close S.MK / C.HP 58 / 36 / 30 / 28 / 28 / 28

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2 1 21 - - - LP+LK -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit
0 7 (for the player who blocked) 8

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Kara-Throw Kara-Throw Range Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Seoi Nage Close to Oponnent On Air LP+LK 80(14 life points) 9 Width 14,53~89 Height - - 0 Juggle

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 1 - - - - Close to Oponnent On Air LP+LK -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit
0 7 (for the player who blocked) 8

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Crouching Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Crouch Jab D+LP 15(3 life points) 3 Yes Yes Yes 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2 4 5 +3 +3 +3 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Crouch Strong D+MP 90(16 life points) 7 No No No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
8 2 18 -4 -3 -2 L L

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 3 7 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Crouch Fierce D+HP 130(19 life points) 13 No Yes Yes 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
8 2 22 -1 +1 +3 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 5 13 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Crouch Short D+LK 40(3 life points) 3 No Yes No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 2 6 +3 +3 +3 L L

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Crouch Forward D+MK 90(16 life points) 3 No Yes Yes 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 2 14 -2 -1 0 L L

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 3 7 4

Comments here

Low forward is one of her more notorious buttons along with back+fierce. This move is particularly interesting in that it has a dedicated late cancel window for specials and supers, with a dead zone of uncancellable frames in between the early cancel and late cancel frames, and more uncancellable frames during the recovery. This means that confirming this move into super is functionally similar to a link, but without the added risk of being too late on the link. The two late cancel frames occur 17 and 18 frames after hitspark, making this move rather generously hitconfirmable, especially when the super input is done with a piano. Aim to ALWAYS hit this late cancel window when cancelling into super, as the early cancel frames are not within a reasonable reaction time.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Crouch Roundhouse D+HK 110(19 life points) 5 No No No 15 Juggle

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
7 3 21 -7 Down Down HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 5 13 4

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Command Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Souren Shou B+MP 110(60+50)(17 life points) 16(7+9) No Yes/Yes Yes/Yes 3/15 Reset/Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 2,1 18 -2 0 0 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 6 11 8(4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Hakkei B+HP 130(23 life points) 15 No Yes Yes 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
7 9 10 -1 +1 3 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 9 18 4

Comments here

The move that everyone thinks of first for 3s Chun-li. It has some of the highest priority for a normal in the game, an extremely active far reaching hitbox, is great for meter building, very quick, special and super cancellable, and very hitconfirmable. It is a great button, but do not delude yourself into thinking that it can be simply spammed mindlessly, whether you are playing as Chun or against her, as anyone who is even halfway looking at the screen will be able to whiff punish poorly placed b+HP. Can be cancelled into kikouken to increase the confirmability of the move, but the fireball can be red parried, and depending on spacing, can even be a blue parry, so be wary of using the fireball as a crutch for confirming b+HP.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Senjou Shuu F+MK 80(14 life points) 5 No No No 10 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
11 7 11 0 +1 +2 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 10 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Kakushu Raku Kyaku MK,Hold MK 120(80+20+20) 19(5+7+7) No No No 15 for all hits Reset for all hits

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 6 2 -1 +3 +3 HL/H/H H/H/H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 12 12(4+4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Yoku Sen Kyaku F+HK 120(21 life points) 13 No No No 15 Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
12 1 15 0 +2 +4 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 9 18 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Tenshin Shuu Kyaku DF+HK 110(19 life points) 13 No No No 1 Juggle

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
37 5 2 +9 +11 +15 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 9 18 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Yousou Suitotsu Da (Air) D+HP 110(3 life points) 15 No No No 3 Juggle

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
10 3 - - - - - -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 10 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Yosou Kyaku (Air) D+MK 50(8 life points) 5 No No No 3 Juggle

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
9 Until Landing - - - - - -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Target Combo

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Target Combo Jumping Diagonal HP -> HP 80+60 9+5 No/No No/No No/No 3/3 Reset/Reset

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
9 - - - - - HL/HL H/H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3+? 9+1 18+1 8(4+4)

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Special Moves

Please note that in this section you will see mainly 3 images for the special moves, this means the image on the left its done with LP (or LK), the image on the center its done with MP (or MK), and the image on the right its done with HP (or HK). Also its the same "rule" as the sections above, its the 1rst frame it hits for every of the moves.

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Kikkoken (Jab) HCF+LP 45(8 life points) 3 3 Yes 7 Reset
Kikkoken (Strong) HCF+MP 50(8 life points) 4 3 Yes 7 Reset
Kikkoken (Fierce) HCF+HP 60(8 life points) 5 3 Yes 7 Reset

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Kikkoken (Jab) 13 1 45 -17 -16 -15 HL H
Kikkoken (Strong) 12 1 38 -10 -9 -8 HL H
Kikkoken (Fierce) 10 1 32 -4 -3 -2 HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Kikkoken (Jab) 0 2 3 4
Kikkoken (Strong) 0 2 3 4
Kikkoken (Fierce) 0 2 3 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Short) Mash LK 150(6 hits)(17 life points) 9 15 No 15 for each hit Juggle for each hit
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Forward) Mash MK 160(6 hits)(18 life points) 10 15 No 15 for each hit Juggle for each hit
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Roundhouse) Mash HK 165(6 hits)(21 life points) 12 15 No 15 for each hit Juggle for each hit

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Short) 6・10・13・17 2・1・2・2 12 +3 +5 -3 HL H
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Forward) 6・9・12・15 1・1・1・1 13 +1 +3 -4 HL H
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Roundhouse) 5・7・9・11・13・15・17・19 1・1・1・1・1・1・1・1 15 +1 -1 -1 HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Short) 3 16 22 4
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Forward) 3 16 22 4
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Roundhouse) 3 16 22 4

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Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Spinning Bird Kick (Short) Charge D,U+LK 140(21 life points) 9 17 No 3 for each hit Juggle for each hit
Spinning Bird Kick (Forward) Charge D,U+MK 175(27 life points) 11 19 No 3 for each hit Juggle for each hit
Spinning Bird Kick (Roundhouse) Charge D,U+HK 195(32 life points) 12 21 No 3 for each hit Juggle for each hit

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Spinning Bird Kick (Short) 12・13・18・23 1x4 21 -2 -1 -1 HL/HL H
Spinning Bird Kick (Forward) 14・15・20・25・30・35 1x6 22 -3 -1 -1 HL H
Spinning Bird Kick (Roundhouse) 17・18・23・28・33・38・43・48 1x8 22 -3 -1 -1 HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Spinning Bird Kick (Short) 3 14 20 16(4x4)
Spinning Bird Kick (Forward) 3 17 23 24(6x4)
Spinning Bird Kick (Roundhouse) 3 20 26 32(8x4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Hazan Shu (Short) HCB+LK 100(17 life points) 13 11 No 1 Juggle
Hazan Shu (Forward) HCB+MK 110(19 life points) 14 13 No 1 Juggle
Hazan Shu (Roundhouse) HCB+HK 120(21 life points) 15 15 No 1 Juggle

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Hazan Shu (Short) 22 3 18 -2 0 +2 HL H
Hazan Shu (Forward) 24 3 18 -2 0 +2 HL H
Hazan Shu (Roundhouse) 29 3 17 -1 +1 +3 HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Hazan Shu (Short) 3 11 17 4
Hazan Shu (Forward) 3 12 18 4
Hazan Shu (Roundhouse) 3 13 19 4

Comments here

EX Moves

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Kikkoken (EX) HCF+PP 40 80(14 life points) 5 3 Yes 2 Reset

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Kikkoken (EX) 14 1 41 -7 -6 -5 H H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Kikkoken (EX) - - - 4

Comments here

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (EX) Mash KK 40 210(80+50+40+40)(28 life points) 24(10+6+5+3) 20(11+3(x3)) Yes 1 for each hit Juggle for each hit

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (EX) 3・5・7・9 1・1・1・1 17 -** Down Down HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Hyakuretsu Kyaku (EX) - - - 16(4+4+4+4)

Comments here

\** This move has varying minus frames based on who blocked it and whether they were crouching or standing

RY: -2 cr, -3 st

KE: -6 cr, -6 st[shippu punish from crouch block, too far on stand block]

GO: -4 cr, -3 st

SE: -6 cr, -6 st

YU: -6 cr, -3 st[sourai rengeki punish from crouch block, too far on stand block]

YA: -6 cr, -6 st

CH: -2 cr, -4 st

MA: -6 cr, -3 st

DU: -3 cr, -3 st[rolling thunder punish from crouch or stand block]

RE: -3 cr, -3 st

OR: -3 cr, -3 st

UR: -3 cr, -2 st

Q: -1 cr, -2 st

NE: -6 cr, -7 st[electric snake punish from stand block, too far on crouch block]

IB: -3 cr, -3 st

EL: -5 cr, -4 st

HU: -3 cr, -3 st

AL: -3 cr, -7 st

TW: -6 cr, -3 st

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Spinning Bird Kick (EX) Charge D,U+KK 40 220(5 hits)(35 life points) 15(3x5)) 25 No 1 per hit, 3 for final hit (grounded only) Juggle for all hits

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Spinning Bird Kick (EX) 12・17・22・27・32 2x5 22(21) -8 Down Down HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Spinning Bird Kick (EX) - - - 20(4x5)

Comments here

This move does not have strike invuln for mids during startup, but it will beat lows and throws.

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
Hazan Shu (EX) HCB+KK 40 160(28 life points) 20 17 No 1 Juggle

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Hazan Shu (EX) 31 1 12 -2 Down Down H H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Hazan Shu (EX) - - - 4

Comments here

Super Arts

Super Art Super Art Name Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Damage/Gauge Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
I Kikoshou 1 bar (88) QCF QCF+P 360*(57 life points) 78** 0 4.09 0 for all hits Juggle for all hits
* (40×3+35×17) Damage is when all hits connect.
** (6×13) Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
1・2・3・4・5・6・7・8・9・10・12・14・16・18・20・22・24・26・28・30 1x20 48 -38 Down Down HLx20 HLx20

Comments here

Super Art Super Art Name Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Damage/Gauge Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
II Houyoku Sen 1 bar (104) QCF QCF+K 390*(67 life points) 58** 22 3.75 (x2) 1 per hit, 2 for final hit Reset, Juggle for final hit
* 「30+40(×3)」×2+「30+40(×3)」×2+200 Damage is when all hits connect.
** 5×4+5×4+50 Damage is when all hits connect.
** 3×8+3×8+9 is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
3・5・7・9・11・13・15・17・32・34・36・38・40・42・44・46・71 1×16・3 35 -25 Launch Launch HLx17 HLx17

Comments here

Super Art Super Art Name Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Damage/Gauge Juggle Value Reset or Juggle
III Tensei Ranka 3 bars (72 each bar) QCF QCF+K 280*(49 life points) 45** 18*** 3,89 (x3) 0 for first hits, 1 for last four hits Juggle for all hits
* 80+(25×4)+(30×3)+140 Damage is when all hits connect.
** 5+(2×7)+35 Damage is when all hits connect.
*** (3×8)+9 Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
3・8・10・12・14・16・17・18・19・20・30 3・1×5・3・4・1 46(40) -30(-24) Down Down HLx3~5/H Hx3~5/H

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1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Back HP Kikoken - - 345 (30%) 27
Jumping HP Crouch MK Spinning Bird Kick - 414 (36%) 33
Crouch MK Hyakturetsu Kyaku - - 380 (33%) 28

Ex Moves

1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch HP EX Spinning Bird Kick - - 345 (30%) 27
Crouch MK EX Hyakturetsu Kyaku - - 380 (33%) 28

Super Art I

Cr. mk, SAI

B + hp, SAI

Cl. hk xx SAI (must be super-jump cancelled)

Super Art II

Cr. mk, SAII (the most common SAII combo, by far.)

B + hp, SAII

Cr. lp, SAII (has uses, such as punishing certain fast-recovering moves, or getting out of a corner lightning-legs trap against another Chun-Li.)

B + mp, SAII (dumb, but it's there.)

Far HK, SAII (on certain crouching opponents, such as the shotos, Hugo, Q, and Dudley.)

Close HK xx SAII (must be super-jump cancelled.)

Lp, Cr. lp xx SAII

Super Art III

Cr. mk, SAIII (only if opponent is crouching, but not too sure. Needs to be confirmed.)



Chun-Li is a top-tier character, sharing the top slots with Yun, Ken and (arguably) Makoto. Her greatest assets are her extremely damaging Super Art (Houyoku-Sen), extreme range of her kara-throw, her fast dash, and fast/high-priority normal moves. She has the capabilities to rush other characters down using her quick dash and faster moves such as s.LP, c.LP and close HK, as well as adding her throw to the mix and fear of Houyoku-Sen super which can be cancelled off of plethora of moves. However, she is often played as a reactive character; one that reacts to an enemy rather than trying to pressure them with a rushdown. As such, she makes an excellent turtle. She also has an extremely short hitbox while crouching, allowing her to duck an enormous number of moves that would normally hit.

Her main weaknesses are that she has no damaging combos that she can perform when she has no meter, and in some cases lacks a definitive anti-air such as a typical DP maneuver. Her assortment of high-priority normals and quick dash, however, can be used as anti-air devices with a great deal of success. Also, she lacks a fast overhead; both the universal overhead and flip kick are fairly slow and easy to block on reaction. She does, however, have an extremely long kara-universal overhead which can compensate for the lack of speed. Finally, she has a large falling/juggling hitbox, which means she's more prone to eating high-damage combos than a lot of characters (for example, Ken can do strong, fierce, jab uppercut x2 in the corner on her fairly easily, without a kara or strict timing at all.)


Chun-Li can dominate a match with simply her normals and throws alone, but much of her strategy stems from having at least one stock of the Houyoku-Sen super ready and available. It can easily be hitconfirmed off of a c.MK and b + HP, which are two of her most commonly used moves for poking, punishing, and during mixup.

Having a Houyoku-Sen stock can drastically change the flow of the match. Its damage is very high, and the last kick can be cancelled into a superjump, offering an array of different resets or simple extra-damage knockdowns that can set Chun-Li up for more mixups. Landing the Houyoku-Sen is not always necessary to take control of the match; the fear incited from being hit by the Houyoku-Sen is usually enough to turn the tide in your favor.

back + FP is good for building meter when you're a safe distance away
st.MP is good for building meter from closer or if you feel back + FP might be risky

cr.MK is a good poke
cr.MP is good every once in a while if your opponent thinks he's safely out of cr.MK range
FP is good, don't do it from stupidly close
far FK goes over low pokes and links into SAII on crouching opponents (buffer the super, piano the kicks when you land)
cr. FK beats a lot of stuff and it's a high parry that knocks down
back + FP beats a lot of stuff and cancels into super. Throw it out to beat pokes, buffer the super and if it connects with something, hit kick
up close, FK super jump cancels into super as well

back + MP, back + FP + FK (mash on FK for lightning legs if parried) and MK are decent anti-airs. neutral jump FK is a very good anti-air if you can pre-empt jumps well

up close, Chun-Li's main mix-up is ticking with cr.LP (which comes out lightning fast) or cr.LK (slightly slower but has to be parried low) then kara-throwing or throwing out cr.MK for hit confirm

And yeah, Chun players do that tapping down thing after a knockdown to throw other player off what they're going to do. I don't do that myself but like to walk backwards and forwards slightly, tap down, then kara-throw. Just learn how to disguise your patterns and mix-up your play.

Tick with cr.LP, walk up slightly so it looks like you're going for plain old vanilla throw, then cr.MK. Tap down, then go for cr.MK. Just do whatever. You'll develop your own tricks and techniques over time. Everyone reacts differently. Some Ken players like to SRK right after you do cr.LP or cr.LK for example, so cr.LK, then blocking is another idea, just to see how they react. Of course, you can also use the delay while blocking to try and fish for another cr.MK.

EX SBK is her best wake-up option if you're going to be aggressive

EX fireball xx SAII is good for chip damage KO

Super Art Selection

Chun-Li's most powerful Super Art is the Houyoku-Sen. It has a healthy stock of two supers, is very damaging, and can be super-cancelled or linked into using many of her attacks:

  • c.MK
  • c.LP
  • s.MP
  • b + MP (first or second hit)
  • b.HP
  • c.HP
  • close HK (must be super-jump cancelled)
  • F + HK (only on crouching opponents)
  • DF + HK
  • Kikouken
  • EX Kikouken

The Houyoku-Sen's final kick can be super-jump cancelled. As the last hit connects, perform a super-jump, and she will leap into the air. The opponent may be juggled following the Houyoku-Sen, and it is another useful tool in her mixup arsenal. It is almost a guaranteed free ride for your opponent into the corner, so you can take that into consideration if it proves advantageous for your position. Common Houyoku-Sen enders include:

  • sj.HP, HP (Target Combo, Resets)
  • sj.HP (First hit only, Resets)
  • sj.HP, HP (First hit whiffs, second connects, Resets)
  • sj.MP (Resets)
  • sj.d+MK, d+MK (Character-Specific, Knockdown)
  • sj.d+MK, MP/HP/MK/LK (Character-Specific, Resets)
  • sj.HK (Knockdown)

The Houyoku-Sen is also a 17-hit Super Art, making it a notorious ender of rounds via chip damage. You may also cancel a Kikouken or EX Kikouken into the Houyoku-Sen for the purpose of disrupting the timing for the opponent should they decide to try and parry it.

The Houyoku-Sen also has invincibility frames on startup during her initial rush to the opponent. It can be used to punish fireballs.


Other Supers:

Kikou-Shou (SA1) - The Kikou-Shou is a relatively high-damage super and comes with a rather short bar, which means you can have this super stocked more often than the Houyoku-Sen. It does more chip damage and is more difficult to parry than the Houyoku-Sen, but the primary drawbacks are the fact that it only comes with one stock which bars liberal use of EXs, and that its range is fairly limited. You cannot cancel a max-ranged c.MK into a Kikou-Shou and expect it to hit. For this reason, SA2 is considered a much more powerful super. However, the SA1 does have its merits as an anti-air.

Tensei-Ranka (SA3) - The Tensei-Ranka comes with a much healthier 3-stock limit as opposed to the Kikou-Shou, but it's much more difficult to use successfully. Unless the opponent is very tall or standing, you will not be able to hit them on the way up using the super, which turns the Tensei-Ranka most of the time into an extremely delayed, readable overhead. It is best used as an anti-air or confirmable damage off of an anti-air. Since a common way to punish jumpins with Chun-Li is to either close s.HK or parry into close s.HK, you can super-jump cancel into the Tensei-Ranka after a confirmed hit in order to do more damage than you normally would, at the expense of a reset.


Chun-Li has two useful kara-throws available to her:

  • MK
  • close HK

A kara-throw is executed by inputting the correct attack (in this case, either MK or close HK) and cancelling the first frame into a throw. For example:

Execute the MK kara-throw by pressing the MK button and immediately pressing LP + LK. You will see Chun-Li move forward as she executes the throw, which will drastically improve the range of your throw and strengthen your game.

Her best kara-throw is her standing MK. It is tied with Q for the farthest reaching kara-throw. Her close HK kara-throw has a few uses against certain characters such as Dudley, whose hitbox can be deceiving, making the s.MK karathrow fail, and having the close MK technique execute instead.



Additional Notes

  • Personal Action: Recovers stun meter (when she yawns) and either Attack up (when she cracks her neck), Defense up (when she pats her shoulders), or both (when she arches forward). Note: Her taunt actions are completely random.

Buffering/Partitioning Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Lightning Legs)

Cancelling normals into Hyakuretsu Kyaku (from now on, referred to as simply 'Lightning Legs') is a great way to make an opponent think twice about punishing certain moves, and is also used to make b + HP a much more powerful anti-air, as the opponent will not only need to parry the b + HP, but also several kicks as they descend.

There are few ways to improve buffering Lightning Legs other than improving your own manual dexterity, but here are a few helpful hints:

  • Double-tap each of your buttons (drum two or three fingers each time you go to press the appropriate button -- easier on Japanese-style buttons which are more sensitive in activation).
  • Press the appropriate kick button in addition to the normal move you are trying to cancel. For example, if you wanted to cancel a s.MP into HK lightning legs, press MP~HK, then continually double-tap the HK key as fast as you can.

Lightning Legs can also be partitioned. That is, the button inputs for the technique can be stored through dashing. The most simple way to see and perform this is to dash continuously, pressing a single kick button as many times as possible while the dash animation occurs, then to stop dashing and press the kick button again. If done correctly, the lightning legs move will be performed.

This is useful in matches when you need to 'hide' the button inputs. If a player sees one or two standing shorts or repeated presses of the same kick button, they may interpret this as preparation for the move and adjust their gameplay accordingly. By masking the inputs in the dashes, you can spring the technique on your opponent more covertly. This is especially useful during air resets, since the lightning legs technique is a very good way of obtaining chip damage.


Serious Advantage Match-ups

  • Oro
  • Alex
  • Remy
  • Q
  • Hugo - One of the few matchups where SA I can come in handy, due to its usefulness as a zoning tool to keep Hugo out.
  • Sean

Advantage Match-ups

  • Ken
  • Makoto
  • Yang
  • Akuma
  • Urien
  • Ryu
  • Ibuki
  • Elena
  • Necro
  • Twelve

Fair Match-ups

  • Chun-Li
  • Dudley - For the most part, Chun-Li can win this match-up by playing it as though it were any other match, however, should Dudley earn a knockdown, you're in trouble. With Chun-Li's lengthy standing animation and Dudley's ridiculous wake-up control it can be devastating considering the amount of damage he can distribute on Chun-Li especially

Disadvantage Match-ups

  • Yun - Easily Chun-Li's worst matchup, due to her inability to counter Yun's dive kicks effectively, and the universal difficulty of dealing with Genei-Jin. Although Chun-Li is normally played with a more defensive/opportunistic mindset, it is important to pressure Yun before he can get meter. While Yun has no meter, it's difficult for him to damage Chun. Chun's superior normals will keep him at bay, and in any circumstance, regardless of whether or not Yun has meter, a stocked Chun will allow her many opportunities to throw or karathrow, as the threat of Houyoku-Sen is often too great to risk counter-throwing or sometimes tech-throwing. Being able to parry Yun's dive kicks is also very helpful, although good Yun players will often vary the ranges of the dive kicks in order to rush Chun down with well-placed mixups. For players who find it difficult to telegraph dive kicks, learn the ranges. Yun is restricted to only 3 different ranges (LK, MK, HK) and must land at a precise distance. Also, know that Yun's superjump arcs him slightly backward, adjusting the range ever so slightly. Knowing the correct ranges of the dive kicks and being able to see where they will land allows you to perform the appropriate anti-air (close s.HK, d+HK, b+HP, s.MP, parry, block, or air-to-air are all effective counters to divekicks at the correct ranges). Finally, be patient! Yun's main weakness (aside from his lack of non-meter offense) is his poor stamina, so one c.MK xx Houyoku-Sen is 40-50% of his life.

Serious Disadvantage Match-ups

Chun-Li has no match-ups where she is at a serious disadvantage

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