Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Oro/Combos

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Target Combos


Meterless Combos

all damage / meter / stun values tested against Ryu at full health

The Chicken Loop

The chicken loop is Oro's most important combo. It is: close MP xx MK chicken kick x3
Depending on the situation, Oro my choose a variation optimized for damage, meter, stun, screen position, or okizeme. If he already has a full super bar, he may choose to activate super and start doing Yagyou unblockables or Tengu juggles.
The basic loop works from grounded hits on everyone except for Yun and Yang. It is possible on Hugo, but it requires an extremely difficult input, and most players don't go for it.
Twins and Hugo may be chicken looped normally if they are in the corner.
Twins may also be chicken looped from certain parries, if they are caught airborne at the proper height.
After Twins and Hugo, the loop is most difficult on shotos (Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Sean). It's pretty free on everyone else.

light starters

  • close LP x 5LK
    • 9 damage, 3 meter, 4 stun
    • link combo
  • close LK, 5MK
    • 12 damage, 6 meter, 6 stun
    • target combo
  • close LK xx uppercut
    • 24, 27, 30 damage; 21, 21, 22 meter; 16, 16, 21 stun
  • far LK xx HP uppercut
    • 30 damage, 22 meter, 21 stun
  • 2LK xx LP or MP uppercut
    • --, 24, 27 damage; -- , 21, 22 meter; --, 16, 21 stun

Notes: close LP and close LK are occasionally good mash options due to the very fast (2f) startup

MK starters

  • 5MK xx HPD
    • 34, 36, 39 damage; 21 meter, 27 stun
    • also works after jump-in starters
  • 2MK xx HPD
    • 29, 31, 34 damage; 21 meter, 19 stun

Notes: 5MK is a good punish option. 5MK is 4f startup, the combo does good damage and stun, and HPD causes an untechable knockdown. HPD is very unsafe (-15) so this is not a real mixup. Stop.

close MP (first hit) starters

  • close MP(1) xx MK chicken, MP uppercut
    • 34 damage, 48 meter, 18 stun
    • late chicken kick starter OK
  • close MP(1) xx MK chicken, HP uppercut
    • 35 damage, 49 meter, 23 stun
  • close MP(1) xx MK chicken, close MP(1) xx MK chicken, close MP(1) xx MK chicken
    • 32 damage, 79 meter, 15 stun
    • use this for meter build
  • close MP(1) xx MK chicken, close MP(1) xx MK chicken, HP uppercut
    • 38 damage, 72 meter, 24 stun
    • side switch
  • close MP(1) xx MK chicken, close MP(1) xx MK chicken, MP uppercut
    • 43 damage, 72 meter, 21 stun
    • max damage from this starter
    • late chicken kick starter OK

Notes: These are not confirms. Bad Oro players will YOLO these options because if they guess right, they get to chicken loop into Yagyou unblockables or Tengu combos. On block, the chicken kick is punishable. Ideally these should be used in parry or block punish situations only.

close MP (second hit) starters

  • close MP(2), 5HK
    • 25 damage, 29 meter, 23 stun
    • easy hit confirm
    • late chicken kick starter OK
  • close MP(2), sjc j.HK
    • 28 damage, 29 meter, 20 stun
  • close MP(2), walk forward, close MP(1), neutral sjc j.HK
    • 30 damage, 37 meter, 24 stun
    • corner oki setup
    • late chicken kick starter OK
  • close MP(2), xx HK chicken, 5HK
    • 31 damage, 46 meter, 24 stun
    • side switch if midscreen, keeps corner if opponent is cornered
  • close MP(2), xx HK chicken, MP uppercut
    • 36 damage, 47 meter, 21 stun
    • max meterless confirm
    • side switch if midscreen, keeps corner if opponent is cornered
    • doesn't work on twins
    • for Hugo, kara the uppercut with HK or MK

Notes: These can actually be confirmed. Close MP(2), walk up, close MP(1) is very powerful because it can also lead into Oro's big damage super options. All MP starters above work from jump LK, jump MK, or jump HK starters as well. LK is very hard. MK is a little more lenient. HK is the most reliable.

Meter Combos

get the loop started on twins (very finicky, not sure if it's a height or distance thing):
Alternate chicken loop starter for twins: xx EX chicken, xx mk chicken -> ender

Since EX chicken kicks will track, this still combos on twins. It also puts them in the air, which allows you to continue a normal chicken kick loop from there. Uses too much meter to be practical as a regular thing, but if you really need the extra damage to end a round, could be worth it. Will allow you to run relatively normal yagyou -> dash -> jump over unblockable setups, limited by the increased meter usage for the loop itself.

Super Combos

SA1, Kishin Riki

  • cl.MP(1) xx 236MK, cl.MP(1) xx 236MK, cl.MP(1) xx SA1 (236236 + P)
    • 45 damage
    • stun maxes out during the chicken loop at 15, opponent recovers with ~5
  • cl.MP(2) xx SA1 (236236 + P) (qcf qcf + P), jump P
    • 46 damage
    • the close MP does 8 stun, but the super itself does none, so by the time the opponent wakes up they are at 0 stun
    • This is the best way to combo into the normal super art, and your only confirm
  • 2HP xx EX Super Art I (236236 + PP)
    • 68 damage
    • 2HP does 11 stun on hit, but again the super does none, and takes long enough that the opponent recovers all of this
    • 2HP is the only way to combo the EX super art

SA2, Yagyou Dama

SA2 Unblockable Starters

The main reason to pick SA2 is for the unblockable loops. Generally, you have 3 consistent ways to get started:

Punish starter: cl.MP(1) xx MK chicken, cl.MP(1) xx MK chicken, cl.MP(1) xx yagyou -> unblockable
Hit confirm starter: cl.MP(2), walk forward, cl.MP(1) xx yagyou -> unblockable
Overhead starter: jump in, late chicken kick, land, cl.MP(2) xx yagyou -> unblockable

The "punish" and "hit confirm" starters can also begin from a normal jump-in, usually MK or HK.

From there, setups for the unblockable vary across the entire cast.

All of these setups work similarly. You'll do a starter, activate the appropriate version of the super, dash to position yourself or whiff normals to frame kill, then jump over the opponent. Then you'll jump over the opponent and cross them up with either j.MK or j.HK for the guard break.

The ball itself can always be parried down, so usually the easiest way to try to escape the unblockable is to parry the ball down, then parry toward Oro and go from there. If you're playing opponents who know how to parry out of your setup, you'll need to mix it up in order to hit them. The most basic version of this can be illustrated with the shoto setup:

Do the punish starter, activate MP yagyou, then dash twice. At this point you can either do neutral jump, forward double jump, falling j.MK; or you can do forward jump, neutral double jump (Oro will turn around), falling j.HK. The opponent can't parry both of these with the same timing, so you're putting them into a mixup situation where they must guess to escape. If the opponent is very good at parrying out of this mixup, you can add another layer by doing your choice of jumping over, then just landing and doing low short to break guard. Typically opponents will be going for a high parry here, so they'll get hit, and you can continue your loops.

At a minimum, against good opponents, you'll want one crossup setup, one jump-over setup to mess with timing, and the jump over low in case they're really good at parrying out.

I personally like to mixup the setups just so the opponent has to see different things happening on the screen. You have to parry yagyou while your character is off or just barely on the screen, so I find messing with the camera and screen drag makes this much more difficult.

Setup Summary

Chun, Makoto: Jab Yagyou, dash 3 times.
Shotos: Strong Yagyou, dash 2 times.
Dudley: Fierce Yagyou, dash 1 time.
Necro: Jab Yagyou, dash 2 times.
Ibuki/Remy: Fierce Yagyou, dash 1 time, walk up a few pixels.
Alex, Yun, and Yang are the same as Necro: Jab Yagyou, dash twice.
Urien: Jab Yagyou, dash 2 times, walk up a few pixels.
from [1]

Setup Details


  • LP ball, dash x3, nj, fj
  • MP ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • MP ball, dash x2, fj, nj, j.HK
  • MP ball, dash x2, back dash, fj
    • (empty jump 2LK or whiff 5LK, j.MK)
  • HP ball, step back, whiff s.HP, sjf
    • (hard to get the ball to hit once)

Notes: These are not worth going for unless your opponent doesn't know what to do. Gouki has a lot of escape options: teleport, tatsu super, dp super, demon, kkz


  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj (let the ball hit twice)
  • mp ball, hk chicken, nj, fj
  • mp ball, fj, land, dash, nj, fj,
  • lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • hp ball, f+mp, f+mp, step back, fj,
  • hp ball, f+mp, f+mp, fj, delay fj,
  • hp ball, whiff 5HK, sjf, nj,
  • hp ball, jump forward, nj, djf,


Notes: After a neutral grab, throw LP ball and jump over.
Check the Urien section for something that might work on cornered Chun too, but which I have not had a chance to test


  • lp ball, dash, dash, instant nj, fj,
  • hp ball, forward dash, back dash, walk forward, forward jump
  • hp ball, f+mp, slight delay, fj
  • hp ball, f+mp, fj, fj (fast)
  • hp ball, f+mp, sjf, jf,
  • hp ball, dash, nj, fj,
  • hp ball, dash, fj, nj,
  • hp ball, sjf, nj,
  • hp ball, dash, fj, land, UOH,


  • lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj (fast)
  • hp ball, 5LK, 2HP, sj

Normal chicken loop works, but you must late cancel into mk chicken. Not sure about unblockables, so I'm leaving this blank for now.


  • lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • hp ball, walk back, st.LK, st.LK, sj


  • lp ball, dash x3, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, fj, nj, j.HK
  • mp ball, dash x2, back dash, fj
    • (empty jump or whiff,
  • hp ball, step back, whiff s.HP, sjf
    • (hard to get the ball to hit once)
  • hp ball, step back, HP disc, sjf
    • (hard to get the ball to hit once)


  • lp ball, dash x3, nj, fj
  • lp ball, dash x3, backdash, fj

Notes: After a neutral grab, throw LP ball and jump over.


  • lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj (jump has to be fast)
  • mp ball, back dash, walk forward, sjf
  • mp ball, whiff 2HP twice, sjf
  • hp ball, f+mp, slight walk forward, fj
  • hp ball, ex disc, sjf
  • hp ball, whiff st.hp,, sjf


  • lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • lp ball, dash x2, fj, fj,
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, fj, fj,
  • hp ball, ex disc, sjf
  • hp ball, whiff st.hp, whiff, sjf


  • lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
    • (hard)
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
    • (hard)
  • hp ball, whiff c.HP x2, sjf
  • hp ball, hk chicken, nj, fj
    • (double jump before the peak of your jump)
  • hp ball, whiff 5HP, sjf, fj,


  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, fj, nj
  • hp ball, forward dash, back dash, walk forward, forward jump
  • hp ball, f+mp,, jf
  • hp ball, dash forward, fj, nj,
  • (close-ish to corner) lp ball, dash x3, pause, forward jump


  • lp ball, dash x3, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, fj, nj,
  • mp ball, dash x2, back dash, fj
    • (empty jump or whiff,
  • hp ball, step back, whiff s.HP, sjf
    • (hard to get this consistent)
  • hp ball, step back, hp disc, sjf
    • (hard to get this consistent)
  • HP ball, whiff 2HP, sjf, djf, j.MK


  • lp ball, dash x3, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash x2, fj, nj,
  • mp ball, dash x2, back dash, fj
    • (empty jump or whiff,
  • hp ball, step back, whiff s.HP, sjf
  • hp ball, step back, hp disc, sjf
    • (hard to get this consistent)


  • lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
  • mp ball, dash, wait, fj
  • mp ball, f+mp, slight walk, wait, fj
  • hp ball, wait for second hit, sjf, nj,


  • lp ball, dash x2, slight walk forward, nj, fj
    • (jump fast)
  • lp ball, dash x3, nj, fj
    • (jump fast)
  • lp ball, dash x3, fj, nj, j.HK
    • (jump fast)
  • mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
    • (unreliable)
  • hp ball, dash x2, nj, fj
    • (try to hit as high as possible with cs.MP(1)?)
  •, mk chicken,, hk chicken,, LP ball, dash, dash, nj, fj, j.MK, cs.MP(1), HP disc, dash, cs.MP(1), hk chicken, etc.
  •,, hp ball, hk(?) chicken, nj, fj,
  • mp, mk chicken, mp, hk chicken, mp uppercut, medium ball?

Yang, Yun
Normal chicken loop works only from parried dive kick or jump-in.
From the ground, use the alternate chicken loop: xx ex chicken, mk chicken, ender
If you parry a jump-in, you can do one rep of the regular loop, then all subsequent reps must use the alternate loop.

lp ball, dash x2, nj, fj,
mp ball, dash x2, nj, fj,

Instead of the, you can also do jump-over chicken kick. Since you crossed over but are still facing the same way, you must reverse the input.

mp ball, walk forward, jump over, late chicken kick

Depending on how you hit this may cause Yang to go left or right, but you can continue the combo. Needs some work.

Kuroda Setup

This setup became widely known when Kuroda was doing it during practice for Cooperation Cup (or maybe SBO? someone please find the footage).

Starter: cl.MP(1) xx 236MK (one or two reps), MP uppercut xx yagyou
The setup: Oro dashes in, then does does instant jump MK on the opponent's wakeup.

With good timing, the opponent will get hit, and Oro will land on the other side with enough time to transition into a normal unblockable loop. The opponent may deal with this by simply stand parrying Oro and then blocking, but this is also an unreactable mixup with dash in 2LK.

This setup is also good to have on deck in case you drop your usual loops. If you accidentally get a late cancel on the second hit of close MP, you can just dash in and go for the Kuroda setup anyway.

The Cross-under Setup

This works from any normal chicken loop you might be doing. You'll start a normal chicken loop, but only do one rep. Cancel the second cl.MP(1) into yagyou, dash or walk forward, then jump and air reset the opponent with j.LP. They'll be stuck in the air getting hit with the ball, and you can dash under to cross them up and break guard.

This setup only lets you do one chicken kick, so you'll need to watch meter usage.

cl.MP(1) xx 236MK, cl.MP(1), yagyou, [character specific setup]

Dashing late leaves you on the same side. Timing of the j.LP can also make you end up on the same side. Unblock them with 5MK or 2MK, combo into hit grab for the knockdown.

You can also do a delayed 5MP and loop them back the other way. Timing is funky, you'll need to lab it.

Pretty sure these can all be unblockable, but it seems unreliable. It depends on the timing of the ball and your normal hitting them, so stand vs. crouch block matters, as well as whether you use or

The setups:

  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash


  • LP ball, walk forward, j.LP, dash
  • MP ball, walk forward, j.LP, dash


  • LP ball, walk forward, j.LP, dash
  • MP ball, walk forward, j.LP, dash


  • LP ball, dash, j.LP, dash
  • MP ball, dash, j.LP, dash


  • LP ball, dash, j.LP, dash
  • MP ball, walk forward, j.LP, dash
    • (sometimes unblockable, go for low forward)


  • loop too hard, couldn't confirm anything here


  • LP ball, dash, j.LP, dash
  • MP ball, dash, j.LP, dash


  • lp ball, dash, j.lp, dash
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash


  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash

(sometimes unblockable)

  • lp ball, dash, j.lp, dash

(sometimes unblockable)

  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash


  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash


  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
    • (seems unblockable)
  • mp ball, dash, j.lp, dash
    • (low forward might makes this unblockable)


  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash


  • lp ball, dash, j.lp, dash
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
    • (seems unblockable if they block low)


  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
    • (seems unblockable)
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
    • (seems unblockable)


  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
    • (seems unblockable if they block low)


  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash


  • lp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash
  • mp ball, walk forward, j.lp, dash

Yang, Yun

  • Since you can't do chicken loops, start with xx mp ball

SA3, Tengu Stones

This is Oro's big, easy way to deal damage; the EX Tengu Stones. Here's the biggest mid screen combo:

1) 1 hit cl MPxxx MK Chicken dance, land, juggle with 1 hit cl MPxxx MK chicken dance, land, juggle with 1 hit cl. MP xxx EX Tengu stones

NOTE: You can combo into EX Tengu after only one repetition of mpxxx chicken dance, or simply 2 hit MPxxx EX Tengu. I only go for the entire combo if I don't have a full meter, or I know it's going to kill them. It's much easier to just 2 hit mpxxx EX Tengu.

If the opponent is cornered and you want to activate EX Tengu, there's a reset opporotunity that is necessary for Oro's 100% combos:

1) 1 hit cl MPxxx MK Chicken dance, land, juggle with 1 hit cl MPxxx MK chicken dance, land, juggle with cr. HP xxx EX Tengu stones. (after this activation, hold towards and hit them with a jab as fast as possible. HK comes out slow and does not always connect vs small characters who fall quickly, then the combo is just HK HK HK HK.....)

After the EX Tengu activation in a combo (without the cr. HP reset), juggle with either;

1) jump HK, land, juggle w/ cl MK, repeat. (During this combo, you need to do toward + MP every once in a while if they get too far away. Go in training mode and you'll get a feel for this.)

2) juggle w/ st. HK, toward MP, toward MP, repeat. I use this one mainly vs shotos, twins, Hugo, and Chun Li, since it seems like they randomly go in the wrong direction during the other juggle.


1) HK (repeat).

Yup! That's it! If you are performing a juggle and it takes the opponent all the way to the corner, just start pressing roundhouse instead of the other stuff. Keep in mind that you wanna hit with Oro's leg for max damage output.

Combo Enders after a super runs out: Pretty much any of the previously mentioned combos lead out of supers. If you are using SAII, the only combo ender you should really do is the full chicken dance combo to build back your meter for another unblockable.

The only combo I tend to use only as an ender was presented to me by Cali Oro player Red Venom:

1) EX SAIII ends, 2 hit MP, MP fireball, st. HK (or cl. LP for a reset)

It tends to work well vs shotos, since the full chicken dance combo can be hard to do on them, but this only really works in the corner, which is where many Tengu combos end up.

100% stun combos:

3S Navigation
