Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Necro/Strategy

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Various Mixups

UOH Mixup
There's lots of ways to setup the UOH but I tend to find that Necro's UOH has a really shitty priority compared to other characters. Some people might disagree with me but it always seems that way to me, especially vs chars with good wakeup moves. But in any case, here's some nice ways to setup/use UOH off the top of my head.

Enemy In the Corner
Any cancelable move -> Lp. nado -> db. fierce -> s. lp -> UOH (confirm)-> super
Close db. fierce -> s. lp -> UOH -> super
Close db. fierce -> b. mp -> UOH -> super (Hugo, Alex, Makoto, Remy, Q, Twelve)
Neutral Throw -> (walk up)s. lp ->(walk up) UOH -> super(doesnt work on Urien)
Neutral Throw -> (walk up)s. mp ->(walkup) UOH -> super(doesnt work on Urien)

You In The Corner
Snake Fang -> db. fierce -> s. lp -> UOH -> super
Snake Fang -> lp. nado -> db. fierce -> s. lp -> UOH -> super (Dudley/Hugo) [I'm not sure who else this works on, need a confirm]
Snake Fang -> lp. nado -> db. fierce -> b. mp -> UOH -> super (Hugo)
Snake Fang -> el snake (3 hits)-> db. fierce -> b. mp ->(walk up) -> UOH -> super (Makoto only) - [It's pretty unrealistic to have two full bars vs Makoto, but its a possibility. But after the b. mp I'd probably go for the ex. flying viper whiff/1hit/2 hit mixup instead].

Can't think up any more, if anyone else can it'd be appreciated.

Whiff Mixup

I was inspired by Pino AB7's match vs RX seen here (3:28 - 3:36) to try out a whiff mixup on wakeup vs chars without shoryukens. But not any normal whiff stuff, but usage of the b. lp/ b. mp. The thing about b. lp and b. mp is that they have the same animation, except b. mp is a little slower and his arm comes out farther. But, if u spam it along with b. lp, its very hard to tell which is which. Because of that, they make a very good move to confuse the opponent as to what you'll do on wakeup. I haven't tried this on a lot of characters yet, but the setup goes roughly:

Corner throw -> lp tornado hook -> whiff mixup OR
lp tornado hook -> lp tornado hook(whiff) -> whiff mixup

Whatever you do you wanna get some kind of knockdown in the corner that puts them in the air. During their descent, you do a tornado hook to get a bit closer and then put on the whiff mixup.

So what IS this whiff mixup? Well essentially, since Necro kind of "leans" forward as he does b. lp/ b. mp it can confuse your opponent to know how close/far you really are to them. Also, if you tap the buttons individually you stay in place. But if you HOLD back as you do it, you kind of move backwards out of throw range. Finally, you use the fast spam of the b. lp to confuse your opponent as to whether you'll throw, whiff, hit high/low etc. People also dont often quick roll in the corner, so you can be safe to expect only their slowest recovery. Even if they do quick roll, you can just change the # of times you do the b + lp.

If the list says (hit) then that's the only attack that will hit in the string. I haven't solidified what works 100% vs who but you can do any of these things:

Whiff Mixup List

(b. lp)*3 -> b. mp -> throw
Walk -> (b. lp)*3 -> b. mp(hit) xx SA
Walk -> (b .lp)*2 -> b. mp -> throw
(b. lp)*2 -> b. mp -> c. lk -> throw
Walk -> (b. lp)*2 -> b. mp -> c. lk (hit) xx SA
(b. lp)*2 -> b. lk -> b. lp -> throw
Walk -> (b. lp)*2 -> b. mp -> b. lk (hit) -> s. mp xx SA

I mean you can really go on forever with this. The possibilities are endless, hence the extreme usefulness of it. Vs. chars with good wakeup moves, ie: srks, you can still spam, and then at the last moment either block, parry, dash back, or make it seem like you're in range with the b. mp and then they'll shoryuken right over your head. Then punish at will.

Rising Cobra Usage(RX Style)

Second thing I was working on was something I got inspired by from RX. I noticed that in a lot of RX's matches, that when the enemy is really low on HP after some serious asswoopin juggling. He goes just out of throw range, and does the s. RH axe kick on them, and they eat it every-single-time. So I was thinking...Necro has that same axe kick(Rising Cobra)! It's one of the most infrequently used moves by all Necro players: qcb + k. I was working around with it and I found out that you can actually vary the time at which the kick will hit the enemy, depending on which button you press, whether you cancel it or not, or your distance from your opponent.

For example, if you do the mk. axe kick from a deep canceled c. lk, it'll hit them in the head. If you move back just a little bit, it hits at the VERY end of the move, at their feet. From max range the move will always whiff. So the range and the active frames on the move are very very ambiguous and can be abused similar to Urien's s. rh. Just poke slightly out of throw range and cancel into it. People with fast reflexes might try to parry it, and get fooled by its timing(which also changes depending on the button pressed) and eat the move. Other people might not see the move coming at all and still eat it. Or, you can whiff it and confuse them, and then capitalize with c. lk xx super or something.

I know this strat is kind of poorly written, but I think its pretty useful cosidering that most people rarely use the kick, and even less people know how to see it coming. So be RX and axe kick people into their deaths lol.

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