Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Ken/Archive

From SuperCombo Wiki
Ken's Character Select Portrait
Ken's Neutral Stance


A Brazilian Ken is coming you way! and this time, he's a top tier! Ken needs little introduction, as one of the most famous fighting game characters ever, and (apparently) the more popular shoto between the two originals. He is one of the best characters in the game, mainly for incredibly high meterless damage off stray hits and great pokes, one of the best anti airs in the game and one of the best supers aswell in SA3

Strengths Weaknesses
  • some of the better meterless damage in the game.
  • great normals for all uses - poking, anti airing, pressure, abare, etc.
  • great mobility with great dashes and good walk speed, alongside ex air tatsu to escape corners
  • one of the best supers in the game, having both a lot of meter for ex moves, and a lot of utility in combos and punishing
  • doesn't have any notable weakness, which is part of what makes him so good
  • despite being strong all around, has no gimmick or something particularly overpowered or extremely difficult to work around

Specific Character Information

  • Stamina: 1200
  • Stun Bar Length (dots): 64 (Normal)
  • Stun Bar Recovery (frames it takes to recover 1 dot): 22
  • Taunt: Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. One taunt is the maximum.
  • Best Kara-Throw: C+MK/C+HK
  • Standard Throw Range (pixels): 20
  • Kara Throw Range (pixels): 37
  • Dash Forward (frames) / Moving Distance: 16 / 1,5
  • Dash Backward (frames) / Moving Distance: 13 / 1
  • Normal Wake up (frames): 75
  • Quick Stand (frames): 48

Character Colors


Moves List


Hiza Geri Lp.png+Lk.png
Tsukami Hiza Geri F.png+Lp.png+Lk.png
Jigoku Guruma B.png+Lp.png+Lk.png

Command Moves

Inazuma Kakato Wari Hold Mk.png
Fumikomi Mae Geri F.png+Mk.png
Shiden Kakato Otoshi F.png+Hk.png
└Fake Hold Hk.png
Inazuma Kakato Wari B.png+Mk.png

Special Moves

Hadou Ken Qcf.png+P.png EX SC
Shouryuu Ken Dp.png+P.png EX SC
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Air)Qcb.png+K.png (EX) EX SC

Super Arts

I Shouryuu Reppa Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png 112 Gauge Dots 2 Stocks 5.6 EX Uses
II Shinryuu Ken Qcf.pngQcf.png+ Mash K 104 Gauge Dots 1 Stock 2.6 EX Uses
III Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku Qcf.pngQcf.png+K.png 80 Gauge Dots 3 Stocks 6.0 EX Uses

Target Combo


Move Analysis

Please note that the images show in this section are for the 1st frame it hits, so this means the opponent is taking the hit in the image shown on the move. I use the 1st frame of every move (except taunt, dash, jump, wakeup and 2nd throw image sprites) because you will see the maximum range of every attack (mostly of the attacks). Note also that those images are ACCURATE, they are exactly the first frame it hits, so enemy takes damage but they still don't make the "pain" frame.


  • Move: Move name
  • Motion: What you must do to execute the move
  • Damage: Damage it does (in pixels)
  • Stun Damage: Stun Damage it does (in pixels)
  • Chains into itself: If you can combo into the same movement
  • Special Cancel: If you can cancel the move into a Special Move
  • Super Cancel: If you can cancel the move into a Super Art
  • Throw Range: Range of the throw (in pixels)
  • Num.: Super Art number
  • Super Art: Super Art name
  • Super Art Stock: Number of Gauge Bars the Super Art have, also the length of each bar (in pixels)

Frame Data

  • Startup: Number of frames it takes to start the move
  • Hit: Number of frames that can hit the opponent
  • Recovery: Number of frames it takes to recover from the move
  • Blocked Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disadvantage after opponent have been blocked the hit
  • Hit Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disadvantage after opponent have been take the hit
  • Crouching Hit Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disadvantage after opponent have been take the hit while he's crouching
  • + # : You have # frames of advantage
  • - # : You have # frames of disadvantage
  • # ~ # : Advantage/disadvantage can vary from # to #
  • Down: Enemy gets knocked down
  • Guard: How opponent must guard the move, High (H), Low (L) or both (HL)
  • Parry: How opponent must parry the move, High (H), Low (L) or both (HL)
  • Juggle Value: Amount that this move adds to the Juggle Counter, Value (0~15), Resets (R), Doesn't Affect (-)

Gauge Increase

  • Miss: Gauge you gain if you miss the move (in pixels)
  • Blocked: Gauge you gain if the move gets blocked (in pixels)
  • Hit: Gauge you gain if you hit the opponent with the move (in pixels)
  • Parry: Gauge opponent gains when he parry the move (in pixels)

Basic Moves

Move Start-up frames In ground frames In air frames Recovery frames Total frames
Dash Forward 2? 8? - 6? 16

Comments here

Move Start-up frames In ground frames In air frames Recovery frames Total frames
Dash Backwards 4? 4? - 6? 13

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Move Motion Startup Frames
Jump BU or U or FU 3

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Move Motion Startup Frames
Super Jump DBU or DU or DFU 5

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Move Motion Frames
Normal Wakeup - 75

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Move Motion Frames
Quick Stand Tap D when hitting the ground 48

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel
Taunt HP+HK 5/5 3/3 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
15/9 1/1 27 ? ? ? HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
4(6) ? ? 8(4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion
Parry (High) Tap F when about taking a hit
Parry (Low) Tap D when about taking a hit
Parry (Air) Tap F in air when about taking a hit

Frame Data

Move Frames you're frozen Frames opponent is frozen Frame Advantage when parry is successful Frames before you can try another parry
Parry (High) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 24(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
Parry (Low) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 24(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
Parry (Air) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 21(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
* (If a parry attempt is successful, the 19/21/24 frame restriction is taken away and you can attempt another parry immediately)
** (If another attack connects within 2 frames of your parry, it will automatically be parried)

Gauge Increase

Move Gauge Increase
Parry (High) 4***
Parry (Low) 4***
Parry (Air) 4***
*** (You gain 4 of gauge for whatever attack parried, and for whatever hit you parry during multihit attack)

You can buffer any motion during High or Low parry, but NOT during Air parry, also parry resets the juggle count (and thus resets all scaling).

  • Parry information is taken from Shoryuken Forums, more exactly, from user JinraiPVC. Thanks for this information dude

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Far Jab LP 20(3 life points) 3 Yes Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 3 4 +4 +4 +4 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Far Strong MP 90(16 life points) 11 No No No 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 3 10 +3 +4 +5 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Far Fierce HP 130(23 life points) 13 No No No 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
9 3 15 0 +2 +4 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Close Jab (Close to opponent) LP 20(3 life points) 3 No Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
3 3 5 +3 +3 +3 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Close Strong (Close to opponent) MP 100(17 life points) 7 No Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 4 10 +1 +2 +3 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Close Fierce (Close to opponent) HP 130(23 life points) 15 No Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 3 15 -2 0 +2 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Short LK 40(7 life points) 3 No No No 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 4 7 +2 +2 +2 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Forward MK 110(19 life points) 15 No No No 7

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
8 7 16 -6 -2 0 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Roundhouse HK 150(26 life points) 11 No No No 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
11 6 19 -4 -2 0 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Jumping Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Jab (Air) LP 50(60 if neutral jump)(8/10 life points) 7 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4(5 if neutral jump) Until landing - -5~+7 -5~+7 +4~+7 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Strong (Air) MP 100(17 life points) 11 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5(6 if neutral jump) 5 - -2~+10 -2~+10 +7~+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Fierce (Air) HP 130(17 life points) 15 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 4 - -2~+10 -2~+10 +7~+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Neutral Jump Fierce (Air) HP 130(23 life points) 15 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
7 3 - +3~+13/+6~+13 +3~+13/+6~+13 +10~+13/+12~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Short (Air) LK 50(8 life points) 5(7 if neutral jump) No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4(5 if neutral jump) 10(19 if neutral jump) - -8~+7 -8~+7 0~+7 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Forward (Air) MK 90(16 life points) 9 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 6 - -6~+10/-3~+10 -6~+10/-3~+10 +6~+10/+7~+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Neutral Jump Forward (Air) MK 90(16 life points) 9 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 6 - -6~+10/-3~+10 -6~+10/-3~+10 +6~+10/+7~+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Roundhouse (Air) HK 125(22 life points) 13 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 4 - +2~+13 +2~+13 +8~+13/+10~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Neutral Jump Roundhouse (Air) HK 130(23 life points) 13 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
7 5 - +2~+13 +2~+13 +8~+13/+10~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Universal Overhead MP+MK 40(7 life points) 3 No No No 1

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
15 8 7 -5~+7 0~+8 +1~+9 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here


Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Kara-Throw Kara-Throw Range
Hiza Geri LP+LK 160(40x6)(27 life points) 12(3x6) 24 C+MK/C+HK/B+MK/MK/HK 37/37/34/32/32

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2 1 21 - - - LP+LK -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit
0 7 (for the player who blocked) 12(6x2)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Kara-Throw Kara-Throw Range
Seoi Nage F+LP+LK 120(21 life points) 9 24 C+MK/C+HK/B+MK/MK/HK 37/37/34/32/32

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2 1 21 - - - LP+LK -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit
0 7 (for the player who blocked) 7

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Kara-Throw Kara-Throw Range
Jigoku Guruma B+LP+LK 110(19 life points) 15 24 C+MK/C+HK/B+MK/MK/HK 37/37/34/32/32

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2 1 21 - - - LP+LK -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit
0 7 (for the player who blocked) 7

Comments here

Crouching Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Jab D+LP 20(3 life points) 3 Yes Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 3 5 +3 +3 +3 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Strong D+MP 90(16 life points) 7 No Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 4 7 +3 +4 +5 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Fierce D+HP 130(23 life points) 13 No Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
7 5 17 -8 -6 -4 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Short D+LK 20(3 life points) 3 Yes Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 3 7 +1 +1 +1 L L

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Forward D+MK 85(15 life points) 3 No Yes Yes 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 5 17 -3 -3 -1 L L

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 4 8 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Roundhouse D+HK 130(23 life points) 3 No No No 15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 5 26 -13 Down Down L L

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Command Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Fumikomi Mae Geri F+MK 80(14 life points) 7 No No No 3

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
16 4 15 -4 -1 0 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 6 14 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Inazuma Kakato Wari B+MK 130(60+80)(21 life points) 11(7+7) No No No 2 • 1

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
18 2(0)2 10 +1 +2 +3 H/H H/H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2(2+0) 3(2+1) 9(7+2) 8(4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Inazuma Kakato Wari Hold MK 110/130(60+80)(29 life points) 15/11(7+7) No No No 2 • 1

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
8 > 25 4/2/2 10 +1 +2 +3 HL/H/H H/H/H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
4(2+2+0) 7(4+2+1) 17(8+7+2) 12(4+4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Shiden Kakato Otoshi F+HK 120(80)(21 life points) 11(9) No No No 2

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
30 5 14 -1 +1 +3 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3(0) 6(1) 14(2) 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Shiden Kakato Otoshi (Fake) F+HK (Hold HK) - - No No No -

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
30 5 18 - - - - -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
- - - -

Comments here

Target Combo

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Target Combo Close MP -> Close HP 100+60 7+5 No Yes/Yes Yes/Yes 15/15

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 - - -2 0 +2 HL/HL H/H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2+? 4+1 8+1 8(4+4)

Comments here

Special Moves

Please note that in this section you will see mainly 3 images for the special moves, this means the image on the left its done with LP (or LK), the image on the center its done with MP (or MK), and the image on the right its done with HP (or HK). Also its the same "rule" as the sections above, its the 1rst frame it hits for every of the moves.

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Hadouken QCF+P 60(10 life points) 4 3 Yes 7

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
10 1 38 -11 -10 -10 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 1 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Shoryuken (Jab) F, D, DF+LP 150(100)(60)(26 life points) 19(6)(4) 11 Yes 3
Shoryuken (Strong) F, D, DF+MP 165(110+55)(28 life points) 21(14+7) 15(11+5) Yes/No 3 • 3
Shoryuken (Fierce) F, D, DF+HP 185(80+60+50)(32 life points) 21(10+8+3) 17(11+3+3) Yes/Yes/No 3 • 3 • 3

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Shoryuken (Jab) 2 8 26 -17 Down Down HL HL
Shoryuken (Strong) 3 2/12 28 -24 Down Down HL/HL HL/HL
Shoryuken (Fierce) 1 2/2/7 32 -31 Down Down HL/HL/HL HL/HL/HL

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Shoryuken (Jab) 3 10 15 4
Shoryuken (Strong) 3 11(10+1) 17(15+2) 8(4+4)
Shoryuken (Fierce) 3 12(10+1+1) 19(15+2+2) 12(4+4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Short) QCB+LK 115(80+30)(19 life points) 12(10+2) 10(7+3) Yes/No 3 • 15
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Forward) QCB+MK 140(60+30(x3))(23 life points) 14(8+2(x3)) 15(7+3(x3)) Yes/No/No/No 3 • 3 • 3 • 15
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Roundhouse) QCB+HK 160(60+30(x4))(27 life points) 16(8+2(x4)) 17(7+3(x4)) Yes/No/No/No/No (3x4) • 15

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Short) 6・16・22 2・3・2 14 -5 -3 -3 HL/HL H/H
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Forward) 6・12・17・22・27・32・37 2x7 15 -6 -4 -4 HL/HL/HL/HL H/H/H/H
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Roundhouse) 6・13・18・23・28・33・38・43・48 2x9 15 -7 -5 -5 HL/HL/HL/HL/HL H/H/H/H/H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Short) 3 9(8+1) 15(13+2) 8(4+4)
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Forward) 3 11(8+1x3) 19(13+2x3) 16(4+4+4+4)
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Roundhouse) 3 12(8+1x4) 21(13+2x4) 20(4+4+4+4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Short) (Air) QCB+LK 160*(80x4)(27 life points) 5**(5x4) 10***(5x4) No/No 3x4
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Forward) (Air) QCB+MK 160*(80x6)(40 life points) 5**(5x6) 10***(5x6) No/No 3x6
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Roundhouse) (Air) QCB+HK 160*(80x8)(40 life points) 5**(5x8) 10***(5x8) No/No 3x8

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Short) 7・10・15・18 1x4 12 - - - HL H/H
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Forward) 7・10・15・18・23・26 1x6 12 - - - HL H/H/H
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Roundhouse) 7・10・15・18・23・26・31・34 1x8 12 - - - HL H/H/H/H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Short) 2(1x2) 4(2x2) 18(9x2) 8(4+4)
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Forward) 3(1x3) 6(2x3) 27(9x3) 12(4+4+4)
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Roundhouse) 4(1x4) 8(2x4) 36(9x4) 16(4+4+4+4)

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EX Moves

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Hadouken (EX) QCF+PP 40 120(60+60)(20 life points) 8(4+4) 6(3+3) Yes 3 • 7

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Hadouken (EX) 10 1 38 -6 Down Down HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Hadouken (EX) - - - 8(4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Shoryuken (EX) F, D, DF+PP 40 210(80+50+40+40)(34 life points) 24(10+6+5+3) 20(11+3(x3)) Yes 1 • 1 • 3 • 3

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Shoryuken (EX) 1 2/2/2/14 38 -36 Down Down HL HL

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Hadouken (EX) - - - 16(4+4+4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (EX) QCB+KK 40 200(60+35(x4)+30)(34 life points) 19(8+2(x5)) 20(7+3(x5)) Yes (3x5) • 15

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (EX) 4・11・15・19・23・27・31・35・39・43・48 2×11 13 -3 -1 -1 HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (EX) - - - 24(4+4+4+4+4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (EX) (Air) QCB+KK 40 240(80(x10))(52 life points) 5(5(x10)) 15(5(x10)) No 1x10

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (EX) 6・9・12・15・18・21・24・27・30・33・36・39・42 1x13 12 - Down Down HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (EX) - - - 20(4+4+4+4+4)

Comments here

Super Arts

Super Art Super Art Name Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Damage/Gauge
I Shoryureppa 2 bars (112 each bar) QCF QCF+P 400*(69 life points) 43** 8 3.57(x2)
* 80+50+60+70+40+40+(40x6) Damage is when all hits connect.
** 16+6+8+4+3+3+(3x6) Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry Juggle Value
1 1 11 -38 Down Down HLx7~9 HLx7~9 (Rx11) • 15
* R means Reset.

Comments here

Super Art Super Art Name Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Damage/Gauge
II Shinryuken 1 bar (104) QCF QCF+K (Press K rapidly) 495*(67 life points) 58** 0 4.75
* 80+50+60+70+40+40+(40x6) Damage is when all hits connect.
** 16+6+8+4+3+3+(3x6) Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry Juggle Value
2 2 61 -80 Down Down HLx3~5 HLx3~5 *Rx9~15
* R means Reset.

Comments here

Super Art Super Art Name Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Damage/Gauge
III Shippu Jinrai Kyaku 3 bars (80 each bar) QCF QCF+K 290*(51 life points) 29** 15 3.62(x3)
* 80+50+60+70+40+40+(40x6) Damage is when all hits connect.
** 16+6+8+4+3+3+(3x6) Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry Juggle Value
2 2 27 -11 Down Down HLx5 Hx5 (*Rx8) · 15 · (**Rx6)
* R means Reset
** Descending tatsu part.

Comments here




1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch MK Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (EX) - - 288 (25%) 15
Close MP Close HP Shoryuken (LP) - 288 (25%) 20
Close HP Shoryuken (HP) - - 311 (27%) 28

Specific to:


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Close MP Close HP Shoryuken (LP) Shoryuken (LP) ??? (??%) ??

Hugo, Makoto (standing), Urien (crouching), Dudley (crouching)

1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Close MP Close HP Shoryuken (MP) SA3 ??? (??%) ??


Specific to:

Ryu, Akuma, Urien, Q, Necro, Elena, Chun-Li, Makoto, Sean, Ken and Twelve

1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Close MP Close HP Shoryuken (LP) Shoryuken (LP) ??? (??%) ??

Hit Confirms


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch LK Crouch LK - - ??? (??%) ??

Specific to:

Yun, Akuma, Oro, Remy, Dudley, Elena, Chun-Li, Ibuki, Hugo, Makoto, Alex and Yang

1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch LK Crouch LK Crouch LK - ??? (??%) ??

Ryu, Yun, Akuma, Oro, Remy, Dudley, Elena, Chun-Li, Ibuki, Hugo, Makoto, Sean, Ken, Twelve, Alex and Yang

1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch LK Crouch LP Crouch LK - ??? (??%) ??

Super Art 1


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch MK Shoryuken (HP) (2hits) Super Art 1 - 414 (36%) 18
Close HP Hadouken Super Art 1 - 426 (37%) 18

Super Art 2


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch MK Super Art 2 - - 552 (48%) 0
Close MP Close HP Super Art 2 - 552 (48%) 10

Super Art 3


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch LK Crouch LK Super Art 3 - 322 (28%) 15
Close MP Close HP Hadouken (HP) Super Art 3 ??? (??%) ??
Close MP Close HP Super Art 3 - 391 (34%) 22
Crouch MK Shoryuken (MP) (1hit) Super Art 3 - ??? (??%) ??
Close HP Shoryuken (MP) (1hit) Super Art 3 - ??? (??%) ??

Specific to:

Hugo and Makoto

1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Close MP Close HP Shoryuken (MP) (1hit) Super Art 3 ??? (??%) ??

Note about performing combos: I do super cancels like this for ken.

QCF M kick QCF and kick button but here's the real trick

The special thing to keep in mind is to press down and mk at the same time then follow through with the rest of the combo.

You can practice even during matches. Instead of holding down and performing mk just press down and mk at the same time.

I also do something similar for canceling Hadouken into SAIII but instead, do not press down and punch at the same time. The notation should


Some people might have problems going from shoryuken to SAIII. My method is

F, QCF, P, QCF, K.

Hope this helps out future players. -Velius



Super Art 3 is the super of choice, although SAI does more damage it has range. For example it will whiff at max range of cr. mk.

Ken has a fast dash and a good close up game with his MPxxHP chain and cr. LKx2 into shippu. Also his jumping mk is good for crossing up.


Learn how to use low forward because it is pretty safe, and can cancel into EX hadoken (use Ex hadoken cause it is safer that a regular hadoken). It can also cancel into SAIII.

Get a knockdown and do any of these:

- cr. short,cr. short xx Shippu.

- strong->fierce xx Shippu.

note:if you have trouble confirming the Shippu throw in a hadoken to buy some time, it only takes away 1 point of damage. So it wold be strong-> fierce xx hadoken xx Shippu)

- dashback, cr. forward xx Shippu.

- cr. strong -> Shippu.

- far strong -> Shippu.

- cr. short, walk up, throw.

If your beating him badly, chances are he'll do a shoryuken or super on wakeup so just block then punish it.

  • Best punisher*

Close Fierce xx MP Shoryuken XX Shippu.

Super Art Selection

SAI (Shoryu-Reppa):

A decent super, would probably be his super of choice if SAIII didn't exist. Has numerous hit confirms, 2 stocks, and good damage. On the downside, doesn't have the incredible invincibility frames and lightning-fast startup of SAIII, and has significantly worse recovery.

SAII (Shinryu-Ken):

Not a very popular super, as it has very pronounced flaws and strengths. It is a fairly good anti-air (since you can mash unpredictably, and thus mess up the opponent's air-parry timings), and does the most damage out of his supers by a good amount. On the flip side, it has terrible range, even more terrible recovery, and doesn't have as many good hit-confirms and cancels as his other two supers. Probably his least used super.

SAIII (Shippu-Jinrai-Kyaku):

The universal choice of super for Ken, for good reason. Perhaps its biggest selling points are the 3 stocks (lots of EX meter for fireballs and air hurricane kicks) and its absurd number of hit links off of just about anything you can possibly imagine. But less obvious (but equally important) properties include its lightning-quick startup - it can punish a whole bunch of moves that are otherwise usually safe, i.e. any shoto's cr. mk (yes, it can be reversal super punished, if blocked), Alex's EX shoulder, etc. It also has great invincibility properties - at point-blank, virtually nothing but a projectile can knock Ken out of the super. (I've heard Dudley's jab is also capable of this, but this needs to be confirmed.) The only downside to this super is the fairly low damage, but it's still perfectly respectable, especially for the length of meter, and the numerous upsides completely outweigh that one small negative.


Kara Shoryuken

see video tutorial


  • c. MK

Probably the best move to use, decent range, very fast and can also go into SAIII, SRK and EX Hadou (normal as well but EX is safe), use about longish/mid-range

  • MP

Decent range, fast move, can link into SAIII

  • c. MP

Very fast, use when fairly close to opponent, can link (recommended) or cancel into SAIII/SRK/EX Hadou

  • HK

A bit slow of a move but its definitely a good move when the opponent is far away, has great range

  • MK

Basically a replacement HK for when you need that extra speed with the same power, though a bit shorter of a kick, so use when opponent is about mid-range


Additional Notes

  • Personal Action: Increased damage for all moves except throws, this increase goes away after the next attack (blocked or not) and extends for an entire combo. Ken's personal action can actually hit twice.


Serious Advantage Match-ups

  • Twelve

Advantage Match-ups

  • Yang
  • Akuma
  • Urien
  • Oro
  • Ibuki
  • Elena
  • Necro
  • Alex
  • Remy
  • Q
  • Hugo

Fair Match-ups

  • Yun
  • Makoto
  • Dudley
  • Ryu
  • Sean

Disadvantage Match-ups

  • Chun-Li

Serious Disadvantage Match-ups


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