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Ibuki is a kunoichi who would rather live her life as a high school student. She first appears in Street Fighter III: New Generation.

Touting some incredible walkspeed and frame data, Ibuki is a mixup powerhouse that can be frustrating to contend with. Her ability to get frame advantage is startling, and she is often unpunishable by much of the cast. Once she gets started on offense, it can be lights out for the opponent if they can't catch onto her patterns. Another notable aspect is her far reaching and very fast jump, which can be altered by using her Kunai to avoid anti-air attempts and begin her offense.

Super Arts

SA1: Kasumi Suzaku

Kasumi Suzaku automatically turns Ibuki to face the opponent. Strength of button determines angle/distance of knives thrown. Rapidly pressing punch increases number of knives thrown and raises Ibuki higher into the air. Throws 12 knives by default, and up to a maximum of 20. Each knife does 35 attack for a maximum of 335 (scaled damage). The "recovery" listed for each strength refers to the amount of recovery frames Ibuki has once she reaches the ground, it does not include the time it takes for her to reach the ground from the air. It is difficult for some characters to punish, but fast long-ranged supers can punish Ibuki as she lands if it is not properly spaced (or if it is mashed too much).

It offers a large benefit in it's 3 stock capacity, giving Ibuki more access to EX moves for confirms. Damage isn't particularly good and there's few options to actually confirm into the super, but it adds more threat to Ibuki's already strong air game and mixup potential.

SA2: Yoroi Doushi

Yoroi Doushi is an unblockable command grab super. Will not grab airborne opponents. Throw range: 46. While not as useful as the other supers, SA2's damage is still impressive. It can be comboed into with j.HP on some characters, as it will briefly backturn the opponent.

Yoroi Doushi also has an energy blast (fireball) version. This occurs when the grab version fails. It does 13 hits, each hit has 32 attack for a maximum of 280 (scaled damage). The fireball version can reset airborne juggled opponents.

SA3: Yami Shigure

Yami Shigure is a good damage super that is easy to combo into from a plethora of options. It has very fast startup, allowing Ibuki to punish things like blocked Shoto sweeps. Its small stock size keeps it from being used more often, as EX moves enable Ibuki's gameplan and strongest confirms. Still very useful in various matchups, so even players who generally favor SA1 may utilize it on occasion. Strength of button determines angle/distance of knives thrown. Block Advantage: -10 to -6.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great Movement: Ibuki has a fast and far reaching jump, as well as the fastest walk speed in the game. Furthermore, she has additional ways to vary her movement, such as kunai before landing. This lets her avoid and punish throws or pokes, run varied offense, and get in easily.
  • Plus Frames Dispenser: Ibuki boasts some of the better frame data in the game, easily getting frame advantage on block and very rarely being punishable.
  • Strong Mixups: Ibuki gets a lot of opportunities for continuous looping mixups, allowing her to stay unpredictable and keep the pressure on. Access to options such as a side-switching dash and a significantly plus on block overhead make her pressure hard to deal with.
  • Super Jump Cancels: Has the ability to super jump cancel several normals, allowing her to start mixups on hit and remain safe on block.
  • Fragile: Some of the lowest health in the game and slow stun recovery means that Ibuki does not take hits well.
  • Stubby Normals: Ibuki's buttons, while fast, often have short range, and several important attacks whiff on some crouching opponents.
  • Throw Range: Ibuki has the shortest throw range in the game, hurting her ability to run strike/throw mixups in some cases.
  • EX Dependency: Ibuki relies heavily on her EX moves, and can struggle to get her gameplan started without them. Her more supers are often ignored in favor of her EX moves as an extension of this.
  • Risk Taker: Ibuki often has to take risks to deal significant damage.
3S Ibuki Art.png
Life Points 1035
Stun Points 64
Super Art Stock/Size
SA1 3/88
SA2 1/104
SA3 1/80
Ground Movement
Forward Dash duration/distance 19 (148px)
Back Dash duration/distance 35 (164px)
Back Jump duration 43(4+36+3)
Neutral Jump duration 41(4+34+3)
Forward Jump duration 40(4+33+3)
Back Super Jump duration 58(5+50+3)
Neutral Super Jump duration 52(5+44+3)
Forward Super Jump duration 46(5+38+3)
Wake up
Wake up duration 68
Quick rise duration 53
3S Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by an asterisk (ex: 3*5). If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses (ex: 2(4)2)


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel (into itself or another light attack), refer to description for options.
  • "self": Self-only chain cancel. Much more restrictive than a standard chain cancel.
  • "tc": Target combo, refer to description for options. Successive attacks in a target combo may warrant their own move entry.
  • "dash": Grounded dashes.
  • "sj": Super jump.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Super Art.

Attack damage on hit in life points. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. D refers to knockdown on hit.

"Cr. Hit" is an additional frame advantage value denoting if the advantage on hit changes when the defender is being hit while crouching.

Kara Range

Almost all normal attacks can be canceled into a special or a multi-button command within three frames of startup. During that time, some attacks will shift position forward or backward and affect the reach of the special or command accordingly. This is denoted in pixels of range. There are a handful of moves in the game that can be kara-canceled after this initial window and will be denoted as a late kara-cancel.


A combo that is performed by inputting the second move after the first move has completely recovered (as opposed to cancelling the first move's animation). In 3S, the final frame of a move's hitstun allows a character to block a normal or special move, as well as some projectile supers. Therefore, an attack's frame advantage must be 2 frames greater than the followup move's startup in order to link. Ex: a +6 normal can link into a 4f normal/special, or a 5f super.


This field will show a value of A if the attack can be parried standing or crouching, H if it must be parried standing or L if it must be parried crouching.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. 3S uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.

Throw range

Range in pixels from the center of the character to the center of the opponent which allows a grab to connect.

Frame Data

All sprites are taken from the site

Standing Normals

5LP (cl)
Close LP
Lp.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 5 5 5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5 5 - A 5
  • Cancel options: tc ch sp su
  • 14 kara range
  • Whiffs on crouching Chun-Li, Elena, Ibuki, and Oro.
  • Similar use to far LP as a pressure tool, though not used as often due to its range.
5LP (far)
Far LP
Lp.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 2 2 6 6
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
4 5 - A 6
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Whiffs on crouching Chun-Li, Elena, Ibuki, Oro, Yang, and Yun.
  • Incredible pressure button; walking forward with far LP allows for strong strike/throw and frametrap pressure.
Stand MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 2 6 7 8
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 11 - H 6
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Whiffs on crouching Chun-Li, Elena, Ibuki, Oro, Yang, and Yun.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 1, Hit: 9, Block: 3.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Close HP
Hp.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 1*4 15 -1 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10*10 9*6 - H*H -3
  • Cancel options: sp su (1st hit), tc (2nd hit)
  • The cancellable first hit only connects consistently on crouching Hugo/Urien, while it connects inconsistently on crouching Dudley/Q.
    • Also hits twice against crouch blocking Twelve (but not on hit).
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 11.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
5HP (far)
Far HP
Hp.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
13 4 14 1 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 5 - H -1
  • Cancel options: tc sp su
  • Combos into EX Kubi Ori for a knockdown from max range, and MP Kubi Ori for a meterless knockdown from just shy of it.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 13, Block: 5.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
5HP,HP (far)
Oiura Ken
Hp.png,Hp.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 3 31 1 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 15 - H -1
  • 7f window to input 2nd HP (must be input late in the Far HP animation, after hitstop).
  • Can be inputted if far HP whiffed.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 4.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Stand LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 4 6 1 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A 1
  • Cancel options: tc
Stand MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 4 14 2 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 11 - H 1
  • Cancel options: tc sp su
  • 4 kara range
  • Ibuki moves forward from her origin significantly, giving the move deceptive horizontal range.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
5HK (cl)
Close HK
Hk.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 1(1)6 22 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8*10 3*8 - H*H -11 (-14)
  • Cancel options: sj (2nd hit only, hit/block/parry)
  • vs. crouch block, 2nd hit only connects on Dudley, Hugo, Q, Urien.
    -Whiffing 2nd hit makes super jump impossible (-14 on block, less pushback).
  • Because the first hit only has 1 active frame, it can be difficult to time on the opponent's wakeup.
  • Very rewarding on hit because of its launch property and ability to be super jump cancelled.
  • Can work as an anti-air, but close jumps will usually make it whiff due to its poor backwards hitbox.
  • 4 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 8.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
5HK (far)
Far HK
Hk.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 3 21 -1 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 13 - H -2
  • Cancel options: sj (on hit only, making it a somewhat risky but rewarding AA)
    - This also allows you to option select a super jump cancel into SA3, only coming out on hit.
  • Whiffs on crouching Chun, Elena, Ibuki, and Oro. Also whiffs on crouching Yang and Yun, unless you are at the closest possible distance.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Command Normals

Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 1*6 10 -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5*8 5*8 - H*H -2
  • Cancel options: tc sp su
  • First hit special cancels, TC into HP; 2nd hit TC into 2HK
  • If the 2nd hit whiffs on crouching opponent, frame data is unaffected (0 on cr. hit, -2 on block)
  • Useful as an anti-air (and against air parry), as Ibuki can choose to TC into HP, then special cancel if desired
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 12, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Maki Geri
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 4 8 -1 -1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A -1
  • Cancel options: self
  • Long range relative to its fast startup makes it occasionally useful as a punish
Uramaki Geri
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
13 2 13 -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 5 - H -2
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Doesn't combo into f.MK, and risky to attempt due to the easy parry reaction
  • Ibuki's longest ranged neutral button, but whiffs on some crouchers
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Koube Kudaki
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
27 3 1 10 11
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 13 - H 9
  • Generally safe if parried, except to 3f specials/supers or 2f normals (throws can also punish if Ibuki is close enough).
  • Can combo into EX Tsumuji or SA3 on reaction.
    -Against short crouching characters, cr.MK is a more consistent combo ender than EX Tsumuji.
  • Knocks down vs. airborne opponents.
  • Airborne 10f, Throw invulnerable 12f (until landing), and can hop over many grounded attacks.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Bonshou Geri
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
12 1 18 1 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 17 - H -1
  • Holding down at the end of the move adds 1f more recovery (1f worse on hit/block)
  • Can hop over some projectiles with strict timing (easier timing if you hit the opponent)
  • 7f airborne, 8f throw invuln
  • Very strong neutral button against tall crouching characters
    -Can also hit inconsistently against some medium height crouching characters
  • Whiff recovery is fast enough that an immediate parry or throw afterwards will often catch a whiff punish attempt
  • Repeated f.HK is Ibuki's strongest post-stun juggle, if screen position and juggle potential allows for it
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 11 9 -6 ~ 4 -5 ~ 5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 3 - L -16 ~ -6
  • Can low profile most projectiles, including:
    • Chun-Li's Kikoken
    • Oro's LP Sun Disk Palm
    • Remy's P Light of Virtue
    • Shotos' Hadouken
    • Urien's Metallic Sphere
  • Can also slide under moves which would normally whiff on crouchers, such as Urien's st.MK.
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Crouching Normals

Crouch LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 3 3 5 5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A 5
  • Cancel options: ch sp su
Crouch MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 7 9 3 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 7 - A 2
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 4.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Crouch HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 3 18 -1 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 13 - A -3
  • Cancel options: sj (on block, hit or parry)
  • 22f window to input super jump, making it safer against anti-air parry
  • 6 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Crouch LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 3 5 3 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - L 3
  • Cancel options: self ch sp su
  • The self-chain must be input 2f earlier than the normal link timing, allowing for 2LK > 2LK to connect as a 1f link
Crouch MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 5 11 -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 3 - L -2
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 4.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Crouch HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
10 2 24 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 3 - L -8
  • Cancel options: tc (into close/far HK depending on range)
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Jumping Normals

Jump LP (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 until land - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 7 - H -
Jump LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 19 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 5 - H -
  • Cancel options: tc
Jump MP (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 7 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 9 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 13 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 11 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump HP (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 5 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 13 - H -
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 5 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 13 - H -
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump LK (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 until land - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 5 - H -
Jump LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 until land - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 5 - H -
  • Cancel options: tc
  • First active frame extends farther downward, allowing for instant overhead
Jump MK (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 7 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 9 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 13 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 9 - H -
  • Crossup (narrow hitbox)
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump HK (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
10 3 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 13 - H -
  • Knocks down vs. airborne opponents
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 3 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 13 - H -
  • Knocks down vs. airborne opponents
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Target Combos

Close 5LP TC
Target Combos
(Close LP)
Lp.png>Mp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5*5*8 5*4*7 - A*H*H -2
  • Cancel options: sp su tc (MP 1st hit); tc (MP 2nd hit)
  • Can't use on crouching Chun, Elena, Ibuki, Oro (LP whiffs); crouching Makoto (both hits of MP whiff)
  • In the corner, MP whiffs on crouching Akuma; 1st hit of MP whiffs on crouching Q
  • 2nd hit of MP only hits crouching Dudley, Hugo, Q, Urien
    • Frame data is unchanged even if 2nd hit of MP whiffs
Lp.png>Mp.png>Hp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 5 7 (-3)
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5*5*11 5*4*6 - A*H*H 3 (-5)
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Must cancel the first hit of MP into HP (2nd hit only cancels into cr.HK)
  • (-3 oH/-5 oB) if the HP whiffs on a crouching opponent
  • HP only connects on crouching Dudley, Hugo, Urien (anywhere); crouching Akuma, Q (outside the corner)
    • On these crouching characters, a link to st.MK is possible for high damage
  • Due to scaling, this TC does about the same damage as a st.MK starter
Lp.png>Mp.png>D.pngHk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5*5*8*6 5*4*7*2 - A*H*H*L -8
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Can only cancel the second hit of MP into cr.HK (impossible on most crouching characters)
  • If blocked, doing the followup HK is very unsafe except against Hugo
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5*5*8*6*11 5*4*7*2*9 - A*H*H*L*H -16 (-2)
  • Cancel options: sj (hit only)
  • If no super jump, Ibuki recovers 11f before opponent lands, allowing for corner meaties
  • Final HK whiffs vs. crouch blocking characters (-16), except Hugo (-2)
  • Final HK whiffs vs. Twelve and Yang on hit
    • It may still worth doing, as the whiffed HK moves Ibuki forward a significant distance
Far 5LP TC
Target Combos
(Far LP/MP)
Lp.png>Mp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 7 8
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
4*11 5*10 - A*H 6
  • Cancel options: tc
  • The Far LP and st.MP starters both whiff on crouching Chun, Elena, Ibuki, Oro, Yang, and Yun
Lp.png>Mp.png>F.pngLk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 3 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
4*11*6 5*10*2 - A*H*A 2
  • Generally not very strong, but occasionally it's Ibuki's only real punish option when outside close LP range
Mp.png>F.pngLk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 3 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12*8 11*2 - H*A 2
  • The MP starter can be useful to stuff dashes against some characters, as MP is fairly safe to whiff
Target Combos
(Back MP)
B.pngMp.png>Hp.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 5 7 (-3)
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5*11 5*6 - H*H 3 (-5)
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Functionally similar to LP>MP>HP, but skipping the LP
  • HP only connects on crouching Akuma, Dudley, Hugo, Q, Urien
    • On these crouching characters, a link to st.MK is possible for high damage
B.pngMp.png>D.pngHk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5*8*6 5*8*2 - H*H*L -8
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Can only cancel the second hit of MP into cr.HK (impossible on most crouching characters)
  • Functionally similar to LP>MP>cr.HK, but skipping the LP
  • If blocked, doing the followup HK is very unsafe except against Hugo
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5*8*6*11 5*8*2*10 - H*H*L*H -16 (-2)
  • Cancel options: sj (hit only)
  • Functionally similar to LP>MP>cr.HK>HK, but skipping the LP
  • If no super jump, Ibuki recovers 11f before opponent lands, allowing for corner meaties
  • Final HK whiffs vs. crouch blocking characters (-16), except Hugo (-2)
  • Final HK whiffs vs. Twelve and Yang on hit
    • It may still worth doing, as the whiffed HK moves Ibuki forward a significant distance
Close 5HP TC
Target Combos
(Close HP)
Hp.png>D.pngHk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10*10*5 9*6*2 - H*H*L -8
  • Cancel options: tc
  • Functionally similar to LP>MP>cr.HK or b.MP>cr.HK, but the starter will work on all crouchers
  • The first hit of cl.HP only hits crouching Hugo and Urien (inconsistently on Dudley and Q), giving more confirm time
  • If blocked, doing the followup HK is very unsafe except against Hugo
Hp.png>D.pngHk.png>Hk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10*10*5*8 9*6*2*10 - H*H*L*H -16 (-2)
  • Cancel options: sj (hit only)
  • If no super jump, Ibuki recovers 11f before opponent lands, allowing for corner meaties
  • Final HK whiffs vs. crouch blocking characters (-16), except Hugo (-2)
  • Final HK whiffs vs. Twelve and Yang on hit
    • It may still worth doing, as the whiffed HK moves Ibuki forward a significant distance
Target Combos
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17*7*9 3*2*7 - L*H*H -11 (-14)
  • Cancel options: sj (2nd hit only, hit/block/parry)
  • vs. crouch block, 2nd hit only connects on Dudley, Hugo, Q, Urien
    • Whiffing 2nd hit makes super jump impossible (-14 on block, less pushback)
  • Strong punish option (especially after close range parry), leading to juggle mixups
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17*17 3*12 - L*H -16 (-2)
  • Cancel options: sj (hit only)
  • On hit, final HK always whiffs on Yang; also whiffs on Twelve and Yun, unless perfectly spaced at the closest Far HK range
  • Final HK whiffs on crouch block, except vs. Hugo (-2 oB)
    • Can also connect vs. Q and Urien, if done from the closest possible range where Far 5HK comes out
  • If no super jump, Ibuki recovers 11f before opponent lands, allowing for corner meaties
Target Combos
Lk.png>Mk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 5 6
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3*8 3*6 - A*H 4
  • Cancel options: tc sp su
  • Allows for easier confirms than st.MK on its own, at the risk of being parried in either direction
  • Better frame advantage than regular st.MK, but the pushback is too far to easily take advantage of this
Lk.png>Mk.png>Hk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 0 2 (-11)
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3*8*13 3*6*6 - A*H*H -2 (-13)
  • Very rarely used (a special move after MK is always preferable)
  • Can only chain into Far HK regardless of range, and this version cannot super jump cancel
  • The HK always whiffs on crouching Chun, Elena, and Oro (-11 oH/-13 oB)
  • On hit, the HK whiffs on crouching Ibuki, Ken, Makoto, Ryu, Sean, Yang, and Yun (-11 oH)
Mk.png>Hk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 0 2 (-11)
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17*13 11*6 - H*H -2 (-13)
  • Very rarely used (a special move after MK is always preferable)
  • Can only chain into Far HK regardless of range, and this version cannot super jump cancel
  • The HK always whiffs on crouching Chun, Elena, and Oro (-11 oH/-13 oB)
  • On hit, the HK whiffs on crouching Ibuki, Ken, Makoto, Ryu, Sean, Yang, and Yun (-11 oH)
Target Combo
B.pngMk.png>F.pngMk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - 10 11
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12*12 5*9 - H*H 9
  • b.MK is Ibuki's longest ranged poke, and the overhead is her only potential followup
  • Generally not worth it, as the b.MK telegraphs Ibuki's already slow overhead, making it easily interrupted
Air TCs
Air Target Combos
(diagonal jump)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10*17 5*12 - H*H -
  • Strong option against AA parries because it works well high or close to the ground
  • Backturns the opponent, allowing for SA2 Throw to connect (except vs. Elena or Urien)
j.Hp.png>F.pngMk.png Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21*8 13*8 - H*H -
  • Can be done from angled or neutral jump
  • Can be used to follow up after a jump cancelled cl. HK.
(diagonal jump)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7*8 5*8 - H*H -
  • In the corner, the j.LK can crossup (hold away from the corner while inputting j.MK)


Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 12 - - -
  • 16 throw range
  • Besides the throw direction, forward/backward throws are identical
LPLK (air)
Lp.png+Lk.png (air)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 1 - D -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
26 16 - - -
  • Can be teched in the air

Universal Overhead

Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 10 5 0 ~ 8 1 ~ 9
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 3 - H -5 ~ 7
  • Airborne 5-25f
  • If well-timed as a close range meaty, can link into LP Raida
    • Other followups are possible but LP Raida is good for safety and consistency


Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
14 9 8 -22 ~ -23 -22 ~ -23
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
1 8 - A -28 ~ -32 (-4 ~ -7)
  • 28 throw range + distance traveled; the taunt can also be teched like a throw
  • On hit: grants a 43.8% bonus to Ibuki's next hit, combo, or throw (max 1 taunt)
  • Can be cancelled into like a special move (combos from cl.HP or target combos ending in HP)
  • Forces stand on hit (slower bounce on taller characters); can't hit airborne opponents
  • At close range, can hit crossup on some crouching characters
  • Airborne 1f, Unthrowable 3f
  • If the first 4 active frames are blocked, Ibuki drops straight down (-4 ~ -7 oB)
  • Any later active frames cause Ibuki to bounce off (-28 ~ -32)
    -Crouch blocking will always cause the leapfrog to bounce off
    • 3s Ibuki TauntCompare.png
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 4, Hit: 15, Block: 4.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.

Special Moves

236P (air)
Qcf.png+P.png (air)
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 - 9 land varies varies
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 3 - H varies
  • Cancel options: su
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
10 - 11 land varies varies
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 3 - H varies
  • Cancel options: su
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 - 14 land varies varies
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 3 - H varies
  • Cancel options: su
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 - 12 land varies varies
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
9*9 3*2 - H*H varies
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Holding forward will make the EX Kunai travel farther
  • Depending on the angle and the initial parry timing, 1 or 2 parries may be required
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 3 28 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
28 8 - N -5
  • 44 throw range
  • Hit-grab (can't be parried); prevents quick rise
  • Block advantage is not increased when timed as a meaty
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 5 30 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
30 10 - N -6
  • 46 throw range
  • Hit-grab (can't be parried); prevents quick rise
  • Block advantage is not increased when timed as a meaty
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 7 32 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
32 12 - N -7
  • 48 throw range
  • Hit-grab (can't be parried); prevents quick rise
  • Block advantage is not increased when timed as a meaty
  • Is risky to use as a meaty as it's unsafe. But when timed right beats many wakeup options, including reversal normals, parries, and even some supers.
LK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 12 26 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 9 - A -17
  • Cancel options: su
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 23, Block: 17.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 10 29 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 11 - A -16
  • Cancel options: su
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 23, Block: 17.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
HK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 11 29 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
30 16 - A -17
  • Cancel options: su
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 24, Block: 18.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 11 33 -15 -15
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
28 14 - A -21
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • SA1 cancels on hit, block, whiff, parry (must be done very quickly if not on hit)
  • On hit: forces stand, can come down with kunai or diagonal jump normals (but not parry)
    • Some characters can consistently beat or trade with any followup besides SA1, making it potentially risky even on hit
  • Holding down while landing affects Ibuki's landing recovery and causes her to recover in a crouching state
    • On hit, recovers 3f faster
    • On whiff/block/parry, recovers 6f faster
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
LK (high) Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 1(14)1 19 0 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10*(8) 3*(2) - H*H -4
  • 2nd high kick comes out automatically if not holding D.png
    • Safe on block, except against particularly fast/far ranged punish supers
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 13.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
LK (low end) Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 1(19)2 30 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10*(8) 3*(3) - H*L -12
  • Hold D.png for a low 2nd kick
    • Doesn't combo, but can mess up parry attempts in exchange for safety
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
13 1(15)1 21 0 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10*8 3*2 - H*H -2
  • Safe on block against most characters; can follow up with 3rd kick after confirming a hit
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 13.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
+ MK (3rd High) Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- 1 21 1 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 5 - H -7
  • Press K.png for a high third kick - 6f window, shortly after 2nd kick
  • The timing of the 3rd hit doesn't change regardless of when it is input during this 6f window
  • Full active frame data: 1(15)1(15)1
+ MK (3rd Low) Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- 2 30 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 3 - L -12
  • Press D.png+K.png for a low third kick - 6f window, shortly after 2nd kick
  • The timing of the 3rd hit doesn't change regardless of when it is input during this 6f window
  • Only combos against crouching opponents (easily confirmed after the first 2 hits connect)
  • Full active frame data: 1(15)1(21)2
HK (high) Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
14 1(13)1(15)1 24 0 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10*8*(13) 3*4*(4) - H*H*H -8
  • Cancel options: su (2nd hit only, into SA2 fireball or SA3)
  • Third high kick comes out automatically if not holding D.png
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 14.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
HK (low end) Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- 2 30 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 3 - L -12
  • Hold D.png after 2nd kick to use the low ender
  • Frame data is for the 3rd low kick only, not the entire sequence
  • Can't be comboed into, but can mess up parry attempts at the risk of being more unsafe on block
  • Full active frame data: 1(13)1(18)2
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 14.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
EX (high) Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 1(9)1(9)1(10)1 28 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8*8*8*(11) 3*4*4*(2) - H*H*H*H -11
  • After the first kick, any followups can be low by holding D.png
    • A high kick will only combo into a low followup on crouching opponents
    • A successful low followup can always combo into further high or low kicks
  • Whiffs against short crouching characters; later hits can whiff on more characters depending on range
    • -23 on hit if only the final kick whiffs
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
EX (low end) Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- 2 30 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 3 - L -16
  • Frame data when the final kick is a low (any of the 2nd-4th hits can alternate between high and low)
  • Active frames for 3 high kicks + low ender: 1(9)1(9)1(14)2
LK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
22 3 22 -31 ~ -30 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7*12 7*6 - H*H -31
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • 1f Airborne, 5f throw invuln
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 13.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
25 3 16 -38 ~ -37 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7*15 7*6 - H*H -38
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • 1f Airborne, 5f throw invuln
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 13.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
HK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
28 4 15 -35 ~ -34 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7*18 7*8 - H*H -35
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • 1f Airborne, 6f throw invuln
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 13.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
26 4 11 -32 ~ -28 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7*25 7*8 - H*H -32
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • 1f Airborne, 4f throw invuln
  • Auto-tracks to opponent's location at the time the move is input
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
14 11 15 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
26 14 - L -10
  • 40 throw range
  • If well-spaced, can be as safe as 0 on block (i.e. after cr.MP)
  • 11-25f low profiles projectiles from Akuma, Chun, Ken, Oro, Ryu, Sean (SA1), Urien
  • 1-33f low profiles Remy LP/MP/HP projectile
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 12 18 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
26 14 - L -16
  • 40 throw range
  • At best, can be -5 on block with perfect spacing
  • 12-27f low profiles projectiles from Akuma, Chun, Ken, Oro, Ryu, Sean (SA1), Urien
  • 1-36f low profiles Remy LP/MP/HP projectile
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
17 14 19 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
26 14 - L -19
  • 40 throw range
  • At best, can be -6 on block with perfect spacing
  • 14-31f low profiles projectiles from Akuma, Chun, Ken, Oro, Ryu, Sean (SA1), Urien
  • 1-41f low profiles Remy LP/MP/HP projectile
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 10, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 10 19 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
32 18 - L -15
  • 40 throw range
  • At best, can be -6 on block with perfect spacing
  • 12-25f low profiles projectiles from Akuma, Chun, Ken, Oro, Ryu, Sean (SA1), Urien
  • 1-35f low profiles Remy LP/MP/HP projectile
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -38, Hit: -38, Block: -34.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Kasumi Gake
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
20/22/25 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
  • Ibuki takes 50% extra damage from opponent attacks if she is hit out of Kasumi Gake
  • Does not pass through opponents, unlike her normal dash
  • Frame Data for normals cancelled into QCF+LK (oH/oB vs standing; 2f worse for QCF+MK, 5f worse for QCF+HK)
    • -5/-6: st.MK, cr.MP, b.MP (1st hit), LK>MK, cl.LP>MP
    • -2/-4: LP>MP>HP, b.MP>HP
    • -3/-5: cl.HP, far.HP
    • -11/-11: cr.LK, cr.LP, cl.LP
Tsuiji Goe
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
42/44/48 - 2 land - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Airborne frame 1
  • Throw invuln frame 5/6/7 (LP/MP/HP)
  • Ibuki faces the opposite direction during her descent, and will throw kunai in this new direction
    • SA1 will autocorrect regardless of which side Ibuki is facing
  • Can be used sparingly to escape the corner at semi-low risk due to its airborne frames
  • If Ibuki holds down when landing, she will be in a crouching recovery state

Super Arts

236236P (air SA1)
Kasumi Suzaku
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (air SA1)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 87 4/6/9 land (LP/MP/HP) -23 ~ 4 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
45 - - H -24 ~ 2
  • Button strength determines range - LP=close, MP=mid, HP=far
    -LP: +4 to -12 oH, +1 to -13 oB, +3 to -9 if parried
    -MP: -3 to -17 oH, -5 to -18 oB, -1 to -14 if parried
    -HP: -9 to -23 oH, -11 to -24 oB, -7 to -20 if parried
    -These values do not account for pushback possibly making later hits whiff
  • Will always autocorrect to face the opponent
  • Cornered opponents won't get pushed back on hit/block, making it more unsafe
    -Additionally, stand blocking tends to cause more pushback than crouch blocking
  • Mash P for more hits (up to 20) - causes Ibuki to float higher, giving worse frame advantage
    -Higher strength P = higher float when mashing extra hits
3S Ibuki SA1 MashCompare.png
236236P (SA2)
Yoroi Doushi
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
1 1 65 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
77 12 - N -
  • 46 throw range
  • Can't be escaped after super freeze if the opponent is within throw range
236236P (miss SA2)
Missed grab (Chi Blast)
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (miss SA2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
13 15 65 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
48 - - A -54
  • Fireball requires 13 parries unless opponent is too far for early hits to connect
    - Down parry at close range can make some of the later hits whiff
  • Ibuki freezes during these parries (unlike many other projectile supers), so she does not gain frame advantage when the opponent parries multiple hits
236236P (SA3)
Yami Shigure
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA3)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2/3/4 (LP/MP/HP) 3 30 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
55 23 - L -10 ~ -6
  • If first hit (kunai throw) trades, followup does not come out
  • Ibuki becomes invincible once the dash animation starts
    • This allows the move to counter projectiles if done preemptively from farther ranges

3S Navigation
