Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Dudley: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
Line 954: Line 954:
* Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
* Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
* Backwards movement starts on frame 2.
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
Line 972: Line 973:
* Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
* Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
* Backwards movement starts on frame 3.
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
Line 990: Line 992:
* Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
* Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
* Backwards movement starts on frame 4.
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
Line 1,007: Line 1,010:
* Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
* Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
* Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
* Invincible frame 1, backwards movement starts on frame 2.
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}
{{3S Button FAT|link=}}

Revision as of 22:51, 25 May 2023


Dudley is an English gentleman boxer who despises dirty fighting and seeks opponents who offer a good, clean match. He is never seen without his beloved blue boxing gloves even while driving, drinking tea, and reading the newpaper. His first appearance was Street Fighter III: New Generation.

Dudley is an incredibly powerful rushdown character, sporting some of the best offense and likely the best mixups in the game, with tons of damage to back it up. He's got an unreactably fast overhead in 6HK, which links into his SAI and SAIII for knockdowns and damage, mixed with a low confirm in 2LK that leads to the same. All of it leads into more offense, which is easily sustained with Dudley's variety of plus normals and Target Combos. This is further accentuated by Ducking (41236K) and Short Swing Blow (63214K), evasive moves that let Dudley dodge attacks and punish.

One of his most attractive features however is his sheer damage output. Dudley has long and flashy juggles from his 2HK launcher and EX Machine Gun Blow (41236PP) that do immense damage. While they are difficult and character specific, they allow Dudley to turn his parries into some of the highest damage in the game with Light Machine Gun Blow loops and his infamous 2HK sweep loops.

This all comes with a few tough issues however. Dudley's hardest problem is his lack of a strong low poke. Many of the top tiers have 2MK normals that cancel into specials and supers while retaining safety, but Dudley lacks one of these or a solid answer to them. He's also quite wide, leaving him vulnerable to high damage combos and confirms. He also struggles to deal with rushdown himself, with 2LP being fast but no reward, and only EX Jet Upper (623PP) being invincible.

Dudley is a high execution rushdown, and while properly mastering his combos and confirms may take some time in training mode, he rewards you with some of the best okizeme and offense 3S has to offer, and the flashiest combos to flex execution with.

Super Arts

SA1: Rocket Uppercut

One of Dudley's two best supers, requires more meter in exchange for more damage. Deals 52 damage to a standing Ken. Favored by specific players, or for specific matchups (gives additional range on the dart shot super link vs Makoto and twins, can be used for burst damage vs characters with low health or who are hard to hit). Opponents can fall out when it's used as a juggle ender midscreen, make sure not to hit them when they're too close or too high up. For example play, Fujiwara is a strong player who nearly always plays SA1.

SA2: Rolling Thunder

Deals 58 damage to a standing Ken. Can be mashed for extra hits, up to 8 total. It's the least popular option as it doesnt combo after juggles, doesn't combo after dart shot (6HK), and only has 1 large stock. Can be used in a similar manner to Ken's SA3.

SA3: Corkscrew Blow

Easiest to use super. Deals 38 damage to a standing Ken. It has 3 stocks and a significantly shorter bar, so you'll have access to super in many more situations. Has no issues with the opponent dropping out if they're hit while airborne; if you do miss one or two hits, it won't significantly impact the oki you get afterwards. LP corkscrew blow also deals an obnoxious amount of pushback on block, making it difficult to punish for many characters.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great walk speed, with a fast and low jump to back it up.
  • High damage and stun juggle combos allow for threatening offense AND defense.
  • Awesome high-low mixups, insane frame data to enable them, insane damage to discourage the opponent from fighting back vs high/low/throw.
  • A lot of strong anti-airs to work with, and great ways to deal with air parry.
  • Lacks pokes with enough risk-reward to directly compete with many of the game's best crouching pokes.
  • Slow lows outside of 2LK, which is only threatening near point blank via his 2LK > 2LK confirm.
  • No oki off of throws midscreen, in exchange for very good corner carry.
3S Dudley Art.png
Life Points 1200
Stun Points 72
Super Art Stock/Size
SA1 2/96
SA2 1/112
SA3 3/80
Ground Movement
Forward Dash duration/distance 18 (111px)
Back Dash duration/distance 19 (95px)
Back Jump duration 35(4+30+1)
Neutral Jump duration 38(4+33+1)
Forward Jump duration 35(4+30+1)
Back Super Jump duration 39(5+33+1)
Neutral Super Jump duration 45(5+39+1)
Forward Super Jump duration 39(5+33+1)
Wake up
Wake up duration 55
Quick rise duration 45
3S Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by an asterisk (ex: 3*5). If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses (ex: 2(4)2)


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel (into itself or another light attack), refer to description for options.
  • "self": Self-only chain cancel. Much more restrictive than a standard chain cancel.
  • "tc": Target combo, refer to description for options. Successive attacks in a target combo may warrant their own move entry.
  • "dash": Grounded dashes.
  • "sj": Super jump.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Super Art.

Attack damage on hit in life points. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. D refers to knockdown on hit.

"Cr. Hit" is an additional frame advantage value denoting if the advantage on hit changes when the defender is being hit while crouching.

Kara Range

Almost all normal attacks can be canceled into a special or a multi-button command within three frames of startup. During that time, some attacks will shift position forward or backward and affect the reach of the special or command accordingly. This is denoted in pixels of range. There are a handful of moves in the game that can be kara-canceled after this initial window and will be denoted as a late kara-cancel.


A combo that is performed by inputting the second move after the first move has completely recovered (as opposed to cancelling the first move's animation). In 3S, the final frame of a move's hitstun allows a character to block a normal or special move, as well as some projectile supers. Therefore, an attack's frame advantage must be 2 frames greater than the followup move's startup in order to link. Ex: a +6 normal can link into a 4f normal/special, or a 5f super.


This field will show a value of A if the attack can be parried standing or crouching, H if it must be parried standing or L if it must be parried crouching.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. 3S uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.

Throw range

Range in pixels from the center of the character to the center of the opponent which allows a grab to connect.

Frame Data

Standing Normals

Stand LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 2 6 3 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A 3
  • Cancel options: self ch sp su
Stand MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 2 10 2 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 9 - H 1
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Stand HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 3 17 1 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
24 13 - H -1
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Stand LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 2 8 2 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5 3 - A 2
  • Cancel options: sp su
Stand MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 3 13 2 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 11 - H -
  • 8 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Stand HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 3 12 6 8
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 13 - H 4
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Command Normals

Slipping Jab
Fwd LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 2 8 1 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
4 3 - A 1
  • Cancel options: self sp su
  • 12 kara range
Stomach Blow
Fwd MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 5 10 - 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 5 - H -1
  • 10 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Step Straight
Fwd HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 5 16 -1 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
24 13 - H -3
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Liver Blow
Fwd MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 2 9 3 3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 9 - H 2
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • 6 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Dart Shot
Fwd HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
12 4 16 - 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 7 - H -2
  • 11 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Crouching Normals

Crouch LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 1 9 1 1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A 1
  • Cancel options: self ch sp su
Crouch MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 2 9 3 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 7 - A 2
  • Cancel options: sp su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Crouch HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 4 13 2 2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 13 - A -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Crouch LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 1 10 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5 3 - L -
  • Cancel options: self ch sp su
Crouch MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 3 22 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 3 - L -12
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Crouch HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 3 21 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
17 3 - L 1
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Jumping Normals

  • Dudley's jump normals do not change during angled jumps
Jump LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 4 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 9 - H -
Jump MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 4 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
12 13 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 3 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 15 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 17 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 5 - H -
Jump MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 13 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
10 7 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
12 4 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Target Combos

f.LP > MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
f.LP > MP > MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
cr.LK > st.MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -


LPLK (mash)
Liver Crusher
Neutral Throw
Lp.png+Lk.png (mash)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 22 - - -
  • 20 throw range
Dynamite Throw
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 12 - - -
  • 20 throw range

Universal Overhead

Jumping Elbow
Universal Overhead
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 10 5 0 ~ +8 1 ~ +9
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 3 - H -5 ~ +7


Rose Throw
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
38 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
1 - - A -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 4, Hit: 14, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 3, Block: 0.

Special Moves

Jet Uppercut
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 8 29 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
24 17 - A -23
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 16 28 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
28 19 - A -30
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 21 32 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
31 20 - A -38
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 22, Block: 16.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 21 34 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
37 20 - A -37
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Machine Gun Blow
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 8 18 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 7 - H -3
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 14.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 10 24 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
22 7 - H -9
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
17 13 30 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
27 9 - H -15
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 23, Block: 17.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
16 17 28 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
32 10 - H -15
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
Ducking Rush
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
- - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
41236K > P
Ducking Straight
Ducking > P
Hcf.png+K.png > P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
21/20/22 4 19 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
28 17 - H -7
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
41236K > K
Ducking Upper
Ducking > K
Hcf.png+K.png > K.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
20/19/21 4 25 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
30 11 - H -12
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 11.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Cross Counter
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - A -
  • If input with HCB,F+P, can be used to perform a standing LP that cancels into Cross Counter on connect. Cancelling into this standing jab can make HK an additional +4 on block/hit/crouching hit, and make all mediums a flat +3/+4/+5 on block/hit/crouching hit
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - A -
  • If input with HCB,F+P, can be used to perform a standing MP that cancels into Cross Counter on connect
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - A -
  • If input with HCB,F+P, can be used to perform a standing HP that cancels into Cross Counter on connect
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - A -
  • If input with HCB,F+P, can be used to perform a standing HP that cancels into Cross Counter on connect. Consumes meter even if the HP whiffs
Short Swing Blow
Sway Punch
LK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
17 3 13 2 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
33 19 - H 0
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Backwards movement starts on frame 2.
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
20 3 13 2 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
33 19 - H 0
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Backwards movement starts on frame 3.
HK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
23 3 13 2 4
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
33 19 - H 0
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 17, Block: 12.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
  • Backwards movement starts on frame 4.
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
17 10 - KD KD
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
33 22 - H -3
  • Cancel options: su
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
  • Invincible frame 1, backwards movement starts on frame 2.

Super Arts

236236P (SA1)
Rocket Uppercut
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA1)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
1 40 31 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
63 10 - A -
236236P (mash P) (SA2)
Rolling Thunder
SA2 (Mash)
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (mash P.png) (SA2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 17 20 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
60 13 - H -
236236P (hold PPP) (SA2)
Rolling Thunder (Hold)
SA2 (Hold)
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (hold 6+PPP)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 17 20 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
60 13 - H -
  • Dudley will continue Ducking toward the opponent, extending the range of SA2 at the cost of startup time
236236P (SA3)
Corkscrew Blow
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA3)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
1 10 24 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
46 - - H -
  • Higher strength versions travel farther (1st active frames all have the same range)
    - The LP version can be useful for anti-airing since it's less likely to go under the opponent

3S Navigation
