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=== Notation ===
*F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
*B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
*U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
*D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)
*QCF - D, DF, F - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
*QCB - D, DB, B - Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
*HCF - Half circle forward - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
*HCB - Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
*DP - F, D, DF - Dragon punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward.  In SFIV, there is a "shortcut" for this motion: DF, neutral, DF.
*360 - Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick.
*720 - Complete a 720 degree rotation of the stick.
*Charge - Hold a tilt - Hold the stick in either B or D (Depending) then move to F or U respectively.
X-axis functions can be used interchangeably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.
==== Six Button Notation  ====
*Jab - weak punch (also called LP or WP)
*Strong - medium punch (also called MP)
*Fierce - fierce punch (also called HP or FP)
*P - any punch
*PPP or 3P - all three punches simultaneously
*Short - weak kick (also called LK or WK)
*Forward - medium kick (also called MK)
*Roundhouse (RH) - fierce kick (also called HK)
*K = any kick
*KKK or 3K - all three kicks simultaneously
* ~ Immediately after, e.g "Strong~Fierce" means press Fierce IMMEDIATELY after Strong, f~f means to double tap forward (dash).
* , [[Link]]
* xx [[Cancel]]
====State Modifiers====
*st. - The following move should be performed in the standing position (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. st.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst standing.
*cr. - The following move should be performed in the crouched position (held down in the Y-axis). i.e. cr.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst crouching.
*j. - The following move should be performed in the "in the air" position (After having held up in the Y-axis). i.e. j.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst in the air.
''Thanks to '''NKI''' for his notation explanation found in the ST section''

==Move Analysis==
==Move Analysis==
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===Command Normals===
===Command Normals===

'''f + LK''' -
'''df + LK''' - Is awful and you should never use it.
'''f + MK''' - Chun spins forward with a kick.
'''df + HK''' - Chun flips forward to about sweep range and kicks behind her. Usually used as a crossup.
'''j.HP, HP''' - Chun's aerial target combo. Allows her to juggle with headstomps, ex legs, ex bird & ultra. The animation is a bit different when used during a neutral (straight up) jump.
'''Tenshokyaku Sequence''' -
b + MK, f + MK, d + u + MK

'''f + MK''' -
This is Chun's ground target combo. It doesn't have many uses, and damage scales pretty badly since each of the 3 hits counts as a seperate part of the combo. It allows Chun to juggle into her ultra, ex bird or ex legs, with very reduced damage. All hits are varying degrees of unsafe on block. There's pretty much no reason to use this unless you're trying to hurt someone's feelings.

'''df + HK''' -

===Focus / Saving Attack===

===Special Moves===
===Special Moves===

'''Lightning Legs (Press K repeatedly)''' -

'''Kikouken (Charge b, f + P)''' -
'''Kikouken (Charge b, f + P)''' - Fireball, Ex Version is 2 hits.
'''Lightning Legs (Press K repeatedly)''' - More presses = More kicks. Chun can combo off of legs at close range. Ex Version knocks down.

'''Hazanshuu (hcb + K)''' - Overhead.
'''Hazanshuu (hcb + K)''' - Overhead. Only combos on counter hit or after focus. Chun can combo afterwards on hit if she's close enough. EX version knocks down

'''Spinning Bird Kick (Charge d, u + K)''' - Armor Break.
'''Spinning Bird Kick (Charge d, u + K)''' - Armor Break. Ex version has limited invincibility & spins in place.

===Super Move===
===Super Move===

'''Senretsukyaku (Charge b, f, b, f + K)''' -
'''Senretsukyaku (Charge b, f, b, f + K)''' - Comes out in 2 frames, making it one of the fastest moves in the game. Punishes moves that would otherwise be safe

===Ultra Move===
===Ultra Move===

'''Housenka (Charge b, f, b, f + KKK)''' -
'''Housenka (Charge b, f, b, f + KKK)''' - Punishes fireballs & other moves from about 3/4 screen. Several moves (listed above) can setup an ultra juggle in the corner.
==The Basics==
Chun li is a character with balanced offensive & defensive abilities revolving around her great set of normal attacks. Each of Chun's normals has a use (except maybe df+lk) so you'll be using them all to poke, punish & power your way to victory. Another important aspect of playing Chun is managing your super combo meter properly. Chun's damage commonly comes from ex moves, and provides her strongest reversal option. Managing your meter means not using ex bird against every jump in, and learnin how to gain meter effectively through pokes & block strings. Chun doesn't have a shoryuken, meaning that you'll have to keep up a strong defense and learn to escape pressure in other ways.

==The Basics==
Though not necessarily Chun specific, there are several common techniques that are important as well. Of course any aspiring Chun player needs to learn how to buffer charge moves properly. A quick explanation[] In addition, for Chun li's harder combos involving lightning legs, you'll need to learn how to [ piano inputs] or alternatively, [ slide inputs]. Both of these are really only possible on an arcade stick.

I'm not going to try listing every combo Chun has, just the important ones you should know. Ultra setups will be in their own section.
*cr.LKxN xx EX Lightning Legs
The most basic BnB, 2 or 3 crouching shorts into Ex legs, for decent damage & a knockdown
*cr.LP, cr.LP, s.HP
A basic meter less punish. Fierce can be linked after both crouch & stand jab.
*cr.HP(1 hit) xx MK Spinning Bird Kick
Another meter less punish, obviously you need to be sitting on a charge. MK bird setups up a close range mixup situation that you can utilize for more damage.
*Air-to-air j.HP, HP, EX Spinning Bird Kick '''or''' j.d+MK x 3
If you manage to knock someone out of the air with
*s.HK xx Ex Lightning Legs
A strong punish for 1 bar. It's pretty much necessary to use the piano method to input the Ex Legs.
*MK Hazanshu, c.LK xx Ex Lightning Legs
Other versions of hazanshu work but this one is most likely to leave you in range to combo afterwards.
*cr.hp(1 hit) xx HK Lightning Legs, Mk Lightning legs, cr.HK
This is another one you'll need to piano for, this is Chun's best meterless combo, and probably her best combo overall (practical combo at least)
'''Ultra Setups'''
Note that Chun's ultra can only juggle in the corner, and the launching hit will almost always miss on some characters. The timing & distance of the ultra can change how it hits & slightly affect the damage. These setups are corner only unless otherwise noted. Also keep in mind how far Chun actually travels for her ultra, you can actually hit ultra from pretty far away.
*Ex Legs, Ultra
*Ex Bird, Ultra
*Air to Air j.HP, hP, ultra
*Tenshokyaku Sequence, Ultra (After 2nd or 3 attack)
*Jump in j.HP, HP, ultra (Hits Standing, somewhat tight timing)
*Counterhit s.MP, Ultra (If you're some kind of messiah, hits standing)
'''Counterhit Combos'''
Obviously, stuff that only works on counterhit. Of course there's a lot of stuff that could go in this category, but I'll try & just list the important stuff.
*ch s.HK xx MK Hazanshu, c.LK xx Ex Legs
Stand roundhouse can be used for frame traps, and if you happen to land the counter hit, the hazanshu will combo. Alternatively, it's not a bad block string even if there's no counter hit, as there's a chance for the hazanshu overhead to hit or counter hit as well.

*cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LK '''or''' cr.MK xx EX Lightning Legs
*ch s.MP xx Hazanshu/Kikoken
*Air-to-air j.HP, HP, EX Spinning Bird Kick '''or''' j.MK x 3
Again, s.MP is commonly used in block strings & can lead to counter hits, after which kikoken or hazanshu can land.  
*Saving attack (Opponent collapses), dash, cr.HP (1 hit), MK Spinning Bird Kick,  Senretsukyaku

===Target Combos===
*ch, xx Ex Legs
Kind of a weird one. If you manage to land a deep counter hit while using as anti air, you can hit this combo. Kind of rough to actually pull on reaction though.

j. HP, HP
'''Other Stuff'''

===Tenshokyaku Sequence===
This is pretty much.. everything else. Not necessary practical, but they work.

b + MK, f + MK, d + u + MK
*Focus Crumple, Dash back, jump forward d.MK, j.hp, hp, Ex Spinning Bird Kick
*Focus Crumple, Level 1 focus, dash forward, jump forward d.MKx3

If you want full & up to date Strategy & Matchup info, then you owe it to yourself to visit the thread on the SRK forums [] Everything I'll be posting here will be more or less the bare minimum of info.
I'll start with an overview of some of Chun's normals.
*c.LP & c.LK are both 3 frames, which ties for the fastest normals in the game. Lk is usually the go to poke, as it cancels in to Ex Legs
*Far s.MP is relatively quick, with solid range & priority. It can also be cancelled into specials, & hits crouching opponents. This is a go-to poke.
*cr.MP lowers Chun's hitbox almost completely to the ground, allowing it to duck under a large amount of attacks. This makes it an effective anti-air, specifically against shoto's.
*cr.MK also lowers Chun's hitbox, but not completely. However, unlike c.MP, it can be cancelled into special moves. This is a good counter poke against moves like Ken's step kick.
*s.MK a situational anti air. The tip of Chun's foot can stuff most jump ins at the proper angle.
*Far s.HK has strong range but misses crouching opponents, best used at max range to stuff dash & jump attempts before they start.
*cr.HK is one of the best sweeps in the game. It's fast, long range, and has a large hitbox. This move can also serve as anti air in some situations.
Chun also has one of the best backdashes in the game.
Headstomp is an interesting move, and creates a couple of gimmicky setups for possible damage. Unlike other aerial moves, headstomp allows Chun to preform another aerial move after a headstomp. Hitting uf to jump then immediately d.MK is an instant overhead. On a grounded opponent Chun will bounce off for another headstomp, potential cross up, or some other things. The instant headstomp isn't overwhelmingly effective, but it's certainly something that can be utilized in a couple different situations. Jump HK is another instant overhead, and is usually safe is Chun jumps backwards with HK @ point blank.

===Matchup Videos===
Find a great collection of matchup specific videos from top players at [] <br>
''Contributor: zaspacer''

==Frame Data==
==Frame Data==
{| border="1em" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="border: 1px solid #999; background: #F2F2F2;"
{| border="1em" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="border: 1px solid #999; background: #F2F2F2;" 
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" |
!  |
! align="center" | frame
!  |
! align="center" | frame
!  |
! align="center" | frames of
!  |
! align="center" | frames of
!  | Frames
! align="center" |
!  | Frames
! align="center" |
!  | Frames of
! align="center" | super meter
!  | Frames of
! align="center" |
!  | Super Meter
! align="center" | cancel
!  | Block
! align="center" |
!  | Cancel
!  | Ability
! align="center" | move Name
!  |
! align="center" | startup
!  |
! align="center" | active
! align="center" | recovery
!  | Move Name
! align="center" | adv.blk
!  | Damage
! align="center" | adv.hit
!  | Stun
! align="center" | blockstun
!  | Startup
! align="center" | hitstun
!  | Active
! align="center" | damage
!  | Recovery
! align="center" | stun
!  | Total
! align="center" | gain
!  | On Block
! align="center" | block
!  | On Hit
! align="center" | ability
!  | Block Stun
! align="center" | comments
!  | Hit Stun
!  | Gain
| align="center" | close LP
!  | HL
| align="center" | 3
!  | Chain
| align="center" | 2
!  | Special
| align="center" | 7
!  | Super
| align="center" | +2
!  | Notes
| align="center" | +5
| align="center" | 10
|  | Close LP
| align="center" | 13
| align="center"  | 20
| align="center" | 20
| align="center"  | 50
| align="center" | 50
| align="center"  | 3
| align="center" | 20
| align="center"  | 2
| align="center" | HL
| align="center"  | 7
| align="center" | SpS
| align="center"  | 11
| align="center" | -
| align="center"  | +2
| align="center"  | +5
| align="center" | close MP
| align="center"  | 10
| align="center" | 4
| align="center"  | 13
| align="center" | 3(6)3
| align="center"  | 20
| align="center" | 14
| align="center"  | HL
| align="center" | -3
| align="center"  | X
| align="center" | 0
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 13
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 16
|  | -
| align="center" | 40*40
| align="center" | 50*50
|  | Close MP
| align="center" | 40*20
| align="center"  | 40*40
| align="center" | HL
| align="center"  | 50*50
| align="center" | SpS
| align="center"  | 4
| align="center" | -
| align="center"  | 3(6)3
| align="center"  | 14
| align="center" | close HP
| align="center"  | 29
| align="center" | 4
| align="center"  | -3
| align="center" | 4
| align="center"  | 0
| align="center" | 21
| align="center"  | 13
| align="center" | -7
| align="center"  | 16
| align="center" | -3
| align="center"  | 40*20
| align="center" | 17
| align="center"  | HL
| align="center" | 21
| align="center"  | X
| align="center" | 90
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 200
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | 60
|  | -
| align="center" | HL
| align="center" | SpS
|  | Close HP
| align="center" | -
| align="center"  | 90
| align="center"  | 200
| align="center" | close LK
| align="center"  | 4
| align="center" | 3
| align="center"  | 4
| align="center" | 2
| align="center"  | 21
| align="center" | 8
| align="center"  | 28
| align="center" | +1
| align="center"  | -7
| align="center" | +4
| align="center"  | -3
| align="center" | 10
| align="center"  | 17
| align="center" | 13
| align="center"  | 21
| align="center" | 40
| align="center"  | 60
| align="center" | 50
| align="center"  | HL
| align="center" | 20
| align="center"  | X
| align="center" | HL
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | SpS
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | -
|  | -
| align="center" | close MK
|  | Close LK
| align="center" | 4
| align="center"  | 40
| align="center" | 3(7)2*2
| align="center"  | 50
| align="center" | 16
| align="center"  | 3
| align="center" | -4
| align="center"  | 2
| align="center" | -1
| align="center"  | 8
| align="center" | 13
| align="center"  | 12
| align="center" | 16
| align="center"  | +1
| align="center" | 30*20*20
| align="center"  | +4
| align="center" | 50*25*25
| align="center"  | 10
| align="center" | 40*20*20
| align="center"  | 13
| align="center" | HL*H*H
| align="center"  | 20
| align="center" | SpS*-*-
| align="center"  | HL
| align="center" | -
| align="center"  | X
| align="center"  | O
| align="center" | close HK
| align="center"  | O
| align="center"
|  | -
|  | Close MK
| align="center"  | 30*20*20
| align="center"  | 50*25*25
| align="center"  | 4
| align="center"  | 3(7)2*2
| align="center"  | 16
| align="center"  | 33
| align="center"  | -4
| align="center"  | -1
| align="center"  | 13
| align="center"  | 16
| align="center"  | 40*20*20
| align="center"  | HL*H*H
| align="center"  | X
| align="center"  | O
| align="center"  | O
|  | 1st hit cancellable
|  | Close HK
| align="center"  | 100
| align="center"  | 200
| align="center"  | 4
| align="center"  | 3
| align="center"  | 18
| align="center"  | 24
| align="center"  | -3
| align="center"  | +2
| align="center"  | 17
| align="center"  | 22
| align="center"  | 60
| align="center"  | HL
| align="center"  | X
| align="center"  | O
| align="center"  | O
|  | Forces stand

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4.  It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.

{{Street Fighter IV}}
{{Street Fighter IV}}

Latest revision as of 07:38, 8 December 2018




  • F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
  • B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
  • U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
  • D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)
  • QCF - D, DF, F - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • QCB - D, DB, B - Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • HCF - Half circle forward - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
  • HCB - Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
  • DP - F, D, DF - Dragon punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward. In SFIV, there is a "shortcut" for this motion: DF, neutral, DF.
  • 360 - Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick.
  • 720 - Complete a 720 degree rotation of the stick.
  • Charge - Hold a tilt - Hold the stick in either B or D (Depending) then move to F or U respectively.

X-axis functions can be used interchangeably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.

Six Button Notation

  • Jab - weak punch (also called LP or WP)
  • Strong - medium punch (also called MP)
  • Fierce - fierce punch (also called HP or FP)
  • P - any punch
  • PPP or 3P - all three punches simultaneously
  • Short - weak kick (also called LK or WK)
  • Forward - medium kick (also called MK)
  • Roundhouse (RH) - fierce kick (also called HK)
  • K = any kick
  • KKK or 3K - all three kicks simultaneously


  • ~ Immediately after, e.g "Strong~Fierce" means press Fierce IMMEDIATELY after Strong, f~f means to double tap forward (dash).
  • , Link
  • xx Cancel

State Modifiers

  • st. - The following move should be performed in the standing position (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. st.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst standing.
  • cr. - The following move should be performed in the crouched position (held down in the Y-axis). i.e. cr.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst crouching.
  • j. - The following move should be performed in the "in the air" position (After having held up in the Y-axis). i.e. j.Fierce, perform a Fierce whilst in the air.

Thanks to NKI for his notation explanation found in the ST section

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws


Triangle Jump (Near the wall, uf) -

Headstomp (In air, d + MK) - You can do it up to three times.

Air Throw (In air, LP + LK) -

Command Normals

df + LK - Is awful and you should never use it.

f + MK - Chun spins forward with a kick.

df + HK - Chun flips forward to about sweep range and kicks behind her. Usually used as a crossup.

j.HP, HP - Chun's aerial target combo. Allows her to juggle with headstomps, ex legs, ex bird & ultra. The animation is a bit different when used during a neutral (straight up) jump.

Tenshokyaku Sequence - b + MK, f + MK, d + u + MK

This is Chun's ground target combo. It doesn't have many uses, and damage scales pretty badly since each of the 3 hits counts as a seperate part of the combo. It allows Chun to juggle into her ultra, ex bird or ex legs, with very reduced damage. All hits are varying degrees of unsafe on block. There's pretty much no reason to use this unless you're trying to hurt someone's feelings.

Special Moves

Kikouken (Charge b, f + P) - Fireball, Ex Version is 2 hits.

Lightning Legs (Press K repeatedly) - More presses = More kicks. Chun can combo off of legs at close range. Ex Version knocks down.

Hazanshuu (hcb + K) - Overhead. Only combos on counter hit or after focus. Chun can combo afterwards on hit if she's close enough. EX version knocks down

Spinning Bird Kick (Charge d, u + K) - Armor Break. Ex version has limited invincibility & spins in place.

Super Move

Senretsukyaku (Charge b, f, b, f + K) - Comes out in 2 frames, making it one of the fastest moves in the game. Punishes moves that would otherwise be safe

Ultra Move

Housenka (Charge b, f, b, f + KKK) - Punishes fireballs & other moves from about 3/4 screen. Several moves (listed above) can setup an ultra juggle in the corner.

The Basics

Chun li is a character with balanced offensive & defensive abilities revolving around her great set of normal attacks. Each of Chun's normals has a use (except maybe df+lk) so you'll be using them all to poke, punish & power your way to victory. Another important aspect of playing Chun is managing your super combo meter properly. Chun's damage commonly comes from ex moves, and provides her strongest reversal option. Managing your meter means not using ex bird against every jump in, and learnin how to gain meter effectively through pokes & block strings. Chun doesn't have a shoryuken, meaning that you'll have to keep up a strong defense and learn to escape pressure in other ways.

Though not necessarily Chun specific, there are several common techniques that are important as well. Of course any aspiring Chun player needs to learn how to buffer charge moves properly. A quick explanation[1] In addition, for Chun li's harder combos involving lightning legs, you'll need to learn how to piano inputs or alternatively, slide inputs. Both of these are really only possible on an arcade stick.


I'm not going to try listing every combo Chun has, just the important ones you should know. Ultra setups will be in their own section.


  • cr.LKxN xx EX Lightning Legs

The most basic BnB, 2 or 3 crouching shorts into Ex legs, for decent damage & a knockdown

  • cr.LP, cr.LP, s.HP

A basic meter less punish. Fierce can be linked after both crouch & stand jab.

  • cr.HP(1 hit) xx MK Spinning Bird Kick

Another meter less punish, obviously you need to be sitting on a charge. MK bird setups up a close range mixup situation that you can utilize for more damage.

  • Air-to-air j.HP, HP, EX Spinning Bird Kick or j.d+MK x 3

If you manage to knock someone out of the air with


  • s.HK xx Ex Lightning Legs

A strong punish for 1 bar. It's pretty much necessary to use the piano method to input the Ex Legs.

  • MK Hazanshu, c.LK xx Ex Lightning Legs

Other versions of hazanshu work but this one is most likely to leave you in range to combo afterwards.


  • cr.hp(1 hit) xx HK Lightning Legs, Mk Lightning legs, cr.HK

This is another one you'll need to piano for, this is Chun's best meterless combo, and probably her best combo overall (practical combo at least)

Ultra Setups

Note that Chun's ultra can only juggle in the corner, and the launching hit will almost always miss on some characters. The timing & distance of the ultra can change how it hits & slightly affect the damage. These setups are corner only unless otherwise noted. Also keep in mind how far Chun actually travels for her ultra, you can actually hit ultra from pretty far away.

  • Ex Legs, Ultra
  • Ex Bird, Ultra
  • Air to Air j.HP, hP, ultra
  • Tenshokyaku Sequence, Ultra (After 2nd or 3 attack)
  • Jump in j.HP, HP, ultra (Hits Standing, somewhat tight timing)
  • Counterhit s.MP, Ultra (If you're some kind of messiah, hits standing)

Counterhit Combos

Obviously, stuff that only works on counterhit. Of course there's a lot of stuff that could go in this category, but I'll try & just list the important stuff.

  • ch s.HK xx MK Hazanshu, c.LK xx Ex Legs

Stand roundhouse can be used for frame traps, and if you happen to land the counter hit, the hazanshu will combo. Alternatively, it's not a bad block string even if there's no counter hit, as there's a chance for the hazanshu overhead to hit or counter hit as well.

  • ch s.MP xx Hazanshu/Kikoken

Again, s.MP is commonly used in block strings & can lead to counter hits, after which kikoken or hazanshu can land.

  • ch, xx Ex Legs

Kind of a weird one. If you manage to land a deep counter hit while using as anti air, you can hit this combo. Kind of rough to actually pull on reaction though.

Other Stuff

This is pretty much.. everything else. Not necessary practical, but they work.

  • Focus Crumple, Dash back, jump forward d.MK, j.hp, hp, Ex Spinning Bird Kick
  • Focus Crumple, Level 1 focus, dash forward, jump forward d.MKx3


If you want full & up to date Strategy & Matchup info, then you owe it to yourself to visit the thread on the SRK forums [2] Everything I'll be posting here will be more or less the bare minimum of info.

I'll start with an overview of some of Chun's normals.

  • c.LP & c.LK are both 3 frames, which ties for the fastest normals in the game. Lk is usually the go to poke, as it cancels in to Ex Legs
  • Far s.MP is relatively quick, with solid range & priority. It can also be cancelled into specials, & hits crouching opponents. This is a go-to poke.
  • cr.MP lowers Chun's hitbox almost completely to the ground, allowing it to duck under a large amount of attacks. This makes it an effective anti-air, specifically against shoto's.
  • cr.MK also lowers Chun's hitbox, but not completely. However, unlike c.MP, it can be cancelled into special moves. This is a good counter poke against moves like Ken's step kick.
  • s.MK a situational anti air. The tip of Chun's foot can stuff most jump ins at the proper angle.
  • Far s.HK has strong range but misses crouching opponents, best used at max range to stuff dash & jump attempts before they start.
  • cr.HK is one of the best sweeps in the game. It's fast, long range, and has a large hitbox. This move can also serve as anti air in some situations.

Chun also has one of the best backdashes in the game.

Headstomp is an interesting move, and creates a couple of gimmicky setups for possible damage. Unlike other aerial moves, headstomp allows Chun to preform another aerial move after a headstomp. Hitting uf to jump then immediately d.MK is an instant overhead. On a grounded opponent Chun will bounce off for another headstomp, potential cross up, or some other things. The instant headstomp isn't overwhelmingly effective, but it's certainly something that can be utilized in a couple different situations. Jump HK is another instant overhead, and is usually safe is Chun jumps backwards with HK @ point blank.


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Frame Data

Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes
Close LP 20 50 3 2 7 11 +2 +5 10 13 20 HL X O O -
Close MP 40*40 50*50 4 3(6)3 14 29 -3 0 13 16 40*20 HL X O O -
Close HP 90 200 4 4 21 28 -7 -3 17 21 60 HL X O O -
Close LK 40 50 3 2 8 12 +1 +4 10 13 20 HL X O O -
Close MK 30*20*20 50*25*25 4 3(7)2*2 16 33 -4 -1 13 16 40*20*20 HL*H*H X O O 1st hit cancellable
Close HK 100 200 4 3 18 24 -3 +2 17 22 60 HL X O O Forces stand
Far LP 20 50 3 2 6 10 +3 +6 10 13 20 HL O O O -
Far MP 70 100 7 2 10 18 +2 +5 13 16 40 HL X O O -
Far HP 100 200 6 3 16 24 -1 +3 17 21 60 HL X X X -
Far LK 30 50 4 2 10 15 -1 +2 10 13 20 HL X X X -
Far MK 70 100 7 3 13 22 -2 +1 13 16 40 HL X X X -
Far HK 100 200 11 3 20 33 -5 -1 17 21 60 HL X X X -
crouch LP 40 50 3 3 5 10 +3 +6 10 13 20 HL O O O -
crouchMP 60 100 10 5 12 26 -3 0 13 16 40 HL X X X -
crouch HP 50*50 100*100 7 2(6)2 18 34 -2 +2 17 21 60*60 HL X O O 1st hit cancellable
crouch LK 30 50 3 4 8 14 -1 +2 10 13 20 L O X X Low attack
crouch MK 60 100 5 3 11 18 0 +3 13 16 40 L X O O Low attack
crouch HK 90 200 7 4 19 29 -5 D 17 - 60 L X X X Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP 40 50 6 6 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MP 70 100 4 3 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HP 70*70 150*150 5 2(2)2 - - - - 15 18 60*60 H - - - 2nd hit (translate)
Jump up LK 50 50 3 7 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump up MK 80 100 4 6 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump up HK 90 200 4 8 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LP 40 50 3 6 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MP 70 100 5 3 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HP 70 150 5 8 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
Jump forward LK 30 50 4 10 - - - - 8 11 20 H - - - -
Jump forward MK 60 100 5 5 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - -
Jump forward HK 100 200 4 5 - - - - 15 18 60 H - - - -
b+MK 50 50 9 4 16 28 -6 -3 13 16 40 HL X X X -
MK(during b+MK) 50 50 13 3 39 - -28 D 13 16 20 HL X X O -
d,u+K(during b+MK, MK) 20xN 50xN 4 4(2)1(4)2(4)1(5)1 9+15 - - D 17 - 20xN HL X X X Pursuit property
f+MK 80 100 15 3 13 30 -2 +1 13 16 40 HL X X X -
df+LK 40 50 10 2 17 28 -5 -2 13 16 20 HL X X X 3~11 (translate)
df+HK 100 200 37 7 5 48 +2 +6 13 17 60 H X X X -
d+MK(air) 60 50 2 3 - - - - 11 15 40 H - - - 1~4 (translate), mid attack, Pursuit property, 3(translate)
Triangle Jump - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Target Combo 1 40 50 4 3 - - - - 15 18 20 H - - - Pursuit property
Focus Attack LVL 1 60 100 21 2 35 57 -21 -21 15 15 20 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 2 80 150 18+13 2 35 67 -15 D 21 - 40 HL - - - -
Focus attack LVL 3 120 200 65 2 35 101 D D - - 60 - - - - -
Forward Throw 140 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 1.0 - - - Throw range 1.0
Back Throw 140 100 3 2 20 24 - D - - 40 1.0 - - - Throw range 1.0
Air Throw 150 150 3 2 - - - D - - 40 1.1 - - - Throw range 1.1
Lightning Kicks LK 15xN 20xN 4 - 17 46 +2 +6 20 24 20/10xN HL X X O 1~4 hit cancellable
Lightning Kicks MK 15xN 25xN 7 - 20 43 0 +4 20 24 20/10xN HL X X O 1~4 hit cancellable
Lightning Kicks HK 15XN 30xN 7 - 21 42 -2 +2 20 24 20/10xN HL X X O 1~4 hit cancellable
Lightning Kicks EX 50x4 50x4 4 - 19 35 +1 D 20 24 0/0 HL X X O Pursuit property, 1~4 hit cancellable
Kikkoken LP 50 50 14 100 44 44 -4 0 18 22 20/20 HL X X O charge 55f
Kikkoken MP 60 75 12 77 41 41 -3 +1 18 22 20/20 HL X X O charge 55f
Kikkoken HP 70 100 10 44 41 41 -5 -1 18 22 20/20 HL X X O charge 55f
Kikkoken EX 50*50 50*50 10 50 48 48 -4 0 18 22 0/0 HL X X O Pursuit property, charge 55f
Hazan Shu LK 100 100 23 2 20 44 -1 +4 20 25 30/40 H X X O Mid attack
Hazan Shu MK 120 150 25 2 19 45 0 +5 20 25 30/40 H X X O Mid attack
Hazan Shu HK 150 200 26 2 20 47 -1 +4 20 25 30/40 H X X O Mid attack
Hazan Shu EX 200 200 26 2 20 47 -1 D 20 - 0/0 H X X O 1~14f invincible, mid attack, cannot quick recover
Spinning Bird Kick LK 40x5 50x5 13 2(2)1(5)2(4)2(4)2 10+11 57 -2 +2 20 24 20/10 HL X X X Forces stand, Armor break, charge 55f
Spinning Bird Kick MK 30x7 40x7 14 2(2)1(5)1(5)2(4)2(6)1(5)2 10+11 72 -2 +2 20 24 20/10 HL X X X Forces stand, Armor break, charge 55f
Spinning Bird Kick HK 30x9 30x9 22 1(2)1(5)2(4)2(4)2(6)2(3)2(5)2(4)2 11+12 93 -4 0 20 24 20/10 HL X X X Forces stand, Armor break, charge 55f
Spinning Bird Kick EX 30x4+50 50x4+100 6 2(1)2(3)2(4)2(3)2 9+9 44 -18 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~7f invincible, Pursuit property, Armor break, charge 55f
Super Combo LK 30x8*100 0 1+1 2(13)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(17)2 ??? 115 -31 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~3f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Super Combo MK 30x8*100 0 1+1 2(13)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(17)2 128 -44 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Super Combo HK 30x8*100 0 1+1 2(13)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(17)2 151 -67 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1f invincible, Pursuit property, charge 55f
Ultra Combo 30x9*240 0 1+6 2(7)2(5)2(5)2(5)2(5)2(5)1(6)1(22)3 65 157 -47 D 20 - 0/0 HL X X X 1~7f invincible, Pursuit property, Armor break, charge 55f
Frames Frames Frames of Frames of Super Meter Block Cancel Ability
Move Name Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Total On Block On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Gain HL Chain Special Super Notes

The 1 frame discrepancy you see between Startup+Active+Recovery and Total is because when it says a move has 4 frames startup, it really has 3 frames startup and hits on frame 4. It was written this way so you don't have to do any math to figure out what frame a move first hits on.