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Nice for cross-ups, but rarely you will have the chance to do it. If you throw the opponent (Body Slam) and he doesnt do a tech wakeup, go for the cross-up with Body Press, also after a succesful Moonsault Press, if enemy doesnt do a tech wakeup, superjump to the opponent when you touch the ground (will not work on characters that have quick wakeup, such as Dudley, Remy, etc).
Nice for cross-ups, but rarely you will have the chance to do it. If you throw the opponent (Body Slam) and he doesnt do a tech wakeup, go for the cross-up with Body Press, also after a succesful Moonsault Press, if enemy doesnt do a tech wakeup, superjump to the opponent when you touch the ground (will not work on characters that have quick wakeup, such as Dudley, Remy, etc).
Remember also, even if the Body Press gets blocked (cross-up or not) a nice thing to do after it is a standing HP, or standing LK followed by Giant Palm Bomber (LP), and even a LK Meat Squasher to put the opponent into the corner.
Remember also, even if the Body Press gets blocked (cross-up or not) a nice thing to do after it is a standing HP, or standing LK followed by Giant Palm Bomber (LP), and even a LK Meat Squasher to put the opponent into the corner.
You'll want to practice using the body splash as late as possible. This makes it very difficult for an opponent to jump back safely, to avoid an upcoming SPD.

=== Special Moves ===
=== Special Moves ===

Revision as of 00:31, 30 January 2021

Hugo's Character Select Portrait
Hugo's Neutral Stance


Hugo is 3rd Strike's most straightforward grappler, moreso than Alex, and as such, requires exceptional patience to play. He can do a highly impressive amount of damage with only a few moves (theoretically capable of KOing Chun-Li with only 4 uses of his main command grab, the Moonsault Press), but getting within range is certainly not easy. Hugo is also the largest character in 3rd Strike, meaning he has a big set of hitboxes, which other characters can use to easily hit-confirm many combos and Super Arts. He is also the slowest among them, so most of the time, blocking a move from the opponent doesn't automatically mean you have the opportunity to counteract with a combo or command grab, like other characters can do, such as Chun-Li. So it's easy to say that Hugo’s punishing game off of blocks isn't all that strong.

To master our good Andore, one must also master the 360 motion. It is vital to remember that when the opponent comes near and you parry their attack, a simple throw isn't any good compared to the damage a Moonsault can do. Punishing with a normal throw is just as impractical with Hugo as it is with any other character, although for different reasons, as most others would resort to a combo or Super Art for optimal damage. With Hugo, more than anyone else, you must exploit any and all whiffed moves or successful parries on point blank attacks to Moonsault them, because Hugo is no Shoto, and as stated before, getting in close is not an easy task.

Also remember to taunt when it's safe. Four unheld taunts with Hugo gains him 25% more defense, and with this, he obtains the 2nd highest defense rating in the game (only Q after 3 taunts surpassing him). So even if it looks unsportsmanlike, make use of the taunts, that's why they're there.

Specific Character Information

  • Stamina: 1385, 1400 with 1 taunt, 1535 with 2 taunts, 1670 with 3 taunts, 1870 with 4 taunts.
  • Stun Bar Length (in pixels): 72 (Long)
  • Stun Bar Recovery (frames it takes to recover 1 pixel): 21
  • Taunt:

Unheld taunt - Increases damage for the next hit/combo (not throw) by 18.8% (maximum 1 taunt). Also increases defense for the rest of the round by 6.3% per taunt (maximum 4 taunts, 25% bonus) Held taunt - Increases damage for the next hit/combo/throw by 25%. One taunt is the maximum.

  • Best Kara-Throw: MK

Character Colors


Moves List


Neck Hanging Three Lp.png+Lk.png
Body Slam F.png/B.png+Lp.png+Lk.png

Command Moves

Hammer Hook F.png+Hp.png
Drop Kick F.png/B.png+Hk.png
Poison Secret Taunt Hold S then Hp.png+Hk.png
Body Press Air D.png+Hp.png

Special Moves

Giant Palm Bomber Qcb.png+P.png EX SC
Monster Lariat Qcf.png+K.png EX
Ultra Throw Close Hcb.png+K.png
Moonsault Press Close 360.png+P.png
Meat Squasher 360.png+K.png
Shootdown Backbreaker Dp.png+K.png

Super Arts

I Gigas Breaker Close 360.png360.png+P.png 128 Gauge Dots 1 Stock 3.1 EX Uses
II Megaton Press Qcf.pngQcf.png+K.png 112 Gauge Dots 2 Stocks 5.5 EX Uses
III Hammer Frenzy Qcf.pngQcf.png+Hold P 88 Gauge Dots 2 Stocks 4.3 EX Uses

Move Analysis

  • All those sprites are taken from the site
  • All Framedatas in "Move Analysis" section are taken from Game Restaurant , this means the Framedata isn't from the Dreamcast version like Karathrow site, it's from Arcade version.

Please note that the images show in this section are for the 1st frame it hits, so this means the opponent is taking the hit in the image shown on the move. I use the 1st frame of every move (except taunt, jump, dash and 2nd throw image sprites) because you will see the maximum range of every attack (mostly of the attacks). Note also that those images are ACCURATE, they are exactly the 1rst frame it hits, so enemy takes damage but they still dont make the "pain" frame.


  • Move: Move name
  • Motion: What you must do to execute the move
  • Damage: Damage it does (in pixels)
  • Stun Damage: Stun Damage it does (in pixels)
  • Chains into itself: If you can combo into the same movement
  • Special Cancel: If you can cancel the move into a Special Move
  • Super Cancel: If you can cancel the move into a Super Art
  • Throw Range: Range of the throw (in pixels)
  • Throw Range (Front): Range of the throw in front of your character (in pixels)
  • Throw Range (Up & Down): Range of the throw, up and down from your character (in pixels)
  • Gauge Needed: Gauge you need to execute the EX move (in pixels)
  • Num.: Super Art number
  • Super Art: Super Art name
  • Super Art Stock: Number of Gauge Bars the Super Art have, also the lenght of each bar (in pixels)

Frame Data

  • Startup: Number of frames it takes to start the move
  • Hit: Number of frames that can hit the opponent
  • Recovery: Number of frames it takes to recover from the move
  • Blocked Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disvantage after opponent have been blocked the hit
  • Hit Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disvantage after opponent have been take the hit
  • Crouching Hit Advantage: Number of frames you are in advantage/disvantage after opponent have been take the hit while he is crouching
  • + # : You have # frames of advantage
  • - # : You have # frames of disvantage
  • # ~ # : Advantage/disvantage can vary from # to #
  • Down: Enemy gets knocked down
  • Guard: How opponent must guard the move, High (H), Low (L) or both (HL)
  • Parry: How opponent must parry the move, High (H), Low (L) or both (HL)

Gauge Increase

  • Miss: Gauge you gain if you miss the move (in pixels)
  • Blocked: Gauge you gain if the move gets blocked (in pixels)
  • Hit: Gauge you gain if you hit the opponent with the move (in pixels)
  • Parry: Gauge opponent gains when he parry the move (in pixels)

Basic Moves

Move Total frames
Dash Forward 22

Hugo's forward dash has the interesting property of making him airbourne for a handful of frames in the middle. This can allow you to dash over low moves, including the of many characters. By the same merit, Hugo can be anti-aired out of dash, though this typically isn't an issue.

Move Total frames
Dash Backwards 20

Hugo is technically airbourne during backdash, though this property is rarely useful.

Move Motion Startup Frames
Jump BU or U or FU 5

Comments here

Move Motion Startup Frames
Super Jump DBU or DU or DFU 7

Comments here

Move Motion Frames
Normal Wakeup - 69

Comments here

Move Motion Frames
Quick Stand Tap D when hitting the ground 54

Comments here

Move Motion Frames Gauge Increase
Unheld Taunt HP+HK 68? 6

An unheld taunt can be safely used after a neutral throw or vs many characters. Beware: often you're better to close the distance and apply pressure. Hugo requires 4 taunts to get the full buff, which is practically unachievable.

Move Motion Frames Gauge Increase
Held Taunt Hold HP+HK 95? 6

Largely impossible to use, as it's duration is really long. The buff to throw damage is excellent, however is typically never worth using.

Move Motion
Parry (High) Tap F when about taking a hit
Parry (Low) Tap D when about taking a hit
Parry (Air) Tap F in air when about taking a hit

Frame Data

Move Frames you're frozen Frames opponent is frozen Frame Advantage when parry is successful Frames before you can try another parry
Parry (High) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 24(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
Parry (Low) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 24(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
Parry (Air) 16 16 +4(LP/LK) +3(MP/MK) +2(HP/HK) 0(Special/Super) -16(Fireball) 21(19 when attack comes from the air)*,**
* (If a parry attempt is successful, the 19/21/24 frame restriction is taken away and you can attempt another parry immediately)
** (If another attack connects within 2 frames of your parry, it will automatically be parried)

Gauge Increase

Move Gauge Increase
Parry (High) 4***
Parry (Low) 4***
Parry (Air) 4***
*** (You gain 4 of gauge for whatever attack parried, and for whatever hit you parry during multihit attack)

You can buffer any motion during High or Low parry, but NOT during Air parry, also parry resets the juggle count (and thus resets all scaling).

  • Parry information is taken from Shoryuken Forums, more exactly, from user JinraiPVC. Thanks for this information dude

Normal Moves

Standing Normals


The jab appears to hit high enough to be useful as an anti-air, however this is not the case. The active hitbox of the jab runs UNDERNEATH Hugo's arm, meaning it hits far lower than you might expect. For this reason, the move is best against airbourne opponenets who are very close to the ground (think Necro twirling).

Standing jab is also excellent for spacing claps. If it just whiffs, they're in a good range for any clap. If it hits, you push them back to a suitable range for a clap. Simple!

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jab LP 35(6 life points) 5 Yes No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 4 8 -1 -1 -1 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 2 3 4


Hugo's MP is a really fun button, and a great poke for beginners. It can easily destroy low skill level players, with excellent reach and decent damage. However, the move is unsafe on block, meaning at higher levels it is rarely used. When Ken players start punishing MP on block with SA3, you'll know it's time to stop using this move.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Strong MP 120(21 life points) 13 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
10 7 12 -5 0 +1 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 9 4


This is an overhead move, meaning if opponent is blocking low, he will eat it. Used a lot after a succesful Body Press, of even as a wakeup, but watch out for reversals. The move is slow enough to visually reacted to offline - however very few players have enough experience fighting against Hugo to do this reliably. For this reason, you won't regularly see high level Hugos using this move frequently.

HP also does incredible stun, and should be on your mind when an opponent is above 50% stun bar, as an option to force a bad decision or end the round.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Fierce HP 170(30 life points) 21 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
16 7 15 -3 -1 +1 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4


An essential poke. Use it to set up frame traps with Giant Palm or an LK Meat Squasher.

LK will often reach over low moves, such and sweep and low-forward. This means it can be used sparingly to apply pressure against character's attempting to bully with superior low normals.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Short LK 50(8 life points) 3 No Yes Yes

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 4 9 +1 +1 +1 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 2 3 4


This move has no real uses. If you're already good at Hugo I'm sure you can find a situational application, however for 99% of players 99% of the time, this is garbage move that should never be used.

2-hit attack, and the 2nd hit is an overhead. The first hit of MK hits higher, before the leg descends.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Forward MK 115(70+50)(19 life points) 13(9+5) No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
9/14 2/4 23 -4 +1 +3 HL/H H/H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
7 5 11 8(4+4)


This move is useless on paper, however has a few saving graces which make it suitable for use maybe once in every ten games: Firstly, it shares an animation with j.HK, which can make it hard to repsond to when unexpected. Secondly, it does good stun and damage, which means there's OK reward for the risk you're taking. Finally, it trades well with a number of options, including wakeup shoto DP when timed correctly.

Again, this move is uselesss on paper. The recovery is giant, and all characters have good punish options. For this reason it is highly situational, and shouldn't be used by 99% of players 99% of the time.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Roundhouse HK 150(26 life points) 19 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
21 8 28 -13 +3 +3 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4

Overhead move again, but whiffed close to the opponent, means you will be punished. It have too much recovery

Jumping Normals

Jumping jab is a fine move. That's it.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Jab (Air) LP 40(7 life points) 9 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
3 11 - -3~+7/-2~+7 -3~+7/-2~+7 +5~+7/+6~+7 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 2 3 4


Jump MP is fantastic button (if not Hugo's best) for quick air-to-air situations, with good speed, range and damage. It can be used to hit grounded targets, however typically other air normals are better for this purpose.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Strong (Air) MP 100(17 life points) 13 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
6 8 - 0~+10/+2~+10 0~+10/+2~+10 +8~+10/+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 9 4


Hugo's best poke in the air when enemy is not close, otherwise a Body Slam is prefered. Very nice range, and has good priority. Use it when you're going to reach the ground and enemy is far, so it will prevent oponents jumps while you're in the air or landing, or you can hit them even on the ground, but beware because for some characters, this move will whiff when they are standing.

Jump back HP can be a great option versus character's who's dominant strategy is to control the air - think Oro, Ibuki, Akuma etc.

This move is very strong, and not taking advantage fo that would be a mistake.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Fierce (Air) HP 150(26 life points) 17 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
11 5 - +4~+13/+6~+13 +4~+13/+6~+13 +12~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4


It's a! Nothing special.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Short (Air) LK 60(10 life points) 7 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
3 16 - -9~+7/-8~+7 -9~+7/-8~+7 +1~+7/+2~+7 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 2 3 4


Hugo's' works similarly to, however is better used on targets BELOW Hugo, whether grounded or airbourne. This move can do enough hit-stun to follow up with a combo, though again, 99% of the time this is a bad idea. High situational.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Forward (Air) MK 100(17 life points) 11 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
5 7 - -4~+10/-5~+10 -4~+10/-5~+10 +2~+10/+3~+10 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 9 4

(hugojhk).gif hits deeper than Hugo's other airbourne normals. This makes it a better choice against shorter characters such as the Twins, or Makoto.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Jump Roundhouse (Air) HK 130(26 life points) 15 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
11 7 - -1~+13/-2~+13 -1~+13/-2~+13 +7~+13/+9~+13 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4


Hugo's universal overhead has number of interesting properties:

  • It can be kara'd easily with mk to increase its range.
  • It can travel over moves such Yun's shoulder, though this is (impossible) very difficult to do on reaction.
  • When used at the right range, Hugo will travel over low normals, landing for a 360/720.
  • It can trade with late air normals, making it a further tool in Hugo's weak anti-air toolset.
Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Universal Overhead MP+MK 40(7 life points) 3 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
15 10 5 -5~+7 0~+8 +1~+9 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 1 2 4



After a successful grab midscreen, quickly use an MK backbreaker to arrive at oki range. After a successful grab in the corner, either use to combo, or stand jab to reset. Typically I would recommend the stand jab, as this gives the opponent less thinking time to response to the next mixup.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Throw Range
Neck Hanging Three LP+LK 130(30x8)(21 life points) 24(5x8) 32

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2 1 21 - - - LP+LK -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit
0 7 (for the player who blocked) 24(3?x8)

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Kara-Throw Kara-Throw Range
Body Slam F+LP+LK or B+LP+LK 160(28 life points) 13 32 MK/HP ??/??

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
2 1 21 - - - LP+LK -

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit
0 7 (for the player who blocked) 7

Comments here

Crouching Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Jab C+LP 30(7 life points) 3 Yes Yes Yes

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 3 8 -1 -1 -1 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 2 3 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Strong C+MP 120(17 life points) 13 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
7 5 12 -2 -1 0 HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 9 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Fierce C+HP 110(26 life points) 13 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
13 10 37 -29 Down Down HL HL

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Short C+LK 40(7 life points) 3 No Yes Yes

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
3 3 7 +2 +2 +2 L L

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
0 2 3 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Forward C+MK 100(17 life points) 3 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
8 5 17 -5 Down Down L L

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
2 5 9 4

Hugo 2nd most useful poke, has a lot of range. This is Hugo's normal sweep move.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Crouch Roundhouse C+HK 170(30 life points) 13 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
11 23 24~38 -43 Down Down H(far) or L(close) H(far) or L(close)

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4

This move is tricky, knocks down if hits, hits low at point blank or very close to the enemy, and hits high when you are at D+MK range, this means if enemy is guarding low and you do D+HK at D+MK range, he will get hit and be knocked down again, use this "overhead" move combined with D+MK for knocking down repeatedly a "teenage mutant ninja TURTLE" opponent, entering into a guessing game. But remember that, if enemy blocks or parry the D+HK move, you will be comboed or take huge damage. Watch out for reversals also.

Command Normals

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Hammer Hook F+HP 160(28 life points) 21 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
14 4 33 -14 +4 +4 HL H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4

Long range and good stun damage, but very unsafe move if blocked or missed. Should be good for attacking opponents far away and getting close jumping.

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Drop Kick F+HK or B+HK 150(26 life points) 19 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
21 8 27 -12 +4 +4 H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Stun Damage Chains into itself Special Cancel Super Cancel Juggle Value
Body Press JF, D+HP 100(17 life points) 17 No No No

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
9 Until landing - - - - H H

Gauge Increase

Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
3 7 15 4

Nice for cross-ups, but rarely you will have the chance to do it. If you throw the opponent (Body Slam) and he doesnt do a tech wakeup, go for the cross-up with Body Press, also after a succesful Moonsault Press, if enemy doesnt do a tech wakeup, superjump to the opponent when you touch the ground (will not work on characters that have quick wakeup, such as Dudley, Remy, etc). Remember also, even if the Body Press gets blocked (cross-up or not) a nice thing to do after it is a standing HP, or standing LK followed by Giant Palm Bomber (LP), and even a LK Meat Squasher to put the opponent into the corner. You'll want to practice using the body splash as late as possible. This makes it very difficult for an opponent to jump back safely, to avoid an upcoming SPD.

Special Moves

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Giant Palm Bomber (Jab) QCB+LP 110(19 life points) 14 15 Yes
Giant Palm Bomber (Strong) QCB+MP 125(22 life points) 16 17 Yes
Giant Palm Bomber (Fierce) QCB+HP 140(29 life points) 18 19 Yes

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Giant Palm Bomber (Jab) 17 2 9 +11 +13 +15 HL H
Giant Palm Bomber (Strong) 19 2 7 +16 +18 +20 HL H
Giant Palm Bomber (Fierce) 22 2 6 +19 +21 +23 HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Giant Palm Bomber (Jab) 3 8 16 4
Giant Palm Bomber (Strong) 3 8 16 4
Giant Palm Bomber (Fierce) 3 8 16 4

One of Hugo's best special moves, it have very slow startup, specially HP version, but when hit or blocked, it have a large amount of frame advantage. Normally you can combo the HP version into the MP one and then into LP (only when opponent is crouching), but MP doesn't seems to connect with LP when opponent is standing, also looking at the Frame Datas, the timing is very strict, so combo the HP version into the LP one, then standing MP to a nice 3hit combo. You can try the LP version into a Meat Squasher (LK), but don't do it with HP version, enemy will be stuned by the hit and the Meat Squasher will whiff. You can also use this move as a mixup after its blocked, going for a dash followed by Moonsault/Gigas, Meat Squasher, Close HP as overhead, low LK and LP GPB again, etc... Giant Palm Bomber (HP) is a good move to do when opponent its on wakeup state, it have very good priority, you can even trade damage with a reversal Shoryuken, and if you time it right, beat it. If its parried, you have a lot of frame advantage for blocking almost anything the opponent can do after the parry.

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Super Cancel Juggle Value
Moonsault Press (Jab) 360+LP 240(42 life points) - 19 59 No
Moonsault Press (Strong) 360+MP 255(45 life points) - 19 53 No
Moonsault Press (Fierce) 360+HP 280(49 life points) - 19 47 No

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Moonsault Press (Jab) 2 2 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Moonsault Press (Strong) 2 2 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Moonsault Press (Fierce) 2 2 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Moonsault Press (Jab) 5 - 31 -
Moonsault Press (Strong) 5 - 31 -
Moonsault Press (Fierce) 5 - 31 -

Another good special move for Hugo, it takes a large amount of life, but the motion it's tricky, why? well, because if you do the Moonsault without jumping (and that's how need to be done), sometimes you will not make the motion well, and you can "launch" a HP Giant Palm Bomber when you really need the fast startup damaging Moonsault, as a result, enemy will kick you, so master well the motion. As we can see it the tables, LP does less damage than HP, but it have more throw range. So make right desicions during a match and see what punch you have to use. A whiffed Moonsault its somewhat punishable. Even sometimes a Moonsault on wakeup seems a nice idea when done as a reversal, to people who likes to stay near you during a wakeup doing crouching LKs or LPs, but BEWARE of Universal Overhead moves, they are in the air and if you do a Moonsault Press before they hit you, you will not grab them, and they will hit you.

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Monster Lariat (Short) QCF+LK 150(26 life points) 19 11 No
Monster Lariat (Forward) QCF+MK 160(28 life points) 20 13 No
Monster Lariat (Roundhouse) QCF+HK 170(30 life points) 21 15 No

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Monster Lariat (Short) 11 5 21~25 -8 Down Down HL H
Monster Lariat (Forward) 15 5 23~27 -10 Down Down HL H
Monster Lariat (Roundhouse) 24 5 24~28 -11 Down Down HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Monster Lariat (Short) 3 8 13 4
Monster Lariat (Forward) 3 8 13 4
Monster Lariat (Roundhouse) 3 8 13 4

Comments here

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Throw Range (Front) Throw Range (Up & Down) Super Cancel Juggle Value
Shootdown Backbreaker (Short) F, D, DF+LK 180(32 life points) - 15 21 71~122 No
Shootdown Backbreaker (Forward) F, D, DF+MK 200(32 life points) - 15 38 75~110 No
Shootdown Backbreaker (Roundhouse) F, D, DF+HK 220(32 life points) - 15 29 76~117 No

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Shootdown Backbreaker (Short) 5 9 30 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Shootdown Backbreaker (Forward) 17 10 25 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Shootdown Backbreaker (Roundhouse) 12 12 29 - Down Down Impossible Impossible

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Shootdown Backbreaker (Short) 5 - 31 -
Shootdown Backbreaker (Forward) 5 - 31 -
Shootdown Backbreaker (Roundhouse) 5 - 31 -

Hugo's anti-air special move, but it doesn't have ANY priority, meaning you only can catch them if the opponent doesn't do any attack during a jump, you must grab it cleanly to success. With Air Tatsumakis, well, its a lotto, sometimes you grab them, sometimes you get hit. Use it after a succesfull Ultra Throw. Keep in mind that it have terrible recovery, don't do this move randomly or prepare yourself. You can use this move as a teleport, if you're cornered, the HK version travels very far, so you can go to the middle of the screen with this move. Also you can even try to use this move as an anti-fireball, but its very risky to do it. If the opponent is the Ansatsuken Type (note: NOT REMY) and you expect a fireball from far away, do this move with HK version (yes, you need to do this move before Ryu, Ken or Akuma launch a Hadouken), then when you're going to reach the ground, do the 360motion and try to moonsaultpress them when they are recovering from the Hadouken. Althrough this option its not the most safe (because if done late you're at point blank in front of an Ansatsuken, and you have some recovery from the move), its an idea to have in mind. And another important thing to keep it, after a succesful Shootdown Backbreaker, you can taunt safely. Yes, taunt. 4 taunts gives you 25% more defense, and this means Hugo's defense is higher than a 2-times-taunted-Q.

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Super Cancel Juggle Value
Meat Squasher (Short) 360+LK 160(28 life points) - 13 34 No
Meat Squasher (Forward) 360+MK 160(28 life points) - 13 34 No
Meat Squasher (Roundhouse) 360+HK 160(28 life points) - 13 34 No

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Meat Squasher (Short) 20~24 2 30 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Meat Squasher (Forward) 30~52 2 33 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Meat Squasher (Roundhouse) 47~67 2 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Meat Squasher (Short) 3 - 22 -
Meat Squasher (Forward) 3 - 22 -
Meat Squasher (Roundhouse) 3 - 22 -

Very hard to connect, but if doing well, Hugo takes the opponent and puts them cornered in a side of the screen, and here's when Hugo can take advantage of the match. It doesn't do a lot of damage, but setups the opponent for you. Use the LK version inmediately after a Body Press or when enemy likes to crouch in the middle of the screen, after a succesful parry from an air attack, or during a parry on a ground attack. In those cases you can also do a Moonsault Press for the punish, but depend of your mixup game, the desicion is yours to decide which attack you want to do, corner the enemy or punish him with a Moonsault. During the frames Hugo is running towards in this move, he cannot be throwed by regular throws, but he can be throw during the startup before running.

Move Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Super Cancel Juggle Value
Ultra Throw (Short) HCB+LK 70(12 life points) - 7 38 No
Ultra Throw (Forward) HCB+MK 70(12 life points) - 7 38 No
Ultra Throw (Roundhouse) HCB+HK 70(12 life points) - 7 38 No

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Ultra Throw (Short) 7 2 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Ultra Throw (Forward) 7 2 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Ultra Throw (Roundhouse) 7 2 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Ultra Throw (Short) 5 - 22 -
Ultra Throw (Forward) 5 - 22 -
Ultra Throw (Roundhouse) 5 - 22 -

Comments here

EX Moves

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Giant Palm Bomber (EX) QCB+PP 40 220*(36 life points) 23** 15*** Yes
* (20+60+140) Damage is when all hits connect.
** (?+?+?) Damage is when all hits connect.
*** (3+3+9) Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Giant Palm Bomber (EX) 22 1 10 +10 Down Down HL/HL/HL H/H/H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Giant Palm Bomber (EX) - - - 12(4+4+4)

Comments here

Move Motion Gauge Needed Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Super Cancel Juggle Value
Monster Lariat (EX) QCF+KK 40 140~180(24 life points) 18~23 13~17 No

Frame Data

Move Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Monster Lariat (EX) 6~26 6 31~35 -22 Down Down HL H

Gauge Increase

Move Miss Blocked Hit Parry (Gauge for opponent)
Monster Lariat (EX) - - - 4

Comments here

Super Arts

Num. Super Art Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Throw Range Damage/Gauge
I Gigas Breaker 1 bar (128) 720+P 610*(102 life points) - 5** 70 4,76
* (180?+180?+270?) Damage is when all hits connect.
** (?+?+?) Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
1 2 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible

Hugo most powerful Super Art, doing 2 Backbreakers and a Moonsault press for the finish, also having invincibility (kinda) during startup, and it takes half lifebar from the opponent. Note that Gigas can not be comboed and cannot catch opponents in blockstun (unless they are backturned; from standing hk). The most important thing about this Super Art its how to make opponents eat it. Where to do it? Almost NEVER during wakeups, opponent will see your MAX gauge, and normally, he will do any trap for you to whiff this Super Art, like an Universal Overhead when you wake up (he is in the air, so you will not catch him), or just jump to avoid it. So instead use it buffered with another move. That move can be anything, from a LP Giant Palm Bomber (blocked or whiffed), a dash, or even in an empty jump. The dash trick works very nice, althrough you need to find the right moment to do it (like when he is crouching waiting for you to do something, then dash at Gigas range and...Gigas him). Also a good tactic its to buffer the first 360motion into a blocked Giant Palm Bomber (LP), then walk a bit foward, and do another 360motion. Another good one is when enemy is cornered, you do a LK at point blank, and inmediately after (NOT SUPERCANCEL) do the Gigas, this needs to be trained because if done too early, the opponent will be in blockstun, and Gigas will whiff.

Watch out for the first frames of a Shoryuken, it will beat Gigas, also watch out for Dudley, because apart of his strange hitboxes, one time he got me off the Super Art (startup, not after whiffed) with a crouching Jab. Ken SA3 can kick you out of Gigas, at least the first kick when its fully extended. Also BEWARE with Akuma, his Zugai Hasatsu (F+MP) it's kinda strange, and that move can get you out from Gigas startup, even if you grab him from behind (also at point blank), the Gigas will completely whiff. Fireballs beat Gigas startup as well. The bad thing about this Super Art is the limited usage of EX moves. Well, Hugo EX moves aren't that good to be honest, you will only use Giant Palm Bomber (EX) for chip damage for a win, and Monster Lariat its quicker and nice for some combos, but it's still somewhat slow at startup, and you will get punished when bocked.

Num. Super Art Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Throw Range (Front/Up&Down) Damage/Gauge
II Megaton Press 2 bars (112 each bar) QCF QCF+K 450*(75 life points) - 25** 50/60~133 4,01(x2)
* (70?+380?) Damage is when all hits connect.
** (?+?) Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Super Art Name Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
Megaton Press (Short) 3 12 30 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Megaton Press (Forward) 5 16 34 - Down Down Impossible Impossible
Megaton Press (Roundhouse) 7 20 36 - Down Down Impossible Impossible

Comments here

Num. Super Art Super Art Stock Motion Damage Blocked Damage Stun Damage Damage/Gauge
III Hammer Frenzy 2 bars (88 each bar) QCF QCF+P 390*(64 life points) 98** 20*** 4,43(x2)
* (80?+90?+80?+60?+120?) Damage is when all hits connect.
** (?+?+?+?+?) Damage is when all hits connect.
*** (?+?+?+?+?) Damage is when all hits connect.

Frame Data

Startup Hit Recovery Blocked Advantage Hit Advantage Crouching Hit Advantage Guard Parry
4 5 47 -29 Down Down HL/HL/H/H/HL HL/HL/H/H/HL

Nice damage, Stun Damage its good also, allows you to hit-confirm to land it safe, have tiny bars so you can use it a couple of times, and allows to EX moves. Not a bad Super Art.




1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Body Press Crouch LK Monster Lariat (EX) - 265 (23%) 28
Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (MP) MP - ??? (??%) ??
Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (MP) Crouch MK - ??? (??%) ??
Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (MP) Giant Palm Bomber (LP) - ??? (??%) ??
Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (MP) Monster Lariat (EX) - ??? (??%) ??
Giant Palm Bomber (EX) Shootdown Backbreaker (HK) - - ??? (??%) ??

In order to do the 3 Giant Palm Bomber combo, enemy must be crouching, otherwise Giant Palm Bomber (MP) with not combo into the LP one.



1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Ultra Throw (HK) Giant Palm Bomber (LP) Shootdown Backbreaker (LK) - 334 (29%) 25
Ultra Throw (HK) Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Shootdown Backbreaker (HK) - ??? (??%) ??
Ultra Throw (HK) Giant Palm Bomber (EX) (2 hits) Hammer Hook - ??? (??%) ??
Ultra Throw (HK) Giant Palm Bomber (EX) (2 hits) Shootdown Backbreaker (HK) - ??? (??%) ??

Hit Confirms


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch LP Crouch LP - - ??? (??%) ??

Super Art 2



1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Giant Palm Bomber (EX) Super Art 2 - - 403 (35%) 28


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Ultra Throw (HK) Giant Palm Bomber (EX) (3 hits) Super Art 2 - ??? (??%) ?
Ultra Throw (HK) Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Super Art 2 - 483 (42%) 40

Super Art 3


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch LP Crouch LP Super Art 3 - 437 (38%) 22
Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (LP) Super Art 3 - 460 (40%) 50
Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (MP) Giant Palm Bomber (LP) Super Art 3 630? (??%) 55?

In order to do the 3 Giant Palm Bomber combo, enemy must be crouching and you be at point blank, otherwise Giant Palm Bomber (MP) with not combo into the LP one. Timing for the palms are very strict. Also the 2nd secret about this combo is, when executing the Super Art 3, you MUST DELAY (by holding P) exactly 1 Hugo step. If you don't delay this step at the startup of the Super Art 3, the first hit will whiff, and opponent can block or parry the rest of the Super Art. This combo does BIG damage, it just does more damage than a Gigas Breaker! It also does 100% of Stun Damage in Remy or Akuma, and about 95% on characters with normal Stun Bar. Anyway, chances to hit a crouching opponent with a HP Giant Palm Bomber at point blank are minimal, but everybody can "miss" a reversal Shoryuken on wakeup ;).

Stun Finisher

  • HCB HK-->Standing MP (x4)-->F, D, DF LK
  • HCB HK-->Standing MP (x3)-->QCF LK
  • HCB HK-->Standing MP (x3)-->SA II

100% Combo

Specific to:


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move 5th Move 6th Move 7th Move Damage Stun Damage
Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (MP) Giant Palm Bomber (LP) Super Art 3 Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (MP) MP 985 (??%) ??
Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Giant Palm Bomber (MP) Giant Palm Bomber (LP) Super Art 3 Giant Palm Bomber (HP) Super Art 3 - 990 (??%) -

The first combo does 100% damage, but Akuma doesn't get KO, it just empty his health bar to zero. The 2nd one really KO him.

For both combos, you must connect the first GPB HP when he is crouching, then combo the 2 other ones and also Super Art 3. After the 4th move (SA3), he is stunned, so finish him off with GPB HP and another Super Art 3.



Like i said in the introduction, Hugo its not an offensive character. You have to be patient, and get close to the opponent to unleash command grabs in a safe way. Mix dashes with jumps to avoid a "pattern", and poke a lot while you're advancing. The ideal poke for a ground game is MP (or low MK), while in the jumps the best you can use is HP (when far) or Body Splash (when near). When youre near, you can start your offense. Basically scoring a knockdown at point blank its the best possible option. You can go for a crossup with Body Splash, followed by low LK (and confirming with Monster Lariat (EX)), GPB HP to MP combos, missing GPB for a Moonsault Press, tick throw with Gigas Breaker using LK...

Super Art Selection

The SA you choose will depend on your preference and the matchup. The two most used supers are Gigas Breaker and Hammer Mountain.

Gigas Breaker is great because it creates a sense of fear in your opponent, has great comeback potential and can be setup in a variety of ways including an SJ cancel called a Tachi or standing gigas. It can also be buffered in a dash, but is mostly used in a situation where a parry or block can lead to fat ass damage. Drawbacks include a lack of combo-ability and loss of some EX potential. Hayao is arguably the best known SAI player, also notable is Eriho.

SAII isn't used much, but Megaton Press can be used a lot like Gief's Aerial Russian Slam. It can be used to counter characters who want to be in the air a lot, like Yun and Akuma and force them to play a ground game. It can also be used after an ultra throw, and in the corner after ultra throw and a clap. Does decent damage and allows for EX uses, most people pass it up to have either the power of Gigas or the flexibility of Hammer Mountain.

Hammer Mountain is Hugo's most flexible SA. It deals decent damage, can be used on wakeup or to charge through poke strings and as a whiff punisher. Deals excellent stun damage. Can be comboed from claps, clks, jhk, bodysplash, clk and allows for EX usage. It is one of two ways Hugo can deal big damage with a combo, the other is a clap comboed into EX clothesline. It is generally preferred in the Dudley matchup because he can escape Gigas/Earthquake Bomb with Backswing Blows and his strange hitbox. SAIII is also seemingly more popular in America than Japan, some of the best known mainly SAIII players include YSB, Adolfo Luevano, and Y-Da.


  • Kara UOH with MK. (strong)
  • Kara any clap with MK. (strong)
  • Kara backbreaker with HP. (useless)



Additional Notes

  • Personal Action: Attack and Defense up, max 4 per round. Holding HP HK = Throw damage up.
  • Hugo has a very high defense (only taunted Q surpass it).
  • Hugo has one of the highest stun bar.


Serious Advantage Match-ups

Hugo has no matchups where he is at a serious advantage.

Advantage Match-ups

  • Sean

Sean has a vast array of moves which are SPD punishable, making it awful for him to play close. At longer ranges, Hugo's air normals zone Sean well. There's very little Sean can do to push an advantage in this matchup. The Sean's best bet is to abuse techniques known to be strong against taller characters, such as jump-back hk on wakeup.

Fair Match-ups

  • Q

Both Hugo and Q possess similar capabilities in terms of air-normals. Hugo's best tool for handling Q is j.HP - which will hit him standing, even at long ranges. Furthermore, it will stop random dash-punch attempts. Hugo should avoid being command thrown at all costs - to achieve this must be used, as it's the only normal fast enough to interupt the startup of Q's command through.

To punish Q's taunts, HK lariat can be used to quickly close the distance, and earn a knockdown on Q.

Under no circumstance should you engage in a "taunt war". Hugo's taunt health-buff is simply worse than Q's.

Disadvantage Match-ups

  • Yun

Yun is the antithesis of Hugo. Because Yun is able to build meter so quickly, being able defend against Genei Jin is a requirement to win. Look for gaps in Genei Jin pressure to use if safe. This will push Yun back, wasting his super-time and stopping immidiate overheads.

  • Ken

Ken's normals are ideal for keeping Hugo at distance, and avoiding ranges where SPD can be earned. Air ex-tatsu is deadly, and extremely difficult to avoid/parry when used correctly due to Hugo's height. Ken has a unique hit-confirm against Hugo (Far HP -> SA3)

  • Makoto

If the Makoto does too much dashing or Hayates, they can be stuffed with lk/clk/clp and anticipation mp/cmk. If she tries to fight on the ground and use the general Makoto playstyle, she'll likely get destroyed. Earthquake Bombs/Gigas will own her dash punches and close attacks that get blocked or parried. All of her useful pokes can be high parried besides clk and chp. Her only ground poke that can beat Hugo's crouching pokes is cmk which trades w/ Hugo's sweep. (in your favor) If the Makoto knows that she can't do a lot to Hugo on the ground, he will likely play it safe and try to hit with cmk on the ground, jumping tsurugi and safe (to parry/grab) jump ins. You have to then rely on Hugo's pretty bad anti airs and Backbreakers, try to bait her to jump with cmp and pokes, if she jumps for a tsurugi you can sometimes backbreak it on reaction. Cornering Makoto is the best thing you can do in this match... no need to worry so much with the big man about her Karakusa bullshit, she won't likely be able to land it due to Hugo's various throws beating hers and the aforementioned countering her ground offense. SAIII is recommended cause you can use it for another anti air and you're unlikely to Gigas a smart Makoto.

  • Yang

With SA3, Yang has the ability to set-up unblockables on Hugo midscreen and in the corner. Attempt to escape this pressure with wakeup lk backbreaker - if the Yang mistimes their unblockable, you get off the ground, get hit, then reset next to Yang, for a 360 or 720, ending the scenario.

  • Akuma

Use j.HP to zone the life out of Gouki. Respect his zoning, and defend against it well enough to force Gouki to come close where he can be pinned down.

Akuma's forward+mp is throw invulnerable. Wait about 10 frames after parrying it, before executing a 360/720.

  • Ibuki

Ibuki's range of OTG normals make her a pain to deal with. To win, you must zone effectively with your air normals, whilst reliably punishing thoughtless positioning.

  • Necro

Use stand-jab to push Necro back after the twirly dive. Show respect to both SA1 and SA2 - they are great antiairs vs Hugo.

If Hugo parries a slow long range move (HP for example), he can punish with Hammer Mountain by holding down punch to delay the super activation.

  • Oro

Oro has all the tools he need to evade Hugo and zone effectively.

Be aware, Oro sometimes lands from ex-DP in a crouching state. This allows you to use the triple clap combo, scoring great damage.

  • Ryu
  • Alex

Alex is a difficult matchup, with most of Hugo's normals trading unfavourably.

  • Remy
  • Elena
  • Twelve

Serious Disadvantage Match-ups

Chun Li- Chun is the master of ground combat, she can zone you really easily with her long high priority pokes and can atleast trade with everything Hugo has. She also has the threat of SAII.

Dudley- Dudley has the ability to outzone you with his long fierce and forward fierce, there isn't much to retalliate against this with rather than trading hits. His hits also do a lot of damage, but most importantly is the fact that his hitbox is strange so he is harder to throw. That combined with the powerful backswing blow makes this match difficult for Hugo. Even if you close the distance, he can still slip out, SAIII is generally preferred in this matchup, and your objective is to corner him and then control him there being mindful of his EX Uppercut.

Video matches & further resources


Hayao (はやお) is Japan's best Hugo player, and one of the most skilled Hugo's in the world (if not the best) using Gigas Breaker. Here you have a list of videos about some of his matches. Look at them and learn from the best Hugo player how you should play. Doing nice combos, opportunities to using SA1, poking, parry attacks, when a move should be used, what moves can be countered, and what to do against certain opponents.

Vs. Akuma (Fume) (Yuki)

Vs. Chun-Li (Koshun) (Koshun No Deshi) (Umezono)

Vs. Dudley (Fujiwara) (Kokuzin) (Jima)

Vs. Ibuki (Fume)

Vs. Ken (Teruchika) (Haitani) (??)

Vs. Makoto (Shiroitachi)

Vs. Necro (PinoAB7)

Vs. Q (Afro)

Vs. Sean (Mokomokofu)

Vs. Urien (ABE) (Ramen) (Afro)

Vs. Yun (KO) (Towel) (S) (Bagon) (BillyKane) (??)


YSB is another amazing japanese Hugo player, using Hammer Frenzy as his main Super Art. Perhaps he is not as good as Hayao when it comes to parrying, but he's one of the most scary Hugo players.

Vs. Alex (Genki) (Zangoef)

Vs. Chun-Li (Raou) (Tokido)

Vs. Hugo (Eriho)

Vs. Ibuki (Aruka)

Vs. Ken (T) (Matsuken)

Vs. Necro (Sugiyama)

Vs. Remy (Ryo-chin)

Vs. Ryu (Vanao)

Vs. Twelve (Yamazaki)

Vs. Urien (RX) (Messatsu)

Vs. Yang (KO) (Rohishikari)

Vs. Yun (KO) (Issay)


grgrpon is a Japanese YouTuber who uploads every available streamed Hugo match from Japan and internationally. Their channel is a great resource for Hugo content, and features playlists for each matchup, sorted by super-art.


AutoMattock is an American Hugo player, widely regarded to be one of the best USA Hugos. You can find a range of tutorials on Youtube from him.


SRK Forums - 3rd Strike - Hugo

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