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Tron is the daughter and heiress to the Bonne family of sky pirates. She appears in the Megaman Legends games, where she is a sort of rival character, and occasional comic relief. She also had her own spinoff game, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. Tron is a mechanical whiz who can quickly construct robots and machines for a variety of purposes. In this game, her mechanical skill is seen through the army of tiny (and sometimes large) Servbots she commands, as well as her piloted mech suit, The Gustaff.

In UMvC3, Tron is an aggressive rushdown character who bullies her way towards opponents with powerful normals like her j.5H. Although she has several long-range and projectile attacks, these are primarily used to extend combos or support her primary goal of approaching the opponent to open them up with a throw or high/low mixup. Her command normals give her some unique advantages, such as 6H Boulder Bomb's ability to nullify enemy projectiles. Using Beacon Bomb (236X) she can place opponents in a special, lengthy capture state which greatly expands her combo potential.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Incredible Vitality: Very high survivability. At 1,200,000 health, Tron has just under the highest health total in the game. Additionally, Tron has a notoriously weird hurtbox, with some but not all the properties of a Big Body character. Many combos drop on Tron due to her weird size, or are harder to perform on her. Thus, Tron gains an additional form of "survivability" in the fact that she will often drop out of combos that would otherwise kill her.
  • Combo Potential: Extremely long-range normals like j.5H and j.5S give Tron strong pressure and neutral options. Tron can smother an opponent near the ground with repeated Box Dash j.5H attacks, and transition seamlessly into a mixup or combo as she gets closer.
  • Threatening Damage: High damage potential with the ability to perform multiple hypers in the same combo.
  • DHC Potential: Strong DHC potential with both her 236XX and 623XX hypers.
  • Average Assists: Mediocre assists.
  • Combos Require Meter Burn: Struggles to perform meter-positive combos, and often needs to hyper multiple times in a single combo to secure her high damage output.
  • Large Body: Relatively large body makes her an easy target in neutral and makes it harder for Tron to navigate around projectiles.
  • No Zoning: Has basically no projectile capability. Has to combat enemy zoners with her projectile-destroying normals and command normals while forcing her away in, often against characters more mobile than herself.
UMVC3 Tron Nameplate.png
UMVC3 Tron Portrait.png
Health 1,200,000
Invulnerable Reversal(s) 236XX, 63214XX
Grounded Magic Series Simple
X-Factor Damage Boost (1/2/3) 35% / 60% / 85%
X-Factor Speed Boost (1/2/3) 5% / 10% / 15%
Air Movement Options
Air Actions Air Jumps? Air Dash? Flight? WallJump?
1 No 2-Way No Yes
Minimum Attack Scaling
Normals Specials Hypers
15 30 40

Move List


Bonne Strike
Assist A
UMVC3 Tron AssistA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
25,000 x6 33 14(1)2 110, 80
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Strk.png (last hit)

THC Hyper: Servbot Surprise. Tron dashes forward, crossing roughly half of fullscreen distance while attacking with her drill.

Gustaff Fire
Assist B
UMVC3 Tron AssistB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
25,000 x5 36 20 109, 79
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Invuln (as Crossover Counter) frames 1 - ???, Projnull.png

THC Hyper: Servbot Surprise. Tron fires the Gustaff's flamethrower, creating a short burst of fire. The fire completely destroys any Low or Medium priority projectiles that come into contact with it.

Gustaff Fire has short range, but it has a good amount of total active frames. It is good for keeping opponents locked down in combos or blockstrings.

As a Cross-over Counter Gustaff Fire can be special or jump cancelled like the normal version of the move.

Bandit Boulder
Assist Y
UMVC3 Tron AssistY 1st.png
UMVC3 Tron AssistY 2nd.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 x2 + 70,000 38 5(16)1 113, 83
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Projnull.png (first 5 active frames), Priority: Low, Durability: 10

THC Hyper: Servbot Surprise. Tron picks up a chunk of the stage and throws it at forward. The attack is split into two parts:

  • The motion of Tron picking up the rock is a physical attack that hits twice. The active frames of this attack will destroy any Low or Medium Priority projectiles that come into contact with it.
  • Once Tron throws the rock, it acts as a standard projectile with decent durability.

Ground Normals

Stand Light
UMVC3 Tron 5L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
55,000 7 3 12
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+1 -1 Mid -

Slow by L attack standards. 5L actually extends Tron's hurtbox further than its own hitbox, making it very vulnerable to getting stuffed by most attacks.

Stand Medium
UMVC3 Tron 5M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
25,000 x4 9 8 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-10 -13 Mid -

Hits four times. 5M is only slightly slower than 5L, has a much better hitbox, and is easy to hitconfirm from.

Stand Heavy
UMVC3 Tron 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 15 30 31
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -38 (!!) Mid Strk.png, Projnull.png

Tron rotates her robot as many times as she can before getting dizzy. Her arms constantly swing around on both sides, with very long range and a high number of active frames. Additionally, the active frames of this attack destroy Low and Medium Priority projectiles that come into contact with it. Pops opponents into the air and slightly backwards on hit, which can cause a chained 5S to whiff at the outer edge of its range. This can be mitigated by canceling into 421M Bonne Strike to close the distance.

Despite swinging around several times, 5H can only actually hit an opponent once. This means that 5H is catastrophically unsafe on whiff or block, unless canceled. If blocked, your best cancel option to save yourself is 6H, which is plus on block, difficult to interrupt, and resistant to being pushblocked due to its range. You can't chain 5H into 6H on whiff, so your only real cancel choice is Bonne Strike (421X).

Outside of combos, it is almost always better to use j.5H over the grounded version. It shares the great range, cross-up potential, and projectile destroying properties, but allows Tron to stay mobile and can land-cancel its recovery.

Crouching Light
UMVC3 Tron 2L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x6 8 13 18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-5 -7 Low -

Hits up to six times, although some hits will whiff from the outer edge of its range. Tron produces a saw from the foot of her mech, and attacks near the ground with it. A fast (by Tron's standards) Low attack for pressuring the opponent.

Crouching Medium
UMVC3 Tron 2M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
75,000 11 5 19
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-3 -6 Low -

Tron attacks with a weird yo-yo thing I guess. Has good range and is very disjointed.

Crouching Heavy
UMVC3 Tron 2H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x4 11 9 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +4 Low Strk.png, Softknockdown.png, Otg.png, Nocancel.png (except 6H).

Tron sweeps the ground with her mech's propeller(?). Hits on both sides of Tron up to four times. During this attack, Tron can be steered slightly left or right by holding the stick in the respective direction, allowing her to manually readjust her spacing.

This is Tron's only OTG-capable attack. It can be chained on hit or block into 6H, but is otherwise uncancelable. At very early stages of Hitstun Deterioration, 2H > 6H xx 421X, 5S works and allows Tron to solo relaunch. Later into a combo, this sequence will drop, and Tron is dependent on assists to help her pick up from a Hard Knockdown.

UMVC3 Tron 5S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 8 5 38
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
Launch -20 Mid Launch.png, Nocancel.png

Tron strikes the ground, creating a small shockwave that covers the space right in front of her, and launches on hit. Is quite fast, making it easy to combo into, but very unsafe if blocked.

Aerial Normals

Jumping Light
UMVC3 Tron jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 per hit 8 13 18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-5 -7 OH -

Attack similar to Tron's 2L, but airborne. Can hit up to three times. Can work as an Instant Overhead against Big Body characters, or against normal-sized characters when set up via Fuzzy Guard, but converting this hit is difficult without assists.

Jumping Medium
UMVC3 Tron jM.png
The Pooper Scooper
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 9 5 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+17 +13 OH -

Tron swings a front loader(??) forward. Has extremely long horizontal reach and a good amount of disjoint, but does not cover the area below or behind Tron at all.

Jumping Heavy
UMVC3 Tron jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 15 Until grounded 3
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +12 OH Strk.png

Tron spins rapidly with her arms outstretched. This move is very similar to her grounded 5H, but has several advantages. Tron will not stop spinning until she returns to the ground (although the attack can still only actually hit a target once). She continues to move through the air on her current jump arc while attacking, allowing her to remain mobile while attacking. Instead of having 5H's immense amount of recovery, Tron only faces a very short recovery window upon landing, and she is actually at frame advantage if a grounded opponent blocks this attack.

Causes an enormous amount of hitstun, but does not actually force a True Soft Knockdown. It can be airteched at higher levels of Hitstun Deterioration.

Box Dash j.5H - along with Box Dash j.5S - is one of Tron's best options in neutral and a central part of her gameplan. The attack has huge range and is difficult to challenge, leads into pressure on block or starts a full combo on hit. It also can hit very deep as a cross-up.

Jumping Special
UMVC3 Tron jS.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 17 4 30
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +15 OH Aircombofinisher.png, Groundbounce.png (when used outside of a Launcher combo)

Tron performs a massive downward swipe, covering the area above, in front of, and below herself. j.5S is a strong neutral option that trades some of j.5H's horizontal reach and cross-up potential for a vertically taller hitbox.

Besides its standard use as an Air Combo Finisher, Tron's j.5S causes a Ground Bounce if it hits outside of a Launcher combo, against both grounded and airborne opponents. This gives Tron a very strong, consistent tool for converting air-to-airs into full combos, and can also be used mid-combo as an extension tool. Keep in mind if you open a combo with raw j.5S, you will not have your Ground Bounce available later in the combo, and may need to use a different route.

Command Normals

Gustaff Fire
UMVC3 Tron 6M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
25,000 x5 12 20 17
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-3 -6 Mid Chipdamage.png, Jcancel.png, Projnull.png

Tron fires the flamethrower on the front of her mech, creating a short-range burst of fire with a slight upward arc. Has a decent hitbox that is fully disjointed, and destroys Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

If any of 6M's five hits make contact - hit or block - then the move's recovery can be jump-canceled. 6M can not be chained into H normals, but it does chain into 5S, and it can be special-canceled.

Bandit Boulder
UMVC3 Tron 6H 1st.png
UMVC3 Tron 6H 2nd.png
"A little gift!"
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 x2 + 90,000 15 5(15)1 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+4 +1 Mid Chipdamage.png, Projnull.png (first two hits), can be held, Priority: Low, Durability: 10, projectile scales by 0.9

Tron picks up a chunk of thee stage and throws it forward. The attack is split into two parts:

  • Tron initially picking up the boulder is a physical attack which hits twice. The hitbox of this portion of the attack will destroy Low and Medium Priority projectiles it touches. If the H button is held down, Tron can continue to hold the boulder above her head for up to 72 additional frames before throwing it. This is not particularly useful, except as a gimmicky frametrap. This portion of the attack is not special- or hyper-cancelable.
  • Once Tron throws the boulder, it acts as a standard projectile with decent durability, that travels about halfscreen before hitting the ground and disappearing. From this point, the attack can be canceled into special and hyper moves.

6H is important for Tron's pressure and offense, as it is plus on block, and can be canceled into from any of Tron's grounded normals to give them better frame advantage for very little risk. It is also the only cancel option from 2H, Tron's only OTG-capable attack, and so it is regularly featured in combos as well.

Special Moves

Beacon Bomb
UMVC3 Tron 236L.png
L/M Version
UMVC3 Tron 236H.png
H Version
UMVC3 Tron 236X Capture.png
An opponent struck by the projectile is held down in a Capture state.
Qcf.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 33 16 17
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +5 Mid Cptr.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 1
Qcf.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
60,000 43 - 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +6 Mid Cptr.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 1
Qcf.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 33 - 17
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +5 Mid Cptr.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 1

Tron shoots a marker pellet. If it hits an opponent, they are placed in a Capture state - grounded or airborne - where Servbots appear and hold the target in place.

  • L version is shot directly forward, and disappears after 16 frames. In that time, it can travel up to 2/3 of fullscreen distance.
  • M version is shot at the same angle as the L version. In exchange for 10 additional startup frames, it has unlimited duration and can travel across the entire screen without disappearing.
  • H version is fired at a steep upward angle.

Beacon Bomb is difficult for Tron to combo into by herself due to its lengthy startup, and it has poor durability to throw out in neutral. However, if Tron does land the shot, she essentially gets a free hit and combo extension with the attack of her choice. Connecting Beacon Bomb is the easiest way for Tron to combo into her powerful Servbot Surprise hyper. It can also be used to set up air resets, cover Hard Tags to another character, or both.

Bonne Strike
UMVC3 Tron 421X.png
Rdp.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x3 ~ x7 + 30,000 9 8 ~ 20(1)2 18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -7 Mid Airok.png, Strk.png, mashable
Rdp.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x5 ~ x10 + 30,000 9 14 ~ 29(1)2 18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -7 Mid Airok.png, Strk.png, mashable
Rdp.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x7 ~ x14 + 30,000 9 20 ~ 41(1)2 18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -7 Mid Airok.png, Strk.png, mashable

Tron charges forward while attacking with a drill. Higher button strengths travel further and hit additional times. The attack can also be mashed to increase the hit count, if desired, but this usually costs more damage due to scaling than gained from the hits themselves.

The final hit of this attack pops opponents slightly into the air, allowing Tron to usually link a normal attack afterwards to continue the combo. Bonne Strike is useful for converting hits at the outer range of her larger normals, as it will close the distance and allow Tron to consistently connect her 5S attack. On block, this attack is very slightly unsafe, but this can be compensated for with an assist call, allowing Tron to advance forward safely.

Air Bonne Strike
UMVC3 Tron j421X.png
(in air)
Rdp.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x3 ~ x7 + 30,000 13 8 ~ 20(1)2 Until Grounded+7
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Strk.png, mashable
(in air)
Rdp.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x5 ~ x10 + 30,000 13 14 ~ 29(1)2 Until Grounded+7
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Strk.png, mashable
(in air)
Rdp.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x7 ~ x14 + 30,000 13 20 ~ 41(1)2 Until Grounded+7
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Strk.png, mashable

Air version of Bonne Strike. It is almost identical to the grounded version, but with slightly slower startup. When done very low to the ground, it recovers faster than grounded Bonne Strike, and can even be plus on block if Tiger Knee'd (4217X). However, it has terrible recovery when done higher in the air, leaving Tron vulnerable until after she reaches the ground.

Instant Air Bonne Strike has enough advantage on hit that - against smaller characters - it links into itself for an infinite. This infinite is not practical in terms of difficulty but is technically possible.

Servbot Launcher
UMVC3 Tron 623L.png
L Version
UMVC3 Tron 623M.png
M Version
UMVC3 Tron 623H.png
H Version
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 18 - 37
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-12 -15 Mid mashable, Priority: Low, Durability: 5

Tron launches a Servbot up into the air, which then falls back down to the ground. While both rising and falling, the Servbot is an active projectile that can be used as a zoning tool.

  • L version is shot to just above and in front of Tron, and remains active for a total of 50 frames.
  • M version is shot to the space about one character length in front of Tron, at regular jump height, and remains active for a total of 92 frames.
  • H version is shot to the space about two character lengths in front of Tron, just above the peak of regular jump height, and remains active for a total of 68 frames.

If another regular attack button is pressed during this move, Tron will fire an additional Servbot of the corresponding strength. Tron can fire up to three Servbots in a chain before having to recover, which can improve the coverage of the attack by firing the L, M and H versions in sequence.

Bonne Mixer
UMVC3 Tron 63214X.png
UMVC3 Tron 63214X Grab.png
Hcb.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
120,000 (4 hits) 5 1 41
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png
Hcb.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
165,000 (7 hits) 3 1 43
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png
Hcb.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
210,000 (10 hits) 1 2 44
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png

Tron's command grab. L version is slowest but has longest range. H version is 1frame startup but has range comparable to a normal throw. On a successful throw, Tron chucks the opponent far away. Midscreen, it is possible to pick up with quick plinkdashes or wavedashes and OTG with 2H. If thrown into the corner, a 2H OTG is easy with no dashes required. Despite being a command throw, this move does not apply the grab penalty.

Hyper Combos

Servbot Takeout
"Lunch Time!"
236XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Tron 236XX.png
UMVC3 Tron 236XX 2nd.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 + 10,000 x40 10+6 - 83
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -61 Mid Invuln until frame 10, Strk.png into Hardknockdown.png (first hit), Otg.png (every other hit) Priority: High, Durability: 1

Tron fires her gun forward, similarly to Beacon Bomb. If it hits an opponent, they are popped high into the air, and a stampede of Servbots are summoned. Ideally, the opponent will then land on the Servbots, taking heavy damage from them. This is Tron's standard combo ender.

So long as the initial shot hits the opponent, the stampede will occur even if Tron DHCs out or cancels the hyper with X-Factor. This gives Servbot Takeout some unique combo utility, as it can be DHC'd to a hyper that is particularly fast or does not hit, such as Dante's Devil Trigger or Thor's Mighty Punish. The next character can then continue to combo the opponent while they are being hit by Lunch Rush.

If the initial shot whiffs, this hyper can not be X-Factor canceled, although it can still be DHC'd on whiff.

This hyper does have frame 1 invincibility, but it only lasts until the super flash. Attacks which are overlapping Tron during the super flash will hit her out of the remainder of the startup, and can not be avoided even with a DHC or X-Factor activation.

Servbot Surprise
King Servbot
623XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Tron 623XX.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 x10 ~ x19 6+24 - 95
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +24 Mid Invuln frames 4-7, Strk.png, mashable

Tron gives a command to her Servbot buddy, causing it to become massive and start swinging its hammer. The Servbot is active for 10 frames while growing, has a 22 frame gap, then swings its hammer for 65 frames.

This hyper has very lengthy startup, mainly post-flash, which makes it hard to combo into. 5H/j.5H can combo into it when juggling at specific heights, and Beacon Bomb can hold an opponent in place long enough. As a reward for connecting it, King Servbot does very high damage by level 1 hyper standards, totaling to 376,800 fully mashed base damage. It also has enormous frame advantage, allowing Tron to continue to combo after the hyper, potentially landing a second King Servbot or another hyper for even higher damage.

King Servbot is also massively plus on block, and can be used as a pressure tool, especially against cornered or oncoming opponents. It is considered an assist-type attack, so pushblocking King Servbot does not move Tron nor the Servbot, forcing the opponent to take the hits and also any follow-up pressure that Tron performs.

Shakedown Mixer
63214XX (3 bars)
UMVC3 Tron 63214XX.png
UMVC3 Tron 63214XX Cinematic.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
440,000 ~ 490,000 6+0 3 43
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Invuln until frame 9, Hardknockdown.png

Hyper version of Tron's command grab, gains invulnerability up through the active frames and has great range. On a successful grab, Tron deals heavy damage to the opponent, ending in a Hard Knockdown. Unfortunately, Tron does not get a combo off this grab, only the up-front damage.

During the cinematic, the hyper can be "mashed" by spinning the stick. You do not need to actually spin the stick, only rapidly input different directions.

Note: From some basic testing, it seems like only Left/Right inputs matter in terms of adding damage to the hyper. It seems like the easiest way to get max damage is to rapidly alternate 4646464646464646 inputs, rather than spinning or churning the sick. Needs more testing later maybe.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
6H, 4H
UMVC3 Tron GroundThrow.png
UMVC3 Tron GroundBackThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png

Tron picks up the opponent and tosses them some distance away. Can be picked up fairly easily by wavedashing/plinkdashing up to the opponent and connecting an OTG 2H. If throwing an opponent into the corner, Tron can link 5L before they hit the ground to avoid having to OTG at all.

Air Throw
j.6H, j.4H
UMVC3 Tron AirThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Airthrow Hardknockdown.png

Tron picks up the opponent and tosses them some distance away. Can be picked up fairly easily by wavedashing/plinkdashing up to the opponent and connecting an OTG 2H. If Tron still has her airdash, it is possible to airdash after an airthrow and catch the opponent with a falling j.5M before they hit the ground.

Snap Back
UMVC3 Tron 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 2 30 31
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -38 Mid Snapback

Animation and hitbox based on 5H. Note that it shares 5H's enormous active frame count and recovery, but does not have the cancel options of a regular 5H.

Hard Tag
Hold 14f A1.png/A2.png
UMVC3 Tron HardTag.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 - 23 34
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -16 OH Softknockdown.png


Team Position

Tron is typically chosen as a Point character, since assists are very important for her gameplan. She has limited movement, a large hurtbox that makes her an easy target, and no armor. Assists can be utilized to cover her approach, such as being called alongside a box dash j.5H to prevent the opponent from anti-airing or running away. Additionally, Tron needs assists if she wants to effectively combo into some of her slower attacks, such as Beacon Bomb (236X) and Servbot Surprise (623XX). Tron also excels at setting up DHCs for other characters, as both of her level 1 hypers will continue to hit for full damage even if she DHCs out, so long as the first hit connected.

Notable Synergies

Thor: Although Thor's assists are slow, they last for a significant amount of time. This allows for Tron to combo or confirm into some of her slower attacks, such as j.5S or Beacon Bomb (236X). Might Spark in particular is a great assist for Tron, and she can call it freely while abusing box dash j.5H to approach nearly uncontested. Tron and Thor also have some unique and very powerful DHC synergy. If Tron DHCs Servbot Takeout (236XX) into Thor's Mighty Punish (63214XX), Thor whiffs and recovers quickly. Combined with the extremely lock duration of Tron's hyper (which continues after the DHC), Thor has time to cast several instances of 236H. Not only does Mighty Spark do great damage by itself, the initial hits of each cast are unaffected by damage scaling. This two-bar DHC combo deals significantly more damage than canceling into a standard hyper for its damage alone.

Players to Watch: Abegen (Tron/Thor/She-Hulk)

Haggar: Lariat is a powerful assist, especially for slower rushdown characters such as Tron. Haggar's invincible lariat will discourage opponents from pressing buttons against her, letting Tron run her high/low/throw offense with less risk. Lariat also juggles long enough for Tron to use it for extensions in her standard 2H > 6H OTG sequence. This shell also has a unique interaction involving Tron's Beacon Bomb. Since Beacon Bomb causes a long, fixed duration capture state on opponents, it gives her time to hard tag Haggar. Haggar can approach the opponent just as they recover from Beacon Bomb, and then scoop them out of the air with his command grab, leading to a guaranteed reset.

Players to Watch: Walrus (Tron/Haggar/Shuma)

Other Players to Watch: SurgingStorm (Tron/Nova/Doom), Kobun (Magneto/Tron/Wesker), Puma (Tron/Dorm/Magneto), Rikir (Tron/Dante/Arthur), Churro (Tron/Frank/Vergil), Ketsui (Tron/Frank/Morrigan), DirectJab (Tron/Iron Ma/Strange)

Alternate Colors

Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4 Color 5 Color 6 Alt Color
UMVC3 Tron Color 1.png UMVC3 Tron Color 2.png UMVC3 Tron Color 3.png UMVC3 Tron Color 4.png UMVC3 Tron Color 5.png UMVC3 Tron Color 6.png UMVC3 Tron Color Alt.png