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A member of the Raccoon City police force S.T.A.R.S. and partner of Chris Redfield, Jill's design in UMvC3 is based on her appearance in Resident Evil 5, where she was abducted by Albert Wesker and placed under his control.

In UMvC3, Jill is an extremely high-speed character with a fairly unique and difficult-to-use moveset. Jill makes use of her special "Feral Crouch" stance and her Mad Beast Level 3 Hyper Install to mix up, reset, and outmaneuver opponents.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Fast Mobility: Extremely high speed, especially when making good use of her stances or when enhanced by X-Factor. Despite not having traditional flight or airdashes, Jill can very reliably close the distance and maneuver around enemy projectiles, and can quickly become a threat from any screen position.
  • Safe L1 Hyper: Very safe and invincible level 1 hyper allows Jill to blow through enemy neutral at low risk.
  • Mixup Potential: Huge potential for mixups and resets once she gets momentum.
  • Counter Synergy: Can provide other characters with an invincible, combo-starting crossover counter for 1 bar.
  • Very High Execution: Jill is infamously one of the hardest characters to play in the game. Her stance mechanic requires a strong technical understanding of the character to actually capitalize on her strengths, and good mechanical skill to actually input them in the middle of a match. Jill becomes even more difficult to control when utilizing her Mad Beast hyper.
  • Limited OTG Options: Very mediocre OTG options, which make her throws relatively non-threatening and harm her overall offense.
  • Little To No Zoning: No projectiles at all outside of the aforementioned invincible hyper. Needs to rely entirely on her movement to deal with enemy zoning.

Unique Mechanic

Jill is a stance character that uses her Feral Crouch (22X) stance in order to improve her framedata and make her offense and combos threatening. She is able to cancel most normals and grounded specials into stance. This includes all three of her assists when used as Cross-over Counters.

Additionally, she has Mad Beast (214XX), a fairly unique 3-Bar install that puts her into a stance of sorts in which she can freely use normals, her teleport becomes much more versatile and threatening, and she gains additional hitstun. Similar to Feral Crouch all of her normals and specials can be cancelled into teleport (and vice-versa), this includes her assists when used as Cross-over Counters while she is in Mad Beast.

UMVC3 Jill Nameplate.png
UMVC3 Jill Portrait.png
Health 850,000
Invulnerable Reversal(s) 236XX, 214XX
Grounded Magic Series Full
X-Factor Damage Boost (1/2/3) 25% / 45% / 55%
X-Factor Speed Boost (1/2/3) 15% / 25% / 45%
Air Movement Options
Air Actions Air Jumps? Air Dash? Flight? WallJump?
0 No No No No
Minimum Attack Scaling
Normals Specials Hypers
20 20 30

Move List


Cartwheel Kick
Assist A
UMVC3 Jill AssistA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 39 10 116, 86
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Groundbounce.png into Softknockdown.png

THC Hyper: Machine Gun Spray. Combo extending assist, which forces a ground bounce even against standing opponents. However, has limited range.

Arrow Kick
Assist B
UMVC3 Jill AssistB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 44 9 119, 89
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Wallbounce.png into Softknockdown.png

THC Hyper: Machine Gun Spray. Has range of roughly 60% of fullscreen distance, outclassing Jill's other assists as a neutral tool. On hit, it causes a lengthy wallbounce into a soft knockdown, which many characters can confirm into a full combo (or use to extend a combo they already started).

Somersault Kick
Assist Y
UMVC3 Jill AssistY.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 34 10 133, 103
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Invuln (as Crossover Counter) frames 1-???

THC Hyper: Machine Gun Spray. A defensive/anti-air assist with limited range. Does not have the invincibility of its point character counterpart.

Mainly notable for its utility as an alpha/crossover counter. When used this way, Somersault Kick DOES have its invincible startup, as well as its ability to be jump-canceled. In effect, this assist can give any character access to an invincible guard cancel reversal that starts a combo for the price of 1 bar.

Ground Normals

Stand Light
UMVC3 Jill 5L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
33,000 4 2 12
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -1 Mid Rpdfire.png


Stand Medium
UMVC3 Jill 5M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
45,000 7 3 20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-4 -6 Mid -


Stand Heavy
UMVC3 Jill 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
63,000 9 3 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -2 Mid -


Crouching Light
UMVC3 Jill 2L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 5 2 11
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+1 0 Low Rpdfire.png


Crouching Medium
UMVC3 Jill 2M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
43,000 8 12 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-9 -11 Low -

Sliding attack with a very low profile and a large active frame count. Jill can use this to advance underneath beams and other higher-aimed attacks in relative safety. In total, 2M advances about 25% of fullscreen distance.

Crouching Heavy
UMVC3 Jill 2H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
60,000 9 3 26
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -7 Low Strk.png, Softknockdown.png

2H has a comparable low profile to 2M. However, it has far fewer active frames, and thus is less capable of actually evading most attacks. It also does not advance forward the way that 2M does.

As a sweep, it places grounded opponents into an airborne state, which is useful for enabling certain juggle combos.

UMVC3 Jill 5S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 8 3 24
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
Launch -5 Mid Launch.png, Nocancel.png

Standard launcher. Jill has poor OTG tools and limited combo potential at superjump height, so the payoff is lower than most characters.

Aerial Normals

Jumping Light
UMVC3 Jill jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 5 7 6
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+11 +10 OH -


Jumping Medium
UMVC3 Jill jM.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 8 3 20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+16 +14 OH -


Jumping Heavy
UMVC3 Jill jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
65,000 9 4 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+19 +17 OH -


Jumping Special
UMVC3 Jill jS.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
68,000 9 6 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+16 +14 OH Aircombofinisher.png


Command Normals

Sickle Kick
UMVC3 Jill 6H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
65,000 23 3 12
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+9 +7 OH Recovers in Feral Crouch

Command Overhead with very good advantage on both hit and block. Jill is airborne for most of this move, then lands and automatically enters her Feral Crouch stance upon recovering. On hit, Jill can confirm into either her L "Low Sweep" or H "Somersault Kick" Stance attacks into a full combo by holding the corresponding attack button.

  • It's important to note that if the attack hits on the first active frame, Somersault Kick (22S H) will not combo but Low Sweep (22S L) will. This situation only comes up when landing this attack just outside of throw distance on a standing medium to tall height character. If you land this attack on a crouching character or a standing short character, Somersault Kick will always combo.

If you want to avoid entering Feral Crouch, the airborne part of this attack (both before and after the hit) can be canceled into j.236X. By canceling the overhead into Knee Drop, Jill will recover into her regular neutral state instead of Feral Stance. As a bonus, 6H naturally combos into j.236L, and Jill can link 5M after landing to start a combo from this confirm.

Reverse Roundhouse
UMVC3 Jill 4H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
63,000 11 4 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-1 -3 Mid -

Functions very similarly to Jill's normal 5H attack. Basically used as combo filler in chains, as Jill can cancel 5H or 2H into this attack for some free extra damage and retain all of the same cancel options she had with her regular heavy normals.

Special Moves

Flip Kick
UMVC3 Jill 236L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 13 10 13
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -1 Mid Strk.png, Recovers in Feral Crouch.

Jill moves forward approximately one character length, while kicking both in front and above herself in an arc. Has a great hitbox and is fairly quick.

This move automatically recovers in Feral Crouch. However, it almost always preferable to manually cancel this attack into Feral Crouch instead, using the 22S input. A direct cancel into Feral Crouch will skip most of the attack's later active frames and recovery, giving Flip Kick much better frame advantage than what is listed on block, and opens several combo routes on hit.

Cartwheel Kick
UMVC3 Jill 236M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 15 10 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -9 Mid Groundbounce.png into Softknockdown.png, recovers in Feral Stance.

Advances Jill forward while attacking above and in front of her, similar to 236L. However, it travels slightly further forward than 236L, and causes a ground bounce on hit.

Like with 236L, Jill automatically recovers from this move in her Feral Stance, and also like with 236L, she benefits from manually cancelling this move into Feral Stance early using 22S. Stance-canceling Cartwheel Kick makes it advantageous on block and opens up additional combo routes on hit.

Arrow Kick
UMVC3 Jill 236H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 20 9 27
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -14 Mid Wallbounce.png into Hardknockdown.png

Jill flies forward, covering roughly 80% of fullscreen distance in total, while kicking. Very threatening move with good reach the starts a wallbounce combo on hit.

This move is normally considered grounded for its entire duration. As a result, it can be special-canceled into Feral Crouch (22S) on whiff or block in order to stay safe or even force additional pressure. If this move hits, it instead puts Jill into an airborne state where she flips backwards away from the opponent. Thus, Jill cannot cancel Arrow Kick into Feral Stance on hit - although she can cancel into Knee Drop - and struggles to actually confirm the wallbounce without assists or specific spacing.

Double Knee Drop
UMVC3 Jill j236X.png
(air) Qcf.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 18 Until Grounded 11
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+10 +8 OH Hardknockdown.png (vs airborne)
(air) Qcf.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 23 Until Grounded 11
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+15 +13 OH Groundbounce.png and Hardknockdown.png vs airborne
(air) Qcf.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 30 Until Grounded 14
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+33 +5 OH Groundbounce.png and Hardknockdown.png vs airborne

Jill stops in place for a moment, then drops straight down. Has slow startup and limited reach but incredible advantage on hit/block.

Fallen Prey
UMVC3 Jill 623L.png
UMVC3 Jill 623L Grab.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 + 70,000 8 2 31
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -11 Low Otg.png, Hardknockdown.png

Low hitting hit-grab with almost no follow-up potential. In terms of OTGs, Jill only has access to this move and her Machine Gun Spray hyper, which has very inconsistent damage output. Jill can use this as a meterless combo-ender after most hard knockdowns to get some additional damage while maintaining pressure.

The hit-grab can also be used to juke enemy assists, such as Doom's Hidden Missiles, although it will also make your opponent immune to your own assists during the animation.

The second hit of this attack has slightly better minimum damage scaling than normal, it will always do at least 20,000 damage.

UMVC3 Jill 623M.png
UMVC3 Jill 623M Grab.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 + 70,000 10 3 28
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -9 Mid Hardknockdown.png

Hitgrab special that can be tacked on to the end of combos that wouldn't otherwise end in a hard knockdown. Jill can follow this attack up with an OTG 623L or 236XX from any screen position.

Switches sides with the opponent, and if Jill throws the opponent into the corner (so if she is cornered when using it), she can juggle with 2L or 2M as well. Jill can set this up herself using the wall-bounce of her Feral Crouch M attack.

The second hit of this attack has slightly better minimum damage scaling than normal, it will always do at least 20,000 damage.

Position Change
UMVC3 Jill 623H.png
UMVC3 Jill 623H Grab.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 10 1 25
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+4 - Throw -

Side-switch command grab reminiscent of Yun from Street Fighter. Does not deal damage, but gives exactly enough frame advantage for Jill to link 5L (and nothing else) if timed well.

Feral Crouch
UMVC3 Jill 22S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 10 - -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Disables Guard

Jill enters a crouching stance (does not have a notably low profile) which replaces her normal moves with special stance-only attacks, and replaces her movement with a teleport. These attacks are detailed below.

Feral Crouch has indefinite duration, but will end if Jill performs any action that does not itself naturally recover into Feral Crouch. She can also manually end the stance by pressing S.

Besides being able to cancel normals into this stance, Jill can cancel her other special moves into Feral Crouch as long as she is not airborne. This is critical for her offense as it drastically improves the recovery of most of her moves and enables her combo potential.

Feral Stance Moves
UMVC3 Jill 22SL.png
L - Low Sweep
UMVC3 Jill 22SM.png
M - Jumping Roundhouse
UMVC3 Jill 22SH.png
H - Somersault Kick
UMVC3 Jill 22S8.png
Input any direction to quickly "teleport" in that direction and end stance.
Low Sweep
(During Feral Stance) L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
45,000 8 4 26
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-6 -8 Low Special Cancelable, recovers in Feral Stance
Jumping Roundhouse
(During Feral Crouch) M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
85,000 20 3 23
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -4 Mid Wallbounce.png
Somersault Kick
(During Feral Stance) H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 10 10 41
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -29 Mid Invuln until frame 14, Strk.png, Jcancel.png
(During Feral Stance) B.png, Ub.png, U.png. Uf.png, or F.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 9 6 2
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Invuln frames 9-14, passthrough, special cancelable

These moves are exclusive to Feral Crouch (Somersault Kick is technically available as an alpha counter). Jill can also perform her other special moves as normal during Feral Crouch.

After inputting Feral Crouch, holding the attack button will perform the special on the next possible frame the action can be executed. This can be used to make cancels into these specials easier and more consistent in combos.

Low Sweep - Notable for being the fastest of the Feral Crouch attacks, for being the only one that maintains Feral Crouch naturally after use, and for being special cancelable on hit. Jill can chain Low Sweep into 5S to start an air combo.

Jumping Roundhouse - Functions similarly to Arrow Kick, although with a shorter recovery that makes it easier to capitalize on the wallbounce.

Somersault Kick - Very important move. As an invincible reversal, it is the opponent's only reason not to mash against Feral Crouch outside of blockstrings. It is also jump-cancelable. Jill can land this attack to set up jump loop combos, or jump-cancel it on block to maintain pressure.

Teleport - Very quickly moves Jill a fixed distance in the direction input. Has a small invincibiility window, but this does not start until frame 9 and thus it is vulnerable to being clipped out of its startup. As a fast movement tool, it can be used for resets or in certain combos to quickly gain access to Jill's strong air normals. Teleport can force a cross-up even if the opponent is cornered, and Jill automatically corrects her facing if using teleport to cross up.

Hyper Combos

Machine Gun Spray
236XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Jill 236XX.png
"Target Sighted"
Damage Startup Active Recovery
11,000 per hit, up to 22 hits 10+9 38 23
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -3 Mid Invuln until frame 20, Otg.png, Damage scaled by 0.98, Priority: High, Durability: 3 per bullet

Very fast invincible hyper where Jill leaps through the air, shooting indiscriminately all around her. This hyper can do great damage if spaced to connect as many shots as possible, but can also do very little damage if spaced poorly. As a combo ender, it will typically get the most hits by cancelling from Somersault Kick.

Very unique as an invincible, projectile-focused hyper with low recovery. Can be used to blow through an opponent's zoning, to escape pressure, to end combos, or to set up DHCs (in either direction). Since its total duration is so short, it also has strong THC synergy while Jill is on point - she can recover before her teammates finish their hypers, and continue to combo or pressure the opponent behind their attacks.

Raven Spike
623XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Jill 623XX.png
UMVC3 Jill 623XX Cinematic.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 x6 + 150,000 8+1 5 36
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -19 Mid Hardknockdown.png, initial barrage scales by 0.9, final hit scales by 0.85

Faster than Machine Gun Spray, but lacking the invincibility, OTG potential, and range. This hyper's damage is great for one bar, so comboing into it is preferred.

As a cinematic hyper, it gets almost no value against assist characters, but can be used to dodge projectiles or other dangerous attacks by pulling Jill and her opponent into the cutscene.

Mad Beast
214XX (3 Bars)
UMVC3 Jill 214XX.png
UMVC3 Jill 214XX Effect.png
UMVC3 Jill 214XX Dash.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 10+1 600 1
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Invuln until frame 10

Install Level 3 Hyper. This install acts as a sort of enhanced version of her regular Feral Stance (she can not activate Feral Stance while in Mad Beast). The main differences in Mad Beast mode are:

  • Jill's teleport can now be performed in the air, and she can teleport in the three down-facing directions ( Db.png, D.png, and Df.png ) while airborne in addition to the normal 5.
  • Jill can cancel her normal or special attacks into teleport (and her teleports can in turn be canceled into most specials).
  • Jill's normals gain additional hitstun.

Jill is notoriously difficult to control while in Mad Beast, as inputting any direction at almost any point will cause Jill to cancel what she is doing into a teleport. However, she is also extremely dangerous if piloted correctly in this state, gaining access to very deadly combos and pressure.

Unlike Feral Crouch, Jill can use her normal attacks freely in Mad Beast, instead of using the stance-specific attacks. Also, she is able to block in Mad Beast, but she can only block crouching, as inputting a stand block will be instead interpreted as a teleport input.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
6H, 4H
UMVC3 Jill GroundThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png

Standard ground throw that results in the opponent knocked down.

Air Throw
j.6H, j.4H
UMVC3 Jill AirThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Airthrow Hardknockdown.png

Standard airthrow that results in a hard knockdown.

Snap Back
UMVC3 Jill 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 2 3 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -2 Mid Snapback

Animation and hitbox based on 5H.

Hard Tag
Hold 14f A1.png/A2.png
UMVC3 Jill HardTag.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 - 21 33
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -17 OH Softknockdown.png


Team Position

Jill is frequently picked as an Anchor character. Her naturally high speed receives an extremely powerful boost in higher levels of X-Factor. Although this makes her difficult to control, it also makes her mixup game extremely difficult for the opponent to follow, and she can rapidly fire off unreactable offensive pressure.

Notable Synergies

Sentinel: Sentinel Force is an excellent assist to support most characters, with Jill being no exception. The drones can keep an opponent occupied while Jill approaches with Arrow Kick or sets up with Feral Crouch. She can also call the assist before using 623M or 623H, and it will make follow-up attacks easier.

Players to Watch: CorkyJay (Jill/Iron Man/Sentinel or Jill/Doom/Sentinel), WindZero (Chris/Sentinel/Jill, sometimes)

Chris: Chris' Gun Fire assist is a horizontal-coverage projectile assist that can cover Jill's approach. As she is quite fast, Jill does not mind the reduced duration compared to more common horizontal assists like Plasma Beam. Additionally, Chris and Jill has some very strong synergy between their hypers. Jill can use the invulnerability of her Machine Gun hyper to punish enemy attacks on reaction, then accommodate the low damage by DHCing to Chris's grenade hyper, which deals great damage and can even be followed up with a combo on hit. In the other direction, Chris can activate his grenade hyper, fire the first two shots, and then DHC to Jill. She will recover quickly and relatively safely, then be able to pressure the opponent in the window before the second grenade falls back down toward the opponent. This same combination works as a THC with Jill on point. Jill will recover quickly and gain several seconds of free offense protected by Chris' hyper combo.

Players to Watch: WindZero (Chris/Sentinel/Jill, sometimes), St.Valentine (Jill/Chris/Wesker)

Other Players to Watch:

Alternate Colors

Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4 Color 5 Color 6 Alt Color
UMVC3 Jill Color 1.png UMVC3 Jill Color 2.png UMVC3 Jill Color 3.png UMVC3 Jill Color 4.png UMVC3 Jill Color 5.png UMVC3 Jill Color 6.png UMVC3 Jill Color Alt.png