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Motion Input Chart
7 Ub.png 8 U.png 9 Uf.png
4 B.png 5 N.png 6 F.png
1 Db.png 2 D.png 3 Df.png
Notation Meaning
(Leave a space) cancel from the previous normal to the following.
, Link from the previous move to the following.
> Cancel the previous move into the following special / super move.
~ Cancel special into set followup or plink previous attack into the following.
dl. / delay Delay the following move.
whiff Must whiff the following move.
land Must land on the ground before the next move.
rejump Must land then jump again before the next move.
j. / sj. Move is done in a jump / superjump.
jc / sjc Cancel previous move into a jump / superjump.
ia./tk. Instant Air or Tiger Knee Special or Super Move.
XX Any two attack buttons excluding S.
NXX Dash / Airdash in N direction.
X+S Any other attack button and S pressed at the same time.
AA Anti-Air
[X] Hold input
-X- Release input
(N) Connect with only the Nth hit of this attack.
(Move) Move is optional.
[sequence] x N Repeat sequence N times.


Solo Combos

2L > 2M > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, rejump, airdash j.2H, land, 2H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5[H], 5S sjc. j.5S, j.623X xx 214XX (757,000 damage for 1 bar, builds 1.3 bars of meter.).

Basic Skrull BnB route using both of his standard relaunch tools: j.2H and 5[H]. Meter positive and fairly universal.

2L > 2M > 2H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, rejump, airdash j.2H, land, 2H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, land, 5[H], backdash j.2147XX (tiger knee hyper), 214XX (907,000 damage for 2 meter, builds 1 bar of hyper meter)

Skrull can double hyper in the corner if he does the first Inferno as an air hyper immediately off the ground.

X-Factor Combos


Sample Team Combos


Beginner Combos

Combos One Star.png
Basic, simple combos with few requirements or restrictions.
  • Work on all or nearly all characters.
  • Require little to no resources (Meter, Assists, Character Specific Stocks).
  • Need minimal adjustments for positioning or starter.

Skrull Beginner ComboLow damage but simple

5L 5M 2H 5S sjc. j.M j.M j.H j.S, rejump, 6XX j.2H, land, (2H) 5S sjc. j.M j.M j.H j.S, j.623X > (j.)214XX (mash)

Basic Skrull combo off any confirm into Launcher that does not require learning any difficult extensions. 5L 5M 2H will be the standard confirm for most Skrull combos. Skrull's 5H wastes Ground Bounce, limiting his potential for combo extensions later on in the combo, and so it should be avoided if possible.

Keep in mind that Meteor Smash (623X) is aimed at an absolute position based on button strength and so, whenever it is used in a combo, the specific button pressed will depend on the side-switches and stage location. In the far right corner, use H Smash, in the far left corner, use L Smash.

Skrull Midscreen BnBMaking use of your core extensions
Damage: ~710,300
Meter Gain: 1.05 bars (costs 1)
5L 5M 2H 5S sjc. (delay this sequence) j.M j.M j.H j.S, land, 5[H] jc. j.[S], land, 666H 5S sjc. j.S, j.623X > (j.)214XX (mash)

Skrull's standard combo route off grounded hit-confirms. Makes use of 5[H] Stone Smite to relaunch, which is important to learn and critical for several of Skrull's combo routes. If you land the Air Magic Series too quickly, then Skrull will not land in time to fully charge and connect Stone Smite, so this sequence needs to be at least slightly delayed to make the relaunch possible.

The 5[H] jc. j.[S] section gives you an opportunity to adjust for spacing. Jump-canceling up-back is good when close to the corner to prevenmt Skrull from accidentally crossing under the opponent mid-combo. If far from the corner, jump-cancel up-forward instead.

Skrull Midscreen Alternate BnBMaking use of your core extensions
Damage: ~765,400
Meter Gain: 1.00 bars (costs 1)
5L 5M 2H 5S sjc. 6XX j.M j.H j.S, land, (short dash) 5[H] jc. j.[S], land, 666H 5S sjc. 6XX j.H j.S, land, 2[H] jc. TK 2147XX (mash)

Slight variation on the above route which may be easier or harder depending on the person. Uses an airdash in order to set up Skrull's positioning in his jump arc so that you do not have to delay the Air Magic Series, and in general makes timing Stone Smite easier.

After the second relaunch, the 6XX j.H j.S is very tight, and if you wasted any time earlier in the combo then Hitstun Deterioration may make it outright impossible. Feel free to substitute this ender for the 5S sjc. j.S, j.623X > (j.)214XX (mash) ender from the previous route, which is nearly the same.

Can be done near identically in the corner.

Core Combos

Combos Two Stars.png
Core combos that balances reward with execution and reliability.
  • Works against a selected set of characters.
  • Can require adjustments for positioning and resources.
  • Are expected to be consistently performable by a skilled player who main the character.
Skrull Command Grab ComboWorks off any version of Elastic Slam
Damage: ~573,300
Meter Gain: 1.05 bars (costs 1)
214X, dash up jump j.2H, land, dash up 5L 5M 2M 2H 5S sjc. j.M j.M j.H j.S, land, 5[H] jc. TK 236M (sideswitch here) > 236H, 623X > (j.)214XX (mash)

Standard combo off any 214X Command Grab. Ground Bounce is needed to pick up from the initial Hard Knockdown, which means Stone Dunk and other Ground Bounce extensions are not available later.

Converting off Normal Throws

Skrull's Ground Throw tosses opponents very far away, limiting follow-up potential. If Skrull ground throws an opponent into the corner, he can combo using either his standard Command Grab combo (above) or using his Airthrow combo route (below), as he will remain close enough to connect j.2H or 5[H] respectively. Midscreen, Skrull can still pick up with quick plink dashes into L Tenderizer using this input: ML H~ML LLL The L inputs from the dashes help buffer Tenderizer to make the pick-up easier. Tenderizer wastes Ground Bounce and provides heavy damage scaling, so if you can use another method to pick up, prioritize doing so.

Skrull Airthrow Combo
Damage: ~608,200
Meter Gain: 1.00 bars (costs 1)
Airthrow, land, (dash up) 5[H] jc. j.5[S], land, 666H, 5[H] jc. 82[H]~]H[ 5S sjc. j.M j.M j.H j.S, j.623XX > (j.)214XX (mash)

As long as Skrull is close to 5[H] range after an airthrow, he can convert with this combo route. The second 5[H] can not Wall Bounce and thus juggles much lower. The relaunch route is slightly tricky, Skrull can not jump-cancel 5[H] into grounded normals, but he can cancel into a command normal like 2[H]. Use a 82[H] input to begin charging Flame Kick, but then release H early to get a normal 2H which can be chained into 5S.

If Skrull airthrows an opponent directly into the corner, he can Hard Tag to another character with a fast OTG, like Doom or Dante. Video Example.

Comboing in X-Factor

Like many anchor characters, X-Factor combos for Skrull are best optimized to kill characters in as little time as possible, to preserve X-Factor duration for the rest of the comeback. Even a basic Magic Series > Meteor Smash > Inferno combo is more than enough to kill most characters with the damage boosts from X-Factor level 2 or 3. In general, X-Factor combos should just be the minimum amount of hits until a Hard Knockdown OTG into 214XX will kill, or even just cancel directly into Inferno for very high damage. However, here are a list of notable extensions possible in X-Factor:

  • In X-Factor 2, Skrull recovers fast enough from Meteor Smash to link a dash-up 5L into a grounded chain. In the corner, he can also link 5S. With Level 3 X-Factor, Skrull is fast enough to link directly from Meteor Smash into dash-up 5S, which results in an easy (but somewhat slow) X-Factor Infinite.
  • In X-Factor 3, Skrull can chain 5H 5S fast enough that the 5H does not waste Ground Bounce against certain characters.
  • In X-Factor 2 and 3, Skrull can link Fatal Buster (236X > 214H) into Rolling Hook (666H).
  • In X-Factor 2 and 3, Skrull can link a 2M after a non-Wall Bounce Stone Smite (5[H]) in the corner.

Sample X-Factor combos

Assist Extensions

Skrull uses several command normals in his standard combo routes. Unlike special moves, assists can be called during a command normal, meaning Skrull has more flexibility when using assists to extend combos. For all of Skrull's "charged" Command Normals (5[H], 2[H], j.[S]), Skrull can not input the move and an assist at the same time. However, he can call an assist at any point while charging or attacking with these moves.



Advanced Combos

Combos Three Stars.png
Advanced Combos are specialized in usage, require awareness, execution, and have advantages over core combos.
  • May only work on a few characters or in specific circumstances.
  • Can have any amount of requirements such as meter, positioning, starter.
  • Are not necessarily harder than core combos, but require more specific knowledge.
Multiple Inferno Combo
Damage: ~940,000
Meter Gain: 1.20 bars (costs 2)
5L 5M 2H 5S sjc. 6XX j.H j.S, land, 5[H] jc. j.[S], land, 666H 5S sjc. 6XX j.H j.S, land, 2[H] jc. TK j.2147XX, 5S sjc. j.S, j.623X > (j.)214XX (mash)

It is possible to TK Inferno low enough to the ground to land-cancel a significant amount of the recovery, giving Skrull enough extra frame advantage to extend the combo afterwards and potentially land another hyper. If you input the 2147XX motion as fast as possible after 2[H] connects, then Skrull will cancel his pre-jump frames into a grounded Inferno. You do not want this, as grounded Inferno places Skrull fairly high off the ground, making the recovery take too long. Instead include a very small delay between the up-back motion and pressing the attack buttons to activate the hyper (the pre-jump window is 3 frames). If done correctly, Skrull will perform the hyper so low to the ground that his feet appear to be almost touching it during the animation, and Skrull will recover with almost no delay.

This concept can be incorporated into several combo routes and, in the worst-case scenario where you mess up the TK timing, you just get a standard one-bar ender.

Here is another combo using this concept twice in order to perform three total Infernos.

Ground Bounce Reset Glitch
Damage: 622,000
Meter Gain: 1.40 bars (costs 1)
214X, 5XX jump j.2H, land, dash up 5M 2H 5S sjc. j.M j.M j.H j.S, land, 5[H], 5S + Assist (Sentinel Drones) sjc. j.5S, j.623X, 5H, 666H, 623H > (j.)214XX (mash)

Skrull can use the Ground Bounce Reset Glitch by OTGing an opponent with the Ground Bounce-capable Meteor Smash while an assist hitbox is active immediately above the opponent.

TK Tenderizer Extension
Damage: ~780,000
Meter Gain: 1.75 bars (costs 1)
5L 2M 2H 5S sjc. j.6XX j.M j.H j.S, land, 2[H] jc. j.M j.H j.S, land, 2H 5S sjc. j.6XX j.M j.H j.S, land, 5[H] jc. j.S, land, 666H, 4XX 2[H jc. 8LLL land, 2[H] jc. TK 2369L~214H > 214XX (mash)

This concept is similar to multi-hyper combos using TK Inferno, although the execution is much trickier. Every hit of Air L Tenderizer causes a lengthy Hard Knockdown, except for the last one which causes a Ground Bounce. By jump-canceling 2[H] into an Air Tenderizer as low to the ground as possible without activating the grounded version, Skrull will land and instantly recover just before he would normally connect the final punch. This allows him to OTG again with another 2[H] for additional damage and meter-build. To do this, you must buffer two L inputs as 2[H] finishes charging, and then jump-cancel into the third L input to complete the Tenderizer.

Since 2[H] into TK Tenderizer lets you connect another 2[H], then it is possible to loop this back into itself, which means:

TK Tenderizer Infinite
Every rep is Hard
EmbedVideo received a list of URL arguments that contained malformed data or blank arguments.
Damage: It is an infinite.
Meter Gain: it is an infinite.
2[H] jc. 8LLL land 5XX 2[H] jc. 8LLL land 5XX 2[H] jc. 8LLL land 5XX, etc.

Same concept as the normal TK Tenderizer extension, but use it to extend back into itself. You need to dash forward occasionally or Skrull will slowly be pushed out of range for the infinite. Doing enough consistent reps of this to kill a character outright is unlikely, but you may be able to loop it a few times before going into a standard combo ender.

Combo Theory

Skrull's combo routes are built around his large variety of OTG-capable attacks. Even with no assist support, Skrull is capable of repeated relaunches from various Hard Knockdowns, although conversely he does not get huge value from assist extensions compared to his already solid solo damage.

Skrull is reliant on j.5S as an Air Combo Finisher to secure Hard Knockdowns and set up his powerful OTG attacks. Manipulating when this Hard Knockdown occurs to maximize the time Skrull has to prepare his follow-up is a key combo concept. To do this, Skrull can either delay his Air Magic Series in order to make j.5S hit as late as possible, or use an airdash setup in order to intentionally limit Skrull's superjump arc and allow himself to land earlier: 5S sjc. j.6XX (j.M j.H j.5S. As the combo progresses, Hitstun Deterioration increases to the point that Skrull can not consistently even combo j.H into j.S, acting as an upper limit on how long he can use this for extensions.

666H (Rolling Hook) is Skrull's only Hard Knockdown tool that does not require an Air Combo Finisher (ignoring the Hard Knockdowns caused by throws) and can also be chained into 5S or special-canceled for other extensions.

5[H] is a powerful OTG tool and Skrull's main Wall Bounce. It can be jump-canceled on contact, which is typically used to combo 5[H] jc. j.[S] in order to connect two highly-damaging charged attacks.

2[H] is a faster OTG than 5[H] and although it neither Ground Bounces nor Wall Bounces, its lengthy spinout into Soft Knockdown makes it essentially immune to Hitstun Deterioration, making it useful near the end of combos when other extensions will no longer work. It can be jump-canceled on contact which allows it to be followed up with a variety of grounded and aerial moves, with the most common being ending combos by jump-canceling into TK Inferno.

j.2H is a much faster OTG, which makes it useful for converting awkward Hard Knockdowns, or picking up off throws and command grabs. It uses Ground Bounce in order to enable Skrull to follow-up, and if Ground Bounce is not available when Skrull connects j.2H, the combo will immediately end with a tech roll for the opponent.

LLL (L Tenderizer) is also very fast for an OTG, and its fantastic horizontal range combined with the fact it can be accessed on the ground (unlike j.2H) means it is useful in situations where picking up a Knockdown with any other OTG tool is not possible. It wastes Ground Bounce and heavily scales the following combo, so it should be avoided if other OTG options are possible, but acts as the "easy way" in most cases. Every hit of L Tenderizer except for the last one causes a lengthy Hard Knockdown. Skrull can alternatively end most of his combos by replacing the last OTG with L Tenderizer canceled into Death Penalty (623XX) to secure a kill for three bars of meter.

Combo Table

Grounded Starters


Air Starters
