Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Rock

From SuperCombo Wiki


He is the abandoned son of Geese Howard and Mary R. Heinlein, after his mother's death he was a vagabond and then found by Terry Bogard who adopted him as a father figure and legal tutor.

His fighting style its a mix about the reversals of Geese Howard with Terry Bogard rush attacks.



Strengths Weaknesses
  • Strong mobility and solid approach tools
  • Versatile toolkit for both offensive and defensive play, including a fireball, DP, parries and command grab.
  • Great conversion ability and punish options with meter - Shining Knuckle stocks is his wincon.
  • Very weak meterless combos and average damage even with meter
  • Low health compared to most of the cast
  • Normals arent equally good all around.
  • Struggles heavily in matchups where Rock can't build meter safely.
MOTW Rock Art.png

Character Colors


Move List

Frame Data Source : and

Data Help
Disclaimer: This is meant to teach basic terminology used when describing moves.
HitBox: A predefined area (usually a group of rectangles or circles) that tell the game how any given attack can come in contact with a character. Hitboxes are invisible to the player when normally playing.
HurtBox: A predefined area (usually a group of rectangles or circles) that tell the game how your character is allowed to get hit by any incoming attack. Specifically, you'll get hit by (or block) an attack if that attack's hitbox ever overlaps your hurtbox.
Throw Box/Range: Active throw frames and range. Your opponent will be thrown in this field if not in block or hit stun.
Projectile Box: Hit box on a projectile attack.
Guard/Counter Box: The Guard Box or Counter Box. This appears when blocking or using a counter move.
Push Box: Has no bearing on hurt/hit boxes. Just allows characters to not pass through each other. (Also known as "Collision Box".)
Command the input for the attack.
Start Up The number of frames that initiate at the beginning of an attack after the input. And when the first hitbox is present.

The first active frame is after the last startup frame.

Guard The way this move must be blocked.

High or H or Overhead (especially when from the ground) -- must be blocked standing.
High-Low or HL or Mid -- can be blocked either standing or crouching.
Low or L -- must be blocked crouching.

Damage "basic" damage -- unmodified damage values

"correct" damage -- damage values modified for damage scaling, TOP multiplier, and defense rate

Guard Crush Value Decrease your guard durability gauge/meter by that value/s
+ signifies how many advantage frames the attacker has.
- signifies how many disadvantage frames the attacker has.
KD means the attack will knock the opponent down.
circle means cancelable on both hit/block.
infinity means chain cancelable with the same button (renda cancel).
means cancelable on the first hit/part only.
《 》OR « » OR << >> OR ( ) The numbers in the brackets are the startup frames until the next stage (the gap until the next hit's first active frame).
up triangle means only cancelable on block.
down triangle means only cancelable on hit.
× OR X means not cancelable.

Close Standing Normals

Cl. Kof.lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
4 Mid 3 4 5 12
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+6 +6 Yes Yes/chainable Yes/chainable 4

Standing jab.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Mid 3 1 12 16
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+2 +2 Yes Yes Yes 4

Cl. Kof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Mid 5 4 25 34
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-8 -8 Yes Yes Yes 5

Cl. Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Mid 10 5 22 37
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-6 -6 Yes Yes Yes 5
Cl. > F.png + Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Overhead 24 3 26 53
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-8 -8 No No No 5,9

Target combo from cl.5D. Can be done during the startup of cl.5D.

Far Standing Normals

Far Kof.lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
5 Mid 3 4 7 14
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+4 +4 Yes Yes/chainable Yes/chainable 4

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7 Mid 7 4 14 25
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-3 -3 No No No 4

Far Kof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 Mid 10 2 25 37
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-6 -6 No No No 5

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 Mid 11 3 27 41
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-9 -9 Yes (on block) No Yes 5

f.5D whiffs on crouching opponents.

Crouching Normals

Cr. Kof.lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
4 Mid 4 4 8 16
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+3 +3 Yes Yes/chainable Yes/chainable 4

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Low 4 4 6 14
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+5 +5 Yes Yes/chainable Yes/chainable 4

Cr. Kof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Mid 5 4 20 29
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-3 -3 Yes Yes Yes 5

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Low 8 3 30 41
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -12 No No No 5

Jumping Normals

Jump Kof.lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 High 3 10 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - No No 4

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 High 4 5 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - No No 4

Jump Kof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 High 8 6 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - No No 5

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 High 10 4 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - No No 5

Command Normals

Evasive Attacks

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Overhead 21 6 15 42
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-2 +4 No No No 6

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Mid 9 3 27 39
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-11 -5 Yes (on hit) Yes No 6
  • 1~5F upper-body invincibility


B.png / F.png + Kof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 - 1 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+35 - - - - -

Normal throw.


F.png + Kof.lp.pngKof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 12
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - - -

Mimics the start of 236(x2)B/D.

  • Minimum feint frames = 12

D.png + Kof.lp.pngKof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 11
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - - -

Mimics the start of 236A/C.

  • Minimum feint frames = 11

T.O.P. Attack

T.O.P. Attack
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
16 Overhead 29 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -16 - - - 25

Rock's top attack is a horribly slow overhead. It deals decent damage and knocks down on hit, but the reward doesnt come close to making up for the immense risk of this move.

Special Moves

Rock's fireball
Qcf.png + Kof.lp.png/Kof.sp.png
Qcf.png + Kof.lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
12 Mid 12 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-3 -3 - - - 7

The fireball is s great way of controlling ground space and contesting zoners/keep slow characters away. However, the move's awkward recovery along with how strong jumping is in this game, you dont want to bet on a fireball often.

Impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

Double Reppu-Ken
Qcf.png + Kof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9,10 Mid 13 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+0 +0 - - - 4,4

Ground projectile C version first does a point-blank projectile, then sends out a second projectile.

Either (1) both projectiles hit as a point-blank, 2-hit ground projectile; or

(2) the first projectile dissipates and the second projectile travels out.

Correct damage = 18 (2 hits)

Impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

Crack Counter
Qcf.png +
Qcf.png + Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
18 High/Mid 3 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD 0 - - - 7

4~19F upper-body counter, counterattack activates with a 6F startup after hitting. counters mid & high attacks, while counters low attacks. You can use this to bet against certain tools on defense as well as a risky anti-air

Impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

Qcf.png + Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
20 Low 3 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD 0 - - - 8

4~19F lower-body counter, counterattack activates with a 9F startup after hitting.

Can be used on defense but its primary use is to build meter safely, considering how fast it is and how much meter is important for Rock

Impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

Hard Edge
Qcb.png + Kof.lp.png/Kof.sp.png
Qcb.png + Kof.lp.png Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
12 Mid 11 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -5 - - - 6

A version has Rock do a quick short dash with an elbow attack, it needs to be spaced to be safe. Used mainly as his combo ender to his meterless BnBs and a filler during juggles.

Qcb.png + Kof.sp.png Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10,9 Mid 17 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -12 - - - 6,6

C has him follow-up with a punch (highly unsafe). Used mainly in meterless punish combos

Correct damage = 18

Rage Run
Qcb.png +
Qcb.png +
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
20 Overhead 24 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -3 - - - 7

B version has him dash then do an overhead punch. This move is risky as the punch has some start-up delay and is negative. Your best bet for a overhead, as its one of your fastest while also the least punishable.

Qcb.png +
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - - -

D Version will make Rock disappear in front of his opponent and then appear behind his opponent. After "shifting" behind the opponent, you are able to cancel into command throw 360+C. Risky, but can be worth it and helps creating mindgames with his overhead. Dont use this often or you'll die.

Rising Tackle
Charge D.png~U.png + Kof.lp.png/Kof.sp.png
D.png~U.png + Kof.lp.png Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7,7,7 Mid 3 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -29 - - - 2, 3, 3

1~6F full-body invincibility

Correct damage = 18

Impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

D.png~U.png + Kof.sp.png Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8,6,6,6 Mid 3 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -32 - - - 2, 3 x 3
  • 1~6F full-body invincibility

Other then being a DP, which means its great for reversalling and anti-airs, it also deals the most damage out of Rock's specials so its your best combo ender for metered juggle combos.

Correct damage = 21

Impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

Evac Toss
Rock's command grab
360.png + Kof.sp.png
Evac Toss
360.png + Kof.sp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
20 - 11 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - - -

Command throw & is Break-able with AB. Just doing 360+C will have Rock throw his opponent to the opposite side of the screen.

Evac Toss Break Break after command grab
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - - -

Breaking the move with AB will allow Rock to follow up with a special move or super.

Hold After Break
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
11 - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - - -

Holding AB during the Evac Toss will have Rock charge up his fist for an energy blast called Rasetsu. To do this follow-up, continue holding AB after break and then release. The timing is strict to get this follow-up to connect.

Super Moves

Raging Storm
Qcf.pngQcf.png + Kof.lp.png/Kof.sp.png
Qcf.pngQcf.png + Kof.lp.png
S Power
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
33 Mid 12 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -23 - - - 15

1~9F full-body invincibility. Has a projectile hitbox/hurtbox.

Impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

Qcf.pngQcf.png + Kof.sp.png
P Power
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
13,13,14,14 Mid 17 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -51 - - - 10 × 4

1~11F full-body invincibility. Has a projectile hitbox/hurtbox.

You can hold C and release to delay when the super comes out.

Correct damage = 46

Impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

Shining Knuckle
Qcf.pngQcf.png +
Qcf.pngQcf.png +
S Power
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8 × 5 Mid 1 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -13 - - - 3 × 5

Correct damage = 32

Qcf.pngQcf.png +
P Power
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10, 10, 6 × 9 = 74 Mid 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -15 - - - 30
  • Character defining move.

Startup is insanely quick and the range is absurd. Like all supers it deals great damage and is very easy to combo into, but it does so much for rock's combos and punish game due to its efficiency.

Correct damage = 55

Deadly Rave Neo
Hcb.pngF.png + Kof.lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
2, 5 × 8, 8 × 6 = 90 Mid 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Feint Cancel Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -2 - - - 20
  • Full input: Hcb.pngF.png + Kof.lp.png > > Qcb.png + Kof.sp.png
  • Deals higher damage in the corner

Correct damage = 59

Last hit has a projectile hitbox/hurtbox.

Game Navigation

Kim Dong Hwan
Khushnood Butt
Kevin Rian
B. Jenet
Kim Jae Hoon