The King of Fighters 2002/Orochi Chris

From SuperCombo Wiki
OChris02 stance.gif

General Info

Crouch height: Medium
Jump: 4/31/1
Hop: 4/23/1
Dash: 3/10~∞/3
Backdash: 3/21/3
Wakeup: 29 frames
Recovery roll: 20 frames

Stand Crouch Jump Grab Run
OChris02 stand.png OChris02 crouch.png OChris02 jump.png OChris02 grab.png OChris02 run.png


Snka.gif Snkb.gif Snkc.gif Snkd.gif
OChris02 colorA.png OChris02 colorB.png OChris02 colorC.png OChris02 colorD.png


Frames Advantage Cancel Block Hitbox Notes
Standing Close
Snka.gif 4/3/5 +4/+2 R,C,S,Su HL
Chris02 clA.png
Snkb.gif 4/3/7 +2/0 C,S,Su HL
Chris02 clB.png
Snkc.gif 3/3+3/29 -15/-17 C,S,Su HL
Chris02 clC1.png
Chris02 clC2.png
Snkd.gif 4/4/20 -4/-6 C,S,Su HL
Chris02 clD.png
Standing Far
Snka.gif 4/3/5 +4/+2 R,C,S,Su HL
Chris02 clA.png
Snkb.gif 7/6/9 -4/-6 HL
Chris02 stB.png
Snkc.gif 7/3(12)6/17 -3/-5 C,S,Su HL
Chris02 stC1.png
Chris02 stC2.png
Snkd.gif 8/4/29 -13/-15 HL
Chris02 stD.png
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 15/3/28 KD/-9 S,Su HL
Chris02 stCD.png
Goes over lows
Snka.gif 4/3/5 +4/+2 R,C,S,Su HL
Chris02 crA.png
Snkb.gif 3/4/5 +3/+1 R L
Chris02 crB.png
Snkc.gif 3/5*3/17 0/-2 C,S,Su HL
Chris02 crC1.png
Chris02 crC2.png
Only first hit is cancellable
Snkd.gif 8/7/19 KD/-8 L
Chris02 crD.png
Snka.gif 4/9/- -/- H
Chris02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 4/9/- -/- H
Chris02 jB.png
Snkc.gif 5/4/- -/- H
Chris02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 5/4/- -/- H
Chris02 jD.png
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 16/3+3/- KD/- S HL
Chris02 jCD1.png
Chris02 jCD2.png
Neutral Jump
Snka.gif 4/9/- -/- H
Chris02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 5/9/- -/- H
Chris02 juB.png
Snkc.gif 5/4/- -/- S H
Chris02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 5/4/- -/- H
Chris02 jD.png
Snka.gif 4/9/- -/- H
Chris02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 4/9/- -/- H
Chris02 jB.png
Snkc.gif 5/4/- -/- S H
Chris02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 5/4/- -/- H
Chris02 jD.png
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 14/3+3/- KD/- S HL
Chris02 jCD1.png
Chris02 jCD2.png
Command Normals
f + Snka.gif 10/3/26 -9/-11 S,Su HL
Chris02 fA.png
Muyou no Ono - f + A
  • does very little damage but comes out fast enough to punish some fast recovering moves from a distance

f + Snkb.gif

10/2(2)2/23 -5/-7 HL*H
Chris02 fB1.png
Chris02 fB2.png
f + Snkb.gif
10/2(2)2/23 -5/-7 S,Su HL
df + Snkb.gif 8/13/10 -3/-5 L
Chris02 dfB.png
Setsudan no Koto - df + B
  • safe on block from many distances though it's best if it is spaced
Special Moves
qcf + Snka.gif (30, 26)、(1段目)(0, 8+4)、(2段目)(9, 8+4)、(3段目)(18, 8+4)
OChris02 qcfA1.png
OChris02 qcfA2.png
Taiyou wo Iru Honoo - qcf + P
  • Chris sends forth three balls of flame that travel forward
  • qcf + A comes out faster than qcf + C and recovers faster allowing the possibility of comboing after them
  • qcf + C projectiles move faster than qcf + A and travel further (almost full screen length)
OChris02 qcfA3.png
qcf + Snkc.gif (33, 28)、(1段目)(0, 8+4)、(2段目)(9, 8+4)、(3段目)(18, 8+4)
OChris02 qcfC1.png
OChris02 qcfC2.png
OChris02 qcfC3.png

qcb + Snka.gif

5+11, 4+4, 9+19 HL
OChris02 qcbP1.png
OChris02 qcbP2.png
Kagami wo Hofuru Honoo - qcb + P
  • Orochi Chris jumps forward with a flame in front of him
  • the flame can negate projectiles but it comes out too slow and recovers too slow for this to be practical
  • does not combo against crouching characters
  • free cancellable into
qcb + Snkc.gif 5+11, 4+4, 9+21 HL
dp + Snka.gif 5 + 2[胸上M], 2[胸上M], 5, 8, 19+11
OChris02 dpA1.png
OChris02 dpA2.png
Tsuki wo Tsumu Honoo - dp + P
  • Chris performs a rising uppercut attack that comes out fairly quick
  • this move does not have much vertical range compared to other dragon punch moves. dp + A does one hit in which Chris moves forward before rising, while dp + C does 4 hits, where he rises during the 4th
  • free cancellable into
  • free cancellable out of on the first three hits
  • supercancellable on the third hit
dp + Snkc.gif 8, 3, 6, 3, 15, 3, 7, 13, 25+13
OChris02 dpC1.png
OChris02 dpC2.png
OChris02 dpC3.png
OChris02 dpC4.png

hcf + Snkb.gif

5[全身M] + 4, 2, 12, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 6, 4, 6, 4, 22 Grab
OChris02 hcfK.png
Shishi wo Kamu Honoo - hcf + K
  • a proximity unblockable attack which only comes out if Chris is near the opponent
  • the first hit causes guard crush
  • last hit is cancellable into special moves and supercancellable, though the only cancellable move that will combo after it is dp + A
  • free cancellable out of on all hits
hcf + Snkd.gif 5[全身M] + 4, 2, 12, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 6, 4, 6, 4, 22 Grab

qcb,hcf + Snka.gif

{1 + 28[暗転] + 1}[全身M] + {0 ~ 90}[膝下M] + 16, 21, 37 HL
OChris02 qcbhcfP.png
Ankoku Orochi Nagi - qcb hcf + P (can be held)
  • Chris creates a flame, then throws it forward, covering a fairly wide area in front of him
  • the A version comes out faster than the C version
  • can be delayed by holding the P button used, but is not useful
  • works very similar to Kyo's qcb hcf + P except Chris has no invinciblity on his
qcb,hcf + Snkc.gif {1 + 28[暗転] + 1}[全身M] + {0 ~ 90}[膝下M] + 19, 21, 40 HL
qcb,hcf + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif {1 + 28[暗転] + 1}[全身M] + {0 ~ 90}[膝下M] + 19, {[1](0, 16), [2](11, 16), [3](22, 21)}, 20
OChris02 qcbhcfP.png
OChris02 SDM2.png
Ankoku Orochi Nagi - qcb hcf + AC (can be held)
  • works similar to his normal DM version except the flame is larger, doing 3 hits
  • cannot be comboed into normally
OChris02 SDM3.png
Snkd.gif,Snkc.gif,d,Snkc.gif,Snkd.gif ( {5 + 28[暗転] + 8}[全身M] + 28 + {1 + 13, 50, 20+27}[全身M] + 35),(8ヒット時){(1, 6)*7 + (1, 0)},(15ヒット時){(1, 0, 1, 5)*7 + (1, 0)} HL
OChris02 HSDM.png
Sanagi wo Yaburi, Chou wa Mau - D, C, d, C, D
  • Orochi Chris transforms into Orochi and performs an attack that covers the entire screen for about a second
  • Chris is invincible during this attack

Short Movelist

  • f + A
  • f + B (Overhead (2) if not cancelled into.)
  • df + B (Low.)

  • qcf + P

  • dp + P (C: SC (3).)

  • qcb + P

  • Close, hcf + K (Proximity unblockable. SC (Last hit).)
    • Any other special. (Only on hit.)

  • DM qcb hcf + P (May charge.)

  • SDM qcb hcf + AC (May charge.)

  • HSDM D C d C D (Hit anywhere on the screen.)


  • Cancellable normals are:
    • Close: A, B, C, D (specials and DMs only)
    • Far: A, C (1)
    • Crouch: A, C(1)

  • CD is cancellable into special moves and DMs.

  • f + A is cancellable.

  • f + B (2) is cancellable only when you cancel into it.
  • Free cancellable into moves are: -
    • qcb + P
    • dp + P

  • Free cancellable out-of moves are:
    • dp + C (1-3)
    • Close, hcf + K

  • Moves with Invincibility are:
    • HSDM D C d C D (Full: startup & active & recovery.)

  • D throw is a backturned hard knockdown.


Basic Combos

  • cl.C / (cr.B, cr.A) >
    • f + B (2) > qcb + C (Standing) {25%}
    • f + A >
      • hcf + K,
        • > dp + A {35%}
        • j.D
      • DM qcb hcf + A {40%}
      • dp + C
      • dp + C (3) >> DM qcb hcf + A
      • qcb + C (Standing.)

Max Mode

  • qcf + A, j.D, cl.C > f + A >> BC, st.C (1) > f + A > hcf + K (5) > dp + C (3) >>
    • qcb + P (Standing)
    • DM qcb hcf + A


KUSANAGI's childhood friend in the puerto rican downtowns, he is Justin Bieber when becames angry and its a strong zoning character focused in standing rushdowns, spam qcf + P its your main far distance tool but try to approach a failed anti air to hit low cr.B, cr.A, f + A to hcf + K juggles or your special overhead qcb + P for a jummp a ground projectile.

Sadly your main problem will be jumping opponent because you had a poor recovery anti air special, try to use crouching C or low hit him/her instead.

comboing a hcf + K its your main strategy, also you must be a battery character in middle or point in the team to gain stocks for a HSDM comebacks if your are an anchor one, or use it for his great Max Cancel Combos, a random qcb,hcf + P its a decent hit or miss idea when you only had at least 2 stocks.

Game Navigation

Billy Kane
Blue Mary
May Lee
Secret/Orochi Characters
Orochi Chris
Orochi Shermie
Orochi Yashiro