The King of Fighters 2002/Chang

From SuperCombo Wiki
tell me about the rabbits again, kim

General Info

Crouch height: High
Jump: 5/32/1
Hop: 5/24/1
Dash: 3/10~∞/3
Backdash: 3/22/3
Wakeup: 26 frames
Recovery roll: 20 frames

Stand Crouch Jump Grab Run
Chang02 stand.png Chang02 crouch.png Chang02 jump.png Chang02 grab.png Chang02 run.png


Snka.gif Snkb.gif Snkc.gif Snkd.gif
Chang02 colorA.png Chang02 colorB.png Chang02 colorC.png Chang02 colorD.png


Frames Advantage Cancel Block Hitbox Notes
Standing Close
Snka.gif 5/5/7 0/-2 C,S,Su HL
Chang02 clA.png
Snkb.gif 4/6/7 -1/-3 C,S,Su HL
Chang02 clB.png
Snkc.gif 14/4*8/12 0/-2 HL
Chang02 clC1.png
Chang02 clC2.png
Snkd.gif 9/8/13 -1/-3 C,S,Su HL
Chang02 clD.png
Standing Far
Snka.gif 6/4/7 +1/-1 HL
Chang02 stA.png
Snkb.gif 4/6/7 -1/-3 C,S,Su HL
Chang02 stB.png
Snkc.gif 16/4/19 -3/-5 HL
Chang02 stC.png
Snkd.gif 13/9/22 -11/-13 HL
Chang02 stD.png
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 19/4+3/19 KD/-4 C,S,Su HL
Chang02 stCD1.png
Chang02 stCD2.png
Snka.gif 5/5/7 0/-2 C,S,Su HL
Chang02 crA.png
Snkb.gif 7/5/12 -5/-7 C,S,Su L
Chang02 crB.png
Snkc.gif 8/3+3+3+4+5/18 -16/-18 C,S,Su HL
Chang02 crC1.png
Chang02 crC2.png
Chang02 crC3.png
Chang02 crC4.png
Chang02 crC5.png
Snkd.gif 9/4+4+4/23 KD/-17 C,S,Su L
Chang02 crD1.png
Chang02 crD2.png
Chang02 crD3.png
Snka.gif 3/17/- -/- H
Chang02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 3/13/- -/- H
Chang02 jB.png
Snkc.gif 9/5/- -/- H
Chang02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 7/7/- -/- H
Chang02 jD.png
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 15/3+3/- KD/- HL
Chang02 jCD1.png
Chang02 jCD2.png
Neutral Jump
Snka.gif 3/17/- -/- H
Chang02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 3/13/- -/- H
Chang02 juB.png
Snkc.gif 10/5/- -/- H
Chang02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 7/7/- -/- H
Chang02 juD.png
Snka.gif 3/17/- -/- H
Chang02 hA.png
Snkb.gif 3/13/- -/- H
Chang02 jB.png
Snkc.gif 5/5/- -/- H
Chang02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 7/6/- -/- H
Chang02 jD.png
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 11/3+3/- KD/- HL
Chang02 jCD1.png
Chang02 jCD2.png
Command Normals
df + Snka.gif 10/12/31 KD/-25 L
Chang02 dfA.png
Can go under fireballs
Special Moves

mash Snka.gif

9/0~90/26 KD/+3~-87 Fi HL
Chang02 mashP.png
Tekkyuu Dai Kaiten - tap P rapidly, cancel ABCD
  • Chang spins his iron ball around him, knocking back the opponent if they are hit
  • using C will make him spin for a longer period of time than using A
  • Chang can move forward and backward while spinning the ball, and cancel the ball spin with ABCD at any time
  • this move has great priority and covers a large area around Chang, including behind him. It is pretty much impossible to jump at him when he is swinging since you are pretty much guaranteed to be hit
  • this move can negate normal and DM projectiles. It is also invincible to many things including full screen supers like K9999's (b f)x4 HSDM. It is possible to use ball spin through those supers entirely and not get chipped. It does not stop Kula's Freeze Execution hcbx2+AC SDM though
  • free cancellable into
mash Snkc.gif 9/0~90/26 KD/+3~177 Fi HL
_b,f + Snka.gif 27/2/23 KD/-7 Fo HL
Chang02 bfA1.png
Chang02 bfA2.png
Tekkyuu Funsai Geki - _b,f + P
  • A: Guard point frame 6-18. C: Guard point frame 14-15, 22-23. Both periods of armor have the same boxes.
  • Chang winds up his ball and does a far reaching attack with it, knocking the opponent down
  • _b f + C goes further than _b f + A but takes much longer to execute
  • Chang has autoguard while he is winding up, much more autoguard during the C version
  • _b f + C is supercancellable
  • free cancellable out of
_b,f + Snkc.gif 5/2(49)5/19 KD/-5 Fo HL
Chang02 bfC1.png
Chang02 bfC2.png
Chang02 bfC3.png
Chang02 bfC4.png

hcf + Kick.gif

4/39+6/28 KD Fi, Fo -
Chang02 hcfK1.png
Chang02 hcfK2.png
Tekkyuu Taiko Uchi - hcf + K
  • Chang stands and picks his nose, reversing air, high and mid attacks, as well as special moves and some DMs, doing mediocre damage. It cannot reverse most low attacks with the exception of ones that have a higher hitbox, such as Iori's crouch D
  • free cancellable into
  • free cancellable out of if it hits. The only move to cancel this into is the mash P attack which combos

d,d + Kick.gif

18/2/37 KD/-21 Su HL
Chang02 ddK.png
Haki Kyaku - d,d + K
  • Lower body invincible: All but the last 19 frames of the move.
  • Chang stomps the ground, knocking over the opponent anywhere on screen as long as he is not crouching or in the air
  • The move also has a hitbox - if the opponent is in range of the stomp itself, it do a hard knockdown
  • there exists a bug that allows Chang to hit an opponent on the ground with this move. It can only be done after Chang free cancellables a move that knocks the opponent down, into another move, then does the d d + K stomp right after. For example, you can combo this move after landing a Hiki Nige df + A, free cancelling to his ball spin, then cancelling this with ABCD and doing the Haki Kyaku d d + K
  • allows for some unblockable setups, as long as it hits on the first frame of the opponent getting up
  • supercancellable if the hitbox of the move connects (as opposed to the full screen effect)
hcb,f + Punch.gif 0/1/50 KD Grab
Chang02 hcbfP.png
Dai Hakai Nage - hcb,f + P
  • Counterhittable up to 28 frames after whiffing the move.
  • Chang grabs the opponent and smashes them eight times on the ground
  • hard knockdown
  • opponent's back is turned when they get up after this attack

qcf,hcb + Snka.gif

18/48/49 (on guard: 13/7/27) KD/-7 HL
Chang02 qcfhcbP.png
Tekkyuu Dai Bousou - qcf,hcb + P
  • Chang runs forward. If he connects, he does a combo into a random finisher
  • has a lot of startup invincibility and causes guardcrush on impact, making it risky for the opponent to punish on block. If he whiffs, he continues to run, then falls. Risky to do since players can roll behind him and combo with whatever they like
  • this move has 5 different finishes. He can jump on you, causing a hard knockdown. He can do a rolling attack, a sliding attack or an attack with his belly, which do not have any special properties. He can finish with a kick, and recovers fast enough that you can followup with many things, including a qcfx2+A DM
  • Invincibility: Complete startup. Complete on guard attack (so it is safe on block despite being negative).
qcf,hcb + Snkc.gif 18/60/49 (on guard: 13/7/27) KD/-7 HL


16/4(18)5/24 KD/-19 H*HL
Chang02 qcfx2K1.png
Chang02 qcfx2K2.png
Tekkyuu Dai Bokusatsu - qcfx2+K
  • Chang bashes you with his ball a few times at close range
  • has the ability to hit an opponent on the ground
  • overhead on the first hit
  • hard knockdown on the last hit
  • Invincibility: B: 1-8f, D: 1-9f.
qcfx2+Snkd.gif 17/4(18)5/24 KD/-19 H*HL
qcfx2+Snka.gif 6/4+21*26*2/45 KD/-29 HL*HL*H
Chang02 qcfx2A1.png
Chang02 qcfx2A2.png
Chang02 qcfx2A3.png
Tekkyuu Dai Assatsu - qcfx2+P
  • if using qcfx2+A, Chang immediately jumps into the air, falling on top of the opponent. For qcfx2+C, Chang will run forward a slight bit before jumping
  • Chang has autoguard in the second active period (during belly flow in the air). Anti-airing Chang while he's in the air is pointless. It is even possible to use this move to counter full screen hard to punish moves like Kula's Freeze Execution hcbx2+AC SDM, since all hits will be autoguarded while Chang is in the air
  • this is a great anti-air but opponent can recovery roll if anti-aired, and combo Chang before he recovers
  • overhead on the first hit of Chang landing
  • this move has the ability to hit an opponent on the ground
  • Invincibility: A: 1-10f, C: 1-9f.
  • Autoguard C version: 9-20.
qcfx2+Snkc.gif 31/32*31*2/48 KD/-32 HL*HL*H
Chang02 qcfx2C1.png
Chang02 qcfx2A1.png
Chang02 qcfx2A2.png
Chang02 qcfx2A3.png
qcfx2+Snka.gif + Snkc.gif 3/7+25+12*32*5/39+46 HL
Chang02 qcfx2A1.png
Chang02 qcfx2AC2.png
Chang02 qcfx2AC3.png
Tekkyuu Dai Assatsu - qcfx2+AC
  • Chang immediately jumps into the air, higher than his qcfx2+P does
  • when Chang lands, the shock will hit the opponent anywhere on the screen if the opponent is not in the air or crouching. It is not an overhead as it comes down
  • Chang has autoguard while in the air, just like his qcfx2+P DM version
  • Invincibility: 1-10f.
  • Autoguard: Last two active periods and first 39 frames of recovery.
Snkb.gif,Snka.gif, df, Snkc.gif,Snka.gif 212+20/35*46*1/- -/- -
Chang02 HSDM1.png
Chang02 HSDM2.png
Chang02 HSDM3.png
Tekkyuu Dai Sekai - B,A,df,C,A
  • Chang dances for about 5 seconds, then freezes the opponent anywhere on the screen, jumps up and splashes them
  • he is invincible while dancing, but can be thrown. There is more than enough time for the opponent to throw Chang
  • Invincible: First 212 frames and in the last two active periods.

Short Movelist

  • df + A (Low.)

  • (b) f + P (C: SC.)

  • Mash P (Use b / f to move.)
    • ABCD (Cancel.)

  • hcb f + P (Throw.)

  • hcf + K (Counter.)

  • d d + K ("Earthquake". SC (The stomp itself).)

  • DM qcf qcf + P (Overhead (2nd part). May OTG (2nd part).)

  • DM qcf qcf + K (May OTG.)

  • DM qcf hcb + P

  • SDM qcf qcf + AC ("Earthquake" (2nd part).)

  • HSDM B A df C A (Unblockable. Hit anyware on the screen.)


  • Cancellable normals are:
    • Close: A, B, D
    • Far: B
    • Crouch: A, B, C, D

  • CD is cancellable into specials and DMs

  • cl.A and cl.D whiffs against crouching opponents.



  • cl.B >
    • DM qcf qcf + A
    • hcb f + P {25%}
    • P repeatedly > ABCD,
      • DM qcf qcf + K (OTG) (Corner)

  • j.CD, DM qcf qcf + K (OTG) (Corner)

  • cr.D > DM qcf qcf + K (OTG) (Corner)

  • df + A >> BC, DM qcf qcf + K (OTG) (Corner)

  • cl.D / cr.C >
    • DM qcf qcf + K {43%}
    • DM qcf qcf + A
    • d d + B, DM qcf qcf + K (OTG) {50%}
    • hcb f + P


A big target for combos until you use your special reversal of hcf + K wisely, its a great ground zoning character, try to spam far C or crouch D, a close A or far B its your best 2-in-1 for the command throw.

Using a DM its a stupid idea, he had bad recovery and damage, outside of qcf,qcf + A or combo a qcf,qcf + K OTG don't use stocks, be a big battery in your team instead.

Game Navigation

Billy Kane
Blue Mary
May Lee
Secret/Orochi Characters
Orochi Chris
Orochi Shermie
Orochi Yashiro