Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Miscellaneous

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< Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Revision as of 19:25, 18 April 2023 by Dnalsi (talk | contribs) (Separated the option-selects under real section headings in →‎Miscellaneous Option-Selects)
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Sources: JPN Garou Wiki, JPN Garou Wiki Translation, and Garou Discord Group

Special Techniques

Fuu-ga Cancel

Fuu-ga Cancel is a technique in which Gato, at the end of the Fuu-ga (214K) hit (or active frames), has a 1F window to press A just as/before you go airborne.

This way you perform the Kou-ga follow-up in such a way that it cancels, into a stomp animation without even launching up into the air.

(Maybe start pressing at 5F or 7F for the B version. Maybe at 8F for the D version)

This technique is used to quickly meter gain 2 gauges of power.

If nothing comes out (Fuu-ga with no follow-up), it means that you pressed A too early. And if Kou-ga comes out, it means that you pressed A too late.

If there is an opportunity during a round, you want to use this to gain meter and try to always hold at least one gauge.

Hell Rotor Cancel

See "Garou MOTW Kevin Rian Rotor cancel Tutorial" by Lerey74: {{#evt: service=youtube |id= |alignment= |dimensions=480x320 |urlargs= }}

During Kevin's Hell Rotor charge, you can cancel the Hell Rotor by pressing D. And you can various other moves by pressing D at the same time.

It can be canceled with Normal moves, upper-body evasive moves, various special moves, etc. you can cancel into.

For example, normal moves are canceled into using these button presses:

  • A... A+D
  • B... B+D
  • C... C+D (B+C+D during TOP)

And an example for special moves:

If you do D quick enough, you can use the Hell Rotor motion to do 214D. Or you can wait and do 214D after some charge time. Otherwise you can wait to do D and just cancel out of Hell Rotor with 5D.

It is also possible to do GC "Hell Cancel Normal move" > Hell Trap

By incorporating a Hell Cancel into a combo after a P-Power Hell Gatling ground hit, you can do high damage while regaining lost gauge.

Or you can just do empty Hell Cancel with A+D for meter gain.

Double Charge Hell Rotor Cancel Tu-Ru-Tu-Tun

There is a Double Hell Rotor Cancel for the purpose of meter gain (gauge accumulation).

214+C > A > D > A+D

A comes out while doing twice the meter gain (because you're doing 2 special moves).

According to Mayu, the timing is Tu (214 + C) Ru (A) Tu (D) Tun (A + D).

That is why it is often called Tu-ru-tu-tun.

JD Prevention with Normal Moves

As detailed in the "Low Un-JDable and High Un-JDable Normals" section in the "Just Defense" section, there are some normal moves that cannot be JDed while crouching, and ones that cannot be JDed while standing.

And along with that mechanic, there is proximity guarding that is in effect even at full screen.

If you are JDing Jenet's Baffles (236P) or Kain's Zele (236(x2)K) at long range and the opponent strikes out (whiffs) with the corresponding JD-disabling normal move, you will not be able to JD in that direction.

Specifically, if Zele is being standing JDed (with the 4 direction), and the opponent Kain can put out a 2C, then you won't be abled to JD or continue to JD.

And if Zele is being crouching JDed (with the 1 direction), and the opponent Kain can put out a far 5C, then you won't be abled to JD or continue to JD.

Seele Bug

When JDing Kain's Himmlisch Seele (236(x2)K), if you stop JDing during the middle of the Seele, it will still have the same blockstop as when JDing.

This state is called the "Seele Just state".

If during "Seele Just state" you are guarding the hitboxes of several moves, while the seele is present, you will be made to block each hit several times (that is, each hit now does multiple hits).

A specific example getting hit while JDing Seele:

If a Schwarz Schütze (TOP attack CD) is guarded in the Seele Just state, the Schütze (CD) with guard crush value of 25, rather than just hit once, will hit multiple times and guard crush, and afterwards that same Schütze (CD) will hit even more multiple times.

See --> {{#evt: service=youtube |id= |alignment= |dimensions=480x320 |urlargs= }}

The meaty/overlapping move done can be Panzer ([4]6D), however either small jump D or something like that is possible.

So there are 2 different things at play here:

  1. Seele bug = your attacks hit twice/multiple times if the opponent goes from JD to Block.
  2. Going into block after a JD:
    • Opponent misinputs a successive JD.
    • 2 hits following each other very closely = can't be JDed by humans.
    • Do crouching un-JDable or standing un-JDable normals according to whether standing or crouching JD is done.
      (When whiffing from farther range, kara cancel is possible, especially with TOP attack CD.)

Miscellaneous Option-Selects

Block/JD/2AB OS

Opponent dashes forward and attacks.

Do 4[1]AB.

(Special cancel 4[1]AB236X or 4[1]AB5236X)

Blocks high quick lights, and 2AB beats slower heavy attacks

OS Dash

5A 66 for instance:

If they backdash, forward dash comes out.

If they block the dash doesn't come out

You abuse the fact that on whiff there's no hitstop/blockstop

Anti-backdash with “OS Dash” when they see you dash up and think you’ll go for a poke or attack.

OS Dash might be useful for opponents that neutral jump against your poke pressure, so you might cross-under them while they jump.

Backdash OS

Backdash OS: 4>5>4+(C or D)

It won't backdash if they throw, but you'll tech.

It's very useful if you mistime your backdash to escape a throw.

There is an advanced OS to counter that backdash OS, Aaru posted it on twitter. You throw and kara-cancel the throw with a special/super that catches backdashes. (Grant 0F super catches backdashes without this.)

Special/Super GC Backdash OS

Backdash + GC OS:

For GC you can do that in a way that doesn't need a reaction.

Do a special like 236 4 4 B

or a super like 236236 4 4 A.

If the first "back" does a JD, it will guard cancel, otherwise it will backdash.

This works well against a predicted lanze. But is bad against lows.

See this post for video of this OS.

Air-Throw Option Select

Air-throws are a very strong option to beat IAJD.

You can option-select your air-throw or air attacks with a JD.

If they attack you before you do, you’ll air-JD, if they don’t you’ll attack/throw them.


OS between air grab and JDing at 4 or 1.

Dong cannot air throw with 4, since you'll get the cross-up kick. (Directions 1, 2, 3, 6 are possible). The 4 is a (potential) JD, the 1 would be the throw.

9632[1](JD)4 BC or C~B(GC)

Here is an example of a Hotaru air throw OS with an extra GC to cover more options

Beating Air Throw:

Countering air throw that counters your empty jump JD or jump-in or jump attack

  • by doing a jump attack even early, or an instant jump attack
  • just not jump and wait to punish landing frames.

Poke GC Option-Select

Neutral game buffering.

Poke with buffer --> JD. Applicable to all characters.

Example with Gato, 2B36236>4 (wait and confirm):

  • If it hits in range, press A (Zero kiba)
  • If they hop above your 2B -> GC with B (anti-air super)
  • If it whiffs or on guard, don't press anything

Poke and be ready to react. Poke + buffer can cover most options. And don't hold back to JD during the poke (exceeding JD reception window), but right as the animation finishes.

Use different buttons, specials, etc. as other characters if needed.

Auto-pilot GC OS

Auto-pilot GC option-select against cancel timings.

After a JD you react to, quickly buffer a GC:

  • if they cancel the GC comes out
  • if they don't cancel, nothing comes out


Dong buffers a 63214C GC against Hotaru's j.A~B. And then Hotaru's j.A.

(See this post for video.)


[4](JD) 6321[4](JD)C(GC) (during JD blockstop and blockstun before next JD) GC executes


[4](JD) 6321[4]C (during JD blockstop and then blockstun) Nothing comes out

A more common situation with auto-pilot GC OS:

Buffering a 236X GC against a Hotaru ground combo

(See this post for video.)


[2]1(JD)4 5 41236 5 [1]D (during JD blockstop and then blockstun) Nothing comes out

2C > 236C

[2]1(JD)4 5 41236 5 [1](JD)D(GC) (during JD blockstop and then blockstun) GC executes

Many successive hits come in pairs:

  • air target combos
  • 2B(x2)
  • close heavy normals
  • Freeman (214A)(x2)
  • jump-in into 2B
  • normal into special cancel
  • etc.

So you can reliably JD twice and GC.


Jump Attacks that Crush/Beat Upper-Body Evasive Attacks (2AB)

Basically, you are not able to crush/beat an upper-body evasive attack used as an anti-air unless your jump attack is done lower and closer to the ground.

Also, with the following moves, you may be crushed/beaten instead by being hit first, or by trading hits, if the upper-body evasive anti-air is done earlier.

Character Moves
Rock Howard None
Terry Bogard None
Khushnood Butt/Marco Neutral or Backward small jump J.B
Kim Dong Hwan J.A, Back Kick J.4C, Hishou Kyaku J.2K, Super Dong Hwan Kick J.236(x2)P
Kim Jae Hoon J.A, Hishou Kyaku J.2K
Hotaru Futaba J.A, J.D, Kou-shuu Da J.2B
Gato J.B
Hokutomaru J.D, J.A, J.B (J.A, J.B are usually only forward jump)
B. Jenet J.D
Tizoc/Griffon None
Freeman J.C
Kevin Rian None
Grant forward or backward small jump J.B , Messhou Hisetsu J.2K
Kain R. Heinlein small jump J.D

J stands for jump. (Normal jump and small jump are both acceptable for those without comments)

Normals/Movement/Actions with Invincibility Frames

Forward dash step's first 1-2F has lower-body invincibility.

Far B's (f.5B) last 3F of recovery has has full-body invincibility

Close B's (cl.5B) last 3F of recovery has full-body invincibility

Lower-body Evasive attack (5AB) has lower-body invincibility for 13F after landing

Forward dash step's first 1-2F and last 3F have lower-body invincibility.
Backdash's last 5F have lower-body invincibility.
Low feint's (2AC) last 19F has full-body invincibility.

Crouching A's (2A) last 3F of recovery has full-body invincibility (See this post for an example.)

Upper-body Evasive attack (2AB) last 3F has full-body invincibility.
Close A's (cl.5A) last 2F of recovery has full-body invincibility.
Normal empty jump has 1F lower-body invincibility after landing.

Jenet-Only Combos

Jenet's particular mid-air hit reception
With characters other than Jenet, you will not be able to follow-up from an upper-body evasive attack or a strong/heavy attack when they are hit mid-air, but against Jenet, it's possible to follow-up.

For example
Butt/Marco's Kohou (623P) BR Counter-Hit --> cl.5D > Kohou (623P) BR > Ko-ou-Ken (236P)
Jae's Hienzan ([2]8K) BR Counter-Hit --> 2C > Hienzan ([2]8K) BR > Hou'ou-kyaku (236(x2)K)
Kevin's Upper-body Evasive attack (2AB) > Gatling Freezer (236(x2)K)
Rock's j.C~B air target combo

"After Counter-Hit"
If Jenet is already in a counter-hit state in mid-air, when doing a normal attack with the correct timing, it hit-confirms as a counter-hit.

For example
Butt/Marco GC's Harrier B. (j.2K~KKKK) "takeoff" by doing JD > Kohou (623P)
(Harrier B.'s (j.2K~KKKK) always causes a counter-hit because your GC hits during the next kick's startup)

Also see this video: "Garou Motw Jenet Counter hit Bug Tutorial" {{#evt: service=youtube |id= |alignment= |dimensions=480x320 |urlargs= }}

Super Jump Special Bug


Far Heavy Kara Cancel Forced-Finish

This is different from the usual kara canceling.

Only Marco and Gato can kara cancel a far heavy normal into nothing by pressing the other heavy normal.

f.5D~C (C pressed during 2~9F of f.5D)
f.5D~C (C pressed during 2~10F of f.5D)
f.5C~D (D pressed during 2~8F of f.5C)

Expanded Hurtbox and Collision Box During Low Profile

The crouching animation is 4F. You take 3F "startup" to crouch and then look like you crouch on frame 4.

On frame 4, your hurtbox vertically shrinks and you collision box horizontally expands.

However, you're still crouch blocking immediately at the 1st frame (blocking for all 4F).

When you go from downback to back there is no transition.

Your hurtbox and collision box go to standing position immediately and are stand blocking.

This also applies to wakeup after hard knockdowns and throws.


Your crouch extends your collision box => it pushes you out of throw range.

Opponent's wakeup extends your their collision box => it also pushes you out of throw range.

From point blank walk forward on opponent's wakeup:

  • crouch > attack: can't throw
  • crouch > stand > attack: can't throw
  • stand > attack: gets thrown

Soft knockdown rolls have no collision, so they overlap.

See this post for video of this specific example with hurtboxes and collision boxes shown.

To keep this simple:

  • Don't throw if you wakeup from hkd
  • If you meaty someone in hkd point blank, crouch first to get out of throw range

Also see this post for an example of being pushed out of throw range after crouch blocking a special.

This expanded collision box is also the reason why you'll see some combos not connect on crouching or waking-up opponents, but normally work on standing opponents. (See this link for an example.)

"Eaten" Jumps and Hops

Blackout Eating Jumps:

When super blackout occurs during a jump, you'll sometimes see that jump input being "eaten" and turn into a hop.

It seems like the blackout is "pausing" the jump.

This is like how you tap a hop and end your jump input by quickly going to neutral.

The blackout cuts off the rest of the jump input, the rest of the time the jump input needs to be held to be a full jump.

So you'll sometimes see air JD attempts failing because what were previously jumps are now hops that you cannot JD during.

TOP Activation Eating Jumps:

TOP freeze cancels jump momentum.

This is primarily applicable to Kain, when you are able to move while you opponent is taken into TOP area.

Doing a jump or hop during the opponents TOP activation, under certain timing, shortens the jump into some kind of "mini-hop".

See here and here.

Miscellaneous Bugs, Glitches, and Other Oddities

Cute Jenet Dash Sparkle Bug

If you cancel Jenet's dash before the little stars animation come out, your next light attack will activate them.

Kain Color Bug

{{#evt: service=youtube |id= |alignment= |dimensions=480x320 |urlargs= }}

Other Bug Videos

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Game Navigation

Kim Dong Hwan
Khushnood Butt
Kevin Rian
B. Jenet
Kim Jae Hoon