The King of Fighters 2002/Iori: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
Line 274: Line 274:
|rowspan="2" valign="bottom" style="border-right:0px;"| [[image:Iori02_fB1.png|center]]
|rowspan="2" valign="bottom" style="border-right:0px;"| [[image:Iori02_fB1.png|center]]
|rowspan="2" valign="bottom" style="border-left:0px;"| [[image:Iori02_fB2.png|center]]
|rowspan="2" valign="bottom" style="border-left:0px;"| [[image:Iori02_fB2.png|center]]
|align="center"| Second hit usually whiffs, this has been taken into account in the frame advantage calculations.
! f+[[image:snkb.gif]] (cancel)
! f+[[image:snkb.gif]] (cancel)
Line 281: Line 281:
|align="center"| HL
|align="center"| HL
|align="center"| Second hit usually whiffs, this has been taken into account in the frame advantage calculations.
! j.b+[[image:snkb.gif]]
! j.b+[[image:snkb.gif]]

Revision as of 10:53, 9 July 2013

Un taco por favor

General Info

Crouch height: Low

Snka.gif Snkb.gif Snkc.gif Snkd.gif
Iori02 colorA.png Iori02 colorB.png Iori02 colorC.png Iori02 colorD.png



Frames Advantage Cancel Block Hitbox Notes
Standing Close
Snka.gif 3/4/9 -1/-3 R,C,S,Su HL
Iori02 clA.png
Snkb.gif 3/7/14 -9/-11 C,S,Su HL
Iori02 clB.png
Snkc.gif 2/10/13 -3/-5 C,S,Su HL
Iori02 clC1.png
Iori02 clC2.png
Snkd.gif 4/9/16 -5/-7 C,S,Su HL
Iori02 clD.png
Standing Far
Snka.gif 3/3/8 +1/-1 R,C,S,Su HL
Iori02 stA.png
Snkb.gif 7/2/14 -4/-6 HL
Iori02 stB.png
Snkc.gif 7/4/19 -3/-5 HL
Iori02 stC.png
Snkd.gif 12/4+4/16 -4/-6 HL
Iori02 stD.png
Snkc.gif+Snkd.gif 9/8/18 KD/-4 C,S,Su HL
Iori02 stCD.png
Snka.gif 3/5/5 +2/0 R,C,S,Su HL
Iori02 crA.png
Snkb.gif 3/3/5 +4/+2 R L
Iori02 crB.png
Snkc.gif 2/2+3/23 -8/-10 C,S,Su HL
Snkd.gif 8/5/18 KD/-5 C,S,Su L
Iori02 crD.png
Snka.gif 5/6/- -/- H
Iori02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 2/7/- -/- H
Iori02 jB.png
Snkc.gif 5/6/- -/- H
Iori02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 4/4/- -/- H
Iori02 jD1.png
Iori02 jD2.png
Snkc.gif+Snkd.gif 13/5/- KD/- HL
Iori02 jCD.png
Neutral Jump
Snka.gif 5/12/- -/- H
Iori02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 2/14/- -/- H
Iori02 jB.png
Snkc.gif 5/6/- -/- H
Iori02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 11/3+3/- -/- H
Iori02 jD1.png
Iori02 jD2.png
Snka.gif 5/5/- -/- H
Iori02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 2/5/- -/- H
Iori02 jB.png
Snkc.gif 5/3/- -/- H
Iori02 hC.png
Snkd.gif 11/3+3/- -/- H
Iori02 hD1.png
Iori02 hD2.png
Command Normals
f+Snka.gif 5/15/14 -/- Su,f+AA
Iori02 fA.png
f+Snka.gifSnka.gif 7/9/10 -/- S,Su
Iori02 fAA.png
f+Snkb.gif 17/9/11 0/-2 H
Iori02 fB1.png
Iori02 fB2.png
Second hit usually whiffs, this has been taken into account in the frame advantage calculations.
f+Snkb.gif (cancel) 14/9/11 0/-2 HL Second hit usually whiffs, this has been taken into account in the frame advantage calculations.
j.b+Snkb.gif 5/15/14 -/- S,Su
Iori02 jb+B.png


Command Normals

1. Geshiki: Yumebiki - f+A, A

  • swipes forward with his hand, which looks identical to his far C
  • can be followed up by A, which does decent damage but will only connect from close range
  • the A followup is cancellable into specials and DMs, f+A by itself is only cancellable to DMs

2. Geshiki: Goufu In "Shinigami" - f+B

  • Iori does a very slow ax kick
  • since it comes out so slow, it isn't of practical use. It can be punished on hit by a few moves unless cancelled out of
  • overhead
  • cancellable if cancelled into

3. Geshiki: Yuri Ori - b+B(air)

  • Iori kicks behind himself
  • Jumping behind is pretty much the only way to hit with this move, although some characters have large enough hitboxes that this move can hit from the front
  • stuns longer than normal jump attacks, so it's very easy to combo into
  • can be crouched under by most characters

Special Moves

1. 108 Shiki: Yami Barai - qcf+P

  • Iori throws a ground projectile
  • qcf+C travels alot faster than qcf+A, although both don't have good recovery

2. 127 Shiki: Aoihana - qcb+Px3

  • Iori will do a punch, moving him forward. This can be done three times. For the third hit, Iori will jump into the air and hit them from above
  • the followups can be delayed to confuse the opponent
  • qcb+A comes out faster than qcb+C, although qcb+C covers more horizontal range
  • the third hit is very punishable on block
  • third hit is an overhead and hard knockdown
  • free cancellable into
  • free cancellable out of on the first and second hits

3. 212 Shiki: Kototsuki In - hcb+K

  • Iori runs forward, faster than his running speed. If he connects, he will grab the opponent and blast them in the face
  • hcb+B runs slightly more than half screen, while hcb+D will make him run full screen
  • he recovers quickly if he whiffs but has horrible recovery time if the opponent blocks the attack
  • hard knockdown
  • does alot of guardcrush damage on the first hit
  • free cancellable into
  • free cancellable out of on the first hit

4. 100 Shiki: Oniyaki - dp+P

  • a decent fast, vertical anti-air but lacks much invincibility
  • free cancellable into
  • dp+A free cancellable out of, dp+C free cancellable out of on the first and second hit
  • dp+A is supercancellable, dp+C is supercancellable on the first and second hit while Iori is on the ground

5. Kuzukaze - hcb f+P

  • a delayed command throw with some startup invincibility
  • can be followed up by any combo, although running up to combo them before they recover requires some practice


1. Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome - qcf hcb+P

  • Iori dashes across the screen. If he connects, he does a combo on the opponent. Otherwise, he will do nothing and is very open to attack
  • hard knockdown
  • can be followed up by qcfx4+AC, which should be done the moment the explosion from the end of his qcf hcb+P begins

1a. Ura 316 Shiki: Saika - qcfx4+AC (after Ya Otome DM version only)

  • the opponent is lifted into the air, where Iori hits them with an attack
  • it is possible for this move to whiff if it was cancelled into a bit too late
  • in the corner, it can hit opponents off the ground and still not whiff even if cancelled late
  • hard knockdown


1. Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome - qcf hcb+AC

  • Iori dashes forward full screen length. If he connects, he will do a series of attacks doing 50% damage to the opponent. Otherwise, he does nothing and is very open to attack
  • hard knockdown


1. Ura 1219 Shiki: En'ou - qcb hcf b f+AC

  • Iori jumps very quickly across the screen, grabbing the opponent
  • unblockable
  • Iori is invincible during the leap, and when he is recovering


  • cancellable normals are close A, crouch A, close B, close C, far C, crouch C
  • whiff cancellable normals are close A, crouch A, close B, far C, crouch C
  • CD is cancellable into command moves, specials and DMs
  • close B is a low attack



1. cr.B, cr.A, qcb+Ax3 - 20-25%
2. cl.B, cl.C, hcb+K - 33%
3. hcb f+P, C, qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC - 50%
4. j.b+B, cl.B, f+A, A, qcb+Cx3 - 33%
5. j.b+B, cl.B, f+A, A, qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC - 65%
6. cl.C, dp+C(2), (S)qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC - 70%


1. (Iori in corner) cr.A, hcb f+P, cr.A, hcb f+P, any combo


1. cl.D, BC, run cl.C, (C)hcb+K(1), (C)dp+C(2), (C)hcb+K(1), (C)dp+C(2), (C)hcb+K(1), (C)dp+C(2), (S)qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC - 87%
2. cl.D, BC, run cl.C, qcb+C, (C)hcb+K(1), (C)dp+C(2), (C)hcb+K(1), (C)dp+C(2), (S)qcf hcb+AC - 90%
4. (Opponent about one screen away from corner) cl.D, BC, run cl.C, hcb+K(1), (C)dp+C(2), (C)qcb+Cx2, (C)hcb+K(1), (C)qcb+A, delayed qcb+A, qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC - 85%
4. (Iori in corner) Jump over b+B, cr.A, hcb f+P, cl.D, BC, run cr.A, hcb f+P, run cl.C, f+A, qcb hcf b f+AC - 75% 2. Jump over b+B, cl.B, f+A, BC, run cl.C, qcb+C, (C)dp+C, (C)hcb+K, (C)dp+C, (C)hcb+K, (C)dp+C, (S)qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC


1. CD counter(counterhit), BC, qcf hcb+AC - 55%
2. j.CD, hcb+K/(qcf hcb+P, qcfx4+AC) - 32%/50%


  • Iori has a solid pressure game. His options include crouch B, close B, f+A (two lows) and hcb f+P scum gale. He can also attempt to tick scum gale from a close B. The mindgames can be further increased by instead doing a close C after close B (which does actually combo), in the case that he thought you would scum gale after the close B. Iori also has his jump b+B crossup, although it is best done as a surprise attack by hyper hopping over the opponent. Most people however, use it in a very obvious manner, by running full speed before jumping over the opponent, which is useless against an experienced player. This crossup can be blocked low. Some characters can simply sweep Iori when he attempts this crossup. Hyper hopping over the opponent into the crossup makes it a far more dangerous tool
  • using b+B during the beginning of a backdash will make him dashback nearly a full screen length. Use this to easily get away from rushdown, as well as baiting opponents (mainly on wakeup). This can be used to run up then backdash away for mindgames
  • sometimes attempt to do the jump b+B crossover (the trick to doing this is when jumping over your opponent hold the forward and hit the B reasonably late)
  • use jump C or jump A air to ground battles, early jump D or jump CD for air to air battles. If opponent is close, hopping up or back with D stops most jump attempts
  • if qcb+A is blocked, do it once more or stop, not a third time. You can use random delays between them, for mindgames. However, there are many pokes that can still punish this move even if it is not fully completed, such as Joe's far D
  • hcb f+P has some startup of invincibility and can grab people out of their jumpins, similar to Clark's dp+K frankensteiner
  • run up to opponent and do close C, as it will stop all jump attempts. Even better, if the opponent happens to jump behind you when the close C comes out, Iori automatically faces the correct side and will anti-air them
  • hcb+K on the first hit guardcrushes fairly well. If the opponent's guardcrush bar begins to flash, a close C/far C, hcb+K will guardcrush on the first hit of hcb+K

Game Navigation

Billy Kane
Blue Mary
May Lee
Secret/Orochi Characters
Orochi Chris
Orochi Shermie
Orochi Yashiro