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'''Other Players to Watch:''' SauceBoss (Morrigan/Hsien-Ko/Felicia)
'''Other Players to Watch:''' SauceBoss (Morrigan/Hsien-Ko/Felicia)

== Combos ==
=== Solo Combos ===
<youtube>8bcj2ccxuq0</youtube> <youtube>4NzGMliAVmQ</youtube> <youtube>MjGC4ntKjN8</youtube> <youtube>9sbRdwdO81I</youtube>
=== X-Factor Combos ===
=== Sample Team Combos ===
[ Playlist of Felicia/Dante/Vergil combos] <br>
[ Felicia/Dante/Frank] <br>
[ Felicia/Doom/Various] <br>
[ Felicia/Iron Man/Doom] <br>
[ Felicia/Haggar/Raccoon Hard Tag] <br>
[ Felicia/Nova/Various] <br>
== Alternate Colors ==
== Alternate Colors ==

Revision as of 10:40, 15 December 2023


Felicia, a catgirl, is a recurring character in the Darkstalkers series. Although she is a monster and shunned by humanity, Felicia has a kind heart and seeks to make friends with others. Felicia doesn't like fighting, but her cat ancestry gives her enhanced agility and reflexes, making her a skilled combatant. She has also befriended several other cat-people, who sometimes assist her in battle.

In UMvC3, Felicia is a fast, aggressive rushdown character. Although she lacks traditional aerial mobility and has poor range, Felicia is very fast and has several tools to go for mixups and resets once she closes in on her opponent. Felicia can also summon a temporary puppet character via her 623XX "Kitty's Helper" hyper, which makes her offense much more dangerous and enables solo unblockables.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Rushdown: Felicia has multiple tools for an aggressive rushdown game. Her special moves advance her forward while remaining safe or even plus on block. She can quickly close the distance, and then stick to her opponent, leaving few opportunities for them to escape her offense.
  • Varied Setups: Can set up dangerous mixups, resets, and even solo unblockables using her fast normals, command grab, and "Kitty Helper" (623XX) install hyper.
  • Meter Gain: Generates meter with her EX Charge special move.
  • Special Conversions: Can easily convert most air-to-air hits using her Delta Kick (623X) special.
  • Weak Damage Potential: Felicia's damage is very poor, and her combos suffer heavily from hitstun deterioration, which severely limit her ability to push that damage higher even with assists. Felicia often requires a reset in situations where other characters would be able to simply go for the kill.
  • Rough Assists: Felicia's assists are very poor. She has no projectile assists, all of her choices offer fairly little lockdown, and they are awkward to use in combos.
  • Vulnerable To Zoning: She has no projectiles at all, and also has very few mobility options to maneuver around an opponent's projectiles. Although Felicia is fairly quick, she is particularly vulnerable to being zoned out.
Umvc3 felicia face.jpg
Character Data
Health 880,000
Ground Magic Series Zig-Zag
Air Chain Combo Limit None
Forward Dash Duration 25 frames
Backdash Duration 24 frames
Jump Duration 44 frames
Superjump Duration 85 frames
Walljump? Cling
Doublejump? No
Airdash? No
X-Factor Damage Boost (1/2/3) 15% / 35% / 55%
X-Factor Speed Boost (1/2/3) 25% / 35% / 45%
Minimum Damage Scaling (Normals, Specials) 20%
Minimum Damage Scaling (Hypers) 50%
Minimum Damage Scaling (X-Factor) 35%

Move List


Rolling Buckler + Rolling Slide
Assist A
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 + 50,000 35 15(8)6 111, 81
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid + Low Strk.png

THC Hyper: Dancing Flash. Felicia performs a spindash towards the opponent, then transitions into a sliding low attack. Because the second hit is a low, this assist can be used to set up High/Low mixups or even Unblockables when paired with an overhead attack from the point character.

When used as a crossover counter, the invincibility that Felicia has on entering lasts until after her attack is already active. Although gimmicky, this can be used to blow through otherwise safe attacks (especially hypers) and punish the opponent. Felicia can't meaningfully convert an Alpha Counter Rolling Slide into anything, except a hyper or X-Factor activation.

Sand Splash
Assist B
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 + 10,000 + 40,000 42 12 118, 88
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Otg.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 3 per hit

THC Hyper: Dancing Flash. Felicia performs a small kick, which kicks up two miniature blasts of sand. Both waves of sand are OTG-capable projectiles.

This assist could be chosen to supplement a character with poor solo OTG options, but it is generally worse than other OTG assist choices, such as Wesker's gunshot. It has fairly slow startup, and the fact that it performs two small, low-hitstun hits instead of one larger hit can interfere with relaunch timing.

Cat Spike
Assist Y
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 50 3 113, 83
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Groundbounce.png (on counterhit, or versus airborne)

THC Hyper: Dancing Flash. Felicia hops forward and slashes with her claws. Causes very little blockstun, but on hit will either cause a lengthy stagger or ground bounce, making a potential confirm possible.

Ground Normals

Stand Light
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 4 3 10
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -2 Mid Rpdfire.png

Felicia swipes her tail. Felicia's 5L is an excellent pressure tool. It is very fast, and her tail has a disjointed hitbox with little risk of being stuffed. Although the hitbox does not extend quite to the end of Felicia's tail, it still has incredible range for a light normal.

5L sets up a basic mixup where you either use it to tick throw with her 63214X command grab, or chain into a low attack to catch opponents trying to jump out of said command grab.

Stand Medium
Damage Startup Active Recovery
55,000 7 3 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-3 -3 Mid -


Stand Heavy
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x3 10 12 17
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -2 Mid -

Triple-hitting normal for confirming into a 5S launcher or Rolling Buckler attack.

Crouching Light
Damage Startup Active Recovery
44,000 5 2 11
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -2 Low Rpdfire.png

Worse range and frame data than 5L across the board, but hits low and can still be useful for tick throw or High/Low setups, especially with Kitty Helper (623X) active.

Crouching Medium
Damage Startup Active Recovery
53,000 7 3 18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-5 -5 Mid -

Note: not a low.

Crouching Heavy
Damage Startup Active Recovery
65,000 10 4 26
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -9 Low Strk.png, Softknockdown.png

Standard sweep attack.

Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 8 5 23
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
Launch -7 Mid Launch.png, Nocancel.png


Aerial Normals

Jumping Light
Damage Startup Active Recovery
45,000 5 3 19
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+10 +8 OH -


Jumping Medium
Damage Startup Active Recovery
55,000 8 4 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+18 +14 OH -


Jumping Heavy
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 8 5 23
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+16 +15 OH -


Jumping Special
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 9 4 33
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+15 +13 OH Aircombofinisher.png

Even outside its property as an Air Combo Finisher, causes opponents to fall very quickly when it hits air-to-air.

Command Normals

Toy Touch
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 8 3 20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-7 -7 Low Otg.png, Jcancel.png, Nocancel.png (except by jumping)

Felicia swipes the ground. If it hits an opponent OTG, it will pop them up into the air, allowing Felicia to continue the combo with jump-canceled normals. Outside of its use as an OTG tool, it is outclassed by Felicia's other low attacks. Toy Touch is what allows Felicia to solo confirm her throws and command grab, and thus greatly enhances the threat of her offense.

Toy Touch is not chainable into other normals, nor is it special-cancelable. It is technically possible to work around this restriction by using the jump-cancel property of the attack on hit or block. If you perform 3M and then input a Tiger Knee motion for any of Felicia's specials or hypers, Felicia will cancel 3M into a jump, then instantly cancel her prejump frames into the attack.

Kitty Slash
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 x2 8 8 23
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-3 -5 Mid -

Felicia balances on her tail to deliver a double-hitting kick. This is mainly chain filler for use after 5H.

Wall Grab
(Jump backwards toward a wall) [4]
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 26 - -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - -

Felicia clings to the wall. In this state, she can not block or attack, making her quite vulnerable. While clinging, continuing to hold back will keep Felicia attached to the wall, but she will start to slowly slide down towards the ground. Tapping forward or releasing back will cause Felicia to leap off the wall with a very large amount of horizontal speed. Felicia will also leap off the wall if she slides all the way to the bottom.

Special Moves

Rolling Buckler
Qcf.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 5 20 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-32 -32 Mid -
Qcf.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
60,000 7 20 19
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-32 -32 Mid -
Qcf.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 9 20 22
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-32 -32 Mid -

Felicia tucks into a spindash, and advances forward as an attack. Heavier button strength is slower but travels farther.

If Rolling Buckler makes contact with the opponent, there is a brief window where it can be canceled into a hyper or into one of its special follow-up attacks (see below). If it is not canceled, Felicia will bounce off the opponent and float in the air for a half-second, which is disastrously unsafe.

Rolling Buckler ~ Follow Up
236X > X
Neko Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 7 4 19
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -2 Mid Strk.png
Rolling Slide
Damage Startup Active Recovery
60,000 9 6 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -4 Low Strk.png
Rolling Uppercut
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 x3 3 10 24
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-5 -13 Mid Strk.png

Pressing any of the regular attack buttons during Rolling Buckler will cause Felicia to transition into one of three follow-up attacks.

  • L causes Felicia to performing a lunging punch. This is a decent approach tool, as it is very difficult to punish on block, and Felicia's light attacks are fast enough to make opponents hesitate to challenger her even if they have frame advantage.
  • M causes Felicia to perform a sliding kick. This kick hits low, and pops opponents into the air on hit. Felicia recovers fast enough to juggle an opponent hit by this move, so it is a useful combo extension.
  • H causes Felicia to perform a rising uppercut. It is the fastest of the three follow-ups, but places Felicia airborne with no cancel options afterwards.

Cat Spike
Dp.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 10 3 19
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+4 +2 Mid Ignores hitstun deterioration, Stagger.png on counterhit
Dp.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 20 3 14
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+9 +7 Mid Groundbounce.png (on counterhit or vs airborne)
Dp.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 25 3 23
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -5 Mid Groundbounce.png

A ball appears, and Felicia leaps at it, tearing it to pieces with a slash of her claws. The ball has no mechanical effect and only exists for the aesthetics of Felicia's attack animation. Cat Spike is a safe, advancing attack that allows Felicia to stick close to her opponent, maintain pressure, and partially negate the effects of pushblock. The M and H versions can be used to cause a Ground Bounce, but in most cases Felicia will use her ground bounce on Delta Kick instead.

Delta Kick
Rdp.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 + 25,000 + 60,000 7 3(15)7 11
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+8 +5 Mid Strk.png (first hit), Softknockdown.png
Rdp.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 + 25,000 + 60,000 7 3(15)9 10
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+10 +6 Mid Strk.png (first hit), Softknockdown.png
Rdp.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 + 25,000 + 60,000 7 3(15)11 10
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+12 +8 Mid Strk.png (first hit), Softknockdown.png

Felicia kicks upwards into the air, then performs a diving kick back down towards the ground. This is Felicia's primary approach tool. It can very quickly cross the screen and has great frame advantage, starting a combo on hit and forcing the opponent to endure a mixup on block.

Air Delta Kick
(in air) Rdp.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 + 25,000 + 60,000 7 3(15)Until Grounded 11
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +7 Mid Strk.png (first hit), Groundbounce.png (vs airborne)
(in air) Rdp.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 + 25,000 + 60,000 7 3(15)Until grounded 10
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +4 Mid Strk.png (first hit), Groundbounce.png (vs airborne)
(in air)Rdp.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 + 25,000 + 60,000 7 3(15)Until grounded 10
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +10 Mid Strk.png (first hit), Groundbounce.png (vs airborne)

Air version of Delta Kick. It has all the same strengths of the grounded version, being a great approach and pressure tool. It is also Felicia's only meaningful form of aerial mobility, allowing her to reposition at superjump height if necessary.

Additionally, Air Delta Kick causes a Ground Bounce if it hits an airborne opponent. This gives Felicia a fairly free combo extension and way to convert air-to-air hits, as Delta Kick combos easily from her j.5H.

Sand Splash
L Version
M Version
(charge) B.png,F.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 + 25,000 8 8 14
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+4 +2 Mid Otg.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 3
(charge) B.png,F.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 + 25,000 x2 12 13 14
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+5 +2 Mid Otg.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 3 per projectile
(charge) B.png,F.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 + 25,000 x4 16 23 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+8 +6 Mid Otg.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 3 per projectile

Felicia kicks the ground, causing bursts of sand to pop up in front of her. Heavier button strength is slower but creates more sand, hitting additional times. This is primarily used at the end of combos to OTG and immediately cancel into a hyper.

Sand Splash consists of two attacks: Felicia's leg and the projectile. Be wary when using this move as an OTG - if Felicia's leg hits the opponent, they will NOT enter a Soft Knockdown state, and will be able to flip out of your combo. It will require corrected spacing, usually done with a quick back dash or backwards jump, before using this move to make sure that the combo does not drop.

Hell Cat
Hcb.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
14,000 x6 + 18,000 5 1 25
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png
Hcb.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
12,000 x9 + 18,000 3 1 27
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png
Hcb.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
12,000 x13 1 1 28
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png

Command grab. Useful for tick throws in combination with Felicia's fast, close-range attacks. L version has the longest range but the slowest startup, while H version has the fastest startup but has lower range. On a successful grab, the opponent is knocked down a short distance away, and Felicia can follow up with a 3M jump-canceled into a combo.

EX Charge
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 12 - 4
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - -

Felicia charges her energy, generating hyper meter. While she charges, meter is built continuously at a rate of 1 full bar of meter every 4 seconds. Felicia can use this while waiting for an oncoming character after a kill or snapback, or she can throw it out at fullscreen distance against characters who have poor ranged options for some free meter.

Felicia can also cancel normals into a one frame EX Charge in order to recover faster than letting the move end normally. This can be done with any of Felicia's grounded medium or heavy normals to produce better frame advantage, or to catch an opponent off guard with a tricky tick throw setup into Hell Cat.

Cat & Mouse
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 5 30 15
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Invuln frames 6-35, Nocancel.png

Felicia runs off the stage, allowing herself to maneuver around enemies and their attacks. From frames 6-35, she is invincible and can pass through opponents. This can be used to escape the corner, to cross up when paired with an assist, to avoid chip damage from certain hypers, or simply to close the distance.

Hyper Combos

Dancing Flash
236XX (1 bar)
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 + 20,000 x4 + 30,000 x3 + 40,000 + 30,000 x3(246,700 - 290,000) 8+1 27 19
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+7 -26 Mid Softknockdown.png, mashable, invuln frames 9-16

Felicia spindashes forward. If she comes into contact with the opponent, she goes into a rapid series of attacks, ending in a large uppercut. On whiff, these attacks do not occur. However, this is not a cinematic hyper, and it can be interrupted even after the combo as started, or even drop if the opponent is juggled too low.

This is Felicia's primary combo ender, usually after an OTG Sand Splash. The ending uppercut knocks opponents quite high in the air, which can make certain DHCs awkward. It may be worthwhile to DHC early instead when using this hyper.

Kitty Helper
623XX (1 bar)
Damage Startup Active Recovery
25,000 (per hit) 10+1 600 20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - OH Summons a friend

Install hyper. Rather than powering up Felicia herself, this hyper summons another, smaller catgirl to assist her. Left alone, Kitty Helper will run towards Felicia, and then shuffler around her legs. This hyper lasts 600 frames (10 seconds), during that time, pressing any attack button will cause the Helper to perform a jumping bodysplash attack, detailed below. Felicia also continues to act as normal during this time, so your inputs will control both Felicia and the Helper simultaneously.

Helper's attack is identical regardless of the button pressed. It has 30 frames of startup where she hops into the air, 17 active frames where she splashes back down towards the ground, and then 7 frames of recovery upon landing. The attack is an overhead, and Felicia can set up nasty High/Low mixups or unblockables by attacking with Lows while Helper uses her overhead attack. Kitty Helper is unaffected by the opponent's attacks, is not a projectile, and pushblocking the attack has no effect. A successful hit from Kitty Helper deals 25,000 damage, which can also deal chip damage, scales like a Special, and is unaffected by hitstun deterioration.

Kitty Helper works slightly differently from a standard install hyper, as it involves a pseudo-assist; if Felicia activates another hyper, uses Snapback, or tags out, Kitty Helper will immediately end.

Glitch: On certain versions of UMvC3, this hyper may have a glitch where Kitty Helper would occasionally not respond to inputs from Player 1 (and only player 1) at certain points in her walk cycle. Video example. This seems to be fixed in all modern ports of the game (PS4/XBone/PC).

Please Help Me
214XX (3 bars)
Damage Startup Active Recovery
400,000 - 452,000 4+16 7 71
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -59 Mid Invuln until frame 59, Hardknockdown.png, mashable

Cinematic level 3 hyper. Another Catgirl comes hurdling in from off-screen. The catgirl can be slightly steered by holding a button. She will - by default - land just in front of Felicia. Holding M will aim her midscreen and holding H will aim her nearly fullscreen. If the catgirl hits the opponent, they will be pulled into a cinematic, dealing heavy damage and ending with a Hard Knockdown.

Felicia's level 3 is uniquely dangerous to use because it cannot be canceled with X-Factor activation on whiff.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
6H, 4H
Damage Startup Active Recovery
10,000 x4~8 + 20,000 (forward throw), 80,000 (backthrow) 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png

Felicia repeatedly claws the opponent, then sends them flying across the screen. The forward throw can be mashed to increase its damage. Although it is possible for Felicia to pick up after these throws with a dash-up 3M, the sheer distance requires either use of the corner or very precise plink dashes. In most cases, Felicia's command grab renders her normal ground throw obsolete, although it does have the advantage of being able to be canceled into a safe special on whiff.

Air Throw
j.6H, j.4H
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Airthrow Hardknockdown.png

Standard airthrow that results in a hard knockdown. Felicia can universally confirm from an airthrow with one or two dashes upon landing into a 3M OTG.

Snap Back
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 2 12 17
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -8 Mid Snapback

Animation and hitbox based on 5H (although it only hits once).

Hard Tag
Hold 14f A1.png/A2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 - 20 34
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -17 OH Softknockdown.png


Air Exchange
(During a Launcher Combo) U.png / F.png / B.png / D.png + S.png
U.png + S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
53,000 3 3 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - -
F.png / B.png + S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
37,000 8 4 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Forcedwallbounce.png
D.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
53,000 9 6 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Forcedgroundbounce.png


Team Position

Felicia is usually chosen as a Point character. She fulfills a similar role to the more-popular Wolverine - a character who wants assists both to cover their approach and to extend their combos. Also like Wolverine, Felicia has a very poor selection of assists, and does not provide much support to a team where she is not on point. Running Felicia on point also lets her skip dealing with oncoming mixups, something she struggles with due to her poor aerial mobility.

Notable Synergies

Taskmaster/Doctor Doom: Felicia's Dancing Flash (236XX) hyper is her standard combo ender. However, this hyper finishes with a large uppercut that leaves opponents at an awkward aerial height where many DHCs will not connect. Felicia could DHC her hyper early instead, but this misses out on a significant amount of damage. Both of these characters have highly damaging upward-aimed hypers (Vertical Legion Arrow 236M+H and Sphere Flame 623XX respectively) that can be used after Felicia's full hyper to maximize damage output. Additionally, both of these characters have horizontal-reaching projectile assists (Aim Master Horizontal and Plasma Beam) that Felicia can use in neutral or as combo extenders.

Players to watch: DJ Houshen (Felicia/Taskmaster/Skrull, flexible order), DJ Salt (Felicia/Doom/Ammy), Maximillian Dood (Felicia/Doom/Strider)

Amaterasu: As a character with very strong mixup tools, especially in the corner, Felicia appreciates having an assist that provides a large amount of lockdown. Ammy provides this via her Cold Star assist. Felicia can use the blockstun created by this assist to run several consecutive mixup attempts, especially when supported by her Kitty Helper. She can also simply use the threat of Cold Star to make opponents try to up-back, leaving them vulnerable to airthrows.

Players to watch: DJ Salt (Felicia/Doom/Ammy)

Other Players to Watch: SauceBoss (Morrigan/Hsien-Ko/Felicia)

Alternate Colors

Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4 Color 5 Color 6 Alt Color
UMVC3 Felicia Color 1.png UMVC3 Felicia Color 2.png UMVC3 Felicia Color 3.png UMVC3 Felicia Color 4.png UMVC3 Felicia Color 5.png UMVC3 Felicia Color 6.png UMVC3 Felicia Color Alt.png