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{{Infobox Character VSav
|hp=Tier 3 (Average)
|ch=6 (Average)
|jumpb=59 (3+37+19)
|jumpn=58 (3+36+19)
|jumpf=58 (3+36+19)
= Introduction =
= Introduction =
{{VSAVHyperGuideCharacterBox | VSAV-Sasquatch-Portrait.gif }}
{{VSAVHyperGuideCharacterBox | VSAV-Sasquatch-Portrait.gif }}

Revision as of 15:47, 2 May 2021

In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Format the following pages: Attack Data, Combos, Matchups, Strategy, Resources
  • Format pages and move existing data to proper sections
  • Write proper introductions
  • Write combos, strategy, and match up pages
  • Add pictures for all moves.

Sasquatch is one of what seems to be the 3(or 4) defined top tier in Vampire Savior. While, I'm no expertly expert playing as sasquatch, I've aquired a good deal enough about him to at least give insight on the basics of his game, and why he's so slutty(while feeling comfortable enough to know that i'm not giving misinformation).

Defense Tier 3 (Average)
Standing Height 11(Shortest)
Crouching Height 6 (Average)
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 3.75
Backward Walk Speed 3.125
Dash Type Hop
Forward Jump Speed 58 (3+36+19)
Neutral Jump Speed 58 (3+36+19)
Back Jump Speed 59 (3+37+19)
Dark Force
Type Helper



In a nutshell

Sasquatch is one of what seems to be the 3(or 4) defined top tier in Vampire Savior. While, I'm no expertly expert playing as sasquatch, I've aquired a good deal enough about him to at least give insight on the basics of his game, and why he's so slutty(while feeling comfortable enough to know that i'm not giving misinformation).

Noteworthy normals

Standing Normals

-s.lp - "the flick" - everyone says its good(I think its overrated), theres better stuff you could be doing... but it does have the priority that people talk about. It is one of a whole array of normal moves which sasquatch has at his disposal. What makes it different from the rest?: it's rapid fire cancelable,

-s.mp - "the hand" - s. strong is infamous for its priority, and is bufferable!!

-s.fierce: an upward hitting punch, think ryu's close fierce, except his arm/hitbox is much MUCH bigger -_-

-s.lk - Sas kinda leans back and does a kick thats meh. nothing noteable

-s.mk - Sas does a handstand, and his feet come out. makes for an ok Anti Air option, but aside from that, use his s.mp.

-s.rk - Sas hops. Great if on wakeup, you know your opponent will jump. It will hit them, and keep them grounded.

Crouching Normals

-c.lp - Much like Sasquatch's s.lp, only crouching.

-c.mp - Much like Sasquatch's s.mp, only a poke, with priority at his hands/fingers.

-c.fierce: I call it the pancake flipper... relatively safe(provided they block it of course). the priority is decent(neither shitty nor outstanding)

I've had many experiences with princess chibiabobo(ya, i think its a corny name too...) spamming c.fierce on me in the corner on wakeup. you can either trade with it(which is waht majority of moves do), or block and pushblock it. jumping will get you hit.... theres likely more to this move, but thats all I have on it for now....

-c.lk: sas does a little russian hop. this move is in no ways fast. infact, I should take the opportunity at this point to state, sasquatch has no fast low hitting moves. imo, using c.lk is about as good as using c.forward. this move is bufferable I think... tho yeah... i dont want to say dont use it, b/c its mixupable with the shorthop. but you can't rapid cancel it, like c.lp; so do the smart thing...::brief mental fart::

-c.mk: a low hitting ass attack(he slides it along somewhat reminiscent of a dog with itchy ass) bufferable. well mixed up with a bunch of shorthops.

-c.rk:crazy ranged sweep... i think its at least 1/3rd of the screen. nuff said.

-Standing Normal Frame Data -

<a name="attack1"></a>Sasquatch Frame Data



<a name="attack1">Normal Moves</a>
Button Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth (Whiff/Block/Hit)  Guard Direction Cancelable? Remark
Standing (Close) Jab (LP) 5 +8 +7 Standing 0/3/6 Ground yes Consecutive links H: +11F G: +10F
Strong (MP) 6 +5 +4 Standing 3/9/15 Ground yes
Fierce (HP) 8 +6 -7 Standing 6/15/24 Ground no Resets opponent on hit.
Short (LK) 5 +7 +6 Standing 0/3/6 Ground yes
Forward (MK) 7 0 -1 Standing 3/9/15 Ground no
Roundhouse (HK) 8 +11 0 Standing 6/15+9/24 Ground no Resets opponent on hit.
Standing (Far) Jab (LP) 5 +5 +4 Standing 0/3/6 Ground yes Consecutive links C H: +8F G: +7F
Strong (MP) 6 +5 +4 Standing 3/9/15 Ground yes
Fierce (HP) 8 +6 -7 Standing 6/15/24 Ground no Resets opponent on hit.
Short (LK) 5 +5 +4 Standing 0/3/6 Ground yes
Forward (MK) 7 0 -1 Standing 3/9/15 Ground no
Roundhouse (HK) 8 +11 0 Standing 6/15+9/24 Ground no Resets opponent on hit.
Crouching Jab (LP) 5 +6 +5 Crouching 0/3/6 Ground yes Consecutive links C H: +9F G: +8F
Strong (MP) 6 +4 +3 Crouching 3/9/15 Ground yes
Fierce (HP) 7 +3 -6 Crouching 6/15+9/24 Ground no Resets opponent on hit.
Short (LK) 5 +5 +4 Crouching 0/3/6 Crouching no
Forward (MK) 6 +5 +4 Crouching 3/9/15 Crouching yes
Roundhouse (HK) 10 ? -6 Crouching 6/15/24 Crouching no
Jumping Normals

-j/d.lp/mp: Both normals have a down-forward(approx 45º's down from forward) hitbox. the j/d.lp will empty link easily into the mp, so if you dont hit with the lp(dashing or jumping) you should be able to throw that mp in. on a regular jump, you might be able to do a late j.lp, if you start with a j.mp, though j.mk may be a better option

-j.fierce - Sasquatch (hammer?) swings his arms approximately 270º's(maybe a little less) around his body. the hit boxes go from behind his head, to a little behind his ass. There is a shitload of priority, and instant knockdown. of course, its only one hit... so if you bank on just jumping around doing j.fierce, you'll eventually get chicken guarded at some point, so chaining to j.rk may be wise.

-j/d.lk/mk -Tthe animation for these moves appear to be exactly the same... though there are slight differences. these are great to shorthop with; I didn realize it till recently. the hit boxes are awesome. shorthopping in on a grounded opponent with a sh.mk lessens their safety in jumping. priority is good too. empty jump j.lk->j.mk is most exceptionally useful, or j.lk->j.mp to cover all grounds(if they end up doing nothing)

-j.rk: 2 hit ass attack. decent priority. its the 2 hits that throws people off. whether it be a sh.rk, or a j.rk on wakeup, if done properly, the opponent wont know whether to block low at the correct time. in many situatitions, you'll have them block prematurely, which leads to some sort of groundcombo->knockdown.

-Jumping Normal Frame Data -

<a name="attack-air">Jumping Normals</a>
Button Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth (Whiff/Block/Hit)  Guard Direction Cancelable? Remark
Vertical / Diagonal Jab (LP) 5 Air 0/3/6 Standing no
Strong (MP) 6 Air 3/9/15 Standing no
Fierce (HP) 10 Knockdown Air 6/15/24 Standing no
Short (LK) 5 Air 0/3/6 Standing no
Forward (MK) 6 Air 3/9/15 Standing no
Roundhouse (HK) 8 Air 6/10+4/15+9 Standing no

Throws and Other Stuff

Big Branch Hit Advantage
Character (Normal ES edition) Character (Normal/ES edition) Character (Normal/ES edition)
Jedah +70/+110 Morrigan +50/+90 J. Talbain +64/+104
B.B.Hood +65/+105 Anakaris +58/+98 Felicia +51/+91
Q-bee +70/+110 Victor +58/+98 Rikuo +61/+101
Lilith +50/+90 L.Raptor +67/+107 Sasquatch +65/+105
Demitri +65/+105 Hsien-Ko +64/+104 Bishamon +62/+102

<a name="throw">Normal Throw</a>

Big Slam

<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/4(1).gif" border="0" > or <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6(1).gif" border="0" > + Strong (MP) or Fierce (HP)

Startup Hit Adv Throw Adv After Pos Gauge Growth Throw Direction Remark
1 Knockdown +11 Standing 9 Left or Right

<a name="throw-air">Air Throw</a>

Aerial Slam

<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/4(1).gif" border="0" > or <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6(1).gif" border="0" > + Strong (MP) or Fierce (HP)

Startup Hit Adv Throw Adv After Pos Gauge Growth (Whiff/Block/Hit) Throw direction Remark
1 Knockdown Standing 9 Front

<a name="pursuit">Pursuit</a>


(Knockdown Only)
<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/8.gif" border="0" >+ P or K

Strength Startup After Pos Gauge Growth
Normal 33 Standing 6/24
ES 33 Standing 0/0


the puff "Big Breath"

(qcf p) - Sas does a quick puff of ice something into the air. its small, and quick... important too. because this is the move he has, thats relatively safe to spam to build meter. it makes a decent(barely tho) AA, there may be additional ES properties, that I'll look into, but none that I know of currently. use it mainly, when the opponents on the other side of the screen being a bitch.

swing punch "big blow"

(dp p) - Sas's chargeable swing punch. why it's chargeable I dont know. I rarely use it. I think the japs rarely use it. you can combo the strong version(mp for the pple of lesser knowledge) into it off of a s.strong, likely c.mk too. tho sometimes it doesnt connect for some reason or another.

======Spinny kick "Big Typhoon ====== (dp k) - This doubles as sas's guard cancel. he does some weird kick where he spins his leg in some sort of awkward way.... awkward enough to give a large area of hitboxes -_-. Tho it may be his gc, it is no shoryuken. from afar, its only one hit, and you can chicken guard it from the air.

Towers "Ice Tower"

(down, down p) - this move is splooged almost as much and fast as mike tyson did with his money. everyone uses the ES version of this move.... I think even megaman xcopied it in some of his incarnations.

well, the motion is quite simple(and unsusual for a capcom game... since i'm taking note of these things..) sas assumes the "about to take a shit" position, and long towers of ice pop out. much like blanka's RC electricity, there is recovery where you can retaliate, despite sasquatch still being surrounded in icicles(i hope the cvs2 players can at least understand the blanka reference)

as I said earlier, the ES version is splooged alot... which is much'a problem with new players, who take every opportunity to use it as soon as they get meter. used sparingly, you can catch the opponent off guard plenty of times tho.

360 throw "Big Swing"

(360 k) - to honestly say, I'm not at liberty to judge this move, mainly because I dont use it much. I'm too one minded w/ rtsd. tho in the same token, I see this move used rarely(more than the big punch/blow... its a 360 throw... thus unblockable, use at your own discresion i guess):

Swallow "Big Gulp"

(hcb mp or hp): much like the big swing, I dont feel confident in my judging it. BUT, it has great utility if you can set it up. the swallow has great utility in that he spits out his opponent in an ice form of sorts. BUT, is still in a comboable state. so, provided you know this(which you do now), you can dash in and combo his ass, or do something from afar.

-Special Move Frame Data -

<a name="sp-move">Special Moves</a>
Big Breath
<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/3.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6.gif" border="0" > + P
Strength Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth (Whiff/Block/Hit)  Guard Direction Remark
low 28 +60 +24 Standing 12/12/12 All Knocks down on air hit.
You can combo 1 hit after.
middle 28 +60 +24 Standing 12/12/12 All
high 30 +62 +26 Standing 12/12/12 All
ES 30 +103 +26 Standing 0/0/0 All
Big Blow
<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/3.gif" border="0" > + P
Strength Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth (Whiff/Block/Hit)  Guard Direction Remark
level 1 18 - Knockdown -19 Standing 18/22/26 Ground Startup value varies with P charge time.
level 2 37 - Knockdown -31 Standing 18/22/26 Ground
level 3 69 - Knockdown -47 Standing 18/22/26 Ground
ES 22 - Knockdown -45 Standing 0/0/0 Ground
Big Typhoon

<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/3.gif" border="0" > + K
Strength Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth (Whiff/Block/Hit)  Guard Direction Remark
low 8 -5 -6 Standing 18/19+1/21+3 All Knocks down on air hit.
middle 11 +2 -15 Standing 18/19+1+1/21+3+3 All
high 10 -5 -22 Standing 18/19+1x3/21+3x3 All
ES 9 Knockdown -52 Standing 0/0/0 All
Big Towers
<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > + P
Strength Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth (Whiff/Block/Hit)  Guard Direction Remark
low 7 +24 -8 Standing 18/21/24 All Knocks down on air hit.
middle 7 +14 -18 Standing 18/21/24 All
high 10 +4 -28 Standing 18/21/24 All
ES 9 Knockdown -18 Standing 0/0/0 All
Big Branch
<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/3.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/1.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/4.gif" border="0" > + P
Strength Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth
Guard Direction Remark
low 2 table - Standing 12/22 Throw Check table for Hit Adv.
In 2 table - Standing 12/22 Throw
high 2 table - Standing 12/22 Throw
ES 2 table - Standing 0/0 Throw
Big Swing
360 Motion + K
Strength Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth
Guard Direction Remark
low 2 Knockdown - Standing 12/42 Throw
In 2 Knockdown - Standing 12/42 Throw
high 2 Knockdown - Standing 12/42 Throw
ES 2 Knockdown - Standing 0/0 Throw

EX Moves

<a name="ex">EX Super Moves</a>
Big Freezer
<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/4.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/1.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/3.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6a.gif" border="0" > + PP
Gauge Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Guard Direction Remark
1 38 Knockdown -25 Standing All
Big Ice Burn
<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/4.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/1.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/3.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6a.gif" border="0" > + KK
Gauge Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Guard Direction Remark
1 45 Knockdown - Standing None
Big Trap
<img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/4.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/1.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/2.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/3.gif" border="0" > <img src="./Vampire Savior Data - Sasquatch_files/6.gif" border="0" > + Start
Gauge Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Guard Direction Remark
1 70 Knockdown - Standing None
Big Sledge
720 Motion + KK
Gauge Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Guard Direction Remark
1 2 Knockdown - Standing Throw

Dark Force

<a name="df">Dark Force</a>

Big resistor

Jab (LP) + Short (LK) or Strong (MP) + Forward (MK)

Startup Invincibility Ending After Pos Remark
46 49 46 Standing Gives super armor
Big resistor

Fierce (HP) + Roundhouse (HK)
Startup Invincibility Ending After Pos Remark
33 36 46 Standing Penguin helpers.
1 Penguin explodes every hit.


- c.lk c.mp s.mk c.hk: good basic chain combo. it's Sasquatch so you know it does big damage.

- s.lp c.lk c.mk c.hk: this is good because a lot of people will randomly block high to try and guard Sasquatch's dash overhead mixups. hits low 3 times, and you already know what a knockdown with Sasquatch means.

- command grab, short hop mk, land s.mp xx ES dp 2k: his big grab damage combo, can be done anywhere.

- command grab, jump in mp mk, s.mp xx ES dp 2k OR chain combo: this is done in the corner, and it does heavy damage.

- c.lk, +s.lp, +s.lp, +s.mp xx ES dp 2k: this is really good if you can get the timing down, though it isn't necessary but it's a really good combo.

- jump in mp mk: his best jump in combo, most damage as well.

- jump in or neutral jump hk: if you neutral jump on their roll with hk, it will crossup and it's sometimes ambiguous. very good to use.

- c.lk c.mp c.mk c.hp: this is used to reset, it can surprise the opponent, and it puts you in good range to rape them with s.mp or other mixups.

-s.mpXX ES B typhoon / lp.B.blow

-d.lp, +d.mp

  • dash links are always good to know.. although, the japs use more d.lk, d.mp? maybe dashing lk has more priority

-s.lp, s.lp, +s.mpXX ES.B.blow

s.lp, +d.lk, +d.lp

  • needs to be tested

DF combos (lights, mediums): activate, [dash, lp, lk, mp, mk*, rh]xN, mp XX ES. cloud thingy

  • -the d.mk is optional in the first round of the combo

+ His DF(HP+HK) has a bunch of penguins follow him and explode, spiral style(lp to fling em)? is there any practical use?

-When cornering the opponent, knockdown, slippery ground super(hcf+2k) I been using this? it seems unescapable if you do it at the right range(they roll into it) though I haven?t seen any of the japs use it, so it can?t be good[to be tested further?]

-has 4 different types of dashes(two long, two short)? all of them are incredibly useful

-a top tier sasquatch shorthops like no tomorrow

VSav Navigation

Game Data
B.B. Hood
Hsien Ko