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{{Character Subnav UMVC3|name=Dormammu}}
Dormammu hails from another dimension, the Dark Dimension, where he rules and is nearly omnipotent. Although he is made purely of energy, Dorm was able to construct a metal body for himself, allowing him to invade this dimension in some capacity. Although he doesn't have access to his full powers in this world, he still represents a catastrophic threat.

'''In UMvC3,''' Dorm is a long-range character with a surprising amount of mobility. He has several tools to help him win projectile wars, harass with chip damage, and even open up opponents to start extremely long combos. He also provides some useful, but often unconventional, support value to his team.
| pros =
*'''Zoning:''' Strong keepaway game with multiple long-range normals, several projectile attacks, and great mobility. Also has several normals which destroy projectiles on contact, which is situationally useful.
*'''Spells:''' Has access to extremely powerful attacks via his Dark Spell (214X) mechanic. If Dormammu is given time to safely build up spells, or makes his own time by putting the opponent in hit- or blockstun, he can snowball out of control.
*'''Damage:''' Deals good solo damage and has net positive meter build on his combo routes.
*'''Fullscreen Snipes:''' Can snipe opponents and their assists from fullscreen with his extremely fast Chaotic Flame hyper.
*'''Support:''' Provides team support via a powerful assist in Dark Hole, as well as powerful DHCs in both Chaotic Flame and Stalking Flare.
| cons =
*'''Big Body:''' Although Dormammu's crouching profile is normal sized and he is not especially vulnerable to Instant Overheads, his standing and airborne profiles are quite large. It can be difficult for Dormammu to maneuver around attacks due to his large frame, and some combos are easier to perform on characters of his size.
*'''Bad at Close Range:''' Lacks close range options, as his normals are below-average speed and many of his zoning tools have a dead-zone near Dormammu.
*'''Assist Range:''' Assist lacks coverage which makes it harder to use in neutral than more typical projectiles
*'''Poor Ground Mobility:''' Dormammu's ground dash is slow and cannot be cancelled into crouches or attacks(meaning he cannot plink or wavedash) - though he can cancel it into a jump. This makes him dependent on his aerial movement tools and teleport in order to stay mobile.
=== Unique Mechanics ===
Dormammu's grounded dash is a fixed duration "hop"-style dash. Unlike most characters, Dormammu can not cancel his dash with attacks or by crouching, and thus he can not Plink Dash or Wavedash. He can, however, cancel his dash into a jump, and thus can indirectly cancel his dash into Special Moves with a Tiger Knee motion. Dormammu can circumvent his inability to plinkdash or wavedash by performing Tri-dashing, utilizing his very fast diagonal airdashes. Jump forward and then airdash down-forward - or jump back and then airdash down-back - to quickly travel horizontally across the stage.
<div style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;flex:2;min-width:350px;padding: 10px;">{{UMVC3_Character_Query|reversals=623XX}}</div></div>
== Move List ==
=== Assists ===
|name=Dark Hole
|input=Assist A
|damage=20,000 x8
|recovery=98, 68
|properties={{strk}}, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 10 frames
THC Hyper: Chaotic Flame. Recommended assist. Dormammu produces a large, stationary projectile a short distance in front of himself. Dark Hole is active for a fairly long time, producing a sizeable amount of hitstun and blockstun. It is fairly easy to use in combo extensions, although it scales damage heavily by virtue of hitting several times. It also has some of the highest total projectile durability of any assist in the game, allowing it to act as a defensive wall against an opponent's projectiles.
|input=Assist B
|damage=35,000 x4
|recovery=103, 73
|properties={{otg}}, {{strk}} Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 5 frames
THC Hyper: Chaotic Flame. Dormammu produces a pillar of energy that reaches infinitely high upwards. It is one of very few assists that reach superjump height. However, it is extremely slow to start up, even slower than Dark Hole - which is already on the slower side. It also appears very close to where it was called, giving it very limited horizontal range which makes it difficult to use effectively in neutral.
Purification hits OTG, but knocks opponents very high into the air on hit, which can make following up with additional combos difficult.
|input=Assist Y
|properties=Its magic
THC Hyper: Stalking Flare. Dormammu appears on stage and casts a spell. The specific spell cast depends on how many stacks of Creator and Destroyer that Dormammu has built up while on point, and consumes those stacks in order to perform the spell. If Dormammu has no spell stacks, he performs Liberation (No Charge) which causes him to create a burst of energy around himself.
In theory, this assist could be one of the most powerful in the game when used to cast Dormammu's strong 3-stack Magic, just as the point character version of Liberation is among the game's most powerful specials when stacked properly. In practice, each use of this assist would require bringing Dormammu back in as the point character, rebuilding his stacks manually, and then tagging him back out, which makes it impractical unless you really don't mind having the default Liberation assist most of the time.
Could also be notable for having access to Stalking Flare as a fairly unique THC hyper.
=== Ground Normals ===
|name=Stand Light
Dormammu points, creating a small burst of energy. 5L has great range for such a fast normal, and has a disjointed hitbox.
|name=Stand Medium
Dormammu swipes, creating a stream of fire. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.
|name=Stand Heavy
|properties={{strk}}, {{projnull}}
Dormammu swipes upwards, protecting his front side with a large hitbox. On hit, it knocks opponents into the air and causes a very high amount of hitstun. This is Dormammu's most reliable way to combo into 6H.
Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

{{ UMvC3CharacterDataBox | 1,000,000 | Stronger | No | 1 | 1 |
30 | 55 | 80 |
? | ? | ? |
12.5 | 17.5 | 22.5 |
|name=Crouching Light
20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 40 |
35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 40 |
35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 40 |
35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 40 |
Similar to 5L. It is slower and has shorter range, but hits Low.

|name=Crouching Medium
|properties={{strk}}, {{projnull}}
Note: Not a low. Dormammu jabs upwards with a stream of flame. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

|name=Crouching Heavy
|properties={{strk}}, {{projnull}}
Dormammu sweeps the ground with a stream of energy. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact. It covers a good chunk of the space in front of and above Dormammu, so it can be useful as an anti-air.

== Move List ==

=== Assist Types ===
|properties={{launch}}, {{nocancel}}
Dormammu creates an upwards stream of fire, acting as a standard launcher with a very disjointed hitbox. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.
=== Aerial Normals ===
|name=Jumping Light
Poking attack with similar range to Dormammu's grounded L normals.
|name=Jumping Medium
Dormammu swipes with fire, similar to 5M. Has slightly longer horizontal reach than j.5H and j.5S in exchange for not hitting cross-up.
Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.
|name=Jumping Heavy
Dormammu performs a huge upward sweep, covering the area both below and in front of himself. Works great as both a neutral and pressure tool, and can hit as a cross-up quite easily.
j.5H is an instant overhead against Big Body characters, and can also work against normal-sized characters when set up via Fuzzy Guard.
Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.
|name=Jumping Special
|properties={{aircombofinisher}}, {{projnull}}
Dorm swipes downward, mirroring j.5H. Good jump-in attack that can hit as a very deep cross-up. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.
=== Command Normals ===
|name=Dark Matter
|properties={{wallbounce}}, {{chipdamage}} Priority: Low, Durability: 1, scales by 0.9
Dormammu fires a small projectile, which travels horizontally across the screen. It initially starts moving slowly, but quickly accelerates to full speed. This is Dormammu's only "normal" projectile, and is a core part of his gameplan due to his ability to cancel it into special moves.
6H canceled into 421X Teleport allows Dormammu to perform a simple Left/Right mixup so long as both he and his opponent are on the ground. On hit, 6H causes a large Wall Bounce, which Dormammu can easily follow up by canceling into either Flight or Teleport.

6H is not subject to hitstun deterioration.
  | Dark Hole (L) | shot front | 20,000 X 8 | strike proj | Chaotic Flame
  | Purification (L) | shot tiltup | 35,000 X 4 | Strike proj otg | Chaotic Flame
  | Liberation | shot front | *variable | *variable proj | Stalking Flare

=== Normal Moves ===

{{MoveListRow | Standing Light | l | 48,000 |  }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Light | d + l | 45,000 | low }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Medium | m | 70,000 |  }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Medium | d + m | 70,000 | strk }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Heavy | h | 90,000 | strk }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Heavy | d + h | 90,000 | strk }}
{{MoveListRow | Special | s | 100,000 | launch nocancel }}
{{MoveListRow | Dark Matter | f + h | 80,000 | proj <br> softknockdown <br> wallbounce}}
{{MoveListRow | Flame Carpet | df + h | 20,000 X 5 | low <br> proj <br> otg}}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Light | air l | 50,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Medium | air m | 70,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Heavy | air h | 85,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Special | air s | 90,000 | high <br> aircombofinisher }}

=== Throws ===
|name=Flame Carpet
|damage=20,000 x5
|properties={{otg}}, {{chipdamage}}, {{nocancel}}, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 5 frames, scales by 0.9
Dormammu places a small "carpet" of fire on the ground a short distance ahead of himself. The fire will remain for 180 frames, or until hit hits 5 times, or until Dormammu is hit by an attack.
Normally, only one carpet can be active at a time; attempting to place another before the first has expired will result in a 2H. However, it is possible to place additional carpets by chaining into it from a normal.

Flame Carpet can be awkward for Dormammu to use by himself due to being uncancelable. However, it does create some unique support capabilities where Dormammu places the carpet and then tags out for another character who can utilize the lockdown and Low hit. Dormammu can also place the carpet after killing an opponent to provide some extra coverage while attacking the Oncoming character.
{{MoveListRow | Forward Throw | f + h | 80,000 | throw hardknockdown }}
{{MoveListRow | Back Throw | b + h | 80,000 | throw hardknockdown }}
Normally if a character is hit by Flame Carpet, all five hits will occur in quick succession. However, it is possible to space the carpet so that the opponent "bounces" on top of it, causing the hits to be more spread out. This causes 3H to have significantly better advantage on hit than listed, turning it into a combo extension tool.
{{MoveListRow | Forward Air Throw | air f + h | 80,000 | airthrow hardknockdown }}
{{MoveListRow | Back Air Throw | air b + h | 80,000 | airthrow hardknockdown }}
3H is not subject to hitstun deterioration.

=== Special Moves ===
=== Special Moves ===

{{MoveListRow | Dark Hole | qcf + atk | 20,000 X 8 | strk <br> proj <br> airok}}
{{MoveListRow | Purification | dp + atk | 35,000 X 4 | strk <br> proj <br> otg}}
|caption=L Version
{{MoveListRow | Dark Spell: Destruction | qcb + l| 0 | airok <br> gives One Red charge}}
{{MoveListRow | Dark Spell: Creation | qcb + m | 0 | airok <br> gives One Blue charge}}
|caption2=M Version
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: no charge | qcb + h | 35,000 | strk <br> consumes all hand charges <br> for different effects}}
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: One Red | qcb + h | 35,000 X 3 | softknockdown <br> proj }}
|caption3=H Version
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: Two Red | qcb + h | 35,000 X 6 | softknockdown <br> proj }}
|name=Dark Hole
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: Three Red | qcb + h | 30,000 X 10 | softknockdown <br> proj <br> otg }}
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: One Blue | qcb + h | 40,000 X 3 | softknockdown <br> proj }}
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: Two Blue | qcb + h | 30,000 X 9 | softknockdown <br> proj }}
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: Three Blue | qcb + h | 0 | low <br> prevents opponent from jumping for 5 seconds}}
|damage=20,000 x8
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: One Red, One Blue | qcb + h | 20,000 per hit | proj <br> otg }}
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: One Red, Two Blue | qcb + h | 20,000 per hit | proj <br> otg }}
{{MoveListRow | Liberation: Two Red, One Blue | qcb + h | 80,000 (lava) <br> + 20,000 per rock hit | hardknockdown <br> proj <br> otg }}
{{MoveListRow | Flight | qcb + s | 0 | flight, lasts two seconds }}
|recovery=6 (in air: until grounded)
{{MoveListRow | Mass Change | rdp + atk | 0 | l teleports above opponent in front <br> m teleports above opponent and behind <br> h teleports directly above opponent }}
|properties={{airok}}, {{strk}}, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 10 frames.
Dormammu channels, creating a stationary projectile which hits several times. The projectile disappears if Dormammu is hit by an attack. Button strength determines the location of the Dark Hole, and has no other effect:
*L version appears immediately in front of Dormammu.
*M version appears just short of halfscreen distance.
*H version appears just short of fullscreen distance.

===Hyper Moves===
Dark Hole can be used as a zoning tool, but it is fairly committal due to its long total duration.

If performed in the air normally, Dormammu does not recover until he reaches the ground, making him extremely vulnerable. However, if Dark Hole is performed while in Flight Mode, Dormammu recovers normally and can continue to act in the air. It is strongly recommended to avoid using Air Dark Hole outside of Flight.
{{MoveListRow | Chaotic Flame | qcf + atk + atk | 15,000 X 30 | strk <br> proj <br> mashable; <br> strk on final hit only}}
{{MoveListRow | Stalking Flare | qcb + atk + atk | 20,000 X 20 | proj}}
{{MoveListRow | Dark Dimension | dp + atk + atk | 400,000 | proj <br> otg <br> Level 3 Hyper. | level3 }}

== Strategy ==
If Dark Hole juggles an opponent high enough, Dormammu can link a normal attack afterwards. This gives Dark Hole some combo potential in specific routes, such as TAC Combos.

=== Tips and Tricks ===

|caption=L Version
|caption2=M Version
|caption3=H Version
|damage=35,000 x4
|properties={{otg}}, {{strk}}, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 5 frames.
Dormammu channels, causing a pillar of energy to erupt upwards, with infinite vertical reach. Button strength determines the location of the pillar, and has no other effect:
*L version appears immediately in front of Dormammu.
*M version appears just short of halfscreen distance.
*H version appears at fullscreen distance.

=== Combos ===
Purification is a powerful zoning and neutral tool, as its vertical reach prevents opponents from attempting to maneuver above or below it. The pillar has a tendency to create awkward situations where an airborne opponent blocks Purification and, although they recover from blockstun, have no movement option fast enough to escape the next Purification. This causes them to have to block several beams in sequence, piling on large amounts of chip damage.

The beam hits OTG, and is thus an important combo tool for Dormammu. It can easily be used as a combo ender by canceling the OTG hit into either Chaotic Flame (236XX) for direct damage or Stalking Flare (214XX) for further pressure. Be careful when performing this sequence, as it is possible to hyper cancel too early. If Purification is kara-canceled, the beam will not come out, and your hyper will whiff disastrously on the knocked down opponent.

=== Basic Strategy ===

|caption=L Teleport
|caption2=M Teleport
|caption3=H Teleport
|name=Mass Change
Dormammu's teleport. It causes him to disappear and then reappear at a position based on the opponent's location and the button strength used:
*L version places Dormammu in the air just above and in front of the opponent.
*M version places Dormammu in the air just above and behind the opponent. It can cross up even in the corner, forcing the opponent slightly out.
*H version places Dormammu in the air directly above the opponent. You are technically still in front of the opponent, one pixel away.

=== Advanced Strategy ===
Teleport is a powerful tool for mixups and mobility, and allows him to seamlessly transition from long-range zoning to close-range offense when needed. However, all of Dormammu's teleports place him airborne and fairly close to the opponent, he can not teleport ''away'' from them. An opponent can react to the startup of an unprotected teleport by attempting an airthrow, which Dormammu has little defense against. Make sure to cover your teleports with an assist or 6H attack when possible.

== Strategy vs. Dormammu ==

[[Category: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3]]
|properties={{airok}}, 100 frame Flight mode.
Dormammu's Flight mode. When activated, causes Dorm to float in the air and gives him unlimited access to his airdashes and air specials for the duration. Repeated airdashes in Flight give Dormammu very strong aerial mobility, and this also allows him to use Air Dark Hole without having to deal with the painful "Until Grounded" recovery.

At 21f startup, Dormammu's flight activation is on the slower side. He can cancel some attacks into Flight for better frame advantage, but comboing into flight is only possible off a few attacks. Conversely, his Unfly is instant, allowing him to Unfly-cancel into attacks or blocking with no delay at all.
|caption=L Spell "Power of the Destroyer"
|caption2=M Spell "Power of the Creator"
|caption3=Dormammu's hands glow to indicate stored spell charges.
|name=Dark Spell
|input=214L / 214M
|subtitle={{qcb}} + {{l}}
|recovery=20 (in air: until grounded)
|properties={{airok}}, Adds one Destruction Charge.
|subtitle={{qcb}} + {{m}}
|recovery=20 (in air: until grounded)
|properties={{airok}}, Adds one Creation Charge.
Dormammu powered up one of his hands with a spell, adding a charge of either Destruction or Creation, depending on the button used. By itself, Dark Spell has no effect, and only serves to modify and enhance Liberation (214H) based on the charges built. Dormammu can have a combined total of three charges, but he can combine the two types in any way: 3D0C, 2D1C, 1D2C, or 0D3C in addition to any combination of fewer than three charges. If Dormammu attempts to use Dark Spell when he already has three charges, he will automatically cast Liberation instead.
Dormammu's fully charged Liberation attacks are detailed further below, and are very powerful. Casting Dark Spell any time Dormammu has a spare half-second is a good use of time, in order to build up to these powerful attacks.
Dark Spell can be cast while airborne. Similar to Dark Hole, this normally causes Dormammu to be placed into recovery until he reaches the ground. However, in Flight Mode, Dormammu recovers normally from casting Dark Spell, and can quickly cast two or even three spells while floating in the air with little risk.
==== Liberation Spells ====
'''Note:''' All Liberation spells are Air-OK, but not actually performed in the air. If Dormammu inputs a Liberation attack while airborne, he will automatically teleport down to the ground, then cast the spell. This adds an additional 23 frames of startup to any spell, and also adds a window from frames 11-24 where Dormammu is invincible due to teleporting.
|input=214H (With no Destruction or Creation Charges)
|startup=15 (38 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{strk}}, Priority: Low, Durability: 5
Dormammu's default 214H special performed if he has no charges stored. Creates a short-range, short-duration shockwave around Dormammu, that knocks opponents up on hit. Is mostly unremarkable, with no special properties.
|input=214H (With 1 Destruction Charge)
|damage=35,000 x3
|startup=15 (38 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{softknockdown}}, Priority: Low, Durability: 5
Dormammu points, and an explosion appears in front of him. The explosion has fairly good range and pops opponents high into the air on hit. In the corner, Dormammu can link a normal afterwards to continue the combo.
|name="Feel the Fear!"
|input=214H (With 2 Destruction Charges)
|damage=35,000 x6
|startup=15 (38 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{softknockdown}}, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 6 frames
Enhanced version of the 1-Destruction spell. The explosion is larger, deals more damage, and knocks opponents further back on hit.
|name="Return to Dust!"
|input=214H (With 3 Destruction Charges)
|damage=30,000 x10
|startup=15 (38 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{otg}}, {{softknockdown}}, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 10 frames
Final version of Dormammu's Destruction magic. Creates an enormous explosion which covers the entire screen. Reaches up to jump height, has full horizontal reach, and can also hit OTG. Pops opponents very high into the air on hit. Dormammu can link Purification or Dark Hole afterwards from any distance, but can also combo after with normals if close enough.
|name="Careful now..."
|input=214H (With 1 Creation Charge)
|damage=40,000 x3
|startup=12 (35 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{softknockdown}}, Priority: Low, Durability: 5
Dormammu gestures, and a spire erupts from the ground just in front of him. The spire reaches to just under jump height at its point. It has no special properties other than knocking opponents upward on hit.
|input=214H (With 2 Creation Charges)
|damage=30,000 x9
|startup=12 (35 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{softknockdown}}, Priority: Low, Durability: 5 per spire
Enhanced version of 1-Creation spell. Dormammu causes three spires to erupt in succession, with the final one appearing at roughly 2/3 of fullscreen distance. The individual spires are identical to the 1-Creation version.
|caption2=When debuffed by this attack, the opponent's legs will have a dark aura around them.
|name="Stay put."
|input=214H (With 3 Creation Charges)
|startup=15 (38 in air)
Final version of Dormammu's Creation magic. Has nothing to do with the other pure-Creation spells. Dormammu causes a carpet of dark energy to cover the entire stage. The carpet can be blocked, but must be blocked crouching. It can not connect on airborne opponents at all and does not hit OTG.
On hit, this attack deals no damage. Instead, it places a debuff on the opponent for 300 frames (5 seconds), indicated by dark energy covering their legs. While debuffed, the opponent is unable to jump. This gives Dormammu a limited opportunity to mix up the opponent while they can not retreat to the relative safety of the air. The debuff will also stop attempts to fly or teleport into the air, however other moves that carry the character into the air(many DPs, and Strider's wallcling) can escape. If the opponent uses one of these moves to get into the air, they will still be unable to double jump.
|name=Meteor Shower
|input=214H (With 1 Destruction and 1 Creation Charge)
|damage=20,000 per hit
|startup=10 (33 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{otg}}, {{hardknockdown}} (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 3 frames per rock.
Dormammu calls forth a barrage of roughly 15 meteors, which rain from the sky. The meteors fall randomly across the stage, but are concentrated around halfscreen distance. It is possible for them to spread out enough to land directly in front of Dormammu, or land just short of fullscreen as well. Each meteor can hit OTG, and causes a Hard Knockdown when hitting a not-grounded opponent.
Startup is misleading. It takes 10 frames for the meteors to appear, but they take a significant amount of extra time to fall to the ground from there.
|input=214H (With 1 Destruction and 2 Creation Charges)
|damage=20,000 per hit
|startup=26 (39 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{otg}}, {{hardknockdown}} (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 3 frames per rock.
Enhanced version of the 1-Destruction and 1-Creation spell. Dormammu calls forth a much larger Meteor Shower. They spread out semi-randomly in a similar vein to the small version, concentrated around halfscreen with a rare chance for some meteors to fall at fullscreen or right next to Dormammu. The shower lasts long enough that Dormammu can start a combo afterwards on hit with little effort. If it is blocked, he can use the blockstun caused to recharge his spells. By combining the lockdown from the meteors with additional lockdown from an assist, Dormammu can recharge all three of his spells after a successful Meteor cast, and repeat the process.
Once begun, the Meteors will still fall even if the startup of the attack in interrupted. Thus, this spell can act as a pseudo-reversal. If Dormammu gets even one frame of freedom to act, he can call down meteors, which will (hopefully) protect him from punishment.
|input=214H (With 2 Destruction and 1 Creation Charges)
|damage=80,000 (eruption) + 20,000 per rock
|startup=20 (43 in air)
|properties={{airok}}, {{otg}}, {{hardknockdown}} (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Durability: 100 (eruption), 1 per rock
Enhanced version of the 1-Destruction and 1-Creation spell. Dormammu causes the ground to erupt with lava, spraying rocks into the air. After a moment, the rocks rain back down on the ground. Every part of this attack is OTG-capable, and it deals heavy damage.
=== Hyper Combos ===
|name=Chaotic Flame
|input=236XX (1 bar)
|damage=15,000 x30 ~ x60
|properties={{strk}} (last hit), mashable, Priority: High, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 30 frames, scales by 0.965.
Dormammu unleashes a huge stream of flames, acting as a beam hyper. This is Dormammu's standard combo ender. Due to its high speed and damage, it can also be used to snipe assist calls and slower grounded attacks from the opponent, or on reaction to an opponent's projectile hypers in order to stuff them.
Chaotic Flame is advantageous on hit, enough that Dormammu can link normals afterward if done at close range. This is most commonly done as a 5L/5M linked after a combo-ending hyper for slightly better damage and to force an air tech. It's actually possible to link 5M > 5S afterwards if the hyper is done early enough in a combo.
|name=Stalking Flare
|input=214XX (1 bar)
|damage=20,000 x20
|properties=Priority: High, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 20 frames
Dormammu unleashes a large, floating ball of fire. The flare slowly tracks the opponent to any screen position. Stalking Flare never expires due to time, and has basically insurmountable durability. The only way for the opponent to avoid having to take the Flare once out is to somehow hit Dormammu, which causes Stalking Flare to immediately disappear. This can be rendered impossible by tagging Dormammu out(and then not calling his assist).
Because Stalking Flare remains active for so long and effectively forces the opponent to stay locked down, it can be used to cover Dormammu while he casts spells or Hard Tags to a teammate. There also is not a limit on having multiple Flares on screen at once, if you have the meter and feel like throwing out several. The chip damage adds up quickly.
Stalking Flare will normally quickly go through all 20 of its hits once it actually reaches the opponent. It is possible to set up this hyper so that the opponent "bounces" on top of it. This spaces out the hits, greatly increasing the total hitstun of the hyper, and giving Dormammu or his teammates a massive amount of time to continue the combo afterwards.
|caption2="Welcome, to my realm."
|name=Dark Dimension
|input=623XX (3 bars)
|properties=Invuln until frame 36, {{otg}}, {{hardknockdown}}, Priority: High, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 5 frames.
Cinematic level 3 hyper. Dormammu covers the ground in dark energy, which spreads outward from Dormammu's location until it covers the entire ground. The energy can hit OTG and is easy to use as a combo ender. On hit, the opponent is pulled into a cinematic where Dormammu crushes them, dealing heavy unscaled damage and ending with a Hard Knockdown. Dormammu can follow up with an OTG Purification or Flame Carpet, or even a Hard Tag to a character with a fast OTG if he wants.
Besides being an easy combo ender to secure a kill, this hyper is very fast and extremely invincible. It has 0 frames of post-flash startup, so if an opponent is close range when the super flash begins and not already blocking, the attack can not be blocked.
You have enough time to charge once before and once after your level 3. This means that if you have a combo that you can charge during, you can guarantee a 3D0C after the level 3.
If combo'ing after a throw, using this Hyper will remove the grab penalty.
Due to a glitch, this Hyper is unable to hit opponents properly during pre-jump frames, unless they are glued to the floor by his 3C spell; this may cause unexpected whiffs when using it raw.
=== Universal Mechanics ===
|name=Ground Throw
|input=6H, 4H
Dormammu levitates the opponent and then tosses them away. Can be followed up with OTG Purification, but the timing is tight.
|name=Air Throw
|input=j.6H, j.4H
Standard airthrow that results in a hard knockdown. Can follow up with an OTG of Dormammu's choice, including Purification, Flame Carpet, and his various OTG-capable Liberation spells.
|name=Snap Back
|properties=Snapback, {{projnull}}
Animation and hitbox based on 5H.
|name=Hard Tag
|input=Hold 14f [[File:A1.png]]/[[File:A2.png]]
== Notable Shells ==
|-| Dormammu + Doctor Doom =
[[File:UMVC3 Doctor Doom Icon.png|center|100px]]
Doctor Doom is arguably Dormammu's single best friend, and provides incredible unique utility to the Lord of the Dark Dimension. All three of Doctor Doom's assists are useful and helpful to Dormammu, with Hidden Missiles being a standout. As such, any point who can utilize Hidden Missiles and Dark Hole is a great fit for a team with a Dormammu/Doom shell. But that is by no means the only use case for the shell. With Plasma Beam, it enables such diverse points as Taskmaster, Spider-man, Wesker, and Felicia. While Molecular Shield has a more limited use case - not least due to it changing Doom's THC to Sphere Flame - were it not competing for real estate, it would still be a top 5 assist in the game. Dormammu additionally supports Doctor Doom very well, with Doom using Dark Hole well in neutral and combos. Finally, THC Chaotic Flame for 2 meters is a very potent tool in a Doom's arsenal.
[  Replay Theater Footage]
=== Players to Watch ===
| name = Noel B. Hungry
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|1}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Doctor_Doom|1}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Phoenix|1}}
| region = East Coast
| status = Active
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]<br>[ vs. Nolife @ CEO 2024]<br>[ vs. Rayray @ CEO 2024]
| name = Paradiggm
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Haggar|1}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|1}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Doctor_Doom|1}}
| region = East Coast
| status = Active
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]<br>[ vs. Kellen @ X-factory #34]
| name = FilipinoChamp
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Magneto|5}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|6}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Doctor_Doom|2}}
| region = West Coast
| status = Inactive
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]<br>[ vs TerryBogard @ Final Round 18]
|-| Dormammu + Magneto =
[[File:UMVC3 Magneto Icon.png|center|100px]]
The Master of Magnetism and the Lord of the Dark Dimension are a tried-and-true pair, and work together in either order. When placed in front of Dormammu, Magneto is a capable point character who can compensate for Dorm's weaknesses whilst offering unique strengths of his own and benefiting from Dormammu's unique support. When placed behind Dorm, Magneto enables nasty teleport mixes and corner follow-ups that pump Dormammu's damage into the stratosphere. The "masta-CJ" - Call Disruptor and Teleport - is an iconic maneuver for a reason. S tier pair.
[  Replay Theater Footage]
=== Players to Watch ===
| name = FilipinoChamp
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Magneto|4}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|6}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Doctor_Doom|4}}
| region = West Coast
| status = Inactive
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]<br>[ vs TerryBogard @ Final Round 18]
| name = JasonKido
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Haggar|4}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|6}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Magneto|4}}
| region = East Coast
| status = Active
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]<br>[ vs ChrisG @ Texas Showdown 2022]
| name = AcesReturn
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Nova|1}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|1}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Magneto|1}}
| region = East Coast
| status = Active
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]
|-| Dormammu + Shuma-Gorath =
[[File:UMVC3 Shuma-Gorath Icon.png|center|100px]]
[  Replay Theater Footage]
=== Players to Watch ===
| name = Angelic
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Wolverine|1}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|1}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Shuma-Gorath|1}}
| region = West Coast
| status = Active
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]
| name = Spiral
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dante|1}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|1}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Shuma-Gorath|1}}
| region = East Coast
| status = Active
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]
| name = SickAbyss
| charaColorOne = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|M.O.D.O.K.|5}}
| charaColorTwo = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Dormammu|6}}
| charaColorThree = {{CharaColor-UMVC3|Shuma-Gorath|2}}
| region =
| status = Inactive
| notes =
| replaysLink = [ Replay Theater]
|-| Dormammu + Haggar=
[[File:UMVC3 Haggar Icon.png|center|100px]]
[  Replay Theater Footage]
|-| Dormammu + Dante =
[[File:UMVC3 Dante Icon.png|center|100px]]
[ Replay Theater Footage]
|-| Dormammu + Doctor Strange =
[[File:UMVC3 Doctor Strange Icon.png|center|100px]]
[ Replay Theater Footage]
== Alternate Colors ==
{{Content Box|content=

Latest revision as of 15:09, 1 July 2024


Dormammu hails from another dimension, the Dark Dimension, where he rules and is nearly omnipotent. Although he is made purely of energy, Dorm was able to construct a metal body for himself, allowing him to invade this dimension in some capacity. Although he doesn't have access to his full powers in this world, he still represents a catastrophic threat.

In UMvC3, Dorm is a long-range character with a surprising amount of mobility. He has several tools to help him win projectile wars, harass with chip damage, and even open up opponents to start extremely long combos. He also provides some useful, but often unconventional, support value to his team.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Zoning: Strong keepaway game with multiple long-range normals, several projectile attacks, and great mobility. Also has several normals which destroy projectiles on contact, which is situationally useful.
  • Spells: Has access to extremely powerful attacks via his Dark Spell (214X) mechanic. If Dormammu is given time to safely build up spells, or makes his own time by putting the opponent in hit- or blockstun, he can snowball out of control.
  • Damage: Deals good solo damage and has net positive meter build on his combo routes.
  • Fullscreen Snipes: Can snipe opponents and their assists from fullscreen with his extremely fast Chaotic Flame hyper.
  • Support: Provides team support via a powerful assist in Dark Hole, as well as powerful DHCs in both Chaotic Flame and Stalking Flare.
  • Big Body: Although Dormammu's crouching profile is normal sized and he is not especially vulnerable to Instant Overheads, his standing and airborne profiles are quite large. It can be difficult for Dormammu to maneuver around attacks due to his large frame, and some combos are easier to perform on characters of his size.
  • Bad at Close Range: Lacks close range options, as his normals are below-average speed and many of his zoning tools have a dead-zone near Dormammu.
  • Assist Range: Assist lacks coverage which makes it harder to use in neutral than more typical projectiles
  • Poor Ground Mobility: Dormammu's ground dash is slow and cannot be cancelled into crouches or attacks(meaning he cannot plink or wavedash) - though he can cancel it into a jump. This makes him dependent on his aerial movement tools and teleport in order to stay mobile.

Unique Mechanics

Dormammu's grounded dash is a fixed duration "hop"-style dash. Unlike most characters, Dormammu can not cancel his dash with attacks or by crouching, and thus he can not Plink Dash or Wavedash. He can, however, cancel his dash into a jump, and thus can indirectly cancel his dash into Special Moves with a Tiger Knee motion. Dormammu can circumvent his inability to plinkdash or wavedash by performing Tri-dashing, utilizing his very fast diagonal airdashes. Jump forward and then airdash down-forward - or jump back and then airdash down-back - to quickly travel horizontally across the stage.

UMVC3 Dormammu Nameplate.png
UMVC3 Dormammu Portrait.png
Health 1,000,000
Invulnerable Reversal(s) 623XX
Grounded Magic Series Simple
X-Factor Damage Boost (1/2/3) 30% / 55% / 80%
X-Factor Speed Boost (1/2/3) 10% / 15% / 20%
Air Movement Options
Air Actions Air Jumps? Air Dash? Flight? WallJump?
1 Yes 8-Way Yes No
Minimum Attack Scaling
Normals Specials Hypers
20 20 40

Move List


Dark Hole
Assist A
UMVC3 Dormammu AssistA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x8 50 33 98, 68
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Strk.png, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 10 frames

THC Hyper: Chaotic Flame. Recommended assist. Dormammu produces a large, stationary projectile a short distance in front of himself. Dark Hole is active for a fairly long time, producing a sizeable amount of hitstun and blockstun. It is fairly easy to use in combo extensions, although it scales damage heavily by virtue of hitting several times. It also has some of the highest total projectile durability of any assist in the game, allowing it to act as a defensive wall against an opponent's projectiles.

Assist B
UMVC3 Dormammu AssistB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x4 56 23 103, 73
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Otg.png, Strk.png Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 5 frames

THC Hyper: Chaotic Flame. Dormammu produces a pillar of energy that reaches infinitely high upwards. It is one of very few assists that reach superjump height. However, it is extremely slow to start up, even slower than Dark Hole - which is already on the slower side. It also appears very close to where it was called, giving it very limited horizontal range which makes it difficult to use effectively in neutral.

Purification hits OTG, but knocks opponents very high into the air on hit, which can make following up with additional combos difficult.

Assist Y
UMVC3 Dormammu AssistY.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
Varies Varies Varies Varies
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Its magic

THC Hyper: Stalking Flare. Dormammu appears on stage and casts a spell. The specific spell cast depends on how many stacks of Creator and Destroyer that Dormammu has built up while on point, and consumes those stacks in order to perform the spell. If Dormammu has no spell stacks, he performs Liberation (No Charge) which causes him to create a burst of energy around himself.

In theory, this assist could be one of the most powerful in the game when used to cast Dormammu's strong 3-stack Magic, just as the point character version of Liberation is among the game's most powerful specials when stacked properly. In practice, each use of this assist would require bringing Dormammu back in as the point character, rebuilding his stacks manually, and then tagging him back out, which makes it impractical unless you really don't mind having the default Liberation assist most of the time.

Could also be notable for having access to Stalking Flare as a fairly unique THC hyper.

Ground Normals

Stand Light
UMVC3 Dormammu 5L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
48,000 6 2 12
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -1 Mid -

Dormammu points, creating a small burst of energy. 5L has great range for such a fast normal, and has a disjointed hitbox.

Stand Medium
UMVC3 Dormammu 5M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 8 10 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-7 -8 Mid Projnull.png

Dormammu swipes, creating a stream of fire. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

Stand Heavy
UMVC3 Dormammu 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 13 5 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-2 -3 Mid Strk.png, Projnull.png

Dormammu swipes upwards, protecting his front side with a large hitbox. On hit, it knocks opponents into the air and causes a very high amount of hitstun. This is Dormammu's most reliable way to combo into 6H.

Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

Crouching Light
UMVC3 Dormammu 2L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
45,000 7 2 13
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-1 -2 Low -

Similar to 5L. It is slower and has shorter range, but hits Low.

Crouching Medium
UMVC3 Dormammu 2M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 9 8 17
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+6 -7 Mid Strk.png, Projnull.png

Note: Not a low. Dormammu jabs upwards with a stream of flame. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

Crouching Heavy
UMVC3 Dormammu 2H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 13 4 24
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -5 Low Strk.png, Projnull.png

Dormammu sweeps the ground with a stream of energy. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact. It covers a good chunk of the space in front of and above Dormammu, so it can be useful as an anti-air.

UMVC3 Dormammu 5S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
95,000 9 20 12
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
Launch -9 Mid Launch.png, Nocancel.png

Dormammu creates an upwards stream of fire, acting as a standard launcher with a very disjointed hitbox. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

Aerial Normals

Jumping Light
UMVC3 Dormammu jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 7 3 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+14 +11 OH -

Poking attack with similar range to Dormammu's grounded L normals.

Jumping Medium
UMVC3 Dormammu jM.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 10 11 15
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+15 +15 OH Projnull.png

Dormammu swipes with fire, similar to 5M. Has slightly longer horizontal reach than j.5H and j.5S in exchange for not hitting cross-up.

Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

Jumping Heavy
UMVC3 Dormammu jH 1st.png
UMVC3 Dormammu jH 2nd.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
85,000 10 5 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+19 +18 OH Projnull.png

Dormammu performs a huge upward sweep, covering the area both below and in front of himself. Works great as both a neutral and pressure tool, and can hit as a cross-up quite easily.

j.5H is an instant overhead against Big Body characters, and can also work against normal-sized characters when set up via Fuzzy Guard.

Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

Jumping Special
UMVC3 Dormammu jS.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 14 5 27
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+19 +15 OH Aircombofinisher.png, Projnull.png

Dorm swipes downward, mirroring j.5H. Good jump-in attack that can hit as a very deep cross-up. Nullifies Low and Medium Priority projectiles on contact.

Command Normals

Dark Matter
UMVC3 Dormammu 6H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 20 - 26
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -3 Mid Wallbounce.png, Chipdamage.png Priority: Low, Durability: 1, scales by 0.9

Dormammu fires a small projectile, which travels horizontally across the screen. It initially starts moving slowly, but quickly accelerates to full speed. This is Dormammu's only "normal" projectile, and is a core part of his gameplan due to his ability to cancel it into special moves.

6H canceled into 421X Teleport allows Dormammu to perform a simple Left/Right mixup so long as both he and his opponent are on the ground. On hit, 6H causes a large Wall Bounce, which Dormammu can easily follow up by canceling into either Flight or Teleport.

6H is not subject to hitstun deterioration.

Flame Carpet
UMVC3 Dormammu 3H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x5 15 - 31
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+5 +4 Low Otg.png, Chipdamage.png, Nocancel.png, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 5 frames, scales by 0.9

Dormammu places a small "carpet" of fire on the ground a short distance ahead of himself. The fire will remain for 180 frames, or until hit hits 5 times, or until Dormammu is hit by an attack.

Normally, only one carpet can be active at a time; attempting to place another before the first has expired will result in a 2H. However, it is possible to place additional carpets by chaining into it from a normal.

Flame Carpet can be awkward for Dormammu to use by himself due to being uncancelable. However, it does create some unique support capabilities where Dormammu places the carpet and then tags out for another character who can utilize the lockdown and Low hit. Dormammu can also place the carpet after killing an opponent to provide some extra coverage while attacking the Oncoming character.

Normally if a character is hit by Flame Carpet, all five hits will occur in quick succession. However, it is possible to space the carpet so that the opponent "bounces" on top of it, causing the hits to be more spread out. This causes 3H to have significantly better advantage on hit than listed, turning it into a combo extension tool.

3H is not subject to hitstun deterioration.

Special Moves

Dark Hole
UMVC3 Dormammu 236L.png
L Version
UMVC3 Dormammu 236M.png
M Version
UMVC3 Dormammu 236H.png
H Version
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x8 26 34 6 (in air: until grounded)
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +7 Mid Airok.png, Strk.png, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 10 frames.

Dormammu channels, creating a stationary projectile which hits several times. The projectile disappears if Dormammu is hit by an attack. Button strength determines the location of the Dark Hole, and has no other effect:

  • L version appears immediately in front of Dormammu.
  • M version appears just short of halfscreen distance.
  • H version appears just short of fullscreen distance.

Dark Hole can be used as a zoning tool, but it is fairly committal due to its long total duration.

If performed in the air normally, Dormammu does not recover until he reaches the ground, making him extremely vulnerable. However, if Dark Hole is performed while in Flight Mode, Dormammu recovers normally and can continue to act in the air. It is strongly recommended to avoid using Air Dark Hole outside of Flight.

If Dark Hole juggles an opponent high enough, Dormammu can link a normal attack afterwards. This gives Dark Hole some combo potential in specific routes, such as TAC Combos.

UMVC3 Dormammu 623L.png
L Version
UMVC3 Dormammu 623M.png
M Version
UMVC3 Dormammu 623H.png
H Version
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x4 32 23 11
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+11 +2 Mid Otg.png, Strk.png, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 5 frames.

Dormammu channels, causing a pillar of energy to erupt upwards, with infinite vertical reach. Button strength determines the location of the pillar, and has no other effect:

  • L version appears immediately in front of Dormammu.
  • M version appears just short of halfscreen distance.
  • H version appears at fullscreen distance.

Purification is a powerful zoning and neutral tool, as its vertical reach prevents opponents from attempting to maneuver above or below it. The pillar has a tendency to create awkward situations where an airborne opponent blocks Purification and, although they recover from blockstun, have no movement option fast enough to escape the next Purification. This causes them to have to block several beams in sequence, piling on large amounts of chip damage.

The beam hits OTG, and is thus an important combo tool for Dormammu. It can easily be used as a combo ender by canceling the OTG hit into either Chaotic Flame (236XX) for direct damage or Stalking Flare (214XX) for further pressure. Be careful when performing this sequence, as it is possible to hyper cancel too early. If Purification is kara-canceled, the beam will not come out, and your hyper will whiff disastrously on the knocked down opponent.

Mass Change
UMVC3 Dormammu 421L.png
L Teleport
UMVC3 Dormammu 421M.png
M Teleport
UMVC3 Dormammu 421H.png
H Teleport
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 13 - 17
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Airok.png

Dormammu's teleport. It causes him to disappear and then reappear at a position based on the opponent's location and the button strength used:

  • L version places Dormammu in the air just above and in front of the opponent.
  • M version places Dormammu in the air just above and behind the opponent. It can cross up even in the corner, forcing the opponent slightly out.
  • H version places Dormammu in the air directly above the opponent. You are technically still in front of the opponent, one pixel away.

Teleport is a powerful tool for mixups and mobility, and allows him to seamlessly transition from long-range zoning to close-range offense when needed. However, all of Dormammu's teleports place him airborne and fairly close to the opponent, he can not teleport away from them. An opponent can react to the startup of an unprotected teleport by attempting an airthrow, which Dormammu has little defense against. Make sure to cover your teleports with an assist or 6H attack when possible.

UMVC3 Dormammu 214S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 21 100 0
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Airok.png, 100 frame Flight mode.

Dormammu's Flight mode. When activated, causes Dorm to float in the air and gives him unlimited access to his airdashes and air specials for the duration. Repeated airdashes in Flight give Dormammu very strong aerial mobility, and this also allows him to use Air Dark Hole without having to deal with the painful "Until Grounded" recovery.

At 21f startup, Dormammu's flight activation is on the slower side. He can cancel some attacks into Flight for better frame advantage, but comboing into flight is only possible off a few attacks. Conversely, his Unfly is instant, allowing him to Unfly-cancel into attacks or blocking with no delay at all.

Dark Spell
214L / 214M
UMVC3 Dormammu 214L.png
L Spell "Power of the Destroyer"
UMVC3 Dormammu 214M.png
M Spell "Power of the Creator"
UMVC3 Dormammu 214X Charge.png
Dormammu's hands glow to indicate stored spell charges.
Qcb.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 15 - 20 (in air: until grounded)
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Airok.png, Adds one Destruction Charge.
Qcb.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 15 - 20 (in air: until grounded)
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Airok.png, Adds one Creation Charge.

Dormammu powered up one of his hands with a spell, adding a charge of either Destruction or Creation, depending on the button used. By itself, Dark Spell has no effect, and only serves to modify and enhance Liberation (214H) based on the charges built. Dormammu can have a combined total of three charges, but he can combine the two types in any way: 3D0C, 2D1C, 1D2C, or 0D3C in addition to any combination of fewer than three charges. If Dormammu attempts to use Dark Spell when he already has three charges, he will automatically cast Liberation instead.

Dormammu's fully charged Liberation attacks are detailed further below, and are very powerful. Casting Dark Spell any time Dormammu has a spare half-second is a good use of time, in order to build up to these powerful attacks.

Dark Spell can be cast while airborne. Similar to Dark Hole, this normally causes Dormammu to be placed into recovery until he reaches the ground. However, in Flight Mode, Dormammu recovers normally from casting Dark Spell, and can quickly cast two or even three spells while floating in the air with little risk.

Liberation Spells

Note: All Liberation spells are Air-OK, but not actually performed in the air. If Dormammu inputs a Liberation attack while airborne, he will automatically teleport down to the ground, then cast the spell. This adds an additional 23 frames of startup to any spell, and also adds a window from frames 11-24 where Dormammu is invincible due to teleporting.

214H (With no Destruction or Creation Charges)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 15 (38 in air) 5 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+5 -3 Mid Airok.png, Strk.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 5

Dormammu's default 214H special performed if he has no charges stored. Creates a short-range, short-duration shockwave around Dormammu, that knocks opponents up on hit. Is mostly unremarkable, with no special properties.

214H (With 1 Destruction Charge)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x3 15 (38 in air) 10 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +1 Mid Airok.png, Softknockdown.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 5

Dormammu points, and an explosion appears in front of him. The explosion has fairly good range and pops opponents high into the air on hit. In the corner, Dormammu can link a normal afterwards to continue the combo.

"Feel the Fear!"
214H (With 2 Destruction Charges)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H LL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x6 15 (38 in air) 10 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +1 Mid Airok.png, Softknockdown.png, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 6 frames

Enhanced version of the 1-Destruction spell. The explosion is larger, deals more damage, and knocks opponents further back on hit.

"Return to Dust!"
214H (With 3 Destruction Charges)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H LLL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x10 15 (38 in air) 10 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +1 Mid Airok.png, Otg.png, Softknockdown.png, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 10 frames

Final version of Dormammu's Destruction magic. Creates an enormous explosion which covers the entire screen. Reaches up to jump height, has full horizontal reach, and can also hit OTG. Pops opponents very high into the air on hit. Dormammu can link Purification or Dark Hole afterwards from any distance, but can also combo after with normals if close enough.

"Careful now..."
214H (With 1 Creation Charge)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 x3 12 (35 in air) 10 24
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -10 Mid Airok.png, Softknockdown.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 5

Dormammu gestures, and a spire erupts from the ground just in front of him. The spire reaches to just under jump height at its point. It has no special properties other than knocking opponents upward on hit.

214H (With 2 Creation Charges)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H MM.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x9 12 (35 in air) 10 24
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -10 Mid Airok.png, Softknockdown.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 5 per spire

Enhanced version of 1-Creation spell. Dormammu causes three spires to erupt in succession, with the final one appearing at roughly 2/3 of fullscreen distance. The individual spires are identical to the 1-Creation version.

"Stay put."
214H (With 3 Creation Charges)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H MMM.png
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H MMM Effect.png
When debuffed by this attack, the opponent's legs will have a dark aura around them.
Damage Startup Active Recovery
0 15 (38 in air) - 36
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-21 -23 Low Airok.png

Final version of Dormammu's Creation magic. Has nothing to do with the other pure-Creation spells. Dormammu causes a carpet of dark energy to cover the entire stage. The carpet can be blocked, but must be blocked crouching. It can not connect on airborne opponents at all and does not hit OTG.

On hit, this attack deals no damage. Instead, it places a debuff on the opponent for 300 frames (5 seconds), indicated by dark energy covering their legs. While debuffed, the opponent is unable to jump. This gives Dormammu a limited opportunity to mix up the opponent while they can not retreat to the relative safety of the air. The debuff will also stop attempts to fly or teleport into the air, however other moves that carry the character into the air(many DPs, and Strider's wallcling) can escape. If the opponent uses one of these moves to get into the air, they will still be unable to double jump.

Meteor Shower
214H (With 1 Destruction and 1 Creation Charge)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H LM.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 per hit 10 (33 in air) - 40
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Airok.png, Otg.png, Hardknockdown.png (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 3 frames per rock.

Dormammu calls forth a barrage of roughly 15 meteors, which rain from the sky. The meteors fall randomly across the stage, but are concentrated around halfscreen distance. It is possible for them to spread out enough to land directly in front of Dormammu, or land just short of fullscreen as well. Each meteor can hit OTG, and causes a Hard Knockdown when hitting a not-grounded opponent.

Startup is misleading. It takes 10 frames for the meteors to appear, but they take a significant amount of extra time to fall to the ground from there.

214H (With 1 Destruction and 2 Creation Charges)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H LMM.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 per hit 26 (39 in air) - 40
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Airok.png, Otg.png, Hardknockdown.png (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 3 frames per rock.

Enhanced version of the 1-Destruction and 1-Creation spell. Dormammu calls forth a much larger Meteor Shower. They spread out semi-randomly in a similar vein to the small version, concentrated around halfscreen with a rare chance for some meteors to fall at fullscreen or right next to Dormammu. The shower lasts long enough that Dormammu can start a combo afterwards on hit with little effort. If it is blocked, he can use the blockstun caused to recharge his spells. By combining the lockdown from the meteors with additional lockdown from an assist, Dormammu can recharge all three of his spells after a successful Meteor cast, and repeat the process.

Once begun, the Meteors will still fall even if the startup of the attack in interrupted. Thus, this spell can act as a pseudo-reversal. If Dormammu gets even one frame of freedom to act, he can call down meteors, which will (hopefully) protect him from punishment.

214H (With 2 Destruction and 1 Creation Charges)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H LLM 1st.png
UMVC3 Dormammu 214H LLM 2nd.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 (eruption) + 20,000 per rock 20 (43 in air) 20 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Airok.png, Otg.png, Hardknockdown.png (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Durability: 100 (eruption), 1 per rock

Enhanced version of the 1-Destruction and 1-Creation spell. Dormammu causes the ground to erupt with lava, spraying rocks into the air. After a moment, the rocks rain back down on the ground. Every part of this attack is OTG-capable, and it deals heavy damage.

Hyper Combos

Chaotic Flame
236XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Dormammu 236XX.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
15,000 x30 ~ x60 8+3 59 41
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+8 -21 Mid Strk.png (last hit), mashable, Priority: High, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 30 frames, scales by 0.965.

Dormammu unleashes a huge stream of flames, acting as a beam hyper. This is Dormammu's standard combo ender. Due to its high speed and damage, it can also be used to snipe assist calls and slower grounded attacks from the opponent, or on reaction to an opponent's projectile hypers in order to stuff them.

Chaotic Flame is advantageous on hit, enough that Dormammu can link normals afterward if done at close range. This is most commonly done as a 5L/5M linked after a combo-ending hyper for slightly better damage and to force an air tech. It's actually possible to link 5M > 5S afterwards if the hyper is done early enough in a combo.

Stalking Flare
214XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Dormammu 214XX.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x20 31+4 - 62
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+19 +18 Mid Priority: High, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 20 frames

Dormammu unleashes a large, floating ball of fire. The flare slowly tracks the opponent to any screen position. Stalking Flare never expires due to time, and has basically insurmountable durability. The only way for the opponent to avoid having to take the Flare once out is to somehow hit Dormammu, which causes Stalking Flare to immediately disappear. This can be rendered impossible by tagging Dormammu out(and then not calling his assist).

Because Stalking Flare remains active for so long and effectively forces the opponent to stay locked down, it can be used to cover Dormammu while he casts spells or Hard Tags to a teammate. There also is not a limit on having multiple Flares on screen at once, if you have the meter and feel like throwing out several. The chip damage adds up quickly.

Stalking Flare will normally quickly go through all 20 of its hits once it actually reaches the opponent. It is possible to set up this hyper so that the opponent "bounces" on top of it. This spaces out the hits, greatly increasing the total hitstun of the hyper, and giving Dormammu or his teammates a massive amount of time to continue the combo afterwards.

Dark Dimension
623XX (3 bars)
UMVC3 Dormammu 623XX.png
UMVC3 Dormammu 623XX Cinematic.png
"Welcome, to my realm."
Damage Startup Active Recovery
400,000 8+0 20 72
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -69 Mid Invuln until frame 36, Otg.png, Hardknockdown.png, Priority: High, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 5 frames.

Cinematic level 3 hyper. Dormammu covers the ground in dark energy, which spreads outward from Dormammu's location until it covers the entire ground. The energy can hit OTG and is easy to use as a combo ender. On hit, the opponent is pulled into a cinematic where Dormammu crushes them, dealing heavy unscaled damage and ending with a Hard Knockdown. Dormammu can follow up with an OTG Purification or Flame Carpet, or even a Hard Tag to a character with a fast OTG if he wants.

Besides being an easy combo ender to secure a kill, this hyper is very fast and extremely invincible. It has 0 frames of post-flash startup, so if an opponent is close range when the super flash begins and not already blocking, the attack can not be blocked.

You have enough time to charge once before and once after your level 3. This means that if you have a combo that you can charge during, you can guarantee a 3D0C after the level 3.

If combo'ing after a throw, using this Hyper will remove the grab penalty.

Due to a glitch, this Hyper is unable to hit opponents properly during pre-jump frames, unless they are glued to the floor by his 3C spell; this may cause unexpected whiffs when using it raw.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
6H, 4H
UMVC3 Dormammu GroundThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png

Dormammu levitates the opponent and then tosses them away. Can be followed up with OTG Purification, but the timing is tight.

Air Throw
j.6H, j.4H
UMVC3 Dormammu AirThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Airthrow Hardknockdown.png

Standard airthrow that results in a hard knockdown. Can follow up with an OTG of Dormammu's choice, including Purification, Flame Carpet, and his various OTG-capable Liberation spells.

Snap Back
UMVC3 Dormammu 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 2 5 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -3 Mid Snapback, Projnull.png

Animation and hitbox based on 5H.

Hard Tag
Hold 14f A1.png/A2.png
UMVC3 Dormammu HardTag.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 - 20 33
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -15 OH Softknockdown.png


Notable Shells

UMVC3 Doctor Doom Icon.png

Doctor Doom is arguably Dormammu's single best friend, and provides incredible unique utility to the Lord of the Dark Dimension. All three of Doctor Doom's assists are useful and helpful to Dormammu, with Hidden Missiles being a standout. As such, any point who can utilize Hidden Missiles and Dark Hole is a great fit for a team with a Dormammu/Doom shell. But that is by no means the only use case for the shell. With Plasma Beam, it enables such diverse points as Taskmaster, Spider-man, Wesker, and Felicia. While Molecular Shield has a more limited use case - not least due to it changing Doom's THC to Sphere Flame - were it not competing for real estate, it would still be a top 5 assist in the game. Dormammu additionally supports Doctor Doom very well, with Doom using Dark Hole well in neutral and combos. Finally, THC Chaotic Flame for 2 meters is a very potent tool in a Doom's arsenal.

Replay Theater Footage

Players to Watch

Name Team Region Status Notes Matches
Noel B. Hungry

UMVC3 Dormammu Color 1.png UMVC3 Doctor Doom Color 1.png UMVC3 Phoenix Color 1.png

East Coast Active Replay Theater
vs. Nolife @ CEO 2024
vs. Rayray @ CEO 2024


UMVC3 Haggar Color 1.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 1.png UMVC3 Doctor Doom Color 1.png

East Coast Active Replay Theater
vs. Kellen @ X-factory #34


UMVC3 Magneto Color 5.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 6.png UMVC3 Doctor Doom Color 2.png

West Coast Inactive Replay Theater
vs TerryBogard @ Final Round 18

UMVC3 Magneto Icon.png

The Master of Magnetism and the Lord of the Dark Dimension are a tried-and-true pair, and work together in either order. When placed in front of Dormammu, Magneto is a capable point character who can compensate for Dorm's weaknesses whilst offering unique strengths of his own and benefiting from Dormammu's unique support. When placed behind Dorm, Magneto enables nasty teleport mixes and corner follow-ups that pump Dormammu's damage into the stratosphere. The "masta-CJ" - Call Disruptor and Teleport - is an iconic maneuver for a reason. S tier pair.

Replay Theater Footage

Players to Watch

Name Team Region Status Notes Matches

UMVC3 Magneto Color 4.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 6.png UMVC3 Doctor Doom Color 4.png

West Coast Inactive Replay Theater
vs TerryBogard @ Final Round 18


UMVC3 Haggar Color 4.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 6.png UMVC3 Magneto Color 4.png

East Coast Active Replay Theater
vs ChrisG @ Texas Showdown 2022


UMVC3 Nova Color 1.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 1.png UMVC3 Magneto Color 1.png

East Coast Active Replay Theater

Alternate Colors

Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4 Color 5 Color 6 Alt Color
UMVC3 Dormammu Color 1.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 2.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 3.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 4.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 5.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color 6.png UMVC3 Dormammu Color Alt.png