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{{Character Subnav UMVC3|name=Nova}}
A previously normal human, '''Richard Rider''', was given the ability to tap into the power of the Nova Corps by a dying member. The power of the Nova Force is normally split amongst all Nova Corps Centurions, but as Dick is the last surviving Centurion, he can freely access all of it. As Nova, he defends both the Earth - and the galaxy as a whole - from cosmic threats.

'''In UMvC3''', Nova is an all-rounder with good mobility and a variety of tools for both keepaway and rushdown. His flight mode and 8-way airdash draw comparisons to Magneto. In such a comparison, Nova is slower, but hits much harder. From a distance, Nova can create a barrier with Gravimetric Pulse ({{Clr|3|236H}}) and harass with Energy Javelins ({{Clr|4|X+S}}). When on the offensive, Nova uses strong normals like {{Clr|2|2M}} and {{Clr|3|j.5H}} to close in while fishing for potential throws, which lead to big damage.
An extremely versatile character, Nova can fulfill many roles in the game. His rushdown capabilities are rather notable, ranging from high pressure to overhead mixups, especially with his unusual air dashes and varied hitboxes. As a zoning / keepaway character, he can create barriers, anti-air energy javelins, and has a Hyper combo for any situation. Additionally, he has the unique ability to enhance some of his Special moves and Hypers by consuming his remaining Red Life - both a curse and a blessing. If you want an extremely versatile character with strategic concerns, Nova is the intergalactic hero for you!}}
| pros =
*'''Superior Mobility:''' Top-class mobility, with access to both a flight mode and full 8-directional airdash.
*'''OTG Potential:''' Nova has access to multiple strong OTG options, in his 623L special and 6H "Football Spike" command normal. Nova can solo pick up after just about any Hard Knockdown. As a result, Nova's throws are some of the scariest in the game.
*'''Support Special:''' Nova's 214H Crumple allows him to set up Hard Tags for his teammates, who can further supplement his damage output, especially after a throw.
*'''Threatening Zoning:''' Can snipe assists or punish fullscreen whiffs using his Beam (236XX) or Human Rocket (214XX) hypers.
| cons =
*'''No Invulnerables:''' Has no invincible attacks, even among his hypers, and his only armored move does not gain its armor until frame 22. In short, Nova has no reversals and is dependent on good movement and blocking to protect himself.
*'''No Fast Low Attack:''' Lacks a fast low attack, as his 2L hits Mid. Nova's fastest low is his 2M at 11 frames, which hurts the effectiveness of his otherwise great overhead attacks.
*'''Unusual Zoning Structure:''' Nova lacks a traditional projectile and is reliant on hiding behind his Gravimetric Pulse (236H) barrier and tossing Energy Javelins to fight at long range. This can be sufficient against close-range characters, but Nova quickly gets smothered by opponents who can put out a large volume of projectiles, like Zero and Morrigan.
*'''Low Damage Potential:''' With low minimum damage scaling, Nova struggles to hit higher damage marks on his own, and typically requires DHCs or a Hard Tag setup to secure the kill.
=== Unique Mechanics ===
Nova can consume red life in order to power up his Gravimetric Pulse (236X) specials and Gravimetric Blaster (236XX) hyper, including the assist version of Pulse. All of Nova's red life is consumed automatically when Nova activates either of these moves. If Nova has any red life at all, even a sliver, it will be used to upgrade these moves to Level 2, granting additional hits and damage. If Nova has at least 200,000 red life (approximately 22% of his total health bar), it will be consumed to upgrade that move to Level 3, granting further increases to damage as well as additional properties. The buff to his attacks from consuming red life is temporary and only applies to the move he used to consume it, so be careful about wasting this resource.
6 of Nova's 8 airdashes are slightly modified from the standard airdash in that they initially move slowly, then accelerate up to full speed. It takes 6 frames for Nova's forward and backward airdashes to begin moving, and 9 frames for his diagonal airdashes to begin moving. As a consequence, Nova can not meaningfully '''Plink Dash''' in flight mode, the way other flight/airdash characters can. Nova's straight-up and straight-down airdashes behave normally, moving at full speed from frame 1.
<div style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;flex:2;min-width:350px;padding: 10px;">{{UMVC3_Character_Query|reversals=}}</div></div>
== Move List ==
=== Assists ===
|name=Gravimetric Pulse H
|input=Assist A
|damage=35,000 x3 / x4 / x5
|recovery=118, 88
|properties=Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 3 frames
THC Hyper: Gravimetric Blaster. Nova creates a stationary energy barrier in front of the point character. The barrier is a projectile which will damage opponents who come in contact with it, and also clash with projectiles. Under normal circumstances, the barrier will quickly use all of its hits on contact with the opponent. If the opponent lands on top of the barrier, it will instead cause them to "bounce" on top of it with each hit, leading to a lengthy juggle that can be easily confirmed from.
This assist is unique in that it utilizes Nova's red health mechanic. If Nova has any red health when the assist is called, it will be depleted in order to power the assist up to Stage 2 or Stage 3. Note that this will prevent Nova from being able to actually regenerate that red life while in the backline. Enhanced Pulse is larger and hits additional times.
|name=Centurion Rush M
|input=Assist B
|recovery=106, 76
|properties={{forcedgroundbounce}} (vs airborne)
THC Hyper: Gravimetric Blaster. Recommended assist. Nova hops into the air and then delivers a fast diving kick back down towards the ground.
This is a rare example of an assist which hits Overhead, and thus can enable High/Low Mixups or even Unblockables when paired with a low-hitting attack from the point character.
This assist causes a ground bounce if it hits an airborne opponent, making it a useful combo extender for some characters. The ground bounce caused by this assist is forced, meaning it will still occur even if a ground bounce has already been performed earlier in the same combo.
|name=Nova Strike
|input=Assist Y
|damage=30,000 x2 + 50,000
|recovery=116, 86
THC Hyper: Gravimetric Blaster. Nova delivers a flying punch that covers about half of fullscreen distance. Causes a Wall Bounce on hit, which could be useful for combo extensions or confirms, but could also waste this resource for point characters who rely on wall bounces in their combos.
=== Ground Normals ===
|name=Stand Light
High-aimed jab. Will whiff against many characters if they are crouching, so {{Clr|1|2L}} is preferred against grounded opponents.
Has a solid anti-air hitbox against opponents at jump height. If trying to mash out of an opponent's airborne offense, or confirming a low-to-ground hit, Nova can repeatedly {{Clr|1|5L}} to take advantage of its Rapid Fire property and chain into itself repeatedly. If you confirm a hit, follow up with <code>{{Clr|1|5L}} > {{Clr|2|5M}} > {{Clr|4|5S}}</code> into a full combo.
|name=Stand Medium
Advances Nova forward very slightly.
|name=Stand Heavy
Advances Nova forward about one character length. Despite appearances, will not whiff on crouching characters.
Causes enough hitstun/blockstun to follow up with a flight cancel into {{Clr|1|j.5L}}.

{{ UMvC3CharacterDataBox | 950,000 | Stronger+ | No | No | 0 |
30.0 | 50.0 | 70.0 |
? | ? | ? |
10.5 | 15.5 | 20.5 |
|name=Crouching Light
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Note: does not hit Low. {{Clr|1|2L}} is slightly slower than {{Clr|1|5L}} and lacks the Rapid Fire property, but with the advantage of not whiffing against crouching opponents.

|name=Crouching Medium
One of Nova's most important neutral and pressure tools. Nova slides along the ground, lowering his profile (although not enough to evade most projectiles). One full {{Clr|2|2M}} will travel just under half of fullscreen distance, giving this attack a very impressive total reach.
{{Clr|2|2M}} has a good number of active frames, allowing it to have much better frame advantage than listed if it connects late. Additionally, it is a good choice for confirming from assist hits such as Doom's Plasma Beam, as the opponent will fall directly onto Nova's hitbox.
Nova can use the forward movement of this attack to ambiguously cross under opponents who are airborne, especially as a mixup against incoming opponents.

== Video Walkthrough ==
|name=Crouching Heavy
|properties={{strk}}, {{softknockdown}}
Standard sweep attack. Usually used as chain filler after {{Clr|2|2M}}, and has better frame advantage than a point-blank {{Clr|2|2M}}.
|properties={{launch}}, {{nocancel}}
Standard launcher.
=== Aerial Normals ===
|name=Jumping Light
Cornerstone of Nova's High/Low mixup game. Works as an instant overhead naturally against normal-sized characters with very specific spacing.
It is more practical to use this move in conjunction with airdashes and flight mode to set up confirmable mixup options. If Nova superjumps up and then immediately airdashes straight down, he can connect a {{Clr|1|j.5L}} just before landing for a fast, ambiguous overhead. If you intentionally slightly alter the airdash timing or {{Clr|1|j.5L}} timing to instead make the attack whiff, then Nova can threaten with a Low attack or throw instead. This setup is very low-risk to attempt when Nova is in range, and can even be looped into itself multiple times.
If Nova fly-cancels his heavy attacks, this move is usually fast enough to link afterwards.

|name=Jumping Medium
Upward-angled air attack, which makes it difficult to use against grounded opponents. Mainly used as combo filler.

== Move List ==
|name=Jumping Heavy
Key pressure and offense tool for Nova. Has a great hitbox that covers both above and below him. Nova's safest approach is to box dash (superjump and immediately airdash forward once above minimum dash height) behind an assist call, and then perform a falling {{Clr|3|j.5H}} once in range. This attack is difficult to contest and causes enough hitstun/blockstun on contact to set up an offense or confirm into a combo.

=== Assist Types ===
This attack is also Nova's airthrow OS, and is very strong for that purpose. A stray air-to-air {{Clr|3|j.5H}} can be confirmed into a combo by using Flight Mode and/or {{Clr|4|j.5S}}, and this attack's solid vertical range can punish opponent who mash an early throw break against Nova.

  | Gravimetric <br> Pulse (H) | shot front | 35,000 x <br> 3 / 4 / 5 | proj <br> softknockdown <br> (air only / level 3 only) <br> stagger <br> (ground only / level 3 only) ; <br> Level determined by <br> Nova's Red Life. <br> Red Life still drains <br> as an Assist. | Gravimetric Blaster
  | Centurian Rush (M) | direct tiltdown | 100,000 | high <br> forcedgroundbounce <br> (aironly) | Gravimetric Blaster
  | Nova Strike (M) | direct front | 50,000 x 3 | airok <br> softknockdown <br> wallbounce | Gravimetric Blaster
|name=Jumping Special
|damage=40,000 x3
|active=Until grounded
|properties={{nocancel}}, {{aircombofinisher}}, {{hardknockdown}}
Fairly unique among {{Clr|4|j.5S}} attacks. Nova pauses in the air for a moment, then crashes down towards the ground at a shallow diagonal angle, hitting up to three times on the way down. This attack causes a Hard Knockdown on hit independent of its property as an Air Combo Finisher, meaning it can be used to confirm air-to-airs and other hits even outside of Launcher combos.

=== Normal Moves ===
=== Command Normals ===

{{MoveListRow | Standing Light | l | 55,000 | rpdfire }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Light | d + l | 50,000 }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Medium | m | 80,000 |  }}
|name=Nova Slam
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Medium | d + m | 75,000 | low }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Heavy | h | 85,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Heavy | d + h | 80,000 | low softknockdown }}
{{MoveListRow | Special | s | 100,000 | launch nocancel }}
{{MoveListRow | Nova Slam | f + h | 100,000 | high nocancel <br> otg softknockdown <br> groundbounce }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Light | air l | 55,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Medium | air m | 75,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Heavy | air h | 90,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Special | air s | 40,000 x 3 | high nocancel <br> aircombofinisher <br> hardknockdown }}
  |properties={{nocancel}}, {{otg}}, {{groundbounce}} into {{softknockdown}}
Nova performs a "football spike" slam attack, moving him forward close to two character lengths while punching the ground in front of him. This attack is a standing overhead, and Nova can chain any of his normals into it during a blockstring to try and catch an opponent who is only down-backing. However, at 24 frames of startup, this attack is quite reactable.

=== Throws ===
{{Clr|3|6H}} is an important combo tool, as it both hits OTG and causes a Ground Bounce. Nova can use this move after just about any Hard Knockdown: after a throw, following an assist such as Strider's Vajra, or after a {{Clr|4|j.5S}}. Nova recovers fast enough from this attack to link basically any normal, and thus can perform a solo relaunch to extend his own combos.

{{MoveListRow | Forward Throw | f + h | 80,000 | throw hardknockdown }}
{{MoveListRow | Back Throw | b + h | 80,000 | throw hardknockdown }}
{{MoveListRow | Forward Air Throw | air f + h | 80,000 | airthrow hardknockdown }}
{{MoveListRow | Back Air Throw | air b + h | 80,000 | airthrow hardknockdown }}

=== Special Moves ===
=== Special Moves ===

{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (L) <br> (Level 1) | qcf + l | 90,000 | airok proj }}
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (L) <br> (Level 2) | qcf + l | 50,000 x 3 | airok <br> softknockdown (air only) <br> proj ; <br> softknockdown caused only by <br> last hit. }}
|caption=Level 1
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (L) <br> (Level 3) | qcf + l | 50,000 x 5 | airok <br> softknockdown (air only) <br> stagger (ground only) <br> proj ; <br> softknockdown and stagger <br> caused only by last hit. }}
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (M) <br> (Level 1) | qcf + m | 90,000 | proj }}
|caption2=Level 3
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (M) <br> (Level 2) | qcf + m | 50,000 x 3 | airok <br> softknockdown (air only) <br> proj ; <br> softknockdown caused only by <br> last hit. }}
|name=Gravimetric Pulse L
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (M) <br> (Level 3) | qcf + m | 50,000 x 5 | airok <br> softknockdown (aironly) <br> wallbounce (aironly) <br> stagger (ground only) <br> proj ; <br> softknockdown , stagger , <br> and wallbounce caused <br> only by last hitwallbounce <br> only occurs if opponent reaches <br> wall during air reel. }}
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (H) <br> (Level 1) | qcf + h | 35,000 x 3 | airok proj }}
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (H) <br> (Level 2) | qcf + h | 35,000 x 4 | airok proj }}
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Pulse (H) <br> (Level 3) | qcf + h | 35,000 x 5 | airok <br> softknockdown (air only) <br> stagger (groundonly) <br> proj }}
|version=Level 1
{{MoveListRow | Centurian Rush (L) | dp + l | 90,000 | strk otg }}
|subtitle=(With no Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{l}}
{{MoveListRow | Centurian Rush (M) | dp + m | 100,000 | high <br> forcedgroundbounce (aironly) }}
{{MoveListRow | Centurian Rush (H) | dp + h | 35,000 + 35,000 + 80,000 | launch ; <br> launch caused only by last hit. }}
{{MoveListRow | Nova Strike (L) | qcb + l | 75,000 | airok softknockdown }}
{{MoveListRow | Nova Strike (M) | qcb + m | 50,000 x 3 | airok softknockdown <br> wallbounce ; <br> wallbounce caused only by <br> last hit }}
{{MoveListRow | Nova Strike (H) | qcb + h | 110,000 | airok <br> softknockdown (air only) <br> wallbounce (air only) <br> crumple (ground only) }}
{{MoveListRow | Flight | qcb + s | 0 | airok ; <br> Leaves Nova in Flight. }}
{{MoveListRow | Energy Javelin | atk + s | 70,000 | softknockdown (air only) <br> groundbounce (air only) <br> proj }}
|properties={{airok}}, Priority: Low, Durability: 5
NOTE -- The amount of Red Life Nova has at the time of performing the Gravimetric Pulse determines what level the <br>
move will be performed at. The more Red Life, the higher the levelOnce performed, however, Nova drains all of the <br>
Red Life that he has.
|version=Level 2
|subtitle=(With less than 200,000 Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{l}}
|damage=50,000 x3
|properties={{airok}}, {{softknockdown}} (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 3 frames
|version=Level 3
|subtitle=(With at least 200,000 Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{l}}
|damage=50,000 x5
|properties={{airok}}, {{truesoftknockdown}} (vs airborne), [[File:forcedwallbounce.png]] (only vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 5 frames
Nova creates a short-lived, short-range pulse of energy immediately in front of him. This attack will automatically consume any red life that Nova has in order to power itself up to either Level 2 or 3. Higher level pulses have greatly enhanced range, with Level 3 pulse reaching roughly halfway across the screen. Additionally, higher level pulses have more hits, more durability, and additional properties.
This move is dubiously useful if Nova does not have enough red life to reach level 3, as it has poor range. It is typically used to tack on a small bit of extra damage at the end of combos, before canceling into Nova Force. If Nova has enough red life to activate level 3 Pulse (and is willing to lose that red life), he has access to a fairly quick forced Wall Bounce that can be easily confirmed with a dash up {{Clr|2|2M}}.
|caption=Level 1
|caption2=Level 3
|name=Gravimetric Pulse M
|version=Level 1
|subtitle=(With no Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{m}}
|properties={{airok}}, Priority: Low, Durability: 5
|version=Level 2
|subtitle=(With less than 200,000 Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{m}}
|damage=50,000 x3
|properties={{airok}}, {{softknockdown}} (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 3 frames
|version=Level 3
|subtitle=(With at least 200,000 Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{m}}
|damage=50,000 x5
|properties={{airok}}, {{truesoftknockdown}} (vs airborne), [[File:forcedwallbounce.png]] (only vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 5 frames
M Gravimetric Pulse is almost identical to the L version, but Nova fires the blast at a slightly upwards angle.
|caption=Level 1
|caption2=Level 3
|name=Gravimetric Pulse H
|version=Level 1
|subtitle=(With no Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{h}}
|damage=35,000 x3
|properties={{airok}}, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 3 frames
|version=Level 2
|subtitle=(With less than 200,000 Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{h}}
|damage=35,000 x4
|properties={{airok}}, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 4 frames
|version=Level 3
|subtitle=(With at least 200,000 Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{h}}
|damage=35,000 x5
|properties={{airok}}, {{softknockdown}} (versus airborne) Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 5 frames
Rather than a short burst of energy, the H version of Gravimetric Pulse creates a barrier in front of Nova, which remains in place for several seconds. The barrier has a respectable amount of durability, and can protect Nova from projectiles or rushdown while he fires Energy Javelins, tags out, or repositions. Higher levels of red life consumed cause the barrier to be larger, have more durability, and deal additional hits of damage on contact.
Under normal circumstances, the barrier will quickly use all of its hits on contact with the opponent, causing a fairly short amount of total hitstun/blockstun. If the opponent lands on top of the barrier, it will instead cause them to "bounce" on top of it with each hit, leading to a lengthy juggle.
Nova can typically only have one {{Clr|3|236H}} Barrier active at a time, and using another will cause the first to disappear. However, Nova can circumvent this restriction by using pulses of different levels. For example, if Nova spends his red health to activate a Level 3 Pulse, he can immediately perform another {{Clr|3|236H}} to create a level 1 barrier, and both will exist simultaneously.
|name=Nova Strike
|subtitle=Human Rocket Punch
|subtitle={{qcb}} + {{l}}
|properties={{airok}}, {{softknockdown}}
|subtitle={{qcb}} + {{m}}
|damage=30,000 x2 + 50,000
|properties={{airok}}, {{wallbounce}} into {{softknockdown}}
|subtitle={{qcb}} + {{h}}
|properties={{airok}}, {{crumple}} (vs grounded) {{wallbounce}} (vs airborne)
Flying rush punch. Although this attack has good horizontal range and could an approach an opponent from far away, it is very easy to punish on block, and thus mainly useful is a combo tool.
H Version causes a crumple if it hits an opponent who is grounded, enabling Nova to tag out for another character who can continue the combo.
|name=Centurion Rush L
|properties={{otg}}, {{strk}}
Nova slides across the ground, hitting both Low and OTG. On hit, the opponent is popped up into the air. If it hits late enough, Nova recovers in time to connect a {{Clr|1|5L}} or {{Clr|2|5M}}, leading to a solo relaunch. This is an alternative OTG pickup to {{Clr|3|6H}}, if Nova is not in {{Clr|3|6H}} range, or has already used his ground bounce.
|name=Centurion Rush M
|properties={{forcedgroundbounce}} (vs airborne)
Nova hops into the air and then performs a downward kick at a shallow diagonal angle. Notable mainly because it causes a Forced Ground Bounce on hitting an airborne opponent, meaning it will bounce even if a ground bounce has already been used in the same combo. This leads to an easy infinite in X-Factor Level 2 or 3, as Nova recovers quickly enough to link this move into itself.
|name=Centurion Rush H
|damage=35,000 + 35,000 + 80,000
|properties={{launch}}, armored frames 22-46
Nova does a rushing attack, then follows up with an uppercut. The uppercut works as a launcher, similar to 5S, and has the same basic properties. It can be superjump-canceled on hit, and doing so starts an Air Combo.
This move has the unique property that it can be jump-canceled ''only'' if it is pushblocked. [ Video Example]
If hitstun deterioration has progressed to far for a full air combo to function, Nova can end combos with {{Clr|3|623H}} superjump canceled into an immediate 623XX hyper.
|name=Energy Javelin
|properties={{otg}}. {{groundbounce}} (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Durability: 5
The closest thing Nova has to a real projectile. Nova throws a javelin straight up, and it travels to above superjump height. At that point, it suddenly arcs back down toward the ground, very accurately tracking the opponent. The move is not affected by the button used to input it.
Energy Javelin can be very difficult for certain characters to deal with, especially when used behind a {{Clr|3|236H}} barrier. Few characters have upward-aimed projectiles that can interact with a javelin that is attacking them from above, and an aerial hit from a javelin causes a fairly confirmable ground bounce, making them dangerous to contest.
Energy Javelin will disappear if Nova is hit by any attack.
|properties=110 frame flight mode
Nova enters a standard flight mode. He will float in place, and gains the ability to perform an unlimited number of airdashes and air specials for the duration.
Most of Nova's normals recover faster if canceled into Fly or Unfly.
=== Hyper Combos ===
|caption=Level 1
|caption2=Level 3
|name=Gravimetric Blaster
|subtitle="Feel My Power!"
|input=236XX (1 bar)
|version=Level 1
|subtitle=(With no Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{atk}}{{atk}}
|damage=15,000 x25 ~ x50
|properties={{airok}}, mashable, {{strk}} (last hit), Priority: High, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 25 frames
|version=Level 2
|subtitle=(With less than 200,000 Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{atk}}{{atk}}
|damage=18,000 x25 ~ x50
|properties={{airok}}, mashable, {{strk}} (last hit), Priority: High, Beam Durability: 2 per frame for 25 frames
|version=Level 3
|subtitle=(With at least 200,000 Red Life) {{qcf}} + {{atk}}{{atk}}
|damage=22,000 x25 ~ x50
|properties={{airok}}, mashable, {{softknockdown}} (last hit), Priority: High, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 25 frames
Nova fires a beam of energy straight ahead. Can be used to snipe assists or as a combo ender. While it deals less damage than Nova's other hypers, opponents fall for a while after this hyper making it easier to DHC afterwards.
This hyper can be enhanced by spending red health, similar to Nova's 236X specials. Additional stages produce a larger beam (the Level 1 beam can be ducked under or low-profiled by certain characters), which deals more damage per hit.
|name=Super Nova
|subtitle=Power of the Nova Force
|input=623XX (1 bar)
|damage=12,000 x40 ~ x80
|recovery=29/Until Grounded
|properties={{airok}}, {{strk}}, mashable, Priority: High, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 40 frames
Standard combo ender. Nova surrounds himself in energy, which has limited range but hits a large number of times for high total damage. It can also be useful for killing an opponent via chip damage, especially by doing it meaty against an incoming opponent. However, this hyper is very unsafe on block if it does not kill.
If DHC'd or X-Factor canceled early, this hyper causes a forced Hard Knockdown, which enables unique DHC synergies with certain characters. The window for what constitutes "early" is dependent on the real-time duration of the move. The timing can easily be identified using Nova's "Power of the Nova Force!" voice line as he uses this hyper. Canceling the hyper once Nova has finished saying the word, "the" will no longer cause a Hard Knockdown, but canceling any earlier than this point will force a knockdown at any height. If the hyper is not mashed, this window corresponds to the 39th (second-to-last) hit, but mashing the hyper makes the hitcount inconsistent.
'''Glitch:''' This hyper moves Nova very slightly downwards during its startup, and has no minimum height requirement. If Nova performs this hyper immediately above the ground, he will land, cancelling the attack's startup in the middle of the superflash, and returning to a neutral state. [ Video Example 1] [ Video Example 2] This glitch is legal in most competitive settings, but it does not have much practical use other than looking cool (it does look really cool).
'''Glitch:''' This hyper is associated with a glitch in which a character who is chipped to death by this move will continue to be hit by it after they die, allowing them to be comboed post-mortem. If a character killed by this glitch is snapped out, then both the next character on the team and the character snapped in will enter simultaneously, giving the opponent simultaneous control of two point characters. [ Video Example.] Using this glitch to force in two point characters is not legal in typical competitive settings, although hitting the point character after they have died with non-snapback attacks is usually fine.
|caption="Human Taco!"
|name=Human Rocket
|input=214XX (1 bar)
|damage=100,000 x1 ~ x3
|recovery=53/Until Grounded
|properties={{strk}}, {{projnull}}, scales by 0.9
Nova charges directly forward, turning himself into a massive hitbox that quickly travels across the screen. As it nullifies projectiles on contact, it can be used to blow though an opponent's zoning or assists, and then punish.
This attack can be "steered" by holding any of the eight direction and pressing an attack. With each input, Nova will perform a follow-up attack, blasting in the input direction for an additional hit. Nova can redirect this hyper twice, for a total of three hits. By redirecting Nova away from an opponent on block, he can protect himself from punishment despite this attack being very unsafe on block.
Nova can situationally pick up after using this hyper raw, making it a serious neutral threat. To do this against a grounded opponent, connect the first hit normally, then quickly chain into a 9X up-forward hit, then quickly chain again into a 2X straight-down hit. If done correctly, the opponent will be popped up with a lengthy spinout, and Nova will recover just in time to catch them with a {{Clr|1|5L}} or {{Clr|2|5M}}.
'''Glitch:''' This hyper is associated with a glitch in which Nova can break the game's camera and/or remove himself and his teammates from the stage. If Nova steers this hyper up and towards the corner, then DHCs out with a specific, delayed timing, the character brought in via DHC will not be properly considered the point character, and will also exit the stage. The end result is that no character on Nova's team will be present on stage, and the match is effectively softlocked until the timer runs out. This glitch is banned in most competitive settings.
[ Video Example 1]
[ Video Example 2]
=== Universal Mechanics ===
|name=Ground Throw
|input=6H, 4H
Nova picks up the opponent and then hurls them in the direction of the throw input. The opponent lands about 2/3 of fullscreen distance away from Nova if thrown midscreen. Nova can always convert a ground throw in either direction using his solo OTGs. If throwing an opponent midscreen, use {{Clr|1|623L}} as an OTG pickup. If throwing an opponent into the corner, use {{Clr|3|6H}} OTG instead.

===Hyper Moves===
|name=Air Throw
|input=j.6H, j.4H
Standard airthrow that works similarly to Nova's ground throw, sending the opponent flying away from Nova. This is one of the easiest airthrows to convert in the game, and Nova has several routes to go about doing this:

*Airthrow the opponent, then airdash down to the ground and OTG with either 623L (preferred) or 6H. If throwing into the corner, airdash down-back, away from the opponent, to use 623L. Otherwise, it will hit too early and prevent a follow-up.
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Blaster (Level 1) | qcf + atk + atk | 15,000 x 25 | strk proj ; <br> Mashable. strk caused <br> only by last hit. }}
*If airthrowing an opponent into the corner, Nova can airdash straight down, then perform a falling {{Clr|3|j.5H}}. The {{Clr|3|5H}} will catch the opponent before they reach the ground, allowing him to skip having to OTG them.
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Blaster (Level 2) | qcf + atk + atk | 18,000 x 25 | strk proj ; <br> Mashable. strk caused <br> only by last hit. }}
*Airthrow the opponent, then airdash downwards in the direction of the opponent (straight down in the corner, or down-forward if throwing midscreen). At the apex of Nova's dash speed, cancel the airdash with a whiffed normal, usually {{Clr|2|j.5M}}, to preserve that momentum. Land and immediately hard tag into a character with a fast OTG - this is almost always Doctor Doom. Then pick up that opponent with that character's OTG and resume comboing. Hard tagging after a throw circumvents the heavy damage scaling usually applied to throw combos.
{{MoveListRow | Gravimetric Blaster (Level 3) | qcf + atk + atk | 22,000 x 25 | softknockdown <br> proj ; <br> Mashable. softknockdown <br> caused only by last hit. }}
{{MoveListRow | Super Nova | dp + atk + atk | 12,000 x 40 | strk projnull ; <br> Mashable. }}
{{MoveListRow | Human Rocket | qcb + atk + atk | 100,000 per Hit | strk projnull ; <br> Each time you tap an atk button, <br> you add another hit (up to 3 total hits). <br> Each hit can be aimed with the <br> controller in any of the 8 directions. }}
NOTE -- The amount of Red Life Nova has at the time of performing the Gravimetric Blaster determines what level the <br>
move will be performed at. The more Red Life, the higher the levelOnce performed, however, Nova drains all of the <br>
Red Life that he has.

== Strategy ==

=== Tips and Tricks ===
|name=Snap Back
Animation and hitbox based on 5H.


=== Combos ===
|name=Hard Tag
|input=Hold 14f [[File:A1.png]]/[[File:A2.png]]

== Team Position ==

=== Basic Strategy ===
Nova is most popularly picked as a '''point''' character. Nova teams excel in scoring the initial hit, especially when supported by strong assists such as beams. From there, Nova's solid solo damage and ability to set up other characters via DHCs and Hard Tags can score a touch of death on the opponent's character. Nova's especially comboable throw and crumple-causing 214H make him uniquely strong at enabling other characters with better combos but worse neutral.

It is uncommon, but not unheard of, for Nova to be played in the '''second''' position. Nova's Centurion Rush assist is one of the very few assists in the game which hits as an overhead, making it useful for setting up Unblockables, and it also causes a forced Ground Bounce, useful as a combo extension tool. However, this assist leaves something to be desired as a neutral tool, and wastes a lot of Nova's potential as a point character.

=== Advanced Strategy ===
=== Notable Synergies ===

'''Spencer:''' The Nova/Spencer shell is the most common team on which either of these characters appear in tournament play. Spencer's Slant Shot assist causes a restand, taking advantage of Nova's especially strong ability to solo relaunch after a knockdown with 6H or 623L. By using an OTG attack and then chaining into 5S while calling Spencer, Nova can convert any early knockdown into a restand. Then, using jump-cancel 214H, he can convert that restand into a crumple, opening several combo routes. Spencer also makes a great DHC option for the end of Nova's combos, as he has many ways to circumvent Hitstun Deterioration and Damage scaling, so he can usually secure the kill.

[[Category: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3]]
'''Players to Watch:''' Coach Steve/Insaynne (Nova/Spencer/Doom), Nemo (Nova/Spencer/Strange), Yipes (Nova/Spencer/Strange), Mundank (Nova/Spencer/Magneto), Infrit (Nova/Spencer/Sentinel), Randomfiend (Nova/Spencer/Doom), Liberal Terminator (Nova/Spencer/Doom)
'''Doctor Doom/Doctor Strange/MODOK:''' Nova wants to be run with a beam assist, such as Plasma Beam or Bolts of Balthakk, that can cover him while he approaches with 2M or Box Dash j.5H. These assist types cover one of Nova's biggest weaknesses by keeping the opponent locked down while he closes the distance and gets within his limited range. Additionally, all of these characters are excellent choices to bring in for a Hard Tag combo, something which Nova excels at enabling.
'''Players to Watch:''' Coach Steve/Insaynne (Nova/Spencer/Doom), Nemo (Nova/Spencer/Strange), Yipes (Nova/Spencer/Strange), Marvelo (Nova/Strange/Strider), YLT Cole (Nova/Strange/Vergil), Randomfiend (Nova/Spencer/Doom)
'''Strider Hiryu:''' Strider's Vajra assist as very strong tracking capability and nearly infinite vertical range, making it one of the few assists useful at superjump height. However, it causes a Hard Knockdown on hitting an airborne opponent. For many characters that have trouble picking up from a knockdown, this is a major weakness. Nova has no problem picking up characters after a knockdown, even without assists. This makes Nova/Strider a naturally effective combination.
'''Players to Watch:''' Marvelo (Nova/Strange/Strider), Amongst Shadows (Nova/Strange/Strider)
'''Other Players to Watch:''' Zansam (Nova/Frank/Rocket), AcesReturn (Nova/Dorm/Magneto), Tayson (Zero/Dante/Nova)
== Alternate Colors ==
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Latest revision as of 20:54, 2 June 2024


A previously normal human, Richard Rider, was given the ability to tap into the power of the Nova Corps by a dying member. The power of the Nova Force is normally split amongst all Nova Corps Centurions, but as Dick is the last surviving Centurion, he can freely access all of it. As Nova, he defends both the Earth - and the galaxy as a whole - from cosmic threats.

In UMvC3, Nova is an all-rounder with good mobility and a variety of tools for both keepaway and rushdown. His flight mode and 8-way airdash draw comparisons to Magneto. In such a comparison, Nova is slower, but hits much harder. From a distance, Nova can create a barrier with Gravimetric Pulse (236H) and harass with Energy Javelins (X+S). When on the offensive, Nova uses strong normals like 2M and j.5H to close in while fishing for potential throws, which lead to big damage.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Superior Mobility: Top-class mobility, with access to both a flight mode and full 8-directional airdash.
  • OTG Potential: Nova has access to multiple strong OTG options, in his 623L special and 6H "Football Spike" command normal. Nova can solo pick up after just about any Hard Knockdown. As a result, Nova's throws are some of the scariest in the game.
  • Support Special: Nova's 214H Crumple allows him to set up Hard Tags for his teammates, who can further supplement his damage output, especially after a throw.
  • Threatening Zoning: Can snipe assists or punish fullscreen whiffs using his Beam (236XX) or Human Rocket (214XX) hypers.
  • No Invulnerables: Has no invincible attacks, even among his hypers, and his only armored move does not gain its armor until frame 22. In short, Nova has no reversals and is dependent on good movement and blocking to protect himself.
  • No Fast Low Attack: Lacks a fast low attack, as his 2L hits Mid. Nova's fastest low is his 2M at 11 frames, which hurts the effectiveness of his otherwise great overhead attacks.
  • Unusual Zoning Structure: Nova lacks a traditional projectile and is reliant on hiding behind his Gravimetric Pulse (236H) barrier and tossing Energy Javelins to fight at long range. This can be sufficient against close-range characters, but Nova quickly gets smothered by opponents who can put out a large volume of projectiles, like Zero and Morrigan.
  • Low Damage Potential: With low minimum damage scaling, Nova struggles to hit higher damage marks on his own, and typically requires DHCs or a Hard Tag setup to secure the kill.

Unique Mechanics

Nova can consume red life in order to power up his Gravimetric Pulse (236X) specials and Gravimetric Blaster (236XX) hyper, including the assist version of Pulse. All of Nova's red life is consumed automatically when Nova activates either of these moves. If Nova has any red life at all, even a sliver, it will be used to upgrade these moves to Level 2, granting additional hits and damage. If Nova has at least 200,000 red life (approximately 22% of his total health bar), it will be consumed to upgrade that move to Level 3, granting further increases to damage as well as additional properties. The buff to his attacks from consuming red life is temporary and only applies to the move he used to consume it, so be careful about wasting this resource.

6 of Nova's 8 airdashes are slightly modified from the standard airdash in that they initially move slowly, then accelerate up to full speed. It takes 6 frames for Nova's forward and backward airdashes to begin moving, and 9 frames for his diagonal airdashes to begin moving. As a consequence, Nova can not meaningfully Plink Dash in flight mode, the way other flight/airdash characters can. Nova's straight-up and straight-down airdashes behave normally, moving at full speed from frame 1.

UMVC3 Nova Nameplate.png
UMVC3 Nova Portrait.png
Health 900,000
Invulnerable Reversal(s)
Grounded Magic Series Simple
X-Factor Damage Boost (1/2/3) 30% / 50% / 70%
X-Factor Speed Boost (1/2/3) 10% / 20% / 30%
Air Movement Options
Air Actions Air Jumps? Air Dash? Flight? WallJump?
1 No 8-Way Yes No
Minimum Attack Scaling
Normals Specials Hypers
5 10 35

Move List


Gravimetric Pulse H
Assist A
UMVC3 Nova AssistA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x3 / x4 / x5 52 180 118, 88
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 3 frames

THC Hyper: Gravimetric Blaster. Nova creates a stationary energy barrier in front of the point character. The barrier is a projectile which will damage opponents who come in contact with it, and also clash with projectiles. Under normal circumstances, the barrier will quickly use all of its hits on contact with the opponent. If the opponent lands on top of the barrier, it will instead cause them to "bounce" on top of it with each hit, leading to a lengthy juggle that can be easily confirmed from.

This assist is unique in that it utilizes Nova's red health mechanic. If Nova has any red health when the assist is called, it will be depleted in order to power the assist up to Stage 2 or Stage 3. Note that this will prevent Nova from being able to actually regenerate that red life while in the backline. Enhanced Pulse is larger and hits additional times.

Centurion Rush M
Assist B
UMVC3 Nova 623M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 52 13 106, 76
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - OH Forcedgroundbounce.png (vs airborne)

THC Hyper: Gravimetric Blaster. Recommended assist. Nova hops into the air and then delivers a fast diving kick back down towards the ground.

This is a rare example of an assist which hits Overhead, and thus can enable High/Low Mixups or even Unblockables when paired with a low-hitting attack from the point character.

This assist causes a ground bounce if it hits an airborne opponent, making it a useful combo extender for some characters. The ground bounce caused by this assist is forced, meaning it will still occur even if a ground bounce has already been performed earlier in the same combo.

Nova Strike
Assist Y
UMVC3 Nova 214X.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x2 + 50,000 47 13 116, 86
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Wallbounce.png

THC Hyper: Gravimetric Blaster. Nova delivers a flying punch that covers about half of fullscreen distance. Causes a Wall Bounce on hit, which could be useful for combo extensions or confirms, but could also waste this resource for point characters who rely on wall bounces in their combos.

Ground Normals

Stand Light
UMVC3 Nova 5L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
55,000 5 3 13
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-1 -3 High Rpdfire.png

High-aimed jab. Will whiff against many characters if they are crouching, so 2L is preferred against grounded opponents.

Has a solid anti-air hitbox against opponents at jump height. If trying to mash out of an opponent's airborne offense, or confirming a low-to-ground hit, Nova can repeatedly 5L to take advantage of its Rapid Fire property and chain into itself repeatedly. If you confirm a hit, follow up with 5L > 5M > 5S into a full combo.

Stand Medium
UMVC3 Nova 5M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 8 2 22
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-4 -6 Mid -

Advances Nova forward very slightly.

Stand Heavy
UMVC3 Nova 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
85,000 11 3 24
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-2 -4 Mid -

Advances Nova forward about one character length. Despite appearances, will not whiff on crouching characters.

Causes enough hitstun/blockstun to follow up with a flight cancel into j.5L.

Crouching Light
UMVC3 Nova 2L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 6 3 12
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0 -2 Mid -

Note: does not hit Low. 2L is slightly slower than 5L and lacks the Rapid Fire property, but with the advantage of not whiffing against crouching opponents.

Crouching Medium
UMVC3 Nova 2M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
75,000 11 8 20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-8 -10 Low -

One of Nova's most important neutral and pressure tools. Nova slides along the ground, lowering his profile (although not enough to evade most projectiles). One full 2M will travel just under half of fullscreen distance, giving this attack a very impressive total reach.

2M has a good number of active frames, allowing it to have much better frame advantage than listed if it connects late. Additionally, it is a good choice for confirming from assist hits such as Doom's Plasma Beam, as the opponent will fall directly onto Nova's hitbox.

Nova can use the forward movement of this attack to ambiguously cross under opponents who are airborne, especially as a mixup against incoming opponents.

Crouching Heavy
UMVC3 Nova 2H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 13 3 23
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -3 Low Strk.png, Softknockdown.png

Standard sweep attack. Usually used as chain filler after 2M, and has better frame advantage than a point-blank 2M.

UMVC3 Nova 5S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 15 4 26
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
Launch -7 Mid Launch.png, Nocancel.png

Standard launcher.

Aerial Normals

Jumping Light
UMVC3 Nova jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
55,000 5 2 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+13 +12 OH -

Cornerstone of Nova's High/Low mixup game. Works as an instant overhead naturally against normal-sized characters with very specific spacing.

It is more practical to use this move in conjunction with airdashes and flight mode to set up confirmable mixup options. If Nova superjumps up and then immediately airdashes straight down, he can connect a j.5L just before landing for a fast, ambiguous overhead. If you intentionally slightly alter the airdash timing or j.5L timing to instead make the attack whiff, then Nova can threaten with a Low attack or throw instead. This setup is very low-risk to attempt when Nova is in range, and can even be looped into itself multiple times.

If Nova fly-cancels his heavy attacks, this move is usually fast enough to link afterwards.

Jumping Medium
UMVC3 Nova jM.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
75,000 8 4 18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+17 +15 OH -

Upward-angled air attack, which makes it difficult to use against grounded opponents. Mainly used as combo filler.

Jumping Heavy
UMVC3 Nova jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 10 6 25
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+20 +18 OH -

Key pressure and offense tool for Nova. Has a great hitbox that covers both above and below him. Nova's safest approach is to box dash (superjump and immediately airdash forward once above minimum dash height) behind an assist call, and then perform a falling j.5H once in range. This attack is difficult to contest and causes enough hitstun/blockstun on contact to set up an offense or confirm into a combo.

This attack is also Nova's airthrow OS, and is very strong for that purpose. A stray air-to-air j.5H can be confirmed into a combo by using Flight Mode and/or j.5S, and this attack's solid vertical range can punish opponent who mash an early throw break against Nova.

Jumping Special
UMVC3 Nova jS.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 x3 22 Until grounded 30
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -9 OH Nocancel.png, Aircombofinisher.png, Hardknockdown.png

Fairly unique among j.5S attacks. Nova pauses in the air for a moment, then crashes down towards the ground at a shallow diagonal angle, hitting up to three times on the way down. This attack causes a Hard Knockdown on hit independent of its property as an Air Combo Finisher, meaning it can be used to confirm air-to-airs and other hits even outside of Launcher combos.

Command Normals

Nova Slam
UMVC3 Nova 6H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 24 4 24
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -5 OH Nocancel.png, Otg.png, Groundbounce.png into Softknockdown.png

Nova performs a "football spike" slam attack, moving him forward close to two character lengths while punching the ground in front of him. This attack is a standing overhead, and Nova can chain any of his normals into it during a blockstring to try and catch an opponent who is only down-backing. However, at 24 frames of startup, this attack is quite reactable.

6H is an important combo tool, as it both hits OTG and causes a Ground Bounce. Nova can use this move after just about any Hard Knockdown: after a throw, following an assist such as Strider's Vajra, or after a j.5S. Nova recovers fast enough from this attack to link basically any normal, and thus can perform a solo relaunch to extend his own combos.

Special Moves

Gravimetric Pulse L
UMVC3 Nova 236L.png
Level 1
UMVC3 Nova 236L Lvl3.png
Level 3
Level 1
(With no Red Life) Qcf.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 16 15 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-5 -7 Mid Airok.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 5
Level 2
(With less than 200,000 Red Life) Qcf.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 x3 16 15 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+7 +5 Mid Airok.png, Softknockdown.png (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 3 frames
Level 3
(With at least 200,000 Red Life) Qcf.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 x5 26 - 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+26 +7 Mid Airok.png, Truesoftknockdown.png (vs airborne), Forcedwallbounce.png (only vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 5 frames

Nova creates a short-lived, short-range pulse of energy immediately in front of him. This attack will automatically consume any red life that Nova has in order to power itself up to either Level 2 or 3. Higher level pulses have greatly enhanced range, with Level 3 pulse reaching roughly halfway across the screen. Additionally, higher level pulses have more hits, more durability, and additional properties.

This move is dubiously useful if Nova does not have enough red life to reach level 3, as it has poor range. It is typically used to tack on a small bit of extra damage at the end of combos, before canceling into Nova Force. If Nova has enough red life to activate level 3 Pulse (and is willing to lose that red life), he has access to a fairly quick forced Wall Bounce that can be easily confirmed with a dash up 2M.

Gravimetric Pulse M
UMVC3 Nova 236M.png
Level 1
UMVC3 Nova 236M Lvl3.png
Level 3
Level 1
(With no Red Life) Qcf.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 16 15 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-3 -5 Mid Airok.png, Priority: Low, Durability: 5
Level 2
(With less than 200,000 Red Life) Qcf.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 x3 16 15 21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+5 -2 Mid Airok.png, Softknockdown.png (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 3 frames
Level 3
(With at least 200,000 Red Life) Qcf.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 x5 26 - 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+26 +1 Mid Airok.png, Truesoftknockdown.png (vs airborne), Forcedwallbounce.png (only vs airborne), Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 5 per frame for 5 frames

M Gravimetric Pulse is almost identical to the L version, but Nova fires the blast at a slightly upwards angle.

Gravimetric Pulse H
UMVC3 Nova 236H.png
Level 1
UMVC3 Nova 236H Lvl3.png
Level 3
Level 1
(With no Red Life) Qcf.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x3 26 180 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+1 -1 Mid Airok.png, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 3 frames
Level 2
(With less than 200,000 Red Life) Qcf.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x4 26 180 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+1 -1 Mid Airok.png, Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 4 frames
Level 3
(With at least 200,000 Red Life) Qcf.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x5 26 300 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+25 +1 Mid Airok.png, Softknockdown.png (versus airborne) Priority: Low, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 5 frames

Rather than a short burst of energy, the H version of Gravimetric Pulse creates a barrier in front of Nova, which remains in place for several seconds. The barrier has a respectable amount of durability, and can protect Nova from projectiles or rushdown while he fires Energy Javelins, tags out, or repositions. Higher levels of red life consumed cause the barrier to be larger, have more durability, and deal additional hits of damage on contact.

Under normal circumstances, the barrier will quickly use all of its hits on contact with the opponent, causing a fairly short amount of total hitstun/blockstun. If the opponent lands on top of the barrier, it will instead cause them to "bounce" on top of it with each hit, leading to a lengthy juggle.

Nova can typically only have one 236H Barrier active at a time, and using another will cause the first to disappear. However, Nova can circumvent this restriction by using pulses of different levels. For example, if Nova spends his red health to activate a Level 3 Pulse, he can immediately perform another 236H to create a level 1 barrier, and both will exist simultaneously.

Nova Strike
Human Rocket Punch
UMVC3 Nova 214X.png
Qcb.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
75,000 18 8 25
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -10 Mid Airok.png, Softknockdown.png
Qcb.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x2 + 50,000 23 16 25
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -9 Mid Airok.png, Wallbounce.png into Softknockdown.png
Qcb.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
110,000 30 20 16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -13 Mid Airok.png, Crumple.png (vs grounded) Wallbounce.png (vs airborne)

Flying rush punch. Although this attack has good horizontal range and could an approach an opponent from far away, it is very easy to punish on block, and thus mainly useful is a combo tool.

H Version causes a crumple if it hits an opponent who is grounded, enabling Nova to tag out for another character who can continue the combo.

Centurion Rush L
UMVC3 Nova 623L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 18 15 20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -12 Low Otg.png, Strk.png

Nova slides across the ground, hitting both Low and OTG. On hit, the opponent is popped up into the air. If it hits late enough, Nova recovers in time to connect a 5L or 5M, leading to a solo relaunch. This is an alternative OTG pickup to 6H, if Nova is not in 6H range, or has already used his ground bounce.

Centurion Rush M
UMVC3 Nova 623M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 28 13 15
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-3 -5 OH Forcedgroundbounce.png (vs airborne)

Nova hops into the air and then performs a downward kick at a shallow diagonal angle. Notable mainly because it causes a Forced Ground Bounce on hitting an airborne opponent, meaning it will bounce even if a ground bounce has already been used in the same combo. This leads to an easy infinite in X-Factor Level 2 or 3, as Nova recovers quickly enough to link this move into itself.

Centurion Rush H
UMVC3 Nova 623H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 + 35,000 + 80,000 23 10(15)6 30
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -13 Mid Launch.png, armored frames 22-46

Nova does a rushing attack, then follows up with an uppercut. The uppercut works as a launcher, similar to 5S, and has the same basic properties. It can be superjump-canceled on hit, and doing so starts an Air Combo.

This move has the unique property that it can be jump-canceled only if it is pushblocked. Video Example

If hitstun deterioration has progressed to far for a full air combo to function, Nova can end combos with 623H superjump canceled into an immediate 623XX hyper.

Energy Javelin
UMVC3 Nova XS.png
UMVC3 Nova XS Projectile.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 26 - 24
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Otg.png. Groundbounce.png (vs airborne), Priority: Low, Durability: 5

The closest thing Nova has to a real projectile. Nova throws a javelin straight up, and it travels to above superjump height. At that point, it suddenly arcs back down toward the ground, very accurately tracking the opponent. The move is not affected by the button used to input it.

Energy Javelin can be very difficult for certain characters to deal with, especially when used behind a 236H barrier. Few characters have upward-aimed projectiles that can interact with a javelin that is attacking them from above, and an aerial hit from a javelin causes a fairly confirmable ground bounce, making them dangerous to contest.

Energy Javelin will disappear if Nova is hit by any attack.

UMVC3 Nova 214S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 10 110 0
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - 110 frame flight mode

Nova enters a standard flight mode. He will float in place, and gains the ability to perform an unlimited number of airdashes and air specials for the duration.

Most of Nova's normals recover faster if canceled into Fly or Unfly.

Hyper Combos

Gravimetric Blaster
"Feel My Power!"
236XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Nova 236XX.png
Level 1
UMVC3 Nova 236XX Lvl3.png
Level 3
Level 1
(With no Red Life) Qcf.png + Atk.pngAtk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
15,000 x25 ~ x50 20+1 80 30
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -18 Mid Airok.png, mashable, Strk.png (last hit), Priority: High, Beam Durability: 1 per frame for 25 frames
Level 2
(With less than 200,000 Red Life) Qcf.png + Atk.pngAtk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
18,000 x25 ~ x50 20+1 80 30
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -18 Mid Airok.png, mashable, Strk.png (last hit), Priority: High, Beam Durability: 2 per frame for 25 frames
Level 3
(With at least 200,000 Red Life) Qcf.png + Atk.pngAtk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
22,000 x25 ~ x50 20+1 80 30
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -18 Mid Airok.png, mashable, Softknockdown.png (last hit), Priority: High, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 25 frames

Nova fires a beam of energy straight ahead. Can be used to snipe assists or as a combo ender. While it deals less damage than Nova's other hypers, opponents fall for a while after this hyper making it easier to DHC afterwards.

This hyper can be enhanced by spending red health, similar to Nova's 236X specials. Additional stages produce a larger beam (the Level 1 beam can be ducked under or low-profiled by certain characters), which deals more damage per hit.

Super Nova
Power of the Nova Force
623XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Nova 623XX.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
12,000 x40 ~ x80 10+1 45 29/Until Grounded
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -32 Mid Airok.png, Strk.png, mashable, Priority: High, Beam Durability: 3 per frame for 40 frames

Standard combo ender. Nova surrounds himself in energy, which has limited range but hits a large number of times for high total damage. It can also be useful for killing an opponent via chip damage, especially by doing it meaty against an incoming opponent. However, this hyper is very unsafe on block if it does not kill.

If DHC'd or X-Factor canceled early, this hyper causes a forced Hard Knockdown, which enables unique DHC synergies with certain characters. The window for what constitutes "early" is dependent on the real-time duration of the move. The timing can easily be identified using Nova's "Power of the Nova Force!" voice line as he uses this hyper. Canceling the hyper once Nova has finished saying the word, "the" will no longer cause a Hard Knockdown, but canceling any earlier than this point will force a knockdown at any height. If the hyper is not mashed, this window corresponds to the 39th (second-to-last) hit, but mashing the hyper makes the hitcount inconsistent.

Glitch: This hyper moves Nova very slightly downwards during its startup, and has no minimum height requirement. If Nova performs this hyper immediately above the ground, he will land, cancelling the attack's startup in the middle of the superflash, and returning to a neutral state. Video Example 1 Video Example 2 This glitch is legal in most competitive settings, but it does not have much practical use other than looking cool (it does look really cool).

Glitch: This hyper is associated with a glitch in which a character who is chipped to death by this move will continue to be hit by it after they die, allowing them to be comboed post-mortem. If a character killed by this glitch is snapped out, then both the next character on the team and the character snapped in will enter simultaneously, giving the opponent simultaneous control of two point characters. Video Example. Using this glitch to force in two point characters is not legal in typical competitive settings, although hitting the point character after they have died with non-snapback attacks is usually fine.

Human Rocket
214XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Nova 214XX.png
"Human Taco!"
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 x1 ~ x3 13+1 16 53/Until Grounded
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -44 Mid Strk.png, Projnull.png, scales by 0.9

Nova charges directly forward, turning himself into a massive hitbox that quickly travels across the screen. As it nullifies projectiles on contact, it can be used to blow though an opponent's zoning or assists, and then punish.

This attack can be "steered" by holding any of the eight direction and pressing an attack. With each input, Nova will perform a follow-up attack, blasting in the input direction for an additional hit. Nova can redirect this hyper twice, for a total of three hits. By redirecting Nova away from an opponent on block, he can protect himself from punishment despite this attack being very unsafe on block.

Nova can situationally pick up after using this hyper raw, making it a serious neutral threat. To do this against a grounded opponent, connect the first hit normally, then quickly chain into a 9X up-forward hit, then quickly chain again into a 2X straight-down hit. If done correctly, the opponent will be popped up with a lengthy spinout, and Nova will recover just in time to catch them with a 5L or 5M.

Glitch: This hyper is associated with a glitch in which Nova can break the game's camera and/or remove himself and his teammates from the stage. If Nova steers this hyper up and towards the corner, then DHCs out with a specific, delayed timing, the character brought in via DHC will not be properly considered the point character, and will also exit the stage. The end result is that no character on Nova's team will be present on stage, and the match is effectively softlocked until the timer runs out. This glitch is banned in most competitive settings. Video Example 1 Video Example 2

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
6H, 4H
UMVC3 Nova AirThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Hardknockdown.png

Nova picks up the opponent and then hurls them in the direction of the throw input. The opponent lands about 2/3 of fullscreen distance away from Nova if thrown midscreen. Nova can always convert a ground throw in either direction using his solo OTGs. If throwing an opponent midscreen, use 623L as an OTG pickup. If throwing an opponent into the corner, use 6H OTG instead.

Air Throw
j.6H, j.4H
UMVC3 Nova AirThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Airthrow Hardknockdown.png

Standard airthrow that works similarly to Nova's ground throw, sending the opponent flying away from Nova. This is one of the easiest airthrows to convert in the game, and Nova has several routes to go about doing this:

  • Airthrow the opponent, then airdash down to the ground and OTG with either 623L (preferred) or 6H. If throwing into the corner, airdash down-back, away from the opponent, to use 623L. Otherwise, it will hit too early and prevent a follow-up.
  • If airthrowing an opponent into the corner, Nova can airdash straight down, then perform a falling j.5H. The 5H will catch the opponent before they reach the ground, allowing him to skip having to OTG them.
  • Airthrow the opponent, then airdash downwards in the direction of the opponent (straight down in the corner, or down-forward if throwing midscreen). At the apex of Nova's dash speed, cancel the airdash with a whiffed normal, usually j.5M, to preserve that momentum. Land and immediately hard tag into a character with a fast OTG - this is almost always Doctor Doom. Then pick up that opponent with that character's OTG and resume comboing. Hard tagging after a throw circumvents the heavy damage scaling usually applied to throw combos.

Snap Back
UMVC3 Nova 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 2 3 19
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- +1 Mid Snapback

Animation and hitbox based on 5H.

Hard Tag
Hold 14f A1.png/A2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 - 20 35
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -16 OH Softknockdown.png


Team Position

Nova is most popularly picked as a point character. Nova teams excel in scoring the initial hit, especially when supported by strong assists such as beams. From there, Nova's solid solo damage and ability to set up other characters via DHCs and Hard Tags can score a touch of death on the opponent's character. Nova's especially comboable throw and crumple-causing 214H make him uniquely strong at enabling other characters with better combos but worse neutral.

It is uncommon, but not unheard of, for Nova to be played in the second position. Nova's Centurion Rush assist is one of the very few assists in the game which hits as an overhead, making it useful for setting up Unblockables, and it also causes a forced Ground Bounce, useful as a combo extension tool. However, this assist leaves something to be desired as a neutral tool, and wastes a lot of Nova's potential as a point character.

Notable Synergies

Spencer: The Nova/Spencer shell is the most common team on which either of these characters appear in tournament play. Spencer's Slant Shot assist causes a restand, taking advantage of Nova's especially strong ability to solo relaunch after a knockdown with 6H or 623L. By using an OTG attack and then chaining into 5S while calling Spencer, Nova can convert any early knockdown into a restand. Then, using jump-cancel 214H, he can convert that restand into a crumple, opening several combo routes. Spencer also makes a great DHC option for the end of Nova's combos, as he has many ways to circumvent Hitstun Deterioration and Damage scaling, so he can usually secure the kill.

Players to Watch: Coach Steve/Insaynne (Nova/Spencer/Doom), Nemo (Nova/Spencer/Strange), Yipes (Nova/Spencer/Strange), Mundank (Nova/Spencer/Magneto), Infrit (Nova/Spencer/Sentinel), Randomfiend (Nova/Spencer/Doom), Liberal Terminator (Nova/Spencer/Doom)

Doctor Doom/Doctor Strange/MODOK: Nova wants to be run with a beam assist, such as Plasma Beam or Bolts of Balthakk, that can cover him while he approaches with 2M or Box Dash j.5H. These assist types cover one of Nova's biggest weaknesses by keeping the opponent locked down while he closes the distance and gets within his limited range. Additionally, all of these characters are excellent choices to bring in for a Hard Tag combo, something which Nova excels at enabling.

Players to Watch: Coach Steve/Insaynne (Nova/Spencer/Doom), Nemo (Nova/Spencer/Strange), Yipes (Nova/Spencer/Strange), Marvelo (Nova/Strange/Strider), YLT Cole (Nova/Strange/Vergil), Randomfiend (Nova/Spencer/Doom)

Strider Hiryu: Strider's Vajra assist as very strong tracking capability and nearly infinite vertical range, making it one of the few assists useful at superjump height. However, it causes a Hard Knockdown on hitting an airborne opponent. For many characters that have trouble picking up from a knockdown, this is a major weakness. Nova has no problem picking up characters after a knockdown, even without assists. This makes Nova/Strider a naturally effective combination.

Players to Watch: Marvelo (Nova/Strange/Strider), Amongst Shadows (Nova/Strange/Strider)

Other Players to Watch: Zansam (Nova/Frank/Rocket), AcesReturn (Nova/Dorm/Magneto), Tayson (Zero/Dante/Nova)

Alternate Colors

Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4 Color 5 Color 6 Alt Color
UMVC3 Nova Color 1.png UMVC3 Nova Color 2.png UMVC3 Nova Color 3.png UMVC3 Nova Color 4.png UMVC3 Nova Color 5.png UMVC3 Nova Color 6.png UMVC3 Nova Color Alt.png