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== Introduction ==
{{Infobox Game
Following the conclusion of the "Orochi" saga (marked by the '97 tournament), SNK decided to release a new "dream match" (meaning the characters in the game are not bound by a storyline; evidenced by the fact that the Orochi team was still alive for this tournament). The gameplay featured the same selectable super meter system as KoF '97. In addition, SNK added the "Advantage" system that allowed the losing team to earn an advantage each round (extra stocks for Advanced mode or a shorter charge bar for Extra mode). Many consider The King of Fighters '98 to be their favorite KoF game due to its play mechanics and large roster.
| gamename    = The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
| abbreviation = KOF98
| image        = KOF98Logo.png
| developer    = SNK
| system      = Neo Geo MVS<br>WW: 23 July 1998
| system2      = Neo Geo AES<br>WW: 23 September 1998
| system3      = Neo Geo CD<br>WW: 23 December 1998
| system4      = PlayStation 1<br>JP: 25 March 1999
| system5      = Dreamcast<br>JP: 24 June 1999<br>NA: 22 October 1999
| system6      = PlayStation Network<br>JP: 28 June 2007
| system7      = Virtual Console<br>JP: 23 October 2012<br>NA: 7 March 2013<br>PAL: 30 May 2013
| system8      = Mobile<br>WW: 24 July 2014
| system9      = Nintendo Switch<br>WW: 3 March 2017
| system10    = PlayStation 4<br>WW: 11 January 2018
| system11    = Xbox One<br>WW: 11 January 2018
| netcode      = Rollback (via Fightcade)
| resources    = [ Fightcade Official Website]
| resources2  = [ GGPOZ] - Fightcade alternative
| resources3  = [ GGPO (Android)] - Fightcade alternative
| resources4  = [ RedGGPO Discord server]
| resources5  = [ GM Arcade] - An alternative to Fightcade
| resources6  = - GM Arcade's Email Address
| resources7  = [ YzKOF] - The Chinese version of GM Arcade
| community    = [ Official KOF98 community Discord server]

== Notation ==
=== Joystick Notation ===
Following the conclusion of the "Orochi" saga (marked by the '97 tournament), SNK decided to release a new "dream match" (meaning the characters in the game are not bound by a storyline; evidenced by the fact that the Orochi team was still alive for this tournament). The gameplay featured the same selectable super meter system as KoF '97. In addition, SNK added the "Advantage" system that allowed the losing team to earn an advantage each round (extra stocks for Advanced mode or a shorter charge bar for Extra mode). Many consider The King of Fighters '98 to be their favorite KoF game due to its play mechanics and large roster. A remake of '98, dubbed "The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match", was released for the Playstation 2 in 2008. It added a new Ultimate style, new stages, and many new characters that were missing in the orignal '98. For all of this extra stuff, check below under the "Game Versions" section and click "Playstation 2".<BR>
                    .- up (u)
  up-back (u/b) - 7 8 9 - up-forward (u/f)

      back (b) - 4 5 6 - forward (f)
Hold Start as you select a character to use the alternate version (Orochi team, EX characters).
down-back (d/b) - 1 2 3 - down-forward (d/f)
                    `- down (d)
''Note: These numbers can be easily referenced by looking at your keyboard numpad. Think of it as a joystick/controller that is facing to the right. "5" is used to signify "neutral".''
=== Motion Abbreviations ===
qcf - 236 - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball motion - In one smooth motion move to down -> down-forward -> forward.
qcf - 214 - Quarter circle backward - In one smooth motion move to down -> down-back -> back.
hcf - 41236 - Half circle forward - In one smooth motion move to back -> down-back -> down -> down-forward -> forward.
hcb - 63214 - Half circle backward - In one smooth motion move to forward -> down-forward -> down -> down-back -> back.
dp - 623 - Dragon Punch motion - In one smooth motion move to forward -> down -> down-forward.
rdp - 421 - Reverse Dragon Punch motion - In one smooth motion move to back -> down -> down-back.
Charge - Hold the given direction (usually back/down) for around 1 second, before moving to the next command (usually forward or up  a button).
tk - 2369 - Tiger Knee Motion - qcf, then move to up-forward.
=== Attack Notation ===
A - LP - Light Punch
B - LK - Light Kick
C - HP - Hard Punch
D - HK - Hard Kick
CD - Blow back attack, press C and D simultaneously.
P - Any punch
K - Any kick
=== Other common abbreviations ===
j. - Jump/jumping - Press up-back, up, or up-forward.
sj. - Super-jump - Tap down, down-back, or down-forward, then quickly press up-back or up-forward.
sh. - Short hop - Lightly tap up-back, up, or up-forward.
hh. - Hyper hop - Tap down, down-back, or down-forward, then quickly and lightly tap up-back or up-forward.
cl. - Close, as in a close normal attack.
cr. - Crouching, as in a crouching normal attack.
st. - Standing, as in a far standing normal attack.
= Gameplay Overview =
KOF98 has two meter systems to choose from, Advanced and Extra. I would recommend Advanced mode to any player. Extra mode is only effective with a handful of characters (especially Kyo, who becomes very very powerful, but also Mai and Brian thanks to their dash infinites) and it is much harder to use effectively. If you are a beginner, use Advanced mode.
==Advanced Mode==
'''Block''' - Hold back - While blocking, you take no damage from normals and a single pixel-per-hit when blocking special/desperation moves. You can also block in the air while jumping up or back. Ground normals cannot be air guarded.
'''Backdash''' - Tap back twice quickly. During a backdash, you can perform air command normals and air special moves. Using a command normal will cause the trajectory of the backdash to change.
'''Run''' - Tap forward twice quickly. Hold the second tap to keep running. In KOF98, when you simply tap f,f to run, you will run a certain distance before you stop. This can be canceled by jumping, crouching, or attacking, but not by blocking. You can use this period to buffer moves such as command throws. For example with Ralf or Clark, you can tap f,f, then do the hcf motion for their command grab while you are moving forward, without having to keep holding forward over that first couple character spaces.
Also, there is a small recovery when you release f to stop a run. When running in to attack, keep holding forward if you're going to do a standing attack, or move to d/f for a crouching attack. This makes attacking from a run seamless. You can also hold d/f to keep charge a charge-down special move while running.
'''Roll forward''' - Press A and B simultaneously. Rolls are invulnerable from the very start, and vulnerable at the end. You can be thrown out of rolls as well. Since they are invincible at startup, you can use rolls as a wakeup 'reversal'. But unlike in later KOF games, you cannot mash the input. In KOF98, if you are not fully recovered from something and try to input A B, you will get a standing A attack. Using that as a reversal will get out hit on counter, so be accurate with your roll timing.
'''Roll backward''' - Press back and A and B simultaneously.
'''Recovery roll (tech roll)''' - Press A and B simultaneously as you are touching the ground from getting knocked down. Some moves/knockdowns are not rollable. You can mix this up with staying on the ground to mess with your opponents setups on wakeup.
'''Throw break''' - Press back/forward  any button immediately after you are thrown. Some normal throws are not breakable, and instead you can mash all the buttons and directions to lessen the damage and get out faster.
'''Guard Cancel Roll (emergency roll)''' - Press A and B simultaneously or while guarding a move (hold back to roll backwards). This uses one power stock.
'''Guard Cancel Strike (CD counter)''' - Press C and D simultaneously while guarding a move. This uses one power stock.
'''MAX mode activation''' - Press A, B, and C simultaneously. This will use one power stock and give you a meter that shows you how much time you have left in MAX mode. While in MAX mode you get a large damage bonus (25% increase), more pushback on hit for all attacks, and any Desperation Moves (supers) performed during this time will become Super Desperation Moves, and will take one power stock in addition to the one you used to go into MAX mode. These SDMs are enhanced versions of the normal supers and will do more damage/hits, etc.
==Extra Mode==
'''Block''' - hold 4 (air)
*While blocking, you take no damage from normals and reduced damage from specials and Desperation Moves.
'''Backstep''' - 4,4
'''Dash''' - 6,6 (quick hop)
'''Short Hop (sh)''' - Tap 7 / 8 / 9
'''Hyper Hop (hh)''' - Tap 1/2/3~7 / 1/2/3~8 / 1/2/3~9 / Dash, 9
'''Jump (j)''' - Press 7 / 8 / 9
'''Super Jump (sj)''' - Press 2, 7 / Tap 2, 9 / Dash, 9
'''Evade''' - A  B
* With this move you dodge while standing in place and are temporarily invincible during the dodge. You can, however, be thrown out of this by command grabs (not standard 4 / 6  P / K throws).
'''Counter Attack''' - A  B, P / K
* This is done while using the Attack Evade
'''Down Evade''' -  A  B as you land
* With this you can recover as soon as you hit the ground after being knocked down.
'''Throw Escape''' - You cannot escape any throws in EX mode.
'''Guard Cancel Evade''' - Block, A  B
'''Guard Cancel Strike''' - Block, C  D
'''Strike Attack''' - C  D  (air)
'''Charge Power Gauge''' - A  B  C (until Power Gauge is at maximum capacity).
'''Taunt''' - Press Start
====Power Guage====
In Extra Mode, you have a power gauge that fills over the course of a fight. It is filled by :
1. Taking damage.
2. Charging.
Once the gauge fills, it says "MAXIMUM" and begins to slowly empty. During this time your body glows/flashes and a multitude of things happen :
1. All of your attacks do 50% more damage.
2. You may perform a Desperation Move.
3. You may perform a Guard Cancel Evade / Strike.
*Doing either of the latter 2 will drain your gauge and return you to normal.
When you are at 20% or less health, your Life Gauge begins to flash red. During this time, a multitude of things
happen :
1. You may perform DMs freely.
2. You may perform Guard Cancel Evades / Strikes freely.
3. If your Power Gauge reaches maximum, you may perform Super Desperation Moves. These are the same commands as your
standard DMs, but they often have different attack animations and do larger amounts of damage to the opponent.
*If your life should increase back above 20% for any reason, you lose all of the benefits of a low Life Gauge.
==Team attitudes and meter management==
Your team has an effect on the way that the game is played. While selecting your team order, you can hold down the Start button and see three types of faces next to your characters. The three types determine how much meter you get after that character loses, and how likely they are to help you during dizzies and mashable throws.
'''Red Face (Angry)''' - After they lose, you will lose 1 power stock. They will never jump on to help you.
'''White Face (Neutral)''' - After they lose, you will have the same number of stocks that they lost with. They will jump in to help you sometimes.
'''Yellow Face (Happy)''' : This means that the fighter has been put in a team that he enjoys. They will add 1 power stock to your meter when they lose, and they will jump in to hit your opponent when you are dizzy or are in a mashable grab every time, as long as you give them enough time.
When you are selecting the order of your team, take note of the faces. Generally you'll want yellow/happy faces fist or second, and red/angry faces last. Don't let this completely decide what order you use, though. Think about who actually needs meter, the matchups you will be playing, etc. Note that power stocks only apply to Advanced mode, so that aspect shouldn't affect your order decision when using Extra mode.
When a character is defeated, the winning character regains a small amount of health. In addition, losing a team member gives the losing player an advantage.
In Advanced mode, you can have an extra stock slot after each fighter is lost. The first fighter has a maximum of 4, the second fighter has a maximum of 4, and the last fighter has a maximum of 5.
In Extra mode, your Power Gauge is shortened after each fighter is lost. The first fighter has a full length Power Gauge, the second fighter has one that is 25% shorter than normal, and the third fighter has one that is 50% shorter than normal.
Some additional things you should know about KOF98.
'''Reversals''' - Reversals in KOF98 work mostly the same as in other games. There isn't a reversal message, but the window is very large (about 5 frames). The main difference between this game and others is that most 'invincible' moves aren't completely invincible. A lot of the time they are only invincible up to the hit, in which case they will trade with meaties. You will have to refer to the character-specific sections concerning which moves do what. Universally speaking, rolls, instant command throws, and super instant command throws can be used as reversals.
'''Alternate guard''' - This is a technique to avoid being thrown while blocking. First, you must block an attack or be put in blockstun by an attack (ie by it being whiffed close to you). Then you must alternate between back and down-back very quickly. This will keep you in perpetual blockstun and unable to be thrown by any throws, including proximity unblockables. To beat alternate guard, you must be able to hit the opponent by using fast lows/overhead mixups etc. to break their defense. Tactics like repeated/delayed cr.Bs can be hard to alternate guard without thinking.
Another side effect of KOF98's blocking system that you need to be aware of is whiffing jumping attacks into a throw. When you are performing an empty jump, then landing and throwing, you should not perform any attack during the jump. If you do, it will put the opponent into blockstun and your throw will whiff. It is possible for this to work though, if your opponent tries to attack or roll after they are put into blockstun but before the throw, or if they do not attempt to block at all.
'''Proximity unblockables''' - This is a special type of throw that is exclusive to KOF. Some examples of proximity unblockables are Robert's hcf+K throw, Kensou's dp+P throw or qcf,qcf+P super, or O.Chris's hcf+K throw. Unlike command throws, they can only be performed when close to an opponent who is in a throw-able state (ie in hitstun or not in blockstun). Because of this, it is usually impossible to whiff a proximity unblockable, making them safer in some situations than command throws. You will simply get a normal move if the opponent is not in a throw-able state, or a different command normal/special if you tried to combo into one. On the other hand, they do have startup, and it is possible to trade hits instead of simply throwing. It is also possible to whiff a proximity unblockable if you combo into one in such a way that it pushes the opponent out of range after the proximity unblockable has started. As for rolls, in most cases they will be stopped by a proximity unblockable as if you were a wall.
'''Counter-hits''' - Whenever you interrupt a jumping attack, special move, or super move, you score a counter-hit. This causes a screen flash and a "counter-hit" message to appear. The hit gets a 25% (usually) damage bonus, pushes back further (ala MAX mode hits), and allows you to juggle with another hit if the attack knocks down. For example, if you score a jump CD counter-hit, you can hit the opponent while they are in the air. Other examples are Chang's Ball Swing or A Belly Flop hitting twice on counter.
'''Corner cross-ups''' - You might have seen in a video or something, someone crossing up another player in the corner after a knockdown. This true corner cross-up ability is only available on the 2P side (ie only available to the player who's life/super bars are on the 2P side).
Although this may seem like an unfair advantage, the 1P side also has it's own corner cross-up ability. Whenever the opponent is knocked down in a back turned state (ie face up, head toward or face down, feet toward), you can perform a pseudo cross-up. Simply jump toward (superjump preferred) their head and time/position a move that has some cross-up ability the same way you would normally perform a cross-up. This must be blocked in the direction away from the corner. In some ways this is more difficult to block than the 2P side bug, because you remain on the same side no matter which direction the move has to be blocked.
* '''Unblockable projectiles''' – Certain moves, most of them command throws, will undo the opponent’s blocking status, rendering the projectile unblockable. This is generally used to give the opponent a hard time on wakeup – use the slow version of the fireball (makes it meatier), then render it unblockable when they do their wakeup. The following is a listing of the known unblockable projectile setups, though not all of them are useful or even usable in every situation that an unblockable would help.
:* EX Yuri (Koōken / Haō Shōkōken > Hyakuretsu Binta)
:* Athena (Psycho Ball > Psychic Teleport / Super Psychic Throw)
:* Kensou (Chō Kyūdan > Nikuman Kuu)
:* Iori (Yami Barai > Kuzu Kaze)
:* Takuma (Koōken / Haō Shikōken > Shōrankyaku)
:* Heidern (Crosscutter > Killing Bringer / Stormbringer)
== Game Versions ==
* [[MVS (KOF98)|Arcade (MVS)]]
* [[Dreamcast (KOF98)|Dreamcast (as "Dream Match 1999")]]
* [[AES (KOF98)|Neo Geo (AES)]]
* [[Neo Geo CD (KOF98)|Neo Geo CD]]
* [[Playstation (KOF98)|Playstation]]
==Additional Information==
[ Dune's hitbox data] - Not complete, but most of the popular characters are there. The first link for each character is the hitbox data (scroll down in the right frame), then movelist, then additional information.
[ YouTube] - Yes, YouTube! Never forget this as a great resource to see many matches and learn from them.
[ MoFile] - This is the Chinese YouTube basically. You might get a rough connection to there, so try to access during the day when it is late/early night in China. Here are some good accounts for videos to browse:
[ Dove]
[ 三台野]
[ 鸿牛]
== The Characters ==
'''Japan Team'''
* [[Kyo Kusanagi (KoF '98)|Kyo Kusanagi]]
* [[Goro Daimon (KoF '98)|Goro Daimon]]
* [[Benimaru Nikaido (KoF '98)|Benimaru Nikaido]]

'''Heroes Team'''
*  [[The King of Fighters '98/Kyo | Kyo]] [[File:80%.gif]]
*  [[The King of Fighters '98/Benimaru | Benimaru]] [[File:80%.gif]]
*  [[The King of Fighters '98/Daimon | Daimon]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Fatal Fury Team'''
'''Fatal Fury Team'''
* [[Terry Bogard (KoF '98)|Terry Bogard]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Terry | Terry]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Andy Bogard (KoF '98)|Andy Bogard]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Andy | Andy]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Joe Higashi (KoF '98)|Joe Higashi]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Joe | Joe]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Art of Fighting Team'''
'''Art of Fighting/Kyokugenryu Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Ryo | Ryo]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Ryo Sakazaki (KoF '98)|Ryo Sakazaki]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Robert | Robert]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Robert Garcia (KoF '98)|Robert Garcia]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Yuri | Yuri]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Yuri Sakazaki (KoF '98)|Yuri Sakazaki]]
'''Ikari Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Leona | Leona]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Ikari Warriors Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Ralf | Ralf]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Leona Heidern (KoF '98)|Leona Heidern]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Clark | Clark]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Ralf Jones (KoF '98)|Ralf Jones]]
* [[Clark Steele (KoF '98)|Clark Steel]]
'''Psycho Soldier Team'''
'''Psycho Soldier Team'''
* [[Athena Asamiya (KoF '98)|Athena Asamiya]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Athena | Athena]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Sie Kensou (KoF '98)|Sie Kensou]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Kensou | Kensou]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Chin Gentsai (KoF '98)|Chin Gentsai]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Chin | Chin]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Woman Fighters Team'''
'''Women's Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Chizuru | Chizuru]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Chizuru Kagura (KoF '98)|Chizuru Kagura]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Mai | Mai]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Mai Shiranui (KoF '98)|Mai Shiranui]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/King | King]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[King (KoF '98)|King]]
'''Kim Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Kim | Kim]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Korea Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Chang | Chang]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Kim Kaphwan (KoF '98)|Kim Kaphwan]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Choi | Choi]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Chang Koehan (KoF '98)|Chang Koehan]]
* [[Choi Bounge (KoF '98)|Choi Bounge]]
'''Orochi Team'''
'''Orochi Team'''
* [[Yashiro Nanakase (KoF '98)|Yashiro Nanakase]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Yashiro | Yashiro]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Chris (KoF '98)|Chris]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Shermie | Shermie]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Shermie (KoF '98)|Shermie]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Chris | Chris]] [[File:80%.gif]]
''''97 Special Team'''
* [[Ryuji Yamazaki (KoF '98)|Ryuji Yamazaki]]
* [[Blue Mary (KoF '98)|Blue Mary]]
'''97 Special Team'''
* [[Billy Kane (KoF '98)|Billy Kane]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Yamazaki | Yamazaki]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Blue Mary | Mary]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Billy | Billy]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Yagami Team'''
'''Yagami Team'''
* [[Iori Yagami (KoF '98)|Iori Yagami]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Iori | Iori]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Mature (KoF '98)|Mature]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Mature | Mature]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Vice (KoF '98)|Vice]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Vice | Vice]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Master Team'''
''''98 "Father" Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Heidern | Heidern]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Heidern (KoF '98)|Heidern]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Takuma | Takuma]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Takuma Sakazaki (KoF '98)|Takuma Sakazaki]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Saisyu | Saisyu]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Saisyu Kusanagi (KoF '98)|Saisyu Kusanagi]]
'''American Sports Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Heavy D! | Heavy D']] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''US Sports Team'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Lucky | Lucky]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Heavy D! (KoF '98)|Heavy D!]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Brian | Brian]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Lucky Glauber (KoF '98)|Lucky Glauber]]
'''Single Entry'''
* [[Brian Battler (KoF '98)|Brian Battler]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Rugal | Rugal]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Shingo | Shingo]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Orochi Unleashed Team (Secret Team)'''
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Omega Rugal | Omega Rugal (Banned)]] [[File:40%.gif]]
* [[Orochi Yashiro (KoF '98)|Orochi Yashiro]]
'''Extra Characters'''
* [[Orochi Chris (KoF '98)|Orochi Chris]]
* [[Kyo Kusanagi (KoF '95-Era) (KoF '98) | Kyo (KOF '95)]]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Orochi Shermie (KoF '98)|Orochi Shermie]]
* [[Terry Bogard (Real Bout 2-Era) (KoF '98) | Terry (Real Bout 2)]] [[File:60%.gif]]
* [[Andy Bogard (Real Bout 2 Era) (KoF '98) | Andy (Real Bout 2)]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''Edit Characters'''
* [[Joe Higashi (KoF '94-Era) (KoF '98) | Joe (Real Bout 2)]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Rugal Bernstein (KoF '98)|Rugal Bernstein]]
* [[Ryo Sakazaki (KoF '94-Era) (KoF '98) | Ryo (KOF '94)]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Shingo Yabuki (KoF '98)|Shingo Yabuki]]
* [[Robert Garcia (KoF '94-Era) (KoF '98) | Robert (KOF '94)]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Yuri Sakazaki (KoF '94-Era) (KoF '98) | Yuri (KOF '94)]] [[File:80%.gif]]
'''EX Characters'''
* [[Billy Kane (Real Bout 2-Era) (KoF '98) | Billy Kane (Real Bout 2)]] [[File:60%.gif]]
* [[Kyo Kusanagi (KoF '95-Era) (KoF '98)|Kyo Kusanagi (KoF '95-Era)]]
* [[Mai Shiranui (Real Bout 2-Era) (KoF '98) | Mai Shiranui (Real Bout 2)]] [[File:60%.gif]]
* [[Terry Bogard (Real Bout 2-Era) (KoF '98)|Terry Bogard (Real Bout 2-Era)]]
'''Orochi Characters'''
* [[Andy Bogard (Real Bout 2 Era) (KoF '98)|Andy Bogard (Real Bout 2-Era)]]
* [[The King of Fighters '98/Orochi Yashiro | Orochi Yashiro]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Joe Higashi (KoF '94-Era) (KoF '98)|Joe Higashi (KoF '94-Era)]]
*  [[The King of Fighters '98/Orochi Chris | Orochi Chris]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Ryo Sakazaki (KoF '94-Era) (KoF '98)|Ryo Sakazaki (KoF '94-Era)]]
*  [[The King of Fighters '98/Orochi Shermie | Orochi Shermie]] [[File:80%.gif]]
* [[Robert Garcia (KoF '94-Era) (KoF '98)|Robert Garcia (KoF '94-Era)]]
* [[Yuri Sakazaki (KoF '94-Era) (KoF '98)|Yuri Sakazaki (KoF '94-Era)]]
* [[Billy Kane (Real Bout 2-Era) (KoF '98)|Billy Kane (Real Bout 2-Era)]]
* [[Mai Shiranui (Real Bout 2-Era) (KoF '98)|Mai Shiranui (Real Bout 2-Era)]]
'''KoF '98 Final Boss'''
* [[Omega Rugal (KoF '98)|Omega Rugal]]
== Tiers ==
[KoF 98 tiers] (taken from the latest Tougeki-Special Issue # 4)
Kyo, Goro, Chizuru, Iori
Benimaru, Robert, Ralf, Chang, EX Yashiro, Chris, EX Chris  
EX Kyo, Terry, Joe, Yashiro, Takuma
Ryo, Clark, Kensou, Yamazaki, Mary, Mature
EX Terry, EX Ryo, Leona, Athena, Chin, Mai , EX Mai, King, Choi, Kim, Shermie, Vice, Shingo, Saishu
EX Robert, Yuri, Heavy D
Andy, EX Yuri, Billy, Heidern, Brian, Rugal
EX Andy, EX Joe, EX Billy, EX Shermie, Lucky
{{Template:The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest}}

[[Category:The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest]]
[[Category:The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest]]

Latest revision as of 13:52, 11 April 2023

The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest



Neo Geo MVS
WW: 23 July 1998

Neo Geo AES
WW: 23 September 1998
Neo Geo CD
WW: 23 December 1998
PlayStation 1
JP: 25 March 1999
JP: 24 June 1999
NA: 22 October 1999
PlayStation Network
JP: 28 June 2007
Virtual Console
JP: 23 October 2012
NA: 7 March 2013
PAL: 30 May 2013
WW: 24 July 2014
Nintendo Switch
WW: 3 March 2017
Online Play

Rollback (via Fightcade)

Player Resources

Fightcade Official Website

GGPOZ - Fightcade alternative
GGPO (Android) - Fightcade alternative
RedGGPO Discord server
GM Arcade - An alternative to Fightcade
[email protected] - GM Arcade's Email Address
YzKOF - The Chinese version of GM Arcade
Community Channels

Official KOF98 community Discord server


Following the conclusion of the "Orochi" saga (marked by the '97 tournament), SNK decided to release a new "dream match" (meaning the characters in the game are not bound by a storyline; evidenced by the fact that the Orochi team was still alive for this tournament). The gameplay featured the same selectable super meter system as KoF '97. In addition, SNK added the "Advantage" system that allowed the losing team to earn an advantage each round (extra stocks for Advanced mode or a shorter charge bar for Extra mode). Many consider The King of Fighters '98 to be their favorite KoF game due to its play mechanics and large roster. A remake of '98, dubbed "The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match", was released for the Playstation 2 in 2008. It added a new Ultimate style, new stages, and many new characters that were missing in the orignal '98. For all of this extra stuff, check below under the "Game Versions" section and click "Playstation 2".


Hold Start as you select a character to use the alternate version (Orochi team, EX characters).

Heroes Team

Fatal Fury Team

Art of Fighting Team

Ikari Team

Psycho Soldier Team

Woman Fighters Team

Kim Team

Orochi Team

Heavy D'
Omega Rugal

Kyo (KOF '95)
Billy Kane (Real Bout 2)
Mai Shiranui (Real Bout 2)
Terry (Real Bout 2)
Andy (Real Bout 2)
Joe (Real Bout 2)
Ryo (KOF '94)
Robert (KOF '94)
Yuri (KOF '94)
Orochi Yashiro
Orochi Chris
Orochi Shermie

97 Special Team

Yagami Team

Master Team

American Sports Team

Single Entry

Extra Characters

Orochi Characters

Game Navigation

Gameplay Overview
Normal Characters
Blue Mary
Heavy D!
EX Characters
EX Andy
EX Billy
EX Joe
EX Kyo
EX Mai
Orochi Chris
Orochi Shermie
Orochi Yashiro
EX Robert
EX Ryo
EX Terry
EX Yuri
Omega Rugal