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{{Character Subnav UMVC3|name=Wolverine}}
A mutant and member of the X-Men, Wolverine's power gives him immense capability for regeneration, also known as a Healing Factor. Far more iconic, however, is the adamantium skeleton grafted into his body as part of the Weapon X project, including three retractable claws on each hand.


'''In UMvC3''', Wolverine is a high-speed, momentum-focused rushdown character. While lacking long-ranged attacks or projectiles of any kind, he can quickly close in with his fast ground dash and aerial divekick. Once there, he has no shortage of tools to open an opponent's defense with cross-ups, instant overheads, and hit/throw mixups.

{{ UMvC3CharacterDataBox | 950,000 | ? | No | No | 0 |
25.0 | 45.0 | 65.0 |
| pros =
? | ? | ? |
*'''Extremely Powerful Mixups:''' Very strong & efficient mixup potential via crossup Berserker Slash, instant overhead j.5L, and strong throw game through OS Divekick.  
10.0 | 15.0 | 20.0 |
*'''Exceptional Mobility: ''' Incredibly fast grounded dash speed and movement.  
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
*'''Versatile Conversions:''' Has very practical routes for converting stray air hits into a standard combo.
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
*'''Great Normals:''' Wolverine's normals open up for strong mixup combos and can easily string into forward specials, such as Berserker Barrage. (SWISS CHEESE!)
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
| cons =
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
*'''Limited Zoning & Aerial Movement:''' Virtually no projectile game and limited aerial movement makes it hard for him to approach zoners.
*'''Weak Synergy:''' Wolverine has poor assists and mostly awkward DHC options.
*'''Requires Support:''' Needs assist support or X-Factor to convert his strongest mixup options.
<div style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;flex:2;min-width:350px;padding: 10px;">{{UMVC3_Character_Query|reversals=236XX, 623XX}}</div></div>

== Move List ==
== Move List ==

=== Assist Types ===
=== Assists ===

  | Tornado Claw (M) | direct tiltup | 35,000 x 3 |softknockdown | Fatal Claw
  | Berserker Slash (M) | direct front | 100,000 |softknockdown | Berserker Barrage X
  | Berserker Barrage (M) | direct front | 30,000 x 3 |  | Berserker Barrage X }}
|name=Tornado Claw
=== Normal Moves ===
|input=Assist A
|damage=35,000 x3
|recovery=135/126, 106/83
|properties=Invuln (as Crossover Counter) frames 1 - ???
THC Hyper: Fatal Claw. Has no invulnerability despite the DP-esque appearance (neither does the non-assist version). Since Wolverine's assists are quite poor no matter what, it may be worth taking this assist just for the more damaging THC Hyper.
|name=Berserker Slash
|input=Assist B
|recovery=121/114, 91/71
THC Hyper: Berserker Barrage X.
|name=Berserker Barrage
|input=Assist Y
|damage=30,000 x4
|recovery=117/112, 87/69
THC Hyper: Berserker Barrage X. Out of Wolverine's assists, this causes the most hitstun/blockstun, and thus is the best to choose for its actual assist potential. It juggles in an awkward way that makes it difficult to use for relaunches.
=== Ground Normals ===
|name=Stand Light
Wolverine's fastest attack; good to throw out in scramble situations. He can set up reset attempts by using this normal on airborne opponents, then jumping up as they air recover for a throw/divekick mixup.
|name=Stand Medium
Decent poke

{{MoveListRow | Standing Light | l | 53,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Light | d + l | 48,000 | low rpdfire <br> }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Medium | m | 67,000 | }}
|name=Stand Heavy
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Medium | d + m | 70,000 | low }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Heavy | h | 95,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Heavy | d + h | 78,000 | low softknockdown}}
{{MoveListRow | Special | s | 80,000 | launch nocancel }}
{{MoveListRow | Cross Slash | After st. m <br> connects <br> press l | 60,000 | Pulls character closer to Wolverine }}
{{MoveListRow | Sliding Claw | df + m | 70,000 | softknockdown }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Light | air l | 50,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Medium | air m | 70,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Heavy | air h | 80,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Special | air s | 90,000 | high <br> aircombofinisher <br> nocancel }}
{{MoveListRow | Brutal Claw | After air m <br> connects <br> press l | ? | Pulls Character closer to Wolverine }}
{{MoveListRow | Dive Kick | Air d + h | 75,000 | aironly <br> softknockdown <br> groundbounce against airborne opponents }}
Good button for converting combos on airborne opponents, such as after an assist hit. Causes a significant amount of blockstun for a normal, so it is useful to cancel this into a variant of Berserker Slash, forcing them to block the crossup.

=== Throws ===

{{MoveListRow | Forward Throw | f + h | 60,000~100,000 | throw hardknockdown <br> Mashable }}
{{MoveListRow | Back Throw | b + h | 60,000~100,000 | throw hardknockdown <br> Mashable }}
{{MoveListRow | Forward Air Throw | air f + h | 60,000~100,000 | airthrow hardknockdown <br> Mashable }}
|name=Crouching Light
{{MoveListRow | Back Air Throw | air b + h | 60,000~100,000 | airthrow hardknockdown <br> Mashable }}
Slower than standing light, but VERY low-profile. Rhythmically tapping 2L allows Wolverine to evade underneath many projectiles, such as Doom's Plasma Beam. Be careful not to mash too quickly, which will result in Berserker Rage. Simply throwing out this fast low works quite well, as opponents are usually more scared of Wolverine's instant overhead attacks.
|name=Crouching Medium
Good anti-air attack (although the upward-angled part of the attack is not active right away). This button is also very strong for bare purposes: If you are crouch blocking and mash L+M pushblock, this button will come out during gaps. It is quite fast when used this way and, on hit, forces an air recovery that gives you time to reset to neutral or steal momentum.
|name=Crouching Heavy
|properties={{strk}}, {{softknockdown}}
|properties={{launch}}, {{nocancel}}
Fairly standard launcher. Combos easily after 5H or 2H except at the very end of 5H's range.
=== Aerial Normals ===
|name=Jumping Light
Very fast instant overhead normal. Works without needing to set up fuzzy guard even on normal-sized characters. Needs either an assist or X-Factor activation to convert into a combo. If you land this attack without an assist, activate X-Factor and then immediately perform a falling j.5M to convert into a full combo.
|name=Jumping Medium
|name=Jumping Heavy
Upward-angled attack, which makes it difficult to use against grounded opponents (read: don't do it).
|name=Jumping Special
Solid cross-up attack. Also useful for jump loops or similar airborne combos due to its high hitstun.
=== Command Normals ===
|name=Cross Slash
|input=5M > 5L
|properties=scales by 0.8
5M > 5L chain unique to Wolverine. On hit or block, it pulls the opponent slightly closer to Wolvie. It's primary use is as combo filler, or to give more time to hit confirm. Can be chained into heavy attacks (or launcher), but not back into medium attacks.
|name=Sliding Claw
|properties={{otg}}, {{softknockdown}}
Wolverine's only OTG option. He can not follow this up normally, but is very easy to relaunch when combining this move with common assists. As it lowers Wolverine's hurtbox very low to the ground, it can also be used to advance underneath certain projectiles.
|name=Brutal Claw
|input=j.5M > j.5L
|properties=scales by 0.8
Combo filler similar to Cross Slash, but airborne. Unlike Cross Slash, it does not pull the opponent closer.
|name=Diving Kick
|active=Until Grounded
|properties={{stagger}} on counterhit vs grounded, {{groundbounce}} on any hit vs airborne
Very powerful command normal with a variety of uses. Can (and should) be input as j.1H or j.3H to option select an airthrow. Use it to alter your jump arc and maneuver through projectiles. Jump and immediately divekick to bait attempted throwbreaks or pushblocks. Use Drill Claw to combo into this move, allowing Wolverine to finish his air combos with a ground bounce and solo relaunch.

=== Special Moves ===
=== Special Moves ===

{{MoveListRow | Berserker Barrage (L) | qcf + l | 35,000 x 2  | Mashable (Adds 2 extra hits) <br> softknockdown when mashed }}
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Barrage (M) | qcf + m | 30,000 x 4 | Mashable (Adds 2 extra hits) <br> softknockdown when mashed }}
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Barrage (H) | qcf + h | 28,000 x 6 | Mashable (Adds 2 extra hits) <br> softknockdown when mashed }}
|name=Berserker Barrage
{{MoveListRow | Tornado Claw (L)| dp + l | 30,000 x 3 | softknockdown <br> Mashable (Adds upto 4 extra hits) }}
{{MoveListRow | Tornado Claw (M) | dp + m | 30,000 x 4 | Mashable (Adds upto 6 extra hits) }}
{{MoveListRow | Tornado Claw (H) | dp + h | 30,000 x 5 | Mashable (Adds upto 6 extra hits) }}
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Rage (L) | l x 3 | 20,000 x 5 | Mashable }}
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Rage (M) | m x 3 | 20,000 x 5 | Mashable }}
|subtitle={{qcf}} + {{l}}
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Rage (H) | h x 3 | 20,000 x 5 | Mashable }}
|damage=35,000 x2 - x4
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Slash (L) | qcb + l | 100,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Slash (M) | qcb + m | 100,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Slash (H) | qcb + h | 100,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Drill Claw | s + atk | 80,000 | airok <br> Can be directed 8 ways }}
  |properties=Mashable, extra mashed hits cause {{softknockdown}}
|subtitle={{qcf}} + {{m}}
|damage=30,000 x4 - x6
|properties=Mashable, extra mashed hits cause {{softknockdown}}
|subtitle={{qcf}} + {{h}}
|damage=28,000 x6 - x8
|properties=Mashable, extra mashed hits cause {{softknockdown}}
Wolverine rushes forward with multiple consecutive attacks. Because it is fairly fast and moves forward, it can work as a sort of "poke" in neutral. However, it does not practically combo into anything except its hyper version, Berserker Barrage X. Deals decent damage, but standard combo routes do not use any version of this move.
All 3 versions can be mashed to add up to 2 extra hits. For the M and H versions, base damage on these extra hits is 25,000. }}
|name=Tornado Claw
|subtitle={{dp}} + {{l}}
|damage=30,000 x3 - x7
|properties=Mashable, {{strk}}
|subtitle={{dp}} + {{m}}
|damage=30,000 x4 - x10
|properties=Mashable, {{strk}}
|subtitle={{dp}} + {{h}}
|damage=30,000 x5 - x11
|properties=Mashable, {{strk}}
Despite appearances, this move has no invulnerability and is a fairly poor anti-air. Tornado Claw is mainly used as a combo tool for its solid damage output. Tornado Claw xx Fatal Claw can link into itself multiple times, allowing Wolverine to dump meter in exchange for securing a kill. All 3 versions can be mashed for more hits; for the M and H versions, base damage on these extra hits is 20,000.
|caption=By default, Drill Claw goes forward.
|caption2=Drill Claw can be aimed in any direction.
|name=Drill Claw
|properties={{airok}}, 8-way directable (5 ways on the ground), {{strk}}, *On whiff, Wolvverine does not recover until landing
Much slower and less versatile than a real airdash, but still a useful tool to increase Wolverine's aerial mobility. Wolverine can combo his aerial normals into Drill Claw and then follow up with either Dive Kick or Fatal Claw, making it an important asset for combo extensions and air-to-air confirms.
|name=Berserker Slash
|subtitle={{qcb}} + {{l}}
|properties=Passthrough, {{strk}}
|subtitle={{qcb}} + {{m}}
|properties=Passthrough, {{strk}}
|subtitle={{qcb}} + {{h}}
|properties=Passthrough, {{strk}}
Dedicated crossup attack. Button strength determines the distance Wolverine travels and the amount of time he has passthrough (10 frames for L, 12 for M, 15 for H). Thus, Wolverine can use a higher-strength button to dash behind the opponent or a lower-strength to fake a crossup but stay in front. If Wolverine passes through the opponent, he automatically turns around to hit behind him. This is ideally converted into a combo using assist support, but Wolverine can also convert solo by canceling the slash into Berserker Charge install hyper.
|name=Berserker Rage
|subtitle="Swiss Cheese"
|input=Mash X
|damage=20,000 x5 - x52
A move that was made bad on purpose in order to discourage Wolverine players from mashing (not a joke). Button strength only determines the maximum number of mashed hits (L: 18, M: 24, H: 52).

=== Hyper Combos ===

===Hyper Moves===
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Barrage X | qcf + atk + atk | 286,200~343,600 | Mashable }}
{{MoveListRow | Fatal Claw | dp + atk + atk | 302,100~362,500 | Mashable }}
|name=Berserker Barrage X
{{MoveListRow | Berserker Charge | d d + atk + atk | | Speeds up Wolverine for a short period of time. <br> Wolverine retains this state when tagged out. <br> (Gives NO damage bonuses) }}
|input=236XX (1 bar)
{{MoveListRow | Weapon X | dp + atk + atk | 440,000 | startupinv <br> Level 3 Hyper.| level3 }}
|damage=20,000 x15 + 80,000 x2(286,000 - 343,600)
|properties=Invuln frames 1-7. {{strk}}, {{softknockdown}}, Mashable
Enhanced version of Berserker Barrage. Wolverine charges forward while rapidly attacking. Deals lower damage than Fatal Claw, and ironically also more difficult to efficiently combo into. Mainly used if a stray Berserker Barrage connects or if an extended combo such as a jump loop causes too much hitstun deterioration for Fatal Claw to be used.

== Strategy ==

=== Tips and Tricks ===
|name=Fatal Claw
|input=214XX (1 bar)
|damage=40,000 x13(302,100 - 362,500)
|properties={{airok}}, Mashable, [[File:truesoftknockdown.png]], scales by 0.9
Wolverine's standard combo ender. Deals solid damage and can be comboed into easily from either Drill Claw or Tornado Claw. The Tornado Claw > Fatal Claw sequence juggles opponents high enough into the air that Wolverine will land and recover before the opponent, which can be used to:
*Link another Tornado Claw into another Fatal Claw, looping as needed until the opponent dies.
*Link 5L and go for an air reset
*Link Snapback and go for an oncoming mixup on another character.

=== Combos ===
*Wolverine recovers upon landing, recovery listed is for a grounded Fatal Claw.


=== Basic Strategy ===
|name=Berserker Charge
|input=22XX (1 bar)
|properties=400 frame duration, 30% speed increase
Install hyper. Fast startup and recovery allow Wolverine to combo into this easily (such as after Berserker Slash), or use as an emergency cancel option if in an unsafe position. This is also a strong DHC tool in either direction. Use this hyper and DHC to another to effectively give that hyper a 4 frame startup. Alternatively, do a hyper with another character and then DHC into Berserker Charge. On hit or block, Wolverine will almost certainly recover well before the opponent. Wolverine does not build meter for the duration.

=== Advanced Strategy ===
|name=Weapon X
|input=623XX (3 bars)
|properties=Invuln until frame 21, {{hardknockdown}}, forced {{groundbounce}} Unscaled damage
Standard cinematic level 3 hyper. Typically used to secure an easy kill on the opponent's last character. It is also Wolverine's only reversal, and can be used an an expensive counter-call to an opponent's hyper.

== Strategy vs. Wolverine ==
It is possible for Wolverine to combo after the Hard Knockdown caused by Weapon X, with a sufficiently fast dash up 3M. However, the cinematic portion of this hyper (bizarrely) consumes Ground Bounce, so keep in mind that any divekicks done after this hyper will cause the combo to drop.
=== Universal Mechanics ===
|name=Ground Throw
|input=6H, 4H
|damage=10,000 x4~8 + 20,000(60,000 - 100,000)
|properties=Mashable, {{hardknockdown}}
Wolverine's throw by default deals less damage than the standard throw, but can be mashed for additional hits. Fully mashed, it does slightly more than a regular throw (although this also causes more damage scaling). On a successful airthrow, Wolverine can follow up with OTG 3M, but needs assists or X-Factor to convert further.
|name=Air Throw
|input=j.6H, j.4H
|damage=10,000 x6~10(60,000 - 100,000)
|properties=Mashable, {{hardknockdown}}
Wolverine's airthrow by default deals less damage than the standard throw, but can be mashed for additional hits. Fully mashed, it does slightly more than a regular throw (although this also causes more damage scaling). On a successful airthrow, Wolverine can follow up with OTG 3M, but needs assists or X-Factor to convert further.
|name=Snap Back
Animation and hitbox based on 5H.
|name=Hard Tag
|input=Hold 14f [[File:A1.png]]/[[File:A2.png]]
|name=Air Exchange
|input=(During a Launcher Combo) {{u}} / {{f}} / {{b}} / {{d}} + {{s}}
|subtitle={{u}} + {{s}}
|subtitle={{f}} / {{b}} + {{s}}
|subtitle={{d}} + {{h}}
== Team Position ==
Wolverine is almost exclusively played as a Point character. While strong on his own, he benefits heavily from assist coverage that can help him approach long-range fighters, and lock down opponents while he sets up his offense. In addition, Wolverine's own assists have very poor coverage and are awkward to use in combo extensions, so he does not offer much from the backline.
Wolverine's level 3 x-factor provides a significant (35%) boost to speed. When combined with his naturally high base speed, and possibly the speed boost from Berserker Charge, he hits truly ludicrous speeds, to the point where controlling him properly is difficult. Wolverine used as an Anchor, while funny, is not particularly effective.
=== Notable Synergies ===
'''Akuma:''' Wolverine and Akuma have historically been referred to as "best friends" in UMvC3, owing mostly to Akuma's Tatsumaki assist as a support tool for Wolverine. Tatsu assist destroys (non-hyper) projectiles it collides with, allowing Wolverine to close the distance against zoning opponents. It also has a very long duration, meaning it can keep opponents in hitstun or blockstun for quite a long time. If Wolverine can call Akuma and then attempt either an Instant Overhead or a cross-up Berserker Slash. If these attacks hit, Akuma will juggle the opponent long enough for Wolverine to recover and start a combo for free. If the opponent manages to block, Akuma will still keep Wolverine safe.
'''Players to Watch:''' Justin Wong (Wolverine/Storm/Akuma), SumBrownKid (Wolverine/Dante/Akuma), SBK (Wolverine/Dante/Akuma)
'''Doctor Doom:''' All three of Doom's assists have been used to tournament success with Wolverine. Molecular Shield in particular is nice for Wolverine, who can hide inside or behind the rocks to approach in relative safety, or use them as a combo extension tool after his 3M OTG. Wolverine's Fatal Claw hyper, while strong, can be awkward to use in DHC setups. Doom provides a solid, consistent option via a Fatal Claw -> Sphere Flame DHC, which works anywhere on the screen and even recovers fast enough to hard tag Wolverine back in for more a mixup afterward.
'''Players to Watch:''' Winrich (Wolverine/Doom/Vergil), Noel Brown (Wolverine/Doom/Phoenix), PR Balrog (Wolverine/Doom/Vergil, Wolverine/Doom/Rocket)
'''Shuma-Gorath:''' Shuma's Mystic Ray assist is among the best in the game, and in particular provides a lot of what Wolverine is looking for in an assist. It is a beam attack with massive coverage, hitting almost the entire screen for at least part of its duration. It connects OTG, can snipe opponents at superjump height, and punish the opponent's assists. On hit, it causes a significant amount of hitstun, more than enough for a prepared Wolverine player to convert into a combo. Lastly, although it has quite long startup, Mystic Ray has a very low assist cooldown period - one of the few assists in the game whose self-recovery period is less than 100 frames - making it very spammable.
'''Players to Watch:''' Angelic (Wolverine/Dorm/Shuma)
'''Vergil:''' Like the other characters on this list, Vergil provides Wolverine with a high-duration, horizontal coverage assist in the form of Rapid Slash. Wolverine can use it in the usual ways: to force an opponent to block, to confirm off berserker slash, or to pick up after a knockdown. Additionally, Vergil provides generically strong DHC options via Devil Trigger and Spiral Swords, taking advantage of the knockdown caused by an early-canceled Fatal Claw. In particular, DHCing into Spiral Swords and doing a Swords Loop is one of the highest damage ways to spend meter in the game.
'''Players to Watch:''' Winrich (Wolverine/Doom/Vergil), PR Balrog (Wolverine/Doom/Vergil),
'''Storm:''' Her "Hail Storm" hyper hits OTG, which is uniquely useful when used in THCs. Rather than bother with picking up using OTG 3M slide, Wolverine can end his combos with a hard knockdown, dash up, and activate a 2-bar THC to combine his own high-damage Fatal Claw with Hail Storm. Even a very basic Wolverine combo into this setup causes close to 900000 damage, enough to kill many popular point characters. This setup was popularized (and almost exclusively used) by Justin Wong, who would use the THC setup to secure a quick kill, then tag in Storm to run away while maintaining a one-character life lead for as long as possible.
'''Players to Watch:''' Justin Wong (Wolverine/Storm/Akuma, Wolverine/Storm/Vergil)
== Alternate Colors ==
{{Content Box|content=

Latest revision as of 11:30, 27 June 2024


A mutant and member of the X-Men, Wolverine's power gives him immense capability for regeneration, also known as a Healing Factor. Far more iconic, however, is the adamantium skeleton grafted into his body as part of the Weapon X project, including three retractable claws on each hand.

In UMvC3, Wolverine is a high-speed, momentum-focused rushdown character. While lacking long-ranged attacks or projectiles of any kind, he can quickly close in with his fast ground dash and aerial divekick. Once there, he has no shortage of tools to open an opponent's defense with cross-ups, instant overheads, and hit/throw mixups.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Extremely Powerful Mixups: Very strong & efficient mixup potential via crossup Berserker Slash, instant overhead j.5L, and strong throw game through OS Divekick.
  • Exceptional Mobility: Incredibly fast grounded dash speed and movement.
  • Versatile Conversions: Has very practical routes for converting stray air hits into a standard combo.
  • Great Normals: Wolverine's normals open up for strong mixup combos and can easily string into forward specials, such as Berserker Barrage. (SWISS CHEESE!)
  • Limited Zoning & Aerial Movement: Virtually no projectile game and limited aerial movement makes it hard for him to approach zoners.
  • Weak Synergy: Wolverine has poor assists and mostly awkward DHC options.
  • Requires Support: Needs assist support or X-Factor to convert his strongest mixup options.
UMVC3 Wolverine Nameplate.png
UMVC3 Wolverine Portrait.png
Health 950,000
Invulnerable Reversal(s) 236XX, 623XX
Grounded Magic Series Full
X-Factor Damage Boost (1/2/3) 25% / 45% / 65%
X-Factor Speed Boost (1/2/3) 15% / 25% / 35%
Air Movement Options
Air Actions Air Jumps? Air Dash? Flight? WallJump?
0 No No No Yes
Minimum Attack Scaling
Normals Specials Hypers
10 10 35

Move List


Tornado Claw
Assist A
UMVC3 Wolverine 623L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x3 30/24 11/9 135/126, 106/83
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Invuln (as Crossover Counter) frames 1 - ???

THC Hyper: Fatal Claw. Has no invulnerability despite the DP-esque appearance (neither does the non-assist version). Since Wolverine's assists are quite poor no matter what, it may be worth taking this assist just for the more damaging THC Hyper.

Berserker Slash
Assist B
UMVC3 Wolverine 214X Dash.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 44/35 3/3 121/114, 91/71
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid Strk.png

THC Hyper: Berserker Barrage X.

Berserker Barrage
Assist Y
UMVC3 Wolverine 236X.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x4 33/26 16/13 117/112, 87/69
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Mid -

THC Hyper: Berserker Barrage X. Out of Wolverine's assists, this causes the most hitstun/blockstun, and thus is the best to choose for its actual assist potential. It juggles in an awkward way that makes it difficult to use for relaunches.

Ground Normals

Stand Light
UMVC3 Wolverine 5L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
53,000 4/4 3/3 11/8
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0/+3 -1/+2 Mid -

Wolverine's fastest attack; good to throw out in scramble situations. He can set up reset attempts by using this normal on airborne opponents, then jumping up as they air recover for a throw/divekick mixup.

Stand Medium
UMVC3 Wolverine 5M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
67,000 6/5 3/3 22/17
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-6/-1 -8/-3 Mid -

Decent poke

Stand Heavy
UMVC3 Wolverine 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
95,000 11/9 4/4 24/18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+11/+17 -6/0 Mid Strk.png

Good button for converting combos on airborne opponents, such as after an assist hit. Causes a significant amount of blockstun for a normal, so it is useful to cancel this into a variant of Berserker Slash, forcing them to block the crossup.

Crouching Light
UMVC3 Wolverine 2L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
48,000 6/5 3/3 12/9
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-1/+2 -2/+1 Low Rpdfire.png

Slower than standing light, but VERY low-profile. Rhythmically tapping 2L allows Wolverine to evade underneath many projectiles, such as Doom's Plasma Beam. Be careful not to mash too quickly, which will result in Berserker Rage. Simply throwing out this fast low works quite well, as opponents are usually more scared of Wolverine's instant overhead attacks.

Crouching Medium
UMVC3 Wolverine 2M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 7/6 3/3 19/14
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+15/+20 -5/0 Mid Strk.png

Good anti-air attack (although the upward-angled part of the attack is not active right away). This button is also very strong for bare purposes: If you are crouch blocking and mash L+M pushblock, this button will come out during gaps. It is quite fast when used this way and, on hit, forces an air recovery that gives you time to reset to neutral or steal momentum.

Crouching Heavy
UMVC3 Wolverine 2H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
78,000 12/10 4/4 20/15
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -2/+3 Low Strk.png, Softknockdown.png


UMVC3 Wolverine 5S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 9/7 4/4 27/21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
Launch -9/-3 Mid Launch.png, Nocancel.png

Fairly standard launcher. Combos easily after 5H or 2H except at the very end of 5H's range.

Aerial Normals

Jumping Light
UMVC3 Wolverine jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 4/4 7/6 12/9
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+9/+9 +8/+8 OH -

Very fast instant overhead normal. Works without needing to set up fuzzy guard even on normal-sized characters. Needs either an assist or X-Factor activation to convert into a combo. If you land this attack without an assist, activate X-Factor and then immediately perform a falling j.5M to convert into a full combo.

Jumping Medium
UMVC3 Wolverine jM.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 6/5 3/3 24/18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+13/+14 +12/+11 OH -


Jumping Heavy
UMVC3 Wolverine jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 8/7 2/2 26/20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+17/+15 +14/+13 OH -

Upward-angled attack, which makes it difficult to use against grounded opponents (read: don't do it).

Jumping Special
UMVC3 Wolverine jS.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
90,000 11/9 4/4 21/16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+16 +14 OH Aircombofinisher.png

Solid cross-up attack. Also useful for jump loops or similar airborne combos due to its high hitstun.

Command Normals

Cross Slash
5M > 5L
UMVC3 Wolverine LML.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
60,000 3/3 2/2 17/13
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
0/+4 -2/+2 Mid scales by 0.8

5M > 5L chain unique to Wolverine. On hit or block, it pulls the opponent slightly closer to Wolvie. It's primary use is as combo filler, or to give more time to hit confirm. Can be chained into heavy attacks (or launcher), but not back into medium attacks.

Sliding Claw
UMVC3 Wolverine 3M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
70,000 10/8 8/7 21/16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -12/-6 Low Otg.png, Softknockdown.png

Wolverine's only OTG option. He can not follow this up normally, but is very easy to relaunch when combining this move with common assists. As it lowers Wolverine's hurtbox very low to the ground, it can also be used to advance underneath certain projectiles.

Brutal Claw
j.5M > j.5L
UMVC3 Wolverine jLML.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
60,000 3/3 3/3 29/22
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+15/+14 -13/+19(?) OH scales by 0.8

Combo filler similar to Cross Slash, but airborne. Unlike Cross Slash, it does not pull the opponent closer.

Diving Kick
UMVC3 Wolverine j2H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
75,000 8/7 Until Grounded 10/8
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -1* Mid Stagger.png on counterhit vs grounded, Groundbounce.png on any hit vs airborne

Very powerful command normal with a variety of uses. Can (and should) be input as j.1H or j.3H to option select an airthrow. Use it to alter your jump arc and maneuver through projectiles. Jump and immediately divekick to bait attempted throwbreaks or pushblocks. Use Drill Claw to combo into this move, allowing Wolverine to finish his air combos with a ground bounce and solo relaunch.

Special Moves

Berserker Barrage
UMVC3 Wolverine 236X.png
Qcf.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
35,000 x2 - x4 6/5 7-16/6-13 25/20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-4/+2 -6/0 Mid Mashable, extra mashed hits cause Softknockdown.png
Qcf.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x4 - x6 9/7 16-25/13-20 25/20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-5/+3 -7/+1 Mid Mashable, extra mashed hits cause Softknockdown.png
Qcf.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
28,000 x6 - x8 13/10 24-34/19-27 25/20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
-6/0 -8/-2 Mid Mashable, extra mashed hits cause Softknockdown.png

Wolverine rushes forward with multiple consecutive attacks. Because it is fairly fast and moves forward, it can work as a sort of "poke" in neutral. However, it does not practically combo into anything except its hyper version, Berserker Barrage X. Deals decent damage, but standard combo routes do not use any version of this move. All 3 versions can be mashed to add up to 2 extra hits. For the M and H versions, base damage on these extra hits is 25,000.

Tornado Claw
UMVC3 Wolverine 623L.png
Dp.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x3 - x7 6/5 11-24/9-20 26-32/20-23
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -18/-8 Mid Mashable, Strk.png
Dp.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x4 - x10 6/5 11-32/9-28 35-30/27-22
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -28/-16 Mid Mashable, Strk.png
Dp.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 x5 - x11 6/5 12-41/9-34 45-22/39-18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -38/-24 Mid Mashable, Strk.png

Despite appearances, this move has no invulnerability and is a fairly poor anti-air. Tornado Claw is mainly used as a combo tool for its solid damage output. Tornado Claw xx Fatal Claw can link into itself multiple times, allowing Wolverine to dump meter in exchange for securing a kill. All 3 versions can be mashed for more hits; for the M and H versions, base damage on these extra hits is 20,000.

Drill Claw
UMVC3 Wolverine XS.png
By default, Drill Claw goes forward.
UMVC3 Wolverine 2XS.png
Drill Claw can be aimed in any direction.
Damage Startup Active Recovery
80,000 16/13 14/11 25/19
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+18/+20 +9/+11 Mid Airok.png, 8-way directable (5 ways on the ground), Strk.png, *On whiff, Wolvverine does not recover until landing

Much slower and less versatile than a real airdash, but still a useful tool to increase Wolverine's aerial mobility. Wolverine can combo his aerial normals into Drill Claw and then follow up with either Dive Kick or Fatal Claw, making it an important asset for combo extensions and air-to-air confirms.

Berserker Slash
UMVC3 Wolverine 214X Dash.png
UMVC3 Wolverine 214X Hit.png
Qcb.png + L.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 18/14 3/3 24/18
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -10/-5 Mid Passthrough, Strk.png
Qcb.png + M.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 20/16 3/3 26/20
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -12/-6 Mid Passthrough, Strk.png
Qcb.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
100,000 22/17 3/3 27/21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -13/-7 Mid Passthrough, Strk.png

Dedicated crossup attack. Button strength determines the distance Wolverine travels and the amount of time he has passthrough (10 frames for L, 12 for M, 15 for H). Thus, Wolverine can use a higher-strength button to dash behind the opponent or a lower-strength to fake a crossup but stay in front. If Wolverine passes through the opponent, he automatically turns around to hit behind him. This is ideally converted into a combo using assist support, but Wolverine can also convert solo by canceling the slash into Berserker Charge install hyper.

Berserker Rage
"Swiss Cheese"
Mash X
UMVC3 Wolverine MashX.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x5 - x52 11/9 29/23 14/11
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
+9/+8 +7/+6 Mid Mashable

A move that was made bad on purpose in order to discourage Wolverine players from mashing (not a joke). Button strength only determines the maximum number of mashed hits (L: 18, M: 24, H: 52).

Hyper Combos

Berserker Barrage X
236XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Wolverine 236XX.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
20,000 x15 + 80,000 x2(286,000 - 343,600) 13+3 71(13)4 29
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -10 Mid Invuln frames 1-7. Strk.png, Softknockdown.png, Mashable

Enhanced version of Berserker Barrage. Wolverine charges forward while rapidly attacking. Deals lower damage than Fatal Claw, and ironically also more difficult to efficiently combo into. Mainly used if a stray Berserker Barrage connects or if an extended combo such as a jump loop causes too much hitstun deterioration for Fatal Claw to be used.

Fatal Claw
214XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Wolverine 214XX.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 x13(302,100 - 362,500) 9+8 50 37*
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -17 Mid Airok.png, Mashable, Truesoftknockdown.png, scales by 0.9

Wolverine's standard combo ender. Deals solid damage and can be comboed into easily from either Drill Claw or Tornado Claw. The Tornado Claw > Fatal Claw sequence juggles opponents high enough into the air that Wolverine will land and recover before the opponent, which can be used to:

  • Link another Tornado Claw into another Fatal Claw, looping as needed until the opponent dies.
  • Link 5L and go for an air reset
  • Link Snapback and go for an oncoming mixup on another character.
  • Wolverine recovers upon landing, recovery listed is for a grounded Fatal Claw.

Berserker Charge
22XX (1 bar)
UMVC3 Wolverine 22XX Flash.png
UMVC3 Wolverine 22XX.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
- 4+0 - 8
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - 400 frame duration, 30% speed increase

Install hyper. Fast startup and recovery allow Wolverine to combo into this easily (such as after Berserker Slash), or use as an emergency cancel option if in an unsafe position. This is also a strong DHC tool in either direction. Use this hyper and DHC to another to effectively give that hyper a 4 frame startup. Alternatively, do a hyper with another character and then DHC into Berserker Charge. On hit or block, Wolverine will almost certainly recover well before the opponent. Wolverine does not build meter for the duration.

Weapon X
623XX (3 bars)
UMVC3 Wolverine 623XX Cinematic.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
440,000 16+1 17 15
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -6 Mid Invuln until frame 21, Hardknockdown.png, forced Groundbounce.png Unscaled damage

Standard cinematic level 3 hyper. Typically used to secure an easy kill on the opponent's last character. It is also Wolverine's only reversal, and can be used an an expensive counter-call to an opponent's hyper.

It is possible for Wolverine to combo after the Hard Knockdown caused by Weapon X, with a sufficiently fast dash up 3M. However, the cinematic portion of this hyper (bizarrely) consumes Ground Bounce, so keep in mind that any divekicks done after this hyper will cause the combo to drop.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
6H, 4H
UMVC3 Wolverine GroundThrow.png
UMVC3 Wolverine GroundBackThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
10,000 x4~8 + 20,000(60,000 - 100,000) 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Throw Mashable, Hardknockdown.png

Wolverine's throw by default deals less damage than the standard throw, but can be mashed for additional hits. Fully mashed, it does slightly more than a regular throw (although this also causes more damage scaling). On a successful airthrow, Wolverine can follow up with OTG 3M, but needs assists or X-Factor to convert further.

Air Throw
j.6H, j.4H
UMVC3 Wolverine AirThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
10,000 x6~10(60,000 - 100,000) 1 1 -
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - Airthrow Mashable, Hardknockdown.png

Wolverine's airthrow by default deals less damage than the standard throw, but can be mashed for additional hits. Fully mashed, it does slightly more than a regular throw (although this also causes more damage scaling). On a successful airthrow, Wolverine can follow up with OTG 3M, but needs assists or X-Factor to convert further.

Snap Back
UMVC3 Wolverine 5H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
50,000 2 3 28
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -10 Mid Snapback

Animation and hitbox based on 5H.

Hard Tag
Hold 14f A1.png/A2.png
UMVC3 Wolverine HardTag.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
30,000 - 20 34
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- -15 OH Softknockdown.png


Air Exchange
(During a Launcher Combo) U.png / F.png / B.png / D.png + S.png
U.png + S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
25,000 8/7 2/4(?) 26/16
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - -
F.png / B.png + S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
40,000 6/5 2/2 23/21
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Forcedwallbounce.png
D.png + H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
60,000 11/9 4/4 21/15
On Hit On Block Guard Properties
- - - Forcedgroundbounce.png


Team Position

Wolverine is almost exclusively played as a Point character. While strong on his own, he benefits heavily from assist coverage that can help him approach long-range fighters, and lock down opponents while he sets up his offense. In addition, Wolverine's own assists have very poor coverage and are awkward to use in combo extensions, so he does not offer much from the backline.

Wolverine's level 3 x-factor provides a significant (35%) boost to speed. When combined with his naturally high base speed, and possibly the speed boost from Berserker Charge, he hits truly ludicrous speeds, to the point where controlling him properly is difficult. Wolverine used as an Anchor, while funny, is not particularly effective.

Notable Synergies

Akuma: Wolverine and Akuma have historically been referred to as "best friends" in UMvC3, owing mostly to Akuma's Tatsumaki assist as a support tool for Wolverine. Tatsu assist destroys (non-hyper) projectiles it collides with, allowing Wolverine to close the distance against zoning opponents. It also has a very long duration, meaning it can keep opponents in hitstun or blockstun for quite a long time. If Wolverine can call Akuma and then attempt either an Instant Overhead or a cross-up Berserker Slash. If these attacks hit, Akuma will juggle the opponent long enough for Wolverine to recover and start a combo for free. If the opponent manages to block, Akuma will still keep Wolverine safe.

Players to Watch: Justin Wong (Wolverine/Storm/Akuma), SumBrownKid (Wolverine/Dante/Akuma), SBK (Wolverine/Dante/Akuma)

Doctor Doom: All three of Doom's assists have been used to tournament success with Wolverine. Molecular Shield in particular is nice for Wolverine, who can hide inside or behind the rocks to approach in relative safety, or use them as a combo extension tool after his 3M OTG. Wolverine's Fatal Claw hyper, while strong, can be awkward to use in DHC setups. Doom provides a solid, consistent option via a Fatal Claw -> Sphere Flame DHC, which works anywhere on the screen and even recovers fast enough to hard tag Wolverine back in for more a mixup afterward.

Players to Watch: Winrich (Wolverine/Doom/Vergil), Noel Brown (Wolverine/Doom/Phoenix), PR Balrog (Wolverine/Doom/Vergil, Wolverine/Doom/Rocket)

Shuma-Gorath: Shuma's Mystic Ray assist is among the best in the game, and in particular provides a lot of what Wolverine is looking for in an assist. It is a beam attack with massive coverage, hitting almost the entire screen for at least part of its duration. It connects OTG, can snipe opponents at superjump height, and punish the opponent's assists. On hit, it causes a significant amount of hitstun, more than enough for a prepared Wolverine player to convert into a combo. Lastly, although it has quite long startup, Mystic Ray has a very low assist cooldown period - one of the few assists in the game whose self-recovery period is less than 100 frames - making it very spammable.

Players to Watch: Angelic (Wolverine/Dorm/Shuma)

Vergil: Like the other characters on this list, Vergil provides Wolverine with a high-duration, horizontal coverage assist in the form of Rapid Slash. Wolverine can use it in the usual ways: to force an opponent to block, to confirm off berserker slash, or to pick up after a knockdown. Additionally, Vergil provides generically strong DHC options via Devil Trigger and Spiral Swords, taking advantage of the knockdown caused by an early-canceled Fatal Claw. In particular, DHCing into Spiral Swords and doing a Swords Loop is one of the highest damage ways to spend meter in the game.

Players to Watch: Winrich (Wolverine/Doom/Vergil), PR Balrog (Wolverine/Doom/Vergil),

Storm: Her "Hail Storm" hyper hits OTG, which is uniquely useful when used in THCs. Rather than bother with picking up using OTG 3M slide, Wolverine can end his combos with a hard knockdown, dash up, and activate a 2-bar THC to combine his own high-damage Fatal Claw with Hail Storm. Even a very basic Wolverine combo into this setup causes close to 900000 damage, enough to kill many popular point characters. This setup was popularized (and almost exclusively used) by Justin Wong, who would use the THC setup to secure a quick kill, then tag in Storm to run away while maintaining a one-character life lead for as long as possible.

Players to Watch: Justin Wong (Wolverine/Storm/Akuma, Wolverine/Storm/Vergil)

Alternate Colors

Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Color 4 Color 5 Color 6 Alt Color
UMVC3 Wolverine Color 1.png UMVC3 Wolverine Color 2.png UMVC3 Wolverine Color 3.png UMVC3 Wolverine Color 4.png UMVC3 Wolverine Color 5.png UMVC3 Wolverine Color 6.png UMVC3 Wolverine Color Alt.png