Soulcalibur VI/Amy/Combos: Difference between revisions

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Please refer to [[Help:Notation#Numpad_Notation|Numpad Notation]] and [[Soulcalibur VI/System]] to help understand the written notation for the combos.
*Note - All input notation is oriented from P1 side, remember to invert directional inputs if playing on P2.*
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|+ Main Combos (Repeated in full listings tables below)
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
|<big>Red Rose Perception</big> || || Combos that give Red Roses, or are usable with RRP
|22B, 66B+K6, AS A+B || 45 || Gives Red Rose
|22B, 66B+K6, AS KK || || Gives Oki 50/50 between RRP 4BB or 1B
|22B, 66B+K6, RRP AS A+B || 67 ||
|1B, FC 2A+B || 29 || Gives Red Rose
|1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, KK || 53 ||
|1B, RRP 4BB || 45 ||
|1B, 236A+B+K SC || 41 || Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
|SC 1B, RRP AS A+B || 78 || If no Ukemi / Gives Forceblock tools
|3B, 4B || 41 || Gives Red Rose
|3B, 6K6, AS KK || 47 || Gives 50/50 Oki
|3B, 6AKB || 45 || Gives White Rose / Retreats
|3B, RRP 4BB || 54 ||
|SC 3B, 6K6, AS K:AB || 63 || Gives Red Rose
|3B, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB || 64 || Gives SC
|3bA, FC 2A+B || 46 || Gives Red Rose
|3bA, RRP AS A+B || 64 || If no Ukemi
|3bA, quick step 66A || 51 || If Ukemi
|SC 3bA, AS K:BA || 58 || If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
|SC 3bA, AS RRP A+B || 76 || If no Ukemi
|SC 3bA, AS A || 60 || If Ukemi * May not work vs all chars
|<big>White Rose Perception</big> || || Combos that give White Roses, or are usable with WRP
|22B, 66B+K6, AS KB || 37 || Gives White Rose
|22B, 66B+K6, AS KK || || Gives Oki
|1B, 4(B+K) || 20 || If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose (Safer on whiff)
|1B, AS KB || 25 || If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose
|1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, KB || 52 || If Ukemi
|1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, WRP KBB || 55 ||
|1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, KK || 53 ||
|1B, 6AA6, A+B / KB || 46 || If Ukemi and a bit safer on no Ukemi
|1B, 236A+B+K SC || 41 || Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
|3B, 6K6, AS KK || 47 || Gives 50/50 Oki
|3B, 6K6, AS KB || ? || Gives White Rose *Extends to B on 4th Rose
|3B, 6AKB || 45 || Gives White Rose / Retreats
|3B, WRP 6K6 KBB || 62 || Gives LP Mixups
|3B, WRP 214B, AS KBB || 69 || Gives LP Mixups
|SC 3B, 6K6, AS K:AB || 63 || Gives Red Rose
|3B, 236A+B+K SC, WRP LP A  || 73 / 75 || Ukemi Trap / Gives SC (Since the nerf it's kind of a waste for only 10 more dmg and spend LH)
|3bA, AS KB || 44 || If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose
|3bA, WRP AS KBB || 56 || if no Ukemi / Gives LP Mixups
|3bA, quick step 6AA6, AS KB / KBB / A+B || 54 / 56 / 56 || If Ukemi Gives Wihte Rose / Red Rose
|3bA, quick step 66A || 51 || If Ukemi
|SC 3bA, AS K:BA || 58 || If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
|SC 3bA, AS A || 60 || If Ukemi * May not work vs all chars
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|+ A Series Combos
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
|CH a6, 6BB6 || 24 || Gives +8 AS mixups
|CH 6AA6, AS A+B / KB / K:A / KK || 39 / 32 / 45 / 37 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / Right Side Ringout / 50/50 Oki
|CH 6AA6, RRP AS A+B || 64 ||
|CH 6AA6, WRP AS KBB || 51 || Gives LP A Mixup Oki
|CH 3A, 6BB6, AS || 27 || Gives +8 AS Mixups
|6[A]6, AS A+B, KB, K:A, KK || 55 / 46 / 64 / 53 || If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose / White Rose / Ringout / 50/50 Oki
|6[6]6, RRP AS A+B, RRP AS A+B || 87 || If no Ukemi
|6[A]6, WRP AS KBB || 74 || If no Ukemi
|6[A]6, AS A || 60 || If Ukemi / Gives 50/50 Mixup Oki
|6A[B], AA / AK || 13 / 17 || Gives White Rose on Hit
|6A[B], 6BB6 || 12 || Gives AS Mixups
|6A[B], WRP CE / PRP CE || 43 / 58 || Round Closer or for 35% GD restore
|CH 3A, 6BB6, AS || 27 || Gives +8 AS Mixups
|RRP CH 214A, 4BB || 54 ||
|RRP CH 214A, FC 1B6 || 39 || Gives AS Mixups
|RRP CH 214A, AS KB || 39 || If no Ukemi) / Gives White Rose
|WRP CH 214A, WRP AS KBB || 57 || If no Ukemi Gives LP Mixups
|CH 214A, RRP AS A+B || 68 || If no Ukemi
|FC 3A (Delay) A CH, FC 2A+B || 27 ||
|22A, iFC 2A+B, FC 2A+B || 49 / 48 || Gives 2 Red Rose
|RRP 44ABA, 4BB || 80 ||
|RRP 44ABA, 3A, 6BB6 || 71 || Gives AS Mixups
|RRP 44ABA, PRP 214B, 4BB || 94 ||
|RRP 44ABA, PRP CE || 108 || Steals 1/4 Meter, Restores 35% GD
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|+ B Series Combos
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
|3B, 4B || 41 || Gives 1 Red Rose
|3B, 6K6, AS KK || 47 || Gives 50/50 Oki
|3B, 6K6, AS KB || ? || Gives White Rose, extends to B on 4th Rose
|3B, 6AKB || 45 || Gives White Rose / Retreats
|3B, RRP 4BB || 54 ||
|3B, WRP 6K6 KBB || 62 || Gives LP Mixups
|3B, WRP 214B, AS KBB || 69 || Gives LP Mixups
|3B, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB || 64 || Gives SC
|3B, 236A+B+K SC, WRP LP A || 73 / 75|| Ukemi Trap / Gives SC (Since the nerf it's kind of a waste for only 10 more dmg and spend LH)
|3bA, FC 2A+B || 46 || Gives 1 Red Rose
|3bA, AS KB || 44 || If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose
|3bA, WRP AS KBB || 56 || if no Ukemi / Gives LP Mixups
|3bA, RRP AS A+B || 64 || If no Ukemi
|3bA, quick step 6AA6, AS KB / KBB / A+B || 54 / 56 / 56 || If Ukemi Gives Wihte Rose / Red Rose
|3bA, quick step 66A || 51 || If Ukemi
|1B, FC 2A+B || 29 || Gives 1 Red Rose
|1B, 4(B+K) || 20 || If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose (Safer on whiff)
|1B, AS KB || 25 || If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose
|1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, KB / KBB / KK || 52 / 55 / 53 || If Ukemi
|1B, 6AA6, A+B / KB || 46 || If Ukemi and a bit safer on no Ukemi
|1B, RRP 4BB || 45 ||
|1B, 236A+B+K SC || 41 || Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
|4B, 6BB:B || 48 || Gives 1 Red Rose
|4B, 6BB6 || 38 || Gives 1 Red Rose, leads into AS mixup
|RRP 666BA, 4BB || 65 || Optimal i16 punish with RRP
|RRP 666BA, 3A, 6BB6 || 57 || Gives AS Mixups
|RRP 666BA, AS KB || 49 || If no Ukemi (can hit back / left but loses to right usually) / Gives White Rose /
|RRP 666BA, PRP 214B, 4BB || 82 || Optimal i16 punish
|RRP 666BA, PRP CE || 93 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
|CH 666B, 4B || 39 || Gives Red Rose / Easier to Confrm
|CH 666B, 6K6 KB || 38 || Gives White Rose / Timing specific or they will AC out
|CH 666B 66B+K6 AS A+B / KB || 54 / 50 || Gives Red Rose or White Rose
|CH 666B 66B+K6 AS KK || 53 || Gives 50/50 Oki
|CH 666B, WRP 214B, AS KBB || 62 ||
|CH 666B, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB || 57 || Gives SC
|CH 666B, 236A+B+K SC, WRP LP A || 64+ || Inconsistent, use mixups *Inconsistent 236A+B+K properties from this launcher
|CH 46B, FC 2A+B || 35 || If no Back Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
|CH 46B, RRP 4BB || 49 || If no Ukemi
|WRP 214B, FC 2A+B || 40 || Gives Red Rose
|WRP 214B, PRP 4BB || 59 ||
|WRP 214B, 236A+B+K SC || 56 || Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
|9B, FC 2A+B, 2A+B / AS KB || 38 || If no Ukemi / *Catches some char left Ukemi / Gives 2 Red Rose or 1 Red Rose & White Rose
|9B, 4A / 6(A) || || Can Catch some Ukemi's * Needs further testing
|9B, FC 2A+B, 2A+B / AS KB || 38 || If no Ukemi / *Catches some char left Ukemi / Gives 2 Red Rose or 1 Red Rose & White Rose
|9B, 4A / 6(A) || || Can Catch some Ukemi's * Needs further testing
|22B, 66B+K6, WRP AS KBB || 56 || Gives LP Mixups
|22B, Delayed WRP 214B, AS KBB || 58 || Gives LP Mixups
|22B, 66B+K6, RRP AS A+B || 67 ||
|22B, Delayed! 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB || 53 || Gives SC
|44B, BA || 49 || Gives +6 Mixups / Char Specific 1B range
|44B, 214B, FC 2A+B / PRP 4BB || 62 / 78 || Gives Red Rose
|44B, WRP CE || 76 || Restores 35% GD
|44B, PRP CE || 94 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
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|+ K Series Combos
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
|6K6, AS (B) || 37 || Gives Parry / Stance Mixup
|6K6, AS KK || 37 || Not sure what to do with oki yet
|6K6, AS KB / KBB / K:A || 27 / 44 || Gives White Rose / Ringout
|6K6, WRP AS KBB || 50 || Gives LP Mixups
|6K6, AS KK, RRP 4BB || 59 || If no Ukemi / Other mixups if they do Ukemi
|6K6, 236A+B+K SC || 51 || Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
|CH 4K, RRP 4BB || 47 || If no Ukemi
|2nd Hit CH 4KK, 6BB6 || 30 || Gives AS Mixups
|CH 4KK, 4B || || On Large Characters can force block the rose
|CH 66K, 4B || || if no Ukemi / Can forceblock the rose
|44K, 66B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A || 53 / 45 / 50 / 58 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|Running K, 4BB || ||
|CH WR KA, 3A, 6BB6 || 49 || Gives AS Mixups
|CH WR KA, BA || 51 || Gives +6 Mixups / Char Specific 1B range
|CH WR KA, 214B, FC A+B / PRP 4BB || 67 / 85 || Gives Red Rose or Dmg
|CH WR KA, WRP CE || 83 || Restores 35% GD
|CH WR KA, PRP CE || 106 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
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|+ Normal Hit
|+ Multi Button Series Combos
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
! Starter !! Damage !! Notes
|A+B, 4B || || if no Ukemi / Force Block the Rose
| {{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|B}}, {{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|B}} || 41 || Gives 1 Red Rose
|6A+B, 3A, 6BB6 || 58 || Gives AS Mixups
| Example || Example || Example
|6A+B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB || 72 / 70 || Gives Red Rose or White Rose
|6A+B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS G, FC 2A+B || 71 || Gives Red Rose / Different Oki
|6A+B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KK || 71 || Gives 50/50 Oki
|6A+B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A || 73 || Right Side Ringout
|6A+B, WRP AS KBB || 74 ||
|6A+B, 666B, WRP 214B, AS KBB || 80 || Gives LP Mixups
|6A+B, RRP AS A+B || 88 ||
|6A+B, RRP / WRP / PRP CE || 102 / 90 / 110 || * See 666B, B+K / 8B+K / 2B+K SC
|6a+bA, AK || 39 || Ends +4 & Leaves Opponent BT
|6a+bA, AAA || 44 ||
|6a+bA, RRP AAA || 46 || Ends +8
|6a+bA, 6BB6 || 34 || Gives AS Mixups
|6a+bA, WRP CE || 69 || Restores 35% GD
|6a+bA, PRP CE || 87 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
|CH FC 2(A+B), FC 2A+B / AS KB || 27 / 25 || Gives 2 Red Roses or, if no side ukemi, 1 Red Rose & White Rose
|CH 2A+B, RRP 4BB || 63 || If no Ukemi
|CH 2A+B, 6(A)6 || 64 || If Ukemi * Please refer to 6A section for follow up
|CH 4A+BA, FC 2A+B / 6(B+K) || 41 / 33 || Gives Red Rose 2nd or 3rd hit CH
|CH 4A+BA, RRP 4BB || 66 || 2nd or 3rd hit CH
|CH 4A+BA6 Guarantees AS KB / WRP KBB / A+B / RRP AS BBB / AS (B) MP BBB || ||
|Close Hit 8A+B, FC 2A+B || 40 || Gives Red Rose
|Close Hit 8A+B, FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B || 49 || if ukemi traps / Gives 2 Red Rose
|4(B+K), AA / AK || 13 / 17 || Gives White Rose on Hit
|4(B+K), 6BB6 || 12 || Gives AS Mixups
|4(B+K), WRP CE / PRP CE || 44 / 58 || Round Closer or for 35% GD restore
|BT B+K6, any AS Ender A+B / K / B / A ||  || Take roses if you don't have them from AS A+B / KB Enders
|BT B+K6, Front Hit ||  || Front HIt, CE will turn you and catch them falling, Char specific, mostly favors i12 CE
|44A+B, AS KB / KK / K:A || 69 / 77 / 89 || Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|44A+B, WRP AS KBB || 98 || Gives LP mixups
|44A+B, RRP AS A+B || 116 || If no Ukemi
|CH 66B+K6, AS KB / A / K:A || 35 / 48 / 52 || Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|CH 66B+K6, WRP AS KBB || 58 || Foward Ringout
|CH 66B+K6, RRP AS BBB || 76 || Gives 4BB follow up if no Ukemi
|CH 66B+K6, WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP || 85 / 83 || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
|CH 66B+K6, PRP AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB || 92 || ^ same as LH paths
|22B+K6, RRP AS BBB || 68 || Gives 4BB follow up if no Ukemi
|22B+K6, WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP || 76 / 75 || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
|22B+K6, PRP AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB || 82 ||
|22b+kG, SE B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A || 57 / 55 / 56 / 57 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
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|+ Stance Combos
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
|AS BBB, 4BB || || If no Ukemi
|CH AS (B), WRP MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP || 70 / 68 || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
|AS 2B, RRP AS BBB || 62 || Gives 4BB follow up if no Ukemi
|AS 2B, WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP || 69 / 70 || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
|CH AS 2B, AS A+B / K || || Gives Red Rose / White Rose
|AS 2bG, SE B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A || 57 / 55 / 56 / 57 || (Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|CH MP AA, BA || 39 || Gives +6 Mixups / Char Specific 1B range
|CH MP AA, 214B, FC A+B / PRP 4BB || 52 / 66 || Gives Red Rose / Dmg
|CH MP AA, WRP CE || 65 || Restores 35% GD
|CH MP AA, PRP CE || 84 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
|CH MP A(A), HP B, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A || 47 / 39 / 45 / 53 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|CH MP A(A), HP K, 6BB6, AS A || 59 || Gives 50/50 Oki
|CH MP A(A), HP RRP AS BBB || 65 || Follow up 4BB if no Ukemi
|CH MP A(A), HP WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP || 74 || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
|MP AK, FC 2A+B / RRP 4BB || 49 / 68 ||
|MP AK, Delayed 6AA6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A ETC || 73 / 70 / 76 || Ukemi Trap Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP / PRP 4BB || 67 / 63 || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
|MP K, 4B / RRP 4BB || 37 / 51 || Gives Red Rose / Dmg
|MP K, 6K6, KB / KK / K:A || 36 / 43 / 52 || Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|MP K, 6AKB || 41 || Gives White Rose / Retreats
|CH MP K gives a higher launch and gives 66B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A || 52 / 43 / 49 / 58 || * Successful Parry will always give the regular launcher height
|CH MP K, WRP 214B, AS KBB || 75 || * When you no longer have the LH
|HP A, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A || || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|HP A, 3A, 6BB6 || 48 || Gives AS Mixups
|HP A, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, RRP AS A+B || 67 ||
|HP A, RRP CE || 98 || Steals 1/4 Meter
|HP A, WRP 214B, FC 2A+B / PRP 4BB || 77 / 94 || Gives Red Rose / Dmg
|HP A, WRP CE || 90 || Restores 35% GD
|HP A, PRP CE || 112 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
|HP A, Clash with AA's (from loop setups), PRP 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB || 121 || opponent trying to interrupt after MP A(A)
|HP B, AS A+B, KB || 37 / 26 / 33 / 44 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|HP K, FC 2A+B || 46 || Gives Red Rose
|HP K, AS KB / KK / K:A || 43 / 49 / 58 || Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|HP K, 6BB6, AS A || 56 || Gives 50/50 Oki
|HP K, RRP 4BB || 63 ||
|LP B, FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B / AS KB || 45 / 44 || Gives 2 Red Rose or 1 Red Rose & White Rose
|LP B, RRP CE || 79 || Steals 1/4 Meter
|LP B, FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B / AS KB || 51 / 50 || Gives 2 Red Rose or 1 Red Rose & White Rose
|LP B, WRP CE || 78 || Restores 35% GD
|PRP LP B, WR KA, 214B, 4BB || 83 ||
| Example || Example || Example
|LP B, PRP CE || 96 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
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|+ Throw
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
|214A+G, BA || 43 || Gives +6 Mixups / Char Specific 1B range
|214A+G, 214B, FC A+B / PRP 4BB || 51 / 63 || Gives Red Rose or Dmg
|214A+G, WRP CE || 65 || Restores 35% GD
|214A+G, PRP CE || 81 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD

|+ Counter Hit
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|+ Okizeme
! Best oki tools
|66A+B for GD
|A+B for GD
! Header text !! Header text !! Header text
|6A+B for GD
| Example || Example || Example
|214A for GD and 0 OB
|Run up Mix like 1B / 22B
|AS Grab
|AS Mix 1B or else
|Parry A+B
! Anti Ukemi
|SC 214BB
| Example || Example || Example
| Example || Example || Example

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|+ Lethal Hit
|+ Lethal Hit
! Header text !! Header text !! Header text
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
|LH 46A, 4B, 6BB6 || 50+ || ^* 6BB6 May Whiff on certain characters
|LH 46A, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A / KB / A+B || 49 / 48 / 47 ||
|LH 46A, 66B+K6, RRP AS BBB || 71 ||
|LH 46A, 66B+K6, WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2+B / 1(A) LP || 77 / 76+ || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
|LH 46B, WR KA, 3A, 6BB6 || 53 || Gives AS Mixups
|LH 46B, WR KA, WRP 214B, 2A+B / PRP 4BB || 62 / 71 || Gives Red Rose / Dmg
|LH 46B, WR KA, WRP CE || 72 || Restores 35% GD
|LH 46B, WR KA, PRP CE || 83 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
|LH 46B, WR KA, WRP 214B, 236A+B+K SC || 71 || Gives mixup oki
|LH 22B, HP A, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 58 || Gives Red Rose
|LH 22B, HP A, BT B+K6, RRP AS A+B || 72 ||
|LH 22B, 44A+B, AS KB / KK / K:A || 68 / 73 / 82 || Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|LH, 22B, WRP 221BB, 214B, FC 2A+B / PRP 4BB || 67 / 74 || Gives Red Rose / Dmg
|LH 22B, 44A+B, WRP AS KBB || 87 || * Whiffing issues can occur if 22B was at tip range
|LH 46K, FC 2A+B / AS KB || 23 / 28 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose
|LH 46K, Delayed FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B || 30 / 29 || If Ukemi / Gives 2 Red Rose
|LH A+B, HP A, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A || 79 / 74 / 78 / 83 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|LH A+B, HP A, BT B+K6, AS RRP A+B || 93 ||
|LH A+B, 6A+B, AS WRP KBB || 98 || Gives LP Mixups
|LH A+B, PRP 44BB, 214B, 4BB || 102 || Char Specific
|LH A+B, 223B+K6, AS RRP A+B || 102 || 223 input is intentional to add the delay easily to hit 66B+K6
|LH A+B, 6A+B, AS RRP A+B || 112 || If no Ukemi
|LH A+B, Run up, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB || 81 || Gives SC
|LH 66B+K, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A || 57 / 56 / 56 / 58 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
|LH 66B+K, 4B, 6BB6 || 56 || Gives Red Rose / AS Mixups
|LH MP K, 44BB, 214B, FC 2A+B / PRP 4BB || 77 / 87 || * Sometimes fails due to distance / Char size
|LH MP K, 223B+K6, AS A+B || 52 || ^ Back up combo for Red Rose when the other path doesn't work
|LH MP K, 44BBB || 75 ||
|LH MP K, 223B+K6, AS KBB || 65 || Gives LP Mixups
|LH MP K, 223B+K6, PRP AS A+B || 78 ||
|LH HP B, 22_88B+K6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP || 95 / 94 || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
|LH HP B, 6A+B, WRP CE || 103 || Restores 35% GD
|LH HP B, 6A+B, PRP CE || 120 || Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
|LH HP B, Run 662B, 66B+K6, AS K:A / KBB || Ring out || Forward Ringout / Can be redirected for L/R ringout by stepping Left/Right for angle
|LH HP B, 44K, 66B+K6, AS K:A / KBB || Ring Out || Reverse Ringout
|LH HP B, 6A+B, 666B, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB || 99 ||
|LH LP A, iFC 2A+B, 2A+B / AS KB || 50 || Gives 2 Red Rose / 1 Red Rose & White Rose
|LH LP A, 3B, 6K6 AS KBB || 72 || Forward Ringout / Solves off axis hits where 66B+K won't work
|LH LP A, 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP || 88 / 86 || Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
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|+ Wall Combos
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
| <big>Forward Facing</big>
|RRP 44A+B, AS K:A, 4A+B6, AS BBB || 21 || Ends in Oki Situation
|WRP 44A+B, AS K:A,, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B || 126 || Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
|PRP 44A+B, AS K:A,, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB || 129 ||
|6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A || 99 ||
|6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK,  BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 99 || Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
|6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, Crouch Turn, FC A+B, FC A+B || 95 || Gives two Red Roses, Ukemi Trap / Delay the FC A+B Input
|RRP 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 104 || Resets them to the Wall Position
|6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KB || 98 || 1 White
|WRP 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS KBB || 101 ||
|WRP 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B || 95 || Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
|WRP 44BBB, 214B, FC 2A+B || 91 || Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
|WRP 44BBB, 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC A+B || 110 || Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
|PRP 44BBB, 214B, 4BB || 97 ||
|PRP 44BBB, 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB || 111 ||
|66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A || 87 ||
|66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK,  BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 87 || Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
|66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, Crouch Turn, FC A+B, FC A+B || 82 || Gives two Red Rosess, Ukemi Trap / Delay the FC A+B Input
|RRP 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 94 || Resets them to the Wall Position
|66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KB || 87 || Gives one White Rose
|WRP 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS KBB || 90 || Can follow with LP Mixups
|WRP 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B || 82 || Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
|22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A || 78 ||
|22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 79 || Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
|22B, AS (B), MP BK, Crouch Turn, FC A+B, FC A+B || 73 || Gives two Red Rose, Ukemi Trap / Delay the FC A+B Input
|RRP 22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 82 || Resets them to the Wall Position
|22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KB || 77 || Gives one White Rose
|WRP 22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS KBB || 79 ||
|WRP 22B, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B || 73 || Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
|66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BK || 70 ||
|66K, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A, FC A+B, FC A+B || 62 || Gives two Red Roses, J:F is worth about 3 Dmg
|66K, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 58 || Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
|RRP 66K, 6AA6, AS A+B || 66 ||
|RRP 66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS BBB || 70 || Ends in Oki Situation
|66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS KB || 58 || Gives one White Roses, 3B, 6AB is also possible for better Oki (55 Dmg)
|WRP 66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B || 78 || Gives one Red Rose, Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
|WRP 66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS KBB || 64 || Can follow with LP Mixups
|PRP 66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB || 81 ||
|3B, 6(A), G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B || 69 || Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
|RRP 3B, 6(A)6, AS BBB || 79 || Ends in Oki Situation
|3B, 6(A), G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KB || 69 ||Gives one White Rose
|WRP 3B, 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, 2A+B || 88 || Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
|PRP 3B, 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB || 93 ||
|<big>Left Side</big>
|Launch ~ 6(A)6 || || All of the AS (B) paths are viable here, but you want only 1 initial wallsplat, Angle Specific / Fails on Certain Walls
|Launch ~ 6AA6 || || All of the AS (B) paths are viable here, but you want only 1 initial wallsplat, Angle Specific / Fails on Certain Walls
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Guard Break
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
| Example || Example || Example
| Example || Example || Example
Line 36: Line 742:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Wall Combos
|+ Ring Out
! Header text !! Header text !! Header text
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
| Example || Example || Example
| Example || Example || Example
Line 50: Line 756:
|+ Reversal Edge
|+ Reversal Edge
! Header text !! Header text !! Header text
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
| Example || Example || Example
| Example || Example || Example
Line 62: Line 768:
|+ Soul Charge
|+ Soul Charge
! Header text !! Header text !! Header text
! Inputs !! Damage !! Notes
|WRP 6A+B+K || 65 || Restores 35% GD
|RRP A+B+K || 80 || (Drains 0.5/4 from opponent)
|PRP A+B+K || 90 || (Steals 1/4 Meter, Drains 0.5/4 from opponent / Restores 35% GD)
|SC CH RRP 4AAA, 4BB || 85 || If no Ukemi
|SC CH 44B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:AB || 47 / 40 / 45 / 54 || Gives 2 Red Roses / 1 Red & 1 White / Oki / 2 Red Roses
|SC CH 44B+K6, AS RRP A+B || 77 || Gives Oki
|SC CH 44B+K6, AS WRR KBB || 58 ||
|SC Parry A+B, RRP 4BB || 89 || if no Ukemi
|SC Parry A+B, FC 2A+B || 65 || If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
|SC Parry A+B, FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B / AS KB || 69 / 65 || If Ukemi / Gives 2 Red Rose / 1 Red Rose & White Rose
|SC CH 6AA6, AS K:AB || 52 || Gives Red Rose
|SC CH 6AA6, AS RRP A+B || 83 ||
|SC CH 6(A), AS K:AB || 72 || If no Ukemi
|SC CH 6(A)6, AS RRP A+B || 109 || If no Ukemi
|SC LH 46A, 4B, 6BB:BB || 69 ||*6BB:BB May Whiff on Certain Charactrers Distance Specific / Gives 2 Red Roses
|SC LH 46A, AS K:AB || 51 || Gives Red Rose
|SC LH 46A, 666B, Parry A+B, BT B+K6, AS K:AB / KB / KK || 62 / 58 / 59 || Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / But burns more Soul Charge
|SC CH 214A, RRP AS A+B || 85 || If no Ukemi
|SC CH 214A, Delay RRP 4AAA || 73 || If Ukemi
|SC 3bA, AS K:BA || 58 || If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
|SC 3bA, AS RRP A+B || 76 || If no Ukemi
|SC 3bA, AS A || 60 || If Ukemi * May not work vs all chars
|SC 1B, RRP AS A+B || 78 || If no Ukemi / Gives Forceblock tools
|SC 4B, 6BB:BB || 64 || Gives 2 Red Roses
|SC 666BA, PRP 214BB || 93 ||
|SC 666BA, AS RRP A+B || 93 || if no Ukemi / Back Ukemi
|SC CH 666B, Parry A+B, BT B+K6, AS KB / KK / K:AB || 68 / 73 / 81 || Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Red Rose
|SC LH 46B, WR KA, 3A, 6BB:BB || 66 || Gives Red Rose
|SC LH 46B, WR KA, WRP 214BB || 81 ||
|SC 22B, 66B+K6, AS K:AB || 57 || Gives Red Rose
|SC 22B, 66B+K6, RRP AS A+B || 82 || Ends in force block options
|SC LH 46K, AS K:AB || 37 || Gives Red Rose
|SC LH A+B, Parry A+B, BT B+K6, AS KB / KK / K:AB || 92 / 97 / 104 || Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Red Rose
|SC LH A+B, 223B+K6, AS RRP A+B || 123 ||
|SC LH A+B, 6A+B, AS RRP A+B || 135 || If no Ukemi
|SC 6A+B, RRP 4AAA ||  || Gives a wall splat
|SC 6a+b, RRP AAA || 55 || Gives Oki / Wall Splat
|SC LH 66B+K, 4B, 6BB:BB || 80 || Gives 2 Red Roses
|SC 22b+kG, SE B, 4B, 6BB:BB || 78 || Gives 2 Red Roses
|SC AS 2bG, SE B, 4B, 6BB:BB || 78 || 2 Red Rose (Range Speciifc)
|SC CH MP AA, 3A, 6BB:BB || 51 || Gives Red Rose
| Example || Example || Example
|SC CH MP AA, WRP 214BB || 78 ||
|SC CH MP A(A), HP B, AS K:AB / RRP A+B || 59 / 87 || Gives Red Rose / Dmg into Oki
|SC MP AK, Delayed 6AA6, AS K:AB / RRP A+B || 83 / 93 || Ukemi Trap
|SC LH MP K, 223B+K6, AS KA:B / PRP A+B || 66 / 95 || Gives Red Rose / Dmg & Oki
|SC LH HP B, 6A+B, AS RRP A+B || 121 ||
|SC HP K, AS K:AB || 66 || Gives Red Rose
|SC LH LP K, FC 2A+B || 47 ||
|SC LH LP K, AS KB || 44 ||
| Example || Example || Example
|SC LH LP K, RRP 4BB || 70 ||
| Example || Example || Example
|SC LH LP K, WRP AS KBB || 75 ||

Latest revision as of 17:22, 17 June 2024

Please refer to Numpad Notation and Soulcalibur VI/System to help understand the written notation for the combos.

  • Note - All input notation is oriented from P1 side, remember to invert directional inputs if playing on P2.*
Main Combos (Repeated in full listings tables below)
Inputs Damage Notes
Red Rose Perception Combos that give Red Roses, or are usable with RRP
22B, 66B+K6, AS A+B 45 Gives Red Rose
22B, 66B+K6, AS KK Gives Oki 50/50 between RRP 4BB or 1B
22B, 66B+K6, RRP AS A+B 67
1B, FC 2A+B 29 Gives Red Rose
1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, KK 53
1B, RRP 4BB 45
1B, 236A+B+K SC 41 Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
SC 1B, RRP AS A+B 78 If no Ukemi / Gives Forceblock tools
3B, 4B 41 Gives Red Rose
3B, 6K6, AS KK 47 Gives 50/50 Oki
3B, 6AKB 45 Gives White Rose / Retreats
3B, RRP 4BB 54
SC 3B, 6K6, AS K:AB 63 Gives Red Rose
3B, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB 64 Gives SC
3bA, FC 2A+B 46 Gives Red Rose
3bA, RRP AS A+B 64 If no Ukemi
3bA, quick step 66A 51 If Ukemi
SC 3bA, AS K:BA 58 If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
SC 3bA, AS RRP A+B 76 If no Ukemi
SC 3bA, AS A 60 If Ukemi * May not work vs all chars
White Rose Perception Combos that give White Roses, or are usable with WRP
22B, 66B+K6, AS KB 37 Gives White Rose
22B, 66B+K6, AS KK Gives Oki
1B, 4(B+K) 20 If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose (Safer on whiff)
1B, AS KB 25 If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose
1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, KB 52 If Ukemi
1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, WRP KBB 55
1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, KK 53
1B, 6AA6, A+B / KB 46 If Ukemi and a bit safer on no Ukemi
1B, 236A+B+K SC 41 Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
3B, 6K6, AS KK 47 Gives 50/50 Oki
3B, 6K6, AS KB ? Gives White Rose *Extends to B on 4th Rose
3B, 6AKB 45 Gives White Rose / Retreats
3B, WRP 6K6 KBB 62 Gives LP Mixups
3B, WRP 214B, AS KBB 69 Gives LP Mixups
SC 3B, 6K6, AS K:AB 63 Gives Red Rose
3B, 236A+B+K SC, WRP LP A 73 / 75 Ukemi Trap / Gives SC (Since the nerf it's kind of a waste for only 10 more dmg and spend LH)
3bA, AS KB 44 If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose
3bA, WRP AS KBB 56 if no Ukemi / Gives LP Mixups
3bA, quick step 6AA6, AS KB / KBB / A+B 54 / 56 / 56 If Ukemi Gives Wihte Rose / Red Rose
3bA, quick step 66A 51 If Ukemi
SC 3bA, AS K:BA 58 If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
SC 3bA, AS A 60 If Ukemi * May not work vs all chars
A Series Combos
Inputs Damage Notes
CH a6, 6BB6 24 Gives +8 AS mixups
CH 6AA6, AS A+B / KB / K:A / KK 39 / 32 / 45 / 37 Gives Red Rose / White Rose / Right Side Ringout / 50/50 Oki
CH 6AA6, RRP AS A+B 64
CH 6AA6, WRP AS KBB 51 Gives LP A Mixup Oki
CH 3A, 6BB6, AS 27 Gives +8 AS Mixups
6[A]6, AS A+B, KB, K:A, KK 55 / 46 / 64 / 53 If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose / White Rose / Ringout / 50/50 Oki
6[6]6, RRP AS A+B, RRP AS A+B 87 If no Ukemi
6[A]6, WRP AS KBB 74 If no Ukemi
6[A]6, AS A 60 If Ukemi / Gives 50/50 Mixup Oki
6A[B], AA / AK 13 / 17 Gives White Rose on Hit
6A[B], 6BB6 12 Gives AS Mixups
6A[B], WRP CE / PRP CE 43 / 58 Round Closer or for 35% GD restore
CH 3A, 6BB6, AS 27 Gives +8 AS Mixups
RRP CH 214A, 4BB 54
RRP CH 214A, FC 1B6 39 Gives AS Mixups
RRP CH 214A, AS KB 39 If no Ukemi) / Gives White Rose
WRP CH 214A, WRP AS KBB 57 If no Ukemi Gives LP Mixups
CH 214A, RRP AS A+B 68 If no Ukemi
FC 3A (Delay) A CH, FC 2A+B 27
22A, iFC 2A+B, FC 2A+B 49 / 48 Gives 2 Red Rose
RRP 44ABA, 4BB 80
RRP 44ABA, 3A, 6BB6 71 Gives AS Mixups
RRP 44ABA, PRP 214B, 4BB 94
RRP 44ABA, PRP CE 108 Steals 1/4 Meter, Restores 35% GD
B Series Combos
Inputs Damage Notes
3B, 4B 41 Gives 1 Red Rose
3B, 6K6, AS KK 47 Gives 50/50 Oki
3B, 6K6, AS KB ? Gives White Rose, extends to B on 4th Rose
3B, 6AKB 45 Gives White Rose / Retreats
3B, RRP 4BB 54
3B, WRP 6K6 KBB 62 Gives LP Mixups
3B, WRP 214B, AS KBB 69 Gives LP Mixups
3B, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB 64 Gives SC
3B, 236A+B+K SC, WRP LP A 73 / 75 Ukemi Trap / Gives SC (Since the nerf it's kind of a waste for only 10 more dmg and spend LH)
3bA, FC 2A+B 46 Gives 1 Red Rose
3bA, AS KB 44 If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose
3bA, WRP AS KBB 56 if no Ukemi / Gives LP Mixups
3bA, RRP AS A+B 64 If no Ukemi
3bA, quick step 6AA6, AS KB / KBB / A+B 54 / 56 / 56 If Ukemi Gives Wihte Rose / Red Rose
3bA, quick step 66A 51 If Ukemi
1B, FC 2A+B 29 Gives 1 Red Rose
1B, 4(B+K) 20 If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose (Safer on whiff)
1B, AS KB 25 If no Ukemi / Gives White Rose
1B, 44AB, LP K, BT B+K6, KB / KBB / KK 52 / 55 / 53 If Ukemi
1B, 6AA6, A+B / KB 46 If Ukemi and a bit safer on no Ukemi
1B, RRP 4BB 45
1B, 236A+B+K SC 41 Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
4B, 6BB:B 48 Gives 1 Red Rose
4B, 6BB6 38 Gives 1 Red Rose, leads into AS mixup
RRP 666BA, 4BB 65 Optimal i16 punish with RRP
RRP 666BA, 3A, 6BB6 57 Gives AS Mixups
RRP 666BA, AS KB 49 If no Ukemi (can hit back / left but loses to right usually) / Gives White Rose /
RRP 666BA, PRP 214B, 4BB 82 Optimal i16 punish
RRP 666BA, PRP CE 93 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
CH 666B, 4B 39 Gives Red Rose / Easier to Confrm
CH 666B, 6K6 KB 38 Gives White Rose / Timing specific or they will AC out
CH 666B 66B+K6 AS A+B / KB 54 / 50 Gives Red Rose or White Rose
CH 666B 66B+K6 AS KK 53 Gives 50/50 Oki
CH 666B, WRP 214B, AS KBB 62
CH 666B, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB 57 Gives SC
CH 666B, 236A+B+K SC, WRP LP A 64+ Inconsistent, use mixups *Inconsistent 236A+B+K properties from this launcher
CH 46B, FC 2A+B 35 If no Back Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
CH 46B, RRP 4BB 49 If no Ukemi
WRP 214B, FC 2A+B 40 Gives Red Rose
WRP 214B, PRP 4BB 59
WRP 214B, 236A+B+K SC 56 Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
9B, FC 2A+B, 2A+B / AS KB 38 If no Ukemi / *Catches some char left Ukemi / Gives 2 Red Rose or 1 Red Rose & White Rose
9B, 4A / 6(A) Can Catch some Ukemi's * Needs further testing
9B, FC 2A+B, 2A+B / AS KB 38 If no Ukemi / *Catches some char left Ukemi / Gives 2 Red Rose or 1 Red Rose & White Rose
9B, 4A / 6(A) Can Catch some Ukemi's * Needs further testing
22B, 66B+K6, WRP AS KBB 56 Gives LP Mixups
22B, Delayed WRP 214B, AS KBB 58 Gives LP Mixups
22B, 66B+K6, RRP AS A+B 67
22B, Delayed! 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB 53 Gives SC
44B, BA 49 Gives +6 Mixups / Char Specific 1B range
44B, 214B, FC 2A+B / PRP 4BB 62 / 78 Gives Red Rose
44B, WRP CE 76 Restores 35% GD
44B, PRP CE 94 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
K Series Combos
Inputs Damage Notes
6K6, AS (B) 37 Gives Parry / Stance Mixup
6K6, AS KK 37 Not sure what to do with oki yet
6K6, AS KB / KBB / K:A 27 / 44 Gives White Rose / Ringout
6K6, WRP AS KBB 50 Gives LP Mixups
6K6, AS KK, RRP 4BB 59 If no Ukemi / Other mixups if they do Ukemi
6K6, 236A+B+K SC 51 Gives SC / Oki for Mixups
CH 4K, RRP 4BB 47 If no Ukemi
2nd Hit CH 4KK, 6BB6 30 Gives AS Mixups
CH 4KK, 4B On Large Characters can force block the rose
CH 66K, 4B if no Ukemi / Can forceblock the rose
44K, 66B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A 53 / 45 / 50 / 58 Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
Running K, 4BB
CH WR KA, 3A, 6BB6 49 Gives AS Mixups
CH WR KA, BA 51 Gives +6 Mixups / Char Specific 1B range
CH WR KA, 214B, FC A+B / PRP 4BB 67 / 85 Gives Red Rose or Dmg
CH WR KA, WRP CE 83 Restores 35% GD
CH WR KA, PRP CE 106 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
Multi Button Series Combos
Inputs Damage Notes
A+B, 4B if no Ukemi / Force Block the Rose
6A+B, 3A, 6BB6 58 Gives AS Mixups
6A+B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB 72 / 70 Gives Red Rose or White Rose
6A+B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS G, FC 2A+B 71 Gives Red Rose / Different Oki
6A+B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KK 71 Gives 50/50 Oki
6A+B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A 73 Right Side Ringout
6A+B, 666B, WRP 214B, AS KBB 80 Gives LP Mixups
6A+B, RRP AS A+B 88
6A+B, RRP / WRP / PRP CE 102 / 90 / 110 * See 666B, B+K / 8B+K / 2B+K SC
6a+bA, AK 39 Ends +4 & Leaves Opponent BT
6a+bA, AAA 44
6a+bA, RRP AAA 46 Ends +8
6a+bA, 6BB6 34 Gives AS Mixups
6a+bA, WRP CE 69 Restores 35% GD
6a+bA, PRP CE 87 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
CH FC 2(A+B), FC 2A+B / AS KB 27 / 25 Gives 2 Red Roses or, if no side ukemi, 1 Red Rose & White Rose
CH 2A+B, RRP 4BB 63 If no Ukemi
CH 2A+B, 6(A)6 64 If Ukemi * Please refer to 6A section for follow up
CH 4A+BA, FC 2A+B / 6(B+K) 41 / 33 Gives Red Rose 2nd or 3rd hit CH
CH 4A+BA, RRP 4BB 66 2nd or 3rd hit CH
CH 4A+BA6 Guarantees AS KB / WRP KBB / A+B / RRP AS BBB / AS (B) MP BBB
Close Hit 8A+B, FC 2A+B 40 Gives Red Rose
Close Hit 8A+B, FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B 49 if ukemi traps / Gives 2 Red Rose
4(B+K), AA / AK 13 / 17 Gives White Rose on Hit
4(B+K), 6BB6 12 Gives AS Mixups
4(B+K), WRP CE / PRP CE 44 / 58 Round Closer or for 35% GD restore
BT B+K6, any AS Ender A+B / K / B / A Take roses if you don't have them from AS A+B / KB Enders
BT B+K6, Front Hit Front HIt, CE will turn you and catch them falling, Char specific, mostly favors i12 CE
44A+B, AS KB / KK / K:A 69 / 77 / 89 Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
44A+B, WRP AS KBB 98 Gives LP mixups
44A+B, RRP AS A+B 116 If no Ukemi
CH 66B+K6, AS KB / A / K:A 35 / 48 / 52 Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
CH 66B+K6, WRP AS KBB 58 Foward Ringout
CH 66B+K6, RRP AS BBB 76 Gives 4BB follow up if no Ukemi
CH 66B+K6, WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP 85 / 83 Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
CH 66B+K6, PRP AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB 92 ^ same as LH paths
22B+K6, RRP AS BBB 68 Gives 4BB follow up if no Ukemi
22B+K6, WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP 76 / 75 Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
22B+K6, PRP AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB 82
22b+kG, SE B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A 57 / 55 / 56 / 57 Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
Stance Combos
Inputs Damage Notes
AS BBB, 4BB If no Ukemi
CH AS (B), WRP MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP 70 / 68 Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
AS 2B, RRP AS BBB 62 Gives 4BB follow up if no Ukemi
AS 2B, WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP 69 / 70 Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
CH AS 2B, AS A+B / K Gives Red Rose / White Rose
AS 2bG, SE B, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A 57 / 55 / 56 / 57 (Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
CH MP AA, BA 39 Gives +6 Mixups / Char Specific 1B range
CH MP AA, 214B, FC A+B / PRP 4BB 52 / 66 Gives Red Rose / Dmg
CH MP AA, WRP CE 65 Restores 35% GD
CH MP AA, PRP CE 84 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
CH MP A(A), HP B, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A 47 / 39 / 45 / 53 Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
CH MP A(A), HP K, 6BB6, AS A 59 Gives 50/50 Oki
CH MP A(A), HP RRP AS BBB 65 Follow up 4BB if no Ukemi
CH MP A(A), HP WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP 74 Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
MP AK, FC 2A+B / RRP 4BB 49 / 68
MP AK, Delayed 6AA6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A ETC 73 / 70 / 76 Ukemi Trap Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP / PRP 4BB 67 / 63 Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
MP K, 4B / RRP 4BB 37 / 51 Gives Red Rose / Dmg
MP K, 6K6, KB / KK / K:A 36 / 43 / 52 Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
MP K, 6AKB 41 Gives White Rose / Retreats
CH MP K gives a higher launch and gives 66B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A 52 / 43 / 49 / 58 * Successful Parry will always give the regular launcher height
CH MP K, WRP 214B, AS KBB 75 * When you no longer have the LH
HP A, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
HP A, 3A, 6BB6 48 Gives AS Mixups
HP A, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, RRP AS A+B 67
HP A, RRP CE 98 Steals 1/4 Meter
HP A, WRP 214B, FC 2A+B / PRP 4BB 77 / 94 Gives Red Rose / Dmg
HP A, WRP CE 90 Restores 35% GD
HP A, PRP CE 112 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
HP A, Clash with AA's (from loop setups), PRP 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB 121 opponent trying to interrupt after MP A(A)
HP B, AS A+B, KB 37 / 26 / 33 / 44 Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
HP K, FC 2A+B 46 Gives Red Rose
HP K, AS KB / KK / K:A 43 / 49 / 58 Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
HP K, 6BB6, AS A 56 Gives 50/50 Oki
HP K, RRP 4BB 63
LP B, FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B / AS KB 45 / 44 Gives 2 Red Rose or 1 Red Rose & White Rose
LP B, RRP CE 79 Steals 1/4 Meter
LP B, FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B / AS KB 51 / 50 Gives 2 Red Rose or 1 Red Rose & White Rose
LP B, WRP CE 78 Restores 35% GD
PRP LP B, WR KA, 214B, 4BB 83
LP B, PRP CE 96 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
Inputs Damage Notes
214A+G, BA 43 Gives +6 Mixups / Char Specific 1B range
214A+G, 214B, FC A+B / PRP 4BB 51 / 63 Gives Red Rose or Dmg
214A+G, WRP CE 65 Restores 35% GD
214A+G, PRP CE 81 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
Best oki tools
66A+B for GD
A+B for GD
6A+B for GD
214A for GD and 0 OB
Run up Mix like 1B / 22B
AS Grab
AS Mix 1B or else
Parry A+B
Anti Ukemi
SC 214BB
Lethal Hit
Inputs Damage Notes
LH 46A, 4B, 6BB6 50+ ^* 6BB6 May Whiff on certain characters
LH 46A, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A / KB / A+B 49 / 48 / 47
LH 46A, 66B+K6, RRP AS BBB 71
LH 46A, 66B+K6, WRP AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2+B / 1(A) LP 77 / 76+ Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
LH 46B, WR KA, 3A, 6BB6 53 Gives AS Mixups
LH 46B, WR KA, WRP 214B, 2A+B / PRP 4BB 62 / 71 Gives Red Rose / Dmg
LH 46B, WR KA, WRP CE 72 Restores 35% GD
LH 46B, WR KA, PRP CE 83 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
LH 46B, WR KA, WRP 214B, 236A+B+K SC 71 Gives mixup oki
LH 22B, HP A, BT B+K6, AS A+B 58 Gives Red Rose
LH 22B, HP A, BT B+K6, RRP AS A+B 72
LH 22B, 44A+B, AS KB / KK / K:A 68 / 73 / 82 Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
LH, 22B, WRP 221BB, 214B, FC 2A+B / PRP 4BB 67 / 74 Gives Red Rose / Dmg
LH 22B, 44A+B, WRP AS KBB 87 * Whiffing issues can occur if 22B was at tip range
LH 46K, FC 2A+B / AS KB 23 / 28 Gives Red Rose / White Rose
LH 46K, Delayed FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B 30 / 29 If Ukemi / Gives 2 Red Rose
LH A+B, HP A, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A 79 / 74 / 78 / 83 Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
LH A+B, HP A, BT B+K6, AS RRP A+B 93
LH A+B, 6A+B, AS WRP KBB 98 Gives LP Mixups
LH A+B, PRP 44BB, 214B, 4BB 102 Char Specific
LH A+B, 223B+K6, AS RRP A+B 102 223 input is intentional to add the delay easily to hit 66B+K6
LH A+B, 6A+B, AS RRP A+B 112 If no Ukemi
LH A+B, Run up, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB 81 Gives SC
LH 66B+K, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:A 57 / 56 / 56 / 58 Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Ringout
LH 66B+K, 4B, 6BB6 56 Gives Red Rose / AS Mixups
LH MP K, 44BB, 214B, FC 2A+B / PRP 4BB 77 / 87 * Sometimes fails due to distance / Char size
LH MP K, 223B+K6, AS A+B 52 ^ Back up combo for Red Rose when the other path doesn't work
LH MP K, 44BBB 75
LH MP K, 223B+K6, AS KBB 65 Gives LP Mixups
LH MP K, 223B+K6, PRP AS A+B 78
LH HP B, 22_88B+K6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP 95 / 94 Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
LH HP B, 6A+B, WRP CE 103 Restores 35% GD
LH HP B, 6A+B, PRP CE 120 Steals 1/4 Meter / Restores 35% GD
LH HP B, Run 662B, 66B+K6, AS K:A / KBB Ring out Forward Ringout / Can be redirected for L/R ringout by stepping Left/Right for angle
LH HP B, 44K, 66B+K6, AS K:A / KBB Ring Out Reverse Ringout
LH HP B, 6A+B, 666B, 236A+B+K SC, RRP 4BB 99
LH LP A, iFC 2A+B, 2A+B / AS KB 50 Gives 2 Red Rose / 1 Red Rose & White Rose
LH LP A, 3B, 6K6 AS KBB 72 Forward Ringout / Solves off axis hits where 66B+K won't work
LH LP A, 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B / 1(A) LP 88 / 86 Gives Red Rose / LP Mixups
Wall Combos
Inputs Damage Notes
Forward Facing
RRP 44A+B, AS K:A, 4A+B6, AS BBB 21 Ends in Oki Situation
WRP 44A+B, AS K:A,, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B 126 Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
PRP 44A+B, AS K:A,, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB 129
6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A 99
6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B 99 Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, Crouch Turn, FC A+B, FC A+B 95 Gives two Red Roses, Ukemi Trap / Delay the FC A+B Input
RRP 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS A+B 104 Resets them to the Wall Position
6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KB 98 1 White
WRP 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS KBB 101
WRP 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B 95 Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
WRP 44BBB, 214B, FC 2A+B 91 Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
WRP 44BBB, 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC A+B 110 Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
PRP 44BBB, 214B, 4BB 97
PRP 44BBB, 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB 111
66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A 87
66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B 87 Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, Crouch Turn, FC A+B, FC A+B 82 Gives two Red Rosess, Ukemi Trap / Delay the FC A+B Input
RRP 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS A+B 94 Resets them to the Wall Position
66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KB 87 Gives one White Rose
WRP 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS KBB 90 Can follow with LP Mixups
WRP 66B+K6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B 82 Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A 78
22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B 79 Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
22B, AS (B), MP BK, Crouch Turn, FC A+B, FC A+B 73 Gives two Red Rose, Ukemi Trap / Delay the FC A+B Input
RRP 22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS A+B 82 Resets them to the Wall Position
22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KB 77 Gives one White Rose
WRP 22B, AS (B), MP BK, BT B+K6, AS KBB 79
WRP 22B, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B 73 Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BK 70
66K, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS K:A, FC A+B, FC A+B 62 Gives two Red Roses, J:F is worth about 3 Dmg
66K, 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B 58 Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
RRP 66K, 6AA6, AS A+B 66
RRP 66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS BBB 70 Ends in Oki Situation
66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS KB 58 Gives one White Roses, 3B, 6AB is also possible for better Oki (55 Dmg)
WRP 66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BBB, FC 2A+B 78 Gives one Red Rose, Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
WRP 66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS KBB 64 Can follow with LP Mixups
PRP 66K, 66K, 4A+B6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB 81
3B, 6(A), G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS A+B 69 Gives one Red Rose, Can SC to Floor splat or FC 1B6 if they stay close
RRP 3B, 6(A)6, AS BBB 79 Ends in Oki Situation
3B, 6(A), G buffer 666B LP K, BT B+K6, AS KB 69 Gives one White Rose
WRP 3B, 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, 2A+B 88 Gives one Red Rose, Ends with opponent against the Wall / Can also end in 1(A) for LP Mixups
PRP 3B, 6(A)6, AS (B), MP BBB, 4BB 93
Left Side
Launch ~ 6(A)6 All of the AS (B) paths are viable here, but you want only 1 initial wallsplat, Angle Specific / Fails on Certain Walls
Launch ~ 6AA6 All of the AS (B) paths are viable here, but you want only 1 initial wallsplat, Angle Specific / Fails on Certain Walls
Guard Break
Inputs Damage Notes
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Ring Out
Inputs Damage Notes
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Reversal Edge
Inputs Damage Notes
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Soul Charge
Inputs Damage Notes
WRP 6A+B+K 65 Restores 35% GD
RRP A+B+K 80 (Drains 0.5/4 from opponent)
PRP A+B+K 90 (Steals 1/4 Meter, Drains 0.5/4 from opponent / Restores 35% GD)
SC CH RRP 4AAA, 4BB 85 If no Ukemi
SC CH 44B+K6, AS A+B / KB / KK / K:AB 47 / 40 / 45 / 54 Gives 2 Red Roses / 1 Red & 1 White / Oki / 2 Red Roses
SC CH 44B+K6, AS RRP A+B 77 Gives Oki
SC Parry A+B, RRP 4BB 89 if no Ukemi
SC Parry A+B, FC 2A+B 65 If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
SC Parry A+B, FC 2A+B, FC 2A+B / AS KB 69 / 65 If Ukemi / Gives 2 Red Rose / 1 Red Rose & White Rose
SC CH 6AA6, AS K:AB 52 Gives Red Rose
SC CH 6(A), AS K:AB 72 If no Ukemi
SC CH 6(A)6, AS RRP A+B 109 If no Ukemi
SC LH 46A, 4B, 6BB:BB 69 *6BB:BB May Whiff on Certain Charactrers Distance Specific / Gives 2 Red Roses
SC LH 46A, AS K:AB 51 Gives Red Rose
SC LH 46A, 666B, Parry A+B, BT B+K6, AS K:AB / KB / KK 62 / 58 / 59 Gives Red Rose / White Rose / 50/50 Oki / But burns more Soul Charge
SC CH 214A, RRP AS A+B 85 If no Ukemi
SC CH 214A, Delay RRP 4AAA 73 If Ukemi
SC 3bA, AS K:BA 58 If no Ukemi / Gives Red Rose
SC 3bA, AS RRP A+B 76 If no Ukemi
SC 3bA, AS A 60 If Ukemi * May not work vs all chars
SC 1B, RRP AS A+B 78 If no Ukemi / Gives Forceblock tools
SC 4B, 6BB:BB 64 Gives 2 Red Roses
SC 666BA, PRP 214BB 93
SC 666BA, AS RRP A+B 93 if no Ukemi / Back Ukemi
SC CH 666B, Parry A+B, BT B+K6, AS KB / KK / K:AB 68 / 73 / 81 Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Red Rose
SC LH 46B, WR KA, 3A, 6BB:BB 66 Gives Red Rose
SC LH 46B, WR KA, WRP 214BB 81
SC 22B, 66B+K6, AS K:AB 57 Gives Red Rose
SC 22B, 66B+K6, RRP AS A+B 82 Ends in force block options
SC LH 46K, AS K:AB 37 Gives Red Rose
SC LH A+B, Parry A+B, BT B+K6, AS KB / KK / K:AB 92 / 97 / 104 Gives White Rose / 50/50 Oki / Red Rose
SC LH A+B, 223B+K6, AS RRP A+B 123
SC LH A+B, 6A+B, AS RRP A+B 135 If no Ukemi
SC 6A+B, RRP 4AAA Gives a wall splat
SC 6a+b, RRP AAA 55 Gives Oki / Wall Splat
SC LH 66B+K, 4B, 6BB:BB 80 Gives 2 Red Roses
SC 22b+kG, SE B, 4B, 6BB:BB 78 Gives 2 Red Roses
SC AS 2bG, SE B, 4B, 6BB:BB 78 2 Red Rose (Range Speciifc)
SC CH MP AA, 3A, 6BB:BB 51 Gives Red Rose
SC CH MP A(A), HP B, AS K:AB / RRP A+B 59 / 87 Gives Red Rose / Dmg into Oki
SC MP AK, Delayed 6AA6, AS K:AB / RRP A+B 83 / 93 Ukemi Trap
SC LH MP K, 223B+K6, AS KA:B / PRP A+B 66 / 95 Gives Red Rose / Dmg & Oki
SC LH HP B, 6A+B, AS RRP A+B 121
SC HP K, AS K:AB 66 Gives Red Rose
SC LH LP K, FC 2A+B 47