The King of Fighters 2002/Takuma: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
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** '''hcb + D {30% with j.C}'''
** '''hcb + D {30% with j.C}'''
** qcf + A
** qcf + A
* f + B >> BC, DM qcf hcb + P / DM qcf qcf + P
Buffer as: f + B >> qcf hcb + BC / qcf qcf + BC

Revision as of 15:26, 26 February 2020

the last remaining battle dad

General Info

Crouch height: Medium
Jump: 4/33/1
Hop: 4/25/1
Dash: 3/10~∞/3
Backdash: 2/14/3
Wakeup: 23 frames
Recovery roll: 26 frames

Stand Crouch Jump Backdash Grab Run
Takuma02 stand.png Takuma02 crouch.png Takuma02 jump.png Takuma02 backdash.png Takuma02 grab.png Takuma02 run.png


Snka.gif Snkb.gif Snkc.gif Snkd.gif
Takuma02 colorA.png Takuma02 colorB.png Takuma02 colorC.png Takuma02 colorD.png


Frames Advantage Cancel Block Hitbox Notes
Standing Close
Snka.gif 3/4/4 +4/+2 R,C,S,Su HL
Takuma02 clA.png
Snkb.gif 4/4/9 -1/-3 C,S,Su HL
Takuma02 clB.png
Snkc.gif 3/4/17 -1/-3 C,S,Su HL
Takuma02 clC.png
Snkd.gif 7/4/17 -1/-3 HL
Takuma02 clD.png
Standing Far
Snka.gif 3/4/6 +2/0 HL
Takuma02 stA.png
Snkb.gif 4/3/13 -4/-6 HL
Takuma02 stB.png
Snkc.gif 8/4/18 -2/-4 HL
Takuma02 stC.png
Snkd.gif 14/4/19 -3/-5 HL
Takuma02 stD.png
Upper body invincibility: Startup period
Lower body invincibility: Active period
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 11/5/25 KD/-8 S,Su HL
Takuma02 stCD.png
Snka.gif 3/3/9 0/-2 R,C,S,Su HL
Takuma02 crA.png
Snkb.gif 3/4/6 +2/0 R,C,S,Su L
Takuma02 crB.png
Snkc.gif 6/2+4/25 -11/-13 C,S,Su HL
Takuma02 crC1.png
Takuma02 crC2.png
Snkd.gif 7/4/21 KD/-7 C,S,Su L
Takuma02 crD.png
Snka.gif 4/10/- -/- H
Takuma02 jA.png
Snkb.gif 2/10/- -/- H
Takuma02 jB.png
Snkc.gif 6/4/- -/- H
Takuma02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 7/4/- -/- H
Takuma02 jD.png
Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif 11/4/- KD/- HL
Takuma02 jCD.png
Neutral Jump
Snka.gif 2/12/- -/- H
Takuma02 hA.png
Snkb.gif 5/9/- -/- H
Takuma02 juB.png
Snkc.gif 6/4/- -/- H
Takuma02 jC.png
Snkd.gif 7/4/- -/- H
Takuma02 juD.png
Snka.gif 2/11/- -/- H
Takuma02 hA.png
Snkb.gif 2/9/- -/- H
Takuma02 hB.png
Snkc.gif 6/4/- -/- H
Takuma02 hC.png
Snkd.gif 7/4/- -/- H
Takuma02 hD.png
Command Normals

f + Snkb.gif

15/3+4/19 -6/-8 H
Takuma02 fB1.png
Takuma02 fB2.png
f + Snkb.gif
9/2+4/18 -4/-6 S,Su HL
Special Moves
qcf + Snka.gif 13/5/16 KD/-3 Fi,Fo HL
Takuma02 qcfA.png
Ko'ou Ken - qcf + P
  • Takuma extends his palm, and an invisible force travels instantly across the screen. qcf + A travels a very short distance in front of Takuma, while qcf + C goes about 3/4 screen
  • can negates normal projectiles. qcf + C can also negates DM projectiles
  • qcf + A continues to negate fireballs 11 frames after the active period.
  • qcf + C has autoguard (Frame 9-12).
  • qcf + C causes guardcrush
  • free cancellable into
  • free cancellable out of
qcf + Snkc.gif 20/5/24 KD/-2 Fi,Fo Guard Crush
Takuma02 qcfC1.png
Takuma02 qcfC2.png
hcb + Snkb.gif 5/4(8)4/18 KD/-4 Fo HL
Takuma02 hcbB1.png
Takuma02 hcbB2.png
Hien Shippu Kyaku - hcb + K
  • Takuma does two kicks. hcb + B makes him kick on the spot, while hcb + D makes him move forward
  • hcb + B is a counterwire if only the second hit connects
  • hcb + B is free cancellable out of on the second hit, hcb + D is free cancellable out of on both hits
  • hard knockdown on the second hit
hcb + Snkd.gif 12/4(8)4/20 KD/-6 Fo HL
Takuma02 hcbD1.png
Takuma02 hcbD2.png

qcb + Snka.gif

14/5/27 KD/-14 Su,Fi,Fo HL
Takuma02 qcbP1.png
Takuma02 qcbP2.png
Mouko Burai Gan - qcb + P
  • Takuma extends his fist outward. Has autoguard (A: Frame 2-13, C: Frame 4-5).
  • supercancellable but even if it counterhits, DMs still don't connect after the supercancel
  • free cancellable into
  • free cancellable out of
qcb + Snkc.gif 20/5/29 KD/-16 Su,Fi,Fo HL
f,hcf + Snka.gif 15/4/30 KD/-16 Fo HL
Takuma02 fhcfA.png
Haou Shikou Ken - f,hcf + P
  • Takuma extends his palms out as if to do a fireball, but nothing comes out except an invisible force similar to his Ko'ou Ken qcf + P
  • has very limited ranged. f hcf + C comes out alot slower
  • negates normal and DM projectiles
  • f,hcf + C causes guardcrush and give you enough time to combo after
  • counterwire
  • hard knockdown
  • f,hcf + C is supercancellable
  • free cancellable out of
f,hcf + Snkc.gif 37/4/13 KD/+10 Su,Fo Guard Crush
Takuma02 fhcfC.png
qcfx2+Punch.gif 7/5(13)4(14)5/41 KD Grab
Takuma02 qcfx2P.png
Shin Kishin Geki - qcfx2+P
  • Takuma does three strong punches, but this move can only be done when you are right beside the opponent
  • First hit is unblockable, the second and third hits cause guardcrush if blocked
  • Does more damage than his other DM, so this is preferable in combos
  • This move can be rolled out of the way on reaction to the flash of the DM and punished badly. Thus, it is not useful in high level play, besides in combos.
  • Invincible on first frame.
qcf,hcb + Snka.gif 5/13/48 KD/-20 HL
Takuma02 qcfhcbA.png
Ryuuko Ranbu - qcf hcb + P
  • Takuma runs forward. If he connects, he does a combo on the opponent. Otherwise, he stops in front of them and is open to attack
  • qcf hcb + A comes out much faster than qcf hcb + C. Takuma has invincibility during the delay of his qcf hcb + C
  • Invincible: A: Complete startup, Feet invincible: Complete active period; C: Complete startup, Frame 1-3 of active period, Feet invincible: remaning active period.
  • 28 frames of blockstun.
  • hard knockdown on the last hit
qcf,hcb + Snkc.gif 14/26/48 KD/-20 HL
Takuma02 qcfhcbC1.png
Takuma02 qcfhcbA.png
qcf,hcb + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif 5/13/50 KD/-33 HL
Takuma02 qcfhcbC1.png
Takuma02 qcfhcbA.png
Ryuuko Ranbu - qcf hcb + AC
  • works the same as his qcf hcb + A DM (as in, it has no startup delay), but does more damage
  • hard knockdown on the last hit
  • Invincible: Complete startup and Frame 1-4 of active period. Feet invincible: Remaining active period.
b,dp + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif 3/34/5 KD -
Takuma02 HSDM.png
Kosatsu Jin - b dp + AC
  • Takuma goes into a counter stance. He will reverse air, high, medium, low moves, as well as DMs/SDMs
  • hard knockdown
  • Invincible: Complete startup and active.

Short Movelist

  • f + B (Overhead if not cancelled into.)

  • qcf + P

  • qcb + P (SC.)

  • f hcf + P (C: SC.)

  • hcb + K

  • DM qcf hcb + P

  • DM close, qcf qcf + P (Proximity unblockable.)

  • SDM qcf hcb + AC

  • HSDM b dp + AC (Counter.)


  • Cancellable normals are:
    • Close: A, B, C
    • Far: -
    • Crouch: A, B, C, D

  • CD is cancellable into specials and DMs.

  • f + B is cancellable only when you cancel into it.

  • Free cancellable into moves are:
    • qcf + P
    • qcb + P

  • Free cancellable out-of moves are:
    • hcb + B (2)
    • hcb + D
    • qcf + P
    • f hcf + P
    • qcb + P

  • f hcf + P and hcb + B (2) are counterwires.

  • qcf + C and f hcf + C cause guardcrush.

  • qcb + P and qcf + C has autoguard.

  • DM close, qcf qcf + P second and third hit cause guard crush.

  • hcb + K (2), DM qcf hcb + P and HSDM b dp + AC (if it counters) are hard knockdowns.



  • cr.B, cl.B >
    • DM qcf qcf + A (Point blank) {45%}
    • f + B > DM qcf hcb + A (Buffer: qcf + B hcb + A)
    • DM qcf hcb + A {45%}
    • hcb + B

  • cr.B > f + B > hcb + D {33%} (Point blank)

  • cl.C >
    • DM qcf qcf + A (Point blank)
    • f + B > DM qcf hcb + A (Point blank. Buffer: qcf + B hcb + A)
    • DM qcf hcb + A
    • hcb + D {30% with j.C}
    • qcf + A

  • f + B >> BC, DM qcf hcb + P / DM qcf qcf + P

Buffer as: f + B >> qcf hcb + BC / qcf qcf + BC

The DM qcf qcf + A deals a little more damage than DM qcf hcb + A. But has no much reason to use it in combos, as from the distances it will combo, you may instead combo into f + B > DM qcf hcb + A for almost the same damage (and easy buffering).


  • cl.C / f + B >> BC, run cr.B > f + B > hcb + D (1) >> qcf + C {35%}


  • CD (counterhit), qcf + C / hcb + D {31%/32%} (if CD hits from far away, qcf + C does more damage than hcb + D)

  • qcf + A (counterhit), hcb + B {25%}(Corner)

Attack Strings

  • cl.C / cr.B > f + B > qcf + A / hcb + D

  • CD > qcf + C / hcb + D

  • cr.B, cl.B > hcb + B


  • qcb + P has autoguard frames during the early stages of the move. Thus, it is best used on reaction, to counter moves you see coming that are difficult to punish on block (such as Terry burn knuckle, May Lee hero mode qcf + B, etc). It also works great against very high priority attack such as Andy's hcf + K. The trick to using this move is to do it very close to when the opponent's move is going to hit, as the beginning of the move has many autoguard frames. Do not try to time the move such that only the punching animation connects, as the punching animation of the move does not contain many autoguard frames.
  • it is possible to land any combo after the opponent blocks f hcf + C, which causes guard crush. However, the move takes a while to come out, and is thus easy to counter on reaction. You can try doing the move immediately after an hcb + D knockdown, since the f hcf + C will connect about the same time as the opponent gets up. Even then, it is possible to do a wakeup dp to counter it on reaction, so only attempt this rarely. You can also try doing f hcf + C after a jump D, although after doing it once, it is not a good idea to try it again on the same opponent.
  • while it may seem like a good idea to use his unblockable qcfx2+P DM when near, not many know that it is possible to roll behind Takuma on reaction, after the flash of the DM. Takuma is left wide open, punching the air, allowing the opponent more than enough time to do any combo. Of course, if the opponent does not know this, then the qcfx2+P DM is quite good. To land it effectively, you should do the qcf motion before running up, then do a quick run up qcf + P, which will result in the DM coming up. This is great if mixed up with lots of crouch B's since his weak attacks are good and can lead to fairly damaging combos.

Game Navigation

Billy Kane
Blue Mary
May Lee
Secret/Orochi Characters
Orochi Chris
Orochi Shermie
Orochi Yashiro