Super Street Fighter IV AE/Yang

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< Super Street Fighter IV AE
Revision as of 00:39, 26 April 2014 by SHODAN (talk | contribs) (Numerous fixes to frame data notes and moves list.)
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SSFIV-Yang Face.jpg

Yang is the younger of the Lee twins. Unlike his brother Yun, Yang is quiet, reserved, and more analytical. When Yun sets out after Chun-Li, Yang follows in order to keep his brother out of trouble.

In a nutshell

While Yun focuses more on extreme offense, Yang takes a simpler, more balanced approach. Yang's Mantis Slashes are easy to use and very effective both in and out of combos. His command dashes enable him to quickly surprise the opponent and punish them while shocked. His up kicks also make for decent anti-airs, and from a distance, the HK and EX up kicks (as well as Ultra 2) can punish fireball characters should they misuse their projectiles. Although Yang's Seiei Enbu is no Genei Jin, it is still very potent and can often lead into simple Ultra combos. With all these tools, the only thing working against him is his extremely weak damage output. Even after a full combo, Yang can still find himself trailing behind in life points. More often than not, he must go on the offensive, and should the opponent find an opening through Yang's offense, he will have a tough time tilting the match back into his favor. Still, if you can use Yang's tools effectively and not give the opponent a chance to breathe, the match is yours.

Players to Watch



Unique Attacks

Raigeki Shu
(while jumping up or forward) df + k
lk is steep
mk is not so steep
hk is not steep at all
f + mk
Target Combo 1
(during angled jump) + mk --- df + mk
Target Combo 2
mp --- hp --- b + hp
armorbreak on 3rd hit
Target Combo 3
lk --- mk --- hk


Youhon Shiun
f or n + lp + lk
Ento Shugeki
b + lp + lk

Special Moves

qcf + p 3x
ex ( p 5x)
dp + k
lk kicks straight up
mk rolls
hk rolls farther
Byakko Soshoda
qcb + p
ex armorbreak
lp version is a feint
Zenpou Tenshin
hcb + k
throw ex
qcf + k

Super Combo

Seiei Enbu
qcb qcb + p

Ultra Combos

Raishin Mahhaken
qcf qcf + 3p
Tenshin Senkyutai
qcf qcf + 3k

AE ver. 2012 Changes

Crouching Light Kick

Changed damage from 30 to 20. Expanded hurtbox upward after hit detection starts.

Crouching Punch

Changed damage from 80 to 70. Changed to 60 during a Seiei Enbu.

Far Standing Medium Punch

Shrunk hitbox.

Forward Jumping Medium Kick

Shrunk hitbox.

EX Zenpou Tenshin

Shrunk throw hitbox. Changed startup from 7F to 8F. Removed throw-invincibility.


Changed light/medium version’s final hit damage from 75 to 60. Changed heavy version’s final hit damage from 80 to 60. Made block string to final hit possible for EX version. EX version only changed so as not to trigger on button release.

Byakko Soshoda

Changed meter build-up from 20 to 10 for medium and heavy versions. Changed total frame count to 26F for light, 41F for medium, and 45F for heavy version. No change to total frame count during a Seiei Enbu. Changed heavy version’s damage from 150 to 140, chip damage from 38 to 30, and stun from 250 to 200. Shortened hitbox active period from 13F to 9F for medium and heavy versions.

Target Combo 2

Changed damage from 150 to 130 when fully hits. Shortened distance 2nd hit pushes back when blocked. Lengthened 2nd hit’s recovery by 4F, giving a -7F (dis)advantage when blocked.

Raigeki Shu

Changed stun from 100 to 50. Changed landing stun from 4F to 6F. Added hurtbox to foot area as soon as the move starts.


Removed projectile invincibility from start to 5th frame of heavy version. Removed projectile invincibility from medium version. Shrunk hitboxes across all versions. Given attacker a -4F (dis)advantage with EX Focus→Dash on a block for all versions.

Seiei Enbu

Shortened length of effect by 1 second. Set chip damage to 1/8 normal damage.

Tenshin Senkyutai

Changed startup at close range from 4F to 7F. Changed final hit damage to 90 when not locked.


Changed stun from 1000 to 950.

Near Standing Light Kick

Far Standing Light Kick Changed startup from 3F to 5F. No change to startup during a Seiei Enbu.

Target Combo 3

Made 3rd hit super-cancelable. Made opponent get knocked down when 3rd hit connects.

Up From Prone

Removed total invincibility from all frames after action becomes possible.

Back Dash

Prevented special canceling between 24th and 25th frame of backward dash.

The Basics


You can start with Dive Kick on most of these combos.

1. crouching LK x3, HP Slashes (Tourou Zan)

2. crouching LP, standing LP, crouching MK, EX Dragon Kicks (Senkyuutai)

3. close standing MP, crouching MK xx Slashes

4. Command Grab, Standing HP, Slashes

5. Crouching LK, Standing LP, Crouching MK, Slashes

6. Crouching LP x3, Crouching MK, Slashes

7. Standing LP x2, Crouching MK, Slashes

8. Dive Kick, Crouching LP, Standing LP, Crouching LP, Crouching MK, Slashes

9. (Corner) - Close MK, Palm (Byakou), EX Dragon Kick

10. (Corner) - Standing LP x2, Crouching MK, Slashes (2-hits) xx FADC, Close MK, MP Palm, Dragon Kicks

11. (Corner) - EX Palm, MP Palm, st.HP (if near wall)

12. (Corner) - EX Palm, st.MK Launcher, HK Dragon Kick

13. (Corner) - Target Combo 2, EX Dragon Kicks (only works on Seth, Honda, Rose, DJ, Gouken, Cammy, Balrog, Dhalsim)

14. (Corner) - Jump in HP or HK, Close MK Launcher x2, LK Dragon Kick, EX Dragon Kick

15. (Corner) - Jump in HP or HK, st.HP xx HP Slashes (3 hits) xx FADC, EX Dragon Kick

16. Close MK, Dive Kick (whiff), jump cancel, Ultra 1 or 2

17. crouching MK, HP Slashes (first two hits) xx FADC xx Ultra 2

18. crouching MK, HP Slashes (first two hits) xx FADC xx close MK, dash, Ultra 1

19. (Corner) - EX Slashes, Ultra 2

Sei'ei Enbu combos:

Corner: Standing MP, MP Palm xx Super, crouching MP, Dash, [crouching LK, crouching MP, dash, repeat until end]



Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 6 +4 +8
Close Strong.gif HL 55 100 40 sp/su 5 2 12 +4 +6
Close Fierce.gif HL 70*50 100*50 60*20 sp/su*- 6 1*3 17 -5 +2 Seiei Enbu damage 40*65
Close Short.gif HL 30 50 20 sp/su 5[3] 2 8 +1 +4 [] refers to Seiei Enbu
Close Forward.gif HL 50 100 40 Jump 7 4 12 -2 - Floats opponent, 7f~ Jump cancellable
Close Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 10 4 18 -8 -4
Far Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 6 +4 +8
Far Strong.gif HL 55 100 40 - 6 2 13 -1 +2 Can juggle
Far Fierce.gif HL 100 200 60 - 9 4 19 -4 +1 Can juggle
Far Short.gif HL 30 50 20 sp/su 5[3] 2 8 +1 +4 [] refers to Seiei Enbu
Far Forward.gif HL 70 100 40 - 7 3 10 -1 +1
Far Roundhouse.gif HL 110 200 60 - 10 4 18 -8 -4
Crouch Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 4 2 6 +3 +6
Crouch Strong.gif L 70[60] 100 40 - 5 2 10 -2 +2 [] refers to damage during Seiei Enbu
Crouch Fierce.gif HL 75*50 125*75 60*20 - 9 3(3)2 14 -2 +1 [2nd Ground hit] forces stand / Seiei Enbu damage 60*40
Crouch Short.gif L 20 50 20 sp/su 3 2 8 +1 +4 Can juggle
Crouch Forward.gif L 60 100 40 sp/su 6 2 14 -1 +1
Crouch Roundhouse.gif L 90 150 60 - 8 2 23 -7 - Hard knockdown
Jump Jab.gif H 50 50 20 - 4 11 - - -
Jump Strong.gif H 80 100 40 - 4 7 - - -
Jump Fierce.gif H 100 200 60 - 7 6 - - -
Jump Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 8 - - -
Jump Forward.gif H 70 100 40 - 6 5 - - -
Jump Roundhouse.gif H 100 200 60 - 5 6 - - -
Jump Up Fierce.gif H 100 200 60 - 8 7 - - -
Senpuukyaku (Right.gif+Forward.gif ) H 80 100 40 - 20 4 13 -2 0 10~19f feet invincible, 8~23f airborne
Raigeki Shu (Downright.gif+Short.gif ) HL 60 50 40 - 7 until ground After landing 6 - - Can juggle
Raigeki Shu (Downright.gif+Forward.gif ) HL 60 50 40 - 7 until ground After landing 6 - - Can juggle
Raigeki Shu (Downright.gif+Roundhouse.gif ) HL 60 50 40 - 7 until ground After landing 6 - - Can juggle
Target Combo 1
Upright.gif+Forward.gif > Downright.gif+Forward.gif
HL 60 80 20 - 4 until ground After landing 6 - - Can juggle
Target Combo 2
Strong.gif > Fierce.gif
HL 35 50 20 - 10 4 23 -7 +1 Can juggle (not during Seiei Enbu)
Target Combo 2
Strong.gif > Fierce.gif > Left.gif+Fierce.gif
HL 50 50 20 su 15 4 22 -8 - Floats opponent, can juggle, projectile hitbox
Target Combo 3
Short.gif > Forward.gif
HL 40 60 40 Jump 7 4 19 -5 +1 11f~ Jump cancellable
Target Combo 3
Short.gif > Forward.gif > Roundhouse.gif
HL 87 100 40 - 5 3 17 -2 +2 Can juggle
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 10+11 2 34 -20 -20
Focus Attack LVL 2 HL 80 150 40 - 18+11 2 34 -14 -
Focus Attack LVL 3 - 140 200 60 - 65 2 34 - -
Forward Throw 0.9 120 100 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Back Throw 0.9 130 120 40 - 3 2 20 - -
Tourouzan Jab.gif HL 30 50 10/20 EXFA 8 2 22 -2 +1 19f~ cancellable into next attack
Tourouzan Jab.gif (2 hit) HL 40 50 10/20 EXFA 8 2 25 -5 -1 19f~ cancellable into next attack
Tourouzan Jab.gif (3 hit) HL 60 80 10/20 EXFA 8 2 29 -8 -
Tourouzan Strong.gif HL 35 50 10/20 EXFA 8 2 25 -4 -1 19f~ cancellable into next attack
Tourouzan Strong.gif (2 hit) HL 50 50 10/20 EXFA 8 2 28 -8 -4 19f~ cancellable into next attack
Tourouzan Strong.gif (3 hit) HL 60 80 10/40 EXFA 8 2 33 -12 -
Tourouzan Fierce.gif HL 40 50 10/20 EXFA 8 2 30 -6 -3 19f~ cancellable into next attack
Tourouzan Fierce.gif (2 hit) HL 55 50 10/20 EXFA 8 2 35 -10 -6 19f~ cancellable into next attack
Tourouzan Fierce.gif (3 hit) HL 60 80 10/40 EXFA 8 2 35 -14 -
Tourouzan EX.gif HL 60 50 -250/0 EXFA 7 1 18 -1 0 Can juggle, 15f~ cancellable into next attack
Tourouzan EX.gif (2 hit) HL 32 50 0 EXFA 5 1 20 -3 -2 Can juggle, 13f~ cancellable into next attack
Tourouzan EX.gif (3 hit) HL 32 70 0 EXFA 6 2 18[22] -8 -1 Can juggle, 15f~ cancellable into next attack, [] refers to Seiei Enbu
Tourouzan EX.gif (4 hit) HL 32 80 0 EXFA 5 1 23[27] -11 -5 Can juggle, 13f~ cancellable into next attack, [] refers to Seiei Enbu
Tourouzan EX.gif (5 hit) HL 40 46 0 EXFA 8 2 29 -13 - Can juggle
Kaihou Short.gif - - - 0 - - - Total 27 - - 11~15f Invincible, 11~15f (translate)
Kaihou Forward.gif - - - 0 - - - Total 34 - - 13~19f Invincible, 13~19f (translate)
Kaihou Roundhouse.gif - - - 0 - - - Total 42 - - 14~23f Invincible, 14~23f (translate)
Kaihou EX.gif - - - -250/0 - - - Total 32 - - 1~13f strike and projectile invincible, 14~22f invincible, 14~22f (translate)
Byakko Soshoda Jab.gif - - - - - - - Total 26[24] - - 1~24f lower body strike and projectile invincible, [] refers to Seiei Enbu
Byakko Soshoda Strong.gif HL 120 150 10/60 su 16 9 17[15] -7 0 Armor break, projectile hitbox, [] refers to Seiei Enbu
Byakko Soshoda Fierce.gif HL 140 200 10/60 su 22 9 15[13] 0 - Floats opponent, armor break, projectile hitbox, [] refers to Seiei Enbu
Byakko Soshoda EX.gif HL 150 250 0 su 25 13 13 -10 - 1~20f lowerbody strike and projectile invincible, floats opponent, armor break, projectile hitbox,
Senkyutai Short.gif HL 70*50 100*50 30/30*30 su*- 5 3*3 33+14 -29 - 1~5f invincible, 5f~ airborne, 6~10f immune to projectiles, can juggle
Senkyutai Forward.gif HL 70*55 100*50 30/30*30 su*- 6~24 3*3 27+14 -24 - [6~24f]~ airborne, can juggle
Senkyutai Roundhouse.gif HL 70*60 100*100 30/30*30 su*- 7~38 3*3 23+14 -21 - 6~[11~43f] projectile invincible, [7~38f]~ airborne, can juggle
Senkyutai EX.gif HL 45*45*65 50*100*100 -250/0 su*su*- 4~31 1*1*2 27+17 -25 - 1~[11~34f] projectile and throw invincible, [4~31f]~ airborne, can juggle
Zenpou Tenshin 0.96 0 0 10/30 - 10 2 48 - +7 Forces stand
Zenpou Tenshin EX.gif 1.19 0 0 -250/0 - 8 2 48 - +7 Forces stand
Super Combo - - - -1000/0 - 1+0 370 Total 7 - - 1~2f invincible, 1st shadow's attack follows after 10f, 2nd shadow's attack follows after 20f, shadows do 25% of normal damage, shadows do not cause stun, Yang's attacks' stun reduced by 25% and chip damage reduced by 50%, lasts 370 frames
Ultra Combo 1 HL 480 0 0/0 - 0+8 5 43 -28 - 1~9f invincible, armor break, hard knockdown, on hit goes into animation
Ultra Combo 2 HL 60*45x2*90[440] 0 0/0 - 0+7~32 2(2)5(7)3(7)3(9)3 37+20 -79 - 1~32f projectile invincible, armor break, untechable juggle knockdown on [1st-5th air hit], can juggle, [1st ground hit] goes into animation
Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes