Chun-Li (SSFIV)

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Revision as of 10:23, 6 May 2010 by Yeb (talk | contribs) (Footer)


Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Normal Throws

Command Normals

Focus / Saving Attack

Special Moves

Super Move

Ultra Move

The Basics




Frame Data

Block Super Meter Frames
Move Name HL Damage Stun Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Notes
Close LP HL 20 50 20 sp/su 3 2 7 +2 +5
Close MP HL 40*40 50*50 40*20 sp/su 4 3(6)3 14 -3 0
Close HP HL 90 200 60 sp/su 4 4 21 -7 -3
Close LK HL 40 50 20 sp/su 3 2 8 +1 +4
Close MK HL*H*H 30*20*20 50*25*25 40*20*20 sp/su 4 3(7)2*2 16 -4 +1 1st hit cancellable
Close HK HL 100 200 60 sp/su 4 3 18 -3 +2 Forces stand
Far LP HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 2 6 +3 +6
Far MP HL 70 100 40 sp/su 7 2 10 +2 +5
Far HP HL 100 200 60 - 6 3 16 -1 +3
Far LK HL 30 50 20 - 4 2 10 -1 +2
Far MK HL 70 100 40 - 7 3 13 -2 0
Far HK HL 100 200 60 - 12 2 20 -4 0
crouch LP HL 30 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 3 5 +3 +6
crouch MP HL 60 100 40 - 10 5 12 -3 0
crouch HP HL 50*50 100*100 60*60 sp/su 7 2(6)2 18 -2 +2 1st hit cancellable
crouch LK L 30 50 20 ch 3 4 8 -1 +2 Low attack
crouch MK L 60 100 40 sp/su 5 3 11 0 +3 Low attack
crouch HK L 90 200 60 - 7 4 19 -5 D Low attack, cannot fast recover
Jump up LP H 40 50 20 - 6 6 - - -
Jump up MP H 70 100 40 - 4 3 - - -
Jump up HP H 70*70 150*150 60*60 - 5 2(2)2 - - - 2nd hit (translate)
Jump up LK H 50 50 20 - 3 7 - - -
Jump up MK H 80 100 40 - 4 6 - - -
Jump up HK H 90 200 60 - 4 8 - - -
Jump forward LP H 40 50 20 - 3 6 - - -
Jump forward MP H 70 100 40 - 5 3 - - -
Jump forward HP H 70 150 60 - 5 8 - - -
Jump forward LK H 30 50 20 - 4 10 - - -
Jump forward MK H 60 100 40 - 5 5 - - -
Jump forward HK H 100 200 60 - 4 5 - - -
b+MK HL 50 50 40 - 9 4 16 -6 -3
MK(during b+MK) HL 50 50 20 su 12 3 39 -28 D
d,u+K(during b+MK, MK) HL 20x5 50x5 20x5 - 4 4(2)1(4)2(4)1(5)1 9+15 - D Pursuit property
f+MK HL 80 100 40 - 15 3 13 -2 +1
df+LK HL 40 50 20 - 10 4 8+7 -5 -2 3~11 (translate)
df+HK H 100 200 60 - 37 7 5 +2 +6
d+MK(air) H 60 50 40 - 2 3 - - - 1~4 (translate), mid attack, Pursuit property, 3(translate)
Triangle Jump - - - - - - - - - -
Target Combo 1 H 40 50 20 - 4 3 - - - Pursuit property
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 21 2 35 -21 -21
Focus attack LVL 2 HL 80 150 40 - 17+14 2 35 -16 D
Focus attack LVL 3 - 120 200 60 - 65 2 35 D D
Forward Throw 1 140 100 40 - 3 2 20 - D Throw range 1.0
Back Throw 1 140 100 40 - 3 2 20 - D Throw range 1.0
Air Throw 1.1 150 150 40 - 3 2 - - D Throw range 1.1
Lightning Kicks LK HL 15xN 20xN 20/10xN su 4 - 17 +2 +6 1~4 hit cancellable
Lightning Kicks MK HL 15xN 25xN 20/10xN su 7 - 20 0 +4 1~4 hit cancellable
Lightning Kicks HK HL 15XN 30xN 20/10xN su 7 - 21 -1 +3 1~4 hit cancellable
Lightning Kicks EX HL 40x4 50x4 -250/0 su 4 - 19 +1 D Pursuit property, 1~4 hit cancellable
Kikkoken LP HL 50 50 20/20 su 14 100 44 -4 0 charge 55f
Kikkoken MP HL 60 75 20/20 su 12 77 41 -3 +1 charge 55f
Kikkoken HP HL 70 100 20/20 su 10 45 41 -5 -1 charge 55f
Kikkoken EX HL 50*50 50*50 -250/0 su 10 49 48 -4 0 Pursuit property, charge 55f
Hazan Shu LK H 90 100 30/40 su 23 2 20 -1 +4 Mid attack
Hazan Shu MK H 110 150 30/40 su 25 2 19 0 +5 Mid attack
Hazan Shu HK H 130 200 30/40 su 26 2 20 -1 +4 Mid attack
Hazan Shu EX H 170 200 -250/0 su 26 2 20 -1 D
Spinning Bird Kick LK HL 32x5 36x5 20/10 - 13 2(2)1(5)2(4)2(4)2 10+12 -3 +1 Forces stand on hit, Armor break
Spinning Bird Kick MK HL 25x6*30 28x6*32 20/10 - 14 2(2)1(5)1(5)2(4)2(6)1(5)2 9+12 -2 +2 Forces stand on hit, Armor break
Spinning Bird Kick HK HL 30x9 30x9 20/10 - 22 1(2)1(5)2(4)2(4)2(6)2(3)2(5)2(4)2 11+12 -4 0 Forces stand on hit, Armor break
Spinning Bird Kick EX HL 30x5 50x4*60 -250/0 - 6 2(1)2(3)2(4)2(3)2 9+9 -18 D 1~7f invincible, Pursuit property, Armor break
Super Combo LK HL 30x8*100 0 -1000/0 - 1+1 2(13)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(17)2 50 -31 D 1~3f invincible, Pursuit property
Super Combo MK HL 30x8*100 0 -1000/0 - 1+0 2(13)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(17)2 63 -44 D 1f invincible, Pursuit property
Super Combo HK HL 30x8*100 0 -1000/0 - 1+1 2(13)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(3)1(5)1(17)2 86 -67 D 1f invincible, Pursuit property
Ultra Combo 1 HL 30x9*190 0 0/0 - 1+6 2(7)2(5)2(5)2(5)2(5)2(5)1(6)1(22)3 65 -47 D 1~7f invincible, Pursuit property, Armor break
Ultra Combo 2 HL 15x19*45 0 0/0 - 1+9 6x20 80 -55 D 1~10f invincible