Super Street Fighter IV/Dudley

From SuperCombo Wiki
Super Street Fighter IVSSFIVLogo.png


SSFIV-Dudley Face.jpg

Dudley grew up in the life of luxury, but his family's fortune was lost by his father's poor business decisions. Thus, Dudley spent a lot of time in the professional boxing circuit, and managed to work his fortunes back up. Now, Dudley is back to living a life of luxury and has everything he's ever wanted... except for one thing: his father's prize sports car. The search for the car has led Dudley into the world of Street Fighting and, given his past, Dudley is all too happy to partake in the fights with various opponents, all of whom he has extreme respect for.

In a nutshell

Someone once described Dudley as "Zangief, but with combos." And that is exactly what he is. Dudley has to work to get inside his opponent's space, but once he does, that is where Dudely truly shines. Because everything can lead into a comboed EX Machine Gun Punch, whether it's a Low.png hitting Crouching Light Punch or the quick Overhead of Towards Hard Punch, the pressure Dudley can sustain on an opponent is nigh overwhelming, and a dizzy is almost guaranteed after two mix-ups, making Dudley truly a terror once he gets in. However, making sure you land those combos will take a lot of practice time in Training Mode, so get good at your links!


Unique Attacks

Slipping Jab
F.png + Lp.png
Can chain into itself
Stomach Blow
F.png + Mp.png
Kidney Blow
F.png + Mk.png
Step Straight
F.png + Hp.png
Dart Shot
F.png + Hk.png
Target Combo 1
F.png + Lp.png ---.png Mp.png
Target Combo 2
D.png + Lk.png ---.png Mk.png
1st hit Low.png
Target Combo 3
F.png + Hk.png ---.png Mk.png
1st hit High.png
Target Combo 4
Lp.png ---.png Mp.png ---.png Mk.png
Target Combo 5
Mp.png or F.png + Mk.png ---.png Mk.png ---.png Hp.png
Target Combo 6
D.png + Lk.png ---.png D.png + Mp.png ---.png D.png + Hp.png
1st hit Low.png
Target Combo 7
Mk.png ---.png Hk.png ---.png Hp.png
Target Combo 8
Lk.png ---.png Mk.png ---.png Mp.png ---.png Hp.png
Victory Rose
D.png + Hp.png + Hk.png


Kidney Crusher
F.png or N.png + Lp.png + Lk.png
Dynamite Throw
B.png + Lp.png + Lk.png

Special Moves

Jet Upper
Dp.png + P.png
Machine Gun Blow
Hcf.png + P.png
Cross Counter
Hcb.png + P.png
Counters only against certain attacks; Ex.png
Short Swing Blow
Hcb.png + K.png
Hcf.png + K.png
   Ducking Straight
Perform after Duck; Armorbreak.png
   Ducking Upper
Perform after Duck
Thunder Bolt
D.png (charge) U.png + K.png
Can be Focus Canceled on whiff

Super Combo

Rocket Upper
Qcf.png Qcf.png + P.png

Ultra Combos

Rolling Thunder
Qcf.png Qcf.png + 3k.png
Corkscrew Cross
Qcf.png Qcf.png + 3p.png

Frame Data

Move Values Frame Count Frame Advantage
Move Name Block (HL) Damage Stun Super Meter Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Notes
Standing Attacks
Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 2 6 +3 +6 - - Whiffs on crouchers
Strong.gif HL 60 100 40 sp/su 4 2 9 +3 +6 - -
Fierce.gif HL 130 200 60 su 6 6 16 -4 0 - -
Short.gif HL 40 50 20 sp/su 5 2 10 -1 +2 - -
Forward.gif HL 65 100 40 - 6 5 10 -1 +2 - -
Roundhouse.gif HL 80 160 60 sp/su 4 3 18 -3 +2 - -
Crouching Attacks
Jab.gif HL 20 50 20 ch/sp/su 3 2 7 +2 +5 - -
Strong.gif HL 60 100 40 sp/su 5 2 11 -1 +4 - -
Fierce.gif HL 120 200 60 - 8 4 15 -1 +4 - -
Short.gif L 30 50 20 sp/su 4 4 6 +1 +4 - -
Forward.gif L 70 100 40 - 10 3 17 -6 - - -
Roundhouse.gif L 100 120 60 - 14 4 22 -8 - - -
Straight Up Jump Attacks
Jab.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 3 - - - - -
Strong.gif H 70 100 40 - 5 5 - - - - -
Fierce.gif H 120 200 60 - 8 3 - - - - -
Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 10 - - - - -
Forward.gif H 60 100 40 - 5 8 - - - - -
Roundhouse.gif H 90 200 60 - 11 5 - - - - -
Angled Jump Attacks
Jab.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 5 - - - - -
Strong.gif H 70 100 40 - 5 3 - - - - -
Fierce.gif H 120 200 60 - 6 4 - - - - -
Short.gif H 40 50 20 - 4 16 - - - - -
Forward.gif H 60 100 40 - 5 12 - - - - -
Roundhouse.gif H 110 200 60 - 9 10 - - - - -
Unique Attacks
Right.gif + Jab.gif HL 25 50 20 sp/su 5 2 1 -2 +2 - -
Right.gif + Strong.gif HL 80 100 40 - 9 4 10 0 +3 - -
Right.gif + Forward.gif HL 100 100 40 - 8 2 9 +3 +5 - -
Right.gif + Fierce.gif HL 130 200 60 su 13 7 13 -2 +2 - -
Right.gif + Roundhouse.gif H 80 100 60 su 15 4 15 -1 +4 - -
Right.gif + Jab.gif > Strong.gif HL 30 50 40 sp/su 4 2 14 -2 +1 - -
Crouching Short.gif > Forward.gif HL 30 50 40 sp/su 4 3 13 -2 +1 - -
Right.gif + Roundhouse.gif > Forward.gif HL 30 50 40 - 4 4 13 -3 0 - -
Jab.gif > Strong.gif HL 30 50 40 - 4 2 11 +1 +4 - -
Jab.gif > Strong.gif > Forward.gif HL 30 50 40 sp/su 4 3 13 -2 +1 - -
Strong.gif or Right.gif + Forward.gif > Forward.gif HL 30 50 40 - 4 3 13 -2 +1 - -
Strong.gif or Right.gif + Forward.gif > Forward.gif > Fierce.gif HL 40 50 60 su 4 3 17 -2 +1 - -
Crouching Short.gif > Crouching Strong.gif HL 30 50 40 - 4 2 16 -4 +1 - -
Crouching Short.gif > Crouching Strong.gif > Crouching Fierce.gif HL 40*47 50*50 50*70 - 4 1*3 16 -1 +2 - -
Forward.gif > Roundhouse.gif HL 40 50 60 - 4 3 16 +1 +3 - -
Forward.gif > Roundhouse.gif > Fierce.gif HL 20*20 50*50 50*70 su 4 1*3 16 -1 +2 - -
Short.gif > Forward.gif HL 30 50 40 - 4 3 13 -2 +4 - -
Short.gif > Forward.gif > Strong.gif HL 30 50 40 - 4 2 12 +1 +3 - -
Short.gif > Forward.gif > Strong.gif > Fierce.gif HL 20*20 50*50 50*88 su 4 1*3 16 -1 +2 - -
Victory Rose HL 0 0 0 - 24 55 78 - - - -
Focus Attacks
Focus Attack LVL 1 HL 60 100 20 - 21 2 35 -21 -21 - -
Focus Attack LVL 2 HL 80 150 40 - 17+12 2 35 -15 - - -
Focus Attack LVL 3 - 140 200 60 - 65 2 35 - - - -
Forward Throw 0.9 140 160 40 - 3 2 20 - - - -
Back Throw 0.9 140 100 40 - 3 2 20 - - - -
Special Moves
Jet Upper Jab.gif HL 120[80] 150[100] 30/40 su 6 7 16+9 -16 - - -
Jet Upper Strong.gif HL 140[100] 150[100] 30/40 su 6 14 16+12 -26 - - -
Jet Upper Fierce.gif HL 100*60[70] 150*50 30/20x2 su 4 2*18 18+12 -32 - - -
Jet Upper EX.gif HL 100*80 150*50 -250/0 su 4 2*18 20+12 -29 - - -
Machinegun Blow Jab.gif HL 20x2*50 25x2*50 10/10x3 - 9 2(5)2(10)4 21 -2 +2 - -
Machinegun Blow Strong.gif HL 20x3*60 25x3*75 15/10x4 - 16 2(5)2(5)2(10)4 21 -4 -1 - -
Machinegun Blow Fierce.gif HL 20x5*30 25x5*75 20/10x6 - 18 2(5)2(5)2(5)2(5)2(6)4 22 -5 0 - -
Machinegun Blow EX.gif HL 15x6*30 20x6*30 -250/0 - 18 2(5)2(5)2(5)2(5)2(6)4(7)4 20 -8 - - -
Cross Counter - ??? 100 10/40 - 3 ??? 21 - - - -
Cross Counter EX.gif - ??? 50*100x2 -250/0 - 3 29 21 - - - -
Short Swing Blow Short.gif HL 120 200 20/30 su 18 3 20 -2 +2 - -
Short Swing Blow Forward.gif HL 140 200 20/30 su 21 3 22 -4 0 - -
Short Swing Blow Roundhouse.gif HL 160 200 20/30 su 24 3 22 -4 0 - -
Short Swing Blow EX.gif HL 50x3 50x2*100 -250/10 su 24 2(6)3(12)2 32 -5 - - -
Duck Short.gif - 0 - 10/- su 9 - 20 - - - -
Duck Forward.gif - 0 - 10/- su 9 - 21 - - - -
Duck Roundhouse.gif - 0 - 10/- su 9 - 25 - - - -
Ducking Straight HL 100 200 5/40 su 5 3 23 -5 +2 - -
Ducking Upper HL 60*60 150*50 5/30*20 su 3 1*2 25 -6 +1 - -
Thunderbolt HL ??? 100*100 20/20x2 - 38 5 41 -22 - - -
Thunderbolt EX.gif HL 20x4*90 30x4*100 -250/0 - 34 9 41 -21 - - -
Super Combo
Super Combo HL 50*30*40*30*40*15x10*50 0 -1000/0 - 1+2 3*5(22)3*9(39)3*3*{2*1}x5 21+17 -35 - - - Is safe jump-able
Ultra Combos
Ultra Combo 1 HL 45x5*45*57*275 0 0/0 - 1+7 3(8)3(10)3(8)3(10)3(12)1*3 35 -17 - - -
Ultra Combo 2 HL 54x5[440] 0 0/0 - 1+7 24 48 -27 - - -
Move Name Block (HL) Damage Stun Super Meter Gain Cancel Ability Startup Active Recovery On Guard On Hit Block Stun Hit Stun Notes
Move Values Frame Count Frame Advantage

Move Analysis

Normal Moves

Crouching HK: Launches opponent into air. Useful for starting a juggle.

Unique Attacks


Normal Throws


Focus Attack


Special Moves


Super Combos


Ultra Combos

Rolling Thunder can go through fireballs if timed right and connect for a full ultra.

Corkscrew Cross can be hit off of combos in several situation. (example would be crouching HK in the corner) This will not connect for the full animation though.

The Basics


Advanced Strategy

Dudley can combo just about any of his normals into a MGB, this is vital to being successful with Dudley. Learn all his different combos that start with normals to achieve the most success. Knowing all of the combos will make you able to hit very big combos that can lead to mix ups, stun, and ultra in some cases.

Getting in on your opponent is very important with Dudley. You need to utilize your focus attacks, jump ins, HP and Duck to close the distance on your opponent and land big combos and start mix ups. This is a key to winning with Dudley because he can't do any damage from afar (You sort of can with thunderbolt). So practice punishing you opponents pokes and your footsies to become better.


Bread and Butters

  • F+MK > cr. LP x 2 > st. HK > Machinegun Blow
  • Jumping HK > Standing HK > EX Machinegun Blow > MK Duck > Ducking Upper

Hit Confirm Combos

  • N/A

Dizzy / Focus Crumple Combos

  • N/A

FADC Combos

  • N/A

Advanced Combos

  • N/A

Combos Into Supers

  • LK > MK > MP > HP > Rocket Upper
  • Forward+MK > cr. LP x 2 > HK > Ducking Straight or Upper > Rocket Upper

Combos Into Ultras

Basics: j.HK, s.HK xx EX Machine Gun Blow, c.HK, Corkscrew Cross


  • Vs. Abel

To Be Written (TBW)

  • Vs. Adon


  • Vs. Akuma


  • Vs. Balrog

Can be a hard matchup for Dudley as Balrog's footsies are much better than yours. Do not focus alot in the match Dash Punches will kill you. You can punish his Dash Punches with Corkscrew Cross on reaction and on block for the HP version I believe. Just play it safe and don't get hit by headbutts.

  • Vs. Blanka


  • Vs. C. Viper


  • Vs. Cammy


  • Vs. Chun Li

Be very careful of her pokes, they are much better than yours. If you use Rolling Thunder, watch out for her slow fire ball she can block your ultra. Punish her jump ins with s.MK and try to find an opening with s.HP and your jump ins.

  • Vs. Cody


  • Vs. Dan


  • Vs. Dee Jay


  • Vs. Dhalsim


  • Vs. Dudley


  • Vs. E. Honda


  • Vs. El Fuerte


  • Vs. Fei Long


  • Vs. Gen


  • Vs. Gouken


  • Vs. Guile


  • Vs. Guy


  • Vs. Hakan


  • Vs. Ibuki


  • Vs. Juri


  • Vs. Ken


  • Vs. M. Bison


  • Vs. Makoto


  • Vs. Rose


  • Vs. Rufus


  • Vs. Ryu

Duck under fireballs, but beware of being caught by Ryu's amazing c.MK. This will beat duck and MGB. Don't jump alot, you with get DP'd. Punish whiffed shoryukens with standing HK for a big combo. When you get an opening, take it and exploit it.

  • Vs. Sagat


  • Vs. Sakura


  • Vs. Seth


  • Vs. T. Hawk


  • Vs. Vega


  • Vs. Zangief