Capcom vs SNK 2/Geese

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(all frame data from Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2001 Official Guidebook)

Frame data explanation: STARTUP/DURATION/RECOVERY, +/-X, +/-Y

The first number shows how many frames a move takes to become active, the 2nd shows how long the move is active and can hit, and the 3rd shows how many recovery frames there are. +/-X shows the frame advantage/disadvantage after the move hits, +/-Y shows the same if the move is blocked.


Standing: 3/4/6, +7, +7

This is pretty good as far as standing jabs go but it's sort of overshadowed by his low jab as most characters can duck this. One way to use this move is if you know that someone is performing a jumpin parry/just defend, I use this move to take the parry or JD then you can retaliate in some other way like run behind and low fierce in the case of a JD or to do a low fierce/counter right after in the case of a parry.

-d.LK, whiff s.LP, throw

Crouching: 3/4/5, +8, +8

This is one of your bread and butter moves. Unlike CVS1 noone can duck this move and looking at the frame advantage, you can see how this move is very useful for setting up counterhits on opponents that like to press alot of buttons at close range. Links into almost every normal geese has. This is your main counterhit weapon.

Chun can cleanly go under this move with her low strong.

Jumping: 5/24/NA, NA, NA

Goofy looking downward angled palm. I really can't think of a use for this move. All of geese's air moves have a 5 frame startup and this move doesnt really cover a good angle. Does stay out a long time I suppose.


Close: 4/9/14, +1, +1

This is the raise the roof punch, it is a little silly upwards angled palm where Geese slaps himself virtually in the shoulder. The only possible use of this is as a meaty but even if you hit with the last possible active frame, you would just be at +8 which is the same thing you'd get just by doing a low jab. So its really not terribly useful, as far as I know. This is Geese's dodge punch in S Groove.

Standing: 5/9/14, +0, +0

Knife hand strike to the midsection. A little more range than it looks like it has but still nothing really special.

Crouching: 7/7/14, -1, -1

A chop that attacks the opponent's feet. Kinda slow coming out but it does have it's rare uses if you really want to use it. This move is sort of like Balrog's low fwd in SF2, it punches the opponent's feet if they try a low attack and it is bufferable into super. For example this move will always beat blanka's slide and you can combo deadly rave off of it. However whiffing this move is pretty dangerous so you better be sure, in general this is not very useful.

Jumping: 5/10/NA, NA, NA

A horizontal chop. This is for jumping air to air. Your 2 best air to air moves are this and diagonal jump roundhouse, this is good if the person is above you and the diagonal jumping roundhouse is good if they are in front of you. You wont find yourself using this too often but it does have some specific uses against characters.


Close: 4/11/24, -9, -9

A little palm to the stomach. Bufferable into specials/supers. This move pushes you forward a little bit which gives it it's use in CC's since if you time correctly you can do several of these in a row at the beginning to really cause alot of CC damage. This move can also be linked off of low jab, stand short, low short in order to create combos. This is Geese's Counter Attack in N/C/S Groove.

Standing: 8/6/20, +0, +0

Standing punch with pretty good reach. Most characters can duck this but it is still a useful poke at times. Not nearly as useful as it could be though, Geese's hittable area seems to move forward alot when you press it so often when trying to punish the whiff of a meaty move with this, youll find yourself bumping yourself into the last frames of it. Happens alot with Sagat's fierces ><. However the move does have good range so it has uses.

Crouching: 3/9/27, -12, -12

An uppercut. You'll find yourself using this move a lot. It comes out even faster than your low fwd, so for link combos this is a really solid move. Linking things like low short-low fierce are incredibly easy. It is also your main anti air move. However it has alot of recovery frames so be careful when using it as anti air, as if your opponent parries/JD's or it misses thats going to be dangerous.

Crouching fierce has more horizontal range than close standing fierce does. Linking a crouching fierce after low jab lets Geese land run up, low jab, fierce xx super/jaiken from farther away than had he used tried to use close standing fierce. To avoid getting accidental far standing fierces when you're going for a link combo into super/special, it can be useful to use crouching fierce instead of going for close standing fierce.

Jumping: 1st hit: 5/4/NA 2nd hit: 4/4/NA, NA, NA

A short range downward palm that hits twice. That is the main distinction of the move, if the opponent blocks this it will do more guard crush damage than a normal fierce and both hits must be blocked high. It is very hard to make both hits hit a crouching opponent.

Towards+Fierce: 14/10/20, -4, knockdown

This move is bufferable to both specials and super moves. The main distinction of this move is it does alot more guard crush damage than a normal fierce. It comes out quite slow but if you can make your opponent block it it is a good weapon. With rage on, this move into his HCB+kick does half the guard bar alone.


Close: 2/4/6, +7, +7

A little knee. This is your fastest move at 2 frames and it gives you a pretty hefty advantage. Up close you can use this move for lots of different counterhit/throw setups and link combos.

No character can duck this or go under it with any move, including Chun trying a d.MP.

Standing: 4/4/14, -3, -3

A low kick. It is a low damaging short that leaves you at -3 and doesnt really have any clear uses to me.

-max range d.LP, far s.LK xx super

Crouching: 3/4/7, +6, +6

This move is not as good as the low jab as far as speed or frame advantage but it does hit low. Therefore it's main use is going to be for when you need a low hit, for example after an empty jump to create a high/low mixup. You can easily dial up a super, QCF+P, or HCB+K off combos starting with this.

Jumping: 5/22/NA, NA, NA

This move has the same animation as the jumping forward, same speed, just weaker and stays out a bit longer. Really not particularly useful seeing how good jumping forward is.


Standing: 8/8/17, -5, -5

A mid level side kick. At first this move doesnt look that useful and it isnt really so great but it does have situational uses. The hitbox of this move reaches well out beyond your vulnerable area giving it an "invincible tip" sort of. So occasionally poking with it will stuff several moves that your opponents use. For example this move always counterhits blanka's low fierce cleanly. It is unfortunate that you cannot cancel super off of this. This is Geese's dodge kick attack in S-Groove.

Crouching: 4/7/14, +1, +1

A pretty high priority and fast low hit. The main use of this move is going to be for whiff punishing and link combos into super. Cancelling this move into Deadly Rave is going to cause alot of damage. This move links off of low jab, short, close short all easily so you can easily confirm your hits into super. Leaves you at +1 also and whiffs fast so its not too dangerous to throw out there.

Jumping: 5/12/NA, NA, NA

You will find yourself using this move a lot. This move is a huge cross up and also has alot of downward priority. This move will be a decent part of your offense and certain anti airs have trouble with it. For example you can find yourself trading/beating stuff like Vega's standing roundhouse with this. Another less common use of this is as an overhead on larger characters during a low jump. If Sagat for example is low on life so that a jump forward will kill him, low jump instant forward is a really fast overhead hit that will more than likely end the round. Using this when they will survive it is somewhat dangerous as you will be vulnerable, however we all know that people dont always react to things like this correctly. Overhead instant forward, land, super is just like roll -> super, works all the time for some reason.


Close: 1st hit: 4/3 2nd hit: 4/6/16, +4, +4

A 2 hit side kick. The first hit can be ducked by most characters. This move really isnt horribly useful, except for the fact that it does give frame advantage but looks deceptive. As long as it is used rarely you can use it on a rising opponent to set up a counterhit. You have to use it early so they rise into the 2nd hit. It would be a good anti air except that the low fierce covers the exact same angle much better.

Standing: 18/8/19, -3, -3

This is an important move. It moves Geese forward a good distance and has good priority once the hitting frames come out. The move normally leaves you at -3 which is pretty much completely safe however if you use it at a distance so that you hit later on in the active frames, you can actually get a frame advantage with this move. That is one of the best uses of this move, to get in on the opponent. It is too slow to use to punish whiffs usually but you can use it after a whiff in order to force the opponent to block it and put yourself in a better position. You have 2 big disadvantages with this move however, one being the slow startup allowing it to be easily stuffed if the opponent is attacking, and the other being that it is possible to JD/parry on reaction to this move at times and if that happens Geese is very vulnerable. Overall a very useful move but one must be careful.

Crouching: 6/4/35, -15, knockdown

Your sweep. This is a pretty good sweep, long range and fast. However it also moves your hittable area forward with alot like the standing fierce, so it loses if used against another high priority move in most cases. Most players cancel a fireball off of this move, and if it hits that is a good idea to prevent the opponent from using safe fall. However if it is blocked, be warned that almost any character can punish you for doing this pattern. In general this move is not particularly safe if blocked, and I usually use it when I know it will hit to knock the opponent down so I can get in close. Best uses are for punishing whiffs or linking it off of a few low jabs.

Jumping Vertically: 5/7/NA

This move has shorter range than it appears and is generally not really useful. Jumping strong and jumping diagonally roundhouse are both much better for air to air.

Jumping Horizontally: 5/8/NA

This move has very good horizontal range and is great air to air. For example if you block a Blanka ball standing you can jump in with this to punish it. This move is basically used for air to air but it can also be very useful as a low jump attack at certain ranges.


Punch: 3/1/13

Kick: 5/1/13

As with all characters, the punch throw does a little less damage and is easier to tech, but it comes out faster, and the kick throw does a little more but is slower/harder to tech. With Geese however his Kick throw has a special property that makes it impossible for the opponent to safe fall, so it is almost always used because it slams the opponent right next to you for more attacks. Only use the punch throw generally if you think the throw will kill the opponent and you dont care about followups.



Geese's run isnt too fast and is generally not terribly special except for one property of it that is kind of strange. Geese becomes very short when he runs due to him bending forward, and his run is actually shorter than his crouch. This allows him to run under moves that he cannot even crouch. The most famous example of this is Sagat's standing fierce. Sagat's will use this move on Geese a lot because he cannot crouch it, but if you can bait this move you can actually run right into it and punish the Sagat player after it whiffs.


Geese's roll is nothing really special, not horrible but not great. Its best use is for ambiguous crossups after a sweep or a kick throw. It can also be used in ground games against laggy moves but it is not a fast roll so you have to be sure. Randomly doing this is very dangerous as it is not hard to react to it.


Geese has a pretty fast dash. Once you train your opponent to block against you you can get away with using this up close to keep the pressure on and make the opponent attack, giving you counterhits. Low jab > dash is hard to punish unless the opponent is mashing something, in which case you can low jab, wait millisecond, low jab counterhit > whatever.


Geese's jump isn't terribly fast but his superjump moves pretty far forward allowing you to perform crossups from a pretty good distance away. His low jump is also not very fast but he has some decent low jump attacks, like forward, roundhouse, and fierce.


QCF+P: Reppuken(fireball):

Jab: 12/NA/46, -13, -13

Strong: 12/NA/46, -13, -13

Fierce: 1st hit: 12/NA, 2nd: 20/NA/43, -10, -10

(frame disadvantages given for a point blank hit)

QCB+P (in air): Shippuken(air fireball):

All versions: 16/NA/NA

HCB+P: Counters:

All versions: 0/18/32

(duration refers to active counter frames)

HCB+K: Jaienken(rush move)

Short: 9/21/41, -23, knockdown

Forward: 14/21/41, -23, knockdown

Roundhouse: 19/21/41, -23, knockdown

(duration refers to active time during rush forward animation)


DB, HCB, DF+P: Raging Storm

LV1: 10/43/30, -7, knockdown

(has 4 frames of invincibility)

LV2: 10/55/30, -7, knockdown

(has 10 frames of invincibility)

LV3: 10/67/30, -7, knockdown

(has 18 frames of invincibility)

HCB, F+short: Deadly Rave(LV3 only)

(on hit, input: Jab, Jab, Short, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse, QCB+Fierce)

4/NA/NA, +13, knockdown

(has 18 frames of invincibility, +13 refers to if first hit is blocked)





BY: Ragingstorm101

Geese is good for guard crushing and his best groove would be K groove or A groove. K groove is preferred because he has such strong moves that can guard crush and then you can get a level 3.

Raging Storm is helpful but not a necessity. In fact, don't try to spend the entire match to do the super. If you do get the move out, but it doesn't hit or you lose all your life, what's the point? The official motion is dwn back, hcb, dwn fwd, + punch but I just do hcb hcb + punch. I like to do it on wake up because it's safe or if I know that someone is going to jump. Honestly in my opinion, you use Raging Storm when you know it's going to hit.

He has good normals such as, cr.lp, s.fierce, cr.fierce, f + fierce, s.RH, j.RH and low jump mk or RH.

If you're close to someone, do, cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.RH, cancel to jab reppuken. It doesn't matter if it hits or not. If it hits good, if it doesn't, then it still does good guard damage. HOWEVER, (big however), sometimes your opponent can hit you during the recovery from the reppuken. I've have numerous times where someone got a free Custom Combo on me or a level 3 super. So be careful (some examples are Blanka's level 3 Direct Lighting, Sagat's tiger cannon super or tiger raid, or just fast supers. CCs can usually hit Geese but people can mess up so that by the time the invincibility wears off, they get hit by the reppuken). BTW the point of the reppuken is to cancel the recovery time of the cr.RH. It can hit people who use safe fall grooves and safe fall after they get hit by the cr.RH.

if you can get a cross up after, you can do cr.jab (or, s.fierce, Deadly Rave (hcb, f _ lk jab jab short short, mp, mp, mk mk) then instead of finishing it, do cr.jab (or, s.fierce, hcb + mk. Usually it can dizzy a 63 stun character or make it close for a 70 char. What you can do is run up, low jump mk so that they can get hit and get stunned. Then do cr.jab (or, s.fierce, hcb + mk.

DON'T do random Jaei Kens (hcb + k). It's slow and sucks without being in a combo.

Counters jab counter is good for high counters (like jumps), special moves (moves that require direction and normals) and supers. This is the best part of Geese's counters. It can COUNTER SUPERS! But keep in mind, it can only counter non projectile supers. So don't try counter Ryu's shinku hadouken. ever.

mp counter = good for s.normals like s.fierce. fierce counter = counters cr.normals like or cr.RH.