Street Fighter Alpha 2/Rose

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Rose's best Street Fighter incarnation is definitely SFA2. Ranking wise, she's in the upper echelon of the cast, generally agreed to be part of the top tier. She should be played very aggressively as her offensive game is far better than her defensive one. Rose needs to always have meter to threaten opponents because just one level of meter gives her a world of openings and comebacks. With unparalleled priority on her crouching strong punches, great reach and overall priority on the rest of her normals, and her godly assortment of level 1 supers/ACs/CCs, Rose earns her spot in the herald Top 4.

Moves List

Normal Moves

A quick standing punch. Nothing special. Since Rose is so tall, it can whiff small crouching opponents like Chun, which is a bad thing. Not much use for it.

A rapid fire crouching punch. It's fast enough to stop most tick-throw cheaps. If you feel your opponent is setting you up for tick-throw bait, spam on crouching LPs to stop them. It also links into her other normals to, so it's good to use to set up hit confirm combos.

Jumping chop. Jump straight up LP works okay as an anti-air, but strong is better. Not much use for this.

Like her jab except her fist is glowing. It's okay to use as an anti-air for people jumping far away. Other than that, not much use.

Rose's signature normal move. Her crouching MP is probably the best prioritized normal in the game. The only time she's vulnerable using it is in the split second when it's retracting, and even then the opponent has very little time to counter. In nearly every situation, it's safe, it's spammable, and it'll outprioritize almost any other attack in it's hitbox. Use it to annoy, to poke, and to force them to jump into her anti-airs. In combos, it is usually buffered into her LK Soul Spiral or used after a successful Punch AC. This move is what makes Rose so powerful on the ground. And besides, what other normal in SFA2 has won an entire tournament on its own?

Glowing hand version of jumping LP. Mostly jump straight up with it as a good anti-air when your standard crouching HP isn't working (especially in matches such as vs. Zangief, M.Bison, and Rolento).

Rose whips out her shawl short-ranged. It's comboable, but her cr.HP is probably a better choice overall. Best used if they missed a big super combo or DP and you have all the time in the world to do standing HP xx HK Soul Spiral. It's also her only normal that can reliably combo into her Soul Spark fireball. Other than the mistake punishing combo and Soul Spark combo listed, there isn't much use for her standing HP.

Rose's go-to anti-air. This is very good at taking people out of the air, and you can use her Soul Illusion to back up the damage or insure that things will always trade in your favor. She can also tack on a level 1 or level 2 Aura Soul Throw super at the end for more damage... although the level 2 is a bit of a waste. If anyone is jumping at you, Rose's quickest answer is crouching HP. It combos beautifully into her HK Soul Spiral as part of her big combos too.

A crescent moon shawl attack. This move is good to start combos with if you know you have an openning, or if you're meeting them in air-to-air battles and you whip this out early.

A short ranged outwards kick. Not much use except for maybe tick-throw setups.

A quick low kick. It can link into her cr.MP for combos. Otherwise, her crouching LP is faster at stopping tick-throws and cheaps. If you want to start her Soul Illusions up close safely, cancel it from a crouching LK (hit or blocked), and start your assault.

A 45 degree angled downwards kick. This is a very good jump in because of the angle she comes in at. It's probably her best prioritized jump in too. Use it when powered up by Soul Illusion or for jumping tick throws.

A weird short-ranged kick where Rose balances on her shawl. The best thing about this move is that it lifts Rose's whole body off the ground as she's balancing on her magic shawl, so a lot of low attacks will whiff under her and she can score a hit. The bad thing is that it has way less range than it looks and she can get punished badly since it's kinda slow recovering. Use it sporadically when you know a low move is coming.

A long ranged kick that looks like a stationary slide. It can combo into her LK Soul Spiral, and is good to use if Rose is too far away for her cr.MP to connect for a combo.

Rose's important cross-up. It's a very good cross-up with a huge hit box which makes it very forgiving when trying for a crossup since it stays out for a long time. On crouching or standing opponents, Rose should have not trouble aiming for their shoulders and getting a successful crossup all the time. Always try to use it when powered up by the Soul Illusion, as one successful Soul Illusioned crossup jumping MK will lead to huge life taken off of your enemy. This is also a great jump back move to catch people chasing her in the air.

A weird standing cartwheel attack. Not much use because Rose is very slow on the recovery. It's probable best use is when you sense that they're going to jump at you and you stick out a standing HK so that they jump right into her out-stretched heel.

Rose's sweep. It's a very good sweep because it is very long ranged, making her Valle CCs all the more dangerous because she can strike from a farther distance than expected. Use like you would a shoto's sweep, except she's very vulnerable if it's blocked upclose because of her slow recovery. Only use to punish and at a safe, far distance.

A good combo starting jumping attack because she has a lot more horizontal range than her jumping HP. Also a great jump back move.

Special Moves

Punch Alpha Counter while blocking, B,DB, D + Punch
Probably the best all-purpose Alpha Counter in the game. This move stops everything except projectiles and Rose can combo into a knockdown every time. Just Punch AC, crouching MP xx LK Soul Spiral for a guaranteed 3-hit combo that sets up her deadly cross up game. Rose switches sides when she does her Punch AC, so obviously the prime time to use this is when you're in the corner being pressured. Punch AC out and put them into the corner and completely change the momentum. It's also a good "getup" AC because if she does it right, her AC will come out, if she does it wrong, either her crouching MP will come out (which isn't a bad thing), or she breaks a throw. Almost always use the MP when doing her Punch AC for that reason. Plus everyone loves hearing Rose say, "Soko made yo!"

Kick Alpha Counter while blocking, B,DB, D + Kick
Rose's sweep. It's got good range and sets them up to be crossed up afterwards. Kick AC footsies-into-fireball patterns to prevent being pushed out and to swing the momentum back on your side.

Slide DF + MK
Rose's slides on the ground. It has a small delay at the end (it had none whatsoever in SFA1), so don't use the Slide upclose. However, if you hit with the tip of it, it is relatively unpunishable. Use the Slide to move in on your opponent quickly and to position Rose for a crossup. It's very fast, so you can get in your enemy's face quickly by sliding into their range and starting your footsies game. You can also use the Slide to go under your opponent's jumping attack and retaliate from behind. When Illusioned, you can time it so that your opponent jumps into the Illusions' Slides and you can still combo them as they're getting hit.

Soul Spark HCF + Punch
Her fireball. Strength of punch determines speed and length of her shawl. Not the best fireball since it has a bit of recovery and people can hit her extended shawl or arm to damage her. It's not going to win Rose any fireball fights. But its main use is that when blocked, it pushes them back all the way across the screen. So definitely use her combo into her Soul Spark (blocked) to get some breathing room and push them away from Rose if you need them to get off your back. The more fireballs Rose absorbs, the stronger her next Soul Spark is. It can add up significantly, if they let your absorb 6+ fireballs which can lead to her 100% CC. But unless they're retarded, most opponents won't give Rose that much free meter.

Soul Reflect QCB + Punch
LP absorbs fireballs (1 fireball is approximately half a level of meter). Almost always absorb fireballs from far distance to charge up your meter quickly since Rose is so dangerous with just 1 level. MP reflects horizontally, and is good to put aggressive projectile throwers on the defensive. Shotos could definitely benefit from getting a fireball reflected back in their face. HP reflects upwards at a 45 degree angle, so use it when you think they'll jump in after throwing a fireball. In general though, you'll mostly be absorbing fireballs in your meter and only occasionally reflecting it back horizontally (MP) to surprise them.

Soul Throw DP + Punch
Rose's "throw" DP. Unlike a real Dragon Punch, no invincibility here. She will pretty much never use this move on its own. The only time Rose will be using her Soul Throw is to end her custom combos.

Super Moves

Aura Soul Spark QCB, QCB + Punch
Use in fireball fights or in AC reversals at level 1. Also use her level 1 as a reversal/DP against pokes. At level 2, she cartwheels several times before doing her fireball, so it's best used in combos (powered up by a level 1 Soul Illusion if you want to be flashy and damaging at the same time). Level 3 reflects all projectiles and super projectiles before she does her fireball (but no cartwheeling), so ideally you would want to use it upclose to reverse a fireball or super fireball. Her level 2 and 3 versions generally aren't worth using, so only stick to her level 1 for countering.

Aura Soul Throw QCF, QCF + Punch
Level 1 is her best anti-air. It stops nearly every jumping attack save for a select few and does a fat chunk of damage (one of the best damaging level 1 supers in the game). It works well if she does it early or late. Level 1 won't hit ground opponents though, but it's supposed to be used as an anti-air anyways so that point is moot. Level 2 makes Rose do her crouching HP first, before doing her her level 1 Soul Throw. Again it's a great anti-air, plus if you can combo it off of a regular cr.HP anti-air in the first place. The damage increase isn't that much to be worth using for an anti-air because level 1 does a fine chunk on its own and Rose will still be left with meter to burn. Level 3, Rose does a rushing standing MP punch, and autocombos into her cr.HP and then Soul Throw. Best in combos or to reverse ground moves, or she doesn't have time to start Illusions and needs a quick damaging punisher. But in general, don't do her level 2 or 3 unless it will win her the round with the damage. Rose is better off using her level 1 Illusion for mistake punishing and saving her meter.

Soul Illusion QCF, QCF + Kick
Rose's signature super and arguably one of the best supers in the game. The level affects how long the illusions will last, but generally Rose wants to stick to level 1s only because they give her ample time. The super makes a trail of shadows copy Rose and they all can hit. It makes her do huge damage with her Soul Spiral, and it still takes out an obscene amount of block damage if you force them to block a Soul Illusion powered HK Soul Spiral. Illusions make her crossup game much deadlier as it's hard to block all her Illusions correctly, and all it takes is one mistake for you to take up 50% life. Plus, there are unblockables setups done with Illusions to frustrate your enemy to no end. Soul Illusions strike fear to all of Rose's opponents and they are her absolute best chance for Rose to mount a comeback if she's behind on life.

The Basics

Rose should always try to be attacking her opponent, using level 1 Illusions to pressure, level 1 ACs/Aura Soul Throw when put on the defensive, or level level 1 CCs when an opportunity presents itself. When meterless, Rose should try hard to gain back her level 1 as fast as possible by absorbing fireballs, whiffing HP Soul Reflects (they're the fastest), or mounting a good footsie game with her cr.MP into LK Soul Spirals to gain meter. Once you do have your level 1, your main goal should then be to trip your opponent, start level 1 Illusions, and go into her crossup game. Never let up with the attack when you have meter because all it takes is one opponent mistake for Rose to hugely swing momentum to her side.

Basic Ground Game
Rose's ground game revolves around these moves:
- Soul Illusion
- cr.MP
- cr.HP
- cr.HK
- cr.LP
- Kick AC

Rose's best range is right up close when she has meter. Use cr.MP a lot to outprioritize your opponent's moves and snuff out random CCs. Rose's cr.HP stops a lot of jumping moves and it should be your main anti-air. If you have the time and meter, start a level 1 Soul Illusion first and then do the cr.HP for massive damage off their life. If you want to use meter (especially if you have extra meter to spare), do her level 1 Aura Soul Throw for a nice chunk of damage when you're going to anti-air.

Rose's Kick AC is very useful in her ground game because it lets her start her crossups. If you're being pushed out by fireballs, such as shotos' cr.HK xx Fireball, just block the fireball and Kick AC it to knock them down and then go for her crossup (start Illusion if time and meter permits). If you see them standing within your sweep, go for the Valle CC because her sweep is so long ranged. Finally, if you feel you're going to be cheap thrown such as if you're trapped in Ken's roll shenanigans, spam on cr.LPs to stop their throw attempts.

Building Meter
Whenever you're out of meter, Rose should always be trying to gain back her level 1. That means if you're midscreen or farther, 80% of the time you see a fireball come your way you'll want to absorb it. 2 Fireballs = 1 meter for Rose, and then she can go back on the offensive. If you're fighting an opponent without a projectile, Rose's HP Soul Reflect is her fastest special move to gain meter. The whole point of gaining meter is for her ability to start Illusions after a knockdown, level 1 Aura Soul Throw anti-air, CC at will when a mistake presents itself, or AC out of trouble.

Soul Illusion
I'd say that Rose's Soul Illusion super should be the main focus of her gameplay, just because it is so strong and so scary. Most of the time, when you start Illusions, your opponent will immediately turtle up and run away. That's why it's best to use Illusions right after you score a knockdown so you remain right on top of them and don't have to chase them down. After you get Illusions started, then you're only looking for one thing: landing a Soul Spiral. If you can hit them with a Soul Illusioned Soul Spiral, they round is practically yours. And if you're looking for a miracle comeback, then you MUST find a way to land a Soul Illusioned Soul Spiral. To achieve that goal, the best way is to cross them up while you're Illusioned up and combo into the Soul Spiral.

If they get jumpy when you're Illusioned, just cr.HP for big damage. If they fight back, cr.MP while you're Illusioned will stop damn near anything. Even CCs will get hit by the Illusions' cr.MP. If you need to jump at them, do it with j.LK. It hits at a good angle, and the following Illusions means that she can attack early with it and still have time to land and continue the combo while the Illusions are still hitting.

Everyone knows by now that Rose's Illusioned Soul Spiral drains over the most blocked damage in the game. The chip damage is ridiculous; blocked HK Soul Spiral should do somewhere like 7-10% life. Only 2 ACs beat it clean (Rose's and Zangief's Punch ACs). The rest of the ACs can trade with her, but if they time it wrong, the shadows' trails still hit and you'll win out on the damage trade. The only thing to be really careful with is being CCed on a blocked HK Soul Spiral. If you sense that they'll counter CC your blocked Illusioned Soul Spiral with a CC, use the MK version instead and be prepared to block low.

Punch Alpha Counter
Rose's Punch AC is something to be feared. It can totally swing momentum back in your favor because it stops damn near every move in the game (barring fireballs). Just remember that Rose switches sides when she does it, and remember to always combo a cr.MP xx LK Soul Spiral afterwards for a 3 hit combo. The well-known Rose Punch AC trick is if you Punch AC a CC and combo into the cr.MP xx LK Soul Spiral as usual, the opponent gets up facing the wrong direction and has to block towards you. So you can start a combo with j.HK and they'll have to block the wrong way. If you think they'll block right, you can empty jump, and combo them when you land because the will be holding towards. A 50/50 game totally in Rose's favor.

Best Anti-Airs
1. crouching HP(all purpose)
2. level 1 Aura Soul Throw (all purpose w/meter)
3. jump straight up MP (when the other 2 don't work)

Best Ground Pokes
1. crouching MP (godly)
2. crouching LP (stop throws, hit confirm link into cr.MP or cr.HP)
3. standing MK (go over low attacks)

Best Jumpins
1. jumping MK (cross up)
2. jumping LK (best jumpin angle)
3. jumping HK (for combos)

Advanced Strategy

1. Start Soul Illusion
2. Hit them

Custom Combos

Level 1 Custom
crouching HK, HK Soul Spiral x2, HP Soul Throw
Rose's bread and butter level 1 CC. Good damage, great reach on her cr.HK sweep. If a mistake presents itself where you don't have time to start Illusions then Soul Spiral, just CC instead. If you have more meter, just increase the number of Soul Spirals in the middle, and Soul Throw at the end.

Anti-Air Custom
crouching HPxN, Soul Throw
Yeah, it's ghetto. But if you're in a pinch, without enough time to Aura Soul Throw, or start Illusions, CC up, crouching HP repeatedly, and Soul Throw at the end.

The 100% CC
crouching HK, LP Soul Spark xN
Your opponent has to be a retard and let you absorb 6-7 fireballs so that your next Soul Spark will do insane damage. Start the CC, trip them, and do repeated powered-up fireballs until they die. I've never actually seen anyone land this, but I'm sure it'll make your day if you do.

Standard Combos

1. jumping HP, cr. HP xx HK Soul Spiral
Rose's big 5-hitter. If you land this, most opponents are only a couple more hits away from a dizzy, so always try to nail them with some pestering jumping LKs, crouching MPs to get them seeing stars.

2. (jumping attack), cr.MP xx LK Soul Spiral
Rose's basic 3 hitter if she's too far away to combo her cr.HP xx HK Soul Spiral.

3. crossup jumping MK, cr.LP, (link cr.LK), link cr.MP xx LK Soul Spiral
Rose's crossup hit confirm. If you see it's being blocked, cancel into Illusions instead then go for her crossup, or just go for a cheap throw.

4. cr.HP anti-air xx Level 1 or 2 Aura Soul Throw
Do the Level 1 if you hit them early, do the level 2 if you hit them late.

5. start level 1 Illusions, crossup jumping MK, cr.HP xx HK Soul Spiral
Rose's combo of death. Absolute best time to do this is right after a knockdown sweep. Immediately start level 1 Illusions and go for this combo. If you want an easier, more consistent combo, do cr.MP instead of cr.HP for slightly less damage, but easier timing.


Vs. Adon:

Vs. Akuma:

Vs. Birdie:

Vs. Charlie:

Vs. Chun-Li:

Vs. Dan:

Vs. Dhalsim:

Vs. Gen:

Vs. Guy:

Vs. Ken:

Vs. M. Bison (dictator):

Vs. Rolento:

Vs. Rose (self):

Vs. Ryu:

Vs. Sagat:

Vs. Sakura:

Vs. Sodom:

Vs. Zangief:

Street Fighter Alpha 2
Adon - Akuma - Birdie - Charlie - Chun-Li - Dan - Dhalsim - Evil Ryu - Gen - Guy - Ken - M.Bison - Rolento - Rose - Ryu - Sagat - Sakura - Sodom - Zangief