Street Fighter V/G/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


About G

Appearing seemingly out of nowhere, this mysterious fighter claims to be the "President of the World." He has a strong sense of unity and power, but the mystery still remains: who exactly is he? Is he related to Q, the mysterious fighter from Street Fighter 3? Was he a project made by the Illuminati? Does he have some sort of relation with Gill? We may never know.

G is a great fighter who generally offers a tool for any situation he needs. His long range normals provide good buffers and pokes. His fireball can make it very difficult for most characters to get around due to its trajectory. He has anti airs, a command grab, corner carry, he's got it all. Top it all off with one of the best V-Skills and V-Triggers in the whole game, and you've got yourself a force to be reckoned with. His unique mechanic, Presidentiality, requires good reactions and spacing to make use of, as he can normally only level up after a knockdown. If you like having a character that's easy to pick up but can always provide more new and complicated things for you as you learn more, G might be the character for you.

Unique Mechanics

G is able to level up his Presidentiality by inputting G Charge (held) or canceling specials into it (unheld). He has 3 levels of Presidentiality. Anytime G is knocked down he loses 1 level of it (unless V-Skill 2 has been applied). Standing LP, HP, LK, and all crouching punches can cancel into held G charge. 4 HP, 6 HP, crouching HK, V-skill 1 and special moves (excluding command grab) may cancel into unheld G charge. His special moves have different properties depending on his level. His EX Specials have the same properties as Level 3.

Level 1

SFV G Level1.jpg

  • Starting version, this is the lowest level G can be at.

Level 2

SFV G Level2.jpg

  • G Smash Over does 120/120 damage/stun instead of 100/100
  • G Smash Under does 80/150 damage/stun instead of 80/100
  • G Flip Kicks is now +5 on hit, juggles further in air allowing further combos
  • G Burst now performs 2 hits, beating EX projectiles.
  • G Impact does 70/120 damage/stun instead of 60/100, floats slightly longer allowing combo into MP Smash Over increasing corner carry

Level 3

SFV G Level3.jpg

  • G Smash Over causes a wall bounce which can be comboed after, becomes -6 on block from -4
  • G Smash Under now causes 2 hits, the first of which can be V-Trigger 1 Canceled
  • G Burst becomes multi-hitting and cause a splash extending its range greatly and often going through projectiles
  • G Impact now does 80/120 damage/stun, camera zooms in during animation
  • G Flip Kicks become projectile invincible during the middle of it, -2 on block, and causes a knockdown on hit

Season 5

Players to Watch

  • Nemo
  • NuckleDu
  • Smug
  • 801 Strider