Capcom vs SNK 2/Sagat

From SuperCombo Wiki


In a Nutshell:

Sagat is the king of CvS2. If you like a play style of dominating pokes/neutral that can convert into big damage, but also have up close pressure options, Sagat is the character for you. He has nearly everything you'd want in a character.
- Some of the best normals in the game
- Excellent array of supers for all needs.
- Great damage output and health.

-Slow move speed
-Big hurtboxes make him vulnerable to normals and instant overheads that much of the cast can duck
- Weakness maintaining pressure against short characters that can duck close standing jab.
- Sub par roll cancels (and specials, generally)

Sagat CvS2 colors.png

Preferred Grooves

Footsie Sagat generally prefers having stored supers to unleash big damage, so C or P are viable. Rushdown Sagat just needs low jump to be scary, so N and K are viable.

A groove isn't ideal, as Sagat's customs aren't really super damaging and are fairly difficult, but its still Sagat, so it's not a *bad* character. But we won't be focusing much on A-Sagat.

S Sagat is less than ideal because S-Groove isn't good period, but Sagat is definitely on the top 3 S-Groove team. Infinite level 1 Tiger Cannons is no joke.

C Groove-


  • Level 2 cancelling- Cancelling Tiger Raid into Fierce Tiger Uppercut is one of the best meter savers. You only lose 100 damage and gain a Tiger Uppercut worth of meter on top of the meter you save compared to the level 3.
  • Cheap meters- on top of the level 2 canceling, C-Groove has the fastest building gauge.
  • Delayed Get-up- Unpunishable method to mess with setup/safejumps.
  • Air Block-


  • Rush down- You need to earn your way in through footsies and pressure.

K Groove-


  • RAGE- When you're red, opponents are terrified. Make sure to throw them a few times and laugh that that's basically a super's worth of damage.
  • Low Jump- Sagat's low jump RH is very very good. It also opens up the low jump RH/ empty jump Tiger Raid Mixup
  • Safe Supers- Obviously Sagat gets this in all grooves, but K allows for "random" use it or lose it supers. Having 1 safe and 1 mostly safe supers is amazing for this.
  • Safe Fall- Quickly get back in the fight, but watch for punishment!
  • Just Defense- Get life back AND 1/12 meter for holding back? Great! The goal is to get around 12 JD's a round, so you end up getting 2 or 3 rage opportunities instead of 1 or 2.


  • No Alpha Counter- This is brutal against A Groove
  • Less control over meter usage- An opponent can wait you out, or taunt you before a match to cost your rage.

N Groove-


  • Low Jump
  • More control over Supers
  • Counter Attack/Roll


  • Need to "pop" for level 3's
  • Slower overall functional meter than K or C.


Forward = F/f, Backward = B/b, Up = U/u, Down = D/d

Light punch = LP (Jab Punch), Medium Punch = MP (Strong Punch), Hard punch = HP (Fierce Punch), Light kick = LK (Short Kick), Medium Kick = MK (Forward Kick), Hard kick = HK (Roundhouse Kick)

Any Punch = AP, Any Kick = AK

QCF - d,df,f (Hadoken/Tiger shot movement), QCB - d,db,b (Hurricane Kick movement), DP - f,df,f (Dragon punch/Tiger Uppercut movement)

Normal Moves

Button Position Buffers: Itself Specials Supers Hit Block Startup Active Recovery Damage
Jab Standing n y y +6 +6 2 3 6 500
Crouching n y y +3 +3 5 4 8 400
Jumping - - - - - 4 22 - 600
Strong Standing n y y -7 -7 4 3 24 1100
Crouching n y y +4 +4 6 4 12 1000
Jumping - - - - - 4 10 - 1100
Fierce Close n/n y/n y/y -13 -13 3 8 27 1300,1100
Far n n y -4 -4 6 8 20 1600
Crouching n n y +2 +2 7 8 14 1500
Jumping - - - - - 6 8 - 1600
Short Standing n,n y,n y,y -1 -1 5 2+6 10 200+400
Crouching n y y +5 +5 3 4 6 400
Jumping - - - - - 5 22 - 600
Forward Standing n/n y/n y/n -12 -12 5 3+8 24 400+900
Crouching n y y -2 -2 4 5 17 1000
Jumping - - - - - 6 8 - 1000
Roundhouse Standing n/n y/n y/n -7 -7 6 3+7 24 500+1300
Crouching n n y down -7 7 8 23 1500
Jumping - - - - - 5 8 - 1400

Moves with detached/invincible hitboxes:

-j.HK (tip of foot)

-far s.HP and d.HP (tip of fists, VERY small)

-far s.MK (tip of foot)


Tiger Carry

  • Forward or Back + Fierce

Tiger Rage

  • Forward or Back + Roundhouse (Mashable)

Special Moves

Tiger Shot

  • Quarter Circle Forward + Punch
    • LP 800 -11/-11 10/44
    • MP 900 -12/-12 10/45
    • HP 1000 -13/-13 10/46

Ground Tiger Shot

  • Quarter Circle Forward + Kick
    • LK 700 -12/-12 12/45
    • MK 800 -13/-13 12/46
    • HK 900 -14/-14 12/47

Tiger Uppercut

  • Forward, Down, Down-Forward + Punch
    • LP 1800,900 down/-35 3/15/35
      • 3 frames full body, 4 frames lower body
    • MP 1900,900 down/-43 3/19/39
      • 3 frames full body, 4 frames lower body
    • HP 700+500+400+200x2 down/-35 3/[4]/[5]/[5]/[5]/[5]/42
      • 7 frames full body

Tiger Crush

  • Forward, Down, Down-Forward + Kick
    • LK 400+1100 down/-10 6/[6]/[5]/23
    • MK 500+1200 down/-12 5/[6]/[6]/24
    • HK 600+1300 down/-15 4/[6]/[7]/26

Super Combos

High Tiger Cannon

  • Double Quarter Circle Forward + Punch
    • High Tiger Cannon super has one frame less startup before the super flash than Ground Tiger Cannon super. It makes a difference when punishing another Sagat's whiffed far s.HP with far s.HP xx High Tiger Cannon as opposed to far s.HP xx Ground Tiger Cannon.

Ground Tiger Cannon

  • Double Quarter Circle Back + Punch
    • LP down/-2
    • MP down/+1
    • HP down/+4

Tiger Raid

  • Double Quarter Circle Back + Kick

Tiger Genocide

  • Double Quarter Circle Forward + Kick

Bread and Butter Combos

s.jabx2, tiger uppercut/tiger knee

cr.short, s.jab, tiger uppercut/tiger knee

s.jab, s.fierce, tiger uppercut

cr.shortx2, tiger uppercut/tiger knee

C-Groove Combos

Crossover lk, 2 standing lp, crouching mk ~ lvl. 2 Ground Tiger Cannon ~ lvl. 1 Tiger Cannon

The Basics

Advanced Strategy

Edited By: Haaris Abbasi & Markudea